2\def\version{$Id: cdrom-standard.tex,v 1.9 1997/12/28 15:42:49 david Exp $}
7\topmargin=-\headheight \advance\topmargin by -\headsep
8\textwidth=15.99cm \textheight=24.62cm % normal A4, 1'' margin
10\def\linux{{\sc Linux}}
11\def\cdrom{{\sc cd-rom}}
12\def\UCD{{\sc Uniform cd-rom Driver}}
13\def\cdromc{{\tt {cdrom.c}}}
14\def\cdromh{{\tt {cdrom.h}}}
15\def\fo{\sl}                    % foreign words
16\def\ie{{\fo i.e.}}
17\def\eg{{\fo e.g.}}
19\everymath{\it} \everydisplay{\it}
20\catcode `\_=\active \def_{\_\penalty100 }
21\catcode`\<=\active \def<#1>{{\langle\hbox{\rm#1}\rangle}}
24\title{A \linux\ \cdrom\ standard}
25\author{David van Leeuwen\\{\normalsize\tt david@ElseWare.cistron.nl}
26\\{\footnotesize updated by Erik Andersen {\tt(andersee@debian.org)}}
27\\{\footnotesize updated by Jens Axboe {\tt(axboe@image.dk)}}}
28\date{12 March 1999}
34\linux\ is probably the Unix-like operating system that supports
35the widest variety of hardware devices. The reasons for this are
39  The large list of hardware devices available for the many platforms
40  that \linux\ now supports (\ie, i386-PCs, Sparc Suns, etc.)
42  The open design of the operating system, such that anybody can write a
43  driver for \linux.
45  There is plenty of source code around as examples of how to write a driver.
47The openness of \linux, and the many different types of available
48hardware has allowed \linux\ to support many different hardware devices.
49Unfortunately, the very openness that has allowed \linux\ to support
50all these different devices has also allowed the behavior of each
51device driver to differ significantly from one device to another.
52This divergence of behavior has been very significant for \cdrom\
53devices; the way a particular drive reacts to a `standard' $ioctl()$
54call varies greatly from one device driver to another. To avoid making
55their drivers totally inconsistent, the writers of \linux\ \cdrom\
56drivers generally created new device drivers by understanding, copying,
57and then changing an existing one. Unfortunately, this practice did not
58maintain uniform behavior across all the \linux\ \cdrom\ drivers.
60This document describes an effort to establish Uniform behavior across
61all the different \cdrom\ device drivers for \linux. This document also
62defines the various $ioctl$s, and how the low-level \cdrom\ device
63drivers should implement them. Currently (as of the \linux\ 2.1.$x$
64development kernels) several low-level \cdrom\ device drivers, including
65both IDE/ATAPI and SCSI, now use this Uniform interface.
67When the \cdrom\ was developed, the interface between the \cdrom\ drive
68and the computer was not specified in the standards. As a result, many
69different \cdrom\ interfaces were developed. Some of them had their
70own proprietary design (Sony, Mitsumi, Panasonic, Philips), other
71manufacturers adopted an existing electrical interface and changed
72the functionality (CreativeLabs/SoundBlaster, Teac, Funai) or simply
73adapted their drives to one or more of the already existing electrical
74interfaces (Aztech, Sanyo, Funai, Vertos, Longshine, Optics Storage and
75most of the `NoName' manufacturers). In cases where a new drive really
76brought its own interface or used its own command set and flow control
77scheme, either a separate driver had to be written, or an existing
78driver had to be enhanced. History has delivered us \cdrom\ support for
79many of these different interfaces. Nowadays, almost all new \cdrom\
80drives are either IDE/ATAPI or SCSI, and it is very unlikely that any
81manufacturer will create a new interface. Even finding drives for the
82old proprietary interfaces is getting difficult.
84When (in the 1.3.70's) I looked at the existing software interface,
85which was expressed through \cdromh, it appeared to be a rather wild
86set of commands and data formats.\footnote{I cannot recollect what
87kernel version I looked at, then, presumably 1.2.13 and 1.3.34---the
88latest kernel that I was indirectly involved in.} It seemed that many
89features of the software interface had been added to accommodate the
90capabilities of a particular drive, in an {\fo ad hoc\/} manner. More
91importantly, it appeared that the behavior of the `standard' commands
92was different for most of the different drivers: \eg, some drivers
93close the tray if an $open()$ call occurs when the tray is open, while
94others do not. Some drivers lock the door upon opening the device, to
95prevent an incoherent file system, but others don't, to allow software
96ejection. Undoubtedly, the capabilities of the different drives vary,
97but even when two drives have the same capability their drivers'
98behavior was usually different.
100I decided to start a discussion on how to make all the \linux\ \cdrom\
101drivers behave more uniformly. I began by contacting the developers of
102the many \cdrom\ drivers found in the \linux\ kernel. Their reactions
103encouraged me to write the \UCD\ which this document is intended to
104describe. The implementation of the \UCD\ is in the file \cdromc. This
105driver is intended to be an additional software layer that sits on top
106of the low-level device drivers for each \cdrom\ drive. By adding this
107additional layer, it is possible to have all the different \cdrom\
108devices behave {\em exactly\/} the same (insofar as the underlying
109hardware will allow).
111The goal of the \UCD\ is {\em not\/} to alienate driver developers who
112have not yet taken steps to support this effort. The goal of \UCD\ is
113simply to give people writing application programs for \cdrom\ drives
114{\em one\/} \linux\ \cdrom\ interface with consistent behavior for all
115\cdrom\ devices. In addition, this also provides a consistent interface
116between the low-level device driver code and the \linux\ kernel. Care
117is taken that 100\,\% compatibility exists with the data structures and
118programmer's interface defined in \cdromh. This guide was written to
119help \cdrom\ driver developers adapt their code to use the \UCD\ code
120defined in \cdromc.
122Personally, I think that the most important hardware interfaces are
123the IDE/ATAPI drives and, of course, the SCSI drives, but as prices
124of hardware drop continuously, it is also likely that people may have
125more than one \cdrom\ drive, possibly of mixed types. It is important
126that these drives behave in the same way. In December 1994, one of the
127cheapest \cdrom\ drives was a Philips cm206, a double-speed proprietary
128drive. In the months that I was busy writing a \linux\ driver for it,
129proprietary drives became obsolete and IDE/ATAPI drives became the
130standard. At the time of the last update to this document (November
1311997) it is becoming difficult to even {\em find} anything less than a
13216 speed \cdrom\ drive, and 24 speed drives are common.
134\newsection{Standardizing through another software level}
137At the time this document was conceived, all drivers directly
138implemented the \cdrom\ $ioctl()$ calls through their own routines. This
139led to the danger of different drivers forgetting to do important things
140like checking that the user was giving the driver valid data. More
141importantly, this led to the divergence of behavior, which has already
142been discussed.
144For this reason, the \UCD\ was created to enforce consistent \cdrom\
145drive behavior, and to provide a common set of services to the various
146low-level \cdrom\ device drivers. The \UCD\ now provides another
147software-level, that separates the $ioctl()$ and $open()$ implementation
148from the actual hardware implementation. Note that this effort has
149made few changes which will affect a user's application programs. The
150greatest change involved moving the contents of the various low-level
151\cdrom\ drivers' header files to the kernel's cdrom directory. This was
152done to help ensure that the user is only presented with only one cdrom
153interface, the interface defined in \cdromh.
155\cdrom\ drives are specific enough (\ie, different from other
156block-devices such as floppy or hard disc drives), to define a set
157of common {\em \cdrom\ device operations}, $<cdrom-device>_dops$.
158These operations are different from the classical block-device file
159operations, $<block-device>_fops$.
161The routines for the \UCD\ interface level are implemented in the file
162\cdromc. In this file, the \UCD\ interfaces with the kernel as a block
163device by registering the following general $struct\ file_operations$:
165\halign{$#$\ \hfil&$#$\ \hfil&$/*$ \rm# $*/$\hfil\cr
166struct& file_operations\ cdrom_fops = \{\hidewidth\cr
167        &NULL,                  & lseek \cr
168        &block_read,            & read---general block-dev read \cr
169        &block_write,           & write---general block-dev write \cr
170        &NULL,                  & readdir \cr
171        &NULL,                  & select \cr
172        &cdrom_ioctl,           & ioctl \cr
173        &NULL,                  & mmap \cr
174        &cdrom_open,            & open \cr
175        &cdrom_release,         & release \cr
176        &NULL,                  & fsync \cr
177        &NULL,                  & fasync \cr
178        &cdrom_media_changed,   & media change \cr
179        &NULL                   & revalidate \cr
184Every active \cdrom\ device shares this $struct$. The routines
185declared above are all implemented in \cdromc, since this file is the
186place where the behavior of all \cdrom-devices is defined and
187standardized. The actual interface to the various types of \cdrom\
188hardware is still performed by various low-level \cdrom-device
189drivers. These routines simply implement certain {\em capabilities\/}
190that are common to all \cdrom\ (and really, all removable-media
193Registration of a low-level \cdrom\ device driver is now done through
194the general routines in \cdromc, not through the Virtual File System
195(VFS) any more. The interface implemented in \cdromc\ is carried out
196through two general structures that contain information about the
197capabilities of the driver, and the specific drives on which the
198driver operates. The structures are:
201  This structure contains information about the low-level driver for a
202  \cdrom\ device. This structure is conceptually connected to the major
203  number of the device (although some drivers may have different
204  major numbers, as is the case for the IDE driver).
206  This structure contains information about a particular \cdrom\ drive,
207  such as its device name, speed, etc. This structure is conceptually
208  connected to the minor number of the device.
211Registering a particular \cdrom\ drive with the \UCD\ is done by the
212low-level device driver though a call to:
213$$register_cdrom(struct\ cdrom_device_info * <device>_info)
215The device information structure, $<device>_info$, contains all the
216information needed for the kernel to interface with the low-level
217\cdrom\ device driver. One of the most important entries in this
218structure is a pointer to the $cdrom_device_ops$ structure of the
219low-level driver.
221The device operations structure, $cdrom_device_ops$, contains a list
222of pointers to the functions which are implemented in the low-level
223device driver. When \cdromc\ accesses a \cdrom\ device, it does it
224through the functions in this structure. It is impossible to know all
225the capabilities of future \cdrom\ drives, so it is expected that this
226list may need to be expanded from time to time as new technologies are
227developed. For example, CD-R and CD-R/W drives are beginning to become
228popular, and support will soon need to be added for them. For now, the
229current $struct$ is:
231\halign{$#$\ \hfil&$#$\ \hfil&\hbox to 10em{$#$\hss}&
232  $/*$ \rm# $*/$\hfil\cr
233struct& cdrom_device_ops\ \{ \hidewidth\cr
234  &int& (* open)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, int)\cr
235  &void& (* release)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *);\cr
236  &int& (* drive_status)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, int);\cr
237  &unsigned\ int& (* check_events)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, unsigned\ int, int);\cr
238  &int& (* media_changed)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, int);\cr
239  &int& (* tray_move)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, int);\cr
240  &int& (* lock_door)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, int);\cr
241  &int& (* select_speed)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, int);\cr
242  &int& (* select_disc)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, int);\cr
243  &int& (* get_last_session) (struct\ cdrom_device_info *,
244        struct\ cdrom_multisession *{});\cr
245  &int& (* get_mcn)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, struct\ cdrom_mcn *{});\cr
246  &int& (* reset)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *);\cr
247  &int& (* audio_ioctl)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, unsigned\ int,
248        void *{});\cr
250  &const\ int& capability;& capability flags \cr
251  &int& (* generic_packet)(struct\ cdrom_device_info *, struct\ packet_command *{});\cr
255When a low-level device driver implements one of these capabilities,
256it should add a function pointer to this $struct$. When a particular
257function is not implemented, however, this $struct$ should contain a
258NULL instead. The $capability$ flags specify the capabilities of the
259\cdrom\ hardware and/or low-level \cdrom\ driver when a \cdrom\ drive
260is registered with the \UCD.
262Note that most functions have fewer parameters than their
263$blkdev_fops$ counterparts. This is because very little of the
264information in the structures $inode$ and $file$ is used. For most
265drivers, the main parameter is the $struct$ $cdrom_device_info$, from
266which the major and minor number can be extracted. (Most low-level
267\cdrom\ drivers don't even look at the major and minor number though,
268since many of them only support one device.) This will be available
269through $dev$ in $cdrom_device_info$ described below.
271The drive-specific, minor-like information that is registered with
272\cdromc, currently contains the following fields:
274\halign{$#$\ \hfil&$#$\ \hfil&\hbox to 10em{$#$\hss}&
275  $/*$ \rm# $*/$\hfil\cr
276struct& cdrom_device_info\ \{ \hidewidth\cr
277  & const\ struct\ cdrom_device_ops *& ops;& device operations for this major\cr
278  & struct\ list_head& list;& linked list of all device_info\cr
279  & struct\ gendisk *& disk;& matching block layer disk\cr
280  & void *&  handle;& driver-dependent data\cr
282  & int& mask;& mask of capability: disables them \cr
283  & int& speed;& maximum speed for reading data \cr
284  & int& capacity;& number of discs in a jukebox \cr
286  &unsigned\ int& options : 30;& options flags \cr
287  &unsigned& mc_flags : 2;& media-change buffer flags \cr
288  &unsigned\ int& vfs_events;& cached events for vfs path\cr
289  &unsigned\ int& ioctl_events;& cached events for ioctl path\cr
290  & int& use_count;& number of times device is opened\cr
291  & char& name[20];& name of the device type\cr
293  &__u8& sanyo_slot : 2;& Sanyo 3-CD changer support\cr
294  &__u8& keeplocked : 1;& CDROM_LOCKDOOR status\cr
295  &__u8& reserved : 5;& not used yet\cr
296  & int& cdda_method;& see CDDA_* flags\cr
297  &__u8& last_sense;& saves last sense key\cr
298  &__u8& media_written;& dirty flag, DVD+RW bookkeeping\cr
299  &unsigned\ short& mmc3_profile;& current MMC3 profile\cr
300  & int& for_data;& unknown:TBD\cr
301  & int\ (* exit)\ (struct\ cdrom_device_info *);&& unknown:TBD\cr
302  & int& mrw_mode_page;& which MRW mode page is in use\cr
305Using this $struct$, a linked list of the registered minor devices is
306built, using the $next$ field. The device number, the device operations
307struct and specifications of properties of the drive are stored in this
310The $mask$ flags can be used to mask out some of the capabilities listed
311in $ops\to capability$, if a specific drive doesn't support a feature
312of the driver. The value $speed$ specifies the maximum head-rate of the
313drive, measured in units of normal audio speed (176\,kB/sec raw data or
314150\,kB/sec file system data).  The parameters are declared $const$
315because they describe properties of the drive, which don't change after
318A few registers contain variables local to the \cdrom\ drive. The
319flags $options$ are used to specify how the general \cdrom\ routines
320should behave. These various flags registers should provide enough
321flexibility to adapt to the different users' wishes (and {\em not\/} the
322`arbitrary' wishes of the author of the low-level device driver, as is
323the case in the old scheme). The register $mc_flags$ is used to buffer
324the information from $media_changed()$ to two separate queues. Other
325data that is specific to a minor drive, can be accessed through $handle$,
326which can point to a data structure specific to the low-level driver.
327The fields $use_count$, $next$, $options$ and $mc_flags$ need not be
330The intermediate software layer that \cdromc\ forms will perform some
331additional bookkeeping. The use count of the device (the number of
332processes that have the device opened) is registered in $use_count$. The
333function $cdrom_ioctl()$ will verify the appropriate user-memory regions
334for read and write, and in case a location on the CD is transferred,
335it will `sanitize' the format by making requests to the low-level
336drivers in a standard format, and translating all formats between the
337user-software and low level drivers. This relieves much of the drivers'
338memory checking and format checking and translation. Also, the necessary
339structures will be declared on the program stack.
341The implementation of the functions should be as defined in the
342following sections. Two functions {\em must\/} be implemented, namely
343$open()$ and $release()$. Other functions may be omitted, their
344corresponding capability flags will be cleared upon registration.
345Generally, a function returns zero on success and negative on error. A
346function call should return only after the command has completed, but of
347course waiting for the device should not use processor time.
349\subsection{$Int\ open(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, int\ purpose)$}
351$Open()$ should try to open the device for a specific $purpose$, which
352can be either:
354\item[0] Open for reading data, as done by {\tt {mount()}} (2), or the
355user commands {\tt {dd}} or {\tt {cat}}.
356\item[1] Open for $ioctl$ commands, as done by audio-CD playing
359Notice that any strategic code (closing tray upon $open()$, etc.)\ is
360done by the calling routine in \cdromc, so the low-level routine
361should only be concerned with proper initialization, such as spinning
362up the disc, etc. % and device-use count
365\subsection{$Void\ release(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi)$}
368Device-specific actions should be taken such as spinning down the device.
369However, strategic actions such as ejection of the tray, or unlocking
370the door, should be left over to the general routine $cdrom_release()$.
371This is the only function returning type $void$.
373\subsection{$Int\ drive_status(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, int\ slot_nr)$}
374\label{drive status}
376The function $drive_status$, if implemented, should provide
377information on the status of the drive (not the status of the disc,
378which may or may not be in the drive). If the drive is not a changer,
379$slot_nr$ should be ignored. In \cdromh\ the possibilities are listed:
381\halign{$#$\ \hfil&$/*$ \rm# $*/$\hfil\cr
382CDS_NO_INFO& no information available\cr
383CDS_NO_DISC& no disc is inserted, tray is closed\cr
384CDS_TRAY_OPEN& tray is opened\cr
385CDS_DRIVE_NOT_READY& something is wrong, tray is moving?\cr
386CDS_DISC_OK& a disc is loaded and everything is fine\cr
390\subsection{$Int\ media_changed(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, int\ disc_nr)$}
392This function is very similar to the original function in $struct\
393file_operations$. It returns 1 if the medium of the device $cdi\to
394dev$ has changed since the last call, and 0 otherwise. The parameter
395$disc_nr$ identifies a specific slot in a juke-box, it should be
396ignored for single-disc drives.  Note that by `re-routing' this
397function through $cdrom_media_changed()$, we can implement separate
398queues for the VFS and a new $ioctl()$ function that can report device
399changes to software (\eg, an auto-mounting daemon).
401\subsection{$Int\ tray_move(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, int\ position)$}
403This function, if implemented, should control the tray movement. (No
404other function should control this.) The parameter $position$ controls
405the desired direction of movement:
407\item[0] Close tray
408\item[1] Open tray
410This function returns 0 upon success, and a non-zero value upon
411error. Note that if the tray is already in the desired position, no
412action need be taken, and the return value should be 0.
414\subsection{$Int\ lock_door(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, int\ lock)$}
416This function (and no other code) controls locking of the door, if the
417drive allows this. The value of $lock$ controls the desired locking
420\item[0] Unlock door, manual opening is allowed
421\item[1] Lock door, tray cannot be ejected manually
423This function returns 0 upon success, and a non-zero value upon
424error. Note that if the door is already in the requested state, no
425action need be taken, and the return value should be 0.
427\subsection{$Int\ select_speed(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, int\ speed)$}
429Some \cdrom\ drives are capable of changing their head-speed. There
430are several reasons for changing the speed of a \cdrom\ drive. Badly
431pressed \cdrom s may benefit from less-than-maximum head rate. Modern
432\cdrom\ drives can obtain very high head rates (up to $24\times$ is
433common).  It has been reported that these drives can make reading
434errors at these high speeds, reducing the speed can prevent data loss
435in these circumstances.  Finally, some of these drives can
436make an annoyingly loud noise, which a lower speed may reduce. %Finally,
437%although the audio-low-pass filters probably aren't designed for it,
438%more than real-time playback of audio might be used for high-speed
439%copying of audio tracks.
441This function specifies the speed at which data is read or audio is
442played back. The value of $speed$ specifies the head-speed of the
443drive, measured in units of standard cdrom speed (176\,kB/sec raw data
444or 150\,kB/sec file system data). So to request that a \cdrom\ drive
445operate at 300\,kB/sec you would call the CDROM_SELECT_SPEED $ioctl$
446with $speed=2$. The special value `0' means `auto-selection', \ie,
447maximum data-rate or real-time audio rate. If the drive doesn't have
448this `auto-selection' capability, the decision should be made on the
449current disc loaded and the return value should be positive. A negative
450return value indicates an error.
452\subsection{$Int\ select_disc(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, int\ number)$}
454If the drive can store multiple discs (a juke-box) this function
455will perform disc selection. It should return the number of the
456selected disc on success, a negative value on error. Currently, only
457the ide-cd driver supports this functionality.
459\subsection{$Int\ get_last_session(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, struct\
460  cdrom_multisession * ms_info)$}
462This function should implement the old corresponding $ioctl()$. For
463device $cdi\to dev$, the start of the last session of the current disc
464should be returned in the pointer argument $ms_info$. Note that
465routines in \cdromc\ have sanitized this argument: its requested
466format will {\em always\/} be of the type $CDROM_LBA$ (linear block
467addressing mode), whatever the calling software requested. But
468sanitization goes even further: the low-level implementation may
469return the requested information in $CDROM_MSF$ format if it wishes so
470(setting the $ms_info\rightarrow addr_format$ field appropriately, of
471course) and the routines in \cdromc\ will make the transformation if
472necessary. The return value is 0 upon success.
474\subsection{$Int\ get_mcn(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, struct\
475  cdrom_mcn * mcn)$}
477Some discs carry a `Media Catalog Number' (MCN), also called
478`Universal Product Code' (UPC). This number should reflect the number
479that is generally found in the bar-code on the product. Unfortunately,
480the few discs that carry such a number on the disc don't even use the
481same format. The return argument to this function is a pointer to a
482pre-declared memory region of type $struct\ cdrom_mcn$. The MCN is
483expected as a 13-character string, terminated by a null-character.
485\subsection{$Int\ reset(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi)$}
487This call should perform a hard-reset on the drive (although in
488circumstances that a hard-reset is necessary, a drive may very well not
489listen to commands anymore). Preferably, control is returned to the
490caller only after the drive has finished resetting. If the drive is no
491longer listening, it may be wise for the underlying low-level cdrom
492driver to time out.
494\subsection{$Int\ audio_ioctl(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, unsigned\
495  int\ cmd, void * arg)$}
497Some of the \cdrom-$ioctl$s defined in \cdromh\ can be
498implemented by the routines described above, and hence the function
499$cdrom_ioctl$ will use those. However, most $ioctl$s deal with
500audio-control. We have decided to leave these to be accessed through a
501single function, repeating the arguments $cmd$ and $arg$. Note that
502the latter is of type $void*{}$, rather than $unsigned\ long\
503int$. The routine $cdrom_ioctl()$ does do some useful things,
504though. It sanitizes the address format type to $CDROM_MSF$ (Minutes,
505Seconds, Frames) for all audio calls. It also verifies the memory
506location of $arg$, and reserves stack-memory for the argument. This
507makes implementation of the $audio_ioctl()$ much simpler than in the
508old driver scheme. For example, you may look up the function
509$cm206_audio_ioctl()$ in {\tt {cm206.c}} that should be updated with
510this documentation.
512An unimplemented ioctl should return $-ENOSYS$, but a harmless request
513(\eg, $CDROMSTART$) may be ignored by returning 0 (success). Other
514errors should be according to the standards, whatever they are. When
515an error is returned by the low-level driver, the \UCD\ tries whenever
516possible to return the error code to the calling program. (We may decide
517to sanitize the return value in $cdrom_ioctl()$ though, in order to
518guarantee a uniform interface to the audio-player software.)
520\subsection{$Int\ dev_ioctl(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi, unsigned\ int\
521  cmd, unsigned\ long\ arg)$}
523Some $ioctl$s seem to be specific to certain \cdrom\ drives. That is,
524they are introduced to service some capabilities of certain drives. In
525fact, there are 6 different $ioctl$s for reading data, either in some
526particular kind of format, or audio data. Not many drives support
527reading audio tracks as data, I believe this is because of protection
528of copyrights of artists. Moreover, I think that if audio-tracks are
529supported, it should be done through the VFS and not via $ioctl$s. A
530problem here could be the fact that audio-frames are 2352 bytes long,
531so either the audio-file-system should ask for 75264 bytes at once
532(the least common multiple of 512 and 2352), or the drivers should
533bend their backs to cope with this incoherence (to which I would be
534opposed).  Furthermore, it is very difficult for the hardware to find
535the exact frame boundaries, since there are no synchronization headers
536in audio frames.  Once these issues are resolved, this code should be
537standardized in \cdromc.
539Because there are so many $ioctl$s that seem to be introduced to
540satisfy certain drivers,\footnote{Is there software around that
541  actually uses these? I'd be interested!} any `non-standard' $ioctl$s
542are routed through the call $dev_ioctl()$. In principle, `private'
543$ioctl$s should be numbered after the device's major number, and not
544the general \cdrom\ $ioctl$ number, {\tt {0x53}}. Currently the
545non-supported $ioctl$s are: {\it CDROMREADMODE1, CDROMREADMODE2,
550\subsection{\cdrom\ capabilities}
553Instead of just implementing some $ioctl$ calls, the interface in
554\cdromc\ supplies the possibility to indicate the {\em capabilities\/}
555of a \cdrom\ drive. This can be done by ORing any number of
556capability-constants that are defined in \cdromh\ at the registration
557phase. Currently, the capabilities are any of:
559\halign{$#$\ \hfil&$/*$ \rm# $*/$\hfil\cr
560CDC_CLOSE_TRAY& can close tray by software control\cr
561CDC_OPEN_TRAY& can open tray\cr
562CDC_LOCK& can lock and unlock the door\cr
563CDC_SELECT_SPEED& can select speed, in units of $\sim$150\,kB/s\cr
564CDC_SELECT_DISC& drive is juke-box\cr
565CDC_MULTI_SESSION& can read sessions $>\rm1$\cr
566CDC_MCN& can read Media Catalog Number\cr
567CDC_MEDIA_CHANGED& can report if disc has changed\cr
568CDC_PLAY_AUDIO& can perform audio-functions (play, pause, etc)\cr
569CDC_RESET& hard reset device\cr
570CDC_IOCTLS& driver has non-standard ioctls\cr
571CDC_DRIVE_STATUS& driver implements drive status\cr
574The capability flag is declared $const$, to prevent drivers from
575accidentally tampering with the contents. The capability fags actually
576inform \cdromc\ of what the driver can do. If the drive found
577by the driver does not have the capability, is can be masked out by
578the $cdrom_device_info$ variable $mask$. For instance, the SCSI \cdrom\
579driver has implemented the code for loading and ejecting \cdrom's, and
580hence its corresponding flags in $capability$ will be set. But a SCSI
581\cdrom\ drive might be a caddy system, which can't load the tray, and
582hence for this drive the $cdrom_device_info$ struct will have set
583the $CDC_CLOSE_TRAY$ bit in $mask$.
585In the file \cdromc\ you will encounter many constructions of the type
587if\ (cdo\rightarrow capability \mathrel\& \mathord{\sim} cdi\rightarrow mask
588   \mathrel{\&} CDC_<capability>) \ldots
590There is no $ioctl$ to set the mask\dots The reason is that
591I think it is better to control the {\em behavior\/} rather than the
592{\em capabilities}.
596A final flag register controls the {\em behavior\/} of the \cdrom\
597drives, in order to satisfy different users' wishes, hopefully
598independently of the ideas of the respective author who happened to
599have made the drive's support available to the \linux\ community. The
600current behavior options are:
602\halign{$#$\ \hfil&$/*$ \rm# $*/$\hfil\cr
603CDO_AUTO_CLOSE& try to close tray upon device $open()$\cr
604CDO_AUTO_EJECT& try to open tray on last device $close()$\cr
605CDO_USE_FFLAGS& use $file_pointer\rightarrow f_flags$ to indicate
606 purpose for $open()$\cr
607CDO_LOCK& try to lock door if device is opened\cr
608CDO_CHECK_TYPE& ensure disc type is data if opened for data\cr
612The initial value of this register is $CDO_AUTO_CLOSE \mathrel|
613CDO_USE_FFLAGS \mathrel| CDO_LOCK$, reflecting my own view on user
614interface and software standards. Before you protest, there are two
615new $ioctl$s implemented in \cdromc, that allow you to control the
616behavior by software. These are:
618\halign{$#$\ \hfil&$/*$ \rm# $*/$\hfil\cr
619CDROM_SET_OPTIONS& set options specified in $(int)\ arg$\cr
620CDROM_CLEAR_OPTIONS& clear options specified in $(int)\ arg$\cr
623One option needs some more explanation: $CDO_USE_FFLAGS$. In the next
624newsection we explain what the need for this option is.
626A software package {\tt setcd}, available from the Debian distribution
627and {\tt sunsite.unc.edu}, allows user level control of these flags.
629\newsection{The need to know the purpose of opening the \cdrom\ device}
631Traditionally, Unix devices can be used in two different `modes',
632either by reading/writing to the device file, or by issuing
633controlling commands to the device, by the device's $ioctl()$
634call. The problem with \cdrom\ drives, is that they can be used for
635two entirely different purposes. One is to mount removable
636file systems, \cdrom s, the other is to play audio CD's. Audio commands
637are implemented entirely through $ioctl$s, presumably because the
638first implementation (SUN?) has been such. In principle there is
639nothing wrong with this, but a good control of the `CD player' demands
640that the device can {\em always\/} be opened in order to give the
641$ioctl$ commands, regardless of the state the drive is in.
643On the other hand, when used as a removable-media disc drive (what the
644original purpose of \cdrom s is) we would like to make sure that the
645disc drive is ready for operation upon opening the device. In the old
646scheme, some \cdrom\ drivers don't do any integrity checking, resulting
647in a number of i/o errors reported by the VFS to the kernel when an
648attempt for mounting a \cdrom\ on an empty drive occurs. This is not a
649particularly elegant way to find out that there is no \cdrom\ inserted;
650it more-or-less looks like the old IBM-PC trying to read an empty floppy
651drive for a couple of seconds, after which the system complains it
652can't read from it. Nowadays we can {\em sense\/} the existence of a
653removable medium in a drive, and we believe we should exploit that
654fact. An integrity check on opening of the device, that verifies the
655availability of a \cdrom\ and its correct type (data), would be
658These two ways of using a \cdrom\ drive, principally for data and
659secondarily for playing audio discs, have different demands for the
660behavior of the $open()$ call. Audio use simply wants to open the
661device in order to get a file handle which is needed for issuing
662$ioctl$ commands, while data use wants to open for correct and
663reliable data transfer. The only way user programs can indicate what
664their {\em purpose\/} of opening the device is, is through the $flags$
665parameter (see {\tt {open(2)}}). For \cdrom\ devices, these flags aren't
666implemented (some drivers implement checking for write-related flags,
667but this is not strictly necessary if the device file has correct
668permission flags). Most option flags simply don't make sense to
669\cdrom\ devices: $O_CREAT$, $O_NOCTTY$, $O_TRUNC$, $O_APPEND$, and
670$O_SYNC$ have no meaning to a \cdrom.
672We therefore propose to use the flag $O_NONBLOCK$ to indicate
673that the device is opened just for issuing $ioctl$
674commands. Strictly, the meaning of $O_NONBLOCK$ is that opening and
675subsequent calls to the device don't cause the calling process to
676wait. We could interpret this as ``don't wait until someone has
677inserted some valid data-\cdrom.'' Thus, our proposal of the
678implementation for the $open()$ call for \cdrom s is:
680\item If no other flags are set than $O_RDONLY$, the device is opened
681for data transfer, and the return value will be 0 only upon successful
682initialization of the transfer. The call may even induce some actions
683on the \cdrom, such as closing the tray.
684\item If the option flag $O_NONBLOCK$ is set, opening will always be
685successful, unless the whole device doesn't exist. The drive will take
686no actions whatsoever.
689\subsection{And what about standards?}
691You might hesitate to accept this proposal as it comes from the
692\linux\ community, and not from some standardizing institute. What
693about SUN, SGI, HP and all those other Unix and hardware vendors?
694Well, these companies are in the lucky position that they generally
695control both the hardware and software of their supported products,
696and are large enough to set their own standard. They do not have to
697deal with a dozen or more different, competing hardware
698configurations.\footnote{Incidentally, I think that SUN's approach to
699mounting \cdrom s is very good in origin: under Solaris a
700volume-daemon automatically mounts a newly inserted \cdrom\ under {\tt
701{/cdrom/$<volume-name>$/}}. In my opinion they should have pushed this
702further and have {\em every\/} \cdrom\ on the local area network be
703mounted at the similar location, \ie, no matter in which particular
704machine you insert a \cdrom, it will always appear at the same
705position in the directory tree, on every system. When I wanted to
706implement such a user-program for \linux, I came across the
707differences in behavior of the various drivers, and the need for an
708$ioctl$ informing about media changes.}
710We believe that using $O_NONBLOCK$ to indicate that a device is being opened
711for $ioctl$ commands only can be easily introduced in the \linux\
712community. All the CD-player authors will have to be informed, we can
713even send in our own patches to the programs. The use of $O_NONBLOCK$
714has most likely no influence on the behavior of the CD-players on
715other operating systems than \linux. Finally, a user can always revert
716to old behavior by a call to $ioctl(file_descriptor, CDROM_CLEAR_OPTIONS,
719\subsection{The preferred strategy of $open()$}
721The routines in \cdromc\ are designed in such a way that run-time
722configuration of the behavior of \cdrom\ devices (of {\em any\/} type)
723can be carried out, by the $CDROM_SET/CLEAR_OPTIONS$ $ioctls$. Thus, various
724modes of operation can be set:
726\item[$CDO_AUTO_CLOSE \mathrel| CDO_USE_FFLAGS \mathrel| CDO_LOCK$] This
727is the default setting. (With $CDO_CHECK_TYPE$ it will be better, in the
728future.) If the device is not yet opened by any other process, and if
729the device is being opened for data ($O_NONBLOCK$ is not set) and the
730tray is found to be open, an attempt to close the tray is made. Then,
731it is verified that a disc is in the drive and, if $CDO_CHECK_TYPE$ is
732set, that it contains tracks of type `data mode 1.' Only if all tests
733are passed is the return value zero. The door is locked to prevent file
734system corruption. If the drive is opened for audio ($O_NONBLOCK$ is
735set), no actions are taken and a value of 0 will be returned.
736\item[$CDO_AUTO_CLOSE \mathrel| CDO_AUTO_EJECT \mathrel| CDO_LOCK$] This
737mimics the behavior of the current sbpcd-driver. The option flags are
738ignored, the tray is closed on the first open, if necessary. Similarly,
739the tray is opened on the last release, \ie, if a \cdrom\ is unmounted,
740it is automatically ejected, such that the user can replace it.
742We hope that these option can convince everybody (both driver
743maintainers and user program developers) to adopt the new \cdrom\
744driver scheme and option flag interpretation.
746\newsection{Description of routines in \cdromc}
748Only a few routines in \cdromc\ are exported to the drivers. In this
749new section we will discuss these, as well as the functions that `take
750over' the \cdrom\ interface to the kernel. The header file belonging
751to \cdromc\ is called \cdromh. Formerly, some of the contents of this
752file were placed in the file {\tt {ucdrom.h}}, but this file has now been
753merged back into \cdromh.
755\subsection{$Struct\ file_operations\ cdrom_fops$}
757The contents of this structure were described in section~\ref{cdrom.c}.
758A pointer to this structure is assigned to the $fops$ field
759of the $struct gendisk$.
761\subsection{$Int\ register_cdrom( struct\ cdrom_device_info\ * cdi)$}
763This function is used in about the same way one registers $cdrom_fops$
764with the kernel, the device operations and information structures,
765as described in section~\ref{cdrom.c}, should be registered with the
770This function returns zero upon success, and non-zero upon
771failure. The structure $<device>_info$ should have a pointer to the
772driver's $<device>_dops$, as in
775struct\ &cdrom_device_info\ <device>_info = \{\cr
776& <device>_dops;\cr
780Note that a driver must have one static structure, $<device>_dops$, while
781it may have as many structures $<device>_info$ as there are minor devices
782active. $Register_cdrom()$ builds a linked list from these.
784\subsection{$Void\ unregister_cdrom(struct\ cdrom_device_info * cdi)$}
786Unregistering device $cdi$ with minor number $MINOR(cdi\to dev)$ removes
787the minor device from the list. If it was the last registered minor for
788the low-level driver, this disconnects the registered device-operation
789routines from the \cdrom\ interface. This function returns zero upon
790success, and non-zero upon failure.
792\subsection{$Int\ cdrom_open(struct\ inode * ip, struct\ file * fp)$}
794This function is not called directly by the low-level drivers, it is
795listed in the standard $cdrom_fops$. If the VFS opens a file, this
796function becomes active. A strategy is implemented in this routine,
797taking care of all capabilities and options that are set in the
798$cdrom_device_ops$ connected to the device. Then, the program flow is
799transferred to the device_dependent $open()$ call.
801\subsection{$Void\ cdrom_release(struct\ inode *ip, struct\ file
804This function implements the reverse-logic of $cdrom_open()$, and then
805calls the device-dependent $release()$ routine. When the use-count has
806reached 0, the allocated buffers are flushed by calls to $sync_dev(dev)$
807and $invalidate_buffers(dev)$.
810\subsection{$Int\ cdrom_ioctl(struct\ inode *ip, struct\ file *fp,
811unsigned\ int\ cmd, unsigned\ long\ arg)$}
814This function handles all the standard $ioctl$ requests for \cdrom\
815devices in a uniform way. The different calls fall into three
816categories: $ioctl$s that can be directly implemented by device
817operations, ones that are routed through the call $audio_ioctl()$, and
818the remaining ones, that are presumable device-dependent. Generally, a
819negative return value indicates an error.
821\subsubsection{Directly implemented $ioctl$s}
824The following `old' \cdrom-$ioctl$s are implemented by directly
825calling device-operations in $cdrom_device_ops$, if implemented and
826not masked:
828\item[CDROMMULTISESSION] Requests the last session on a \cdrom.
829\item[CDROMEJECT] Open tray.
830\item[CDROMCLOSETRAY] Close tray.
831\item[CDROMEJECT_SW] If $arg\not=0$, set behavior to auto-close (close
832tray on first open) and auto-eject (eject on last release), otherwise
833set behavior to non-moving on $open()$ and $release()$ calls.
834\item[CDROM_GET_MCN] Get the Media Catalog Number from a CD.
837\subsubsection{$Ioctl$s routed through $audio_ioctl()$}
840The following set of $ioctl$s are all implemented through a call to
841the $cdrom_fops$ function $audio_ioctl()$. Memory checks and
842allocation are performed in $cdrom_ioctl()$, and also sanitization of
843address format ($CDROM_LBA$/$CDROM_MSF$) is done.
845\item[CDROMSUBCHNL] Get sub-channel data in argument $arg$ of type $struct\
846cdrom_subchnl *{}$.
847\item[CDROMREADTOCHDR] Read Table of Contents header, in $arg$ of type
848$struct\ cdrom_tochdr *{}$.
849\item[CDROMREADTOCENTRY] Read a Table of Contents entry in $arg$ and
850specified by $arg$ of type $struct\ cdrom_tocentry *{}$.
851\item[CDROMPLAYMSF] Play audio fragment specified in Minute, Second,
852Frame format, delimited by $arg$ of type $struct\ cdrom_msf *{}$.
853\item[CDROMPLAYTRKIND] Play audio fragment in track-index format
854delimited by $arg$ of type $struct\ \penalty-1000 cdrom_ti *{}$.
855\item[CDROMVOLCTRL] Set volume specified by $arg$ of type $struct\
856cdrom_volctrl *{}$.
857\item[CDROMVOLREAD] Read volume into by $arg$ of type $struct\
858cdrom_volctrl *{}$.
859\item[CDROMSTART] Spin up disc.
860\item[CDROMSTOP] Stop playback of audio fragment.
861\item[CDROMPAUSE] Pause playback of audio fragment.
862\item[CDROMRESUME] Resume playing.
865\subsubsection{New $ioctl$s in \cdromc}
867The following $ioctl$s have been introduced to allow user programs to
868control the behavior of individual \cdrom\ devices. New $ioctl$
869commands can be identified by the underscores in their names.
871\item[CDROM_SET_OPTIONS] Set options specified by $arg$. Returns the
872option flag register after modification. Use  $arg = \rm0$ for reading
873the current flags.
874\item[CDROM_CLEAR_OPTIONS] Clear options specified by $arg$. Returns
875  the option flag register after modification.
876\item[CDROM_SELECT_SPEED] Select head-rate speed of disc specified as
877  by $arg$ in units of standard cdrom speed (176\,kB/sec raw data or
878  150\,kB/sec file system data). The value 0 means `auto-select', \ie,
879  play audio discs at real time and data discs at maximum speed. The value
880  $arg$ is checked against the maximum head rate of the drive found in the
881  $cdrom_dops$.
882\item[CDROM_SELECT_DISC] Select disc numbered $arg$ from a juke-box.
883  First disc is numbered 0. The number $arg$ is checked against the
884  maximum number of discs in the juke-box found in the $cdrom_dops$.
885\item[CDROM_MEDIA_CHANGED] Returns 1 if a disc has been changed since
886  the last call. Note that calls to $cdrom_media_changed$ by the VFS
887  are treated by an independent queue, so both mechanisms will detect
888  a media change once. For juke-boxes, an extra argument $arg$
889  specifies the slot for which the information is given. The special
890  value $CDSL_CURRENT$ requests that information about the currently
891  selected slot be returned.
892\item[CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS] Returns the status of the drive by a call to
893  $drive_status()$. Return values are defined in section~\ref{drive
894   status}. Note that this call doesn't return information on the
895  current playing activity of the drive; this can be polled through an
896  $ioctl$ call to $CDROMSUBCHNL$. For juke-boxes, an extra argument
897  $arg$ specifies the slot for which (possibly limited) information is
898  given. The special value $CDSL_CURRENT$ requests that information
899  about the currently selected slot be returned.
900\item[CDROM_DISC_STATUS] Returns the type of the disc currently in the
901  drive.  It should be viewed as a complement to $CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS$.
902  This $ioctl$ can provide \emph {some} information about the current
903  disc that is inserted in the drive.  This functionality used to be
904  implemented in the low level drivers, but is now carried out
905  entirely in \UCD.
907  The history of development of the CD's use as a carrier medium for
908  various digital information has lead to many different disc types.
909  This $ioctl$ is useful only in the case that CDs have \emph {only
910    one} type of data on them.  While this is often the case, it is
911  also very common for CDs to have some tracks with data, and some
912  tracks with audio.  Because this is an existing interface, rather
913  than fixing this interface by changing the assumptions it was made
914  under, thereby breaking all user applications that use this
915  function, the \UCD\ implements this $ioctl$ as follows: If the CD in
916  question has audio tracks on it, and it has absolutely no CD-I, XA,
917  or data tracks on it, it will be reported as $CDS_AUDIO$.  If it has
918  both audio and data tracks, it will return $CDS_MIXED$.  If there
919  are no audio tracks on the disc, and if the CD in question has any
920  CD-I tracks on it, it will be reported as $CDS_XA_2_2$.  Failing
921  that, if the CD in question has any XA tracks on it, it will be
922  reported as $CDS_XA_2_1$.  Finally, if the CD in question has any
923  data tracks on it, it will be reported as a data CD ($CDS_DATA_1$).
925  This $ioctl$ can return:
926  $$
927  \halign{$#$\ \hfil&$/*$ \rm# $*/$\hfil\cr
928    CDS_NO_INFO& no information available\cr
929    CDS_NO_DISC& no disc is inserted, or tray is opened\cr
930    CDS_AUDIO& Audio disc (2352 audio bytes/frame)\cr
931    CDS_DATA_1& data disc, mode 1 (2048 user bytes/frame)\cr
932    CDS_XA_2_1& mixed data (XA), mode 2, form 1 (2048 user bytes)\cr
933    CDS_XA_2_2& mixed data (XA), mode 2, form 1 (2324  user bytes)\cr
934    CDS_MIXED& mixed audio/data disc\cr
935    }
936  $$
937  For some information concerning frame layout of the various disc
938  types, see a recent version of \cdromh.
940\item[CDROM_CHANGER_NSLOTS] Returns the number of slots in a
941  juke-box.
942\item[CDROMRESET] Reset the drive.
943\item[CDROM_GET_CAPABILITY] Returns the $capability$ flags for the
944  drive. Refer to section \ref{capability} for more information on
945  these flags.
946\item[CDROM_LOCKDOOR] Locks the door of the drive. $arg == \rm0$
947  unlocks the door, any other value locks it.
948\item[CDROM_DEBUG] Turns on debugging info. Only root is allowed
949  to do this. Same semantics as CDROM_LOCKDOOR.
952\subsubsection{Device dependent $ioctl$s}
954Finally, all other $ioctl$s are passed to the function $dev_ioctl()$,
955if implemented. No memory allocation or verification is carried out.
957\newsection{How to update your driver}
960\item Make a backup of your current driver.
961\item Get hold of the files \cdromc\ and \cdromh, they should be in
962  the directory tree that came with this documentation.
963\item Make sure you include \cdromh.
964\item Change the 3rd argument of $register_blkdev$ from
965$\&<your-drive>_fops$ to $\&cdrom_fops$.
966\item Just after that line, add the following to register with the \UCD:
967  $$register_cdrom(\&<your-drive>_info);$$
968  Similarly, add a call to $unregister_cdrom()$ at the appropriate place.
969\item Copy an example of the device-operations $struct$ to your
970  source, \eg, from {\tt {cm206.c}} $cm206_dops$, and change all
971  entries to names corresponding to your driver, or names you just
972  happen to like. If your driver doesn't support a certain function,
973  make the entry $NULL$. At the entry $capability$ you should list all
974  capabilities your driver currently supports. If your driver
975  has a capability that is not listed, please send me a message.
976\item Copy the $cdrom_device_info$ declaration from the same example
977  driver, and modify the entries according to your needs. If your
978  driver dynamically determines the capabilities of the hardware, this
979  structure should also be declared dynamically.
980\item Implement all functions in your $<device>_dops$ structure,
981  according to prototypes listed in \cdromh, and specifications given
982  in section~\ref{cdrom.c}. Most likely you have already implemented
983  the code in a large part, and you will almost certainly need to adapt the
984  prototype and return values.
985\item Rename your $<device>_ioctl()$ function to $audio_ioctl$ and
986  change the prototype a little. Remove entries listed in the first
987  part in section~\ref{cdrom-ioctl}, if your code was OK, these are
988  just calls to the routines you adapted in the previous step.
989\item You may remove all remaining memory checking code in the
990  $audio_ioctl()$ function that deals with audio commands (these are
991  listed in the second part of section~\ref{cdrom-ioctl}). There is no
992  need for memory allocation either, so most $case$s in the $switch$
993  statement look similar to:
994  $$
995  case\ CDROMREADTOCENTRY\colon get_toc_entry\bigl((struct\
996  cdrom_tocentry *{})\ arg\bigr);
997  $$
998\item All remaining $ioctl$ cases must be moved to a separate
999  function, $<device>_ioctl$, the device-dependent $ioctl$s. Note that
1000  memory checking and allocation must be kept in this code!
1001\item Change the prototypes of $<device>_open()$ and
1002  $<device>_release()$, and remove any strategic code (\ie, tray
1003  movement, door locking, etc.).
1004\item Try to recompile the drivers. We advise you to use modules, both
1005  for {\tt {cdrom.o}} and your driver, as debugging is much easier this
1006  way.
1011Thanks to all the people involved.  First, Erik Andersen, who has
1012taken over the torch in maintaining \cdromc\ and integrating much
1013\cdrom-related code in the 2.1-kernel.  Thanks to Scott Snyder and
1014Gerd Knorr, who were the first to implement this interface for SCSI
1015and IDE-CD drivers and added many ideas for extension of the data
1016structures relative to kernel~2.0.  Further thanks to Heiko Ei{\ss}feldt,
1017Thomas Quinot, Jon Tombs, Ken Pizzini, Eberhard M\"onkeberg and Andrew
1018Kroll, the \linux\ \cdrom\ device driver developers who were kind
1019enough to give suggestions and criticisms during the writing. Finally
1020of course, I want to thank Linus Torvalds for making this possible in
1021the first place.
1024$ \version\ $