1 /*
2  * supply.h  --  Power Supply Driver for Wolfson WM8350 PMIC
3  *
4  * Copyright 2007 Wolfson Microelectronics PLC
5  *
6  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute  it and/or modify it
7  *  under  the terms of  the GNU General  Public License as published by the
8  *  Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 of the  License, or (at your
9  *  option) any later version.
10  *
11  */
13 #ifndef __LINUX_MFD_WM8350_SUPPLY_H_
14 #define __LINUX_MFD_WM8350_SUPPLY_H_
16 #include <linux/mutex.h>
17 #include <linux/power_supply.h>
19 /*
20  * Charger registers
21  */
22 #define WM8350_BATTERY_CHARGER_CONTROL_1        0xA8
23 #define WM8350_BATTERY_CHARGER_CONTROL_2        0xA9
24 #define WM8350_BATTERY_CHARGER_CONTROL_3        0xAA
26 /*
27  * R168 (0xA8) - Battery Charger Control 1
28  */
29 #define WM8350_CHG_ENA_R168                     0x8000
30 #define WM8350_CHG_THR                          0x2000
31 #define WM8350_CHG_EOC_SEL_MASK                 0x1C00
32 #define WM8350_CHG_TRICKLE_TEMP_CHOKE           0x0200
33 #define WM8350_CHG_TRICKLE_USB_CHOKE            0x0100
34 #define WM8350_CHG_RECOVER_T                    0x0080
35 #define WM8350_CHG_END_ACT                      0x0040
36 #define WM8350_CHG_FAST                         0x0020
37 #define WM8350_CHG_FAST_USB_THROTTLE            0x0010
38 #define WM8350_CHG_NTC_MON                      0x0008
39 #define WM8350_CHG_BATT_HOT_MON                 0x0004
40 #define WM8350_CHG_BATT_COLD_MON                0x0002
41 #define WM8350_CHG_CHIP_TEMP_MON                0x0001
43 /*
44  * R169 (0xA9) - Battery Charger Control 2
45  */
46 #define WM8350_CHG_ACTIVE                       0x8000
47 #define WM8350_CHG_PAUSE                        0x4000
48 #define WM8350_CHG_STS_MASK                     0x3000
49 #define WM8350_CHG_TIME_MASK                    0x0F00
50 #define WM8350_CHG_MASK_WALL_FB                 0x0080
51 #define WM8350_CHG_TRICKLE_SEL                  0x0040
52 #define WM8350_CHG_VSEL_MASK                    0x0030
53 #define WM8350_CHG_ISEL_MASK                    0x000F
54 #define WM8350_CHG_STS_OFF                      0x0000
55 #define WM8350_CHG_STS_TRICKLE                  0x1000
56 #define WM8350_CHG_STS_FAST                     0x2000
58 /*
59  * R170 (0xAA) - Battery Charger Control 3
60  */
61 #define WM8350_CHG_THROTTLE_T_MASK              0x0060
62 #define WM8350_CHG_SMART                        0x0010
63 #define WM8350_CHG_TIMER_ADJT_MASK              0x000F
65 /*
66  * Charger Interrupts
67  */
68 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_BAT_HOT			0
69 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_BAT_COLD			1
70 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_BAT_FAIL			2
71 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_TO			3
72 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_END			4
73 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_START			5
74 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_FAST_RDY			6
75 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_VBATT_LT_3P9		10
76 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_VBATT_LT_3P1		11
77 #define WM8350_IRQ_CHG_VBATT_LT_2P85		12
79 /*
80  * Charger Policy
81  */
82 #define WM8350_CHG_TRICKLE_50mA			(0 << 6)
83 #define WM8350_CHG_TRICKLE_100mA		(1 << 6)
84 #define WM8350_CHG_4_05V			(0 << 4)
85 #define WM8350_CHG_4_10V			(1 << 4)
86 #define WM8350_CHG_4_15V			(2 << 4)
87 #define WM8350_CHG_4_20V			(3 << 4)
88 #define WM8350_CHG_FAST_LIMIT_mA(x)		((x / 50) & 0xf)
89 #define WM8350_CHG_EOC_mA(x)			(((x - 10) & 0x7) << 10)
90 #define WM8350_CHG_TRICKLE_3_1V			(0 << 13)
91 #define WM8350_CHG_TRICKLE_3_9V			(1 << 13)
93 /*
94  * Supply Registers.
95  */
96 #define WM8350_USB_VOLTAGE_READBACK             0x9C
97 #define WM8350_LINE_VOLTAGE_READBACK            0x9D
98 #define WM8350_BATT_VOLTAGE_READBACK            0x9E
100 /*
101  * Supply Interrupts.
102  */
103 #define WM8350_IRQ_USB_LIMIT			15
104 #define WM8350_IRQ_EXT_USB_FB			36
105 #define WM8350_IRQ_EXT_WALL_FB			37
106 #define WM8350_IRQ_EXT_BAT_FB			38
108 /*
109  * Policy to control charger state machine.
110  */
111 struct wm8350_charger_policy {
113 	/* charger state machine policy  - set in machine driver */
114 	int eoc_mA;		/* end of charge current (mA)  */
115 	int charge_mV;		/* charge voltage */
116 	int fast_limit_mA;	/* fast charge current limit */
117 	int fast_limit_USB_mA;	/* USB fast charge current limit */
118 	int charge_timeout;	/* charge timeout (mins) */
119 	int trickle_start_mV;	/* trickle charge starts at mV */
120 	int trickle_charge_mA;	/* trickle charge current */
121 	int trickle_charge_USB_mA;	/* USB trickle charge current */
122 };
124 struct wm8350_power {
125 	struct platform_device *pdev;
126 	struct power_supply *battery;
127 	struct power_supply *usb;
128 	struct power_supply *ac;
129 	struct wm8350_charger_policy *policy;
131 	int rev_g_coeff;
132 };
134 #endif