1# This file contains information on who maintains what. It is parsed by
2# get_maintainer.py.
4# File format
5# ###########
7# "Area title" (the quotes are only needed for titles with special characters,
8#  like colons):
9#     status:
10#         One of the following:
12#         * maintained:
13#             The area has a Maintainer (approved by the TSC) who
14#             looks after the area.
16#         * odd fixes:
17#            The area gets odd fixes and may have collaborators.
19#         * obsolete:
20#             Old code. Something being marked obsolete generally means it has
21#             been replaced by something better that you should be using
22#             instead.
24#     maintainers:
25#         List of GitHub handles for the people who maintain the area. Usually,
26#         there's only one maintainer.
28#     collaborators (not to be confused with the GitHub collaborator role):
29#         Very involved contributors, who know the area well and contribute
30#         significantly to it.
32#     labels:
33#         List of GitHub labels to add to pull requests that modify the area.
35#     files:
36#         List of paths and/or glob patterns giving the files in the area,
37#         relative to the root directory.
39#         If a path or glob pattern ends in a '/', it matches all files within
40#         the given directory or directories. Otherwise, an exact match is
41#         required.
43#         Paths to directories should always have a trailing '/'.
45#     files-regex:
46#         List of regular expressions applied to paths to determine if they
47#         belong to the area. The regular expression may match anywhere within
48#         the path, but can be anchored with ^ and $ as usual.
50#         Can be combined with a 'files' key.
52#         Note: Prefer plain 'files' patterns where possible. get_maintainer.py
53#         will check that they match some file, but won't check regexes
54#         (because it might be slow).
56#     files-exclude:
57#         Like 'files', but any matching files will be excluded from the area.
59#     files-regex-exclude:
60#         Like 'files-regex', but any matching files will be excluded from the
61#         area.
63#     description: >-
64#         Plain-English description. Describe what the system is about, from an
65#         outsider's perspective.
68# All areas must have a 'files' and/or 'files-regex' key. The other keys are
69# optional.
71# It is very advisable to have a `status` key in all entries. Exceptions to
72# this would be sub-areas which add extra fields (for ex. more `collaborators`
73# who work only in that sub-area) to other areas.
76# Workflow
77# ########
79# Ideally, any file in the tree will be covered by some area.
81# When a GitHub pull request is sent, this happens:
83#     * A user mentioned in 'maintainers' is added as Assignee to
84#       the pull request
86#     * Users mentioned in 'maintainers' and 'collaborators' are added as
87#       reviewers to the pull request
89#     * The labels listed in 'labels' are automatically added to the pull
90#       request
92#     * The bot posts this comment:
94#         This PR affects the following areas:
95#         <area name>:
96#           Status: ...
97#           Maintainers: <list of maintainers>
98#           Collaborators: <list of sub-maintainers>
100#         <area name>:
101#           ...
104# Changes to MAINTAINERS.yml need to be approved as follows:
106#     * Changing the 'maintainers' for an area needs approval from the
107#       Technical Steering Committee
109#     * Changing the 'collaborators' lines requires the maintainer and
110#       collaborators of that area to agree (or vote on it)
112# Areas are sorted by name
115  status: maintained
116  maintainers:
117    - najumon1980
118  files:
119    - lib/acpi/
120    - include/zephyr/acpi/
121    - tests/lib/acpi/
122    - dts/bindings/acpi/
123    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/acpi/
124  labels:
125    - "area: ACPI"
126  tests:
127    - acpi
129Antmicro platforms:
130  status: maintained
131  maintainers:
132    - fkokosinski
133    - tgorochowik
134  collaborators:
135    - kgugala
136  files:
137    - boards/antmicro/
138    - soc/antmicro/
139    - dts/arm/antmicro/
140  labels:
141    - "platform: Antmicro"
143ARC arch:
144  status: maintained
145  maintainers:
146    - ruuddw
147    - evgeniy-paltsev
148  collaborators:
149    - abrodkin
150    - tagunil
151  files:
152    - arch/arc/
153    - include/zephyr/arch/arc/
154    - drivers/timer/*arcv2*
155    - drivers/interrupt_controller/*arcv2*
156    - tests/arch/arc/
157    - dts/arc/
158    - dts/bindings/arc/
159    - doc/hardware/arch/arc-support-status.rst
160  labels:
161    - "area: ARC"
162  tests:
163    - arch.arc
165Arduino Platforms:
166  status: maintained
167  maintainers:
168    - pillo79
169  collaborators:
170    - facchinm
171  files:
172    - boards/arduino/
174ARM arch:
175  status: maintained
176  maintainers:
177    - wearyzen
178  collaborators:
179    - microbuilder
180    - carlocaione
181    - galak
182    - MaureenHelm
183    - stephanosio
184    - bbolen
185    - ithinuel
186  files:
187    - arch/arm/
188    - arch/arm/core/offsets/
189    - include/zephyr/arch/arm/
190    - tests/arch/arm/
191    - doc/hardware/arch/arm_cortex_m.rst
192    - boards/qemu/cortex_m0/
193  labels:
194    - "area: ARM"
195  tests:
196    - arch.arm
198ARM64 arch:
199  status: maintained
200  maintainers:
201    - carlocaione
202  collaborators:
203    - npitre
204    - povergoing
205    - sgrrzhf
206    - wearyzen
207    - ithinuel
208    - JiafeiPan
209  files:
210    - arch/arm64/
211    - include/zephyr/arch/arm64/
212    - tests/arch/arm64/
213    - dts/arm64/
214    - boards/qemu/kvm_arm64/
215    - boards/qemu/cortex_a53/
216  labels:
217    - "area: ARM64"
218  tests:
219    - arch.arm64
221ARM Platforms:
222  status: maintained
223  maintainers:
224    - wearyzen
225  collaborators:
226    - ithinuel
227  files:
228    - boards/arm/mps*/
229    - boards/arm/v2m_*/
230    - boards/arm/fvp_base*/
231    - soc/arm/mps*/
232    - soc/arm/musca/
233    - soc/arm/beetle/
234    - soc/arm/designstart/
235    - soc/arm/fvp_aemv8*/
236    - dts/arm/armv*.dtsi
237    - dts/bindings/arm/arm*.yaml
238    - drivers/interrupt_controller/intc_gic*
239  labels:
240    - "platform: ARM"
242ASPEED Platforms:
243  status: odd fixes
244  files:
245    - soc/aspeed/
246    - dts/arm/aspeed/
247    - drivers/*/*_ast10x0.c
248    - drivers/*/Kconfig.aspeed
249  labels:
250    - "platform: ASPEED"
253  status: odd fixes
254  files:
255    - subsys/sip_svc/
256    - tests/subsys/sip_svc/
257    - include/zephyr/sip_svc/
258    - include/zephyr/drivers/sip_svc/
259    - drivers/sip_svc/
260  labels:
261    - "area: ARM SiP SVC"
262  tests:
263    - sip_svc
265MIPS arch:
266  status: odd fixes
267  files:
268    - arch/mips/
269    - include/zephyr/arch/mips/
270    - boards/qemu/malta/
271  labels:
272    - "area: MIPS"
273  tests:
274    - arch.mips
276Ambiq Platforms:
277  status: maintained
278  maintainers:
279    - AlessandroLuo
280  collaborators:
281    - aaronyegx
282    - RichardSWheatley
283  files:
284    - soc/ambiq/
285    - boards/ambiq/apollo*/
286    - dts/arm/ambiq/
287    - dts/bindings/*/ambiq,*
288    - drivers/*/*ambiq*
289    - drivers/*/*/*ambiq*
290    - drivers/*/*/*apollo*
291  labels:
292    - "platform: Ambiq"
294BeagleBoard Platforms:
295  status: maintained
296  maintainers:
297    - jadonk
298  collaborators:
299    - ayush1325
300    - con-pax
301    - vaishnavachath
302  files:
303    - boards/beagle/
304  labels:
305    - "platform: BeagleBoard"
308  status: maintained
309  maintainers:
310    - peter-mitsis
311  collaborators:
312    - nashif
313    - dcpleung
314  files:
315    - tests/benchmarks/
316  labels:
317    - "area: Benchmarks"
319Binary Descriptors:
320  status: maintained
321  maintainers:
322    - yonsch
323  files:
324    - subsys/bindesc/
325    - include/zephyr/bindesc.h
326    - samples/subsys/bindesc/
327    - scripts/west_commands/bindesc.py
328    - tests/subsys/bindesc/
329  labels:
330    - "area: Binary Descriptors"
331  tests:
332    - bindesc
334Bluetooth HCI:
335  status: maintained
336  maintainers:
337    - jhedberg
338    - alwa-nordic
339  collaborators:
340    - hermabe
341    - Thalley
342    - sjanc
343    - theob-pro
344    - HoZHel
345    - cvinayak
346  files:
347    - include/zephyr/drivers/bluetooth/
348    - include/zephyr/drivers/bluetooth.h
349    - drivers/bluetooth/
350    - samples/bluetooth/hci_*/
351    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/hci_uart/
352    - dts/bindings/bluetooth/
353  labels:
354    - "area: Bluetooth HCI"
355    - "area: Bluetooth"
356  tests:
357    - bluetooth
359Bluetooth Controller:
360  status: maintained
361  maintainers:
362    - cvinayak
363  collaborators:
364    - carlescufi
365    - thoh-ot
366    - ppryga
367    - mtpr-ot
368    - wopu-ot
369    - erbr-ot
370  files:
371    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/bluetooth-ctlr-arch.rst
372    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/img/ctlr*
373    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/api/controller.rst
374    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/controller.h
375    - subsys/bluetooth/common/
376    - subsys/bluetooth/controller/
377    - subsys/bluetooth/crypto/
378    - tests/bluetooth/controller/
379    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/ll/
380  labels:
381    - "area: Bluetooth Controller"
382    - "area: Bluetooth"
383  tests:
384    - bluetooth.controller
386Bluetooth Host:
387  status: maintained
388  maintainers:
389    - jhedberg
390    - alwa-nordic
391  collaborators:
392    - hermabe
393    - rugeGerritsen
394    - sjanc
395    - Thalley
396    - theob-pro
397    - cvinayak
398  files:
399    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/
400    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/
401    - samples/bluetooth/
402    - subsys/bluetooth/common/
403    - subsys/bluetooth/crypto/
404    - subsys/bluetooth/host/
405    - subsys/bluetooth/lib/
406    - subsys/bluetooth/services/
407    - subsys/bluetooth/CMakeLists.txt
408    - subsys/bluetooth/Kconfig*
409    - tests/bluetooth/
410    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/
411  files-exclude:
412    - subsys/bluetooth/host/classic/
413    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/audio/
414    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/classic/
415    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/
416    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/iso.h
417    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/controller.h
418    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh.h
419    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/bluetooth-ctlr-arch.rst
420    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/autopts/
421    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/img/ctlr*
422    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/api/audio/
423    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/api/mesh/
424    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/api/controller.rst
425    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/shell/classic/a2dp.rst
426    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/shell/host/iso.rst
427    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/shell/audio/
428    - samples/bluetooth/bap*/
429    - samples/bluetooth/cap*/
430    - samples/bluetooth/ccp*/
431    - samples/bluetooth/hap*/
432    - samples/bluetooth/hci_*/
433    - samples/bluetooth/pbp*/
434    - samples/bluetooth/tmap*/
435    - samples/bluetooth/iso_*/
436    - samples/bluetooth/mesh*/
437    - subsys/bluetooth/host/iso.c
438    - subsys/bluetooth/host/iso_internal.h
439    - subsys/bluetooth/host/shell/iso.c
440    - tests/bluetooth/audio/
441    - tests/bluetooth/controller/
442    - tests/bluetooth/mesh*/
443    - tests/bluetooth/qualification/
444    - tests/bluetooth/shell/audio.conf
445    - tests/bluetooth/shell/mesh.conf
446    - tests/bluetooth/tester/
447    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/audio/
448    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/audio_samples/
449    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/hci_uart/
450    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/ll/
451    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/mesh/
452  labels:
453    - "area: Bluetooth Host"
454    - "area: Bluetooth"
456Bluetooth Mesh:
457  status: maintained
458  maintainers:
459    - PavelVPV
460  collaborators:
461    - jhedberg
462    - LingaoM
463    - alxelax
464    - Andrewpini
465    - akredalen
466    - HaavardRei
467    - omkar3141
468    - KyraLengfeld
469  files:
470    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/api/mesh/
471    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/
472    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh.h
473    - samples/bluetooth/mesh*/
474    - subsys/bluetooth/mesh/
475    - tests/bluetooth/mesh*/
476    - tests/bluetooth/shell/mesh.conf
477    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/mesh/
478  labels:
479    - "area: Bluetooth Mesh"
480    - "area: Bluetooth"
481  tests:
482    - bluetooth.mesh
484Bluetooth Audio:
485  status: maintained
486  maintainers:
487    - Thalley
488  collaborators:
489    - jhedberg
490    - Casper-Bonde-Bose
491    - MariuszSkamra
492    - sjanc
493    - asbjornsabo
494    - fredrikdanebjer
495    - larsgk
496    - pin-zephyr
497    - niym-ot
498    - jthm-ot
499    - babrsn
500  files:
501    - subsys/bluetooth/audio/
502    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/audio/
503    - tests/bluetooth/audio/
504    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/audio/
505    - tests/bsim/bluetooth/audio_samples/
506    - tests/bluetooth/shell/audio.conf
507    - tests/bluetooth/tester/overlay-le-audio.conf
508    - tests/bluetooth/tester/src/audio/
509    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/api/audio/
510    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/shell/audio/
511    - samples/bluetooth/bap*/
512    - samples/bluetooth/cap*/
513    - samples/bluetooth/ccp*/
514    - samples/bluetooth/hap*/
515    - samples/bluetooth/pbp*/
516    - samples/bluetooth/tmap*/
517  labels:
518    - "area: Bluetooth Audio"
519    - "area: Bluetooth"
520  tests:
521    - bluetooth.audio
523Bluetooth Classic:
524  status: maintained
525  maintainers:
526    - lylezhu2012
527  collaborators:
528    - jhedberg
529    - MarkWangChinese
530    - gzh-terry
531    - makeshi
532  files:
533    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/shell/classic/a2dp.rst
534    - subsys/bluetooth/common/
535    - subsys/bluetooth/host/classic/
536    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/classic/
537  labels:
538    - "area: Bluetooth Classic"
539    - "area: Bluetooth"
540  tests:
541    - bluetooth
543Bluetooth ISO:
544  status: maintained
545  maintainers:
546    - Thalley
547  collaborators:
548    - jhedberg
549    - rugeGerritsen
550    - cvinayak
551  files:
552    - include/zephyr/bluetooth/iso.h
553    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/shell/host/iso.rst
554    - samples/bluetooth/iso_*/
555    - subsys/bluetooth/host/iso.c
556    - subsys/bluetooth/host/iso_internal.h
557    - subsys/bluetooth/host/shell/iso.c
558  labels:
559    - "area: Bluetooth ISO"
560    - "area: Bluetooth"
561  tests:
562    - bluetooth
564Bluetooth Qualification:
565  status: maintained
566  maintainers:
567    - sjanc
568  collaborators:
569    - Thalley
570    - jhedberg
571  files:
572    - doc/connectivity/bluetooth/autopts/
573    - tests/bluetooth/qualification/
574    - tests/bluetooth/tester/
575  labels:
576    - "area: Bluetooth Qualification"
577    - "area: Bluetooth"
578  tests:
579    - bluetooth
582  status: odd fixes
583  files:
584    - tests/boot/
585  labels:
586    - "area: Bootloader"
587  tests:
588    - bootloader
590Build system:
591  status: maintained
592  maintainers:
593    - tejlmand
594  collaborators:
595    - jeremybettis
596    - nashif
597    - nordicjm
598    - "57300"
599  files:
600    - cmake/
601    - CMakeLists.txt
602    - scripts/zephyr_module.py
603    - share/
604    - doc/build/
605    - doc/develop/modules.rst
606    - scripts/build/
607    - tests/cmake/
608    - misc/empty_file.c
609    - misc/generated/
610    - snippets/
611    - modules/Kconfig.sysbuild
612    - scripts/list_boards.py
613    - scripts/list_hardware.py
614    - scripts/schemas/*-schema.yml
615  labels:
616    - "area: Build System"
617  tests:
618    - buildsystem
620Board/SoC configuration:
621  status: maintained
622  maintainers:
623    - tejlmand
624  collaborators:
625    - galak
626    - nashif
627    - nordicjm
628    - "57300"
629  files:
630    - soc/Kconfig*
631    - boards/Kconfig*
632  labels:
633    - "area: Board/SoC configuration"
636  status: maintained
637  maintainers:
638    - stephanosio
639  collaborators:
640    - alexanderwachter
641    - cfriedt
642  files:
643    - lib/cpp/
644    - tests/lib/cpp/
645    - samples/cpp/
646  labels:
647    - "area: C++"
648  tests:
649    - cpp
652  status: maintained
653  maintainers:
654    - carlocaione
655  collaborators:
656    - nashif
657  files:
658    - include/zephyr/drivers/cache.h
659    - include/zephyr/cache.h
660    - doc/hardware/cache/index.rst
661    - drivers/cache/
662    - tests/kernel/cache/
663  labels:
664    - "area: Cache"
665  tests:
666    - kernel.cache
668C library:
669  status: maintained
670  maintainers:
671    - stephanosio
672  collaborators:
673    - aescolar
674    - nashif
675    - keith-packard
676    - cfriedt
677  files:
678    - lib/libc/
679    - tests/lib/c_lib/
680    - tests/lib/newlib/
681  labels:
682    - "area: C Library"
683  tests:
684    - libraries.libc
686CMSIS API layer:
687  status: odd fixes
688  collaborators:
689    - nashif
690  files:
691    - subsys/portability/
692    - include/zephyr/portability/cmsis*
693    - samples/subsys/portability/cmsis_rtos_v*/
694    - tests/subsys/portability/cmsis_rtos_v*/
695    - doc/services/portability/cmsis*
696  labels:
697    - "area: CMSIS API Layer"
698    - "area: Portability"
699  tests:
700    - portability.cmsis_rtos_v1
701    - portability.cmsis_rtos_v2
704  status: maintained
705  maintainers:
706    - jfischer-no
707  collaborators:
708    - maxd-nordic
709  files:
710    - include/zephyr/drivers/swdp.h
711    - drivers/dp/
712    - subsys/dap/
713    - samples/subsys/dap/
714  description: >-
715    Debug Access Port controller
716  labels:
717    - "area: dap"
719DSP subsystem:
720  status: maintained
721  maintainers:
722    - stephanosio
723    - yperess
724  files:
725    - subsys/dsp/
726    - tests/subsys/dsp/
727    - include/zephyr/dsp/dsp.h
728    - include/zephyr/dsp/types.h
729    - include/zephyr/dsp/
730    - doc/services/dsp/
731  labels:
732    - "area: DSP"
733  tests:
734    - zdsp
736CMSIS-DSP integration:
737  status: maintained
738  maintainers:
739    - stephanosio
740  collaborators:
741    - galak
742    - XenuIsWatching
743  files:
744    - modules/cmsis-dsp/
745    - tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/
746    - tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/
747  labels:
748    - "area: CMSIS-DSP"
749  tests:
750    - libraries.cmsis_dsp
752CMSIS-NN integration:
753  status: maintained
754  maintainers:
755    - JordanYates
756  collaborators:
757    - stephanosio
758    - XenuIsWatching
759  files:
760    - modules/cmsis-nn/
761    - tests/lib/cmsis_nn/
762  labels:
763    - "area: CMSIS-NN"
764  tests:
765    - libraries.cmsis_nn
767Coding Guidelines:
768  status: maintained
769  maintainers:
770    - keith-zephyr
771  collaborators:
772    - nashif
773    - carlescufi
774    - jfischer-no
775    - simhein
776  files:
777    - .checkpatch.conf
778    - .clang-format
779    - .editorconfig
780    - .gitlint
781    - .yamllint
782    - doc/contribute/guidelines.rst
783    - doc/contribute/coding_guidelines/
784    - scripts/checkpatch.pl
785    - scripts/checkpatch/
786    - scripts/ci/check_compliance.py
787    - scripts/ci/guideline_check.py
788    - scripts/ci/pylintrc
789    - scripts/coccicheck
790    - scripts/coccinelle/
791    - scripts/gitlint/
792    - scripts/pylint/
793    - scripts/spelling.txt
794  labels:
795    - "area: Coding Guidelines"
797Common Architecture Interface:
798  status: maintained
799  maintainers:
800    - dcpleung
801    - nashif
802  files:
803    - arch/Kconfig
804    - include/zephyr/arch/
805    - arch/common/
806    - include/zephyr/arch/common/
807    - tests/arch/common/
808    - doc/hardware/porting/arch.rst
809  labels:
810    - "area: Architectures"
811  tests:
812    - arch
815  status: odd fixes
816  files:
817    - include/zephyr/console/
818    - subsys/console/
819  labels:
820    - "area: Console"
821  tests:
822    - sample.console
825  status: maintained
826  maintainers:
827    - nashif
828  collaborators:
829    - dcpleung
830    - mrkhldn
831  files:
832    - include/zephyr/debug/
833    - subsys/debug/
834    - tests/subsys/debug/
835    - scripts/coredump/
836    - samples/subsys/debug/
837    - doc/services/debugging/
838  labels:
839    - "area: Debugging"
840  tests:
841    - debug
843"Debug: Profiling: Perf":
844  status: odd fixes
845  files:
846    - doc/services/profiling/perf.rst
847    - samples/subsys/profiling/perf/
848    - scripts/profiling/stackcollapse.py
849    - subsys/profiling/perf/
850  labels:
851    - "area: Profiling / Perf"
852  tests:
853    - debug.profiling.perf
855"Debug: Symtab":
856  status: maintained
857  maintainers:
858    - ycsin
859  files:
860    - include/zephyr/debug/symtab.h
861    - subsys/debug/symtab/
862    - tests/subsys/debug/symtab/
863    - scripts/build/gen_symtab.py
864  labels:
865    - "area: Symtab"
866  tests:
867    - debug.symtab
869Demand Paging:
870  status: maintained
871  maintainers:
872    - dcpleung
873  collaborators:
874    - ceolin
875    - peter-mitsis
876    - nashif
877  files:
878    - subsys/demand_paging/
879    - tests/kernel/mem_protect/demand_paging/
880  tests:
881    - kernel.demand_paging
883Device Driver Model:
884  status: maintained
885  maintainers:
886    - gmarull
887    - tbursztyka
888  collaborators:
889    - dcpleung
890    - nashif
891  files:
892    - include/zephyr/device.h
893    - kernel/device.c
894    - include/zephyr/init.h
895    - tests/kernel/device/
896    - doc/kernel/drivers/
897    - tests/misc/check_init_priorities/
898  labels:
899    - "area: Device Model"
900  tests:
901    - kernel.device
902    - init
905  status: maintained
906  maintainers:
907    - de-nordic
908    - nordicjm
909  files:
910    - include/zephyr/dfu/
911    - subsys/dfu/
912    - tests/subsys/dfu/
913  labels:
914    - "area: DFU"
915  tests:
916    - dfu
919  status: maintained
920  maintainers:
921    - mbolivar
922  collaborators:
923    - decsny
924    - galak
925    - rruuaanng
926  files-regex:
927    - ^dts/bindings/.*zephyr.*
928    - ^dts/bindings/[^,]+$
929  files:
930    - scripts/dts/
931    - dts/common/
932    - tests/lib/devicetree/
933    - doc/build/dts/
934    - include/zephyr/devicetree/
935    - scripts/kconfig/kconfigfunctions.py
936    - doc/build/kconfig/preprocessor-functions.rst
937    - include/zephyr/devicetree.h
938    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/dt-util.h
939    - dts/binding-template.yaml
940    - dts/bindings/base/
941  files-exclude:
942    - dts/common/nordic/
943  labels:
944    - "area: Devicetree"
945  tests:
946    - libraries.devicetree
949  status: maintained
950  maintainers:
951    - danieldegrasse
952  collaborators:
953    - jfischer-no
954    - decsny
955  files:
956    - include/zephyr/storage/disk_access.h
957    - include/zephyr/drivers/disk.h
958    - drivers/disk/
959    - subsys/disk/
960    - subsys/sd/
961    - tests/subsys/sd/
962    - tests/drivers/disk/
963    - tests/drivers/build_all/disk/
964    - include/zephyr/sd/
965    - dts/bindings/sd/
966    - dts/bindings/mmc/
967    - dts/bindings/disk/
968  labels:
969    - "area: Disk Access"
970  tests:
971    - drivers.disk
973Display drivers:
974  status: odd fixes
975  collaborators:
976    - jfischer-no
977    - danieldegrasse
978  files:
979    - drivers/display/
980    - dts/bindings/display/
981    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/display/
982    - include/zephyr/drivers/display.h
983    - include/zephyr/display/
984    - include/zephyr/drivers/display.h
985    - subsys/fb/
986    - samples/subsys/display/
987    - tests/subsys/display/
988    - doc/hardware/peripherals/display/
989    - tests/drivers/*/display/
990  labels:
991    - "area: Display"
992  tests:
993    - display.cfb
994    - drivers.display
997  status: maintained
998  maintainers:
999    - kartben
1000    - carlescufi
1001  collaborators:
1002    - nashif
1003  files:
1004    - CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
1005    - CONTRIBUTING.rst
1006    - doc/glossary.rst
1007    - doc/contribute/
1008    - doc/develop/
1009    - doc/introduction/
1010    - doc/project/
1011    - doc/releases/
1012    - doc/security/
1013    - doc/safety/
1014    - README.rst
1015    - doc/substitutions.txt
1016    - doc/images/Zephyr-Kite-in-tree.png
1017    - doc/index-tex.rst
1018    - doc/index.rst
1019    - doc/kconfig.rst
1020    - doc/templates/sample.tmpl
1021    - doc/templates/board.tmpl
1022    - boards/index.rst
1023  files-exclude:
1024    - doc/releases/migration-guide-*
1025    - doc/releases/release-notes-*
1026    - doc/develop/test/
1027  labels:
1028    - "area: Documentation"
1030Documentation Infrastructure:
1031  status: maintained
1032  maintainers:
1033    - gmarull
1034    - kartben
1035  collaborators:
1036    - carlescufi
1037    - nashif
1038  files:
1039    - doc/_*/
1040    - doc/CMakeLists.txt
1041    - doc/conf.py
1042    - doc/Makefile
1043    - doc/zephyr.doxyfile.in
1044  labels:
1045    - "area: Documentation Infrastructure"
1047Release Notes:
1048  status: maintained
1049  maintainers:
1050    - fabiobaltieri
1051    - kartben
1052  collaborators:
1053    - kartben
1054  files:
1055    - doc/releases/migration-guide-*
1056    - doc/releases/release-notes-*
1057  labels:
1058    - "Release Notes"
1060"Drivers: ADC":
1061  status: maintained
1062  maintainers:
1063    - anangl
1064  files:
1065    - drivers/adc/
1066    - include/zephyr/drivers/adc.h
1067    - tests/drivers/adc/
1068    - samples/drivers/adc/
1069    - include/zephyr/drivers/adc/
1070    - doc/hardware/peripherals/adc.rst
1071    - tests/drivers/build_all/adc/
1072    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/adc/
1073    - dts/bindings/adc/
1074  labels:
1075    - "area: ADC"
1076  tests:
1077    - drivers.adc
1079"Drivers: Audio":
1080  status: odd fixes
1081  collaborators:
1082    - lyakh
1083    - lgirdwood
1084    - kv2019i
1085  files:
1086    - drivers/audio/
1087    - include/zephyr/audio/
1088    - doc/hardware/peripherals/audio/
1089  labels:
1090    - "area: Audio"
1092"Drivers: bbram":
1093  status: maintained
1094  maintainers:
1095    - yperess
1096  files:
1097    - tests/drivers/bbram/
1098    - tests/drivers/build_all/bbram/
1099    - drivers/bbram/
1100    - include/zephyr/drivers/bbram.h
1101    - doc/hardware/peripherals/bbram.rst
1102  labels:
1103    - "area: Battery Backed RAM (bbram)"
1104  tests:
1105    - drivers.bbram
1107"Drivers: Aux display":
1108  status: maintained
1109  maintainers:
1110    - thedjnK
1111  collaborators:
1112    - xingrz
1113  files:
1114    - include/zephyr/drivers/auxdisplay.h
1115    - drivers/auxdisplay/*
1116    - dts/bindings/auxdisplay/*
1117    - doc/hardware/peripherals/auxdisplay.rst
1118  labels:
1119    - "area: Aux display"
1120  tests:
1121    - sample.drivers.auxdisplay
1123"Drivers: CAN":
1124  status: maintained
1125  maintainers:
1126    - henrikbrixandersen
1127  collaborators:
1128    - alexanderwachter
1129    - martinjaeger
1130    - str4t0m
1131  files:
1132    - boards/shields/mcp2515/
1133    - boards/shields/tcan4550evm/
1134    - doc/connectivity/canbus/
1135    - doc/hardware/peripherals/can/
1136    - drivers/can/
1137    - drivers/net/canbus.c
1138    - dts/bindings/can/
1139    - dts/bindings/phy/can-transceiver*
1140    - include/zephyr/canbus/
1141    - include/zephyr/devicetree/can.h
1142    - include/zephyr/drivers/can.h
1143    - include/zephyr/drivers/can/
1144    - include/zephyr/net/canbus.h
1145    - include/zephyr/net/socketcan*.h
1146    - samples/drivers/can/
1147    - samples/modules/canopennode/
1148    - samples/net/sockets/can/
1149    - samples/subsys/canbus/
1150    - scripts/west_commands/runners/canopen_program.py
1151    - subsys/canbus/
1152    - subsys/net/l2/canbus/
1153    - tests/drivers/build_all/can/
1154    - tests/drivers/can/
1155    - tests/net/socket/can/
1156    - tests/subsys/canbus/
1157  labels:
1158    - "area: CAN"
1159  tests:
1160    - drivers.can
1161    - canbus
1163"Drivers: Charger":
1164  status: maintained
1165  maintainers:
1166    - rriveramcrus
1167  collaborators:
1168    - RobertZ2011
1169  files:
1170    - drivers/charger/
1171    - dts/bindings/charger/
1172    - include/zephyr/drivers/charger.h
1173    - tests/drivers/charger/
1174    - doc/hardware/peripherals/charger.rst
1175    - tests/drivers/build_all/charger/
1176    - samples/drivers/charger/
1177  labels:
1178    - "area: Charger"
1179  tests:
1180    - drivers.charger
1182"Drivers: Clock control":
1183  status: maintained
1184  maintainers:
1185    - nordic-krch
1186  files:
1187    - drivers/clock_control/
1188    - dts/bindings/clock/
1189    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/clock/
1190    - include/zephyr/drivers/clock_control.h
1191    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/clock/
1192    - tests/drivers/clock_control/
1193    - include/zephyr/drivers/clock_control/
1194    - doc/hardware/peripherals/clock_control.rst
1195  labels:
1196    - "area: Clock control"
1197  tests:
1198    - drivers.clock
1200"Drivers: Comparator":
1201  status: maintained
1202  maintainers:
1203    - bjarki-andreasen
1204  files:
1205    - drivers/comparator/
1206    - dts/bindings/comparator/
1207    - include/zephyr/drivers/comparator.h
1208    - include/zephyr/drivers/comparator/
1209    - tests/drivers/build_all/comparator/
1210    - tests/drivers/comparator/
1211    - doc/hardware/peripherals/comparator.rst
1212  labels:
1213    - "area: Comparator"
1214  tests:
1215    - drivers.comparator
1217"Drivers: Console":
1218  status: odd fixes
1219  files:
1220    - drivers/console/
1221    - include/zephyr/drivers/console/
1222    - tests/drivers/console/
1223    - samples/subsys/console/
1224  labels:
1225    - "area: Console"
1226  tests:
1227    - drivers.console
1229"Drivers: Coredump":
1230  status: maintained
1231  maintainers:
1232    - mrkhldn
1233  files:
1234    - drivers/coredump/
1235    - dts/bindings/coredump/
1236    - include/zephyr/drivers/coredump.h
1237    - tests/drivers/coredump/
1238    - doc/hardware/peripherals/coredump.rst
1239  labels:
1240    - "area: Coredump"
1241  tests:
1242    - debug.codedump
1244"Drivers: Counter":
1245  status: maintained
1246  maintainers:
1247    - nordic-krch
1248  files:
1249    - drivers/counter/
1250    - include/zephyr/drivers/counter.h
1251    - tests/drivers/counter/
1252    - doc/hardware/peripherals/counter.rst
1253    - samples/drivers/counter/
1254    - tests/drivers/build_all/counter/
1255  labels:
1256    - "area: Counter"
1257  tests:
1258    - drivers.counter
1260"Drivers: Crypto":
1261  status: maintained
1262  maintainers:
1263    - ceolin
1264  collaborators:
1265    - valeriosetti
1266  files:
1267    - drivers/crypto/
1268    - dts/bindings/crypto/
1269    - include/zephyr/crypto/
1270    - samples/drivers/crypto/
1271    - tests/crypto/
1272    - doc/services/crypto/
1273    - tests/drivers/build_all/crypto/
1274  labels:
1275    - "area: Crypto / RNG"
1276  tests:
1277    - crypto
1279"Drivers: DAC":
1280  status: maintained
1281  maintainers:
1282    - martinjaeger
1283  files:
1284    - drivers/dac/
1285    - include/zephyr/drivers/dac.h
1286    - dts/bindings/dac/
1287    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/dac/
1288    - tests/drivers/dac/
1289    - samples/drivers/dac/
1290    - doc/hardware/peripherals/dac.rst
1291    - tests/drivers/build_all/dac/
1292  labels:
1293    - "area: DAC"
1294  tests:
1295    - drivers.dac
1297"Drivers: DAI":
1298  status: maintained
1299  maintainers:
1300    - kv2019i
1301    - LaurentiuM1234
1302  collaborators:
1303    - lgirdwood
1304    - juimonen
1305    - iuliana-prodan
1306    - dbaluta
1307  files:
1308    - drivers/dai/
1309    - doc/hardware/peripherals/audio/dai.rst
1310    - include/zephyr/drivers/dai.h
1311    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/dai/
1312    - dts/bindings/dai/
1313  labels:
1314    - "area: DAI"
1316"Drivers: Devmux":
1317  status: maintained
1318  maintainers:
1319    - cfriedt
1320  files:
1321    - drivers/misc/devmux/
1322    - include/zephyr/drivers/misc/devmux/
1323    - tests/drivers/console_switching/
1324  labels:
1325    - "area: Devmux"
1326  tests:
1327    - drivers.devmux
1329"Drivers: DMA":
1330  status: maintained
1331  maintainers:
1332    - teburd
1333  files:
1334    - drivers/dma/
1335    - tests/drivers/dma/
1336    - include/zephyr/drivers/dma/
1337    - dts/bindings/dma/
1338    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/dma/
1339    - doc/hardware/peripherals/dma.rst
1340    - include/zephyr/drivers/dma.h
1341    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/dma/
1342  labels:
1343    - "area: DMA"
1344  tests:
1345    - drivers.dma
1347"Drivers: EDAC":
1348  status: maintained
1349  maintainers:
1350    - finikorg
1351  files:
1352    - drivers/edac/
1353    - dts/bindings/edac/
1354    - include/zephyr/drivers/edac.h
1355    - samples/subsys/edac/
1356    - tests/subsys/edac/
1357    - doc/hardware/peripherals/edac/
1358  labels:
1359    - "area: EDAC"
1360  tests:
1361    - edac
1363"Drivers: EEPROM":
1364  status: maintained
1365  maintainers:
1366    - henrikbrixandersen
1367  files:
1368    - drivers/eeprom/
1369    - include/zephyr/drivers/eeprom/eeprom_fake.h
1370    - dts/bindings/mtd/*eeprom*
1371    - include/zephyr/drivers/eeprom.h
1372    - samples/drivers/eeprom/
1373    - tests/drivers/eeprom/
1374    - tests/drivers/*/eeprom/
1375    - doc/hardware/peripherals/eeprom/
1376  labels:
1377    - "area: EEPROM"
1378  tests:
1379    - drivers.eeprom
1381"Drivers: Entropy":
1382  status: maintained
1383  maintainers:
1384    - ceolin
1385  collaborators:
1386    - tomi-font
1387  files:
1388    - drivers/entropy/
1389    - include/zephyr/drivers/entropy.h
1390    - tests/drivers/entropy/
1391    - doc/hardware/peripherals/entropy.rst
1392  labels:
1393    - "area: Crypto / RNG"
1394  tests:
1395    - drivers.entropy
1397"Drivers: ESPI":
1398  status: maintained
1399  maintainers:
1400    - albertofloyd
1401  collaborators:
1402    - VenkatKotakonda
1403    - jvasanth1
1404  files:
1405    - drivers/espi/
1406    - include/zephyr/drivers/espi.h
1407    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/espi/
1408    - samples/drivers/espi/
1409    - dts/bindings/espi/
1410    - doc/hardware/peripherals/espi.rst
1411    - include/zephyr/drivers/espi_saf.h
1412    - tests/drivers/espi/
1413  labels:
1414    - "area: eSPI"
1415  tests:
1416    - sample.drivers.espi
1417    - drivers.espi
1419"Drivers: Ethernet":
1420  status: maintained
1421  maintainers:
1422    - maass-hamburg
1423  collaborators:
1424    - decsny
1425    - lmajewski
1426    - pdgendt
1427  files:
1428    - drivers/ethernet/
1429    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/ethernet/
1430    - tests/drivers/build_all/ethernet/
1431    - dts/bindings/ethernet/
1432    - tests/drivers/ethernet/
1433    - include/zephyr/drivers/ethernet/
1434    - include/zephyr/net/phy.h
1435    - include/zephyr/net/ethernet.h
1436  labels:
1437    - "area: Ethernet"
1438  tests:
1439    - net.ethernet
1441"Drivers: Flash":
1442  status: maintained
1443  maintainers:
1444    - de-nordic
1445  collaborators:
1446    - rghaddab
1447  files:
1448    - drivers/flash/
1449    - dts/bindings/flash_controller/
1450    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/flash_controller/
1451    - include/zephyr/drivers/flash.h
1452    - samples/drivers/flash_shell/
1453    - samples/drivers/soc_flash_nrf/
1454    - tests/drivers/flash/
1455    - doc/hardware/peripherals/flash.rst
1456    - include/zephyr/drivers/flash/
1457    - tests/drivers/flash_simulator/
1458    - tests/drivers/build_all/flash/
1459  labels:
1460    - "area: Flash"
1461  tests:
1462    - drivers.flash
1464"Drivers: FPGA":
1465  status: maintained
1466  maintainers:
1467    - cfriedt
1468  collaborators:
1469    - tgorochowik
1470    - fkokosinski
1471    - msierszulski
1472  files:
1473    - drivers/fpga/
1474    - dts/bindings/fpga/
1475    - include/zephyr/drivers/fpga.h
1476    - samples/drivers/fpga/
1477    - tests/drivers/build_all/fpga/
1478  labels:
1479    - "area: FPGA"
1480  tests:
1481    - drivers.fpga
1483"Drivers: Fuel Gauge":
1484  status: maintained
1485  maintainers:
1486    - aaronemassey
1487    - teburd
1488  files:
1489    - drivers/fuel_gauge/
1490    - dts/bindings/fuel-gauge/
1491    - include/zephyr/drivers/fuel_gauge.h
1492    - tests/drivers/fuel_gauge/
1493    - doc/hardware/peripherals/fuel_gauge.rst
1494  labels:
1495    - "area: Fuel Gauge"
1496  tests:
1497    - drivers.fuel_gauge
1499"Drivers: GPIO":
1500  status: odd fixes
1501  collaborators:
1502    - henrikbrixandersen
1503    - mnkp
1504  files:
1505    - doc/hardware/peripherals/gpio.rst
1506    - drivers/gpio/
1507    - dts/bindings/gpio/
1508    - include/zephyr/drivers/gpio/
1509    - include/zephyr/drivers/gpio.h
1510    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/gpio/
1511    - tests/drivers/gpio/
1512    - tests/drivers/build_all/gpio/
1513  labels:
1514    - "area: GPIO"
1515  tests:
1516    - drivers.gpio
1518"Drivers: GNSS":
1519  status: maintained
1520  maintainers:
1521    - bjarki-andreasen
1522  collaborators:
1523    - tomi-font
1524    - fabiobaltieri
1525  files:
1526    - doc/hardware/peripherals/gnss.rst
1527    - drivers/gnss/
1528    - include/zephyr/data/navigation.h
1529    - include/zephyr/drivers/gnss.h
1530    - include/zephyr/drivers/gnss/
1531    - dts/bindings/gnss/
1532    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/gnss/
1533    - tests/drivers/build_all/gnss/
1534    - tests/drivers/gnss/
1535  labels:
1536    - "area: GNSS"
1537  tests:
1538    - drivers.gnss
1540"Drivers: Haptics":
1541  status: maintained
1542  maintainers:
1543    - rriveramcrus
1544  files:
1545    - drivers/haptics/
1546    - dts/bindings/haptics/
1547    - include/zephyr/drivers/haptics.h
1548    - doc/hardware/peripherals/haptics.rst
1549    - tests/drivers/build_all/haptics/
1550    - samples/drivers/haptics/
1551  labels:
1552    - "area: Haptics"
1553  tests:
1554    - drivers.haptics
1556"Drivers: HW Info":
1557  status: maintained
1558  maintainers:
1559    - alexanderwachter
1560  files:
1561    - drivers/hwinfo/
1562    - dts/bindings/hwinfo/
1563    - include/zephyr/drivers/hwinfo.h
1564    - tests/drivers/hwinfo/
1565    - doc/hardware/peripherals/hwinfo.rst
1566  labels:
1567    - "area: HWINFO"
1568  tests:
1569    - drivers.hwinfo
1571"Drivers: Hardware Spinlock":
1572  status: odd fixes
1573  files:
1574    - drivers/hwspinlock/
1575    - dts/bindings/hwspinlock/
1576    - include/zephyr/drivers/hwspinlock.h
1577  labels:
1578    - "area: Hardware Spinlock"
1580"Drivers: I2C":
1581  status: maintained
1582  maintainers:
1583    - teburd
1584  files:
1585    - drivers/i2c/
1586    - include/zephyr/drivers/i2c/
1587    - dts/bindings/i2c/
1588    - include/zephyr/drivers/i2c.h
1589    - tests/drivers/i2c/
1590    - doc/hardware/peripherals/i2c.rst
1591    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/i2c/
1592    - tests/boards/*/i2c/
1593    - tests/drivers/*/i2c/
1594    - samples/drivers/i2c/
1595  labels:
1596    - "area: I2C"
1597  tests:
1598    - drivers.i2c
1600"Drivers: I2S":
1601  status: maintained
1602  maintainers:
1603    - anangl
1604  files:
1605    - doc/hardware/peripherals/audio/i2s.rst
1606    - drivers/i2s/
1607    - dts/bindings/i2s/
1608    - include/zephyr/drivers/i2s.h
1609    - tests/drivers/i2s/
1610    - samples/drivers/i2s/
1611  labels:
1612    - "area: I2S"
1613  tests:
1614    - drivers.i2s
1616"Drivers: I3C":
1617  status: maintained
1618  maintainers:
1619    - dcpleung
1620  collaborators:
1621    - XenuIsWatching
1622  files:
1623    - drivers/i3c/
1624    - dts/bindings/i3c/
1625    - include/zephyr/drivers/i3c.h
1626    - include/zephyr/drivers/i3c/
1627    - doc/hardware/peripherals/i3c.rst
1628    - tests/drivers/build_all/i3c/
1629  labels:
1630    - "area: I3C"
1631  tests:
1632    - drivers.i3c
1634"Drivers: IEEE 802.15.4":
1635  status: odd fixes
1636  collaborators:
1637    - rlubos
1638    - ankuns
1639    - cfriedt
1640    - jukkar
1641  files:
1642    - drivers/ieee802154/
1643    - include/zephyr/drivers/ieee802154/
1644    - include/zephyr/net/ieee802154_radio.h
1645    - tests/drivers/build_all/ieee802154/
1646  labels:
1647    - "area: IEEE 802.15.4"
1648  tests:
1649    - drivers.ieee802154
1651"Drivers: Mbox":
1652  status: maintained
1653  maintainers:
1654    - carlocaione
1655  collaborators:
1656    - wearyzen
1657    - ithinuel
1658  files:
1659    - include/zephyr/drivers/mbox.h
1660    - drivers/mbox/
1661    - samples/drivers/mbox/
1662    - dts/bindings/mbox/
1663    - doc/hardware/peripherals/mbox.rst
1664  labels:
1665    - "area: mbox"
1666  tests:
1667    - sample.drivers.mbox
1669"Drivers: MEMC":
1670  status: odd fixes
1671  files:
1672    - drivers/memc/
1673    - samples/drivers/memc/
1674    - tests/drivers/memc/
1675    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/memory-controller/
1676    - dts/bindings/memory-controllers/
1677  labels:
1678    - "area: MEMC"
1679  tests:
1680    - samples.drivers.memc
1681    - drivers.memc
1683"Drivers: MDIO":
1684  status: odd fixes
1685  collaborators:
1686    - decsny
1687    - maass-hamburg
1688  files:
1689    - doc/hardware/peripherals/mdio.rst
1690    - drivers/mdio/
1691    - include/zephyr/drivers/mdio.h
1692    - include/zephyr/net/mdio.h
1693    - tests/drivers/build_all/mdio/
1694    - dts/bindings/mdio/
1695  labels:
1696    - "area: MDIO"
1697  tests:
1698    - drivers.mdio
1700"Drivers: MIPI-DSI":
1701  status: odd fixes
1702  files:
1703    - drivers/mipi_dsi/
1704    - doc/hardware/peripherals/mipi_dsi.rst
1705    - include/zephyr/drivers/mipi_dsi.h
1706    - include/zephyr/drivers/mipi_dsi/
1707    - tests/drivers/mipi_dsi/
1708    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/mipi_dsi/
1709    - dts/bindings/mipi-dsi/
1710  labels:
1711    - "area: MIPI-DSI"
1712  tests:
1713    - drivers.mipi_dsi
1715"Drivers: MSPI":
1716  status: maintained
1717  maintainers:
1718    - swift-tk
1719  files:
1720    - drivers/mspi/
1721    - drivers/memc/*mspi*
1722    - drivers/flash/*mspi*
1723    - include/zephyr/drivers/mspi.h
1724    - include/zephyr/drivers/mspi/
1725    - samples/drivers/mspi/
1726    - tests/drivers/mspi/
1727    - doc/hardware/peripherals/mspi.rst
1728    - dts/bindings/mspi/
1729    - dts/bindings/mtd/mspi*
1730  labels:
1731    - "area: MSPI"
1732  tests:
1733    - drivers.mspi
1735"Drivers: Reset":
1736  status: odd fixes
1737  collaborators:
1738    - decsny
1739  files:
1740    - drivers/reset/
1741    - include/zephyr/drivers/reset.h
1742    - dts/bindings/reset/
1743    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/reset/
1745"Interrupt Handling":
1746  status: odd fixes
1747  files:
1748    - drivers/interrupt_controller/
1749    - dts/bindings/interrupt-controller/
1750    - include/zephyr/drivers/interrupt_controller/
1751    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/
1752    - include/zephyr/irq*
1753    - include/zephyr/sw_isr_table.h
1754    - include/zephyr/shared_irq.h
1755    - tests/drivers/interrupt_controller/
1756    - tests/drivers/build_all/interrupt_controller/
1757  labels:
1758    - "area: Interrupt Controller"
1759  tests:
1760    - drivers.interrupt_controller
1762"Drivers: IPM":
1763  status: odd fixes
1764  collaborators:
1765    - dcpleung
1766  files:
1767    - drivers/ipm/
1768    - samples/drivers/ipm/
1769    - dts/bindings/ipm/
1770    - tests/drivers/ipm/
1771    - doc/hardware/peripherals/ipm.rst
1772    - include/zephyr/drivers/ipm.h
1773  description: >-
1774    Inter-processor mailboxes
1775  labels:
1776    - "area: IPM"
1777  tests:
1778    - drivers.ipm
1780"Drivers: LED":
1781  status: maintained
1782  maintainers:
1783    - Mani-Sadhasivam
1784    - simonguinot
1785  files:
1786    - drivers/led/
1787    - include/zephyr/drivers/led/
1788    - include/zephyr/drivers/led.h
1789    - samples/drivers/led/
1790    - tests/drivers/led/
1791    - doc/hardware/peripherals/led.rst
1792    - tests/drivers/build_all/led/
1793    - dts/bindings/led/
1794    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/led/
1795  labels:
1796    - "area: LED"
1797  tests:
1798    - drivers.led
1800"Drivers: LED Strip":
1801  status: maintained
1802  maintainers:
1803    - simonguinot
1804  collaborators:
1805    - soburi
1806    - thedjnK
1807  files:
1808    - drivers/led_strip/
1809    - dts/bindings/led_strip/
1810    - include/zephyr/drivers/led_strip.h
1811    - tests/drivers/build_all/led_strip/
1812    - include/zephyr/drivers/led_strip/
1813  labels:
1814    - "area: LED"
1815  tests:
1816    - drivers.led_strip
1818"Drivers: MFD":
1819  status: odd fixes
1820  collaborators:
1821    - gmarull
1822    - aasinclair
1823  files:
1824    - drivers/mfd/
1825    - include/zephyr/drivers/mfd/
1826    - dts/bindings/mfd/
1827    - tests/drivers/build_all/mfd/
1828  labels:
1829    - "area: MFD"
1830  tests:
1831    - drivers.mfd
1833"Drivers: Modem":
1834  status: maintained
1835  maintainers:
1836    - rerickson1
1837  files:
1838    - drivers/modem/
1839    - tests/drivers/build_all/modem/
1840    - dts/bindings/modem/
1841    - include/zephyr/drivers/modem/
1842  labels:
1843    - "area: Modem Drivers"
1844  tests:
1845    - drivers.modem
1847"Drivers: Regulators":
1848  status: maintained
1849  maintainers:
1850    - gmarull
1851  collaborators:
1852    - danieldegrasse
1853    - aasinclair
1854  files:
1855    - drivers/regulator/
1856    - include/zephyr/drivers/regulator/
1857    - include/zephyr/drivers/regulator.h
1858    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/regulator/
1859    - tests/drivers/regulator/
1860    - tests/drivers/build_all/regulator/
1861    - doc/hardware/peripherals/regulators.rst
1862    - dts/bindings/regulator/
1863  labels:
1864    - "area: Regulators"
1865  tests:
1866    - drivers.regulator
1868"Drivers: Retained Memory":
1869  status: maintained
1870  maintainers:
1871    - nordicjm
1872  files:
1873    - drivers/retained_mem/
1874    - dts/bindings/retained_mem/
1875    - include/zephyr/drivers/retained_mem.h
1876    - tests/drivers/retained_mem/
1877    - doc/hardware/peripherals/retained_mem.rst
1878    - dts/bindings/retained_mem/
1879  labels:
1880    - "area: Retained Memory"
1881  tests:
1882    - drivers.retained_mem
1884"Drivers: RTC":
1885  status: maintained
1886  maintainers:
1887    - bjarki-andreasen
1888  files:
1889    - drivers/rtc/
1890    - include/zephyr/drivers/rtc/
1891    - tests/drivers/rtc/
1892    - doc/hardware/peripherals/rtc.rst
1893    - include/zephyr/drivers/rtc.h
1894    - tests/drivers/build_all/rtc/
1895    - dts/bindings/rtc/
1896  labels:
1897    - "area: RTC"
1898  tests:
1899    - drivers.rtc
1901"Drivers: PCI":
1902  status: maintained
1903  maintainers:
1904    - dcpleung
1905  files:
1906    - drivers/pcie/
1907    - include/zephyr/drivers/pcie/
1908    - doc/hardware/peripherals/pcie.rst
1909    - dts/bindings/pcie/
1910    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pcie/
1911  labels:
1912    - "area: PCI"
1914"Drivers: PECI":
1915  status: maintained
1916  maintainers:
1917    - albertofloyd
1918  collaborators:
1919    - VenkatKotakonda
1920  files:
1921    - drivers/peci/
1922    - include/zephyr/drivers/peci.h
1923    - samples/drivers/peci/
1924    - doc/hardware/peripherals/peci.rst
1925    - dts/bindings/peci/
1926  labels:
1927    - "area: PECI"
1928  tests:
1929    - samples.drivers.peci
1931"Drivers: Pin Control":
1932  status: maintained
1933  maintainers:
1934    - gmarull
1935  files:
1936    - doc/hardware/pinctrl/
1937    - include/zephyr/drivers/pinctrl/
1938    - include/zephyr/drivers/pinctrl.h
1939    - drivers/pinctrl/
1940    - tests/drivers/pinctrl/
1941    - dts/bindings/pinctrl/
1942    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pinctrl/
1943  labels:
1944    - "area: Pinctrl"
1945  tests:
1946    - drivers.pinctrl
1948"Drivers: PS2":
1949  status: odd fixes
1950  files:
1951    - drivers/ps2/
1952    - doc/hardware/peripherals/ps2.rst
1953    - include/zephyr/drivers/ps2.h
1954    - samples/drivers/ps2/
1955    - dts/bindings/ps2/
1956  labels:
1957    - "area: PS2"
1958  tests:
1959    - sample.drivers.espi.ps2
1961"Drivers: PTP Clock":
1962  status: maintained
1963  maintainers:
1964    - tbursztyka
1965  files:
1966    - drivers/ptp_clock/
1967    - include/zephyr/drivers/ptp_clock.h
1968  labels:
1969    - "area: Clocks"
1971"Drivers: PM CPU ops":
1972  status: maintained
1973  maintainers:
1974    - carlocaione
1975  collaborators:
1976    - gdengi
1977    - nbalabak
1978  files:
1979    - drivers/pm_cpu_ops/
1980    - include/zephyr/drivers/pm_cpu_ops/
1981    - include/zephyr/drivers/pm_cpu_ops.h
1982    - include/zephyr/arch/arm64/arm-smccc.h
1983    - dts/bindings/pm_cpu_ops/
1984  labels:
1985    - "area: PM CPU ops"
1987"Drivers: PWM":
1988  status: maintained
1989  maintainers:
1990    - anangl
1991  collaborators:
1992    - henrikbrixandersen
1993  files:
1994    - drivers/pwm/
1995    - dts/bindings/pwm/
1996    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pwm/
1997    - tests/drivers/pwm/
1998    - include/zephyr/*/pwms.h
1999    - doc/hardware/peripherals/pwm.rst
2000    - tests/drivers/build_all/pwm/
2001    - include/zephyr/drivers/pwm.h
2002    - include/zephyr/drivers/pwm/
2003  labels:
2004    - "area: PWM"
2005  tests:
2006    - drivers.pwm
2008"Drivers: SDHC":
2009  status: maintained
2010  maintainers:
2011    - danieldegrasse
2012  files:
2013    - drivers/sdhc/
2014    - tests/drivers/sdhc/
2015    - include/zephyr/drivers/sdhc.h
2016    - dts/bindings/sdhc/
2017    - doc/hardware/peripherals/sdhc.rst
2018  labels:
2019    - "area: Disk Access"
2020  tests:
2021    - drivers.sdhc
2023"Drivers: Serial/UART":
2024  status: maintained
2025  maintainers:
2026    - dcpleung
2027  files:
2028    - drivers/serial/
2029    - include/zephyr/drivers/uart.h
2030    - include/zephyr/drivers/uart/
2031    - dts/bindings/serial/
2032    - samples/drivers/uart/
2033    - tests/drivers/uart/
2034    - tests/drivers/build_all/uart/
2035    - doc/hardware/peripherals/uart.rst
2036    - include/zephyr/drivers/serial/
2037    - include/zephyr/drivers/uart_pipe.h
2038  labels:
2039    - "area: UART"
2040  tests:
2041    - drivers.uart
2043"Drivers: Sensors":
2044  status: maintained
2045  maintainers:
2046    - MaureenHelm
2047  collaborators:
2048    - avisconti
2049    - teburd
2050    - yperess
2051    - tristan-google
2052    - ubieda
2053    - jeppenodgaard
2054    - asemjonovs
2055  files:
2056    - drivers/sensor/
2057    - include/zephyr/drivers/sensor.h
2058    - include/zephyr/drivers/sensor_data_types.h
2059    - samples/sensor/
2060    - tests/drivers/sensor/
2061    - dts/bindings/sensor/
2062    - include/zephyr/drivers/sensor/
2063    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/sensor/
2064    - doc/hardware/peripherals/sensor/
2065    - tests/drivers/build_all/sensor/
2066  labels:
2067    - "area: Sensors"
2068  tests:
2069    - drivers.sensors
2071"Drivers: SMBus":
2072  status: maintained
2073  maintainers:
2074    - finikorg
2075  files:
2076    - drivers/smbus/
2077    - dts/bindings/smbus/
2078    - include/zephyr/drivers/smbus.h
2079    - samples/drivers/smbus/
2080    - tests/drivers/smbus/
2081    - doc/hardware/peripherals/smbus.rst
2082  labels:
2083    - "area: SMBus"
2084  tests:
2085    - drivers.smbus
2087"Drivers: SPI":
2088  status: maintained
2089  maintainers:
2090    - tbursztyka
2091  collaborators:
2092    - teburd
2093  files:
2094    - drivers/spi/
2095    - include/zephyr/drivers/spi.h
2096    - tests/drivers/spi/
2097    - dts/bindings/spi/
2098    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/spi/
2099    - doc/hardware/peripherals/spi.rst
2100  labels:
2101    - "area: SPI"
2102  tests:
2103    - drivers.spi
2105"Drivers: Stepper":
2106  status: maintained
2107  maintainers:
2108    - jilaypandya
2109  collaborators:
2110    - bjarki-andreasen
2111    - dipakgmx
2112    - fabiobaltieri
2113    - faxe1008
2114    - jbehrensnx
2115  files:
2116    - drivers/stepper/
2117    - include/zephyr/drivers/stepper.h
2118    - dts/bindings/stepper/
2119    - doc/hardware/peripherals/stepper.rst
2120    - samples/drivers/stepper/
2121    - tests/drivers/build_all/stepper/
2122    - tests/drivers/stepper/
2123  labels:
2124    - "area: Stepper"
2125  tests:
2126    - drivers.stepper
2128"Drivers: System timer":
2129  status: maintained
2130  maintainers:
2131    - andyross
2132  collaborators:
2133    - teburd
2134  files:
2135    - drivers/timer/
2136    - include/zephyr/drivers/timer/
2137    - dts/bindings/timer/
2138    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/timer/
2139  labels:
2140    - "area: Timer"
2142"Drivers: Video":
2143  status: odd fixes
2144  collaborators:
2145    - loicpoulain
2146    - josuah
2147    - ngphibang
2148  files:
2149    - drivers/video/
2150    - include/zephyr/drivers/video.h
2151    - include/zephyr/drivers/video-controls.h
2152    - doc/hardware/peripherals/video.rst
2153    - tests/drivers/*/video/
2154    - dts/bindings/video/
2155    - samples/drivers/video/
2156  labels:
2157    - "area: Video"
2158  tests:
2159    - drivers.video
2161"Drivers: W1":
2162  status: maintained
2163  maintainers:
2164    - str4t0m
2165  collaborators:
2166    - casparfriedrich
2167  files:
2168    - doc/hardware/peripherals/w1.rst
2169    - drivers/w1/
2170    - dts/bindings/w1/
2171    - include/zephyr/drivers/w1.h
2172    - include/zephyr/drivers/sensor/w1_sensor.h
2173    - tests/drivers/w1/
2174    - tests/drivers/build_all/w1/
2175    - samples/drivers/w1/
2176  labels:
2177    - "area: W1"
2178  tests:
2179    - drivers.w1
2181"Drivers: Watchdog":
2182  status: odd fixes
2183  collaborators:
2184    - katsuster
2185    - martinjaeger
2186  files:
2187    - doc/hardware/peripherals/watchdog.rst
2188    - drivers/watchdog/
2189    - dts/bindings/watchdog/
2190    - include/zephyr/drivers/watchdog.h
2191    - samples/drivers/watchdog/
2192    - tests/drivers/watchdog/
2193    - tests/drivers/build_all/watchdog/
2194  labels:
2195    - "area: Watchdog"
2196  tests:
2197    - drivers.watchdog
2199"Drivers: Wi-Fi":
2200  status: maintained
2201  maintainers:
2202    - jukkar
2203  collaborators:
2204    - rlubos
2205    - kludentwo
2206    - krish2718
2207    - MaochenWang1
2208  files:
2209    - drivers/wifi/
2210    - dts/bindings/wifi/
2211  labels:
2212    - "area: Wi-Fi"
2214"Drivers: Wi-Fi es-WiFi":
2215  status: odd fixes
2216  collaborators:
2217    - loicpoulain
2218  files:
2219    - drivers/wifi/eswifi/
2220  description: >-
2221    Inventek es-WiFi
2223  labels:
2224    - "area: Wi-Fi"
2226"Drivers: Wi-Fi as nRF Wi-Fi":
2227  status: maintained
2228  maintainers:
2229    - krish2718
2230    - jukkar
2231  collaborators:
2232    - sachinthegreen
2233  files:
2234    - drivers/wifi/nrf_wifi/
2235    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf70.yaml
2236    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf70-qspi.yaml
2237    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf70-spi.yaml
2238    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf70-coex.yaml
2239    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf7002-qspi.yaml
2240    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf7002-spi.yaml
2241    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf7000-qspi.yaml
2242    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf7000-spi.yaml
2243    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf7001-qspi.yaml
2244    - dts/bindings/wifi/nordic,nrf7001-spi.yaml
2245    - boards/shields/nrf7002ek/
2246  labels:
2247    - "area: Wi-Fi"
2249"Drivers: Memory Management":
2250  status: maintained
2251  maintainers:
2252    - dcpleung
2253  collaborators:
2254    - ceolin
2255    - edersondisouza
2256    - jxstelter
2257  files:
2258    - include/zephyr/drivers/mm/
2259    - drivers/mm/
2260    - tests/boards/intel_adsp/mm/
2261    - dts/bindings/mm/
2262  labels:
2263    - "area: Memory Management"
2265"Drivers: MIPI DBI":
2266  status: maintained
2267  maintainers:
2268    - danieldegrasse
2269  files:
2270    - drivers/mipi_dbi/
2271    - dts/bindings/mipi-dbi/
2272    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/mipi_dbi/
2273  labels:
2274    - "area: Display Controller"
2276"Drivers: Virtualization":
2277  status: maintained
2278  maintainers:
2279    - tbursztyka
2280  files:
2281    - drivers/virtualization/
2282    - tests/drivers/virtualization/
2283    - dts/bindings/virtualization/
2284    - include/zephyr/drivers/virtualization/
2285    - doc/services/virtualization/
2286    - include/zephyr/drivers/virtualization/ivshmem.h
2287  labels:
2288    - "area: Virtualization"
2289  tests:
2290    - drivers.virtualization
2292EC Host Commands:
2293  status: maintained
2294  maintainers:
2295    - niedzwiecki-dawid
2296  files:
2297    - subsys/mgmt/ec_host_cmd/
2298    - include/zephyr/mgmt/ec_host_cmd/
2299    - tests/subsys/mgmt/ec_host_cmd/
2300  labels:
2301    - "area: ec_host_cmd"
2302  tests:
2303    - mgmt.ec_host_cmd
2305Xen Platform:
2306  status: maintained
2307  maintainers:
2308    - firscity
2309  collaborators:
2310    - lorc
2311    - luca-fancellu
2312  files:
2313    - include/zephyr/xen/
2314    - drivers/xen/
2315    - arch/arm64/core/xen/
2316    - soc/xen/
2317    - boards/xen/
2318    - dts/bindings/xen/
2319  labels:
2320    - "area: Xen Platform"
2323  status: maintained
2324  maintainers:
2325    - de-nordic
2326  collaborators:
2327    - Laczen
2328    - nashif
2329  files:
2330    - include/zephyr/fs/
2331    - samples/subsys/fs/
2332    - subsys/fs/
2333    - tests/subsys/fs/
2334    - dts/bindings/fs/
2335  labels:
2336    - "area: File System"
2337  tests:
2338    - filesystem
2340Formatted Output:
2341  status: maintained
2342  maintainers:
2343    - nordic-krch
2344  collaborators:
2345    - dcpleung
2346  files:
2347    - include/zephyr/sys/cbprintf*
2348    - tests/unit/cbprintf/
2349    - tests/lib/cbprintf_*/
2350    - lib/os/cbprintf*
2351    - lib/os/Kconfig.cbprintf
2352    - doc/services/formatted_output.rst
2353  labels:
2354    - "area: Formatting Output"
2355  tests:
2356    - utilities.prf
2357    - libraries.cbprintf
2359Google Platforms:
2360  status: maintained
2361  maintainers:
2362    - fabiobaltieri
2363    - keith-zephyr
2364  collaborators:
2365    - duda-patryk
2366  files:
2367    - boards/google/
2368    - samples/boards/google/
2370Hash Utilities:
2371  status: maintained
2372  maintainers:
2373    - cfriedt
2374  files:
2375    - include/zephyr/sys/hash_*
2376    - lib/hash/
2377    - samples/basic/hash_map/
2378    - tests/lib/hash_*/
2379  description: >-
2380    Hash Functions and Hash Maps (Hash Tables)
2381  labels:
2382    - "area: hash utils"
2383  tests:
2384    - libraries.hash_function
2385    - libraries.hash_map
2388  status: maintained
2389  maintainers:
2390    - fabiobaltieri
2391  collaborators:
2392    - gmarull
2393  files:
2394    - doc/services/input/
2395    - drivers/input/
2396    - dts/bindings/input/
2397    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/input/
2398    - include/zephyr/input/
2399    - samples/subsys/input/
2400    - subsys/input/
2401    - tests/drivers/build_all/input/
2402    - tests/subsys/input/
2403    - tests/drivers/input/
2404  description: >-
2405    Input subsystem and drivers
2406  labels:
2407    - "area: Input"
2408  tests:
2409    - drivers.input
2410    - input
2413  status: maintained
2414  maintainers:
2415    - doki-nordic
2416  collaborators:
2417    - carlocaione
2418    - arnopo
2419  files:
2420    - include/zephyr/ipc/
2421    - samples/subsys/ipc/
2422    - subsys/ipc/
2423    - tests/subsys/ipc/
2424    - doc/services/ipc/
2425    - dts/bindings/ipc/
2426    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/ipc_service/
2427  description: >-
2428    Inter-Processor Communication
2429  labels:
2430    - "area: IPC"
2431  tests:
2432    - ipc
2434JSON Web Token:
2435  status: maintained
2436  maintainers:
2437    - d3zd3z
2438  collaborators:
2439    - mrfuchs
2440    - sir-branch
2441  files:
2442    - subsys/jwt/
2443    - include/zephyr/data/json.h
2444    - include/zephyr/data/jwt.h
2445    - lib/utils/json.c
2446    - tests/subsys/jwt/
2447    - tests/lib/json/
2448  labels:
2449    - "area: JSON"
2450  tests:
2451    - libraries.encoding.json
2452    - libraries.encoding.jwt
2455  status: odd fixes
2456  collaborators:
2457    - tejlmand
2458    - nashif
2459  files:
2460    - scripts/kconfig/
2461    - doc/build/kconfig/
2462    - Kconfig.zephyr
2463    - tests/kconfig/configdefault/
2464    - tests/misc/kconfigoptions/
2465  labels:
2466    - "area: Kconfig"
2467  description: >-
2468    See https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/build/kconfig/index.html and
2469    https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/hardware/porting/board_porting.html#default-board-configuration
2470  tests:
2471    - kconfig
2474  status: maintained
2475  maintainers:
2476    - andyross
2477    - peter-mitsis
2478  collaborators:
2479    - nashif
2480    - ceolin
2481    - dcpleung
2482    - cfriedt
2483    - npitre
2484    - TaiJuWu
2485  files:
2486    - doc/kernel/
2487    - include/zephyr/kernel*.h
2488    - include/zephyr/spinlock.h
2489    - include/zephyr/fatal.h
2490    - kernel/
2491    - tests/kernel/
2492    - include/zephyr/sys_clock.h
2493    - samples/kernel/
2494    - include/zephyr/kernel/
2495    - tests/lib/p4workq/
2496  files-exclude:
2497    - tests/kernel/mem_protect/
2498  labels:
2499    - "area: Kernel"
2500  tests:
2501    - kernel
2504  status: maintained
2505  maintainers:
2506    - andyross
2507    - nashif
2508  collaborators:
2509    - dcpleung
2510    - peter-mitsis
2511  files:
2512    - lib/crc/
2513    - lib/utils/
2514    - tests/unit/timeutil/
2515    - tests/unit/time_units/
2516    - tests/unit/rbtree/
2517    - tests/unit/math_extras/
2518    - tests/unit/crc/
2519    - tests/unit/base64/
2520    - tests/unit/math_extras/
2521    - tests/unit/list/
2522    - tests/unit/intmath/
2523    - tests/unit/pot/
2524    - tests/lib/time/
2525    - tests/lib/onoff/
2526    - tests/lib/sys_util/
2527    - tests/lib/sprintf/
2528    - tests/lib/ringbuffer/
2529    - tests/lib/notify/
2530    - tests/lib/linear_range/
2531  labels:
2532    - "area: Utilities"
2533  tests:
2534    - utilities
2535    - libraries.ring_buffer
2536    - libraries.linear_range
2538Base OS:
2539  status: maintained
2540  maintainers:
2541    - andyross
2542    - nashif
2543  collaborators:
2544    - dcpleung
2545    - peter-mitsis
2546  files:
2547    - include/zephyr/sys/
2548    - lib/os/
2549    - tests/misc/print_format/
2550    - tests/lib/p4workq/
2551    - tests/lib/fdtable/
2552  files-exclude:
2553    - include/zephyr/sys/cbprintf*
2554    - tests/unit/cbprintf/
2555    - tests/lib/cbprintf_*/
2556    - lib/os/cbprintf*
2557    - lib/os/Kconfig.cbprintf
2558    - include/zephyr/sys/mem_manage.h
2559    - include/zephyr/sys/mpsc_pbuf.h
2560    - include/zephyr/sys/mpsc_packet.h
2561    - lib/os/mpsc_pbuf.c
2562  labels:
2563    - "area: Base OS"
2564  tests:
2565    - printk
2567Heap Management:
2568  status: maintained
2569  maintainers:
2570    - npitre
2571    - andyross
2572  files:
2573    - tests/lib/shared_multi_heap/
2574    - lib/heap/
2575    - tests/lib/heap/
2576    - tests/lib/heap_align/
2577    - tests/lib/multi_heap/
2578    - include/zephyr/multi_heap/
2580Memory Management:
2581  status: maintained
2582  maintainers:
2583    - carlocaione
2584    - dcpleung
2585  files:
2586    - subsys/mem_mgmt/
2587    - lib/mem_blocks/
2588    - tests/subsys/mem_mgmt/
2589    - include/zephyr/mem_mgmt/mem_attr_heap.h
2590    - tests/lib/mem_alloc/
2591    - tests/lib/mem_blocks/
2592    - doc/services/mem_mgmt/
2593    - include/zephyr/mem_mgmt/mem_attr.h
2594    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/memory-attr/
2595    - tests/lib/mem_blocks_stats/
2596    - tests/drivers/mm/
2597  tests:
2598    - mem_mgmt
2600Ezurio platforms:
2601  status: maintained
2602  maintainers:
2603    - rerickson1
2604  collaborators:
2605    - greg-leach
2606  files:
2607    - boards/ezurio/
2608  labels:
2609    - "platform: Ezurio"
2611Linker Scripts:
2612  status: maintained
2613  maintainers:
2614    - nashif
2615  files:
2616    - include/zephyr/linker/
2617    - tests/misc/iterable_sections/
2618    - tests/application_development/code_relocation/
2619  labels:
2620    - "area: Linker Scripts"
2621  tests:
2622    - linker
2624Little FS:
2625  status: odd fixes
2626  files:
2627    - subsys/fs/Kconfig.littlefs
2628    - subsys/fs/littlefs_fs.c
2629    - tests/subsys/fs/littlefs/
2630  description: >-
2631    Little FS
2632  labels:
2633    - "area: File System"
2634  tests:
2635    - filesystem.littlefs
2638  status: maintained
2639  maintainers:
2640    - nordic-krch
2641  collaborators:
2642    - dcpleung
2643  files:
2644    - include/zephyr/logging/
2645    - include/zephyr/sys/mpsc_pbuf.h
2646    - include/zephyr/sys/mpsc_packet.h
2647    - lib/os/mpsc_pbuf.c
2648    - doc/kernel/data_structures/mpsc_pbuf.rst
2649    - tests/lib/mpsc_pbuf/
2650    - samples/subsys/logging/
2651    - subsys/logging/
2652    - tests/subsys/logging/
2653    - scripts/logging/
2654    - doc/services/logging/
2655    - tests/lib/spsc_pbuf/
2656  labels:
2657    - "area: Logging"
2658  tests:
2659    - logging
2661LoRa and LoRaWAN:
2662  status: maintained
2663  maintainers:
2664    - JordanYates
2665  collaborators:
2666    - Mani-Sadhasivam
2667    - martinjaeger
2668    - mniestroj
2669  files:
2670    - drivers/lora/
2671    - include/zephyr/drivers/lora.h
2672    - samples/drivers/lora/
2673    - include/zephyr/lorawan/
2674    - subsys/lorawan/
2675    - samples/subsys/lorawan/
2676    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/lora/
2677    - dts/bindings/lora/
2678    - doc/connectivity/lora_lorawan/index.rst
2679  labels:
2680    - "area: LoRa"
2681  tests:
2682    - sample.driver.lora
2683    - lorawan
2686  status: maintained
2687  maintainers:
2688    - MaureenHelm
2689    - nashif
2690  collaborators:
2691    - stephanosio
2692  files:
2693    - MAINTAINERS.yml
2694  labels:
2695    - "area: Process"
2696  description: >-
2697    Zephyr Maintainers File
2699MCU Manager:
2700  status: maintained
2701  maintainers:
2702    - nordicjm
2703  collaborators:
2704    - de-nordic
2705  files:
2706    - subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/
2707    - include/zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/
2708    - samples/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/
2709    - tests/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/
2710    - doc/services/device_mgmt/
2711    - scripts/utils/migrate_mcumgr_kconfigs.py
2712  labels:
2713    - "area: mcumgr"
2714  tests:
2715    - mgmt.mcumgr
2718  status: maintained
2719  maintainers:
2720    - jfischer-no
2721  files:
2722    - samples/subsys/modbus/
2723    - include/zephyr/modbus/
2724    - tests/subsys/modbus/
2725    - subsys/modbus/
2726    - doc/services/modbus/
2727  labels:
2728    - "area: modbus"
2729  tests:
2730    - modbus
2733  status: maintained
2734  maintainers:
2735    - bjarki-andreasen
2736  collaborators:
2737    - tomi-font
2738  files:
2739    - subsys/modem/
2740    - include/zephyr/modem/
2741    - tests/subsys/modem/
2742    - doc/services/modem/
2743    - samples/net/cellular_modem/
2744    - include/zephyr/drivers/cellular.h
2745  labels:
2746    - "area: Modem"
2747  tests:
2748    - modem
2750NEORV32 platform:
2751  status: maintained
2752  maintainers:
2753    - henrikbrixandersen
2754  files:
2755    - boards/others/neorv32/
2756    - drivers/*/*neorv32*
2757    - dts/bindings/*/*neorv32*
2758    - soc/neorv32/
2759  labels:
2760    - "platform: NEORV32"
2763  status: maintained
2764  maintainers:
2765    - sidcha
2766  collaborators:
2767    - adakus
2768    - r2r0
2769  files:
2770    - subsys/mgmt/osdp/
2771    - include/zephyr/mgmt/osdp.h
2772    - samples/subsys/mgmt/osdp/
2773  labels:
2774    - "area: OSDP"
2775  tests:
2776    - sample.mgmt.osdp
2779  status: maintained
2780  maintainers:
2781    - maass-hamburg
2782  files:
2783    - subsys/mgmt/hawkbit/
2784    - include/zephyr/mgmt/hawkbit/
2785    - include/zephyr/mgmt/hawkbit.h
2786    - samples/subsys/mgmt/hawkbit/
2787  labels:
2788    - "area: hawkBit"
2789  tests:
2790    - sample.net.hawkbit
2792"mgmt: updatehub":
2793  status: maintained
2794  maintainers:
2795    - nandojve
2796  files:
2797    - subsys/mgmt/updatehub/
2798    - include/zephyr/mgmt/updatehub.h
2799    - samples/subsys/mgmt/updatehub/
2800  labels:
2801    - "area: updatehub"
2802  description: >-
2803    UpdateHub embedded Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) upgrade agent
2804  tests:
2805    - sample.net.updatehub
2807Native_sim and POSIX arch:
2808  status: maintained
2809  maintainers:
2810    - aescolar
2811  files:
2812    - arch/posix/
2813    - boards/native/common/
2814    - boards/native/native_*/
2815    - boards/native/doc/
2816    - boards/native/*.rst
2817    - drivers/*/*posix*
2818    - drivers/*/*native*
2819    - drivers/*/*/*posix*
2820    - drivers/*/*/*native*
2821    - dts/posix/
2822    - include/zephyr/arch/posix/
2823    - scripts/native_simulator/
2824    - scripts/valgrind.supp
2825    - soc/native/
2826    - tests/boards/native_sim/
2827  labels:
2828    - "area: native port"
2829  description: >-
2830    POSIX architecture and SOC, native_sim boards, and related drivers
2831  tests:
2832    - boards.native_sim
2835  status: maintained
2836  maintainers:
2837    - rlubos
2838    - jukkar
2839  collaborators:
2840    - pdgendt
2841    - tbursztyka
2842    - ssharks
2843  files:
2844    - scripts/net/
2845    - drivers/net/
2846    - include/zephyr/net/
2847    - samples/net/
2848    - subsys/net/
2849    - doc/connectivity/networking/
2850    - tests/net/
2851    - tests/unit/net_timeout/
2852  files-exclude:
2853    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/gptp.rst
2854    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/ieee802154.rst
2855    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/ptp.rst
2856    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/wifi.rst
2857    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/http*.rst
2858    - include/zephyr/net/gptp.h
2859    - include/zephyr/net/ieee802154*.h
2860    - include/zephyr/net/ptp.h
2861    - include/zephyr/net/wifi*.h
2862    - include/zephyr/net/dhcpv4*.h
2863    - include/zephyr/net/http/
2864    - samples/net/gptp/
2865    - samples/net/sockets/coap_*/
2866    - samples/net/sockets/*http*/
2867    - samples/net/lwm2m_client/
2868    - samples/net/wifi/
2869    - samples/net/dhcpv4_client/
2870    - subsys/net/l2/ethernet/gptp/
2871    - subsys/net/l2/ieee802154/
2872    - subsys/net/l2/wifi/
2873    - subsys/net/lib/coap/
2874    - subsys/net/lib/config/ieee802154*
2875    - subsys/net/lib/http/
2876    - subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/
2877    - subsys/net/lib/ptp/
2878    - subsys/net/lib/tls_credentials/
2879    - subsys/net/lib/dhcpv4/
2880    - tests/net/dhcpv4/
2881    - tests/net/ieee802154/
2882    - tests/net/lib/http*/
2883    - tests/net/wifi/
2884  labels:
2885    - "area: Networking"
2886  tests:
2887    - net
2889"Networking: BSD sockets":
2890  status: maintained
2891  maintainers:
2892    - rlubos
2893    - jukkar
2894  files:
2895    - samples/net/sockets/
2896    - subsys/net/lib/sockets/
2897    - tests/net/socket/
2898  labels:
2899    - "area: Networking"
2900    - "area: Sockets"
2901  tests:
2902    - net.socket
2904"Networking Buffers":
2905  status: maintained
2906  maintainers:
2907    - jhedberg
2908  collaborators:
2909    - rlubos
2910    - tbursztyka
2911    - jukkar
2912  files:
2913    - doc/services/net_buf/
2914    - include/zephyr/net_buf.h
2915    - lib/net_buf/
2916    - tests/lib/net_buf/
2917  labels:
2918    - "area: Networking Buffers"
2919  tests:
2920    - libraries.net_buf
2922"Networking: Connection Manager":
2923  status: maintained
2924  maintainers:
2925    - rlubos
2926  collaborators:
2927    - glarsennordic
2928    - jukkar
2929  files:
2930    - include/zephyr/net/conn_mgr*.h
2931    - subsys/net/conn_mgr/
2932    - tests/net/conn_mgr_monitor/
2933    - tests/net/conn_mgr_conn/
2934    - doc/connectivity/networking/conn_mgr/
2935  labels:
2936    - "area: Networking"
2937  tests:
2938    - net.conn_mgr
2940"Networking: CoAP":
2941  status: maintained
2942  maintainers:
2943    - rlubos
2944  collaborators:
2945    - pdgendt
2946  files:
2947    - subsys/net/lib/coap/
2948    - samples/net/sockets/coap_*/
2949    - tests/net/lib/coap/
2950  labels:
2951    - "area: Networking"
2952  tests:
2953    - net.coap
2955"Networking: DHCPv4":
2956  status: maintained
2957  maintainers:
2958    - rlubos
2959    - jukkar
2960  collaborators:
2961    - maass-hamburg
2962  files:
2963    - subsys/net/lib/dhcpv4/
2964    - samples/net/dhcpv4_client/
2965    - tests/net/dhcpv4/
2966    - include/zephyr/net/dhcpv4*.h
2967  labels:
2968    - "area: Networking"
2969  tests:
2970    - net.dhcpv4_client
2971    - net.dhcpv4_server
2973"Networking: gPTP":
2974  status: maintained
2975  maintainers:
2976    - jukkar
2977  files:
2978    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/gptp.rst
2979    - include/zephyr/net/gptp.h
2980    - samples/net/gptp/
2981    - subsys/net/l2/ethernet/gptp/
2982  labels:
2983    - "area: Networking"
2984  tests:
2985    - sample.net.gptp
2987"Networking: LWM2M":
2988  status: maintained
2989  maintainers:
2990    - rlubos
2991  collaborators:
2992    - SeppoTakalo
2993  files:
2994    - samples/net/lwm2m_client/
2995    - tests/net/lib/lwm2m/
2996    - subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/
2997  labels:
2998    - "area: LWM2M"
2999  tests:
3000    - net.lwm2m
3002"Networking: MQTT":
3003  status: maintained
3004  maintainers:
3005    - rlubos
3006  files:
3007    - subsys/net/lib/mqtt/
3008    - tests/net/lib/mqtt_*/
3009    - samples/net/cloud/mqtt_azure/
3010    - samples/net/mqtt_publisher/
3011  files-exclude:
3012    - tests/net/lib/mqtt_sn*/
3013  labels:
3014    - "area: Networking"
3015  tests:
3016    - net.mqtt
3018"Networking: MQTT-SN":
3019  status: maintained
3020  maintainers:
3021    - rlubos
3022  collaborators:
3023    - BeckmaR
3024  files:
3025    - subsys/net/lib/mqtt_sn/
3026    - tests/net/lib/mqtt_sn*/
3027    - samples/net/mqtt_sn_publisher/
3028  labels:
3029    - "area: Networking"
3030  tests:
3031    - net.mqtt_sn
3033"Networking: PTP":
3034  status: maintained
3035  maintainers:
3036    - awojasinski
3037  files:
3038    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/ptp.rst
3039    - include/zephyr/net/ptp.h
3040    - subsys/net/lib/ptp/
3041    - samples/net/ptp/
3042  labels:
3043    - "area: PTP"
3044  tests:
3045    - sample.net.ptp
3047"Networking: Native IEEE 802.15.4":
3048  status: odd fixes
3049  collaborators:
3050    - rlubos
3051    - jukkar
3052  files:
3053    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/ieee802154.rst
3054    - include/zephyr/net/ieee802154*.h
3055    - subsys/net/l2/ieee802154/
3056    - subsys/net/lib/config/ieee802154*
3057    - tests/net/ieee802154/
3058  labels:
3059    - "area: IEEE 802.15.4"
3060  tests:
3061    - net.ieee802154
3063"Networking: OpenThread":
3064  status: maintained
3065  maintainers:
3066    - rlubos
3067  collaborators:
3068    - pdgendt
3069    - canisLupus1313
3070    - kkasperczyk-no
3071    - edmont
3072    - maciejbaczmanski
3073  files:
3074    - subsys/net/l2/openthread/
3075    - samples/net/openthread/
3076    - tests/subsys/openthread/
3077  labels:
3078    - "area: Networking"
3079    - "area: OpenThread"
3080  tests:
3081    - openthread
3083"Networking: Wi-Fi":
3084  status: maintained
3085  maintainers:
3086    - jukkar
3087  collaborators:
3088    - rlubos
3089    - krish2718
3090    - MaochenWang1
3091  files:
3092    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/wifi.rst
3093    - include/zephyr/net/wifi*.h
3094    - subsys/net/l2/wifi/
3095    - samples/net/wifi/
3096    - tests/net/wifi/
3097  labels:
3098    - "area: Networking"
3099    - "area: Wi-Fi"
3100  tests:
3101    - net.wifi
3103"Networking: HTTP":
3104  status: maintained
3105  maintainers:
3106    - jukkar
3107    - rlubos
3108  collaborators:
3109    - mrodgers-witekio
3110  files:
3111    - doc/connectivity/networking/api/http*.rst
3112    - include/zephyr/net/http/
3113    - subsys/net/lib/http/
3114    - samples/net/sockets/*http*/
3115    - tests/net/lib/http*/
3116  labels:
3117    - "area: Networking"
3118    - "area: HTTP"
3119  tests:
3120    - net.http
3122NIOS-2 arch:
3123  status: maintained
3124  maintainers:
3125    - nashif
3126  files:
3127    - arch/nios2/
3128    - dts/nios2/intel/
3129    - boards/common/nios2.board.cmake
3130    - soc/altr/*nios2*/
3131    - include/zephyr/arch/nios2/
3132    - tests/boards/altera_max10/
3133    - boards/qemu/nios2/
3134    - boards/altr/max10/
3135    - scripts/support/quartus-flash.py
3136  labels:
3137    - "area: NIOS2"
3138  tests:
3139    - boards.altera_max10
3141nRF BSIM:
3142  status: maintained
3143  maintainers:
3144    - aescolar
3145  files:
3146    - boards/native/nrf_bsim/
3147    - tests/boards/nrf52_bsim/
3148    - tests/bsim/
3149    - doc/develop/test/bsim.rst
3150    - .github/workflows/bsim-tests*
3151  files-regex-exclude:
3152    - tests\/bsim\/.*\/.*\.([ch]|conf)
3153    - tests\/bsim\/.*\/(CMakeLists|Kconfig).*
3154  labels:
3155    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
3156  tests:
3157    - boards.nrf52_bsim
3159Open AMP:
3160  status: maintained
3161  maintainers:
3162    - carlocaione
3163  collaborators:
3164    - uLipe
3165    - iuliana-prodan
3166  files:
3167    - lib/open-amp/
3168    - samples/subsys/ipc/openamp/
3169    - samples/subsys/ipc/openamp_rsc_table/
3170    - samples/subsys/ipc/rpmsg_service/
3171  labels:
3172    - "area: Open AMP"
3173  tests:
3174    - sample.ipc.openamp
3176PHYTEC Platforms:
3177  status: maintained
3178  maintainers:
3179    - dnltz
3180  collaborators:
3181    - jonas-rem
3182    - pefech
3183  files:
3184    - boards/phytec/
3185  labels:
3186    - "platform: PHYTEC"
3188POSIX API layer:
3189  status: maintained
3190  maintainers:
3191    - cfriedt
3192  collaborators:
3193    - ycsin
3194  files:
3195    - include/zephyr/posix/
3196    - lib/posix/
3197    - tests/posix/
3198    - samples/posix/
3199    - tests/lib/fdtable/
3200    - doc/services/portability/posix/
3201  labels:
3202    - "area: POSIX"
3203  tests:
3204    - libraries.fdtable
3205    - portability.posix
3207Power management:
3208  status: maintained
3209  maintainers:
3210    - ceolin
3211    - bjarki-andreasen
3212  collaborators:
3213    - nashif
3214    - teburd
3215    - tmleman
3216    - JordanYates
3217  files:
3218    - include/zephyr/pm/
3219    - samples/subsys/pm/
3220    - subsys/pm/
3221    - tests/subsys/pm/
3222    - doc/services/pm/
3223    - drivers/power_domain/
3224    - dts/bindings/power/
3225    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/power/
3226  labels:
3227    - "area: Power Management"
3228  tests:
3229    - pm
3231"Quicklogic Platform":
3232  status: odd fixes
3233  files:
3234    - soc/quicklogic/
3235    - dts/arm/quicklogic/
3236  labels:
3237    - "platform: Quicklogic"
3239RISCV arch:
3240  status: maintained
3241  maintainers:
3242    - fkokosinski
3243    - kgugala
3244    - tgorochowik
3245  collaborators:
3246    - mgielda
3247    - katsuster
3248    - edersondisouza
3249    - carlocaione
3250    - npitre
3251    - ycsin
3252  files:
3253    - arch/riscv/
3254    - boards/enjoydigital/litex_vexriscv/
3255    - boards/lowrisc/opentitan_earlgrey/
3256    - boards/qemu/riscv*/
3257    - boards/sifive/
3258    - boards/sparkfun/red_v_things_plus/
3259    - boards/starfive/
3260    - dts/bindings/riscv/
3261    - dts/riscv/
3262    - include/zephyr/arch/riscv/
3263    - soc/common/riscv-privileged/
3264    - soc/sifive/
3265    - soc/starfive/
3266    - soc/qemu/virt_riscv/
3267    - tests/arch/riscv/
3268    - doc/hardware/arch/risc-v.rst
3269    - drivers/interrupt_controller/intc_plic.c
3270  labels:
3271    - "area: RISCV"
3272  tests:
3273    - arch.riscv
3276  status: maintained
3277  maintainers:
3278    - nordicjm
3279  files:
3280    - dts/bindings/retention/
3281    - include/zephyr/retention/
3282    - subsys/retention/
3283    - doc/services/retention/
3284  labels:
3285    - "area: Retention"
3288  status: maintained
3289  maintainers:
3290    - kartben
3291  collaborators:
3292    - nashif
3293  files:
3294    - samples/
3295  labels:
3296    - "area: Samples"
3298Sensor Subsystem:
3299  status: maintained
3300  maintainers:
3301    - lixuzha
3302    - ghu0510
3303    - yperess
3304  collaborators:
3305    - qianruh
3306  files:
3307    - dts/bindings/sensor/zephyr,sensing.yaml
3308    - dts/bindings/sensor/zephyr,sensing*.yaml
3309    - include/zephyr/sensing/
3310    - doc/services/sensing/
3311    - subsys/sensing/
3312    - samples/subsys/sensing/
3313    - tests/subsys/sensing/
3314  labels:
3315    - "area: Sensor Subsystem"
3316  tests:
3317    - sample.sensing
3318    - sensing.api
3321  status: odd fixes
3322  files:
3323    - subsys/stats/
3324    - include/zephyr/stats/stats.h
3325  labels:
3326    - "area: Stats"
3329  status: maintained
3330  maintainers:
3331    - nashif
3332  collaborators:
3333    - PerMac
3334    - hakehuang
3335    - golowanow
3336    - gchwier
3337    - LukaszMrugala
3338    - KamilxPaszkiet
3339  files:
3340    - scripts/twister
3341    - scripts/schemas/twister/
3342    - scripts/pylib/twister/
3343    - scripts/tests/twister/
3344    - scripts/tests/twister_blackbox/
3345    - doc/develop/test/twister.rst
3346    - scripts/pylib/pytest-twister-harness/
3347    - doc/develop/test/pytest.rst
3348    - tests/test_config.yaml
3349    - scripts/utils/twister_to_list.py
3350    - tests/robot/common.robot
3351  labels:
3352    - "area: Twister"
3355  status: odd fixes
3356  files:
3357    - include/zephyr/settings/
3358    - subsys/settings/
3359    - tests/subsys/settings/
3360    - samples/subsys/settings/
3361    - doc/services/storage/settings/
3362  labels:
3363    - "area: Settings"
3364  tests:
3365    - settings
3368  status: maintained
3369  maintainers:
3370    - jakub-uC
3371  collaborators:
3372    - carlescufi
3373  files:
3374    - include/zephyr/shell/
3375    - samples/subsys/shell/
3376    - subsys/shell/
3377    - tests/subsys/shell/
3378    - doc/services/shell/
3379  labels:
3380    - "area: Shell"
3381  tests:
3382    - shell
3385  status: maintained
3386  maintainers:
3387    - kartben
3388  collaborators:
3389    - avisconti
3390    - jfischer-no
3391    - erwango
3392  files:
3393    - boards/shields/
3394    - doc/hardware/porting/shields.rst
3395    - samples/shields/
3396  labels:
3397    - "area: Shields"
3398  tests:
3399    - sample.shields
3401SPARC arch:
3402  status: odd fixes
3403  collaborators:
3404    - tbr-tt
3405  files:
3406    - arch/sparc/
3407    - include/zephyr/arch/sparc/
3408    - dts/sparc/
3409    - boards/qemu/leon3/
3410  labels:
3411    - "area: SPARC"
3413Gaisler Platforms:
3414  status: odd fixes
3415  collaborators:
3416    - tbr-tt
3417  files:
3418    - dts/sparc/gaisler/
3419    - soc/gaisler/
3420    - boards/gaisler/
3421  labels:
3422    - "area: SPARC"
3424State machine framework:
3425  status: maintained
3426  maintainers:
3427    - sambhurst
3428  collaborators:
3429    - keith-zephyr
3430    - glenn-andrews
3431  files:
3432    - doc/services/smf/
3433    - include/zephyr/smf.h
3434    - lib/smf/
3435    - tests/lib/smf/
3436    - samples/subsys/smf/
3437  labels:
3438    - "area: State Machine Framework"
3439  tests:
3440    - libraries.smf
3442ADI Platforms:
3443  status: maintained
3444  maintainers:
3445    - MaureenHelm
3446  collaborators:
3447    - ozersa
3448    - ttmut
3449    - yasinustunerg
3450    - galak
3451    - microbuilder
3452  files:
3453    - boards/adi/
3454    - boards/shields/pmod_acl/
3455    - drivers/*/*max*
3456    - drivers/*/*max*/
3457    - drivers/dac/dac_ltc*
3458    - drivers/ethernet/eth_adin*
3459    - drivers/mdio/mdio_adin*
3460    - drivers/regulator/regulator_adp5360*
3461    - drivers/sensor/adi/
3462    - dts/arm/adi/
3463    - dts/bindings/*/adi,*
3464    - dts/bindings/*/lltc,*
3465    - dts/bindings/*/maxim,*
3466    - soc/adi/
3467  labels:
3468    - "platform: ADI"
3470Broadcom Platforms:
3471  status: odd fixes
3472  files:
3473    - dts/arm/broadcom/
3474    - soc/brcm/
3475    - boards/brcm/
3477GD32 Platforms:
3478  status: maintained
3479  maintainers:
3480    - nandojve
3481  collaborators:
3482    - gmarull
3483    - soburi
3484    - cameled
3485  files:
3486    - boards/gd/
3487    - drivers/*/*gd32*
3488    - dts/*/gd/
3489    - dts/bindings/*/*gd32*
3490    - scripts/west_commands/*/*gd32*
3491    - soc/gd/gd32/
3492  labels:
3493    - "platform: GD32"
3494  description: >-
3495    GigaDevice GD32 SOCs, dts files and related drivers. Starter and eval
3496    boards.
3498Synopsys Platforms:
3499  status: maintained
3500  maintainers:
3501    - ruuddw
3502    - evgeniy-paltsev
3503  collaborators:
3504    - abrodkin
3505  files:
3506    - soc/snps/
3507    - boards/snps/
3508    - boards/qemu/arc/
3509    - samples/boards/arc_secure_services/
3510    - scripts/west_commands/runners/mdb.py
3511    - scripts/west_commands/tests/test_mdb.py
3512    - scripts/west_commands/runners/nsim.py
3513    - cmake/emu/nsim.cmake
3514    - drivers/serial/uart_hostlink.c
3515    - drivers/serial/Kconfig.hostlink
3516  labels:
3517    - "platform: Synopsys"
3519Nuvoton NPCX Platforms:
3520  status: maintained
3521  maintainers:
3522    - MulinChao
3523    - ChiHuaL
3524  collaborators:
3525    - TomChang19
3526    - alvsun
3527    - sjg20
3528    - keith-zephyr
3529    - jackrosenthal
3530    - fabiobaltieri
3531  files:
3532    - soc/nuvoton/npcx/
3533    - boards/nuvoton/npcx*/
3534    - dts/arm/nuvoton/
3535    - dts/bindings/*/*npcx*
3536    - drivers/*/*_npcx*.c
3537  labels:
3538    - "platform: Nuvoton NPCX"
3540Nuvoton Numicro Numaker Platforms:
3541  status: maintained
3542  maintainers:
3543    - cyliangtw
3544  collaborators:
3545    - ssekar15
3546  files:
3547    - soc/nuvoton/numaker/
3548    - soc/nuvoton/numicro/
3549    - boards/nuvoton/numaker*/
3550    - dts/arm/nuvoton/
3551    - dts/bindings/*/*numicro*
3552    - dts/bindings/*/*numaker*
3553    - drivers/*/*_numicro*
3554    - drivers/*/*_numaker*
3555  labels:
3556    - "platform: Nuvoton Numicro Numaker"
3558Nuvoton NPCM Platforms:
3559  status: maintained
3560  maintainers:
3561    - maxdog988
3562    - warp5tw
3563    - jc849
3564  files:
3565    - soc/nuvoton/npcm/
3566    - boards/nuvoton/npcm*/
3567    - dts/arm/nuvoton/
3568    - drivers/*/*_npcm*
3569    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/*/npcm_*
3570  labels:
3571    - "platform: Nuvoton NPCM"
3573Raspberry Pi Pico Platforms:
3574  status: maintained
3575  maintainers:
3576    - soburi
3577  collaborators:
3578    - yonsch
3579    - threeeights
3580    - ajf58
3581  files:
3582    - boards/raspberrypi/rpi_pico*/
3583    - boards/adafruit/kb2040/
3584    - boards/adafruit/macropad_rp2040/
3585    - boards/adafruit/qt_py_rp2040/
3586    - boards/pimoroni/pico_plus2/
3587    - boards/seeed/xiao_rp2040/
3588    - boards/sparkfun/pro_micro_rp2040/
3589    - boards/waveshare/rp2040_zero/
3590    - boards/wiznet/w5500_evb_pico*/
3591    - dts/arm/raspberrypi/rpi_pico/
3592    - dts/bindings/*/raspberrypi,pico*
3593    - drivers/*/*rpi_pico
3594    - drivers/*/*rpi_pico*/
3595    - drivers/*/*rpi_pico*.c
3596    - soc/raspberrypi/
3597  labels:
3598    - "platform: Raspberry Pi Pico"
3600Silabs Platforms:
3601  status: maintained
3602  maintainers:
3603    - jhedberg
3604    - asmellby
3605  collaborators:
3606    - jerome-pouiller
3607    - Martinhoff-maker
3608  files:
3609    - soc/silabs/
3610    - boards/silabs/
3611    - dts/arm/silabs/
3612    - dts/bindings/*/silabs*
3613    - drivers/**/*gecko*
3614    - drivers/**/*silabs*
3615    - drivers/**/*siwx91x*
3616    - tests/boards/silabs/
3617  labels:
3618    - "platform: Silabs"
3620Silabs SiM3U Platforms:
3621  status: maintained
3622  maintainers:
3623    - rettichschnidi
3624  collaborators:
3625    - M1cha
3626    - asmellby
3627    - jerome-pouiller
3628    - jhedberg
3629  files:
3630    - boards/silabs/dev_kits/sim3u1xx_dk/
3631    - drivers/*/*_si32*
3632    - drivers/*/Kconfig.si32
3633    - dts/arm/silabs/sim3u*
3634    - dts/bindings/*/*silabs,si32*
3635    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/pinctrl/*si32*
3636    - soc/silabs/silabs_sim3/
3637  labels:
3638    - "platform: Silabs SiM3U"
3639  description: >-
3640    SiM3U SoCs, dts files, and related drivers. Boards based on SiM3U SoCs.
3642Gardena Platforms:
3643  status: maintained
3644  maintainers:
3645    - rettichschnidi
3646  collaborators:
3647    - M1cha
3648  files:
3649    - boards/gardena/
3650  labels:
3651    - "platform: Gardena"
3652  description: >-
3653    Gardena board(s).
3655Intel Platforms (X86):
3656  status: maintained
3657  maintainers:
3658    - edersondisouza
3659  collaborators:
3660    - najumon1980
3661    - teburd
3662    - dcpleung
3663    - ceolin
3664  files:
3665    - boards/intel/adl/
3666    - boards/intel/ehl/
3667    - boards/intel/rpl/
3668    - dts/x86/intel/
3669    - soc/intel/atom/
3670    - soc/intel/lakemont/
3671    - soc/intel/*_lake/
3672    - drivers/timer/Kconfig.x86
3673    - drivers/timer/hpet.c
3674    - drivers/timer/apic*
3675  labels:
3676    - "platform: X86"
3678Intel Platforms (Xtensa):
3679  status: maintained
3680  maintainers:
3681    - dcpleung
3682  collaborators:
3683    - andyross
3684    - lyakh
3685    - lgirdwood
3686    - kv2019i
3687    - ceolin
3688    - tmleman
3689    - softwarecki
3690    - jxstelter
3691    - marcinszkudlinski
3692    - nashif
3693  files:
3694    - boards/intel/adsp/
3695    - soc/intel/intel_adsp/
3696    - dts/xtensa/intel/
3697    - tests/boards/intel_adsp/
3698    - samples/boards/intel/adsp/
3699    - dts/bindings/*/intel,adsp*
3700    - scripts/west_commands/runners/intel_adsp.py
3701  labels:
3702    - "platform: Intel ADSP"
3704Intel Platforms (ISH):
3705  status: maintained
3706  maintainers:
3707    - kwd-doodling
3708  collaborators:
3709    - teburd
3710    - likongintel
3711    - nashif
3712  files:
3713    - boards/intel/ish/
3714    - soc/intel/intel_ish/
3715    - dts/x86/intel/intel_ish*
3716    - dts/bindings/*/intel,sedi*
3717    - drivers/*/*sedi*
3718  labels:
3719    - "platform: Intel ISH"
3721Intel Platforms (Agilex):
3722  status: maintained
3723  maintainers:
3724    - gdengi
3725  collaborators:
3726    - nbalabak
3727    - teikheng
3728  files:
3729    - boards/intel/socfpga/
3730    - soc/intel/intel_socfpga/
3731    - dts/arm64/intel/
3732    - dts/bindings/*/intel,agilex*
3733    - dts/arm/intel_socfpga_std/
3734  labels:
3735    - "platform: Intel SoC FPGA Agilex"
3737NXP Drivers:
3738  status: maintained
3739  maintainers:
3740    - dleach02
3741    - mmahadevan108
3742  collaborators:
3743    - decsny
3744    - manuargue
3745    - dbaluta
3746    - Raymond0225
3747  files-regex:
3748    - ^drivers/.*nxp.*
3749    - ^drivers/.*mcux.*
3750  files:
3751    - drivers/*/*imx*
3752    - drivers/*/*lpc*.c
3753    - drivers/*/*mcux*.c
3754    - drivers/*/*.mcux
3755    - drivers/*/*.nxp
3756    - drivers/*/*nxp*
3757    - drivers/*/*/*kinetis*
3758    - drivers/misc/*/nxp*
3759    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/*/*nxp*
3760    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/*/*mcux*
3761    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/inputmux/
3762    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/rdc/
3763    - include/zephyr/drivers/*/*nxp*
3764    - include/zephyr/drivers/*/*nxp*/
3765    - include/zephyr/drivers/*/*mcux*
3766    - arch/arm/core/mpu/nxp_mpu.c
3767    - dts/bindings/*/nxp*
3768  files-exclude:
3769    - drivers/wifi/
3770    - drivers/bluetooth/
3771    - drivers/usb/
3772  files-regex-exclude:
3773    - .*s32.*
3774  labels:
3775    - "platform: NXP Drivers"
3776  description: NXP Drivers
3778NXP Wireless:
3779  status: maintained
3780  maintainers:
3781    - dleach02
3782  collaborators:
3783    - MaochenWang1
3784    - axelnxp
3785  files:
3786    - drivers/wifi/nxp/
3787    - drivers/bluetooth/hci/*nxp*
3788    - drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_kw41z.c
3789  labels:
3790    - "platform: NXP Drivers"
3793  status: maintained
3794  maintainers:
3795    - mmahadevan108
3796    - MarkWangChinese
3797  files:
3798    - drivers/usb/*/*mcux*
3799    - boards/nxp/usb_kw24d512/
3800  labels:
3801    - "platform: NXP Drivers"
3802  description: NXP MCUX USB shim drivers
3804NXP Platforms (MCU):
3805  status: maintained
3806  maintainers:
3807    - dleach02
3808    - mmahadevan108
3809  collaborators:
3810    - DerekSnell
3811    - EmilioCBen
3812    - decsny
3813    - butok
3814  files:
3815    - boards/nxp/mimxrt*/
3816    - boards/nxp/frdm*/
3817    - boards/nxp/lpcxpress*/
3818    - boards/nxp/twr_*/
3819    - boards/nxp/*rw*/
3820    - boards/nxp/hexiwear/
3821    - boards/nxp/common/
3822    - boards/nxp/*
3823    - soc/nxp/common/
3824    - soc/nxp/imxrt/
3825    - soc/nxp/kinetis/
3826    - soc/nxp/lpc/
3827    - soc/nxp/rw/
3828    - soc/nxp/mcx/
3829    - dts/arm/nxp/
3830    - samples/boards/nxp*/
3831  files-exclude:
3832    - dts/arm/nxp/nxp_imx*
3833  files-regex-exclude:
3834    - .*s32.*
3835  labels:
3836    - "platform: NXP"
3837  description: NXP MCU Platforms supported by MCUXpresso suite
3839NXP Platforms (S32):
3840  status: maintained
3841  maintainers:
3842    - manuargue
3843  collaborators:
3844    - Dat-NguyenDuy
3845  files:
3846    - boards/nxp/*s32*/
3847    - boards/common/*nxp_s32*
3848    - soc/nxp/s32/
3849    - drivers/*/*nxp_s32*
3850    - drivers/misc/*nxp_s32*/
3851    - dts/bindings/*/nxp,s32*
3852    - dts/arm/nxp/*s32*
3853    - samples/boards/nxp/s32/
3854    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/*/nxp-s32*
3855    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/*/nxp_s32*
3856    - include/zephyr/drivers/*/*nxp_s32*
3857  labels:
3858    - "platform: NXP S32"
3859  description: NXP S32 platforms and S32-specific drivers
3861NXP Platforms (MPU):
3862  status: maintained
3863  maintainers:
3864    - JiafeiPan
3865  collaborators:
3866    - dleach02
3867    - dbaluta
3868    - iuliana-prodan
3869  files:
3870    - dts/arm64/nxp/
3871    - dts/arm/nxp/nxp_imx*
3872    - soc/nxp/imx/
3873    - soc/nxp/layerscape/
3874    - boards/nxp/ls1046ardb/
3875  files-regex:
3876    - boards/nxp/m?imx[^(rt)].*/
3877  labels:
3878    - "platform: NXP MPU"
3879  description: NXP MPU platforms
3881NXP Platforms (Xtensa):
3882  status: maintained
3883  maintainers:
3884    - dbaluta
3885  collaborators:
3886    - iuliana-prodan
3887  files:
3888    - soc/nxp/imx/*/adsp/
3889    - soc/nxp/imxrt/imxrt5xx/f1/
3890  labels:
3891    - "platform: NXP Xtensa"
3892  description: NXP Xtensa platforms
3894NXP Platforms (Robotics Products):
3895  status: maintained
3896  maintainers:
3897    - bperseghetti
3898    - PetervdPerk-NXP
3899  files:
3900    - boards/nxp/vmu*/
3901    - boards/nxp/rddrone_fmuk66/
3902    - boards/nxp/mr_canhubk3/
3903  labels:
3904    - "platform: NXP Robotics"
3905  description: NXP Robotics Module Platform Products
3907Microchip MEC Platforms:
3908  status: maintained
3909  maintainers:
3910    - jvasanth1
3911  collaborators:
3912    - VenkatKotakonda
3913    - albertofloyd
3914  files:
3915    - boards/microchip/mec*/
3916    - dts/arm/microchip/
3917    - soc/microchip/mec/
3918    - drivers/*/*mchp*.c
3919    - tests/boards/mec15xxevb_assy6853/
3920    - tests/boards/mec172xevb_assy6906/
3921    - dts/bindings/*/microchip,mec*
3922    - dts/bindings/*/microchip,xec*
3923  labels:
3924    - "platform: Microchip MEC"
3926Microchip RISC-V Platforms:
3927  status: maintained
3928  maintainers:
3929    - fkokosinski
3930    - kgugala
3931    - tgorochowik
3932  files:
3933    - boards/microchip/m2gl025_miv/
3934    - boards/microchip/mpfs_icicle/
3935    - dts/riscv/microchip/
3936    - soc/microchip/miv/
3937  labels:
3938    - "platform: Microchip RISC-V"
3940Microchip SAM Platforms:
3941  status: maintained
3942  maintainers:
3943    - nandojve
3944  collaborators:
3945    - attie-argentum
3946    - pdgendt
3947    - mnkp
3948    - stephanosio
3949  files:
3950    - boards/atmel/
3951    - dts/arm/atmel/
3952    - soc/atmel/
3953    - drivers/*/*sam*.c
3954    - dts/bindings/*/atmel,*
3955  labels:
3956    - "platform: Microchip SAM"
3958nRF Platforms:
3959  status: maintained
3960  maintainers:
3961    - anangl
3962    - masz-nordic
3963  collaborators:
3964    - jaz1-nordic
3965    - kl-cruz
3966    - magp-nordic
3967    - nika-nordic
3968  files:
3969    - boards/nordic/
3970    - drivers/*/*nrf*.c
3971    - drivers/*/*nordic*/
3972    - soc/nordic/
3973    - samples/boards/nordic/
3974    - dts/*/nordic/
3975    - dts/bindings/*/nordic,*
3976    - tests/drivers/*/*nrf*/
3977    - snippets/nordic*/
3978  labels:
3979    - "platform: nRF"
3981Octavo Systems Platforms:
3982  status: maintained
3983  maintainers:
3984    - fkokosinski
3985    - tgorochowik
3986  collaborators:
3987    - kgugala
3988  files:
3989    - boards/oct/
3990    - soc/oct/
3991  labels:
3992    - "platform: Octavo Systems"
3994OpenTitan Platforms:
3995  status: maintained
3996  maintainers:
3997    - snematbakhsh
3998  files:
3999    - boards/lowrisc/opentitan_earlgrey/
4000    - drivers/*/*opentitan*
4001    - dts/bindings/*/*opentitan*
4002    - dts/riscv/lowrisc/*opentitan*
4003    - soc/lowrisc/opentitan/
4004  labels:
4005    - "platform: OpenTitan"
4006  description: >-
4007    OpenTitan boards, SOCs, dts files and related drivers.
4009Realtek EC Platforms:
4010  status: maintained
4011  maintainers:
4012    - JasonLin-RealTek
4013  files:
4014    - boards/realtek/
4015    - drivers/*/*rts5912*
4016    - dts/bindings/*/*rts5912*
4017    - dts/arm/realtek/ec/
4018    - soc/realtek/ec/
4019  labels:
4020    - "platform: Realtek EC"
4022Renesas SmartBond Platforms:
4023  status: maintained
4024  maintainers:
4025    - ioannis-karachalios
4026    - andrzej-kaczmarek
4027    - blauret
4028  collaborators:
4029    - ydamigos
4030  files:
4031    - boards/renesas/da14*/
4032    - drivers/*/*smartbond*
4033    - drivers/pinctrl/renesas/smartbond/
4034    - dts/arm/renesas/smartbond/
4035    - dts/bindings/*/renesas,smartbond*
4036    - soc/renesas/smartbond/
4037  labels:
4038    - "platform: Renesas SmartBond"
4039  description: >-
4040    Renesas SmartBond SOCs, dts files, and related drivers. Renesas boards based
4041    on SmartBond SoCs.
4043Renesas RA Platforms:
4044  status: maintained
4045  maintainers:
4046    - soburi
4047    - KhiemNguyenT
4048  collaborators:
4049    - duynguyenxa
4050    - thaoluonguw
4051  files:
4052    - boards/arduino/uno_r4/
4053    - boards/renesas/*ra*/
4054    - drivers/*/*renesas_ra*
4055    - drivers/pinctrl/renesas/ra/
4056    - dts/arm/renesas/ra/
4057    - dts/bindings/*/*renesas,ra*
4058    - soc/renesas/ra/
4059    - samples/boards/renesas/
4060  labels:
4061    - "platform: Renesas RA"
4062  description: >-
4063    Renesas RA SOCs, dts files, and related drivers. Boards based
4064    on Renesas RA SoCs.
4066Renesas RZ Platforms:
4067  status: maintained
4068  maintainers:
4069    - tgorochowik
4070    - binhnguyen2434
4071  collaborators:
4072    - nhutnguyenkc
4073  files:
4074    - boards/renesas/rz*/
4075    - drivers/*/*rzt2m*
4076    - drivers/*/*renesas_rz*
4077    - drivers/pinctrl/renesas/rz/
4078    - dts/arm/renesas/rz/
4079    - dts/bindings/*/*rzt2m*
4080    - dts/bindings/*/*renesas,rz*
4081    - soc/renesas/rzt2m/
4082    - soc/renesas/rz/
4083  labels:
4084    - "platforms: Renesas RZ"
4085  description: >-
4086    Renesas RZ SOCs, dts files, and related drivers. Renesas boards based
4087    on RZ SoCs.
4089Renesas R-Car Platforms:
4090  status: maintained
4091  maintainers:
4092    - aaillet
4093    - lorc
4094  collaborators:
4095    - xakep-amatop
4096  files:
4097    - boards/renesas/rcar_*/
4098    - drivers/*/*rcar*
4099    - drivers/clock_control/*cpg_mssr*
4100    - drivers/pinctrl/renesas/rcar/
4101    - dts/arm/renesas/rcar/
4102    - dts/arm64/renesas/
4103    - dts/bindings/*/*rcar*
4104    - soc/renesas/rcar/
4105  labels:
4106    - "platform: Renesas R-Car"
4107  description: >-
4108    Renesas R-Car SOCs, dts files (Cortex-R and Cortex-A sides).
4109    Renesas boards based on R-Car SOCs (Cortex-R and Cortex-A sides).
4110    Renesas R-Car related drivers.
4112STM32 Platforms:
4113  status: maintained
4114  maintainers:
4115    - erwango
4116  collaborators:
4117    - FRASTM
4118    - gautierg-st
4119    - GeorgeCGV
4120    - marwaiehm-st
4121    - mathieuchopstm
4122    - djiatsaf-st
4123  files:
4124    - boards/st/
4125    - drivers/*/*stm32*.c
4126    - drivers/*/*stm32*.h
4127    - drivers/*/*/*stm32*
4128    - drivers/*/*stm32*
4129    - dts/arm/st/
4130    - dts/bindings/*/*stm32*
4131    - soc/st/stm32/
4132    - samples/boards/st/
4133  files-exclude:
4134    - boards/st/*wb*/
4135    - drivers/bluetooth/hci/*stm32*.c
4136    - soc/st/stm32/stm32wb*/
4137  labels:
4138    - "platform: STM32"
4139  description: >-
4140    STM32 SOCs, dts files and related drivers. ST development boards.
4142STM32 Wireless Platforms:
4143  status: maintained
4144  maintainers:
4145    - erwango
4146  collaborators:
4147    - asm5878
4148    - HoZHel
4149    - benothmn-st
4150    - mathieuchopstm
4151  files:
4152    - boards/shields/x_nucleo_bnrg2a1/
4153    - boards/shields/x_nucleo_idb05a1/
4154    - boards/shields/x_nucleo_wb05kn1/
4155    - boards/st/*wb*/
4156    - drivers/bluetooth/hci/*stm32*.c
4157    - drivers/bluetooth/hci/hci_spi_st.c
4158    - soc/st/stm32/stm32wb*/
4159  labels:
4160    - "platform: STM32"
4161  description: >-
4162    STM32WB SOCs, dts files and related drivers. STM32WB development boards
4163    and ST bluetooth shields.
4165Enclustra Platforms:
4166  status: maintained
4167  maintainers:
4168    - fkokosinski
4169  collaborators:
4170    - tgorochowik
4171  files:
4172    - boards/enclustra/
4173  labels:
4174    - "platform: Enclustra"
4176Espressif Platforms:
4177  status: maintained
4178  maintainers:
4179    - sylvioalves
4180  collaborators:
4181    - LucasTambor
4182    - marekmatej
4183    - uLipe
4184    - raffarost
4185    - wmrsouza
4186  files:
4187    - drivers/*/*esp32*.c
4188    - boards/espressif/
4189    - soc/espressif/
4190    - dts/xtensa/espressif/
4191    - dts/riscv/espressif/
4192    - dts/bindings/*/*esp32*
4193    - samples/boards/espressif/
4194    - tests/boards/espressif/
4195    - drivers/*/*esp32*/
4196  labels:
4197    - "platform: ESP32"
4199ITE Platforms:
4200  status: maintained
4201  maintainers:
4202    - Dino-Li
4203    - GTLin08
4204    - RuibinChang
4205  collaborators:
4206    - jackrosenthal
4207    - keith-zephyr
4208    - brockus-zephyr
4209    - sjg20
4210  files:
4211    - boards/ite/
4212    - drivers/sensor/ite/
4213    - drivers/*/*it8xxx2*.c
4214    - drivers/*/*_ite_*
4215    - dts/bindings/*/ite*
4216    - dts/riscv/ite/
4217    - soc/ite/
4218  labels:
4219    - "platform: ITE"
4221TI SimpleLink Platforms:
4222  status: maintained
4223  maintainers:
4224    - vaishnavachath
4225  collaborators:
4226    - vanti
4227  files:
4228    - boards/ti/cc*/
4229    - boards/ti/msp*/
4230    - drivers/*/*cc13*
4231    - drivers/*/*cc25*
4232    - drivers/*/*cc26*
4233    - drivers/*/*cc32*
4234    - dts/arm/ti/
4235    - dts/bindings/*/ti,*
4236    - soc/ti/simplelink/
4237    - dts/bindings/*/ti,*
4238    - modules/Kconfig.simplelink
4239  labels:
4240    - "platform: TI SimpleLink"
4242TI K3 Platforms:
4243  status: maintained
4244  maintainers:
4245    - vaishnavachath
4246  collaborators:
4247    - gramsay0
4248    - dnltz
4249  files:
4250    - boards/ti/*am62*/
4251    - drivers/*/*davinci*
4252    - drivers/*/*omap*
4253    - drivers/*/*ti_k3*
4254    - dts/bindings/*/ti,k3*
4255    - soc/ti/k3/
4256  labels:
4257    - "platform: TI K3"
4259TI Platforms:
4260  status: odd fixes
4261  files:
4262    - soc/ti/lm3s6965/
4263    - dts/arm/ti/lm3s6965.dtsi
4264  labels:
4265    - "platform: TI"
4267Xilinx Platforms:
4268  status: odd fixes
4269  collaborators:
4270    - henrikbrixandersen
4271    - ibirnbaum
4272    - michalsimek
4273  files:
4274    - boards/amd/
4275    - drivers/*/*xilinx*
4276    - drivers/*/*xlnx*
4277    - drivers/*/*zynq*
4278    - dts/*/xilinx/
4279    - dts/bindings/*/*xlnx*
4280    - include/zephyr/*/*/*xlnx*
4281    - soc/xlnx/
4282  labels:
4283    - "platform: Xilinx"
4285Infineon Platforms:
4286  status: maintained
4287  maintainers:
4288    - ifyall
4289  collaborators:
4290    - npal-cy
4291    - talih0
4292  files:
4293    - boards/cypress/
4294    - boards/infineon/
4295    - drivers/*/*ifx_cat1*
4296    - drivers/*/*xmc*
4297    - drivers/sensor/infineon/
4298    - dts/arm/infineon/
4299    - dts/bindings/*/*infineon*
4300    - soc/infineon/
4301  labels:
4302    - "platform: Infineon"
4303  description: >-
4304    Infineon SOCs, dts files and related drivers. Infineon Proto, Pioneer, Eval and Relax
4305    boards.
4307LiteX Platforms:
4308  status: maintained
4309  maintainers:
4310    - tgorochowik
4311    - kgugala
4312    - fkokosinski
4313  collaborators:
4314    - mateusz-holenko
4315    - maass-hamburg
4316  files:
4317    - boards/enjoydigital/litex_vexriscv/
4318    - drivers/*/*litex*
4319    - drivers/*/Kconfig.litex
4320    - dts/bindings/*/litex*
4321    - dts/riscv/riscv32-litex-vexriscv.dtsi
4322    - include/zephyr/drivers/*/*litex*
4323    - samples/boards/enjoydigital/litex/
4324    - samples/drivers/*litex/
4325    - soc/litex/
4326  labels:
4327    - "platform: LiteX"
4329Panasonic Platforms:
4330  status: maintained
4331  maintainers:
4332    - pideu-sj
4333  files:
4334    - boards/panasonic/
4335  labels:
4336    - "platform: Panasonic"
4339  status: maintained
4340  maintainers:
4341    - teburd
4342  collaborators:
4343    - yperess
4344    - ubieda
4345  files:
4346    - samples/subsys/rtio/
4347    - include/zephyr/rtio/
4348    - tests/subsys/rtio/
4349    - subsys/rtio/
4350    - doc/services/rtio/
4351  labels:
4352    - "area: RTIO"
4353  tests:
4354    - rtio
4356Secure storage:
4357  status: maintained
4358  maintainers:
4359    - tomi-font
4360  files:
4361    - subsys/secure_storage/
4362    - include/zephyr/psa/
4363    - samples/psa/
4364    - doc/services/storage/secure_storage/index.rst
4365    - tests/subsys/secure_storage/
4366  labels:
4367    - "area: Secure storage"
4368  tests:
4369    - psa.secure_storage
4371Sensry Platforms:
4372  status: maintained
4373  maintainers:
4374    - tswaehn
4375  files:
4376    - boards/sensry/
4377  files-regex:
4378    - .*sy1xx.*
4379  labels:
4380    - "platform: sensry"
4383  status: odd fixes
4384  files:
4385    - subsys/storage/
4386    - include/zephyr/storage/
4387    - tests/subsys/storage/
4388    - doc/services/storage/
4389  labels:
4390    - "area: Storage"
4391  tests:
4392    - storage
4394Storage ZMS:
4395  status: maintained
4396  maintainers:
4397    - rghaddab
4398  files:
4399    - subsys/fs/zms/
4400    - include/zephyr/fs/zms.h
4401    - samples/subsys/fs/zms/
4402    - tests/subsys/fs/zms/
4403    - doc/services/storage/zms/zms.rst
4406  status: maintained
4407  maintainers:
4408    - tejlmand
4409  collaborators:
4410    - nordicjm
4411    - "57300"
4412  files:
4413    - share/sysbuild/
4414    - samples/sysbuild/
4415    - doc/build/sysbuild/
4416  labels:
4417    - "area: Sysbuild"
4418  tests:
4419    - sample.sysbuild
4421Task Watchdog:
4422  status: maintained
4423  maintainers:
4424    - martinjaeger
4425  files:
4426    - include/zephyr/task_wdt/
4427    - samples/subsys/task_wdt/
4428    - subsys/task_wdt/
4429    - doc/services/task_wdt/index.rst
4430  labels:
4431    - "area: Task Watchdog"
4432  tests:
4433    - sample.task_wdt
4435"Drivers: Syscon":
4436  status: maintained
4437  maintainers:
4438    - carlocaione
4439  files:
4440    - include/zephyr/drivers/syscon.h
4441    - drivers/syscon/
4442    - tests/drivers/syscon/
4443  tests:
4444    - drivers.syscon
4446TDK Sensors:
4447  status: maintained
4448  maintainers:
4449    - teburd
4450    - MaureenHelm
4451  files:
4452    - drivers/sensor/tdk/
4453  labels:
4454    - "area: Sensors"
4455  tests:
4456    - drivers.sensors
4458"Drivers: Time Aware GPIO":
4459  status: maintained
4460  maintainers:
4461    - akanisetti
4462  files:
4463    - doc/hardware/peripherals/tgpio.rst
4464    - drivers/misc/timeaware_gpio/
4465    - include/zephyr/drivers/misc/timeaware_gpio/
4466    - samples/drivers/misc/timeaware_gpio/
4467  labels:
4468    - "area: Time Aware GPIO"
4469  tests:
4470    - sample.drivers.misc.timeaware_gpio
4472"Toolchain Integration":
4473  status: maintained
4474  maintainers:
4475    - tejlmand
4476  collaborators:
4477    - stephanosio
4478  files:
4479    - cmake/bintools/
4480    - cmake/compiler/
4481    - cmake/linker/
4482    - cmake/toolchain/
4483    - include/zephyr/toolchain/
4484    - include/zephyr/toolchain.h
4485  labels:
4486    - "area: Toolchains"
4488"Toolchain ARC MWDT":
4489  status: maintained
4490  maintainers:
4491    - evgeniy-paltsev
4492    - abrodkin
4493  files:
4494    - cmake/*/arcmwdt/
4495    - include/zephyr/toolchain/mwdt.h
4496    - include/zephyr/linker/linker-tool-mwdt.h
4497    - lib/libc/arcmwdt/*
4498  labels:
4499    - "area: Toolchains"
4501"Toolchain arm compiler 6":
4502  status: maintained
4503  maintainers:
4504    - tejlmand
4505  files:
4506    - cmake/*/armclang/
4507    - cmake/linker/armlink/
4508    - include/zephyr/toolchain/armclang.h
4509    - lib/libc/armstdc/*
4510  labels:
4511    - "area: Toolchains"
4513"Toolchain IAR":
4514  status: maintained
4515  maintainers:
4516    - RobinKastberg
4517  files:
4518    - cmake/*/iar/
4519    - include/zephyr/toolchain/iar.h
4520    - include/zephyr/toolchain/iar/*
4521    - lib/libc/iar/*
4522  labels:
4523    - "area: Toolchains"
4525"Toolchain oneApi":
4526  status: maintained
4527  maintainers:
4528    - nashif
4529  files:
4530    - cmake/*/oneApi/
4531    - cmake/compiler/icx/
4532  labels:
4533    - "area: Toolchains"
4536  status: maintained
4537  maintainers:
4538    - nashif
4539  collaborators:
4540    - teburd
4541  files:
4542    - subsys/tracing/
4543    - scripts/tracing/
4544    - include/zephyr/tracing/
4545    - subsys/timing/
4546    - samples/subsys/tracing/
4547    - doc/services/tracing/
4548    - tests/subsys/tracing/
4549  labels:
4550    - "area: tracing"
4551  tests:
4552    - tracing
4555  status: maintained
4556  maintainers:
4557    - jfischer-no
4558  collaborators:
4559    - tmon-nordic
4560  files:
4561    - drivers/usb/
4562    - dts/bindings/usb/
4563    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/usb/
4564    - include/zephyr/*/usb/
4565    - include/zephyr/usb/
4566    - samples/subsys/usb/
4567    - subsys/usb/
4568    - tests/subsys/usb/
4569    - tests/drivers/build_all/usb/
4570    - tests/drivers/usb/
4571    - tests/drivers/udc/
4572    - doc/connectivity/usb/
4573  labels:
4574    - "area: USB"
4575  tests:
4576    - usb
4577    - drivers.usb
4580  status: maintained
4581  maintainers:
4582    - sambhurst
4583  collaborators:
4584    - keith-zephyr
4585  files:
4586    - drivers/usb_c/
4587    - dts/bindings/usb-c/
4588    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/usb-c/
4589    - include/zephyr/*/usb_c/
4590    - include/zephyr/usb_c/
4591    - samples/subsys/usb_c/
4592    - subsys/usb/usb_c/
4593    - doc/connectivity/usb/pd/
4594    - doc/hardware/peripherals/usbc_vbus.rst
4595    - scripts/generate_usb_vif/
4596  labels:
4597    - "area: USB-C"
4598  tests:
4599    - sample.usbc
4602  status: maintained
4603  maintainers:
4604    - dcpleung
4605  collaborators:
4606    - ceolin
4607  files:
4608    - include/zephyr/internal/syscall_handler.h
4609    - doc/kernel/usermode/kernelobjects.rst
4610    - include/zephyr/app_memory/
4611    - include/zephyr/linker/app_smem*.ld
4612    - tests/kernel/mem_protect/
4613    - samples/userspace/
4614    - include/zephyr/syscall.h
4615    - kernel/userspace*
4616    - scripts/build/gen_app_partitions.py
4617    - scripts/build/gen_kobject_list.py
4618    - scripts/build/gen_syscalls.py
4619    - scripts/build/process_gperf.py
4620    - scripts/build/gen_relocate_app.py
4621    - include/zephyr/sys/kobject.h
4622    - include/zephyr/sys/mem_manage.h
4623    - include/zephyr/kernel/mm.h
4624    - include/zephyr/kernel/internal/mm.h
4625    - include/zephyr/kernel/mm/demand_paging.h
4626  labels:
4627    - "area: Userspace"
4628  tests:
4629    - kernel.memory_protection
4632  status: maintained
4633  maintainers:
4634    - de-nordic
4635  files:
4636    - subsys/fs/fat_fs.c
4637    - tests/subsys/fs/fat_fs_api/
4638  description: >-
4639    VFS implementation
4641  labels:
4642    - "area: File System"
4643  tests:
4644    - filesystem
4647  status: maintained
4648  maintainers:
4649    - pdgendt
4650  collaborators:
4651    - mbolivar
4652    - carlescufi
4653    - swinslow
4654  files:
4655    - scripts/west-commands.yml
4656    - scripts/west_commands/
4657    - doc/develop/west/
4658    - scripts/pylib/build_helpers/domains.py
4659  labels:
4660    - "area: West"
4662"West project: acpica":
4663  status: maintained
4664  maintainers:
4665    - najumon1980
4666  files:
4667    - modules/acpica/
4668  labels:
4669    - "area: ACPI"
4671"West project: bsim":
4672  status: maintained
4673  maintainers:
4674    - aescolar
4675  files: []
4676  labels:
4677    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4679"West project: babblesim_base":
4680  status: maintained
4681  maintainers:
4682    - aescolar
4683  files: []
4684  labels:
4685    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4687"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_libPhyComv1":
4688  status: maintained
4689  maintainers:
4690    - aescolar
4691  files: []
4692  labels:
4693    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4695"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_phy_v1":
4696  status: maintained
4697  maintainers:
4698    - aescolar
4699  files: []
4700  labels:
4701    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4703"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_channel_NtNcable":
4704  status: maintained
4705  maintainers:
4706    - aescolar
4707  files: []
4708  labels:
4709    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4711"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_channel_multiatt":
4712  status: maintained
4713  maintainers:
4714    - aescolar
4715  files: []
4716  labels:
4717    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4719"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_modem_magic":
4720  status: maintained
4721  maintainers:
4722    - aescolar
4723  files: []
4724  labels:
4725    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4727"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_modem_BLE_simple":
4728  status: maintained
4729  maintainers:
4730    - aescolar
4731  files: []
4732  labels:
4733    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4735"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_device_burst_interferer":
4736  status: maintained
4737  maintainers:
4738    - aescolar
4739  files: []
4740  labels:
4741    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4743"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_device_WLAN_actmod":
4744  status: maintained
4745  maintainers:
4746    - aescolar
4747  files: []
4748  labels:
4749    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4751"West project: babblesim_ext_2G4_device_playback":
4752  status: maintained
4753  maintainers:
4754    - aescolar
4755  files: []
4756  labels:
4757    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4759"West project: babblesim_ext_libCryptov1":
4760  status: maintained
4761  maintainers:
4762    - aescolar
4763  files: []
4764  labels:
4765    - "platform: nRF BSIM"
4767"West project: canopennode":
4768  status: maintained
4769  maintainers:
4770    - henrikbrixandersen
4771  files:
4772    - modules/canopennode/
4773  labels:
4774    - "area: CAN"
4776"West project: chre":
4777  status: maintained
4778  maintainers:
4779    - yperess
4780  files:
4781    - samples/modules/chre/
4782    - modules/Kconfig.chre
4783  labels:
4784    - "area: CHRE"
4786"West project: cmsis":
4787  status: maintained
4788  maintainers:
4789    - stephanosio
4790  collaborators:
4791    - microbuilder
4792    - povergoing
4793  files:
4794    - modules/cmsis/
4795  labels:
4796    - "area: CMSIS-Core"
4798"West project: cmsis-dsp":
4799  status: maintained
4800  maintainers:
4801    - XenuIsWatching
4802  collaborators:
4803    - stephanosio
4804  files:
4805    - modules/cmsis-dsp/
4806  labels:
4807    - "area: CMSIS-DSP"
4809"West project: cmsis-nn":
4810  status: maintained
4811  maintainers:
4812    - XenuIsWatching
4813  collaborators:
4814    - stephanosio
4815  files:
4816    - modules/cmsis-nn/
4817  labels:
4818    - "area: CMSIS-NN"
4820"West project: cmsis_6":
4821  status: maintained
4822  maintainers:
4823    - wearyzen
4824  collaborators:
4825    - tomi-font
4826    - ithinuel
4827  files: []
4828  labels:
4829    - "area: CMSIS_6"
4831"West project: edtt":
4832  status: maintained
4833  maintainers:
4834    - aescolar
4835  collaborators:
4836    - wopu-ot
4837    - thoh-ot
4838  files: []
4839  labels:
4840    - "area: Tests"
4842"West project: fatfs":
4843  status: maintained
4844  maintainers:
4845    - de-nordic
4846  files:
4847    - modules/fatfs/
4848  labels:
4849    - "area: Storage"
4851"West project: hal_adi":
4852  status: maintained
4853  maintainers:
4854    - MaureenHelm
4855  collaborators:
4856    - ozersa
4857    - ttmut
4858    - yasinustunerg
4859  files: []
4860  labels:
4861    - "platform: ADI"
4863"West project: hal_altera":
4864  status: odd fixes
4865  collaborators:
4866    - nashif
4867  files:
4868    - modules/Kconfig.altera
4869  labels:
4870    - "platform: Altera"
4872"West project: hal_ambiq":
4873  status: odd fixes
4874  collaborators:
4875    - aaronyegx
4876    - AlessandroLuo
4877    - RichardSWheatley
4878  files:
4879    - modules/hal_ambiq/
4880  labels:
4881    - "platform: Ambiq"
4883"West project: hal_atmel":
4884  status: maintained
4885  maintainers:
4886    - nandojve
4887  collaborators:
4888    - pdgendt
4889  files:
4890    - modules/Kconfig.atmel
4891  labels:
4892    - "platform: Microchip SAM"
4894"West project: hal_cypress":
4895  status: maintained
4896  maintainers:
4897    - ifyall
4898  collaborators:
4899    - nashif
4900    - npal-cy
4901  files:
4902    - modules/Kconfig.cypress
4903  labels:
4904    - "platform: Infineon"
4906"West project: hal_espressif":
4907  status: maintained
4908  maintainers:
4909    - sylvioalves
4910  collaborators:
4911    - LucasTambor
4912    - marekmatej
4913  files:
4914    - modules/Kconfig.esp32
4915  labels:
4916    - "platform: ESP32"
4918"West project: hal_ethos_u":
4919  status: maintained
4920  maintainers:
4921    - kristofer-jonsson-arm
4922    - wearyzen
4923  collaborators:
4924    - ithinuel
4925  files:
4926    - drivers/misc/ethos_u/
4927    - modules/hal_ethos_u/
4928  labels:
4929    - "platform: ARM"
4931"West project: hal_gigadevice":
4932  status: maintained
4933  maintainers:
4934    - nandojve
4935  collaborators:
4936    - gmarull
4937    - soburi
4938  files:
4939    - modules/hal_gigadevice/
4940  labels:
4941    - "platform: GD32"
4943"West project: hal_infineon":
4944  status: maintained
4945  maintainers:
4946    - ifyall
4947  collaborators:
4948    - parthitce
4949    - talih0
4950    - npal-cy
4951  files:
4952    - modules/Kconfig.infineon
4953    - modules/hal_infineon/
4954  labels:
4955    - "platform: Infineon"
4957"West project: hal_microchip":
4958  status: maintained
4959  maintainers:
4960    - jvasanth1
4961  collaborators:
4962    - VenkatKotakonda
4963    - albertofloyd
4964  files:
4965    - modules/Kconfig.microchip
4966  labels:
4967    - "platform: Microchip SAM"
4968    - "platform: Microchip MEC"
4970"West project: hal_nordic":
4971  status: maintained
4972  maintainers:
4973    - anangl
4974  collaborators:
4975    - hubertmis
4976    - nordic-krch
4977  files:
4978    - modules/hal_nordic/
4979  labels:
4980    - "platform: nRF"
4982"West project: hal_nuvoton":
4983  status: maintained
4984  maintainers:
4985    - ssekar15
4986  files:
4987    - modules/Kconfig.nuvoton
4988  labels:
4989    - "platform: Nuvoton"
4991"West project: hal_nxp":
4992  status: maintained
4993  maintainers:
4994    - dleach02
4995    - mmahadevan108
4996  collaborators:
4997    - decsny
4998    - manuargue
4999    - PetervdPerk-NXP
5000    - bperseghetti
5001  files:
5002    - modules/hal_nxp/
5003    - modules/Kconfig.imx
5004    - modules/Kconfig.mcux
5005    - modules/Kconfig.nxp_s32
5006  labels:
5007    - "platform: NXP"
5009"West project: hal_openisa":
5010  status: odd fixes
5011  collaborators:
5012    - dleach02
5013  files:
5014    - modules/Kconfig.vega
5015  labels:
5016    - "platform: openisa/RV32M1"
5018"West project: hal_quicklogic":
5019  status: odd fixes
5020  collaborators:
5021    - fkokosinski
5022  files: []
5023  labels:
5024    - "platform: Quicklogic"
5026"West project: hal_renesas":
5027  status: maintained
5028  maintainers:
5029    - KhiemNguyenT
5030    - ioannis-karachalios
5031  collaborators:
5032    - blauret
5033    - andrzej-kaczmarek
5034    - ydamigos
5035    - soburi
5036    - duynguyenxa
5037    - thaoluonguw
5038  files: []
5039  labels:
5040    - "platform: Renesas"
5042"West project: hal_rpi_pico":
5043  status: maintained
5044  maintainers:
5045    - soburi
5046  collaborators:
5047    - yonsch
5048    - threeeights
5049    - ajf58
5050  files:
5051    - modules/hal_rpi_pico/
5052  labels:
5053    - "platform: Raspberry Pi Pico"
5055"West project: hal_silabs":
5056  status: maintained
5057  maintainers:
5058    - jhedberg
5059    - asmellby
5060  collaborators:
5061    - jerome-pouiller
5062    - sateeshkotapati
5063    - yonsch
5064    - mnkp
5065    - rettichschnidi
5066    - Martinhoff-maker
5067  files:
5068    - modules/hal_silabs/
5069  labels:
5070    - "platform: Silabs"
5072"West project: hal_st":
5073  status: maintained
5074  maintainers:
5075    - avisconti
5076  collaborators:
5077    - erwango
5078  files:
5079    - modules/hal_st/Kconfig
5081"West project: hal_stm32":
5082  status: maintained
5083  maintainers:
5084    - erwango
5085  collaborators:
5086    - FRASTM
5087    - gautierg-st
5088    - marwaiehm-st
5089    - asm5878
5090    - HoZHel
5091    - benothmn-st
5092  files:
5093    - modules/Kconfig.stm32
5094  labels:
5095    - "platform: STM32"
5097"West project: hal_tdk":
5098  status: maintained
5099  maintainers:
5100    - afontaine-invn
5101  collaborators:
5102    - rbuisson-invn
5103    - gjabouley-invn
5104    - sriccardi-invn
5105  files:
5106    - modules/hal_tdk/Kconfig
5108"West project: hal_telink":
5109  status: maintained
5110  maintainers:
5111    - andy-liu-telink
5112  files:
5113    - modules/Kconfig.telink
5114  labels:
5115    - "platform: Telink"
5117"West project: hal_ti":
5118  status: maintained
5119  maintainers:
5120    - vaishnavachath
5121  files: []
5122  labels:
5123    - "platform: TI"
5125"West project: hal_wch":
5126  status: maintained
5127  maintainers:
5128    - nzmichaelh
5129    - kholia
5130  files:
5131    - modules/hal_wch/
5133"West project: hal_wurthelektronik":
5134  status: maintained
5135  maintainers:
5136    - mah-eiSmart
5137  files:
5138    - modules/Kconfig.wurthelektronik
5140"West project: hal_xtensa":
5141  status: maintained
5142  maintainers:
5143    - dcpleung
5144  collaborators:
5145    - andyross
5146    - nashif
5147  files:
5148    - modules/Kconfig.xtensa
5149  labels:
5150    - "area: Xtensa"
5152"West project: hal_intel":
5153  status: maintained
5154  maintainers:
5155    - kwd-doodling
5156  collaborators:
5157    - teburd
5158    - likongintel
5159  files:
5160    - modules/Kconfig.intel
5161  labels:
5162    - "platform: Intel"
5164"West project: zephyr-lang-rust":
5165  status: maintained
5166  maintainers:
5167    - d3zd3z
5168  files: []
5169  labels:
5170    - "area: Rust"
5172"West project: libmctp":
5173  status: maintained
5174  maintainers:
5175    - teburd
5176  collaborators:
5177    - nashif
5178    - inteljiangwe1
5179  files:
5180    - samples/modules/mctp/
5181  labels:
5182    - "area: MCTP"
5184"West project: libmetal":
5185  status: odd fixes
5186  collaborators:
5187    - carlocaione
5188    - arnopo
5189  files:
5190    - modules/Kconfig.libmetal
5191  labels:
5192    - "area: AMP"
5194"West project: liblc3":
5195  status: maintained
5196  maintainers:
5197    - Casper-Bonde-Bose
5198    - MariuszSkamra
5199  collaborators:
5200    - thalley
5201    - asbjornsabo
5202  files:
5203    - modules/liblc3/
5204  labels:
5205    - "area: Audio"
5207"West project: littlefs":
5208  status: odd fixes
5209  files:
5210    - modules/littlefs/
5211  labels:
5212    - "area: Storage"
5214"West project: loramac-node":
5215  status: maintained
5216  maintainers:
5217    - Mani-Sadhasivam
5218  files:
5219    - modules/loramac-node/
5220  labels:
5221    - "area: LoRa"
5223"West project: lvgl":
5224  status: maintained
5225  maintainers:
5226    - faxe1008
5227  collaborators:
5228    - brgl
5229    - pdgendt
5230    - uLipe
5231  files:
5232    - modules/lvgl/
5233    - tests/lib/gui/lvgl/
5234    - include/zephyr/dt-bindings/lvgl/
5235  labels:
5236    - "area: LVGL"
5238"West project: lz4":
5239  status: odd fixes
5240  collaborators:
5241    - parthitce
5242  files:
5243    - modules/lz4/
5244    - samples/modules/compression/lz4/
5245  labels:
5246    - "area: Compression"
5248"West project: mbedtls":
5249  status: maintained
5250  maintainers:
5251    - d3zd3z
5252    - ceolin
5253  collaborators:
5254    - wearyzen
5255    - valeriosetti
5256    - tomi-font
5257    - ithinuel
5258  files:
5259    - modules/mbedtls/
5260    - tests/crypto/mbedtls/
5261    - tests/benchmarks/mbedtls/
5262  labels:
5263    - "area: mbedTLS / PSA Crypto"
5264  tests:
5265    - benchmark.crypto.mbedtls
5266    - crypto.mbedtls
5267    - psa.secure_storage
5269"West project: mcuboot":
5270  status: maintained
5271  maintainers:
5272    - d3zd3z
5273  collaborators:
5274    - de-nordic
5275    - nordicjm
5276  files:
5277    - modules/Kconfig.mcuboot
5278    - tests/boot/
5279  labels:
5280    - "area: MCUBoot"
5282"West project: mipi-sys-t":
5283  status: odd fixes
5284  collaborators:
5285    - dcpleung
5286  files:
5287    - modules/Kconfig.syst
5288  labels:
5289    - "area: Tracing"
5291"West project: nanopb":
5292  status: maintained
5293  maintainers:
5294    - pdgendt
5295  files:
5296    - modules/nanopb/
5297    - samples/modules/nanopb/
5298    - tests/modules/nanopb/
5299  labels:
5300    - "area: Serialization"
5302"West project: net-tools":
5303  status: odd fixes
5304  maintainers:
5305    - jukkar
5306  collaborators:
5307    - rlubos
5308  files: []
5309  labels:
5310    - "area: Networking"
5312"West project: nrf_hw_models":
5313  status: maintained
5314  maintainers:
5315    - aescolar
5316  collaborators:
5317    - wopu-ot
5318    - thoh-ot
5319  files: []
5320  labels:
5321    - "area: native port"
5323"West project: nrf_wifi":
5324  status: maintained
5325  maintainers:
5326    - krish2718
5327    - sachinthegreen
5328  collaborators:
5329    - udaynordic
5330    - rajb9
5331    - srkanordic
5332  files:
5333    - modules/nrf_wifi/
5334  labels:
5335    - "area: Wi-Fi"
5337"West project: open-amp":
5338  status: odd fixes
5339  collaborators:
5340    - carlocaione
5341    - uLipe
5342    - iuliana-prodan
5343  files:
5344    - modules/Kconfig.open-amp
5345  labels:
5346    - "area: AMP"
5348"West project: openthread":
5349  status: maintained
5350  maintainers:
5351    - rlubos
5352  collaborators:
5353    - pdgendt
5354    - canisLupus1313
5355    - mariuszpos
5356    - edmont
5357    - maciejbaczmanski
5358  files:
5359    - modules/openthread/
5360  labels:
5361    - "area: OpenThread"
5363"West project: percepio":
5364  status: maintained
5365  maintainers:
5366    - eriktamlin
5367    - aronlander-pe
5368  files:
5369    - modules/percepio/
5370  labels:
5371    - "area: Tracing"
5373"West project: picolibc":
5374  status: maintained
5375  maintainers:
5376    - keith-packard
5377  collaborators:
5378    - stephanosio
5379  files:
5380    - modules/Kconfig.picolibc
5381  labels:
5382    - "area: C Library"
5383    - "area: picolibc"
5385"West project: segger":
5386  status: odd fixes
5387  collaborators:
5388    - nordic-krch
5389  files:
5390    - modules/segger/
5391  labels:
5392    - "area: Debugging"
5394"West project: sof":
5395  status: maintained
5396  maintainers:
5397    - kv2019i
5398  collaborators:
5399    - andyross
5400    - nashif
5401    - lyakh
5402    - lgirdwood
5403  files:
5404    - modules/Kconfig.sof
5405  labels:
5406    - "area: Audio"
5408"West project: tflite-micro":
5409  status: maintained
5410  maintainers:
5411    - XenuIsWatching
5412  collaborators:
5413    - laurenmurphyx64
5414  files:
5415    - modules/tflite-micro/
5416    - samples/modules/tflite-micro/
5417  labels:
5418    - "area: Neural Networks"
5420"West project: thrift":
5421  status: maintained
5422  maintainers:
5423    - cfriedt
5424  files:
5425    - modules/thrift/
5426    - samples/modules/thrift/
5427    - tests/modules/thrift/
5428  labels:
5429    - "area: Thrift"
5430    - "area: Serialization"
5431  tests:
5432    - thrift
5434"West project: tinycrypt":
5435  status: odd fixes
5436  files:
5437    - modules/Kconfig.tinycrypt
5438  labels:
5439    - "area: Crypto / RNG"
5441"West project: trusted-firmware-m":
5442  status: maintained
5443  maintainers:
5444    - d3zd3z
5445  collaborators:
5446    - Vge0rge
5447    - wearyzen
5448    - valeriosetti
5449    - tomi-font
5450    - ithinuel
5451  files:
5452    - modules/trusted-firmware-m/
5453    - samples/tfm_integration/
5454    - doc/services/tfm/
5455  labels:
5456    - "area: TF-M"
5457  tests:
5458    - trusted-firmware-m
5459    - psa.secure_storage
5461"West project: tf-m-tests":
5462  status: maintained
5463  maintainers:
5464    - d3zd3z
5465  collaborators:
5466    - Vge0rge
5467    - wearyzen
5468    - ithinuel
5469  files: []
5470  labels:
5471    - "area: TF-M"
5473"West project: trusted-firmware-a":
5474  status: maintained
5475  maintainers:
5476    - povergoing
5477    - sgrrzhf
5478  collaborators:
5479    - carlocaione
5480    - wearyzen
5481    - ithinuel
5482  files:
5483    - modules/trusted-firmware-a/
5484  labels:
5485    - "area: TF-A"
5487"West project: psa-arch-tests":
5488  status: maintained
5489  maintainers:
5490    - d3zd3z
5491  collaborators:
5492    - Vge0rge
5493    - wearyzen
5494    - ithinuel
5495  files: []
5496  labels:
5497    - "area: TF-M"
5499"West project: uoscore-uedhoc":
5500  status: maintained
5501  maintainers:
5502    - rlubos
5503    - StefanHri
5504  files:
5505    - modules/uoscore-uedhoc/
5506    - tests/modules/uoscore/
5507  labels:
5508    - "area: Networking"
5509    - "area: Crypto / RNG"
5511"West project: zcbor":
5512  status: maintained
5513  maintainers:
5514    - de-nordic
5515  files:
5516    - modules/zcbor/
5517  labels:
5518    - "area: CBOR"
5520"West project: zscilib":
5521  status: maintained
5522  maintainers:
5523    - microbuilder
5524  files: []
5526"West project: hostap":
5527  status: maintained
5528  maintainers:
5529    - krish2718
5530    - jukkar
5531  collaborators:
5532    - MaochenWang1
5533  files:
5534    - modules/hostap/
5535  labels:
5536    - "area: Wi-Fi"
5537  tests:
5538    - net.wifi
5540Xtensa arch:
5541  status: maintained
5542  maintainers:
5543    - dcpleung
5544  collaborators:
5545    - andyross
5546    - nashif
5547    - ceolin
5548  files:
5549    - arch/xtensa/
5550    - include/zephyr/arch/xtensa/
5551    - dts/xtensa/
5552    - boards/qemu/xtensa/
5553    - boards/cdns/xt-sim/
5554    - soc/cdns/dc233c/
5555    - soc/cdns/xtensa_sample_controller/
5556    - tests/arch/xtensa/
5557  labels:
5558    - "area: Xtensa"
5560x86 arch:
5561  status: maintained
5562  maintainers:
5563    - edersondisouza
5564  collaborators:
5565    - andyross
5566    - dcpleung
5567    - ceolin
5568    - laurenmurphyx64
5569    - najumon1980
5570    - nashif
5571  files:
5572    - arch/x86/
5573    - include/zephyr/arch/x86/
5574    - tests/arch/x86/
5575    - drivers/interrupt_controller/*intel*
5576    - drivers/interrupt_controller/*ioapic*
5577    - drivers/interrupt_controller/*loapic*
5578    - doc/hardware/arch/x86.rst
5579  labels:
5580    - "area: X86"
5582Continuous Integration:
5583  status: maintained
5584  maintainers:
5585    - stephanosio
5586    - nashif
5587  collaborators:
5588    - fabiobaltieri
5589    - kartben
5590  files:
5591    - .github/
5592    - scripts/ci/
5593    - scripts/make_bugs_pickle.py
5594    - .checkpatch.conf
5595    - scripts/gitlint/
5596    - scripts/set_assignees.py
5597  labels:
5598    - "area: Continuous Integration"
5600Test Framework (Ztest):
5601  status: maintained
5602  maintainers:
5603    - nashif
5604  collaborators:
5605    - aaronemassey
5606    - jeremybettis
5607    - yperess
5608    - asemjonovs
5609  files:
5610    - subsys/testsuite/
5611    - tests/ztest/
5612    - tests/unit/util/
5613    - tests/subsys/testsuite/
5614    - samples/subsys/testsuite/
5615    - doc/develop/test/
5616  labels:
5617    - "area: Testsuite"
5618  tests:
5619    - testing
5622  status: maintained
5623  maintainers:
5624    - yperess
5625  collaborators:
5626    - aaronemassey
5627    - jeremybettis
5628    - alevkoy
5629    - asemjonovs
5630    - tristan-google
5631  files:
5632    - subsys/emul/
5633    - include/zephyr/drivers/emul_*
5634    - include/zephyr/drivers/emul.h
5635    - include/zephyr/drivers/espi_emul.h
5636    - include/zephyr/drivers/i2c_emul.h
5637    - include/zephyr/drivers/spi_emul.h
5638    - tests/subsys/emul/
5639    - doc/hardware/emulator/
5640  labels:
5641    - "area: HW Emulation"
5642  tests:
5643    - emul
5646  status: maintained
5647  maintainers:
5648    - ceolin
5649  collaborators:
5650    - tomi-font
5651  files:
5652    - subsys/random/
5653    - include/zephyr/random/
5654  labels:
5655    - "area: Random"
5657Peregrine Platforms:
5658  status: maintained
5659  maintainers:
5660    - nandojve
5661  files:
5662    - boards/peregrine/
5663  labels:
5664    - "platform: Peregrine"
5666# This area is to be converted to a subarea
5667Testing with Renode:
5668  status: odd fixes
5669  collaborators:
5670    - mateusz-holenko
5671    - fkokosinski
5672  files:
5673    - cmake/emu/renode.cmake
5674    - soc/renode/
5675    - boards/renode/
5676    - boards/**/*/support/*.repl
5677    - boards/**/*/support/*.resc
5678  labels:
5679    - "area: Renode"
5682  status: maintained
5683  maintainers:
5684    - rodrigopex
5685  files:
5686    - samples/subsys/zbus/
5687    - include/zephyr/zbus/
5688    - tests/subsys/zbus/
5689    - subsys/zbus/
5690    - doc/services/zbus/
5691  labels:
5692    - "area: zbus"
5693  tests:
5694    - message_bus.zbus
5696"Linkable Loadable Extensions":
5697  status: maintained
5698  maintainers:
5699    - teburd
5700  collaborators:
5701    - lyakh
5702    - pillo79
5703  files:
5704    - cmake/llext-edk.cmake
5705    - samples/subsys/llext/
5706    - include/zephyr/llext/
5707    - tests/misc/llext-edk/
5708    - tests/subsys/llext/
5709    - subsys/llext/
5710    - doc/services/llext/
5711  labels:
5712    - "area: llext"
5713  tests:
5714    - llext