1.. _lwm2m_interface: 2 3Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) 4####################### 5 6.. contents:: 7 :local: 8 :depth: 2 9 10Overview 11******** 12 13Lightweight Machine to Machine (LwM2M) is an application layer protocol 14designed with device management, data reporting and device actuation in mind. 15Based on CoAP/UDP, `LwM2M`_ is a 16`standard <http://openmobilealliance.org/release/LightweightM2M/>`_ defined by 17the Open Mobile Alliance and suitable for constrained devices by its use of 18CoAP packet-size optimization and a simple, stateless flow that supports a 19REST API. 20 21One of the key differences between LwM2M and CoAP is that an LwM2M client 22initiates the connection to an LwM2M server. The server can then use the 23REST API to manage various interfaces with the client. 24 25LwM2M uses a simple resource model with the core set of objects and resources 26defined in the specification. 27 28The LwM2M library can be enabled with :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M` Kconfig option. 29 30Example LwM2M object and resources: Device 31****************************************** 32 33*Object definition* 34 35.. list-table:: 36 :header-rows: 1 37 38 * - Object ID 39 - Name 40 - Instance 41 - Mandatory 42 43 * - 3 44 - Device 45 - Single 46 - Mandatory 47 48*Resource definitions* 49 50``* R=Read, W=Write, E=Execute`` 51 52.. list-table:: 53 :header-rows: 1 54 55 * - ID 56 - Name 57 - OP\* 58 - Instance 59 - Mandatory 60 - Type 61 62 * - 0 63 - Manufacturer 64 - R 65 - Single 66 - Optional 67 - String 68 69 * - 1 70 - Model 71 - R 72 - Single 73 - Optional 74 - String 75 76 * - 2 77 - Serial number 78 - R 79 - Single 80 - Optional 81 - String 82 83 * - 3 84 - Firmware version 85 - R 86 - Single 87 - Optional 88 - String 89 90 * - 4 91 - Reboot 92 - E 93 - Single 94 - Mandatory 95 - 96 97 * - 5 98 - Factory Reset 99 - E 100 - Single 101 - Optional 102 - 103 104 * - 6 105 - Available Power Sources 106 - R 107 - Multiple 108 - Optional 109 - Integer 0-7 110 111 * - 7 112 - Power Source Voltage (mV) 113 - R 114 - Multiple 115 - Optional 116 - Integer 117 118 * - 8 119 - Power Source Current (mA) 120 - R 121 - Multiple 122 - Optional 123 - Integer 124 125 * - 9 126 - Battery Level % 127 - R 128 - Single 129 - Optional 130 - Integer 131 132 * - 10 133 - Memory Free (Kb) 134 - R 135 - Single 136 - Optional 137 - Integer 138 139 * - 11 140 - Error Code 141 - R 142 - Multiple 143 - Optional 144 - Integer 0-8 145 146 * - 12 147 - Reset Error 148 - E 149 - Single 150 - Optional 151 - 152 153 * - 13 154 - Current Time 155 - RW 156 - Single 157 - Optional 158 - Time 159 160 * - 14 161 - UTC Offset 162 - RW 163 - Single 164 - Optional 165 - String 166 167 * - 15 168 - Timezone 169 - RW 170 - Single 171 - Optional 172 - String 173 174 * - 16 175 - Supported Binding 176 - R 177 - Single 178 - Mandatory 179 - String 180 181 * - 17 182 - Device Type 183 - R 184 - Single 185 - Optional 186 - String 187 188 * - 18 189 - Hardware Version 190 - R 191 - Single 192 - Optional 193 - String 194 195 * - 19 196 - Software Version 197 - R 198 - Single 199 - Optional 200 - String 201 202 * - 20 203 - Battery Status 204 - R 205 - Single 206 - Optional 207 - Integer 0-6 208 209 * - 21 210 - Memory Total (Kb) 211 - R 212 - Single 213 - Optional 214 - Integer 215 216 * - 22 217 - ExtDevInfo 218 - R 219 - Multiple 220 - Optional 221 - ObjLnk 222 223The server could query the ``Manufacturer`` resource for ``Device`` object 224instance 0 (the default and only instance) by sending a ``READ 3/0/0`` 225operation to the client. 226 227The full list of registered objects and resource IDs can be found in the 228`LwM2M registry`_. 229 230Zephyr's LwM2M library lives in the :zephyr_file:`subsys/net/lib/lwm2m`, with a 231client sample in :zephyr_file:`samples/net/lwm2m_client`. For more information 232about the provided sample see: :zephyr:code-sample:`lwm2m-client`. The sample can be 233configured to use normal unsecure network sockets or sockets secured via DTLS. 234 235The Zephyr LwM2M library implements the following items: 236 237* engine to process networking events and core functions 238* RD client which performs BOOTSTRAP and REGISTRATION functions 239* SenML CBOR, SenML JSON, CBOR, TLV, JSON, and plain text formatting functions 240* LwM2M Technical Specification Enabler objects such as Security, Server, 241 Device, Firmware Update, etc. 242* Extended IPSO objects such as Light Control, Temperature Sensor, and Timer 243 244By default, the library implements `LwM2M specification 1.0.2`_ and can be set to 245`LwM2M specification 1.1.1`_ with a Kconfig option. 246 247For more information about LwM2M visit `OMA Specworks LwM2M`_. 248 249Sample usage 250************ 251 252To use the LwM2M library, start by creating an LwM2M client context 253:c:struct:`lwm2m_ctx` structure: 254 255.. code-block:: c 256 257 /* LwM2M client context */ 258 static struct lwm2m_ctx client; 259 260Create callback functions for LwM2M resource executions: 261 262.. code-block:: c 263 264 static int device_reboot_cb(uint16_t obj_inst_id, uint8_t *args, 265 uint16_t args_len) 266 { 267 LOG_INF("Device rebooting."); 268 LOG_PANIC(); 269 sys_reboot(0); 270 return 0; /* won't reach this */ 271 } 272 273The LwM2M RD client can send events back to the sample. To receive those 274events, setup a callback function: 275 276.. code-block:: c 277 278 static void rd_client_event(struct lwm2m_ctx *client, 279 enum lwm2m_rd_client_event client_event) 280 { 281 switch (client_event) { 282 283 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_NONE: 284 /* do nothing */ 285 break; 286 287 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_BOOTSTRAP_REG_FAILURE: 288 LOG_DBG("Bootstrap registration failure!"); 289 break; 290 291 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_BOOTSTRAP_REG_COMPLETE: 292 LOG_DBG("Bootstrap registration complete"); 293 break; 294 295 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_BOOTSTRAP_TRANSFER_COMPLETE: 296 LOG_DBG("Bootstrap transfer complete"); 297 break; 298 299 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_REGISTRATION_FAILURE: 300 LOG_DBG("Registration failure!"); 301 break; 302 303 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE: 304 LOG_DBG("Registration complete"); 305 break; 306 307 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_REG_TIMEOUT: 308 LOG_DBG("Registration timeout!"); 309 break; 310 311 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_REG_UPDATE_COMPLETE: 312 LOG_DBG("Registration update complete"); 313 break; 314 315 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_DEREGISTER_FAILURE: 316 LOG_DBG("Deregister failure!"); 317 break; 318 319 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_DISCONNECT: 320 LOG_DBG("Disconnected"); 321 break; 322 323 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_REG_UPDATE: 324 LOG_DBG("Registration update"); 325 break; 326 327 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_DEREGISTER: 328 LOG_DBG("Deregistration client"); 329 break; 330 331 case LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_SERVER_DISABLED: 332 LOG_DBG("LwM2M server disabled"); 333 break; 334 } 335 } 336 337Next we assign ``Security`` resource values to let the client know where and how 338to connect as well as set the ``Manufacturer`` and ``Reboot`` resources in the 339``Device`` object with some data and the callback we defined above: 340 341.. code-block:: c 342 343 /* 344 * Server URL of default Security object = 0/0/0 345 * Use leshan.eclipse.org server IP ( for connection 346 */ 347 lwm2m_set_string(&LWM2M_OBJ(0, 0, 0), "coap://"); 348 349 /* 350 * Security Mode of default Security object = 0/0/2 351 * 3 = NoSec mode (no security beware!) 352 */ 353 lwm2m_set_u8(&LWM2M_OBJ(0, 0, 2), 3); 354 355 #define CLIENT_MANUFACTURER "Zephyr Manufacturer" 356 357 /* 358 * Manufacturer resource of Device object = 3/0/0 359 * We use lwm2m_set_res_data() function to set a pointer to the 360 * CLIENT_MANUFACTURER string. 361 * Note the LWM2M_RES_DATA_FLAG_RO flag which stops the engine from 362 * trying to assign a new value to the buffer. 363 */ 364 lwm2m_set_res_data(&LWM2M_OBJ(3, 0, 0), CLIENT_MANUFACTURER, 365 sizeof(CLIENT_MANUFACTURER), 366 LWM2M_RES_DATA_FLAG_RO); 367 368 /* Reboot resource of Device object = 3/0/4 */ 369 lwm2m_register_exec_callback(&LWM2M_OBJ(3, 0, 4), device_reboot_cb); 370 371Lastly, we start the LwM2M RD client (which in turn starts the LwM2M engine). 372The second parameter of :c:func:`lwm2m_rd_client_start` is the client 373endpoint name. This is important as it needs to be unique per LwM2M server: 374 375.. code-block:: c 376 377 (void)memset(&client, 0x0, sizeof(client)); 378 lwm2m_rd_client_start(&client, "unique-endpoint-name", 0, rd_client_event); 379 380.. _lwm2m_security: 381 382LwM2M security modes 383******************** 384 385The Zephyr LwM2M library can be used either without security or use DTLS to secure the communication channel. 386When using DTLS with the LwM2M engine, PSK (Pre-Shared Key) and X.509 certificates are the security modes that can be used to secure the communication. 387The engine uses LwM2M Security object (Id 0) to read the stored credentials and feed keys from the security object into 388the TLS credential subsystem, see :ref:`secure sockets documentation <secure_sockets_interface>`. 389Enable the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_DTLS_SUPPORT` Kconfig option to use the security. 390 391Depending on the selected mode, the security object must contain following data: 392 393PSK 394 Security Mode (Resource ID 2) set to zero (Pre-Shared Key mode). 395 Identity (Resource ID 3) contains PSK ID in binary form. 396 Secret key (Resource ID 5) contains the PSK key in binary form. 397 If the key or identity is provided as a hex string, it must be converted to binary before storing into the security object. 398 399X509 400 When X509 certificates are used, set Security Mode (ID 2) to ``2`` (Certificate mode). 401 Identity (ID 3) is used to store the client certificate and Secret key (ID 5) must have a private key associated with the certificate. 402 Server Public Key resource (ID 4) must contain a server certificate or CA certificate used to sign the certificate chain. 403 If the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MBEDTLS_PEM_CERTIFICATE_FORMAT` Kconfig option is enabled, certificates and private key can be entered in PEM format. 404 Otherwise, they must be in binary DER format. 405 406NoSec 407 When no security is used, set Security Mode (Resource ID 2) to ``3`` (NoSec). 408 409In all modes, Server URI resource (ID 0) must contain the full URI for the target server. 410When DNS names are used, the DNS resolver must be enabled. 411 412When DTLS is used, following options are recommended to reduce DTLS handshake traffic when connection is re-established: 413 414* :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_DTLS_CID` enables DTLS Connection Identifier support. When server supports it, this completely removes the handshake when device resumes operation after long idle period. Greatly helps when NAT mappings have timed out. 415* :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_TLS_SESSION_CACHING` uses session cache when before falling back to full DTLS handshake. Reduces few packets from handshake, when session is still cached on server side. Most significant effect is to avoid full registration. 416 417LwM2M stack provides callbacks in the :c:struct:`lwm2m_ctx` structure. 418They are used to feed keys from the LwM2M security object into the TLS credential subsystem. 419By default, these callbacks can be left as NULL pointers, in which case default callbacks are used. 420When an external TLS stack, or non-default socket options are required, you can overwrite the :c:func:`lwm2m_ctx.load_credentials` or :c:func:`lwm2m_ctx.set_socketoptions` callbacks. 421 422An example of setting up the security object for PSK mode: 423 424.. code-block:: c 425 426 /* "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f" */ 427 static unsigned char client_psk[] = { 428 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 429 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f 430 }; 431 432 static const char client_identity[] = "Client_identity"; 433 434 lwm2m_set_string(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 0), "coaps://lwm2m.example.com"); 435 lwm2m_set_u8(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 2), LWM2M_SECURITY_PSK); 436 /* Set the client identity as a string, but this could be binary as well */ 437 lwm2m_set_string(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 3), client_identity); 438 /* Set the client pre-shared key (PSK) */ 439 lwm2m_set_opaque(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 5), client_psk, sizeof(client_psk)); 440 441An example of setting up the security object for X509 certificate mode: 442 443.. code-block:: c 444 445 static const char certificate[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIB6jCCAY+gAw..."; 446 static const char key[] = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nMHcCAQ..."; 447 static const char root_ca[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIBaz..."; 448 449 lwm2m_set_string(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 0), "coaps://lwm2m.example.com"); 450 lwm2m_set_u8(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 2), LWM2M_SECURITY_CERT); 451 lwm2m_set_string(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 3), certificate); 452 lwm2m_set_string(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 5), key); 453 lwm2m_set_string(&LWM2M_OBJ(LWM2M_OBJECT_SECURITY_ID, 0, 4), root_ca); 454 455Before calling :c:func:`lwm2m_rd_client_start` assign the tls_tag # where the 456LwM2M library should store the DTLS information prior to connection (normally a 457value of 1 is ok here). 458 459.. code-block:: c 460 461 (void)memset(&client, 0x0, sizeof(client)); 462 client.tls_tag = 1; /* <---- */ 463 lwm2m_rd_client_start(&client, "endpoint-name", 0, rd_client_event); 464 465For a more detailed LwM2M client sample see: :zephyr:code-sample:`lwm2m-client`. 466 467Multi-thread usage 468****************** 469Writing a value to a resource can be done using functions like lwm2m_set_u8. When writing 470to multiple resources, the function lwm2m_registry_lock will ensure that the 471client halts until all writing operations are finished: 472 473.. code-block:: c 474 475 lwm2m_registry_lock(); 476 lwm2m_set_u32(&LWM2M_OBJ(1, 0, 1), 60); 477 lwm2m_set_u8(&LWM2M_OBJ(5, 0, 3), 0); 478 lwm2m_set_f64(&LWM2M_OBJ(3303, 0, 5700), value); 479 lwm2m_registry_unlock(); 480 481This is especially useful if the server is composite-observing the resources being 482written to. Locking will then ensure that the client only updates and sends notifications 483to the server after all operations are done, resulting in fewer messages in general. 484 485Support for time series data 486**************************** 487 488LwM2M version 1.1 adds support for SenML CBOR and SenML JSON data formats. These data formats add 489support for time series data. Time series formats can be used for READ, NOTIFY and SEND operations. 490When data cache is enabled for a resource, each write will create a timestamped entry in a cache, 491and its content is then returned as a content in READ, NOTIFY or SEND operation for a given 492resource. 493 494Data cache is only supported for resources with a fixed data size. 495 496Supported resource types: 497 498* Signed and unsigned 8-64-bit integers 499* Float 500* Boolean 501 502Enabling and configuring 503======================== 504 505Enable data cache by selecting :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_RESOURCE_DATA_CACHE_SUPPORT`. 506Application needs to allocate an array of :c:struct:`lwm2m_time_series_elem` structures and then 507enable the cache by calling :c:func:`lwm2m_enable_cache` for a given resource. Each resource 508must be enabled separately and each resource needs their own storage. 509 510.. code-block:: c 511 512 /* Allocate data cache storage */ 513 static struct lwm2m_time_series_elem temperature_cache[10]; 514 /* Enable data cache */ 515 lwm2m_enable_cache(LWM2M_OBJ(IPSO_OBJECT_TEMP_SENSOR_ID, 0, SENSOR_VALUE_RID), 516 temperature_cache, ARRAY_SIZE(temperature_cache)); 517 518LwM2M engine have room for four resources that have cache enabled. Limit can be increased by 519changing :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_MAX_CACHED_RESOURCES`. This affects a static memory usage of 520engine. 521 522Data caches depends on one of the SenML data formats 523:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_RW_SENML_CBOR_SUPPORT` or 524:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_RW_SENML_JSON_SUPPORT` and needs :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_POSIX_TIMERS` 525so it can request a timestamp from the system and :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_RING_BUFFER` for ring 526buffer. 527 528Read and Write operations 529========================= 530 531Full content of data cache is written into a payload when any READ, SEND or NOTIFY operation 532internally reads the content of a given resource. This has a side effect that any read callbacks 533registered for a that resource are ignored when cache is enabled. 534Data is written into a cache when any of the ``lwm2m_set_*`` functions are called. To filter 535the data entering the cache, application may register a validation callback using 536:c:func:`lwm2m_register_validate_callback`. 537 538Limitations 539=========== 540 541Cache size should be manually set so small that the content can fit normal packets sizes. 542When cache is full, new values are dropped. 543 544LwM2M engine and application events 545*********************************** 546 547The Zephyr LwM2M engine defines events that can be sent back to the application through callback 548functions. 549The engine state machine shows when the events are spawned. 550Events depicted in the diagram are listed in the table. 551The events are prefixed with ``LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_``. 552 553.. figure:: images/lwm2m_engine_state_machine.svg 554 :alt: LwM2M engine state machine 555 556 State machine for the LwM2M engine 557 558.. list-table:: LwM2M RD Client events 559 :widths: auto 560 :header-rows: 1 561 562 * - Event ID 563 - Event Name 564 - Description 565 * - 0 566 - NONE 567 - No event 568 * - 1 569 - BOOTSTRAP_REG_FAILURE 570 - Bootstrap registration failed. 571 Occurs if there is a timeout or failure in bootstrap registration. 572 * - 2 573 - BOOTSTRAP_REG_COMPLETE 574 - Bootstrap registration complete. 575 Occurs after successful bootstrap registration. 576 * - 3 577 - BOOTSTRAP_TRANSFER_COMPLETE 578 - Bootstrap finish command received from the server. 579 * - 4 580 - REGISTRATION_FAILURE 581 - Registration to LwM2M server failed. 582 Occurs if server rejects the registration attempt. 583 * - 5 584 - REGISTRATION_COMPLETE 585 - Registration to LwM2M server successful. 586 Occurs after a successful registration reply from the LwM2M server 587 or when session resumption is used. 588 * - 6 589 - REG_TIMEOUT 590 - Registration status lost. 591 Occurs if there is socket errors or message timeouts. Client have lost connection to the server. 592 * - 7 593 - REG_UPDATE_COMPLETE 594 - Registration update completed. 595 Occurs after successful registration update reply from the LwM2M server. 596 * - 8 597 - DEREGISTER_FAILURE 598 - Deregistration to LwM2M server failed. 599 Occurs if there is a timeout or failure in the deregistration. 600 * - 9 601 - DISCONNECT 602 - LwM2M client have de-registered from server and is now stopped. 603 Triggered only if the application have requested the client to stop. 604 * - 10 605 - QUEUE_MODE_RX_OFF 606 - Used only in queue mode, not actively listening for incoming packets. 607 In queue mode the client is not required to actively listen for the incoming packets 608 after a configured time period. 609 * - 11 610 - ENGINE_SUSPENDED 611 - Indicate that client has now paused as a result of calling :c:func:`lwm2m_engine_pause`. 612 State machine is no longer running and the handler thread is suspended. 613 All timers are stopped so notifications are not triggered. 614 * - 12 615 - SERVER_DISABLED 616 - Server have executed the disable command. 617 Client will deregister and stay idle for the disable period. 618 * - 13 619 - NETWORK_ERROR 620 - Sending messages to the network failed too many times. 621 Client cannot reach any servers or fallback to bootstrap. 622 LwM2M engine cannot recover and have stopped. 623 624The LwM2M client engine handles most of the state transitions automatically. The application 625needs to handle only the events that indicate that the client have stopped or is in a state 626where it cannot recover. 627 628.. list-table:: How application should react to events 629 :widths: auto 630 :header-rows: 1 631 632 * - Event Name 633 - How application should react 634 * - NONE 635 - Ignore the event. 636 * - BOOTSTRAP_REG_FAILURE 637 - Try to recover network connection. Then restart the client by calling :c:func:`lwm2m_rd_client_start`. 638 This might also indicate configuration issue. 639 * - BOOTSTRAP_REG_COMPLETE 640 - No actions needed 641 * - BOOTSTRAP_TRANSFER_COMPLETE 642 - No actions needed 643 * - REGISTRATION_FAILURE 644 - No actions needed. 645 Client proceeds re-registration automatically. Might need a bootstrap or configuration fix. Cannot send or receive data. 646 * - REGISTRATION_COMPLETE 647 - No actions needed. 648 Application can send or receive data. 649 * - REG_TIMEOUT 650 - No actions needed. 651 Client proceeds to re-registration automatically. Cannot send or receive data. 652 * - REG_UPDATE_COMPLETE 653 - No actions needed 654 Application can send or receive data. 655 * - DEREGISTER_FAILURE 656 - No actions needed, client proceeds to idle state automatically. Cannot send or receive data. 657 * - DISCONNECT 658 - Engine have stopped as a result of calling :c:func:`lwm2m_rd_client_stop`. 659 If connection is required, the application should restart the client by calling :c:func:`lwm2m_rd_client_start`. 660 * - QUEUE_MODE_RX_OFF 661 - No actions needed. 662 Application can send but cannot receive data. 663 Any data transmission will trigger a registration update. 664 * - ENGINE_SUSPENDED 665 - Engine can be resumed by calling :c:func:`lwm2m_engine_resume`. 666 Cannot send or receive data. 667 * - SERVER_DISABLED 668 - No actions needed, client will re-register once the disable period is over. 669 Cannot send or receive data. 670 * - NETWORK_ERROR 671 - Try to recover network connection. Then restart the client by calling :c:func:`lwm2m_rd_client_start`. 672 This might also indicate configuration issue. 673 674Sending of data in the table above refers to calling :c:func:`lwm2m_send_cb` or by writing into one of the observed resources where observation would trigger a notify message. 675Receiving of data refers to receiving read, write or execute operations from the server. Application can register callbacks for these operations. 676 677Configuring lifetime and activity period 678**************************************** 679 680In LwM2M engine, there are three Kconfig options and one runtime value that configures how often the 681client will send LwM2M Update message. 682 683.. list-table:: Update period variables 684 :widths: auto 685 :header-rows: 1 686 687 * - Variable 688 - Effect 689 * - LwM2M registration lifetime 690 - The lifetime parameter in LwM2M specifies how long a device's registration with an LwM2M server remains valid. 691 Device is expected to send LwM2M Update message before the lifetime exprires. 692 * - :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_ENGINE_DEFAULT_LIFETIME` 693 - Default lifetime value, unless set by the bootstrap server. 694 Also defines lower limit that client accepts as a lifetime. 695 * - :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_UPDATE_PERIOD` 696 - How long the client can stay idle before sending a next update. 697 * - :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_SECONDS_TO_UPDATE_EARLY` 698 - Minimum time margin to send the update message before the registration lifetime expires. 699 700.. figure:: images/lwm2m_lifetime_seconds_early.png 701 :alt: LwM2M seconds to update early 702 703 Default way of calculating when to update registration. 704 705By default, the client uses :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_SECONDS_TO_UPDATE_EARLY` to calculate how 706many seconds before the expiration of lifetime it is going to send the registration update. 707The problem with default mode is when the server changes the lifetime of the registration. 708This is then affecting the period of updates the client is doing. 709If this is used with the QUEUE mode, which is typical in IPv4 networks, it is also affecting the 710period of when the device is reachable from the server. 711 712.. figure:: images/lwm2m_lifetime_both.png 713 :alt: LwM2M update time when both values are set 714 715 Update time is controlled by UPDATE_PERIOD. 716 717When also the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_UPDATE_PERIOD` is set, time to send the update message 718is the earliest when any of these values expire. This allows setting long lifetime for the 719registration and configure the period accurately, even if server changes the lifetime parameter. 720 721In runtime, the update frequency is limited to once in 15 seconds to avoid flooding. 722 723.. _lwm2m_shell: 724 725LwM2M shell 726*********** 727For testing the client it is possible to enable Zephyr's shell and LwM2M specific commands which 728support changing the state of the client. Operations supported are read, write and execute 729resources. Client start, stop, pause and resume are also available. The feature is enabled by 730selecting :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_SHELL`. The shell is meant for testing so productions 731systems should not enable it. 732 733One imaginable scenario, where to use the shell, would be executing client side actions over UART 734when a server side tests would require those. It is assumed that not all tests are able to trigger 735required actions from the server side. 736 737.. code-block:: console 738 739 uart:~$ lwm2m 740 lwm2m - LwM2M commands 741 Subcommands: 742 send :send PATHS 743 LwM2M SEND operation 744 745 exec :exec PATH [PARAM] 746 Execute a resource 747 748 read :read PATH [OPTIONS] 749 Read value from LwM2M resource 750 -x Read value as hex stream (default) 751 -s Read value as string 752 -b Read value as bool (1/0) 753 -uX Read value as uintX_t 754 -sX Read value as intX_t 755 -f Read value as float 756 -t Read value as time_t 757 758 write :write PATH [OPTIONS] VALUE 759 Write into LwM2M resource 760 -s Write value as string (default) 761 -b Write value as bool 762 -uX Write value as uintX_t 763 -sX Write value as intX_t 764 -f Write value as float 765 -t Write value as time_t 766 767 create :create PATH 768 Create object or resource instance 769 770 delete :delete PATH 771 Delete object or resource instance 772 773 cache :cache PATH NUM 774 Enable data cache for resource 775 PATH is LwM2M path 776 NUM how many elements to cache 777 778 start :start EP_NAME [BOOTSTRAP FLAG] 779 Start the LwM2M RD (Registration / Discovery) Client 780 -b Set the bootstrap flag (default 0) 781 782 stop :stop [OPTIONS] 783 Stop the LwM2M RD (De-register) Client 784 -f Force close the connection 785 786 update :Trigger Registration Update of the LwM2M RD Client 787 788 pause :LwM2M engine thread pause 789 resume :LwM2M engine thread resume 790 lock :Lock the LwM2M registry 791 unlock :Unlock the LwM2M registry 792 obs : List observations 793 ls : ls [PATH] 794 List objects, instances, resources 795 796 797 798 799.. _lwm2m_api_reference: 800 801API Reference 802************* 803 804.. doxygengroup:: lwm2m_api 805 806.. _LwM2M: 807 https://www.omaspecworks.org/what-is-oma-specworks/iot/lightweight-m2m-lwm2m/ 808 809.. _LwM2M registry: 810 http://www.openmobilealliance.org/wp/OMNA/LwM2M/LwM2MRegistry.html 811 812.. _OMA Specworks LwM2M: 813 https://www.omaspecworks.org/what-is-oma-specworks/iot/lightweight-m2m-lwm2m/ 814 815.. _LwM2M specification 1.0.2: 816 http://openmobilealliance.org/release/LightweightM2M/V1_0_2-20180209-A/OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0_2-20180209-A.pdf 817 818.. _LwM2M specification 1.1.1: 819 http://openmobilealliance.org/release/LightweightM2M/V1_1_1-20190617-A/ 820