1# Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited.
2# Copyright (c) 2019 Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
6'''Runner for flashing with nrfjprog.'''
8import os
9from pathlib import Path
10import shlex
11import subprocess
12import sys
13from re import fullmatch, escape
15from runners.core import ZephyrBinaryRunner, RunnerCaps
18    from intelhex import IntelHex
19except ImportError:
20    IntelHex = None
22# Helper function for inspecting hex files.
23# has_region returns True if hex file has any contents in a specific region
24# region_filter is a callable that takes an address as argument and
25# returns True if that address is in the region in question
26def has_region(regions, hex_file):
27    if IntelHex is None:
28        raise RuntimeError('one or more Python dependencies were missing; '
29                           "see the getting started guide for details on "
30                           "how to fix")
32    try:
33        ih = IntelHex(hex_file)
34        return any((len(ih[rs:re]) > 0) for (rs, re) in regions)
35    except FileNotFoundError:
36        return False
38# https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp?topic=%2Fug_nrf_cltools%2FUG%2Fcltools%2Fnrf_nrfjprogexe_return_codes.html&cp=9_1_3_1
39UnavailableOperationBecauseProtectionError = 16
41class NrfJprogBinaryRunner(ZephyrBinaryRunner):
42    '''Runner front-end for nrfjprog.'''
44    def __init__(self, cfg, family, softreset, snr, erase=False,
45                 tool_opt=[], force=False, recover=False):
46        super().__init__(cfg)
47        self.hex_ = cfg.hex_file
48        self.family = family
49        self.softreset = softreset
50        self.snr = snr
51        self.erase = bool(erase)
52        self.force = force
53        self.recover = bool(recover)
55        self.tool_opt = []
56        for opts in [shlex.split(opt) for opt in tool_opt]:
57            self.tool_opt += opts
59    @classmethod
60    def name(cls):
61        return 'nrfjprog'
63    @classmethod
64    def capabilities(cls):
65        return RunnerCaps(commands={'flash'}, erase=True)
67    @classmethod
68    def do_add_parser(cls, parser):
69        parser.add_argument('--nrf-family',
70                            choices=['NRF51', 'NRF52', 'NRF53', 'NRF91'],
71                            help='''MCU family; still accepted for
72                            compatibility only''')
73        parser.add_argument('--softreset', required=False,
74                            action='store_true',
75                            help='use reset instead of pinreset')
76        parser.add_argument('--snr', required=False,
77                            help="""Serial number of board to use.
78                            '*' matches one or more characters/digits.""")
79        parser.add_argument('--tool-opt', default=[], action='append',
80                            help='''Additional options for nrfjprog,
81                            e.g. "--recover"''')
82        parser.add_argument('--force', required=False,
83                            action='store_true',
84                            help='Flash even if the result cannot be guaranteed.')
85        parser.add_argument('--recover', required=False,
86                            action='store_true',
87                            help='''erase all user available non-volatile
88                            memory and disable read back protection before
89                            flashing (erases flash for both cores on nRF53)''')
91    @classmethod
92    def do_create(cls, cfg, args):
93        return NrfJprogBinaryRunner(cfg, args.nrf_family, args.softreset,
94                                    args.snr, erase=args.erase,
95                                    tool_opt=args.tool_opt, force=args.force,
96                                    recover=args.recover)
98    def ensure_snr(self):
99        if not self.snr or "*" in self.snr:
100            self.snr = self.get_board_snr(self.snr or "*")
101        self.snr = self.snr.lstrip("0")
103    def get_boards(self):
104        snrs = self.check_output(['nrfjprog', '--ids'])
105        snrs = snrs.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).strip().splitlines()
106        if not snrs:
107            raise RuntimeError('"nrfjprog --ids" did not find a board; '
108                               'is the board connected?')
109        return snrs
111    @staticmethod
112    def verify_snr(snr):
113        if snr == '0':
114            raise RuntimeError('"nrfjprog --ids" returned 0; '
115                                'is a debugger already connected?')
117    def get_board_snr(self, glob):
118        # Use nrfjprog --ids to discover connected boards.
119        #
120        # If there's exactly one board connected, it's safe to assume
121        # the user wants that one. Otherwise, bail unless there are
122        # multiple boards and we are connected to a terminal, in which
123        # case use print() and input() to ask what the user wants.
125        re_glob = escape(glob).replace(r"\*", ".+")
126        snrs = [snr for snr in self.get_boards() if fullmatch(re_glob, snr)]
128        if len(snrs) == 0:
129            raise RuntimeError(
130                'There are no boards connected{}.'.format(
131                        f" matching '{glob}'" if glob != "*" else ""))
132        elif len(snrs) == 1:
133            board_snr = snrs[0]
134            self.verify_snr(board_snr)
135            print("Using board {}".format(board_snr))
136            return board_snr
137        elif not sys.stdin.isatty():
138            raise RuntimeError(
139                f'refusing to guess which of {len(snrs)} '
140                'connected boards to use. (Interactive prompts '
141                'disabled since standard input is not a terminal.) '
142                'Please specify a serial number on the command line.')
144        snrs = sorted(snrs)
145        print('There are multiple boards connected{}.'.format(
146                        f" matching '{glob}'" if glob != "*" else ""))
147        for i, snr in enumerate(snrs, 1):
148            print('{}. {}'.format(i, snr))
150        p = 'Please select one with desired serial number (1-{}): '.format(
151                len(snrs))
152        while True:
153            try:
154                value = input(p)
155            except EOFError:
156                sys.exit(0)
157            try:
158                value = int(value)
159            except ValueError:
160                continue
161            if 1 <= value <= len(snrs):
162                break
164        return snrs[value - 1]
166    def ensure_family(self):
167        # Ensure self.family is set.
169        if self.family is not None:
170            return
172        if self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF51X'):
173            self.family = 'NRF51'
174        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF52X'):
175            self.family = 'NRF52'
176        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF53X'):
177            self.family = 'NRF53'
178        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF91X'):
179            self.family = 'NRF91'
180        else:
181            raise RuntimeError(f'unknown nRF; update {__file__}')
183    def check_force_uicr(self):
184        # On SoCs without --sectoranduicrerase, we want to fail by
185        # default if the application contains UICR data and we're not sure
186        # that the flash will succeed.
188        # A map from SoCs which need this check to their UICR address
189        # ranges. If self.family isn't in here, do nothing.
190        uicr_ranges = {
191            'NRF53': ((0x00FF8000, 0x00FF8800),
192                      (0x01FF8000, 0x01FF8800)),
193            'NRF91': ((0x00FF8000, 0x00FF8800),),
194        }
196        if self.family not in uicr_ranges:
197            return
199        uicr = uicr_ranges[self.family]
201        if not self.uicr_data_ok and has_region(uicr, self.hex_):
202            # Hex file has UICR contents, and that's not OK.
203            raise RuntimeError(
204                'The hex file contains data placed in the UICR, which '
205                'needs a full erase before reprogramming. Run west '
206                'flash again with --force, --erase, or --recover.')
208    @property
209    def uicr_data_ok(self):
210        # True if it's OK to try to flash even with UICR data
211        # in the image; False otherwise.
213        return self.force or self.erase or self.recover
215    def recover_target(self):
216        if self.family == 'NRF53':
217            self.logger.info(
218                'Recovering and erasing flash memory for both the network '
219                'and application cores.')
220        else:
221            self.logger.info('Recovering and erasing all flash memory.')
223        if self.family == 'NRF53':
224            self.check_call(['nrfjprog', '--recover', '-f', self.family,
225                             '--coprocessor', 'CP_NETWORK',
226                             '--snr', self.snr])
228        self.check_call(['nrfjprog', '--recover',  '-f', self.family,
229                         '--snr', self.snr])
231    def program_hex(self):
232        # Get the nrfjprog command use to actually program self.hex_.
233        self.logger.info('Flashing file: {}'.format(self.hex_))
235        # What type of erase argument should we pass to nrfjprog?
236        if self.erase:
237            erase_arg = '--chiperase'
238        else:
239            if self.family == 'NRF52':
240                erase_arg = '--sectoranduicrerase'
241            else:
242                erase_arg = '--sectorerase'
244        # What nrfjprog commands do we need to flash this target?
245        program_commands = []
246        if self.family == 'NRF53':
247            # nRF53 requires special treatment due to the extra coprocessor.
248            self.program_hex_nrf53(erase_arg, program_commands)
249        else:
250            # It's important for tool_opt to come last, so it can override
251            # any options that we set here.
252            program_commands.append(['nrfjprog', '--program', self.hex_,
253                                     erase_arg, '-f', self.family,
254                                     '--snr', self.snr] +
255                                    self.tool_opt)
257        try:
258            for command in program_commands:
259                self.check_call(command)
260        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe:
261            if cpe.returncode == UnavailableOperationBecauseProtectionError:
262                if self.family == 'NRF53':
263                    family_help = (
264                        '  Note: your target is an nRF53; all flash memory '
265                        'for both the network and application cores will be '
266                        'erased prior to reflashing.')
267                else:
268                    family_help = (
269                        '  Note: this will recover and erase all flash memory '
270                        'prior to reflashing.')
271                self.logger.error(
272                    'Flashing failed because the target '
273                    'must be recovered.\n'
274                    '  To fix, run "west flash --recover" instead.\n' +
275                    family_help)
276            raise
278    def program_hex_nrf53(self, erase_arg, program_commands):
279        # program_hex() helper for nRF53.
281        # *********************** NOTE *******************************
282        # self.hex_ can contain code for both the application core and
283        # the network core.
284        #
285        # We can't assume, for example, that
286        # CONFIG_SOC_NRF5340_CPUAPP=y means self.hex_ only contains
287        # data for the app core's flash: the user can put arbitrary
288        # addresses into one of the files in HEX_FILES_TO_MERGE.
289        #
290        # Therefore, on this family, we may need to generate two new
291        # hex files, one for each core, and flash them individually
292        # with the correct '--coprocessor' arguments.
293        #
294        # Kind of hacky, but it works, and nrfjprog is not capable of
295        # flashing to both cores at once. If self.hex_ only affects
296        # one core's flash, then we skip the extra work to save time.
297        # ************************************************************
299        def add_program_cmd(hex_file, coprocessor):
300            program_commands.append(
301                ['nrfjprog', '--program', hex_file, erase_arg,
302                 '-f', 'NRF53', '--snr', self.snr,
303                 '--coprocessor', coprocessor] + self.tool_opt)
305        full_hex = IntelHex()
306        full_hex.loadfile(self.hex_, format='hex')
307        min_addr, max_addr = full_hex.minaddr(), full_hex.maxaddr()
309        # Base address of network coprocessor's flash. From nRF5340
310        # OPS. We should get this from DTS instead if multiple values
311        # are possible, but this is fine for now.
312        net_base = 0x01000000
314        if min_addr < net_base <= max_addr:
315            net_hex, app_hex = IntelHex(), IntelHex()
317            for start, stop in full_hex.segments():
318                segment_hex = net_hex if start >= net_base else app_hex
319                segment_hex.merge(full_hex[start:stop])
321            hex_path = Path(self.hex_)
322            hex_dir, hex_name = hex_path.parent, hex_path.name
324            net_hex_file = os.fspath(hex_dir / f'GENERATED_CP_NETWORK_{hex_name}')
325            app_hex_file = os.fspath(
326                hex_dir / f'GENERATED_CP_APPLICATION_{hex_name}')
328            self.logger.info(
329                f'{self.hex_} targets both nRF53 coprocessors; '
330                f'splitting it into: {net_hex_file} and {app_hex_file}')
332            net_hex.write_hex_file(net_hex_file)
333            app_hex.write_hex_file(app_hex_file)
335            add_program_cmd(net_hex_file, 'CP_NETWORK')
336            add_program_cmd(app_hex_file, 'CP_APPLICATION')
337        else:
338            coprocessor = 'CP_NETWORK' if max_addr >= net_base else 'CP_APPLICATION'
339            add_program_cmd(self.hex_, coprocessor)
341    def reset_target(self):
342        if self.family == 'NRF52' and not self.softreset:
343            self.check_call(['nrfjprog', '--pinresetenable', '-f', self.family,
344                             '--snr', self.snr])  # Enable pin reset
346        if self.softreset:
347            self.check_call(['nrfjprog', '--reset', '-f', self.family,
348                             '--snr', self.snr])
349        else:
350            self.check_call(['nrfjprog', '--pinreset', '-f', self.family,
351                             '--snr', self.snr])
353    def do_run(self, command, **kwargs):
354        self.require('nrfjprog')
356        self.ensure_output('hex')
357        self.ensure_snr()
358        self.ensure_family()
359        self.check_force_uicr()
361        if self.recover:
362            self.recover_target()
363        self.program_hex()
364        self.reset_target()
366        self.logger.info(f'Board with serial number {self.snr} '
367                         'flashed successfully.')