1.. zephyr:board:: stm32l4r9i_disco 2 3Overview 4******** 5 6The 32L4R9IDISCOVERY Discovery kit is a complete demonstration and development platform 7for STMicroelectronics Arm® Cortex®-M4 core-based STM32L4R9AI microcontroller. 8 9Leveraging the innovative ultra-low-power oriented features, 640 Kbytes of embedded RAM, 10graphics performance (Chrom-ART Accelerator), and DSI controller offered by the STM32L4R9AI, 11the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY Discovery kit enables users to easily prototype applications with 12state-of-the-art energy efficiency, as well as stunning audio and graphics rendering with direct 13support for AMOLED DSI round LCD display. 14 15For even more user-friendliness, the on-board ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger provides out-of-the-box 16programming and debugging capabilities. 17 18More information about the board can be found at the `STM32L4R9I-DISCOVERY website`_. 19More information about STM32L4R9 can be found here: 20 21- `STM32L4R9/S9 on www.st.com`_ 22- `STM32L4+ Series reference manual`_ 23- `STM32L4R5xx/R7xx/R9xx datasheet`_ 24 25Supported Features 26================== 27 28.. zephyr:board-supported-hw:: 29 30Pin Mapping 31=========== 32 33For more details, please refer to `STM32L4R9I-DISCOVERY website`_. 34 35System Clock 36============ 37 38The STM32L4R9AI System Clock can be driven by an internal or external oscillator, 39as well as by the main PLL clock. By default, the System clock is driven by 40the PLL clock at 120MHz. PLL clock is driven by a 4MHz medium speed internal clock. 41 42Serial Port 43=========== 44 45The STM32L4R9I Discovery board has up to 6 U(S)ARTs. 46The Zephyr console output is assigned to UART2, which is connected to the onboard 47ST-LINK Virtual COM port interface. Default communication settings are 115200 8N1. 48 49 50Programming and Debugging 51************************* 52 53The STM32L4R9I Discovery board includes an ST-LINK/V2-1 debug tool. 54 55Applications for the ``stm32l4r9i_disco`` board configuration can be 56built and flashed in the usual way (see :ref:`build_an_application` 57and :ref:`application_run` for more details). 58 59Flashing 60======== 61 62The board is configured to be flashed using west `STM32CubeProgrammer`_ runner, 63so its :ref:`installation <stm32cubeprog-flash-host-tools>` is required. 64 65Alternatively, OpenOCD or JLink can also be used to flash the board using 66the ``--runner`` (or ``-r``) option: 67 68.. code-block:: console 69 70 $ west flash --runner openocd 71 $ west flash --runner jlink 72 73Flashing an application to STM32L4R9I Discovery 74----------------------------------------------- 75 76Connect the STM32L4R9I Discovery to your host computer using the ST-LINK 77USB port, then run a serial host program to connect with the board. For example: 78 79.. code-block:: console 80 81 $ minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyACM0 82 83You can then build and flash applications in the usual way. 84Here is an example for the :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application. 85 86.. zephyr-app-commands:: 87 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 88 :board: stm32l4r9i_disco 89 :goals: build flash 90 91You should see the following message in the serial host program: 92 93.. code-block:: console 94 95 $ Hello World! stm32l4r9i_disco 96 97 98Debugging 99========= 100 101You can debug an application in the usual way. Here is an example for the 102:zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application. 103 104.. zephyr-app-commands:: 105 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 106 :board: stm32l4r9i_disco 107 :goals: debug 108 109.. _STM32L4R9I-DISCOVERY website: 110 https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/32l4r9idiscovery.html 111 112.. _STM32L4R9/S9 on www.st.com: 113 https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32l4r9-s9.html 114 115.. _STM32L4+ Series reference manual: 116 https://www.st.com/resource/en/reference_manual/rm0432-stm32l4-series-advanced-armbased-32bit-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf 117 118.. _STM32L4R5xx/R7xx/R9xx datasheet: 119 https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32l4r5vi.pdf 120 121.. _STM32CubeProgrammer: 122 https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeprog.html 123