1 /** 2 * \file 3 * 4 * \brief Instance description for OSCCTRL 5 * 6 * Copyright (c) 2019 Microchip Technology Inc. 7 * 8 * \asf_license_start 9 * 10 * \page License 11 * 12 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 13 * 14 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may 15 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. 16 * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at 17 * 18 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 19 * 20 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 21 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT 22 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 23 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 24 * limitations under the License. 25 * 26 * \asf_license_stop 27 * 28 */ 29 30 #ifndef _SAME54_OSCCTRL_INSTANCE_ 31 #define _SAME54_OSCCTRL_INSTANCE_ 32 33 /* ========== Register definition for OSCCTRL peripheral ========== */ 34 #if (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) 35 #define REG_OSCCTRL_EVCTRL (0x40001000) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Event Control */ 36 #define REG_OSCCTRL_INTENCLR (0x40001004) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Interrupt Enable Clear */ 37 #define REG_OSCCTRL_INTENSET (0x40001008) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Interrupt Enable Set */ 38 #define REG_OSCCTRL_INTFLAG (0x4000100C) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ 39 #define REG_OSCCTRL_STATUS (0x40001010) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Status */ 40 #define REG_OSCCTRL_XOSCCTRL0 (0x40001014) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) External Multipurpose Crystal Oscillator Control 0 */ 41 #define REG_OSCCTRL_XOSCCTRL1 (0x40001018) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) External Multipurpose Crystal Oscillator Control 1 */ 42 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRLA (0x4000101C) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Control A */ 43 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRLB (0x40001020) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Control B */ 44 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLVAL (0x40001024) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Value */ 45 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLMUL (0x40001028) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Multiplier */ 46 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLSYNC (0x4000102C) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Synchronization */ 47 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLCTRLA0 (0x40001030) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Control A 0 */ 48 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLRATIO0 (0x40001034) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Ratio Control 0 */ 49 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLCTRLB0 (0x40001038) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Control B 0 */ 50 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLSYNCBUSY0 (0x4000103C) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Synchronization Busy 0 */ 51 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLSTATUS0 (0x40001040) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Status 0 */ 52 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLCTRLA1 (0x40001044) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Control A 1 */ 53 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLRATIO1 (0x40001048) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Ratio Control 1 */ 54 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLCTRLB1 (0x4000104C) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Control B 1 */ 55 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLSYNCBUSY1 (0x40001050) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Synchronization Busy 1 */ 56 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLSTATUS1 (0x40001054) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Status 1 */ 57 #else 58 #define REG_OSCCTRL_EVCTRL (*(RwReg8 *)0x40001000UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Event Control */ 59 #define REG_OSCCTRL_INTENCLR (*(RwReg *)0x40001004UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Interrupt Enable Clear */ 60 #define REG_OSCCTRL_INTENSET (*(RwReg *)0x40001008UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Interrupt Enable Set */ 61 #define REG_OSCCTRL_INTFLAG (*(RwReg *)0x4000100CUL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ 62 #define REG_OSCCTRL_STATUS (*(RoReg *)0x40001010UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Status */ 63 #define REG_OSCCTRL_XOSCCTRL0 (*(RwReg *)0x40001014UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) External Multipurpose Crystal Oscillator Control 0 */ 64 #define REG_OSCCTRL_XOSCCTRL1 (*(RwReg *)0x40001018UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) External Multipurpose Crystal Oscillator Control 1 */ 65 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRLA (*(RwReg8 *)0x4000101CUL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Control A */ 66 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLCTRLB (*(RwReg8 *)0x40001020UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Control B */ 67 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLVAL (*(RwReg *)0x40001024UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Value */ 68 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLMUL (*(RwReg *)0x40001028UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Multiplier */ 69 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DFLLSYNC (*(RwReg8 *)0x4000102CUL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DFLL48M Synchronization */ 70 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLCTRLA0 (*(RwReg8 *)0x40001030UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Control A 0 */ 71 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLRATIO0 (*(RwReg *)0x40001034UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Ratio Control 0 */ 72 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLCTRLB0 (*(RwReg *)0x40001038UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Control B 0 */ 73 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLSYNCBUSY0 (*(RoReg *)0x4000103CUL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Synchronization Busy 0 */ 74 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLSTATUS0 (*(RoReg *)0x40001040UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Status 0 */ 75 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLCTRLA1 (*(RwReg8 *)0x40001044UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Control A 1 */ 76 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLRATIO1 (*(RwReg *)0x40001048UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Ratio Control 1 */ 77 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLCTRLB1 (*(RwReg *)0x4000104CUL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Control B 1 */ 78 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLSYNCBUSY1 (*(RoReg *)0x40001050UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Synchronization Busy 1 */ 79 #define REG_OSCCTRL_DPLLSTATUS1 (*(RoReg *)0x40001054UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) DPLL Status 1 */ 80 #endif /* (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ 81 82 /* ========== Instance parameters for OSCCTRL peripheral ========== */ 83 #define OSCCTRL_DFLLS_NUM 1 // Number of DFLLs 84 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL_IMPLEMENTED 1 // DFLL implemented 85 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_BIASTESTPT_IMPLEMENTED 0 // DFLL48M bias test mode implemented 86 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_CDACSTEPSIZE_SIZE 2 // Size COARSE DAC STEP 87 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_COARSE_RESET_VALUE 32 // DFLL48M Frequency Coarse Reset Value (Before Calibration) 88 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_COARSE_SIZE 6 // Size COARSE CALIBRATION 89 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_ENABLE_RESET_VALUE 1 // Run oscillator at reset 90 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_FDACSTEPSIZE_SIZE 2 // Size FINE DAC STEP 91 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_FINE_RESET_VALUE 128 // DFLL48M Frequency Fine Reset Value (Before Calibration) 92 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_FINE_SIZE 8 // Size FINE CALIBRATION 93 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_ONDEMAND_RESET_VALUE 1 // Run oscillator always or only when requested 94 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_RUNSTDBY_RESET_VALUE 0 // Run oscillator even if standby mode 95 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_TCAL_SIZE 4 // Size TEMP CALIBRATION 96 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_TCBIAS_SIZE 2 // Size TC BIAS CALIBRATION 97 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_TESTPTSEL_SIZE 3 // Size TEST POINT SELECTOR 98 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_WAITLOCK_ACTIVE 1 // Enable Wait Lock Feature 99 #define OSCCTRL_DPLLS_NUM 2 // Number of DPLLs 100 #define OSCCTRL_DPLL0_IMPLEMENTED 1 // DPLL0 implemented 101 #define OSCCTRL_DPLL0_I12ND_I12NDFRAC_PAD_CONTROL 0 // NOT_IMPLEMENTED: The ND and NDFRAC pad tests are not used, use registers instead 102 #define OSCCTRL_DPLL0_OCC_IMPLEMENTED 1 // DPLL0 OCC Implemented 103 #define OSCCTRL_DPLL1_IMPLEMENTED 1 // DPLL1 implemented 104 #define OSCCTRL_DPLL1_I12ND_I12NDFRAC_PAD_CONTROL 0 // NOT_IMPLEMENTED: The ND and NDFRAC pad tests are not used, use registers instead 105 #define OSCCTRL_DPLL1_OCC_IMPLEMENTED 0 // DPLL1 OCC Implemented 106 #define OSCCTRL_GCLK_ID_DFLL48 0 // Index of Generic Clock for DFLL48 107 #define OSCCTRL_GCLK_ID_FDPLL0 1 // Index of Generic Clock for DPLL0 108 #define OSCCTRL_GCLK_ID_FDPLL1 2 // Index of Generic Clock for DPLL1 109 #define OSCCTRL_GCLK_ID_FDPLL032K 3 // Index of Generic Clock for DPLL0 32K 110 #define OSCCTRL_GCLK_ID_FDPLL132K 3 // Index of Generic Clock for DPLL1 32K 111 #define OSCCTRL_OSC16M_IMPLEMENTED 0 // OSC16M implemented 112 #define OSCCTRL_OSC48M_IMPLEMENTED 0 // OSC48M implemented 113 #define OSCCTRL_OSC48M_NUM 1 114 #define OSCCTRL_RCOSCS_NUM 1 // Number of RCOSCs (min 1) 115 #define OSCCTRL_XOSCS_NUM 2 // Number of XOSCs 116 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC0_CFD_CLK_SELECT_SIZE 4 // Clock fail prescaler size 117 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC0_CFD_IMPLEMENTED 1 // Clock fail detected for xosc implemented 118 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC0_IMPLEMENTED 1 // XOSC0 implemented 119 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC0_ONDEMAND_RESET_VALUE 1 // Run oscillator always or only when requested 120 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC0_RUNSTDBY_RESET_VALUE 0 // Run oscillator even if standby mode 121 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC1_CFD_CLK_SELECT_SIZE 4 // Clock fail prescaler size 122 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC1_CFD_IMPLEMENTED 1 // Clock fail detected for xosc implemented 123 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC1_IMPLEMENTED 1 // XOSC1 implemented 124 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC1_ONDEMAND_RESET_VALUE 1 // Run oscillator always or only when requested 125 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC1_RUNSTDBY_RESET_VALUE 0 // Run oscillator even if standby mode 126 #define OSCCTRL_DFLL48M_VERSION 0x100 127 #define OSCCTRL_FDPLL_VERSION 0x100 128 #define OSCCTRL_XOSC_VERSION 0x100 129 130 #endif /* _SAME54_OSCCTRL_INSTANCE_ */ 131