1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  */
10 #define WIFI_MAC_INTR_SOURCE                0  /* interrupt of WiFi MAC, level*/
11 #define WIFI_MAC_NMI_SOURCE                 1  /* interrupt of WiFi MAC, NMI*/
12 #define WIFI_PWR_INTR_SOURCE                2
13 #define WIFI_BB_INTR_SOURCE                 3  /* interrupt of WiFi BB, level*/
14 #define BT_MAC_INTR_SOURCE                  4  /* will be cancelled*/
15 #define BT_BB_INTR_SOURCE                   5  /* interrupt of BT BB, level*/
16 #define BT_BB_NMI_SOURCE                    6  /* interrupt of BT BB, NMI*/
17 #define LP_TIMER_INTR_SOURCE                7
18 #define COEX_INTR_SOURCE                    8
19 #define BLE_TIMER_INTR_SOURCE               9
20 #define BLE_SEC_INTR_SOURCE                10
21 #define I2C_MASTER_SOURCE                  11  /* interrupt of I2C Master, level*/
22 #define ZB_MAC_SOURCE                      12
23 #define PMU_INTR_SOURCE                    13
24 #define EFUSE_INTR_SOURCE                  14  /* interrupt of efuse, level, not likely to use*/
25 #define LP_RTC_TIMER_INTR_SOURCE           15
26 #define LP_UART_INTR_SOURCE                16
27 #define LP_I2C_INTR_SOURCE                 17
28 #define LP_WDT_INTR_SOURCE                 18
29 #define LP_PERI_TIMEOUT_INTR_SOURCE        19
30 #define LP_APM_M0_INTR_SOURCE              20
31 #define LP_APM_M1_INTR_SOURCE              21
32 #define FROM_CPU_INTR0_SOURCE              22  /* interrupt0 generated from a CPU, level*/
33 #define FROM_CPU_INTR1_SOURCE              23  /* interrupt1 generated from a CPU, level*/
34 #define FROM_CPU_INTR2_SOURCE              24  /* interrupt2 generated from a CPU, level*/
35 #define FROM_CPU_INTR3_SOURCE              25  /* interrupt3 generated from a CPU, level*/
36 #define ASSIST_DEBUG_INTR_SOURCE           26  /* interrupt of Assist debug module, LEVEL*/
37 #define TRACE_INTR_SOURCE                  27
38 #define CACHE_INTR_SOURCE                  28
39 #define CPU_PERI_TIMEOUT_INTR_SOURCE       29
40 #define GPIO_INTR_SOURCE                   30  /* interrupt of GPIO, level*/
41 #define GPIO_NMI_SOURCE                    31  /* interrupt of GPIO, NMI*/
42 #define PAU_INTR_SOURCE                    32
43 #define HP_PERI_TIMEOUT_INTR_SOURCE        33
45 #define HP_APM_M0_INTR_SOURCE              35
46 #define HP_APM_M1_INTR_SOURCE              36
47 #define HP_APM_M2_INTR_SOURCE              37
48 #define HP_APM_M3_INTR_SOURCE              38
49 #define LP_APM0_INTR_SOURCE                39
50 #define MSPI_INTR_SOURCE                   40
51 #define I2S1_INTR_SOURCE                   41  /* interrupt of I2S1, level*/
52 #define UHCI0_INTR_SOURCE                  42  /* interrupt of UHCI0, level*/
53 #define UART0_INTR_SOURCE                  43  /* interrupt of UART0, level*/
54 #define UART1_INTR_SOURCE                  44  /* interrupt of UART1, level*/
55 #define LEDC_INTR_SOURCE                   45  /* interrupt of LED PWM, level*/
56 #define TWAI0_INTR_SOURCE                  46  /* interrupt of can0, level*/
57 #define TWAI1_INTR_SOURCE                  47  /* interrupt of can1, level*/
58 #define USB_SERIAL_JTAG_INTR_SOURCE        48  /* interrupt of USB, level*/
59 #define RMT_INTR_SOURCE                    49  /* interrupt of remote controller, level*/
60 #define I2C_EXT0_INTR_SOURCE               50  /* interrupt of I2C controller1, level*/
61 #define TG0_T0_LEVEL_INTR_SOURCE           51  /* interrupt of TIMER_GROUP0, TIMER0, level*/
62 #define TG0_T1_LEVEL_INTR_SOURCE           52  /* interrupt of TIMER_GROUP0, TIMER1, level*/
63 #define TG0_WDT_LEVEL_INTR_SOURCE          53  /* interrupt of TIMER_GROUP0, WATCH DOG, level*/
64 #define TG1_T0_LEVEL_INTR_SOURCE           54  /* interrupt of TIMER_GROUP1, TIMER0, level*/
65 #define TG1_T1_LEVEL_INTR_SOURCE           55  /* interrupt of TIMER_GROUP1, TIMER1, level*/
66 #define TG1_WDT_LEVEL_INTR_SOURCE          56  /* interrupt of TIMER_GROUP1, WATCHDOG, level*/
67 #define SYSTIMER_TARGET0_EDGE_INTR_SOURCE  57  /* interrupt of system timer 0, EDGE*/
68 #define SYSTIMER_TARGET1_EDGE_INTR_SOURCE  58  /* interrupt of system timer 1, EDGE*/
69 #define SYSTIMER_TARGET2_EDGE_INTR_SOURCE  59  /* interrupt of system timer 2, EDGE*/
70 #define APB_ADC_INTR_SOURCE                60  /* interrupt of APB ADC, LEVEL*/
71 #define MCPWM0_INTR_SOURCE                 61  /* interrupt of MCPWM0, LEVEL*/
72 #define PCNT_INTR_SOURCE                   62
73 #define PARL_IO_INTR_SOURCE                63
74 #define SLC0_INTR_SOURCE                   64
75 #define SLC_INTR_SOURCE                    65
76 #define DMA_IN_CH0_INTR_SOURCE             66  /* interrupt of general DMA IN channel 0, LEVEL*/
77 #define DMA_IN_CH1_INTR_SOURCE             67  /* interrupt of general DMA IN channel 1, LEVEL*/
78 #define DMA_IN_CH2_INTR_SOURCE             68  /* interrupt of general DMA IN channel 2, LEVEL*/
79 #define DMA_OUT_CH0_INTR_SOURCE            69  /* interrupt of general DMA OUT channel 0, LEVEL*/
80 #define DMA_OUT_CH1_INTR_SOURCE            70  /* interrupt of general DMA OUT channel 1, LEVEL*/
81 #define DMA_OUT_CH2_INTR_SOURCE            71  /* interrupt of general DMA OUT channel 2, LEVEL*/
82 #define GSPI2_INTR_SOURCE                  72
83 #define AES_INTR_SOURCE                    73  /* interrupt of AES accelerator, level*/
84 #define SHA_INTR_SOURCE                    74  /* interrupt of SHA accelerator, level*/
85 #define RSA_INTR_SOURCE                    75  /* interrupt of RSA accelerator, level*/
86 #define ECC_INTR_SOURCE                    76  /* interrupt of ECC accelerator, level*/
87 #define MAX_INTR_SOURCE                    77
89 /* RISC-V supports priority values from 1 (lowest) to 15.
90  * As interrupt controller for Xtensa and RISC-V is shared, this is
91  * set to an intermediate and compatible value.
92  */
95 #define ESP_INTR_FLAG_SHARED	(1<<8)	/* Interrupt can be shared between ISRs */