1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
2 /*
3  * mtu3.h - MediaTek USB3 DRD header
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2016 MediaTek Inc.
6  *
7  * Author: Chunfeng Yun <chunfeng.yun@mediatek.com>
8  */
10 #ifndef __MTU3_H__
11 #define __MTU3_H__
13 #include <linux/device.h>
14 #include <linux/dmapool.h>
15 #include <linux/extcon.h>
16 #include <linux/interrupt.h>
17 #include <linux/list.h>
18 #include <linux/phy/phy.h>
19 #include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>
20 #include <linux/usb.h>
21 #include <linux/usb/ch9.h>
22 #include <linux/usb/gadget.h>
23 #include <linux/usb/otg.h>
25 struct mtu3;
26 struct mtu3_ep;
27 struct mtu3_request;
29 #include "mtu3_hw_regs.h"
30 #include "mtu3_qmu.h"
32 #define	MU3D_EP_TXCR0(epnum)	(U3D_TX1CSR0 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
33 #define	MU3D_EP_TXCR1(epnum)	(U3D_TX1CSR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
34 #define	MU3D_EP_TXCR2(epnum)	(U3D_TX1CSR2 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
36 #define	MU3D_EP_RXCR0(epnum)	(U3D_RX1CSR0 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
37 #define	MU3D_EP_RXCR1(epnum)	(U3D_RX1CSR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
38 #define	MU3D_EP_RXCR2(epnum)	(U3D_RX1CSR2 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
40 #define USB_QMU_TQHIAR(epnum)	(U3D_TXQHIAR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x4))
41 #define USB_QMU_RQHIAR(epnum)	(U3D_RXQHIAR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x4))
43 #define USB_QMU_RQCSR(epnum)	(U3D_RXQCSR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
44 #define USB_QMU_RQSAR(epnum)	(U3D_RXQSAR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
45 #define USB_QMU_RQCPR(epnum)	(U3D_RXQCPR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
47 #define USB_QMU_TQCSR(epnum)	(U3D_TXQCSR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
48 #define USB_QMU_TQSAR(epnum)	(U3D_TXQSAR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
49 #define USB_QMU_TQCPR(epnum)	(U3D_TXQCPR1 + (((epnum) - 1) * 0x10))
51 #define SSUSB_U3_CTRL(p)	(U3D_SSUSB_U3_CTRL_0P + ((p) * 0x08))
52 #define SSUSB_U2_CTRL(p)	(U3D_SSUSB_U2_CTRL_0P + ((p) * 0x08))
54 #define MTU3_DRIVER_NAME	"mtu3"
55 #define	DMA_ADDR_INVALID	(~(dma_addr_t)0)
57 #define MTU3_EP_ENABLED		BIT(0)
58 #define MTU3_EP_STALL		BIT(1)
59 #define MTU3_EP_WEDGE		BIT(2)
60 #define MTU3_EP_BUSY		BIT(3)
62 #define MTU3_U3_IP_SLOT_DEFAULT 2
63 #define MTU3_U2_IP_SLOT_DEFAULT 1
65 /**
66  * Normally the device works on HS or SS, to simplify fifo management,
67  * devide fifo into some 512B parts, use bitmap to manage it; And
68  * 128 bits size of bitmap is large enough, that means it can manage
69  * up to 64KB fifo size.
70  * NOTE: MTU3_EP_FIFO_UNIT should be power of two
71  */
72 #define MTU3_EP_FIFO_UNIT		(1 << 9)
73 #define MTU3_FIFO_BIT_SIZE		128
74 #define MTU3_U2_IP_EP0_FIFO_SIZE	64
76 /**
77  * Maximum size of ep0 response buffer for ch9 requests,
78  * the SET_SEL request uses 6 so far, and GET_STATUS is 2
79  */
80 #define EP0_RESPONSE_BUF  6
82 /* device operated link and speed got from DEVICE_CONF register */
83 enum mtu3_speed {
85 	MTU3_SPEED_FULL = 1,
86 	MTU3_SPEED_HIGH = 3,
89 };
91 /**
92  * @MU3D_EP0_STATE_SETUP: waits for SETUP or received a SETUP
93  *		without data stage.
94  * @MU3D_EP0_STATE_TX: IN data stage
95  * @MU3D_EP0_STATE_RX: OUT data stage
96  * @MU3D_EP0_STATE_TX_END: the last IN data is transferred, and
97  *		waits for its completion interrupt
98  * @MU3D_EP0_STATE_STALL: ep0 is in stall status, will be auto-cleared
99  *		after receives a SETUP.
100  */
101 enum mtu3_g_ep0_state {
102 	MU3D_EP0_STATE_SETUP = 1,
107 };
109 /**
110  * MTU3_DR_FORCE_NONE: automatically switch host and periperal mode
111  *		by IDPIN signal.
112  * MTU3_DR_FORCE_HOST: force to enter host mode and override OTG
113  *		IDPIN signal.
114  * MTU3_DR_FORCE_DEVICE: force to enter peripheral mode.
115  */
116 enum mtu3_dr_force_mode {
117 	MTU3_DR_FORCE_NONE = 0,
120 };
122 /**
123  * @base: the base address of fifo
124  * @limit: the bitmap size in bits
125  * @bitmap: fifo bitmap in unit of @MTU3_EP_FIFO_UNIT
126  */
127 struct mtu3_fifo_info {
128 	u32 base;
129 	u32 limit;
131 };
133 /**
134  * General Purpose Descriptor (GPD):
135  *	The format of TX GPD is a little different from RX one.
136  *	And the size of GPD is 16 bytes.
137  *
138  * @flag:
139  *	bit0: Hardware Own (HWO)
140  *	bit1: Buffer Descriptor Present (BDP), always 0, BD is not supported
141  *	bit2: Bypass (BPS), 1: HW skips this GPD if HWO = 1
142  *	bit7: Interrupt On Completion (IOC)
143  * @chksum: This is used to validate the contents of this GPD;
144  *	If TXQ_CS_EN / RXQ_CS_EN bit is set, an interrupt is issued
145  *	when checksum validation fails;
146  *	Checksum value is calculated over the 16 bytes of the GPD by default;
147  * @data_buf_len (RX ONLY): This value indicates the length of
148  *	the assigned data buffer
149  * @tx_ext_addr (TX ONLY): [3:0] are 4 extension bits of @buffer,
150  *	[7:4] are 4 extension bits of @next_gpd
151  * @next_gpd: Physical address of the next GPD
152  * @buffer: Physical address of the data buffer
153  * @buf_len:
154  *	(TX): This value indicates the length of the assigned data buffer
155  *	(RX): The total length of data received
156  * @ext_len: reserved
157  * @rx_ext_addr(RX ONLY): [3:0] are 4 extension bits of @buffer,
158  *	[7:4] are 4 extension bits of @next_gpd
159  * @ext_flag:
160  *	bit5 (TX ONLY): Zero Length Packet (ZLP),
161  */
162 struct qmu_gpd {
163 	__u8 flag;
164 	__u8 chksum;
165 	union {
166 		__le16 data_buf_len;
167 		__le16 tx_ext_addr;
168 	};
169 	__le32 next_gpd;
170 	__le32 buffer;
171 	__le16 buf_len;
172 	union {
173 		__u8 ext_len;
174 		__u8 rx_ext_addr;
175 	};
176 	__u8 ext_flag;
177 } __packed;
179 /**
180 * dma: physical base address of GPD segment
181 * start: virtual base address of GPD segment
182 * end: the last GPD element
183 * enqueue: the first empty GPD to use
184 * dequeue: the first completed GPD serviced by ISR
185 * NOTE: the size of GPD ring should be >= 2
186 */
187 struct mtu3_gpd_ring {
188 	dma_addr_t dma;
189 	struct qmu_gpd *start;
190 	struct qmu_gpd *end;
191 	struct qmu_gpd *enqueue;
192 	struct qmu_gpd *dequeue;
193 };
195 /**
196 * @vbus: vbus 5V used by host mode
197 * @edev: external connector used to detect vbus and iddig changes
198 * @vbus_nb: notifier for vbus detection
199 * @vbus_work : work of vbus detection notifier, used to avoid sleep in
200 *		notifier callback which is atomic context
201 * @vbus_event : event of vbus detecion notifier
202 * @id_nb : notifier for iddig(idpin) detection
203 * @id_work : work of iddig detection notifier
204 * @id_event : event of iddig detecion notifier
205 * @is_u3_drd: whether port0 supports usb3.0 dual-role device or not
206 * @manual_drd_enabled: it's true when supports dual-role device by debugfs
207 *		to switch host/device modes depending on user input.
208 */
209 struct otg_switch_mtk {
210 	struct regulator *vbus;
211 	struct extcon_dev *edev;
212 	struct notifier_block vbus_nb;
213 	struct work_struct vbus_work;
214 	unsigned long vbus_event;
215 	struct notifier_block id_nb;
216 	struct work_struct id_work;
217 	unsigned long id_event;
218 	bool is_u3_drd;
219 	bool manual_drd_enabled;
220 };
222 /**
223  * @mac_base: register base address of device MAC, exclude xHCI's
224  * @ippc_base: register base address of IP Power and Clock interface (IPPC)
225  * @vusb33: usb3.3V shared by device/host IP
226  * @sys_clk: system clock of mtu3, shared by device/host IP
227  * @ref_clk: reference clock
228  * @mcu_clk: mcu_bus_ck clock for AHB bus etc
229  * @dma_clk: dma_bus_ck clock for AXI bus etc
230  * @dr_mode: works in which mode:
231  *		host only, device only or dual-role mode
232  * @u2_ports: number of usb2.0 host ports
233  * @u3_ports: number of usb3.0 host ports
234  * @u3p_dis_msk: mask of disabling usb3 ports, for example, bit0==1 to
235  *		disable u3port0, bit1==1 to disable u3port1,... etc
236  * @dbgfs_root: only used when supports manual dual-role switch via debugfs
237  * @uwk_en: it's true when supports remote wakeup in host mode
238  * @uwk: syscon including usb wakeup glue layer between SSUSB IP and SPM
239  * @uwk_reg_base: the base address of the wakeup glue layer in @uwk
240  * @uwk_vers: the version of the wakeup glue layer
241  */
242 struct ssusb_mtk {
243 	struct device *dev;
244 	struct mtu3 *u3d;
245 	void __iomem *mac_base;
246 	void __iomem *ippc_base;
247 	struct phy **phys;
248 	int num_phys;
249 	/* common power & clock */
250 	struct regulator *vusb33;
251 	struct clk *sys_clk;
252 	struct clk *ref_clk;
253 	struct clk *mcu_clk;
254 	struct clk *dma_clk;
255 	/* otg */
256 	struct otg_switch_mtk otg_switch;
257 	enum usb_dr_mode dr_mode;
258 	bool is_host;
259 	int u2_ports;
260 	int u3_ports;
261 	int u3p_dis_msk;
262 	struct dentry *dbgfs_root;
263 	/* usb wakeup for host mode */
264 	bool uwk_en;
265 	struct regmap *uwk;
266 	u32 uwk_reg_base;
267 	u32 uwk_vers;
268 };
270 /**
271  * @fifo_size: it is (@slot + 1) * @fifo_seg_size
272  * @fifo_seg_size: it is roundup_pow_of_two(@maxp)
273  */
274 struct mtu3_ep {
275 	struct usb_ep ep;
276 	char name[12];
277 	struct mtu3 *mtu;
278 	u8 epnum;
279 	u8 type;
280 	u8 is_in;
281 	u16 maxp;
282 	int slot;
283 	u32 fifo_size;
284 	u32 fifo_addr;
285 	u32 fifo_seg_size;
286 	struct mtu3_fifo_info *fifo;
288 	struct list_head req_list;
289 	struct mtu3_gpd_ring gpd_ring;
290 	const struct usb_ss_ep_comp_descriptor *comp_desc;
291 	const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *desc;
293 	int flags;
294 	u8 wedged;
295 	u8 busy;
296 };
298 struct mtu3_request {
299 	struct usb_request request;
300 	struct list_head list;
301 	struct mtu3_ep *mep;
302 	struct mtu3 *mtu;
303 	struct qmu_gpd *gpd;
304 	int epnum;
305 };
dev_to_ssusb(struct device * dev)307 static inline struct ssusb_mtk *dev_to_ssusb(struct device *dev)
308 {
309 	return dev_get_drvdata(dev);
310 }
312 /**
313  * struct mtu3 - device driver instance data.
314  * @slot: MTU3_U2_IP_SLOT_DEFAULT for U2 IP only,
315  *		MTU3_U3_IP_SLOT_DEFAULT for U3 IP
316  * @may_wakeup: means device's remote wakeup is enabled
317  * @is_self_powered: is reported in device status and the config descriptor
318  * @delayed_status: true when function drivers ask for delayed status
319  * @ep0_req: dummy request used while handling standard USB requests
320  *		for GET_STATUS and SET_SEL
321  * @setup_buf: ep0 response buffer for GET_STATUS and SET_SEL requests
322  */
323 struct mtu3 {
324 	spinlock_t lock;
325 	struct ssusb_mtk *ssusb;
326 	struct device *dev;
327 	void __iomem *mac_base;
328 	void __iomem *ippc_base;
329 	int irq;
331 	struct mtu3_fifo_info tx_fifo;
332 	struct mtu3_fifo_info rx_fifo;
334 	struct mtu3_ep *ep_array;
335 	struct mtu3_ep *in_eps;
336 	struct mtu3_ep *out_eps;
337 	struct mtu3_ep *ep0;
338 	int num_eps;
339 	int slot;
340 	int active_ep;
342 	struct dma_pool	*qmu_gpd_pool;
343 	enum mtu3_g_ep0_state ep0_state;
344 	struct usb_gadget g;	/* the gadget */
345 	struct usb_gadget_driver *gadget_driver;
346 	struct mtu3_request ep0_req;
347 	u8 setup_buf[EP0_RESPONSE_BUF];
348 	u32 max_speed;
350 	unsigned is_active:1;
351 	unsigned may_wakeup:1;
352 	unsigned is_self_powered:1;
353 	unsigned test_mode:1;
354 	unsigned softconnect:1;
355 	unsigned u1_enable:1;
356 	unsigned u2_enable:1;
357 	unsigned is_u3_ip:1;
358 	unsigned delayed_status:1;
360 	u8 address;
361 	u8 test_mode_nr;
362 	u32 hw_version;
363 };
gadget_to_mtu3(struct usb_gadget * g)365 static inline struct mtu3 *gadget_to_mtu3(struct usb_gadget *g)
366 {
367 	return container_of(g, struct mtu3, g);
368 }
is_first_entry(const struct list_head * list,const struct list_head * head)370 static inline int is_first_entry(const struct list_head *list,
371 	const struct list_head *head)
372 {
373 	return list_is_last(head, list);
374 }
to_mtu3_request(struct usb_request * req)376 static inline struct mtu3_request *to_mtu3_request(struct usb_request *req)
377 {
378 	return req ? container_of(req, struct mtu3_request, request) : NULL;
379 }
to_mtu3_ep(struct usb_ep * ep)381 static inline struct mtu3_ep *to_mtu3_ep(struct usb_ep *ep)
382 {
383 	return ep ? container_of(ep, struct mtu3_ep, ep) : NULL;
384 }
next_request(struct mtu3_ep * mep)386 static inline struct mtu3_request *next_request(struct mtu3_ep *mep)
387 {
388 	return list_first_entry_or_null(&mep->req_list, struct mtu3_request,
389 					list);
390 }
mtu3_writel(void __iomem * base,u32 offset,u32 data)392 static inline void mtu3_writel(void __iomem *base, u32 offset, u32 data)
393 {
394 	writel(data, base + offset);
395 }
mtu3_readl(void __iomem * base,u32 offset)397 static inline u32 mtu3_readl(void __iomem *base, u32 offset)
398 {
399 	return readl(base + offset);
400 }
mtu3_setbits(void __iomem * base,u32 offset,u32 bits)402 static inline void mtu3_setbits(void __iomem *base, u32 offset, u32 bits)
403 {
404 	void __iomem *addr = base + offset;
405 	u32 tmp = readl(addr);
407 	writel((tmp | (bits)), addr);
408 }
mtu3_clrbits(void __iomem * base,u32 offset,u32 bits)410 static inline void mtu3_clrbits(void __iomem *base, u32 offset, u32 bits)
411 {
412 	void __iomem *addr = base + offset;
413 	u32 tmp = readl(addr);
415 	writel((tmp & ~(bits)), addr);
416 }
418 int ssusb_check_clocks(struct ssusb_mtk *ssusb, u32 ex_clks);
419 struct usb_request *mtu3_alloc_request(struct usb_ep *ep, gfp_t gfp_flags);
420 void mtu3_free_request(struct usb_ep *ep, struct usb_request *req);
421 void mtu3_req_complete(struct mtu3_ep *mep,
422 		struct usb_request *req, int status);
424 int mtu3_config_ep(struct mtu3 *mtu, struct mtu3_ep *mep,
425 		int interval, int burst, int mult);
426 void mtu3_deconfig_ep(struct mtu3 *mtu, struct mtu3_ep *mep);
427 void mtu3_ep_stall_set(struct mtu3_ep *mep, bool set);
428 void mtu3_ep0_setup(struct mtu3 *mtu);
429 void mtu3_start(struct mtu3 *mtu);
430 void mtu3_stop(struct mtu3 *mtu);
431 void mtu3_dev_on_off(struct mtu3 *mtu, int is_on);
433 int mtu3_gadget_setup(struct mtu3 *mtu);
434 void mtu3_gadget_cleanup(struct mtu3 *mtu);
435 void mtu3_gadget_reset(struct mtu3 *mtu);
436 void mtu3_gadget_suspend(struct mtu3 *mtu);
437 void mtu3_gadget_resume(struct mtu3 *mtu);
438 void mtu3_gadget_disconnect(struct mtu3 *mtu);
440 irqreturn_t mtu3_ep0_isr(struct mtu3 *mtu);
441 extern const struct usb_ep_ops mtu3_ep0_ops;
443 #endif