1STMicroelectronics STM32 Low-Power Timer quadrature encoder and counter
3STM32 Low-Power Timer provides several counter modes. It can be used as:
4- quadrature encoder to detect angular position and direction of rotary
5  elements, from IN1 and IN2 input signals.
6- simple counter from IN1 input signal.
8Must be a sub-node of an STM32 Low-Power Timer device tree node.
9See ../mfd/stm32-lptimer.txt for details about the parent node.
11Required properties:
12- compatible:		Must be "st,stm32-lptimer-counter".
13- pinctrl-names: 	Set to "default".
14- pinctrl-0: 		List of phandles pointing to pin configuration nodes,
15			to set IN1/IN2 pins in mode of operation for Low-Power
16			Timer input on external pin.
19	timer@40002400 {
20		compatible = "st,stm32-lptimer";
21		...
22		counter {
23			compatible = "st,stm32-lptimer-counter";
24			pinctrl-names = "default";
25			pinctrl-0 = <&lptim1_in_pins>;
26		};
27	};