Lines Matching +full:dual +full:- +full:supply

6 The Nucleo U575ZI Q board, featuring an ARM Cortex-M33 based STM32U575ZI MCU,
13 - STM32U575ZI microcontroller in LQFP144 package
14 - Internal SMPS to generate V core logic supply
15 - Two types of extension resources:
17 - Arduino Uno V3 connectivity
18 - ST morpho extension pin headers for full access to all STM32 I/Os
20 - On-board ST-LINK/V3E debugger/programmer
21 - Flexible board power supply:
23 - USB VBUS or external source(3.3V, 5V, 7 - 12V)
24 - ST-Link V3E
26 - Three users LEDs
27 - Two push-buttons: USER and RESET
28 - USB Type-C |trade| Sink device FS
33 The STM32U575xx devices are an ultra-low-power microcontrollers family (STM32U5
34 Series) based on the high-performance Arm|reg| Cortex|reg|-M33 32-bit RISC core.
37 - Ultra-low-power with FlexPowerControl (down to 300 nA Standby mode and 19.5 uA/MHz run mode)
38 - Core: ARM |reg| 32-bit Cortex |reg| -M33 CPU with TrustZone |reg| and FPU.
39 - Performance benchmark:
41 - 1.5 DMPIS/MHz (Drystone 2.1)
42 - 651 CoreMark |reg| (4.07 CoreMark |reg| /MHZ)
44 - Security
46 - Arm |reg| TrustZone |reg| and securable I/Os memories and peripherals
47 - Flexible life cycle scheme with RDP (readout protection) and password protected debug
48 - Root of trust thanks to unique boot entry and secure hide protection area (HDP)
49 - Secure Firmware Installation thanks to embedded Root Secure Services
50 - Secure Firmware Update support with TF-M
51 - HASH hardware accelerator
52 - Active tampers
53 - True Random Number Generator NIST SP800-90B compliant
54 - 96-bit unique ID
55 - 512-byte One-Time Programmable for user data
57 - Clock management:
59 - 4 to 50 MHz crystal oscillator
60 - 32 kHz crystal oscillator for RTC (LSE)
61 - Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC ( |plusminus| 1%)
62 - Internal low-power 32 kHz RC ( |plusminus| 5%)
63 - 2 internal multispeed 100 kHz to 48 MHz oscillators, including one auto-trimmed by
65 - 3 PLLs for system clock, USB, audio, ADC
66 - Internal 48 MHz with clock recovery
68 - Power management
70 - Embedded regulator (LDO)
71 - Embedded SMPS step-down converter supporting switch on-the-fly and voltage scaling
73 - RTC with HW calendar and calibration
74 - Up to 136 fast I/Os, most 5 V-tolerant, up to 14 I/Os with independent supply down to 1.08 V
75 - Up to 24 capacitive sensing channels: support touchkey, linear and rotary touch sensors
76 - Up to 17 timers and 2 watchdogs
78 - 2x 16-bit advanced motor-control
79 - 2x 32-bit and 5 x 16-bit general purpose
80 - 4x low-power 16-bit timers (available in Stop mode)
81 - 2x watchdogs
82 - 2x SysTick timer
84 - ART accelerator
86 - 8-Kbyte instruction cache allowing 0-wait-state execution from Flash and
88 - 4-Kbyte data cache for external memories
90 - Memories
92 - 2-Mbyte Flash memory with ECC, 2 banks read-while-write, including 512 Kbytes with 100 kcycles
93 - 786-Kbyte SRAM with ECC OFF or 722-Kbyte SRAM including up to 322-Kbyte SRAM with ECC ON
94 - External memory interface supporting SRAM, PSRAM, NOR, NAND and FRAM memories
95 - 2 Octo-SPI memory interfaces
97 - Rich analog peripherals (independent supply)
99 - 14-bit ADC 2.5-Msps, resolution up to 16 bits with hardware oversampling
100 - 12-bit ADC 2.5-Msps, with hardware oversampling, autonomous in Stop 2 mode
101 - 2 12-bit DAC, low-power sample and hold
102 - 2 operational amplifiers with built-in PGA
103 - 2 ultra-low-power comparators
105 - Up to 22 communication interfaces
107 - USB Type-C / USB power delivery controller
108 - USB OTG 2.0 full-speed controller
109 - 2x SAIs (serial audio interface)
110 - 4x I2C FM+(1 Mbit/s), SMBus/PMBus
111 - 6x USARTs (ISO 7816, LIN, IrDA, modem)
112 - 3x SPIs (5x SPIs with dual OCTOSPI in SPI mode)
113 - 1x FDCAN
114 - 2x SDMMC interface
115 - 16- and 4-channel DMA controllers, functional in Stop mode
116 - 1 multi-function digital filter (6 filters)+ 1 audio digital filter with
117 sound-activity detection
119 - CRC calculation unit
120 - Development support: serial wire debug (SWD), JTAG, Embedded Trace Macrocell |trade|
121 - True Random Number Generator (RNG)
123 - Graphic features
125 - Chrom-ART Accelerator (DMA2D) for enhanced graphic content creation
126 - 1 digital camera interface
128 - Mathematical co-processor
130 - CORDIC for trigonometric functions acceleration
131 - FMAC (filter mathematical accelerator)
135 - `STM32U575ZI on`_
136 - `STM32U575 reference manual`_
143 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
146 | CAN/CANFD | on-chip | canbus |
147 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
148 | CLOCK | on-chip | reset and clock control |
149 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
150 | DAC | on-chip | DAC Controller |
151 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
152 | GPIO | on-chip | gpio |
153 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
154 | I2C | on-chip | i2c |
155 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
156 | NVIC | on-chip | nested vector interrupt controller |
157 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
158 | PINMUX | on-chip | pinmux |
159 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
160 | SPI | on-chip | spi |
161 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
162 | UART | on-chip | serial port-polling; |
163 | | | serial port-interrupt |
164 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
165 | WATCHDOG | on-chip | independent watchdog |
166 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
167 | USB FS | on-chip | USB Full Speed device |
168 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
169 | BKP SRAM | on-chip | Backup SRAM |
170 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
171 | RNG | on-chip | True Random number generator |
172 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
173 | RTC | on-chip | rtc |
174 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+
187 input/output, pull-up, etc.
189 For more details please refer to `STM32 Nucleo-144 board User Manual`_.
192 ----------------------------------
197 - DAC1_OUT1 : PA4
198 - I2C_1_SCL : PB8
199 - I2C_1_SDA : PB9
200 - I2C_2_SCL : PF1
201 - I2C_2_SDA : PF0
202 - LD1 : PC7
203 - LD2 : PB7
204 - LD3 : PG2
205 - LPUART_1_TX : PG7
206 - LPUART_1_RX : PG8
207 - SPI_1_NSS : PA4
208 - SPI_1_SCK : PA5
209 - SPI_1_MISO : PA6
210 - SPI_1_MOSI : PA7
211 - UART_1_TX : PA9
212 - UART_1_RX : PA10
213 - UART_2_TX : PD5
214 - UART_2_RX : PD6
215 - USER_PB : PC13
218 ------------
225 -----------
232 -----------
241 Nucleo U575ZI-Q board includes an ST-LINK/V3 embedded debug tool interface.
248 so its :ref:`installation <stm32cubeprog-flash-host-tools>` is required.
251 the ``--runner`` (or ``-r``) option:
253 .. code-block:: console
255 $ west flash --runner openocd
256 $ west flash --runner jlink
257 $ west flash --runner pyocd
262 .. code-block:: console
264 $ pyocd pack --update
265 $ pyocd pack --install stm32u5
269 ------------------------------------------
273 :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application.
277 .. code-block:: console
279 $ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
283 .. zephyr-app-commands::
284 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
290 .. code-block:: console
298 Here is an example for the :zephyr:code-sample:`blinky` application.
300 .. zephyr-app-commands::
301 :zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky
305 .. _STM32 Nucleo-144 board User Manual:
312 ……