#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Arm Limited. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) # or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(TFM_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain_GNUARM.cmake CACHE FILEPATH "Path to TFM compiler toolchain file") set(TFM_PLATFORM "" CACHE STRING "Platform to build TF-M for. Must be either a relative path from [TF-M]/platform/ext/target, or an absolute path.") set(CROSS_COMPILE arm-none-eabi CACHE STRING "Cross-compilation triplet") set(BL1 OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build BL1") set(BL2 ON CACHE BOOL "Whether to build BL2") set(NS ON CACHE BOOL "Whether to build NS app") set(TEST_S OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build S regression tests") set(TEST_NS OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build NS regression tests") set(TEST_PSA_API "" CACHE STRING "Which (if any) of the PSA API tests should be compiled") set(TEST_BL1_1 OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build BL1_1 tests") set(TEST_BL1_2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build BL1_2 tests") set(PLATFORM_HAS_ISOLATION_L3_SUPPORT OFF CACHE BOOL "Platform supports Isolation level 3") set(TFM_ISOLATION_LEVEL 1 CACHE STRING "Isolation level") set(PSA_FRAMEWORK_HAS_MM_IOVEC OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable MM-IOVEC") set(TFM_PROFILE "" CACHE STRING "Profile to use") set(TFM_FIH_PROFILE OFF CACHE STRING "Fault injection hardening profile [OFF, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH]") set(CONFIG_TFM_SPM_BACKEND "SFN" CACHE STRING "The SPM backend [IPC, SFN]") # An NSPE client_id is provided by the NSPE OS via the SPM or directly by the SPM. # When `TFM_NS_MANAGE_NSID` is `ON`, TF-M supports NSPE OS providing NSPE client_id. set(TFM_NS_MANAGE_NSID OFF CACHE BOOL "Support NSPE OS providing NSPE client_id") set(TFM_EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to extra cmake config file") set(TFM_MANIFEST_LIST ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/tfm_manifest_list.yaml CACHE FILEPATH "TF-M native Secure Partition manifests list file") set(TFM_EXTRA_MANIFEST_LIST_FILES "" CACHE FILEPATH "Extra manifest list file(s), used to list extra Secure Partition manifests.") set(TFM_EXTRA_GENERATED_FILE_LIST_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to extra generated file list. Appended to stardard TFM generated file list.") set(TFM_EXTRA_PARTITION_PATHS "" CACHE PATH "List of extra Secure Partitions directories. An extra Secure Parition folder contains source code, CMakeLists.txt and manifest files") set(TFM_SPM_LOG_LEVEL TFM_SPM_LOG_LEVEL_SILENCE CACHE STRING "Set default SPM log level as INFO level") set(TFM_PARTITION_LOG_LEVEL TFM_PARTITION_LOG_LEVEL_SILENCE CACHE STRING "Set default Secure Partition log level as INFO level") set(TFM_CODE_SHARING OFF CACHE PATH "Enable code sharing between MCUboot and secure firmware") set(CONFIG_TFM_BOOT_STORE_MEASUREMENTS ON CACHE BOOL "Store measurement values from all the boot stages. Used for initial attestation token.") set(CONFIG_TFM_BOOT_STORE_ENCODED_MEASUREMENTS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable storing of encoded measurements in boot.") set(TFM_INSTALL_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install CACHE PATH "Path to which to install TF-M files") set(TFM_DEBUG_SYMBOLS ON CACHE BOOL "Add debug symbols. Note that setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug or RelWithDebInfo will also add debug symbols.") set(TFM_CODE_COVERAGE OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to build the binary for lcov tools") set(TFM_PXN_ENABLE OFF CACHE BOOL "Use Privileged execute never (PXN)") set(TFM_EXCEPTION_INFO_DUMP OFF CACHE BOOL "On fatal errors in the secure firmware, capture info about the exception. Print the info if the SPM log level is sufficient.") set(CONFIG_TFM_HALT_ON_CORE_PANIC OFF CACHE BOOL "On fatal errors in the secure firmware, halt instead of rebooting.") set(CONFIG_TFM_STACK_WATERMARKS OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to pre-fill partition stacks with a set value to help determine stack usage") set(PROJECT_CONFIG_HEADER_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/config/config_base.h" CACHE FILEPATH "User defined header file for TF-M config") ############################ Platform ########################################## set(NUM_MAILBOX_QUEUE_SLOT 1 CACHE BOOL "Number of mailbox queue slots") set(TFM_PLAT_SPECIFIC_MULTI_CORE_COMM OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to use a platform specific inter-core communication instead of mailbox in dual-cpu topology") set(DEBUG_AUTHENTICATION CHIP_DEFAULT CACHE STRING "Debug authentication setting. [CHIP_DEFAULT, NONE, NS_ONLY, FULL") set(SECURE_UART1 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable secure UART1") set(CRYPTO_HW_ACCELERATOR OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether to enable the crypto hardware accelerator on supported platforms") set(OTP_NV_COUNTERS_RAM_EMULATION OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable OTP/NV_COUNTERS emulation in RAM. Has no effect on non-default implementations of the OTP and NV_COUNTERS") set(TFM_NS_NV_COUNTER_AMOUNT 0 CACHE STRING "How many NS NV counters are enabled") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_BL1 ON CACHE STRING "Whether to use default BL1 or platform-specific one") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_ATTEST_HAL ON CACHE BOOL "Use default attest hal implementation.") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NV_COUNTERS ON CACHE BOOL "Use default nv counter implementation.") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_KEYS ON CACHE BOOL "Use default crypto keys implementation.") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_ROTPK ON CACHE BOOL "Use default root of trust public key.") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_IAK ON CACHE BOOL "Use default initial attestation_key.") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_UART_STDOUT ON CACHE BOOL "Use default uart stdout implementation.") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NV_SEED ON CACHE BOOL "Use default NV seed implementation.") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_OTP ON CACHE BOOL "Use trusted on-chip flash to implement OTP memory") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_OTP_WRITEABLE ON CACHE BOOL "Use OTP memory with write support") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_PROVISIONING ON CACHE BOOL "Use default provisioning implementation") set(PLATFORM_DEFAULT_SYSTEM_RESET_HALT ON CACHE BOOL "Use default system reset/halt implementation") set(TFM_DUMMY_PROVISIONING ON CACHE BOOL "Provision with dummy values. NOT to be used in production") set(PLATFORM_IS_FVP FALSE CACHE BOOL "Whether to enable FVP or FPGA build of the platform.") set(PLATFORM_PSA_ADAC_SECURE_DEBUG FALSE CACHE BOOL "Whether to use psa-adac secure debug.") set(PLATFORM_PSA_ADAC_SOURCE_PATH "DOWNLOAD" CACHE PATH "Path to source dir of psa-adac.") set(PLATFORM_PSA_ADAC_VERSION "427923cc0152578d536fb2065154d5d0dd874910" CACHE STRING "The version of psa-adac to use.") set(BL1_HEADER_SIZE 0x000 CACHE STRING "BL1 Header size") set(BL1_TRAILER_SIZE 0x000 CACHE STRING "BL1 Trailer size") set(BL2_HEADER_SIZE 0x000 CACHE STRING "BL2 Header size") set(BL2_TRAILER_SIZE 0x000 CACHE STRING "BL2 Trailer size") ############################ Partitions ######################################## set(TFM_PARTITION_PROTECTED_STORAGE OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Protected Storage partition") set(PS_ENCRYPTION ON CACHE BOOL "Enable encryption for Protected Storage partition") set(PS_CRYPTO_AEAD_ALG PSA_ALG_GCM CACHE STRING "The AEAD algorithm to use for authenticated encryption in Protected Storage") set(TFM_PARTITION_INTERNAL_TRUSTED_STORAGE OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Internal Trusted Storage partition") set(TFM_PARTITION_CRYPTO OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Crypto partition") set(CRYPTO_TFM_BUILTIN_KEYS_DRIVER ON CACHE BOOL "Whether to allow crypto service to store builtin keys. Without this, ALL builtin keys must be stored in a platform-specific location") set(TFM_PARTITION_INITIAL_ATTESTATION OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Initial Attestation partition") set(SYMMETRIC_INITIAL_ATTESTATION OFF CACHE BOOL "Use symmetric crypto for inital attestation") set(ATTEST_INCLUDE_TEST_CODE OFF CACHE BOOL "Include minimal development tests in the initial attestation regression test suite") set(ATTEST_KEY_BITS 256 CACHE STRING "The size of the initial attestation key in bits") set(TFM_PARTITION_PLATFORM OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Platform partition") ################################## Dependencies ################################ set(MBEDCRYPTO_PATH "DOWNLOAD" CACHE PATH "Path to Mbed Crypto (or DOWNLOAD to fetch automatically") set(MBEDCRYPTO_FORCE_PATCH OFF CACHE BOOL "Always apply MBed Crypto patches") set(MBEDCRYPTO_VERSION "mbedtls-3.3.0" CACHE STRING "The version of Mbed Crypto to use") set(MBEDCRYPTO_GIT_REMOTE "https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls.git" CACHE STRING "The URL (or path) to retrieve MbedTLS from.") set(MBEDCRYPTO_BUILD_TYPE "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" CACHE STRING "Build type of Mbed Crypto library") set(TFM_MBEDCRYPTO_CONFIG_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/ext/mbedcrypto/mbedcrypto_config/tfm_mbedcrypto_config_default.h" CACHE PATH "Config to use for Mbed Crypto. For increased flexibility when pointing to a file, set the type \ of this setting to 'STRING' by passing the : portion when specifying the setting value in \ the command line. E.g. '-DTFM_MBEDCRYPTO_CONFIG_PATH:STRING=some_file_which_is_generated.h' \ This can be useful if the config file is generated and placed inside a directory already added \ to the include path of mbedtls.") set(TFM_MBEDCRYPTO_PSA_CRYPTO_CONFIG_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/ext/mbedcrypto/mbedcrypto_config/crypto_config_default.h" CACHE PATH "Config to use psa crypto setting for Mbed Crypto.") set(TFM_MBEDCRYPTO_PLATFORM_EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Config to append to standard Mbed Crypto config, used by platforms to cnfigure feature support") set(MCUBOOT_PATH "DOWNLOAD" CACHE PATH "Path to MCUboot (or DOWNLOAD to fetch automatically") set(MCUBOOT_VERSION "7453075" CACHE STRING "The version of MCUboot to use") set(PSA_ARCH_TESTS_PATH "DOWNLOAD" CACHE PATH "Path to PSA arch tests (or DOWNLOAD to fetch automatically") set(PSA_ARCH_TESTS_VERSION "cf8bd71" CACHE STRING "The version of PSA arch tests to use") set(PSA_ARCH_TESTS_FORCE_PATCH OFF CACHE BOOL "Always apply PSA arch tests patches") set(NS_EVALUATION_APP_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to TFM NS Evaluation Application") ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Specifying the accepted values for certain configuration options to facilitate # their later validation. ########################## FIH ################################################# set_property(CACHE TFM_FIH_PROFILE PROPERTY STRINGS "OFF;LOW;MEDIUM;HIGH")