1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# vim: set syntax=python ts=4 :
4# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
5# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7import json
8import logging
9import os
10import string
11import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
12from datetime import datetime
13from enum import Enum
14from pathlib import Path
16from colorama import Fore
17from twisterlib.statuses import TwisterStatus
19logger = logging.getLogger('twister')
23class ReportStatus(str, Enum):
24    def __str__(self):
25        return str(self.value)
27    ERROR = 'error'
28    FAIL = 'failure'
29    SKIP = 'skipped'
32class ReportingJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
33    def default(self, obj):
34        if isinstance(obj, Path):
35            return str(obj)
36        return super().default(obj)
39class Reporting:
41    json_filters = {
42        'twister.json': {
43            'deny_suite': ['footprint']
44        },
45        'footprint.json': {
46            'deny_status': ['FILTER'],
47            'deny_suite': ['testcases', 'execution_time', 'recording', 'retries', 'runnable']
48        }
49    }
51    def __init__(self, plan, env) -> None:
52        self.plan = plan #FIXME
53        self.instances = plan.instances
54        self.platforms = plan.platforms
55        self.selected_platforms = plan.selected_platforms
56        self.env = env
57        self.timestamp = datetime.now().isoformat()
58        self.outdir = os.path.abspath(env.options.outdir)
59        self.instance_fail_count = plan.instance_fail_count
60        self.footprint = None
61        self.coverage_status = None
64    @staticmethod
65    def process_log(log_file):
66        filtered_string = ""
67        if os.path.exists(log_file):
68            with open(log_file, "rb") as f:
69                log = f.read().decode("utf-8")
70                filtered_string = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, log))
72        return filtered_string
75    @staticmethod
76    def xunit_testcase(
77        eleTestsuite,
78        name,
79        classname,
80        status: TwisterStatus,
81        ts_status: TwisterStatus,
82        reason,
83        duration,
84        runnable,
85        stats,
86        log,
87        build_only_as_skip
88    ):
89        fails, passes, errors, skips = stats
91        if status in [TwisterStatus.SKIP, TwisterStatus.FILTER]:
92            duration = 0
94        eleTestcase = ET.SubElement(
95            eleTestsuite, "testcase",
96            classname=classname,
97            name=f"{name}",
98            time=f"{duration}")
100        if status in [TwisterStatus.SKIP, TwisterStatus.FILTER]:
101            skips += 1
102            # temporarily add build_only_as_skip to restore existing CI report behaviour
103            if ts_status == TwisterStatus.PASS and not runnable:
104                tc_type = "build"
105            else:
106                tc_type = status
107            ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, ReportStatus.SKIP, type=f"{tc_type}", message=f"{reason}")
108        elif status in [TwisterStatus.FAIL, TwisterStatus.BLOCK]:
109            fails += 1
110            el = ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, ReportStatus.FAIL, type="failure", message=f"{reason}")
111            if log:
112                el.text = log
113        elif status == TwisterStatus.ERROR:
114            errors += 1
115            el = ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, ReportStatus.ERROR, type="failure", message=f"{reason}")
116            if log:
117                el.text = log
118        elif status == TwisterStatus.PASS:
119            passes += 1
120        elif status == TwisterStatus.NOTRUN:
121            if build_only_as_skip:
122                ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, ReportStatus.SKIP, type="build", message="built only")
123                skips += 1
124            else:
125                passes += 1
126        else:
127            if status == TwisterStatus.NONE:
128                logger.debug(f"{name}: No status")
129                ET.SubElement(
130                    eleTestcase,
131                    ReportStatus.SKIP,
132                    type="untested",
133                    message="No results captured, testsuite misconfiguration?"
134                )
135            else:
136                logger.error(f"{name}: Unknown status '{status}'")
138        return (fails, passes, errors, skips)
140    # Generate a report with all testsuites instead of doing this per platform
141    def xunit_report_suites(self, json_file, filename):
143        json_data = {}
144        with open(json_file) as json_results:
145            json_data = json.load(json_results)
148        env = json_data.get('environment', {})
149        version = env.get('zephyr_version', None)
151        eleTestsuites = ET.Element('testsuites')
152        all_suites = json_data.get("testsuites", [])
154        suites_to_report = all_suites
155            # do not create entry if everything is filtered out
156        if not self.env.options.detailed_skipped_report:
157            suites_to_report = list(
158                filter(lambda d: TwisterStatus(d.get('status')) != TwisterStatus.FILTER, all_suites)
159            )
161        for suite in suites_to_report:
162            duration = 0
163            eleTestsuite = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuites, 'testsuite',
164                                            name=suite.get("name"), time="0",
165                                            timestamp = self.timestamp,
166                                            tests="0",
167                                            failures="0",
168                                            errors="0", skipped="0")
169            eleTSPropetries = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuite, 'properties')
170            # Multiple 'property' can be added to 'properties'
171            # differing by name and value
172            ET.SubElement(eleTSPropetries, 'property', name="version", value=version)
173            ET.SubElement(eleTSPropetries, 'property', name="platform", value=suite.get("platform"))
174            ET.SubElement(eleTSPropetries, 'property', name="architecture", value=suite.get("arch"))
176            total = 0
177            fails = passes = errors = skips = 0
178            handler_time = suite.get('execution_time', 0)
179            runnable = suite.get('runnable', 0)
180            duration += float(handler_time)
181            ts_status = TwisterStatus(suite.get('status'))
182            classname = Path(suite.get("name","")).name
183            for tc in suite.get("testcases", []):
184                status = TwisterStatus(tc.get('status'))
185                reason = tc.get('reason', suite.get('reason', 'Unknown'))
186                log = tc.get("log", suite.get("log"))
188                tc_duration = tc.get('execution_time', handler_time)
189                name = tc.get("identifier")
190                fails, passes, errors, skips = self.xunit_testcase(eleTestsuite,
191                    name, classname, status, ts_status, reason, tc_duration, runnable,
192                    (fails, passes, errors, skips), log, True)
194            total = errors + passes + fails + skips
196            eleTestsuite.attrib['time'] = f"{duration}"
197            eleTestsuite.attrib['failures'] = f"{fails}"
198            eleTestsuite.attrib['errors'] = f"{errors}"
199            eleTestsuite.attrib['skipped'] = f"{skips}"
200            eleTestsuite.attrib['tests'] = f"{total}"
202        ET.indent(eleTestsuites, space="\t", level=0)
203        result = ET.tostring(eleTestsuites)
204        with open(filename, 'wb') as report:
205            report.write(result)
207    def xunit_report(self, json_file, filename, selected_platform=None, full_report=False):
208        if selected_platform:
209            selected = [selected_platform]
210            logger.info(f"Writing target report for {selected_platform}...")
211        else:
212            logger.info(f"Writing xunit report {filename}...")
213            selected = self.selected_platforms
215        json_data = {}
216        with open(json_file) as json_results:
217            json_data = json.load(json_results)
220        env = json_data.get('environment', {})
221        version = env.get('zephyr_version', None)
223        eleTestsuites = ET.Element('testsuites')
224        all_suites = json_data.get("testsuites", [])
226        for platform in selected:
227            suites = list(filter(lambda d: d['platform'] == platform, all_suites))
228            # do not create entry if everything is filtered out
229            if not self.env.options.detailed_skipped_report:
230                non_filtered = list(
231                    filter(lambda d: TwisterStatus(d.get('status')) != TwisterStatus.FILTER, suites)
232                )
233                if not non_filtered:
234                    continue
236            duration = 0
237            eleTestsuite = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuites, 'testsuite',
238                                            name=platform,
239                                            timestamp = self.timestamp,
240                                            time="0",
241                                            tests="0",
242                                            failures="0",
243                                            errors="0", skipped="0")
244            eleTSPropetries = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuite, 'properties')
245            # Multiple 'property' can be added to 'properties'
246            # differing by name and value
247            ET.SubElement(eleTSPropetries, 'property', name="version", value=version)
249            total = 0
250            fails = passes = errors = skips = 0
251            for ts in suites:
252                handler_time = ts.get('execution_time', 0)
253                runnable = ts.get('runnable', 0)
254                duration += float(handler_time)
256                ts_status = TwisterStatus(ts.get('status'))
257                # Do not report filtered testcases
258                if (
259                    ts_status == TwisterStatus.FILTER
260                    and not self.env.options.detailed_skipped_report
261                ):
262                    continue
263                if full_report:
264                    classname = Path(ts.get("name","")).name
265                    for tc in ts.get("testcases", []):
266                        status = TwisterStatus(tc.get('status'))
267                        reason = tc.get('reason', ts.get('reason', 'Unknown'))
268                        log = tc.get("log", ts.get("log"))
270                        tc_duration = tc.get('execution_time', handler_time)
271                        name = tc.get("identifier")
272                        fails, passes, errors, skips = self.xunit_testcase(eleTestsuite,
273                            name, classname, status, ts_status, reason, tc_duration, runnable,
274                            (fails, passes, errors, skips), log, True)
275                else:
276                    reason = ts.get('reason', 'Unknown')
277                    name = ts.get("name")
278                    classname = f"{platform}:{name}"
279                    log = ts.get("log")
280                    fails, passes, errors, skips = self.xunit_testcase(eleTestsuite,
281                        name, classname, ts_status, ts_status, reason, handler_time, runnable,
282                        (fails, passes, errors, skips), log, False)
284            total = errors + passes + fails + skips
286            eleTestsuite.attrib['time'] = f"{duration}"
287            eleTestsuite.attrib['failures'] = f"{fails}"
288            eleTestsuite.attrib['errors'] = f"{errors}"
289            eleTestsuite.attrib['skipped'] = f"{skips}"
290            eleTestsuite.attrib['tests'] = f"{total}"
292        ET.indent(eleTestsuites, space="\t", level=0)
293        result = ET.tostring(eleTestsuites)
294        with open(filename, 'wb') as report:
295            report.write(result)
297    def json_report(self, filename, version="NA", platform=None, filters=None):
298        logger.info(f"Writing JSON report {filename}")
300        if self.env.options.report_all_options:
301            report_options = vars(self.env.options)
302        else:
303            report_options = self.env.non_default_options()
305        report = {}
306        report["environment"] = {"os": os.name,
307                                 "zephyr_version": version,
308                                 "toolchain": self.env.toolchain,
309                                 "commit_date": self.env.commit_date,
310                                 "run_date": self.env.run_date,
311                                 "options": report_options
312                                 }
313        suites = []
315        for instance in self.instances.values():
316            if platform and platform != instance.platform.name:
317                continue
318            if instance.status == TwisterStatus.FILTER and not self.env.options.report_filtered:
319                continue
320            if (filters and 'allow_status' in filters and \
321                instance.status not in [TwisterStatus[s] for s in filters['allow_status']]):
322                logger.debug(
323                    f"Skip test suite '{instance.testsuite.name}'"
324                    f" status '{instance.status}' not allowed for {filename}"
325                )
326                continue
327            if (filters and 'deny_status' in filters and \
328                instance.status in [TwisterStatus[s] for s in filters['deny_status']]):
329                logger.debug(
330                    f"Skip test suite '{instance.testsuite.name}'"
331                    f" status '{instance.status}' denied for {filename}"
332                )
333                continue
334            suite = {}
335            handler_log = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "handler.log")
336            pytest_log = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "twister_harness.log")
337            build_log = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "build.log")
338            device_log = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "device.log")
340            handler_time = instance.metrics.get('handler_time', 0)
341            used_ram = instance.metrics.get ("used_ram", 0)
342            used_rom  = instance.metrics.get("used_rom",0)
343            available_ram = instance.metrics.get("available_ram", 0)
344            available_rom = instance.metrics.get("available_rom", 0)
345            suite = {
346                "name": instance.testsuite.name,
347                "arch": instance.platform.arch,
348                "platform": instance.platform.name,
349                "path": instance.testsuite.source_dir_rel
350            }
351            if instance.run_id:
352                suite['run_id'] = instance.run_id
354            suite["runnable"] = False
355            if instance.status != TwisterStatus.FILTER:
356                suite["runnable"] = instance.run
358            if used_ram:
359                suite["used_ram"] = used_ram
360            if used_rom:
361                suite["used_rom"] = used_rom
363            suite['retries'] = instance.retries
364            if instance.toolchain:
365                suite['toolchain'] = instance.toolchain
367            if instance.dut:
368                suite["dut"] = instance.dut
369            if available_ram:
370                suite["available_ram"] = available_ram
371            if available_rom:
372                suite["available_rom"] = available_rom
373            if instance.status in [TwisterStatus.ERROR, TwisterStatus.FAIL]:
374                suite['status'] = instance.status
375                # FIXME
376                if os.path.exists(pytest_log):
377                    suite["log"] = self.process_log(pytest_log)
378                elif os.path.exists(handler_log):
379                    suite["log"] = self.process_log(handler_log)
380                elif os.path.exists(device_log):
381                    suite["log"] = self.process_log(device_log)
382                else:
383                    suite["log"] = self.process_log(build_log)
385                suite["reason"] = self.get_detailed_reason(instance.reason, suite["log"])
386                # update the reason to get more details also in other reports (e.g. junit)
387                # where build log is not available
388                instance.reason = suite["reason"]
389            elif instance.status == TwisterStatus.FILTER:
390                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.FILTER
391                suite["reason"] = instance.reason
392            elif instance.status == TwisterStatus.PASS:
393                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.PASS
394            elif instance.status == TwisterStatus.SKIP:
395                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.SKIP
396                suite["reason"] = instance.reason
397            elif instance.status == TwisterStatus.NOTRUN:
398                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.NOTRUN
399                suite["reason"] = instance.reason
400            else:
401                suite["status"] = TwisterStatus.NONE
402                suite["reason"] = 'Unknown Instance status.'
404            if instance.status != TwisterStatus.NONE:
405                suite["execution_time"] =  f"{float(handler_time):.2f}"
406            suite["build_time"] =  f"{float(instance.build_time):.2f}"
408            testcases = []
410            if len(instance.testcases) == 1:
411                single_case_duration = f"{float(handler_time):.2f}"
412            else:
413                single_case_duration = 0
415            for case in instance.testcases:
416                # freeform was set when no sub testcases were parsed, however,
417                # if we discover those at runtime, the fallback testcase wont be
418                # needed anymore and can be removed from the output, it does
419                # not have a status and would otherwise be reported as skipped.
420                if (
421                    case.freeform
422                    and case.status == TwisterStatus.NONE
423                    and len(instance.testcases) > 1
424                ):
425                    continue
426                testcase = {}
427                testcase['identifier'] = case.name
428                if instance.status != TwisterStatus.NONE:
429                    if single_case_duration:
430                        testcase['execution_time'] = single_case_duration
431                    else:
432                        testcase['execution_time'] = f"{float(case.duration):.2f}"
434                if case.output != "":
435                    testcase['log'] = case.output
437                if case.status == TwisterStatus.SKIP:
438                    if instance.status == TwisterStatus.FILTER:
439                        testcase["status"] = TwisterStatus.FILTER
440                    else:
441                        testcase["status"] = TwisterStatus.SKIP
442                        testcase["reason"] = case.reason or instance.reason
443                else:
444                    testcase["status"] = case.status
445                    if case.reason:
446                        testcase["reason"] = case.reason
448                testcases.append(testcase)
450            suite['testcases'] = testcases
452            if instance.recording is not None:
453                suite['recording'] = instance.recording
455            if (
456                instance.status not in [
457                    TwisterStatus.NONE,
458                    TwisterStatus.ERROR,
459                    TwisterStatus.FILTER
460                ]
461                and self.env.options.create_rom_ram_report
462                and self.env.options.footprint_report is not None
463            ):
464                # Init as empty data preparing for filtering properties.
465                suite['footprint'] = {}
467            # Pass suite properties through the context filters.
468            if filters and 'allow_suite' in filters:
469                suite = {k:v for k,v in suite.items() if k in filters['allow_suite']}
471            if filters and 'deny_suite' in filters:
472                suite = {k:v for k,v in suite.items() if k not in filters['deny_suite']}
474            # Compose external data only to these properties which pass filtering.
475            if 'footprint' in suite:
476                do_all = 'all' in self.env.options.footprint_report
477                footprint_files = { 'ROM': 'rom.json', 'RAM': 'ram.json' }
478                for k,v in footprint_files.items():
479                    if do_all or k in self.env.options.footprint_report:
480                        footprint_fname = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, v)
481                        try:
482                            with open(footprint_fname) as footprint_json:
483                                logger.debug(f"Collect footprint.{k} for '{instance.name}'")
484                                suite['footprint'][k] = json.load(footprint_json)
485                        except FileNotFoundError:
486                            logger.error(f"Missing footprint.{k} for '{instance.name}'")
487                #
488            #
490            suites.append(suite)
492        report["testsuites"] = suites
493        with open(filename, 'w') as json_file:
494            json.dump(report, json_file, indent=4, separators=(',',':'), cls=ReportingJSONEncoder)
497    def compare_metrics(self, filename):
498        # name, datatype, lower results better
499        interesting_metrics = [("used_ram", int, True),
500                               ("used_rom", int, True)]
502        if not os.path.exists(filename):
503            logger.error(f"Cannot compare metrics, {filename} not found")
504            return []
506        results = []
507        saved_metrics = {}
508        with open(filename) as fp:
509            jt = json.load(fp)
510            for ts in jt.get("testsuites", []):
511                d = {}
512                for m, _, _ in interesting_metrics:
513                    d[m] = ts.get(m, 0)
514                ts_name = ts.get('name')
515                ts_platform = ts.get('platform')
516                saved_metrics[(ts_name, ts_platform)] = d
518        for instance in self.instances.values():
519            mkey = (instance.testsuite.name, instance.platform.name)
520            if mkey not in saved_metrics:
521                continue
522            sm = saved_metrics[mkey]
523            for metric, mtype, lower_better in interesting_metrics:
524                if metric not in instance.metrics:
525                    continue
526                if sm[metric] == "":
527                    continue
528                delta = instance.metrics.get(metric, 0) - mtype(sm[metric])
529                if delta == 0:
530                    continue
531                results.append((instance, metric, instance.metrics.get(metric, 0), delta,
532                                lower_better))
533        return results
535    def footprint_reports(self, report, show_footprint, all_deltas,
536                          footprint_threshold, last_metrics):
537        if not report:
538            return
540        logger.debug("running footprint_reports")
541        deltas = self.compare_metrics(report)
542        warnings = 0
543        if deltas:
544            for i, metric, value, delta, lower_better in deltas:
545                if not all_deltas and ((delta < 0 and lower_better) or
546                                       (delta > 0 and not lower_better)):
547                    continue
549                percentage = 0
550                if value > delta:
551                    percentage = (float(delta) / float(value - delta))
553                if not all_deltas and (percentage < (footprint_threshold / 100.0)):
554                    continue
556                if show_footprint:
557                    logger.log(
558                        logging.INFO if all_deltas else logging.WARNING,
559                        f"{i.platform.name:<25} {i.testsuite.name:<60} {metric} {delta:<+4},"
560                        f" is now {value:6} {percentage:+.2%}"
561                    )
563                warnings += 1
565        if warnings:
566            logger.warning("Found {} footprint deltas to {} as a baseline.".format(
567                           warnings,
568                           (report if not last_metrics else "the last twister run.")))
570    def synopsis(self):
571        if self.env.options.report_summary == 0:
572            count = self.instance_fail_count
573            log_txt = f"The following issues were found (showing the all {count} items):"
574        elif self.env.options.report_summary:
575            count = self.env.options.report_summary
576            log_txt = "The following issues were found "
577            if count > self.instance_fail_count:
578                log_txt += (
579                    f"(presenting {self.instance_fail_count} out of the {count} items requested):"
580                )
581            else:
582                log_txt += f"(showing the {count} of {self.instance_fail_count} items):"
583        else:
584            count = 10
585            log_txt = f"The following issues were found (showing the top {count} items):"
586        cnt = 0
587        example_instance = None
588        detailed_test_id = self.env.options.detailed_test_id
589        for instance in self.instances.values():
590            if instance.status not in [
591                TwisterStatus.PASS,
592                TwisterStatus.FILTER,
593                TwisterStatus.SKIP,
594                TwisterStatus.NOTRUN
595            ]:
596                cnt += 1
597                if cnt == 1:
598                    logger.info("-+" * 40)
599                    logger.info(log_txt)
601                status = instance.status
602                if self.env.options.report_summary is not None and \
603                   status in [TwisterStatus.ERROR, TwisterStatus.FAIL]:
604                    status = Fore.RED + status.upper() + Fore.RESET
605                logger.info(
606                    f"{cnt}) {instance.testsuite.name} on {instance.platform.name}"
607                    f" {status} ({instance.reason})"
608                )
609                example_instance = instance
610            if cnt == count:
611                break
612        if cnt == 0 and self.env.options.report_summary is not None:
613            logger.info("-+" * 40)
614            logger.info("No errors/fails found")
616        if cnt and example_instance:
617            cwd_rel_path = os.path.relpath(example_instance.testsuite.source_dir, start=os.getcwd())
619            logger.info("")
620            logger.info("To rerun the tests, call twister using the following commandline:")
621            extra_parameters = '' if detailed_test_id else ' --no-detailed-test-id'
622            logger.info(f"west twister -p <PLATFORM> -s <TEST ID>{extra_parameters}, for example:")
623            logger.info("")
624            logger.info(
625                f"west twister -p {example_instance.platform.name}"
626                f" -s {example_instance.testsuite.name}"
627                f"{extra_parameters}"
628            )
629            logger.info("or with west:")
630            logger.info(
631                f"west build -p -b {example_instance.platform.name} {cwd_rel_path}"
632                f" -T {example_instance.testsuite.id}"
633            )
634            logger.info("-+" * 40)
636    def summary(self, results, ignore_unrecognized_sections, duration):
637        failed = 0
638        run = 0
639        for instance in self.instances.values():
640            if instance.status == TwisterStatus.FAIL:
641                failed += 1
642            elif not ignore_unrecognized_sections and instance.metrics.get("unrecognized"):
643                logger.error(
644                    f"{Fore.RED}FAILED{Fore.RESET}:"
645                    f" {instance.name} has unrecognized binary sections:"
646                    f" {instance.metrics.get('unrecognized', [])!s}"
647                )
648                failed += 1
650            # FIXME: need a better way to identify executed tests
651            handler_time = instance.metrics.get('handler_time', 0)
652            if float(handler_time) > 0:
653                run += 1
655        if results.total and results.total != results.filtered_configs:
656            pass_rate = (float(results.passed) / float(results.total - results.filtered_configs))
657        else:
658            pass_rate = 0
660        passed_color = (
661            TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.FAIL)
662            if failed
663            else TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.PASS)
664        )
665        unfiltered_configs = results.total - results.filtered_configs
666        notrun_number_section = (
667            f'{TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.NOTRUN)}{results.notrun}{Fore.RESET}'
668            if results.notrun
669            else f'{results.notrun}'
670        )
671        failed_number_section = (
672            f'{TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.FAIL)}{results.failed}{Fore.RESET}'
673            if results.failed
674            else f'{results.failed}'
675        )
676        error_number_section = (
677            f'{TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.ERROR)}{results.error}{Fore.RESET}'
678            if results.error
679            else f'{results.error}'
680        )
681        warnings_number_section = (
682            f'{Fore.YELLOW}{self.plan.warnings + results.warnings}{Fore.RESET}'
683            if (self.plan.warnings + results.warnings)
684            else 'no'
685        )
686        logger.info(
687            f"{passed_color}{results.passed} of {unfiltered_configs}{Fore.RESET}"
688            f" executed test configurations passed ({pass_rate:.2%}),"
689            f" {notrun_number_section} built (not run),"
690            f" {failed_number_section} failed,"
691            f" {error_number_section} errored,"
692            f" with {warnings_number_section} warnings"
693            f" in {duration:.2f} seconds."
694        )
696        total_platforms = len(self.platforms)
697        filtered_platforms = set(
698            instance.platform.name for instance in self.instances.values()
699            if instance.status not in [
700                TwisterStatus.FILTER,
701                TwisterStatus.NOTRUN,
702                TwisterStatus.SKIP
703            ]
704        )
705        # if we are only building, do not report about tests being executed.
706        if self.platforms and not self.env.options.build_only:
707            executed_cases = (
708                results.cases
709                - results.filtered_cases
710                - results.skipped_cases
711                - results.notrun_cases
712            )
713            pass_rate = 100 * (float(results.passed_cases) / float(executed_cases)) \
714                if executed_cases != 0 else 0
715            platform_rate = (100 * len(filtered_platforms) / len(self.platforms))
716            blocked_after_comma = ", " + str(results.blocked_cases) + " blocked"
717            failed_after_comma = ", " + str(results.failed_cases) + " failed"
718            error_after_comma = ", " + str(results.error_cases) + " errored"
719            none_after_comma = ", " + str(results.none_cases) + " without a status"
720            logger.info(
721                f'{results.passed_cases} of {executed_cases} executed test cases passed'
722                f' ({pass_rate:02.2f}%)'
723                f'{blocked_after_comma if results.blocked_cases else ""}'
724                f'{failed_after_comma if results.failed_cases else ""}'
725                f'{error_after_comma if results.error_cases else ""}'
726                f'{none_after_comma if results.none_cases else ""}'
727                f' on {len(filtered_platforms)} out of total {total_platforms} platforms'
728                f' ({platform_rate:02.2f}%).'
729            )
730            if results.skipped_cases or results.notrun_cases:
731                not_executed = results.skipped_cases + results.notrun_cases
732                skipped_after_colon = " " + str(results.skipped_cases) + " skipped"
733                notrun_after_comma = (
734                    (", " if results.skipped_cases else " ")
735                    + str(results.notrun_cases)
736                    + " not run (built only)"
737                )
738                logger.info(
739                    f'{not_executed} selected test cases not executed:' \
740                    f'{skipped_after_colon if results.skipped_cases else ""}' \
741                    f'{notrun_after_comma if results.notrun_cases else ""}' \
742                    f'.'
743                )
745        built_only = results.total - run - results.filtered_configs
746        logger.info(
747            f"{Fore.GREEN}{run}{Fore.RESET} test configurations executed on platforms,"
748            f" {TwisterStatus.get_color(TwisterStatus.NOTRUN)}{built_only}{Fore.RESET}"
749            " test configurations were only built."
750        )
752    def save_reports(self, name, suffix, report_dir, no_update, platform_reports):
753        if not self.instances:
754            return
756        logger.info("Saving reports...")
757        if name:
758            report_name = name
759        else:
760            report_name = "twister"
762        if report_dir:
763            os.makedirs(report_dir, exist_ok=True)
764            filename = os.path.join(report_dir, report_name)
765            outdir = report_dir
766        else:
767            outdir = self.outdir
768            filename = os.path.join(outdir, report_name)
770        if suffix:
771            filename = f"{filename}_{suffix}"
773        if not no_update:
774            json_file = filename + ".json"
775            self.json_report(json_file, version=self.env.version,
776                             filters=self.json_filters['twister.json'])
777            if self.env.options.footprint_report is not None:
778                self.json_report(filename + "_footprint.json", version=self.env.version,
779                                 filters=self.json_filters['footprint.json'])
780            self.xunit_report(json_file, filename + ".xml", full_report=False)
781            self.xunit_report(json_file, filename + "_report.xml", full_report=True)
782            self.xunit_report_suites(json_file, filename + "_suite_report.xml")
784            if platform_reports:
785                self.target_report(json_file, outdir, suffix)
788    def target_report(self, json_file, outdir, suffix):
789        platforms = {repr(inst.platform):inst.platform for _, inst in self.instances.items()}
790        for platform in platforms.values():
791            if suffix:
792                filename = os.path.join(outdir,f"{platform.normalized_name}_{suffix}.xml")
793                json_platform_file = os.path.join(outdir,f"{platform.normalized_name}_{suffix}")
794            else:
795                filename = os.path.join(outdir,f"{platform.normalized_name}.xml")
796                json_platform_file = os.path.join(outdir, platform.normalized_name)
797            self.xunit_report(json_file, filename, platform.name, full_report=True)
798            self.json_report(json_platform_file + ".json",
799                             version=self.env.version, platform=platform.name,
800                             filters=self.json_filters['twister.json'])
801            if self.env.options.footprint_report is not None:
802                self.json_report(json_platform_file + "_footprint.json",
803                                 version=self.env.version, platform=platform.name,
804                                 filters=self.json_filters['footprint.json'])
806    def get_detailed_reason(self, reason: str, log: str) -> str:
807        if reason == 'CMake build failure':
808            if error_key := self._parse_cmake_build_failure(log):
809                return f"{reason} - {error_key}"
810        elif reason == 'Build failure':  # noqa SIM102
811            if error_key := self._parse_build_failure(log):
812                return f"{reason} - {error_key}"
813        return reason
815    @staticmethod
816    def _parse_cmake_build_failure(log: str) -> str | None:
817        last_warning = 'no warning found'
818        lines = log.splitlines()
819        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
820            if "warning: " in line:
821                last_warning = line
822            elif "devicetree error: " in line:
823                return "devicetree error"
824            elif "fatal error: " in line:
825                return line[line.index('fatal error: ') :].strip()
826            elif "error: " in line:  # error: Aborting due to Kconfig warnings
827                if "undefined symbol" in last_warning:
828                    return last_warning[last_warning.index('undefined symbol') :].strip()
829                return last_warning
830            elif "CMake Error at" in line:
831                for next_line in lines[i + 1 :]:
832                    if next_line.strip():
833                        return line + ' ' + next_line
834                return line
835        return None
837    @staticmethod
838    def _parse_build_failure(log: str) -> str | None:
839        last_warning = ''
840        lines = log.splitlines()
841        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
842            if "undefined reference" in line:
843                return line[line.index('undefined reference') :].strip()
844            elif "error: ld returned" in line:
845                if last_warning:
846                    return last_warning
847                elif "overflowed by" in lines[i - 1]:
848                    return "ld.bfd: region overflowed"
849                elif "ld.bfd: warning: " in lines[i - 1]:
850                    return "ld.bfd:" + lines[i - 1].split("ld.bfd:", 1)[-1]
851                return line
852            elif "error: " in line:
853                return line[line.index('error: ') :].strip()
854            elif ": in function " in line:
855                last_warning = line[line.index('in function') :].strip()
856        return None