1 /***************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation
3  *
4  * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5  * terms of the MIT License which is available at
6  * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
7  *
8  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
9  **************************************************************************/
12 /**************************************************************************/
13 /**************************************************************************/
14 /**                                                                       */
15 /** NetX Secure Component                                                 */
16 /**                                                                       */
17 /**    X.509 Digital Certificates                                         */
18 /**                                                                       */
19 /**************************************************************************/
20 /**************************************************************************/
24 #include "nx_secure_x509.h"
26 /**************************************************************************/
27 /*                                                                        */
28 /*  FUNCTION                                               RELEASE        */
29 /*                                                                        */
30 /*    _nx_secure_x509_common_name_dns_check               PORTABLE C      */
31 /*                                                           6.1.6        */
32 /*  AUTHOR                                                                */
33 /*                                                                        */
34 /*    Timothy Stapko, Microsoft Corporation                               */
35 /*                                                                        */
36 /*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
37 /*                                                                        */
38 /*    This function checks a certificate's Common Name against a Top      */
39 /*    Level Domain name (TLD) provided by the caller for the purposes of  */
40 /*    DNS validation of a remote host. This utility function is intended  */
41 /*    to be called from within a certificate validation callback routine  */
42 /*    provided by the application. The TLD name should be the top part of */
43 /*    the URL used to access the remote host (the "."-separated string    */
44 /*    before the first slash).                                            */
45 /*                                                                        */
46 /*    NOTE 1: If the Common Name does not match the provided string, the  */
47 /*            "subject alt name" field is compared as well.               */
48 /*                                                                        */
49 /*    NOTE 2: It is important to understand the format of the common name */
50 /*            (and subject alt name) in expected certificates. For        */
51 /*            example, some certificates may use a raw IP address or a    */
52 /*            wild card. The DNS TLD string must be formatted such that   */
53 /*            it will match the expected values in received certificates. */
54 /*                                                                        */
55 /*  INPUT                                                                 */
56 /*                                                                        */
57 /*    certificate                           Pointer to certificate        */
58 /*    dns_tld                               Top-level domain name         */
59 /*    dns_tls_length                        Length of TLS in bytes        */
60 /*                                                                        */
61 /*  OUTPUT                                                                */
62 /*                                                                        */
63 /*    status                                Validity of certificate       */
64 /*                                                                        */
65 /*  CALLS                                                                 */
66 /*                                                                        */
67 /*    _nx_secure_x509_extension_find        Find extension in certificate */
68 /*    _nx_secure_x509_subject_alt_names_find                              */
69 /*                                          Find subject alt names        */
70 /*    _nx_secure_x509_wildcard_compare      Wildcard compare for names    */
71 /*                                                                        */
72 /*  CALLED BY                                                             */
73 /*                                                                        */
74 /*    Application code                                                    */
75 /*                                                                        */
76 /*  RELEASE HISTORY                                                       */
77 /*                                                                        */
78 /*    DATE              NAME                      DESCRIPTION             */
79 /*                                                                        */
80 /*  05-19-2020     Timothy Stapko           Initial Version 6.0           */
81 /*  09-30-2020     Timothy Stapko           Modified comment(s),          */
82 /*                                            resulting in version 6.1    */
83 /*  04-02-2021     Timothy Stapko           Modified comment(s),          */
84 /*                                            removed dependency on TLS,  */
85 /*                                            resulting in version 6.1.6  */
86 /*                                                                        */
87 /**************************************************************************/
_nx_secure_x509_common_name_dns_check(NX_SECURE_X509_CERT * certificate,const UCHAR * dns_tld,UINT dns_tld_length)88 UINT _nx_secure_x509_common_name_dns_check(NX_SECURE_X509_CERT *certificate, const UCHAR *dns_tld,
89                                            UINT dns_tld_length)
90 {
91 INT                      compare_value;
92 UINT                     status;
93 const UCHAR             *common_name;
94 USHORT                   common_name_len;
95 NX_SECURE_X509_EXTENSION alt_name_extension;
97     /* Get access to our certificate fields. */
98     common_name = certificate -> nx_secure_x509_distinguished_name.nx_secure_x509_common_name;
99     common_name_len = certificate -> nx_secure_x509_distinguished_name.nx_secure_x509_common_name_length;
101     /* Compare the given string against the common name. */
102     compare_value = _nx_secure_x509_wildcard_compare(dns_tld, dns_tld_length, common_name, common_name_len);
104     if (compare_value == 0)
105     {
106         return(NX_SECURE_X509_SUCCESS);
107     }
109     /* Find the subject alt name extension in the certificate. */
110     status = _nx_secure_x509_extension_find(certificate, &alt_name_extension, NX_SECURE_TLS_X509_TYPE_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME);
112     /* See if extension present - it is OK if not present! */
113     if (status == NX_SECURE_X509_SUCCESS)
114     {
115         /* Extract the subject alt name string from the parsed extension. */
116         status = _nx_secure_x509_subject_alt_names_find(&alt_name_extension, dns_tld, dns_tld_length, NX_SECURE_X509_SUB_ALT_NAME_TAG_DNSNAME);
118         if (status == NX_SECURE_X509_SUCCESS)
119         {
120             return(NX_SECURE_X509_SUCCESS);
121         }
122     }
124     /* If we get here, none of the strings matched. */
126 }