Lines Matching refs:to
10 … ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain_GNUARM.cmake CACHE FILEPATH "Path to TFM compiler toolcha…
11 set(TFM_PLATFORM "" CACHE STRING "Platform to build TF-M for. Mu…
14 set(BL1 OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build BL1")
15 set(BL2 ON CACHE BOOL "Whether to build BL2")
16 set(NS ON CACHE BOOL "Whether to build NS app")
18 set(TEST_S OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build S regression …
19 set(TEST_NS OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build NS regression…
21 set(TEST_BL1_1 OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build BL1_1 tests")
22 set(TEST_BL1_2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build BL1_2 tests")
27 set(TFM_PROFILE "" CACHE STRING "Profile to use")
35 set(TFM_EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to extra cmake config fil…
38 …FILES "" CACHE FILEPATH "Extra manifest list file(s), used to list extra Secure Pa…
39 …RATED_FILE_LIST_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to extra generated file list. Appended to …
49 set(TFM_INSTALL_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install CACHE PATH "Path to which to in…
51 … CACHE BOOL "Add debug symbols. Note that setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug or RelWithDebI…
52 set(TFM_CODE_COVERAGE OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build the binary fo…
60 …RMARKS OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to pre-fill partition stacks with a set value …
67 set(TFM_PLAT_SPECIFIC_MULTI_CORE_COMM OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to use a platform spec…
72 set(CRYPTO_HW_ACCELERATOR OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to enable the crypto h…
77 set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_BL1 ON CACHE STRING "Whether to use default BL1 or …
86 set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_OTP ON CACHE BOOL "Use trusted on-chip flash to i…
91 … ON CACHE BOOL "Provision with dummy values. NOT to be used in productio…
92 set(PLATFORM_IS_FVP FALSE CACHE BOOL "Whether to enable FVP or FPGA …
94 set(PLATFORM_PSA_ADAC_SECURE_DEBUG FALSE CACHE BOOL "Whether to use psa-adac secure…
95 set(PLATFORM_PSA_ADAC_SOURCE_PATH "DOWNLOAD" CACHE PATH "Path to source dir of psa-adac…
96 … "427923cc0152578d536fb2065154d5d0dd874910" CACHE STRING "The version of psa-adac to use.")
107 set(PS_CRYPTO_AEAD_ALG PSA_ALG_GCM CACHE STRING "The AEAD algorithm to use for …
112 …_BUILTIN_KEYS_DRIVER ON CACHE BOOL "Whether to allow crypto service to store bu…
123 …O_PATH "DOWNLOAD" CACHE PATH "Path to Mbed Crypto (or DOWNLOAD to fetch …
125 set(MBEDCRYPTO_VERSION "mbedtls-3.3.0" CACHE STRING "The version of Mbed Crypto to…
126 … "" CACHE STRING "The URL (or path) to retrieve MbedTLS fro…
130 "Config to use for Mbed Crypto. For increased flexibility when pointing to a file, set the type \
131 of this setting to 'STRING' by passing the :<type> portion when specifying the setting value in \
134 to the include path of mbedtls.")
135 …t/mbedcrypto/mbedcrypto_config/crypto_config_default.h" CACHE PATH "Config to use psa crypto setti…
136 …RA_CONFIG_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Config to append to standard Mbed Crypto config, used by pla…
138 …_PATH "DOWNLOAD" CACHE PATH "Path to MCUboot (or DOWNLOAD to fetch au…
139 set(MCUBOOT_VERSION "7453075" CACHE STRING "The version of MCUboot to use")
141 …ESTS_PATH "DOWNLOAD" CACHE PATH "Path to PSA arch tests (or DOWNLOAD to fetc…
142 …ARCH_TESTS_VERSION "cf8bd71" CACHE STRING "The version of PSA arch tests to use")
145 set(NS_EVALUATION_APP_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to TFM NS Evaluation Appl…
150 # Specifying the accepted values for certain configuration options to facilitate