1Generic CAN transceiver Device Tree binding 2------------------------------ 3 4CAN transceiver typically limits the max speed in standard CAN and CAN FD 5modes. Typically these limitations are static and the transceivers themselves 6provide no way to detect this limitation at runtime. For this situation, 7the "can-transceiver" node can be used. 8 9Required Properties: 10 max-bitrate: a positive non 0 value that determines the max 11 speed that CAN/CAN-FD can run. Any other value 12 will be ignored. 13 14Examples: 15 16Based on Texas Instrument's TCAN1042HGV CAN Transceiver 17 18m_can0 { 19 .... 20 can-transceiver { 21 max-bitrate = <5000000>; 22 }; 23 ... 24}; 25