2; * Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation
3; *
4; * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5; * terms of the MIT License which is available at
6; * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
7; *
8; * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
9; **************************************************************************/
14;/**                                                                       */
15;/** ThreadX Component                                                     */
16;/**                                                                       */
17;/**   Thread                                                              */
18;/**                                                                       */
22#include "tx_user.h"
26;/*                                                                        */
27;/*  FUNCTION                                               RELEASE        */
28;/*                                                                        */
29;/*    _tx_thread_register_bank_assign                   ARC_HS/MetaWare   */
30;/*                                                           6.2.1        */
31;/*  AUTHOR                                                                */
32;/*                                                                        */
33;/*    William E. Lamie, Microsoft Corporation                             */
34;/*                                                                        */
35;/*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
36;/*                                                                        */
37;/*    This function builds a stack frame on the supplied thread's stack.  */
38;/*    The stack frame results in a fake interrupt return to the supplied  */
39;/*    function pointer.                                                   */
40;/*                                                                        */
41;/*  INPUT                                                                 */
42;/*                                                                        */
43;/*    thread_ptr                            Pointer to thread control blk */
44;/*    register_bank                         Register bank number          */
45;/*                                            (1 through max-1)           */
46;/*                                                                        */
47;/*  OUTPUT                                                                */
48;/*                                                                        */
49;/*    None                                                                */
50;/*                                                                        */
51;/*  CALLS                                                                 */
52;/*                                                                        */
53;/*    None                                                                */
54;/*                                                                        */
55;/*  CALLED BY                                                             */
56;/*                                                                        */
57;/*    Application                                                         */
58;/*                                                                        */
59;/*  RELEASE HISTORY                                                       */
60;/*                                                                        */
61;/*    DATE              NAME                      DESCRIPTION             */
62;/*                                                                        */
63;/*  09-30-2020     William E. Lamie         Initial Version 6.1           */
64;/*  03-08-2023     Cindy Deng               Modified comment(s), added    */
65;/*                                            #include tx_user.h,         */
66;/*                                            resulting in version 6.2.1  */
67;/*                                                                        */
69;VOID   _tx_thread_register_bank_assign(VOID *thread_ptr, UINT register_bank)
71    .global _tx_thread_register_bank_assign
72    .type   _tx_thread_register_bank_assign, @function
75;  /* Assume this routine is being called from initialization, with interrupts
76;     disabled and from register bank 0. Also assume that the thread pointer and
77;     register bank input is valid, i.e., there is no error checking on the validity of
78;     the thread pointer or the register_bank.
80;     It is worth noting that if fast interrupts are being used, register bank 1
81;     is reserved for the fast interrupt processing, so thread register bank assignments
82;     should begin at bank 2.  */
84    mov     ilink, r0                                   ; Move the thread control block into ilink
85    asl     r2, r1, 16                                  ; Move the register bank bits over to proper location
86    lr      r3, [status32]                              ; Pickup status32 register
87    or      r3, r3, r2                                  ; Build new status32 register
88    ld      r4, [r0, 8]                                 ; Pickup stack pointer for the thread
89    ld      r5, [r4, 164]                               ; Pickup initial status32 from stack area
90    or      r5, r5, r2                                  ; Modify initial status32 with register bank number
91    st      r5, [r4, 164]                               ; Store initial status32 in stack area
92    kflag   r3                                          ; Move to the hardware register bank
93    mov     r0, ilink                                   ; Place thread control block in r0
94    ld      sp, [r0, 8]                                 ; Setup stack pointer for this hardware register bank
95    ld      fp, [sp, 24]                                ; Setup fp
96    ld      gp, [sp, 28]                                ; Setup gp
97    ld      blink, [sp, 16]                             ; Setup blink
98    ld      ilink, [sp, 20]                             ; Setup ilink
99    lr      r3, [status32]                              ; Pickup status32 register
100    bclr    r3, r3, 16                                  ; Build register bank 0 value
101    bclr    r3, r3, 17                                  ;
102    bclr    r3, r3, 18                                  ;
103    kflag   r3                                          ; Move back to register bank 0
104    mov     r5, 3                                       ; Build type for hardware interrupt context
105    j_s.d   [blink]                                     ; Return to caller
106    st      r5, [r4, 0]                                 ; Set stack frame type
108    .end