100-INDEX 2 - this file 3boot.txt 4 - List of boot protocol versions 5earlyprintk.txt 6 - Using earlyprintk with a USB2 debug port key. 7entry_64.txt 8 - Describe (some of the) kernel entry points for x86. 9exception-tables.txt 10 - why and how Linux kernel uses exception tables on x86 11microcode.txt 12 - How to load microcode from an initrd-CPIO archive early to fix CPU issues. 13mtrr.txt 14 - how to use x86 Memory Type Range Registers to increase performance 15pat.txt 16 - Page Attribute Table intro and API 17usb-legacy-support.txt 18 - how to fix/avoid quirks when using emulated PS/2 mouse/keyboard. 19zero-page.txt 20 - layout of the first page of memory. 21