1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
3# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4import ctypes
5import mmap
6import os
7import re
8import struct
9import sys
10import time
11from glob import glob
13# MT8195 audio firmware load/debug gadget
15# Note that the hardware handling here is only partial: in practice
16# the audio DSP depends on clock and power well devices whose drivers
17# live elsewhere in the kernel.  Those aren't duplicated here.  Make
18# sure the DSP has been started by a working kernel driver first.
20# See gen_img.py for docs on the image format itself.  The way this
21# script works is to map the device memory regions and registers via
22# /dev/mem and copy the two segments while resetting the DSP.
24# In the kernel driver, the address/size values come from devicetree.
25# But currently the MediaTek architecture is one kernel driver per SOC
26# (i.e. the devicetree values in the kenrel source are tied to the
27# specific SOC anyway), so it really doesn't matter and we hard-code
28# the addresses for simplicity.
30# (For future reference: in /proc/device-tree on current ChromeOS
31# kernels, the host registers are a "cfg" platform resource on the
32# "adsp@10803000" node.  The sram is likewise the "sram" resource on
33# that device node, and the two dram areas are "memory-region"
34# phandles pointing to "adsp_mem_region" and "adsp_dma_mem_region"
35# nodes under "/reserved-memory").
37FILE_MAGIC = 0xE463BE95
39# Runtime mmap objects for each MAPPINGS entry
40maps = {}
43# Returns a string (e.g. "mt8195", "mt8186", "mt8188") if a supported
44# adsp is detected, or None if not
45def detect():
46    compat = readfile(glob("/proc/device-tree/**/adsp@*/compatible", recursive=True)[0], "r")
47    m = re.match(r'.*(mt\d{4})-dsp', compat)
48    if m:
49        return m.group(1)
52# Parse devicetree to find the MMIO mappings: there is an "adsp" node
53# (in various locations) with an array of named "reg" mappings.  It
54# also refers by reference to reserved-memory regions of system
55# DRAM.  Those don't have names, call them dram0/1 (dram1 is the main
56# region to which code is linked, dram0 is presumably a dma pool but
57# unused by current firmware).  Returns a dict mapping name to a
58# (addr, size) tuple.
59def mappings():
60    path = glob("/proc/device-tree/**/adsp@*/", recursive=True)[0]
61    rnames = readfile(path + "reg-names", "r").split('\0')[:-1]
62    regs = struct.unpack(f">{2 * len(rnames)}Q", readfile(path + "reg"))
63    maps = {n: (regs[2 * i], regs[2 * i + 1]) for i, n in enumerate(rnames)}
64    for i, ph in enumerate(struct.unpack(">II", readfile(path + "memory-region"))):
65        for rmem in glob("/proc/device-tree/reserved-memory/*/"):
66            phf = rmem + "phandle"
67            if os.path.exists(phf) and struct.unpack(">I", readfile(phf))[0] == ph:
68                (addr, sz) = struct.unpack(">QQ", readfile(rmem + "reg"))
69                maps[f"dram{i}"] = (addr, sz)
70                break
71    return maps
74# Register API for 8195
75class MT8195:
76    def __init__(self, maps):
77        # Create a Regs object for the registers
78        r = Regs(ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(maps["cfg"])))
79        r.ALTRESETVEC = 0x0004  # Xtensa boot address
80        r.RESET_SW = 0x0024  # Xtensa halt/reset/boot control
81        r.PDEBUGBUS0 = 0x000C  # Unclear, enabled by host, unused by SOF?
82        r.SRAM_POOL_CON = 0x0930  # SRAM power control: low 4 bits (banks?) enable
83        r.EMI_MAP_ADDR = 0x981C  # == host SRAM mapping - 0x40000000 (controls MMIO map?)
84        r.freeze()
85        self.cfg = r
87    def logrange(self):
88        return range(0x700000, 0x800000)
90    def stop(self):
91        self.cfg.RESET_SW |= 8  # Set RUNSTALL: halt CPU
92        self.cfg.RESET_SW |= 3  # Set low two bits: "BRESET|DRESET"
94    def start(self, boot_vector):
95        self.stop()
96        self.cfg.RESET_SW |= 0x10  # Enable "alternate reset" boot vector
97        self.cfg.ALTRESETVEC = boot_vector
98        self.cfg.RESET_SW &= ~3  # Release reset bits
99        self.cfg.RESET_SW &= ~8  # Clear RUNSTALL: go!
102# Register API for 8186/8188
103class MT818x:
104    def __init__(self, maps):
105        # These have registers spread across two blocks
106        cfg_base = ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(maps["cfg"]))
107        sec_base = ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(maps["sec"]))
108        self.cfg = Regs(cfg_base)
109        self.cfg.SW_RSTN = 0x00
110        self.cfg.IO_CONFIG = 0x0C
111        self.cfg.freeze()
112        self.sec = Regs(sec_base)
113        self.sec.ALTVEC_C0 = 0x04
114        self.sec.ALTVECSEL = 0x0C
115        self.sec.freeze()
117    def logrange(self):
118        return range(0x700000, 0x800000)
120    def stop(self):
121        self.cfg.IO_CONFIG |= 1 << 31  # Set RUNSTALL to stop core
122        time.sleep(0.1)
123        self.cfg.SW_RSTN |= 0x11  # Assert reset: SW_RSTN_C0|SW_DBG_RSTN_C0
125    # Note: 8186 and 8188 use different bits in ALTVECSEC, but
126    # it's safe to write both to enable the alternate boot vector
127    def start(self, boot_vector):
128        self.cfg.IO_CONFIG |= 1 << 31  # Set RUNSTALL
129        self.sec.ALTVEC_C0 = boot_vector
130        self.sec.ALTVECSEL = 0x03  # Enable alternate vector
131        self.cfg.SW_RSTN |= 0x00000011  # Assert reset
132        self.cfg.SW_RSTN &= 0xFFFFFFEE  # Release reset
133        self.cfg.IO_CONFIG &= 0x7FFFFFFF  # Clear RUNSTALL
136class MT8196:
137    def __init__(self, maps):
138        cfg_base = ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(maps["cfg"]))
139        sec_base = ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(maps["sec"]))
140        self.cfg = Regs(cfg_base)
141        self.cfg.CFGREG_SW_RSTN = 0x0000
142        self.cfg.MBOX_IRQ_EN = 0x009C
143        self.cfg.HIFI_RUNSTALL = 0x0108
144        self.cfg.freeze()
145        self.sec = Regs(sec_base)
146        self.sec.ALTVEC_C0 = 0x04
147        self.sec.ALTVECSEL = 0x0C
148        self.sec.freeze()
150    def logrange(self):
151        return range(0x580000, 0x600000)
153    def stop(self):
154        self.cfg.HIFI_RUNSTALL |= 0x1000
155        self.cfg.CFGREG_SW_RSTN |= 0x11
157    def start(self, boot_vector):
158        self.sec.ALTVEC_C0 = 0
159        self.sec.ALTVECSEL = 0
160        self.sec.ALTVEC_C0 = boot_vector
161        self.sec.ALTVECSEL = 1
162        self.cfg.HIFI_RUNSTALL |= 0x1000
163        self.cfg.MBOX_IRQ_EN |= 3
164        self.cfg.CFGREG_SW_RSTN |= 0x11
165        time.sleep(0.1)
166        self.cfg.CFGREG_SW_RSTN &= ~0x11
167        self.cfg.HIFI_RUNSTALL &= ~0x1000
170# Temporary logging protocol: watch the 1M null-terminated log
171# stream at 0x60700000 -- the top of the linkable region of
172# existing SOF firmware, before the heap.  Nothing uses this
173# currently.  Will be replaced by winstream very soon.
174def log(dev):
175    msg = b''
176    dram = maps["dram1"]
177    for i in dev.logrange():
178        x = dram[i]
179        if x == 0:
180            sys.stdout.buffer.write(msg)
181            sys.stdout.buffer.flush()
182            msg = b''
183            while x == 0:
184                time.sleep(0.1)
185                x = dram[i]
186        msg += x.to_bytes(1, "little")
187    sys.stdout.buffer.write(msg)
188    sys.stdout.buffer.flush()
191# (Cribbed from cavstool.py)
192class Regs:
193    def __init__(self, base_addr):
194        vars(self)["base_addr"] = base_addr
195        vars(self)["ptrs"] = {}
196        vars(self)["frozen"] = False
198    def freeze(self):
199        vars(self)["frozen"] = True
201    def __setattr__(self, name, val):
202        if not self.frozen and name not in self.ptrs:
203            addr = self.base_addr + val
204            self.ptrs[name] = ctypes.c_uint32.from_address(addr)
205        else:
206            self.ptrs[name].value = val
208    def __getattr__(self, name):
209        return self.ptrs[name].value
212def readfile(f, mode="rb"):
213    return open(f, mode).read()
216def le4(bstr):
217    assert len(bstr) == 4
218    return struct.unpack("<I", bstr)[0]
221def main():
222    dsp = detect()
223    assert dsp
225    # Probe devicetree for mappable memory regions
226    mmio = mappings()
228    # Open device and establish mappings
229    with open("/dev/mem", "wb+") as devmem_fd:
230        for mp in mmio:
231            paddr = mmio[mp][0]
232            mapsz = mmio[mp][1]
233            mapsz = int((mapsz + 4095) / 4096) * 4096
234            maps[mp] = mmap.mmap(
235                devmem_fd.fileno(),
236                mapsz,
237                offset=paddr,
238                flags=mmap.MAP_SHARED,
239                prot=mmap.PROT_WRITE | mmap.PROT_READ,
240            )
242    if dsp == "mt8195":
243        dev = MT8195(maps)
244    elif dsp in ("mt8186", "mt8188"):
245        dev = MT818x(maps)
246    elif dsp == "mt8196":
247        dev = MT8196(maps)
249    if sys.argv[1] == "load":
250        dat = None
251        with open(sys.argv[2], "rb") as f:
252            dat = f.read()
253        assert le4(dat[0:4]) == FILE_MAGIC
254        sram_len = le4(dat[4:8])
255        boot_vector = le4(dat[8:12])
256        sram = dat[12 : 12 + sram_len]
257        dram = dat[12 + sram_len :]
258        assert len(sram) <= mmio["sram"][1]
259        assert len(dram) <= mmio["dram1"][1]
261        # Stop the device and write the regions.  Note that we don't
262        # zero-fill SRAM, as that's been observed to reboot the host
263        # (!!) on mt8186 when the writes near the end of the 512k
264        # region.
265        # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
266        for i in range(sram_len):
267            maps["sram"][i] = sram[i]
268        # for i in range(sram_len, mmio["sram"][1]):
269        #    maps["sram"][i] = 0
270        for i in range(len(dram)):
271            maps["dram1"][i] = dram[i]
272        for i in range(len(dram), mmio["dram1"][1]):
273            maps["dram1"][i] = 0
274        dev.start(boot_vector)
275        log(dev)
277    elif sys.argv[1] == "log":
278        log(dev)
280    elif sys.argv[1] == "dump":
281        sz = mmio[sys.argv[2]][1]
282        mm = maps[sys.argv[2]]
283        sys.stdout.buffer.write(mm[0:sz])
285    else:
286        print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} log | load <file>")
289if __name__ == "__main__":
290    main()