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GPIO.mdD18-Mar-20254.3 KiB12795

LICENSED18-Mar-202511.5 KiB210175

RADIO_states.svgD18-Mar-2025191.9 KiB43

README.mdD18-Mar-20255.2 KiB11085

README_HW_models.mdD18-Mar-202510.5 KiB234181

README_impl_status.mdD18-Mar-202514.4 KiB7669

Rx_Phy_paths.svgD18-Mar-2025554.9 KiB43

UART.mdD18-Mar-20254.8 KiB10276


1# Models of the nRF5xxxx SOCs HW peripherals
3This repo contains models of the nRF5x HW peripherals and some replacement nrfx
4HAL functions. When used in combination with the real nrfx, these should enable code
5meant for the nrfx to run without needing further changes.
6This includes Zephyr SW.
8These models include models of peripherals for an
10an [nRF5340](https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/struct_nrf53/struct/nrf5340.html?cp=4_0),
11and [nRF54L15](https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/nRF54L15)
12<br> Note that for these models use case, an nRF52833 is very similar to other
13[nRF52 series devices](https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp?topic=%2Fstruct_nrf52%2Fstruct%2Fnrf52.html&cp=5)
14, so even if you are developing for another variant in that series these models may be enough for
16Similarly, as the nRF54L15, L10 and L05 only differ in the amount of available RAM and RRAM either
17can be simulated using the nRF54L15 models variant.<br>
18It is the intention that models of other Nordic SOCs will be included in the future.
20These models library is intended to be used as an extension to the
21[native simulator](https://github.com/BabbleSim/native_simulator/).
22If you want to integrate them in another way, please check the section
23"Using these models without the native simulator" below.
25When compiling this component using the provided Makefile (not with Zephyr's build system),
26the environment variable `NRFX_BASE` and `NATIVE_SIM_PATH` must be set.
27`NRFX_BASE` must point to the path where nrfx has been cloned.
28The nrfx must be at least version 3.2.0 for the 52 models, and 3.6.0 for the 54L15 models.
29So for example, if nrfx has been cloned as:
32cd /some_path/nrfx/
33git clone git@github.com:NordicSemiconductor/nrfx.git .
35`NRFX_BASE` must be set as:
38export NRFX_BASE=/some_path/nrfx/
41See the [nrfx/hal/README.md](../src/nrfx/hal/README.md) for more details.
43`NATIVE_SIM_PATH` must point to the folder where the native simulator has been cloned.
45These models can be used directly with
46[Zephyr's nrf5*bsim targets](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/boards/native/doc/bsim_boards_design.html).
47In that case, Zephyr's versions of the nrfx HAL and native simulator will be used by
50The NRF_RADIO peripheral model uses [BabbleSim](http://babblesim.github.io)
51for the radio environment simulation.
53For more information about the HW models, or how to use them without
54Zephyr please refer to [README_HW_models.md](./README_HW_models.md)
56## What these models include
58Not all SOCs peripherals are modeled yet, and for some of the included peripherals
59not all features or options are modeled. This is typically the case for HW functionality
60which is not used by the Zephyr drivers/OS.
61You can find what features of which peripherals are included so far, and with what approximations in
63It is certainly possible to expand these models to include the missing peripherals or functionality.
65### Faithfulness of these models
67These models are accurate enough to allow the current Zephyr to run, and
68its BLE and 15.4 stacks to function. For more details please see the notes on the source
69files for each peripheral model.
70In general, functionality is modeled only to the necessary degree as to enable the SW to run,
71in a manner that is comparable to the real HW.
73These models are based solely on
74[the public SOC specifications](https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/struct_nrf52/struct/nrf52833.html)
76They have been developed without any other knowledge and probably contain
77inaccuracies, and defects.
79### About the ARM processor peripherals
81These models do not include the ARM processor peripherals (for ex. the SCB)
82Even though it would be technically possible to add those, it is considered both
83risky and unnecessary.
85Risky in the sense that adding the equivalent register structures would
86immediately hide the compiler errors which otherwise would identify the places
87in which they are used in the embedded code; while at the same time these models
88would not be precise enough to not require, with very high likelihood,
89modification of that part of the embedded code which was using them.
91And unnecessary in the sense that the lack of these peripherals can be hidden
92most of the time if the CMSIS-Core APIs are used instead of direct register
93accesses, and where these APIs do not provide the necessary functionality,
94changes to the embedded code would be needed with high likelihood to trigger
95side-effects or so.
97## Using these models without the native simulator
99These models are designed as an extension to the native simulator core/common components.
100It is in principle still possible to use them without the native simulator, but it will
101require more work/adaptation than with the previous version of these models.
102Therefore you may want to consider to:
104* Use the [previous version](https://github.com/BabbleSim/ext_NRF52_hw_models),
105  which did not require the native simulator.
106* Or to use these newer models, providing a shim/adaptation between the native simulator
107  interfaces the models expect and your execution framework. If so, check the
108  "Integrating these models in another system" section of the
109  [HW models README](README_HW_models.md)


1For general information about these models refer to [README.md](README.md)
3You will only need to continue reading if you are curious about how these
4models are built, or if you want to use them for some other purpose than with
5[Zephyr's nrf*bsim targets](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/boards/native/doc/bsim_boards_design.html).
7This file is a particularized version of the first sections of
8[the general HW models architecture description](https://babblesim.github.io/arch_hw_models.html)
9provided with BabbleSim. You may continue reading
10[that other page](https://babblesim.github.io/arch_hw_models.html) from the "Time and time drift"
11section after reading this file, for further information.
13## Requirements
15The main purpose of these models is to provide a good enough HW model for BLE and 802.15.4
16protocols simulations, which will focus on the SW, to be able to debug it,
17and run long simulations fast.<br>
18As a secondary requirement, we want the HW models to be accurate enough to run relevant real HW
21We are not interested in modeling the particularities of the HW when
22they are not relevant for the SW execution.
23Therefore many details can be simplified or omitted all together.
25The focus of these models is on the BLE and 802.15.4 stacks, and therefore
26mostly the peripherals which are necessary for its proper function have
27been modeled so far.
28Apart from this, some other peripherals have been modeled to enable running applications which
29also utilize them, or to enable some level of runtime testing of their drivers.
31Regarding the time accuracy, these models primarily focus on the radio
32activity accuracy. With other peripherals being overall more rough. Note that
33as all models are based on public specifications, all peripherals timings
34could, anyhow, not be better than what is described in those.<br>
35Overall these models have a time granularity of 1us.
37## Implementation specification
39Overall these models are "event driven". There is several ways
40of building these kind of models, but for simplicity, these models are built
41using a very nimble engine provided by the native simulator, the "HW scheduler" (`nsi_hws`).
43### About the event scheduling
45In reality any action performed by a HW peripheral will take some amount of
47For our purposes any HW process which takes too short for the SW to
48realize, will be modeled as being instantaneous in simulation time.
49Such processes will just be implemented as a C function (or a set of them),
50which will change the models status as needed.
52Other processes do take a considerable amount of time, like for example sending
53a radio packet, or generating a random number.<br>
54Such processes will be modeled in a bit more complex way:
56  * The process model may use one or several "events"/timers.
57  * When needed these timers will be set at a point in the future where some
58    action needs to be performed.
59  * Whenever that time is reached, the HW scheduler will call a function in that
60    model tasked with continuing executing that task/process.
62In this model, all of these events|timers types and their callbacks are known
63in compile time.
64Meaning, there is no dynamic registration of events types.<br>
65Normally each peripheral model will have 1 of such event timers, and it will
66be up to the peripheral model to schedule several subevents using only that
67one timer and callback if needed.
69Whenever a HW model updates its event timer, it will call a function in the HW scheduler.
71The overall HW scheduler provided by the native_simulator will advance simulated time
72when needed, and call into the corresponding HW submodule "event|task runner"
73whenever its event time is reached.
75Note that several HW submodules may be scheduled to run in the same microsecond.
76In this case, they will be handled in different "delta cycles" in that same microsecond.
77Each timer|event has a given priority, and therefore will always be called
78in the same order relative to other HW events which may be schedule in the
79same microsecond.<br>
80Note also, that any HW submodule may schedule a new event to be called in the
81same microsecond in which it is running. This can be done for any purpose,
82like for example to defer a side-effect of writing to a register from a SW
83thread into the HW models thread.
84When they do so, their "event|task runner" will be called right after in the
85next delta cycle.
87### The SW registers IF
89Each peripheral model which has HW registers accessible by SW, presents
90a structure which matches those registers' layout.
91This structure will be allocated somewhere in the process memory, but certainly
92not in the same address as in the real HW.
93Therefore any access to the real registers must be, in some way, corrected
94to access this structure instead.
95In Zephyr's nrf*bsim case, this is achieved by providing a version of the
96nRF HAL MDK macros which, in real HW point to the peripherals base addresses, which points
97to these structures.
99Writing to this structure in itself will only cause that memory location to be
100changed. For many registers this is perfectly fine, as that is just the same
101that happens in the real HW (a register is changed, which later may be
102read by the actual HW).<br>
103But for some registers, accessing them (writing and/or reading them) causes some
104side-effect, that is, something else to happen in the HW.
105For example, in real HW, writing a `1` to
106`NRF_RNG->TASKS_START` will start the random number generation.
108For these type of registers with side-effects, the HW models must be triggered,
109this is achieved by calling `nhw_<periperal>_regw_sideeffects_<register name>()`
110after the write itself.
111In Zephyr's nrf*bsim case, this is done in the replacement nRFx HAL function.
113### HW interrupts
115For a HW model to raise an interrupt all it will need to do is call into the
116interrupt controller model functions
117`hw_irq_ctrl_raise/lower_level_irq_line(<cpu_nbr>, <irq_number>)`.
119The interrupt controller will update its status, and if the interrupt was not
120masked, one delta cycle later, awake the CPU by calling the corresponding
123In Zephyr's nrf*bsim `nsif_cpun_irq_raised(<cpu_nbr>)` is provided by the Zephyr
124board code.
126### Structure of the HW models:
128The actual HW models of the SOC peripherals are normally split in one file per peripheral.
129The files are named `NHW_<PERIPHERAL>.{c|h}`.
131Mostly all these models have the following functions:
133#### Interface:
135These models use:
137 * The native simulator HW scheduler to register the events timers and callbacks
138 * The native simulator "tasks" interface, to register their initialization and cleanup functions
139   to be called during the HW initialization and program exit.
141Overall, they follow a pattern where each peripheral has these types of functions:
144nhw_<periperal>_init()            : To initialize the model
145nhw_<periperal>_cleanup()         : To free any resources used by the model
146nhw_<periperal>_<TASK name>()     : Perform the actions triggered by <TASK>
147nhw_<periperal>_regw_sideeffects_<register name>()
148                                  : Trigger any possible sideeffect from writing
149                                    to that regiter
150Timer_<peripheral> &
151nhw_<periperal>_timer_triggered() : Models which take time to perform their work
152                                    Use a registered event. When that event timer
153                                    is reached, this function is called to perform
154                                    any neccessary step, including update that
155                                    event timer.
157#### Internal:
159signal_<event register name>() : Signal that <event> has just happened,
160                                 handle shortcuts, and raise interrupts.
163The tasks, registers and event names should match the register interface
164specified in the linked documentation.
166## Integrating these models in another system
168This subsection provides information you would need if you try to use
169these models without Zephyr's nrf*bsim wrapping logic, and without the native simulator.
171### Models interface towards a simulation scheduler
173As described before, overall the models are "event driven":
174They rely on an overall scheduler triggering (calling) them in
175the appropriate times.
177By default this overall scheduler is provided by the native simulator
178HW scheduler.
180The models register their events, their timers, callbacks and priorities with
181`NSI_HW_EVENT(timer, callback, priority)`.
182When two events times coincide, the one with the highest priority should be run first,
183and when two have the same priority, for most, it does not matter which is run first, while
184they are run in the same order consistently.
186The events timers represent, in microseconds, when the models need to perform
187the next action.
189It is the responsibility of that overall scheduler to ensure the HW models
190are called whenever their time is reached (and not later).
192These event timers may be changed after each execution of the models, or whenever
193a HW register is written.
194When the models change this timer, they will call `nsi_hws_find_next_event()` to
195notify that overall scheduler of the change.
197The models are initialized by calling their registered initialization functions
198(`NSI_TASK(*, HW_INIT, *);`)
199Similarly, on program exit, the models cleanup functions registered
200with `NSI_TASK(*, ON_EXIT_*, *);` should be called, to free any system resources.
202Some of these models will also require being called very early during the process
203execution to register command line arguments.
204These are registered with `NSI_TASK(*, PRE_BOOT_1, *);`
206### Models interface towards a CPU model:
208For details about the SW register IF please see check the
209"The SW registers IF" section above.
210For details about how interrupts are raised see "HW interrupts" above.
212### Thread safety
214This HW models API is NOT thread safe: This means a call to one of the
215HW models functions cannot be done if another thread of the same process
216is currently also calling another of these functions.
217Meaning, only one function may be called at a time.<br>
218This is not going to be a problem if only one thread calls into the HW models.
219It won't be a problem either if by any other synchronization mechanism it is
220ensured only one thread calls into these HW models at a time.
221(this second case is how it is done in Zephyr's nrf*bsim targets)
223### Command line interface arguments
225These models register their own command line arguments/options using
226babblesim's command line argument utilities.
227The integration program should support this.
229The way to describe the command line arguments follows Babblesim's
230`libUtilv1` command line parsing convention.
232You can check Zephyr's nrf*bsim wrapping code for an insight on how
233you can use these component.


1# Current implementation status
3Currently peripherals of nRF52833, nrf5340 and nrf54L15 SOCs are modeled at varying degrees:
7| Mark | Meaning |
9| &#x2705; | Fully completed |
10| &#x2714; | Implemented |
11| &#x2610; | Minimal/stubbed implementation |
12| &#x10102; | Missing |
16|                 |                                                            | **nRF52833** | **nRF5340** | **nRF54L15** | Notes                                                                                                                      |
18| **AAR**         | Accelerated address resolver                               | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     | See [NHW_AAR.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_AAR.c) or [NHW_54_AAR_CCM_ECB.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_54_AAR_CCM_ECB.c)               |
19| **ACL**         | Access control lists                                       | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | N/A          |                                                                                                                            |
20| **CACHE**       | Instruction/data cache                                     | N/A          | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
21| **CCM**         | AES CCM mode encryption                                    | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     | See [NHW_AES_CCM.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_AES_CCM.c) or [NHW_54_AAR_CCM_ECB.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_54_AAR_CCM_ECB.c)       |
22| **CLOCK**       | Clock control                                              | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2610;     | For 52 & 53 see [NHW_CLOCK.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_CLOCK.c). For 54L see [NHW_54L_CLOCK.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_54L_CLOCK.c) |
23| **COMP**        | Comparator                                                 | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
24| **CRACEN.CRYPTO** |                                                          | N/A          | N/A         | &#x2714;     | Only AES Crypto Engine (only ECB mode)                                                                                     |
25| **CRACEN.IKG**  |                                                            | N/A          | N/A         | &#x2610;     |                                                                                                                            |
26| **CRACEN.PK**   |                                                            | N/A          | N/A         | &#x2610;     |                                                                                                                            |
27| **CRACEN.RNG**  |                                                            | N/A          | N/A         | &#x2714;     |                                                                                                                            |
28| **DPPI**        | Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect           | N/A          | &#x2705;    | &#x2705;     |                                                                                                                            |
29| **ECB**         | AES electronic codebook mode encryption                    | &#x2705;     | &#x2705;    | &#x2714;    |                                                                                                                            |
30| **EGU**         | Event generator unit                                       | &#x2705;     | &#x2705;    | &#x2705;     |                                                                                                                            |
31| **FICR**        | Factory information configuration registers                | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     | For 52: See [NHW_52_FICR.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_52_FICR.c)<br>For 53: See [NHW_53_FICR.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_53_FICR.c) |
32| **GLITCHDET**   | Voltage glitch detectors                                   | N/A          | N/A         | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
33| **GPIO**        | General purpose input/output                               | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     | See [NRF_GPIO.c](../src/HW_models/NRF_GPIO.c)                              |
34| **GPIOTE**      | GPIO tasks and events                                      | &#x2705;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     | See [NRF_GPIOTE.c](../src/HW_models/NRF_GPIOTE.c)                            |
35| **GRTC**        | Global real-time counter                                   | N/A          | N/A         | &#x2714;     |                                                                                                                            |
36| **I2S**         | Inter-IC sound interface                                   | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
37| **IPC**         | Interprocessor communication                               | N/A          | &#x2714;    | N/A          | See [NHW_IPC.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_IPC.c)                                                                                |
38| **KMU**         | Key management unit                                        | N/A          | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
39| **LPCOMP**      | Low-power comparator                                       | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
40| **MEMCONF**     | Memory configuration                                       | N/A          | N/A         | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
41| **MPC**         | Memory Privilege Controller                                | N/A          | N/A         | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
42| **MUTEX**       | Mutual exclusive peripheral                                | N/A          | &#x2705;    | N/A          |                                                                                                                            |
43| **MWU**         | Memory watch unit                                          | &#x2610;     | N/A         | N/A          |                                                                                                                            |
44| **NFCT**        | Near field communication tag                               | &#x2610;     | &#x2610;    | &#x2610;     |                                                                                                                            |
45| **NVMC**        | Non-volatile memory controller                             | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | N/A          | See [NHW_NVMC.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_NVMC.c)                                                                              |
46| **OSCILLATORS** | Oscillator control                                         | N/A          | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
47| **PDM**         | Pulse density modulation interface                         | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
48| **POWER**       | Power supply                                               | &#x2610;     | &#x2610;    | &#x2610;     | Only register stubs                                                                                                        |
49| **PPI**         | Programmable peripheral interconnect                       | &#x2705;     | N/A         | N/A          | Complete but some peripheral connections are missing                                                                       |
50| **PPIB**        | PPI Bridge                                                 | N/A          | N/A         | &#x2714;     |                                                                                                                            |
51| **PWM**         | Pulse width modulation                                     | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
52| **QDEC**        | Quadrature decoder                                         | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
53| **RADIO**       | 2.4 GHz radio                                              | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     | See [NHW_RADIO.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_RADIO.c)                                                                            |
54| **REGULATORS**  | Regulator control                                          | N/A          | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
55| **RESET**       | Reset control                                              | N/A          | &#x2610;    | &#x2610;     | Only register stubs                                                                                                        |
56| **RNG**         | Random number generator                                    | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | N/A          | See [NHW_RNG.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_RNG.c)                                                                                |
57| **RRAMC**       | Resistive random access memory controller                  | N/A          | N/A         | &#x2714;     | See [NHW_RRAMC.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_RRAMC.c)                                                                                                                           |
58| **RTC**         | Real-time counter                                          | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | N/A          | See [NHW_RTC.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_RTC.c)                                                                                |
59| **SAADC**       | Successive approximation analog-to-digital converter       | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
60| **[Q]SPI[M/S]** | [Quad] Serial peripheral interface [master/slave]          | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
61| **SPU**         | System protection unit                                     | N/A          | &#x2610;    | &#x2610;     |                                                                                                                            |
62| **SWI**         | Software interrupts                                        | &#x2705;     | &#x2705;    | &#x2705;     |                                                                                                                            |
63| **TAMPC**       | Tamper controller                                          | N/A          | N/A         | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
64| **TEMP**        | Temperature sensor                                         | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     | See [NHW_TEMP.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_TEMP.c)                                                                              |
65| **TIMER**       | Timer/counter                                              | &#x2705;     | &#x2705;    | &#x2705;     |                                                                                                                            |
66| **TWI[M/S]**    | I2C compatible two-wire interface                          | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
67| **UART[E]**     | Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter [with EasyDMA] | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     |    |
68| **UICR**        | User information configuration registers                   | &#x2714;     | &#x2714;    | &#x2714;     | See [NHW_NVMC.c](../src/HW_models/NHW_NVMC.c)                                                                              |
69| **USBD**        | Universal serial bus device                                | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | N/A          |                                                                                                                            |
70| **USBREG**      | Universal serial bus device                                | N/A          | &#x10102;   | N/A          |                                                                                                                            |
71| **VMC**         | Volatile memory controller                                 | N/A          | &#x10102;   | N/A          |                                                                                                                            |
72| **VREQCTRL**    | Voltage request control                                    | N/A          | &#x2610;    | N/A          | Only register stubs                                                                                                        |
73| **WDT**         | Watchdog timer                                             | &#x10102;    | &#x10102;   | &#x10102;    |                                                                                                                            |
75ARM processor peripherals or the AHB interconnect are not part of these models