1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# vim: set syntax=python ts=4 :
4# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
5# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7import json
8import logging
9import os
10import string
11import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
12from datetime import datetime
13from enum import Enum
14from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
16from colorama import Fore
17from twisterlib.statuses import TwisterStatus
19logger = logging.getLogger('twister')
23class ReportStatus(str, Enum):
24    def __str__(self):
25        return str(self.value)
27    ERROR = 'error'
28    FAIL = 'failure'
29    SKIP = 'skipped'
32class Reporting:
34    json_filters = {
35        'twister.json': {
36            'deny_suite': ['footprint']
37        },
38        'footprint.json': {
39            'deny_status': ['FILTER'],
40            'deny_suite': ['testcases', 'execution_time', 'recording', 'retries', 'runnable']
41        }
42    }
44    def __init__(self, plan, env) -> None:
45        self.plan = plan #FIXME
46        self.instances = plan.instances
47        self.platforms = plan.platforms
48        self.selected_platforms = plan.selected_platforms
49        self.env = env
50        self.timestamp = datetime.now().isoformat()
51        self.outdir = os.path.abspath(env.options.outdir)
52        self.instance_fail_count = plan.instance_fail_count
53        self.footprint = None
56    @staticmethod
57    def process_log(log_file):
58        filtered_string = ""
59        if os.path.exists(log_file):
60            with open(log_file, "rb") as f:
61                log = f.read().decode("utf-8")
62                filtered_string = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, log))
64        return filtered_string
67    @staticmethod
68    def xunit_testcase(
69        eleTestsuite,
70        name,
71        classname,
72        status: TwisterStatus,
73        ts_status: TwisterStatus,
74        reason,
75        duration,
76        runnable,
77        stats,
78        log,
79        build_only_as_skip
80    ):
81        fails, passes, errors, skips = stats
83        if status in [TwisterStatus.SKIP, TwisterStatus.FILTER]:
84            duration = 0
86        eleTestcase = ET.SubElement(
87            eleTestsuite, "testcase",
88            classname=classname,
89            name=f"{name}",
90            time=f"{duration}")
92        if status in [TwisterStatus.SKIP, TwisterStatus.FILTER]:
93            skips += 1
94            # temporarily add build_only_as_skip to restore existing CI report behaviour
95            if ts_status == TwisterStatus.PASS and not runnable:
96                tc_type = "build"
97            else:
98                tc_type = status
99            ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, ReportStatus.SKIP, type=f"{tc_type}", message=f"{reason}")
100        elif status in [TwisterStatus.FAIL, TwisterStatus.BLOCK]:
101            fails += 1
102            el = ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, ReportStatus.FAIL, type="failure", message=f"{reason}")
103            if log:
104                el.text = log
105        elif status == TwisterStatus.ERROR:
106            errors += 1
107            el = ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, ReportStatus.ERROR, type="failure", message=f"{reason}")
108            if log:
109                el.text = log
110        elif status == TwisterStatus.PASS:
111            passes += 1
112        elif status == TwisterStatus.NOTRUN:
113            if build_only_as_skip:
114                ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, ReportStatus.SKIP, type="build", message="built only")
115                skips += 1
116            else:
117                passes += 1
118        else:
119            if status == TwisterStatus.NONE:
120                logger.debug(f"{name}: No status")
121                ET.SubElement(
122                    eleTestcase,
123                    ReportStatus.SKIP,
124                    type="untested",
125                    message="No results captured, testsuite misconfiguration?"
126                )
127            else:
128                logger.error(f"{name}: Unknown status '{status}'")
130        return (fails, passes, errors, skips)
132    # Generate a report with all testsuites instead of doing this per platform
133    def xunit_report_suites(self, json_file, filename):
135        json_data = {}
136        with open(json_file) as json_results:
137            json_data = json.load(json_results)
140        env = json_data.get('environment', {})
141        version = env.get('zephyr_version', None)
143        eleTestsuites = ET.Element('testsuites')
144        all_suites = json_data.get("testsuites", [])
146        suites_to_report = all_suites
147            # do not create entry if everything is filtered out
148        if not self.env.options.detailed_skipped_report:
149            suites_to_report = list(
150                filter(lambda d: TwisterStatus(d.get('status')) != TwisterStatus.FILTER, all_suites)
151            )
153        for suite in suites_to_report:
154            duration = 0
155            eleTestsuite = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuites, 'testsuite',
156                                            name=suite.get("name"), time="0",
157                                            timestamp = self.timestamp,
158                                            tests="0",
159                                            failures="0",
160                                            errors="0", skipped="0")
161            eleTSPropetries = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuite, 'properties')
162            # Multiple 'property' can be added to 'properties'
163            # differing by name and value
164            ET.SubElement(eleTSPropetries, 'property', name="version", value=version)
165            ET.SubElement(eleTSPropetries, 'property', name="platform", value=suite.get("platform"))
166            ET.SubElement(eleTSPropetries, 'property', name="architecture", value=suite.get("arch"))
168            total = 0
169            fails = passes = errors = skips = 0
170            handler_time = suite.get('execution_time', 0)
171            runnable = suite.get('runnable', 0)
172            duration += float(handler_time)
173            ts_status = TwisterStatus(suite.get('status'))
174            classname = Path(suite.get("name","")).name
175            for tc in suite.get("testcases", []):
176                status = TwisterStatus(tc.get('status'))
177                reason = tc.get('reason', suite.get('reason', 'Unknown'))
178                log = tc.get("log", suite.get("log"))
180                tc_duration = tc.get('execution_time', handler_time)
181                name = tc.get("identifier")
182                fails, passes, errors, skips = self.xunit_testcase(eleTestsuite,
183                    name, classname, status, ts_status, reason, tc_duration, runnable,
184                    (fails, passes, errors, skips), log, True)
186            total = errors + passes + fails + skips
188            eleTestsuite.attrib['time'] = f"{duration}"
189            eleTestsuite.attrib['failures'] = f"{fails}"
190            eleTestsuite.attrib['errors'] = f"{errors}"
191            eleTestsuite.attrib['skipped'] = f"{skips}"
192            eleTestsuite.attrib['tests'] = f"{total}"
194        ET.indent(eleTestsuites, space="\t", level=0)
195        result = ET.tostring(eleTestsuites)
196        with open(filename, 'wb') as report:
197            report.write(result)
199    def xunit_report(self, json_file, filename, selected_platform=None, full_report=False):
200        if selected_platform:
201            selected = [selected_platform]
202            logger.info(f"Writing target report for {selected_platform}...")
203        else:
204            logger.info(f"Writing xunit report {filename}...")
205            selected = self.selected_platforms
207        json_data = {}
208        with open(json_file) as json_results:
209            json_data = json.load(json_results)
212        env = json_data.get('environment', {})
213        version = env.get('zephyr_version', None)
215        eleTestsuites = ET.Element('testsuites')
216        all_suites = json_data.get("testsuites", [])
218        for platform in selected:
219            suites = list(filter(lambda d: d['platform'] == platform, all_suites))
220            # do not create entry if everything is filtered out
221            if not self.env.options.detailed_skipped_report:
222                non_filtered = list(
223                    filter(lambda d: TwisterStatus(d.get('status')) != TwisterStatus.FILTER, suites)
224                )
225                if not non_filtered:
226                    continue
228            duration = 0
229            eleTestsuite = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuites, 'testsuite',
230                                            name=platform,
231                                            timestamp = self.timestamp,
232                                            time="0",
233                                            tests="0",
234                                            failures="0",
235                                            errors="0", skipped="0")
236            eleTSPropetries = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuite, 'properties')
237            # Multiple 'property' can be added to 'properties'
238            # differing by name and value
239            ET.SubElement(eleTSPropetries, 'property', name="version", value=version)
241            total = 0
242            fails = passes = errors = skips = 0
243            for ts in suites:
244                handler_time = ts.get('execution_time', 0)
245                runnable = ts.get('runnable', 0)
246                duration += float(handler_time)
248                ts_status = TwisterStatus(ts.get('status'))
249                # Do not report filtered testcases
250                if (
251                    ts_status == TwisterStatus.FILTER
252                    and not self.env.options.detailed_skipped_report
253                ):
254                    continue
255                if full_report:
256                    classname = Path(ts.get("name","")).name
257                    for tc in ts.get("testcases", []):
258                        status = TwisterStatus(tc.get('status'))
259                        reason = tc.get('reason', ts.get('reason', 'Unknown'))
260                        log = tc.get("log", ts.get("log"))
262                        tc_duration = tc.get('execution_time', handler_time)
263                        name = tc.get("identifier")
264                        fails, passes, errors, skips = self.xunit_testcase(eleTestsuite,
265                            name, classname, status, ts_status, reason, tc_duration, runnable,
266                            (fails, passes, errors, skips), log, True)
267                else:
268                    reason = ts.get('reason', 'Unknown')
269                    name = ts.get("name")
270                    classname = f"{platform}:{name}"
271                    log = ts.get("log")
272                    fails, passes, errors, skips = self.xunit_testcase(eleTestsuite,
273                        name, classname, ts_status, ts_status, reason, handler_time, runnable,
274                        (fails, passes, errors, skips), log, False)
276            total = errors + passes + fails + skips
278            eleTestsuite.attrib['time'] = f"{duration}"
279            eleTestsuite.attrib['failures'] = f"{fails}"
280            eleTestsuite.attrib['errors'] = f"{errors}"
281            eleTestsuite.attrib['skipped'] = f"{skips}"
282            eleTestsuite.attrib['tests'] = f"{total}"
284        ET.indent(eleTestsuites, space="\t", level=0)
285        result = ET.tostring(eleTestsuites)
286        with open(filename, 'wb') as report:
287            report.write(result)
289    def json_report(self, filename, version="NA", platform=None, filters=None):
290        logger.info(f"Writing JSON report {filename}")
292        if self.env.options.report_all_options:
293            report_options = vars(self.env.options)
294        else:
295            report_options = self.env.non_default_options()
297        # Resolve known JSON serialization problems.
298        for k,v in report_options.items():
299            report_options[k] = str(v) if type(v) in [PosixPath] else v
301        report = {}
302        report["environment"] = {"os": os.name,
303                                 "zephyr_version": version,
304                                 "toolchain": self.env.toolchain,
305                                 "commit_date": self.env.commit_date,
306                                 "run_date": self.env.run_date,
307                                 "options": report_options
308                                 }
309        suites = []
311        for instance in self.instances.values():
312            if platform and platform != instance.platform.name:
313                continue
314            if instance.status == TwisterStatus.FILTER and not self.env.options.report_filtered:
315                continue
316            if (filters and 'allow_status' in filters and \
317                instance.status not in [TwisterStatus[s] for s in filters['allow_status']]):
318                logger.debug(
319                    f"Skip test suite '{instance.testsuite.name}'"
320                    f" status '{instance.status}' not allowed for {filename}"
321                )
322                continue
323            if (filters and 'deny_status' in filters and \
324                instance.status in [TwisterStatus[s] for s in filters['deny_status']]):
325                logger.debug(
326                    f"Skip test suite '{instance.testsuite.name}'"
327                    f" status '{instance.status}' denied for {filename}"
328                )
329                continue
330            suite = {}
331            handler_log = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "handler.log")
332            pytest_log = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "twister_harness.log")
333            build_log = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "build.log")
334            device_log = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "device.log")
336            handler_time = instance.metrics.get('handler_time', 0)
337            used_ram = instance.metrics.get ("used_ram", 0)
338            used_rom  = instance.metrics.get("used_rom",0)
339            available_ram = instance.metrics.get("available_ram", 0)
340            available_rom = instance.metrics.get("available_rom", 0)
341            suite = {
342                "name": instance.testsuite.name,
343                "arch": instance.platform.arch,
344                "platform": instance.platform.name,
345                "path": instance.testsuite.source_dir_rel
346            }
347            if instance.run_id:
348                suite['run_id'] = instance.run_id
350            suite["runnable"] = False
351            if instance.status != TwisterStatus.FILTER:
352                suite["runnable"] = instance.run
354            if used_ram:
355                suite["used_ram"] = used_ram
356            if used_rom:
357                suite["used_rom"] = used_rom
359            suite['retries'] = instance.retries
361            if instance.dut:
362                suite["dut"] = instance.dut
363            if available_ram:
364                suite["available_ram"] = available_ram
365            if available_rom:
366                suite["available_rom"] = available_rom
367            if instance.status in [TwisterStatus.ERROR, TwisterStatus.FAIL]:
368                suite['status'] = instance.status
369                suite["reason"] = instance.reason
370                # FIXME
371                if os.path.exists(pytest_log):
372                    suite["log"] = self.process_log(pytest_log)
373                elif os.path.exists(handler_log):
374                    suite["log"] = self.process_log(handler_log)
375                elif os.path.exists(device_log):
376                    suite["log"] = self.process_log(device_log)
377                else:
378                    suite["log"] = self.process_log(build_log)
379            elif instance.status == TwisterStatus.FILTER:
380                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.FILTER
381                suite["reason"] = instance.reason
382            elif instance.status == TwisterStatus.PASS:
383                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.PASS
384            elif instance.status == TwisterStatus.SKIP:
385                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.SKIP
386                suite["reason"] = instance.reason
387            elif instance.status == TwisterStatus.NOTRUN:
388                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.NOTRUN
389                suite["reason"] = instance.reason
390            else:
391                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.NONE
392                suite["reason"] = 'Unknown Instance status.'
394            if instance.status != TwisterStatus.NONE:
395                suite["execution_time"] =  f"{float(handler_time):.2f}"
396            suite["build_time"] =  f"{float(instance.build_time):.2f}"
398            testcases = []
400            if len(instance.testcases) == 1:
401                single_case_duration = f"{float(handler_time):.2f}"
402            else:
403                single_case_duration = 0
405            for case in instance.testcases:
406                # freeform was set when no sub testcases were parsed, however,
407                # if we discover those at runtime, the fallback testcase wont be
408                # needed anymore and can be removed from the output, it does
409                # not have a status and would otherwise be reported as skipped.
410                if (
411                    case.freeform
412                    and case.status == TwisterStatus.NONE
413                    and len(instance.testcases) > 1
414                ):
415                    continue
416                testcase = {}
417                testcase['identifier'] = case.name
418                if instance.status != TwisterStatus.NONE:
419                    if single_case_duration:
420                        testcase['execution_time'] = single_case_duration
421                    else:
422                        testcase['execution_time'] = f"{float(case.duration):.2f}"
424                if case.output != "":
425                    testcase['log'] = case.output
427                if case.status == TwisterStatus.SKIP:
428                    if instance.status == TwisterStatus.FILTER:
429                        testcase["status"] = TwisterStatus.FILTER
430                    else:
431                        testcase["status"] = TwisterStatus.SKIP
432                        testcase["reason"] = case.reason or instance.reason
433                else:
434                    testcase["status"] = case.status
435                    if case.reason:
436                        testcase["reason"] = case.reason
438                testcases.append(testcase)
440            suite['testcases'] = testcases
442            if instance.recording is not None:
443                suite['recording'] = instance.recording
445            if (
446                instance.status not in [
447                    TwisterStatus.NONE,
448                    TwisterStatus.ERROR,
449                    TwisterStatus.FILTER
450                ]
451                and self.env.options.create_rom_ram_report
452                and self.env.options.footprint_report is not None
453            ):
454                # Init as empty data preparing for filtering properties.
455                suite['footprint'] = {}
457            # Pass suite properties through the context filters.
458            if filters and 'allow_suite' in filters:
459                suite = {k:v for k,v in suite.items() if k in filters['allow_suite']}
461            if filters and 'deny_suite' in filters:
462                suite = {k:v for k,v in suite.items() if k not in filters['deny_suite']}
464            # Compose external data only to these properties which pass filtering.
465            if 'footprint' in suite:
466                do_all = 'all' in self.env.options.footprint_report
467                footprint_files = { 'ROM': 'rom.json', 'RAM': 'ram.json' }
468                for k,v in footprint_files.items():
469                    if do_all or k in self.env.options.footprint_report:
470                        footprint_fname = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, v)
471                        try:
472                            with open(footprint_fname) as footprint_json:
473                                logger.debug(f"Collect footprint.{k} for '{instance.name}'")
474                                suite['footprint'][k] = json.load(footprint_json)
475                        except FileNotFoundError:
476                            logger.error(f"Missing footprint.{k} for '{instance.name}'")
477                #
478            #
480            suites.append(suite)
482        report["testsuites"] = suites
483        with open(filename, 'w') as json_file:
484            json.dump(report, json_file, indent=4, separators=(',',':'))
487    def compare_metrics(self, filename):
488        # name, datatype, lower results better
489        interesting_metrics = [("used_ram", int, True),
490                               ("used_rom", int, True)]
492        if not os.path.exists(filename):
493            logger.error(f"Cannot compare metrics, {filename} not found")
494            return []
496        results = []
497        saved_metrics = {}
498        with open(filename) as fp:
499            jt = json.load(fp)
500            for ts in jt.get("testsuites", []):
501                d = {}
502                for m, _, _ in interesting_metrics:
503                    d[m] = ts.get(m, 0)
504                ts_name = ts.get('name')
505                ts_platform = ts.get('platform')
506                saved_metrics[(ts_name, ts_platform)] = d
508        for instance in self.instances.values():
509            mkey = (instance.testsuite.name, instance.platform.name)
510            if mkey not in saved_metrics:
511                continue
512            sm = saved_metrics[mkey]
513            for metric, mtype, lower_better in interesting_metrics:
514                if metric not in instance.metrics:
515                    continue
516                if sm[metric] == "":
517                    continue
518                delta = instance.metrics.get(metric, 0) - mtype(sm[metric])
519                if delta == 0:
520                    continue
521                results.append((instance, metric, instance.metrics.get(metric, 0), delta,
522                                lower_better))
523        return results
525    def footprint_reports(self, report, show_footprint, all_deltas,
526                          footprint_threshold, last_metrics):
527        if not report:
528            return
530        logger.debug("running footprint_reports")
531        deltas = self.compare_metrics(report)
532        warnings = 0
533        if deltas:
534            for i, metric, value, delta, lower_better in deltas:
535                if not all_deltas and ((delta < 0 and lower_better) or
536                                       (delta > 0 and not lower_better)):
537                    continue
539                percentage = 0
540                if value > delta:
541                    percentage = (float(delta) / float(value - delta))
543                if not all_deltas and (percentage < (footprint_threshold / 100.0)):
544                    continue
546                if show_footprint:
547                    logger.log(
548                        logging.INFO if all_deltas else logging.WARNING,
549                        f"{i.platform.name:<25} {i.testsuite.name:<60} {metric} {delta:<+4},"
550                        f" is now {value:6} {percentage:+.2%}"
551                    )
553                warnings += 1
555        if warnings:
556            logger.warning("Found {} footprint deltas to {} as a baseline.".format(
557                           warnings,
558                           (report if not last_metrics else "the last twister run.")))
560    def synopsis(self):
561        if self.env.options.report_summary == 0:
562            count = self.instance_fail_count
563            log_txt = f"The following issues were found (showing the all {count} items):"
564        elif self.env.options.report_summary:
565            count = self.env.options.report_summary
566            log_txt = "The following issues were found "
567            if count > self.instance_fail_count:
568                log_txt += (
569                    f"(presenting {self.instance_fail_count} out of the {count} items requested):"
570                )
571            else:
572                log_txt += f"(showing the {count} of {self.instance_fail_count} items):"
573        else:
574            count = 10
575            log_txt = f"The following issues were found (showing the top {count} items):"
576        cnt = 0
577        example_instance = None
578        detailed_test_id = self.env.options.detailed_test_id
579        for instance in self.instances.values():
580            if instance.status not in [
581                TwisterStatus.PASS,
582                TwisterStatus.FILTER,
583                TwisterStatus.SKIP,
584                TwisterStatus.NOTRUN
585            ]:
586                cnt += 1
587                if cnt == 1:
588                    logger.info("-+" * 40)
589                    logger.info(log_txt)
591                status = instance.status
592                if self.env.options.report_summary is not None and \
593                   status in [TwisterStatus.ERROR, TwisterStatus.FAIL]:
594                    status = Fore.RED + status.upper() + Fore.RESET
595                logger.info(
596                    f"{cnt}) {instance.testsuite.name} on {instance.platform.name}"
597                    f" {status} ({instance.reason})"
598                )
599                example_instance = instance
600            if cnt == count:
601                break
602        if cnt == 0 and self.env.options.report_summary is not None:
603            logger.info("-+" * 40)
604            logger.info("No errors/fails found")
606        if cnt and example_instance:
607            cwd_rel_path = os.path.relpath(example_instance.testsuite.source_dir, start=os.getcwd())
609            logger.info("")
610            logger.info("To rerun the tests, call twister using the following commandline:")
611            extra_parameters = '' if detailed_test_id else ' --no-detailed-test-id'
612            logger.info(f"west twister -p <PLATFORM> -s <TEST ID>{extra_parameters}, for example:")
613            logger.info("")
614            logger.info(
615                f"west twister -p {example_instance.platform.name}"
616                f" -s {example_instance.testsuite.name}"
617                f"{extra_parameters}"
618            )
619            logger.info("or with west:")
620            logger.info(
621                f"west build -p -b {example_instance.platform.name} {cwd_rel_path}"
622                f" -T {example_instance.testsuite.id}"
623            )
624            logger.info("-+" * 40)
626    def summary(self, results, ignore_unrecognized_sections, duration):
627        failed = 0
628        run = 0
629        for instance in self.instances.values():
630            if instance.status == TwisterStatus.FAIL:
631                failed += 1
632            elif not ignore_unrecognized_sections and instance.metrics.get("unrecognized"):
633                logger.error(
634                    f"{Fore.RED}FAILED{Fore.RESET}:"
635                    f" {instance.name} has unrecognized binary sections:"
636                    f" {instance.metrics.get('unrecognized', [])!s}"
637                )
638                failed += 1
640            # FIXME: need a better way to identify executed tests
641            handler_time = instance.metrics.get('handler_time', 0)
642            if float(handler_time) > 0:
643                run += 1
645        if results.total and results.total != results.filtered_configs:
646            pass_rate = (float(results.passed) / float(results.total - results.filtered_configs))
647        else:
648            pass_rate = 0
650        passed_color = (
651            TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.FAIL)
652            if failed
653            else TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.PASS)
654        )
655        unfiltered_configs = results.total - results.filtered_configs
656        notrun_number_section = (
657            f'{TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.NOTRUN)}{results.notrun}{Fore.RESET}'
658            if results.notrun
659            else f'{results.notrun}'
660        )
661        failed_number_section = (
662            f'{TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.FAIL)}{results.failed}{Fore.RESET}'
663            if results.failed
664            else f'{results.failed}'
665        )
666        error_number_section = (
667            f'{TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.ERROR)}{results.error}{Fore.RESET}'
668            if results.error
669            else f'{results.error}'
670        )
671        warnings_number_section = (
672            f'{Fore.YELLOW}{self.plan.warnings + results.warnings}{Fore.RESET}'
673            if (self.plan.warnings + results.warnings)
674            else 'no'
675        )
676        logger.info(
677            f"{passed_color}{results.passed} of {unfiltered_configs}{Fore.RESET}"
678            f" executed test configurations passed ({pass_rate:.2%}),"
679            f" {notrun_number_section} built (not run),"
680            f" {failed_number_section} failed,"
681            f" {error_number_section} errored,"
682            f" with {warnings_number_section} warnings"
683            f" in {duration:.2f} seconds."
684        )
686        total_platforms = len(self.platforms)
687        filtered_platforms = set(
688            instance.platform.name for instance in self.instances.values()
689            if instance.status not in [
690                TwisterStatus.FILTER,
691                TwisterStatus.NOTRUN,
692                TwisterStatus.SKIP
693            ]
694        )
695        # if we are only building, do not report about tests being executed.
696        if self.platforms and not self.env.options.build_only:
697            executed_cases = (
698                results.cases
699                - results.filtered_cases
700                - results.skipped_cases
701                - results.notrun_cases
702            )
703            pass_rate = 100 * (float(results.passed_cases) / float(executed_cases)) \
704                if executed_cases != 0 else 0
705            platform_rate = (100 * len(filtered_platforms) / len(self.platforms))
706            blocked_after_comma = ", " + str(results.blocked_cases) + " blocked"
707            failed_after_comma = ", " + str(results.failed_cases) + " failed"
708            error_after_comma = ", " + str(results.error_cases) + " errored"
709            none_after_comma = ", " + str(results.none_cases) + " without a status"
710            logger.info(
711                f'{results.passed_cases} of {executed_cases} executed test cases passed'
712                f' ({pass_rate:02.2f}%)'
713                f'{blocked_after_comma if results.blocked_cases else ""}'
714                f'{failed_after_comma if results.failed_cases else ""}'
715                f'{error_after_comma if results.error_cases else ""}'
716                f'{none_after_comma if results.none_cases else ""}'
717                f' on {len(filtered_platforms)} out of total {total_platforms} platforms'
718                f' ({platform_rate:02.2f}%).'
719            )
720            if results.skipped_cases or results.notrun_cases:
721                not_executed = results.skipped_cases + results.notrun_cases
722                skipped_after_colon = " " + str(results.skipped_cases) + " skipped"
723                notrun_after_comma = (
724                    (", " if results.skipped_cases else " ")
725                    + str(results.notrun_cases)
726                    + " not run (built only)"
727                )
728                logger.info(
729                    f'{not_executed} selected test cases not executed:' \
730                    f'{skipped_after_colon if results.skipped_cases else ""}' \
731                    f'{notrun_after_comma if results.notrun_cases else ""}' \
732                    f'.'
733                )
735        built_only = results.total - run - results.filtered_configs
736        logger.info(
737            f"{Fore.GREEN}{run}{Fore.RESET} test configurations executed on platforms,"
738            f" {TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.NOTRUN)}{built_only}{Fore.RESET}"
739            " test configurations were only built."
740        )
742    def save_reports(self, name, suffix, report_dir, no_update, platform_reports):
743        if not self.instances:
744            return
746        logger.info("Saving reports...")
747        if name:
748            report_name = name
749        else:
750            report_name = "twister"
752        if report_dir:
753            os.makedirs(report_dir, exist_ok=True)
754            filename = os.path.join(report_dir, report_name)
755            outdir = report_dir
756        else:
757            outdir = self.outdir
758            filename = os.path.join(outdir, report_name)
760        if suffix:
761            filename = f"{filename}_{suffix}"
763        if not no_update:
764            json_file = filename + ".json"
765            self.json_report(json_file, version=self.env.version,
766                             filters=self.json_filters['twister.json'])
767            if self.env.options.footprint_report is not None:
768                self.json_report(filename + "_footprint.json", version=self.env.version,
769                                 filters=self.json_filters['footprint.json'])
770            self.xunit_report(json_file, filename + ".xml", full_report=False)
771            self.xunit_report(json_file, filename + "_report.xml", full_report=True)
772            self.xunit_report_suites(json_file, filename + "_suite_report.xml")
774            if platform_reports:
775                self.target_report(json_file, outdir, suffix)
778    def target_report(self, json_file, outdir, suffix):
779        platforms = {repr(inst.platform):inst.platform for _, inst in self.instances.items()}
780        for platform in platforms.values():
781            if suffix:
782                filename = os.path.join(outdir,f"{platform.normalized_name}_{suffix}.xml")
783                json_platform_file = os.path.join(outdir,f"{platform.normalized_name}_{suffix}")
784            else:
785                filename = os.path.join(outdir,f"{platform.normalized_name}.xml")
786                json_platform_file = os.path.join(outdir, platform.normalized_name)
787            self.xunit_report(json_file, filename, platform.name, full_report=True)
788            self.json_report(json_platform_file + ".json",
789                             version=self.env.version, platform=platform.name,
790                             filters=self.json_filters['twister.json'])
791            if self.env.options.footprint_report is not None:
792                self.json_report(json_platform_file + "_footprint.json",
793                                 version=self.env.version, platform=platform.name,
794                                 filters=self.json_filters['footprint.json'])