1--- 2name: Bug report 3about: Create a report to help us improve Azure RTOS. 4title: '' 5labels: bug, hardware 6assignees: '' 7 8--- 9 10**Describe the bug** 11A clear and concise description of what the bug is. 12 13Please also mention any information which could help others to understand 14the problem you're facing: 15- What target device are you using? 16- Which version of Azure RTOS? 17- What toolchain and environment? 18- What have you tried to diagnose or workaround this issue? 19 20**To Reproduce** 21Steps to reproduce the behavior: 221. Build my project in IAR Workbench. 231. See error 24 25**Expected behavior** 26A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. 27 28**Impact** 29What impact does this issue have on your progress (e.g., annoyance, showstopper) 30 31**Logs and console output** 32If applicable, add console logs or other types of debug information like Wireshark capture as `.zip` file. 33 34**Additional context** 35Add any other context about the problem here. 36