1 2 px_abs_time_to_rel_ticks.c Casted size_t to ULONG. 3 4 px_clock_gettime.c Casted size_t to ULONG. 5 6 px_clock_settime.c Casted size_t to ULONG. 7 8 px_int.h Removed posix_initialize prototype (moved to tx_posix.h). 9 10 px_nanosleep.c Casted size_t to ULONG. 11 12 tx_posix.h Reduced default object pool sizes, added posix_initialize prototype. 13 Improved default stack size symbol name 14 15 px_memory_release.c When thread completes and posix_do_pthread_delete() is called, 16 posix_memory_release() returns with error if stack was not 17 allocated from the posix pool but rather stack is a static array. 18 19 px_mq_open.c Fixed bug to handle a NULL attribute in mq_open(). 20 21 px_pth_create.c Call to pthread_create() with pthread_attr_t set to NULL or with the 22 default values as set by pthread_attr_init() has unexpected behavior. 23 Fixed by adding code to use defaults. 24 25 px_pth_init.c Fixed memory leak when threads are released or killed by 26 calling posix_reset_pthread after posix_destroy_pthread() 27 which was not returning memory to the TCB pool 28 29 Fixed bug when trying to join threads from ThreadX context when 30 there is an illegal pointer convertion 31 32 px_pth_join.c Fixed bug when calling join from ThreadX context to check if called from 33 a ThreadX context and if so, return error. 34 35 px_sem_init.c Fixed a bug causing Unnamed semaphore init to return error when ThreadX 36 the semaphore is created correctly. 37 38 39 px_sem_open.c Modified error return values as per the Linux man pages. 40 41 px_pth_sigmask.c Modified error return values as per the Linux man pages. 42 43 px_sig_wait.c Modified error return value type from an INT to a UINT and modified the logic 44 to return the number of seconds remaining in the sleep interval. A return value of 45 zero is successful completion. 46 47