1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016 - 2019 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _USB_HOST_H_
10 #define _USB_HOST_H_
12 #include "usb.h"
13 #include "usb_misc.h"
14 #include "usb_spec.h"
16 /*******************************************************************************
17  * Definitions
18  ******************************************************************************/
20 struct _usb_host_transfer; /* for cross reference */
22 /*!
23  * @addtogroup usb_host_drv
24  * @{
25  */
27 /*! @brief USB host class handle type define */
28 typedef void *usb_host_class_handle;
30 /*! @brief USB host controller handle type define */
31 typedef void *usb_host_controller_handle;
33 /*! @brief USB host configuration handle type define */
34 typedef void *usb_host_configuration_handle;
36 /*! @brief USB host interface handle type define */
37 typedef void *usb_host_interface_handle;
39 /*! @brief USB host pipe handle type define */
40 typedef void *usb_host_pipe_handle;
42 /*! @brief Event codes for device attach/detach */
43 typedef enum _usb_host_event
44 {
45     kUSB_HostEventAttach = 1U,     /*!< Device is attached */
46     kUSB_HostEventDetach,          /*!< Device is detached */
47     kUSB_HostEventEnumerationDone, /*!< Device's enumeration is done and the device is supported */
48     kUSB_HostEventNotSupported,    /*!< Device's enumeration is done and the device is not supported */
49     /*! Device's enumeration failed due to errors
50      * fail reason is put in the high 2 bytes of callback event code.
51      * kStatus_USB_TransferFailed - the transfer failed.
52      * kStatus_USB_TransferCancel - transfer is canceled by application.
53      * kStatus_USB_Error - parsing descriptor failed, the power cannot satisfy device's requirement,
54      *                     device addresss allocation failed, transfer is not enough
55      *                     or the transfer API failed.
56      * kStatus_USB_AllocFail - malloc failed.
57      */
58     kUSB_HostEventEnumerationFail,
60     kUSB_HostEventNotSuspended,      /*!< Suspend failed */
61     kUSB_HostEventSuspended,         /*!< Suspend successful */
62     kUSB_HostEventNotResumed,        /*!< Resume failed */
63     kUSB_HostEventDetectResume,      /*!< Detect resume signal */
64     kUSB_HostEventResumed,           /*!< Resume successful */
65     kUSB_HostEventL1Sleeped,         /*!< L1 Sleep successful,state transition was successful (ACK) */
66     kUSB_HostEventL1SleepNYET,       /*!< Device was unable to enter the L1 state at this time (NYET)  */
67     kUSB_HostEventL1SleepNotSupport, /*!< Device does not support the L1 state (STALL)  */
68     kUSB_HostEventL1SleepError,      /*!< Device failed to respond or an error occurred  */
69     kUSB_HostEventL1NotResumed,      /*!< Resume failed */
70     kUSB_HostEventL1DetectResume,    /*!< Detect resume signal */
71     kUSB_HostEventL1Resumed,         /*!< Resume successful */
72 #endif
73 } usb_host_event_t;
75 /*! @brief USB host device information code */
76 typedef enum _usb_host_dev_info
77 {
78     kUSB_HostGetDeviceAddress = 1U,  /*!< Device's address */
79     kUSB_HostGetDeviceHubNumber,     /*!< Device's first hub address */
80     kUSB_HostGetDevicePortNumber,    /*!< Device's first hub port number */
81     kUSB_HostGetDeviceSpeed,         /*!< Device's speed */
82     kUSB_HostGetDeviceHSHubNumber,   /*!< Device's first high-speed hub address */
83     kUSB_HostGetDeviceHSHubPort,     /*!< Device's first high-speed hub number */
84     kUSB_HostGetDeviceLevel,         /*!< Device's hub level */
85     kUSB_HostGetHostHandle,          /*!< Device's host handle */
86     kUSB_HostGetDeviceControlPipe,   /*!< Device's control pipe handle */
87     kUSB_HostGetDevicePID,           /*!< Device's PID */
88     kUSB_HostGetDeviceVID,           /*!< Device's VID */
89     kUSB_HostGetHubThinkTime,        /*!< Device's hub total think time */
90     kUSB_HostGetDeviceConfigIndex,   /*!< Device's running zero-based config index */
91     kUSB_HostGetConfigurationDes,    /*!< Device's configuration descriptor pointer */
92     kUSB_HostGetConfigurationLength, /*!< Device's configuration descriptor pointer */
93 } usb_host_dev_info_t;
94 /*! @brief Request type */
95 typedef enum _usb_host_request_type
96 {
97     kRequestDevice = 1U, /*!< Control request object is device */
98     kRequestInterface,   /*!< Control request object is interface */
99     kRequestEndpoint,    /*!< Control request object is endpoint */
100 } usb_host_request_type_t;
102 typedef struct _usb_host_process_descriptor_param
103 {
104     uint8_t descriptorType;    /*!< See the usb_spec.h, such as the USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE */
105     uint8_t descriptorIndex;   /*!< The descriptor index is used to select a specific descriptor (only for configuration
106                                   and string descriptors) when several descriptors of the same type are implemented in a
107                                   device */
108     uint16_t languageId;        /*!< It specifies the language ID for string descriptors or is reset to zero for other
109                                   descriptors */
110     uint8_t *descriptorBuffer; /*!< Buffer pointer */
111     uint16_t descriptorLength; /*!< Buffer data length */
112 } usb_host_process_descriptor_param_t;
114 typedef struct _usb_host_process_feature_param
115 {
116     uint8_t requestType;         /*!< See the #usb_host_request_type_t */
117     uint8_t featureSelector;     /*!< Set/cleared feature */
118     uint8_t interfaceOrEndpoint; /*!< Interface or end pointer */
119 } usb_host_process_feature_param_t;
121 typedef struct _usb_host_get_interface_param
122 {
123     uint8_t interface;                 /*!< Interface number */
124     uint8_t *alternateInterfaceBuffer; /*!< Save the transfer result */
125 } usb_host_get_interface_param_t;
128 typedef struct _usb_host_get_status_param
129 {
130     uint16_t statusSelector; /*!< Interface number, the end pointer number or OTG status selector */
131     uint8_t requestType;     /*!< See the #usb_host_request_type_t */
132     uint8_t *statusBuffer;   /*!< Save the transfer result */
133 } usb_host_get_status_param_t;
136 typedef struct _usb_host_set_interface_param
137 {
138     uint8_t alternateSetting; /*!< Alternate setting value */
139     uint8_t interface;        /*!< Interface number */
140 } usb_host_set_interface_param_t;
143 typedef struct _usb_host_synch_frame_param
144 {
145     uint8_t endpoint;           /*!< Endpoint number */
146     uint8_t *frameNumberBuffer; /*!< Frame number data buffer */
147 } usb_host_synch_frame_param_t;
148 /*!
149  * @brief Host callback function typedef.
150  *
151  * This callback function is used to notify application device attach/detach event.
152  * This callback pointer is passed when initializing the host.
153  *
154  * @param deviceHandle           The device handle, which indicates the attached device.
155  * @param configurationHandle The configuration handle contains the attached device's configuration information.
156  * @param event_code           The callback event code; See the enumeration host_event_t.
157  *
158  * @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
159  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success       Application handles the attached device successfully.
160  * @retval kStatus_USB_NotSupported  Application don't support the attached device.
161  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error         Application handles the attached device falsely.
162  */
163 typedef usb_status_t (*host_callback_t)(usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
164                                         usb_host_configuration_handle configurationHandle,
165                                         uint32_t eventCode);
167 /*!
168  * @brief Transfer callback function typedef.
169  *
170  * This callback function is used to notify the upper layer the result of the transfer.
171  * This callback pointer is passed when calling the send/receive APIs.
172  *
173  * @param param     The parameter pointer, which is passed when calling the send/receive APIs.
174  * @param data      The data buffer pointer.
175  * @param data_len  The result data length.
176  * @param status    A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
177  */
178 typedef void (*transfer_callback_t)(void *param, uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen, usb_status_t status);
180 /*!
181  * @brief Host stack inner transfer callback function typedef.
182  *
183  * This callback function is used to notify the upper layer the result of a transfer.
184  * This callback pointer is passed when initializing the structure usb_host_transfer_t.
185  *
186  * @param param     The parameter pointer, which is passed when calling the send/receive APIs.
187  * @param transfer  The transfer information; See the structure usb_host_transfer_t.
188  * @param status    A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
189  */
190 typedef void (*host_inner_transfer_callback_t)(void *param, struct _usb_host_transfer *transfer, usb_status_t status);
192 /*! @brief USB host endpoint information structure */
193 typedef struct _usb_host_ep
194 {
195     usb_descriptor_endpoint_t *epDesc; /*!< Endpoint descriptor pointer*/
196     uint8_t *epExtension;              /*!< Endpoint extended descriptor pointer*/
197     uint16_t epExtensionLength;        /*!< Extended descriptor length*/
198 } usb_host_ep_t;
200 /*! @brief USB host interface information structure */
201 typedef struct _usb_host_interface
202 {
203     usb_host_ep_t epList[USB_HOST_CONFIG_INTERFACE_MAX_EP]; /*!< Endpoint array*/
204     usb_descriptor_interface_t *interfaceDesc;              /*!< Interface descriptor pointer*/
205     uint8_t *interfaceExtension;                            /*!< Interface extended descriptor pointer*/
206     uint16_t interfaceExtensionLength;                      /*!< Extended descriptor length*/
207     uint8_t interfaceIndex;                                 /*!< The interface index*/
208     uint8_t alternateSettingNumber;                         /*!< The interface alternate setting value*/
209     uint8_t epCount;                                        /*!< Interface's endpoint number*/
210 } usb_host_interface_t;
212 /*! @brief USB host configuration information structure */
213 typedef struct _usb_host_configuration
214 {
215     usb_host_interface_t interfaceList[USB_HOST_CONFIG_CONFIGURATION_MAX_INTERFACE]; /*!< Interface array*/
216     usb_descriptor_configuration_t *configurationDesc; /*!< Configuration descriptor pointer*/
217     uint8_t *configurationExtension;                   /*!< Configuration extended descriptor pointer*/
218     uint16_t configurationExtensionLength;             /*!< Extended descriptor length*/
219     uint8_t interfaceCount;                            /*!< The configuration's interface number*/
220 } usb_host_configuration_t;
222 /*! @brief USB host pipe common structure */
223 typedef struct _usb_host_pipe
224 {
225     struct _usb_host_pipe *next;    /*!< Link the idle pipes*/
226     usb_device_handle deviceHandle; /*!< This pipe's device's handle*/
227     uint16_t currentCount;          /*!< For KHCI transfer*/
228     uint16_t nakCount;              /*!< Maximum NAK count*/
229     uint16_t maxPacketSize;         /*!< Maximum packet size*/
230     uint16_t interval;              /*!< FS/LS: frame unit; HS: micro-frame unit*/
231     uint8_t open;                   /*!< 0 - closed, 1 - open*/
232     uint8_t nextdata01;             /*!< Data toggle*/
233     uint8_t endpointAddress;        /*!< Endpoint address*/
234     uint8_t direction;              /*!< Pipe direction*/
235     uint8_t pipeType;               /*!< Pipe type, for example USB_ENDPOINT_BULK*/
236     uint8_t numberPerUframe;        /*!< Transaction number per micro-frame*/
237 } usb_host_pipe_t;
239 /*! @brief USB host transfer structure */
240 typedef struct _usb_host_transfer
241 {
242     struct _usb_host_transfer *next;           /*!< The next transfer structure*/
243     uint8_t *transferBuffer;                   /*!< Transfer data buffer*/
244     uint32_t transferLength;                   /*!< Transfer data length*/
245     uint32_t transferSofar;                    /*!< Length transferred so far*/
246     host_inner_transfer_callback_t callbackFn; /*!< Transfer callback function*/
247     void *callbackParam;                       /*!< Transfer callback parameter*/
248     usb_host_pipe_t *transferPipe;             /*!< Transfer pipe pointer*/
249     usb_setup_struct_t *setupPacket;           /*!< Set up packet buffer*/
250     uint8_t direction;                         /*!< Transfer direction; it's values are USB_OUT or USB_IN*/
251     uint8_t setupStatus;                       /*!< Set up the transfer status*/
252     union
253     {
254         uint32_t unitHead;      /*!< xTD head for this transfer*/
255         int32_t transferResult; /*!< KHCI transfer result */
256     } union1;
258     union
259     {
260         uint32_t unitTail; /*!<xTD tail for this transfer*/
261         uint32_t frame;    /*!< KHCI transfer frame number */
262     } union2;
265     uint16_t nakTimeout; /*!< KHCI transfer NAK timeout */
266     uint16_t retry;      /*!< KHCI transfer retry */
267 #endif
268 } usb_host_transfer_t;
270 /*! @brief USB host pipe information structure for opening pipe */
271 typedef struct _usb_host_pipe_init
272 {
273     void *devInstance;       /*!< Device instance handle*/
274     uint16_t nakCount;       /*!< Maximum NAK retry count. MUST be zero for interrupt*/
275     uint16_t maxPacketSize;  /*!< Pipe's maximum packet size*/
276     uint8_t interval;        /*!< Pipe's interval*/
277     uint8_t endpointAddress; /*!< Endpoint address*/
278     uint8_t direction;       /*!< Endpoint direction*/
279     uint8_t pipeType;        /*!< Endpoint type, the value is USB_ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT, USB_ENDPOINT_CONTROL,
280                                 USB_ENDPOINT_ISOCHRONOUS, USB_ENDPOINT_BULK*/
281     uint8_t numberPerUframe; /*!< Transaction number for each micro-frame*/
282 } usb_host_pipe_init_t;
284 /*! @brief Cancel transfer parameter structure */
285 typedef struct _usb_host_cancel_param
286 {
287     usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle; /*!< Canceling pipe handle*/
288     usb_host_transfer_t *transfer;   /*!< Canceling transfer*/
289 } usb_host_cancel_param_t;
291 /*******************************************************************************
292  * API
293  ******************************************************************************/
295 #ifdef __cplusplus
296 extern "C" {
297 #endif
299 /*!
300  * @name USB host APIs Part 1
301  * The following APIs are recommended for application use.
302  * @{
303  */
305 /*!
306  * @brief Initializes the USB host stack.
307  *
308  * This function initializes the USB host module specified by the controllerId.
309  *
310  * @param[in] controllerId    The controller ID of the USB IP. See the enumeration usb_controller_index_t.
311  * @param[out] hostHandle     Returns the host handle.
312  * @param[in] callbackFn      Host callback function notifies device attach/detach.
313  *
314  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The host is initialized successfully.
315  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle is a NULL pointer.
316  * @retval kStatus_USB_ControllerNotFound   Cannot find the controller according to the controller ID.
317  * @retval kStatus_USB_AllocFail            Allocation memory fail.
318  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                Host mutex create fail; KHCI/EHCI mutex or KHCI/EHCI event create fail,
319  *                                          or, KHCI/EHCI IP initialize fail.
320  */
321 extern usb_status_t USB_HostInit(uint8_t controllerId, usb_host_handle *hostHandle, host_callback_t callbackFn);
323 /*!
324  * @brief Deinitializes the USB host stack.
325  *
326  * This function deinitializes the USB host module specified by the hostHandle.
327  *
328  * @param[in] hostHandle  The host handle.
329  *
330  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The host is initialized successfully.
331  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle is a NULL pointer.
332  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                Controller deinitialization fail.
333  */
334 extern usb_status_t USB_HostDeinit(usb_host_handle hostHandle);
336 /*!
337  * @brief Gets the device information.
338  *
339  * This function gets the device information.
340  *
341  * @param[in] deviceHandle   Removing device handle.
342  * @param[in] infoCode       See the enumeration host_dev_info_t.
343  * @param[out] infoValue     Return the information value.
344  *
345  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Close successfully.
346  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidParameter     The deviceHandle or info_value is a NULL pointer.
347  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                The info_code is not the host_dev_info_t value.
348  */
349 extern usb_status_t USB_HostHelperGetPeripheralInformation(usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
350                                                            uint32_t infoCode,
351                                                            uint32_t *infoValue);
353 /*!
354  * @brief Parses the alternate interface descriptor.
355  *
356  * This function parses the alternate interface descriptor and returns an interface information through the structure
357  * usb_host_interface_t.
358  *
359  * @param[in] interfaceHandle     The whole interface handle.
360  * @param[in] alternateSetting    Alternate setting value.
361  * @param[out] interface          Return interface information.
362  *
363  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Close successfully.
364  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The interfaceHandle is a NULL pointer.
365  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidParameter     The alternateSetting is 0.
366  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                The interface descriptor is wrong.
367  */
368 extern usb_status_t USB_HostHelperParseAlternateSetting(usb_host_interface_handle interfaceHandle,
369                                                         uint8_t alternateSetting,
370                                                         usb_host_interface_t *interface);
372 /*!
373  * @brief Removes the attached device.
374  *
375  * This function removes the attached device.
376  * This function should not be used all the time.
377  *
378  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
379  * @param[in] deviceHandle   Removing device handle.
380  *
381  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Remove successfully.
382  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle or deviceHandle is a NULL pointer.
383  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidParameter     The deviceHandle instance don't belong to hostHandle instance.
384  */
385 extern usb_status_t USB_HostRemoveDevice(usb_host_handle hostHandle, usb_device_handle deviceHandle);
386 #if (defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_KHCI) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_KHCI > 0U))
387 /*!
388  * @brief KHCI task function.
389  *
390  * The function is used to handle the KHCI controller message.
391  * In the bare metal environment, this function should be called periodically in the main function.
392  * In the RTOS environment, this function should be used as a function entry to create a task.
393  *
394  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
395  */
396 extern void USB_HostKhciTaskFunction(void *hostHandle);
397 #endif
398 #if (defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_EHCI) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_EHCI > 0U))
399 /*!
400  * @brief EHCI task function.
401  *
402  * The function is used to handle the EHCI controller message.
403  * In the bare metal environment, this function should be called periodically in the main function.
404  * In the RTOS environment, this function should be used as a function entry to create a task.
405  *
406  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
407  */
408 extern void USB_HostEhciTaskFunction(void *hostHandle);
409 #endif
410 #if (defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_OHCI) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_OHCI > 0U))
411 /*!
412  * @brief OHCI task function.
413  *
414  * The function is used to handle the OHCI controller message.
415  * In the bare metal environment, this function should be called periodically in the main function.
416  * In the RTOS environment, this function should be used as a function entry to create a task.
417  *
418  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
419  */
420 extern void USB_HostOhciTaskFunction(void *hostHandle);
421 #endif
422 #if (defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_IP3516HS) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_IP3516HS > 0U))
423 /*!
424  * @brief IP3516HS task function.
425  *
426  * The function is used to handle the IP3516HS controller message.
427  * In the bare metal environment, this function should be called periodically in the main function.
428  * In the RTOS environment, this function should be used as a function entry to create a task.
429  *
430  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
431  */
432 extern void USB_HostIp3516HsTaskFunction(void *hostHandle);
433 #endif
434 #if (defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_KHCI) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_KHCI > 0U))
435 /*!
436  * @brief Device KHCI ISR function.
437  *
438  * The function is the KHCI interrupt service routine.
439  *
440  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
441  */
442 extern void USB_HostKhciIsrFunction(void *hostHandle);
443 #endif
444 #if (defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_EHCI) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_EHCI > 0U))
445 /*!
446  * @brief Device EHCI ISR function.
447  *
448  * The function is the EHCI interrupt service routine.
449  *
450  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
451  */
452 extern void USB_HostEhciIsrFunction(void *hostHandle);
453 #endif
454 #if (defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_OHCI) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_OHCI > 0U))
455 /*!
456  * @brief Device OHCI ISR function.
457  *
458  * The function is the OHCI interrupt service routine.
459  *
460  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
461  */
462 extern void USB_HostOhciIsrFunction(void *hostHandle);
463 #endif
464 #if (defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_IP3516HS) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_IP3516HS > 0U))
465 /*!
466  * @brief Device IP3516HS ISR function.
467  *
468  * The function is the IP3516HS interrupt service routine.
469  *
470  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
471  */
472 extern void USB_HostIp3516HsIsrFunction(void *hostHandle);
473 #endif
474 /*! @}*/
476 /*!
477  * @name USB host APIs Part 2.
478  * The following APIs are not recommended for application use. They are mainly used in the class driver.
479  * @{
480  */
482 /*!
483  * @brief Opens the USB host pipe.
484  *
485  * This function opens a pipe according to the pipe_init_ptr parameter.
486  *
487  * @param[in] hostHandle  The host handle.
488  * @param[out] pipeHandle The pipe handle pointer used to return the pipe handle.
489  * @param[in] pipeInit    Used to initialize the pipe.
490  *
491  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The host is initialized successfully.
492  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle or pipe_handle_ptr is a NULL pointer.
493  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle pipe.
494  *                                          Or, there is no idle QH for EHCI.
495  *                                          Or, bandwidth allocate fail for EHCI.
496  */
497 extern usb_status_t USB_HostOpenPipe(usb_host_handle hostHandle,
498                                      usb_host_pipe_handle *pipeHandle,
499                                      usb_host_pipe_init_t *pipeInit);
501 /*!
502  * @brief Closes the USB host pipe.
503  *
504  * This function closes a pipe and frees the related resources.
505  *
506  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
507  * @param[in] pipeHandle     The closing pipe handle.
508  *
509  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The host is initialized successfully.
510  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle or pipeHandle is a NULL pointer.
511  */
512 extern usb_status_t USB_HostClosePipe(usb_host_handle hostHandle, usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle);
514 /*!
515  * @brief Sends data to a pipe.
516  *
517  * This function requests to send the transfer to the specified pipe.
518  *
519  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
520  * @param[in] pipeHandle     The sending pipe handle.
521  * @param[in] transfer        The transfer information.
522  *
523  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Send successfully.
524  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle, pipeHandle or transfer is a NULL pointer.
525  * @retval kStatus_USB_LackSwapBuffer       There is no swap buffer for KHCI.
526  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle QTD/ITD/SITD for EHCI.
527  */
528 extern usb_status_t USB_HostSend(usb_host_handle hostHandle,
529                                  usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle,
530                                  usb_host_transfer_t *transfer);
532 /*!
533  * @brief Sends a setup transfer to the pipe.
534  *
535  * This function request to send the setup transfer to the specified pipe.
536  *
537  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
538  * @param[in] pipeHandle     The sending pipe handle.
539  * @param[in] transfer        The transfer information.
540  *
541  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Send successfully.
542  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle, pipeHandle or transfer is a NULL pointer.
543  * @retval kStatus_USB_LackSwapBuffer       There is no swap buffer for KHCI.
544  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle QTD/ITD/SITD for EHCI.
545  */
546 extern usb_status_t USB_HostSendSetup(usb_host_handle hostHandle,
547                                       usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle,
548                                       usb_host_transfer_t *transfer);
550 /*!
551  * @brief Receives the data from the pipe.
552  *
553  * This function requests to receive the transfer from the specified pipe.
554  *
555  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
556  * @param[in] pipeHandle     The receiving pipe handle.
557  * @param[in] transfer        The transfer information.
558  *
559  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Receive successfully.
560  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle, pipeHandle or transfer is a NULL pointer.
561  * @retval kStatus_USB_LackSwapBuffer       There is no swap buffer for KHCI.
562  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle QTD/ITD/SITD for EHCI.
563  */
564 extern usb_status_t USB_HostRecv(usb_host_handle hostHandle,
565                                  usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle,
566                                  usb_host_transfer_t *transfer);
568 /*!
569  * @brief Cancel the pipe's transfers.
570  *
571  * This function cancels all pipe's transfers when the parameter transfer is NULL or cancels the transfers altogether.
572  *
573  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
574  * @param[in] pipeHandle     The receiving pipe handle.
575  * @param[in] transfer        The transfer information.
576  *
577  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Cancel successfully.
578  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle or pipeHandle is a NULL pointer.
579  */
580 extern usb_status_t USB_HostCancelTransfer(usb_host_handle hostHandle,
581                                            usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle,
582                                            usb_host_transfer_t *transfer);
584 /*!
585  * @brief Allocates a transfer resource.
586  *
587  * This function allocates a transfer. This transfer is used to pass data information to a low level stack.
588  *
589  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
590  * @param[out] transfer       Return the transfer.
591  *
592  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Allocate successfully.
593  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle or transfer is a NULL pointer.
594  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle transfer.
595  */
596 extern usb_status_t USB_HostMallocTransfer(usb_host_handle hostHandle, usb_host_transfer_t **transfer);
598 /*!
599  * @brief Frees a transfer resource.
600  *
601  * This function frees a transfer. This transfer is used to pass data information to a low level stack.
602  *
603  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
604  * @param[in] transfer        Release the transfer.
605  *
606  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Free successfully.
607  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle or transfer is a NULL pointer.
608  */
609 extern usb_status_t USB_HostFreeTransfer(usb_host_handle hostHandle, usb_host_transfer_t *transfer);
611 /*!
612  * @brief Requests the USB standard request.
613  *
614  * This function sends the USB standard request packet.
615  *
616  * @param[in] deviceHandle    The device handle for control transfer.
617  * @param[in] usbRequest      A USB standard request code. See the usb_spec.h.
618  * @param[in] transfer        The used transfer.
619  * @param[in] param           The parameter structure is different for different request, see
620  * usb_host_framework.h.
621  *
622  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Send successfully.
623  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The deviceHandle is a NULL pointer.
624  * @retval kStatus_USB_LackSwapBuffer       There is no swap buffer for KHCI.
625  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle QTD/ITD/SITD for EHCI,
626  *                                          Or, the request is not standard request.
627  */
628 extern usb_status_t USB_HostRequestControl(usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
629                                            uint8_t usbRequest,
630                                            usb_host_transfer_t *transfer,
631                                            void *param);
633 /*!
634  * @brief Opens the interface.
635  *
636  * This function opens the interface. It is used to notify the host driver the interface is used by APP or class driver.
637  *
638  * @param[in] deviceHandle      Removing device handle.
639  * @param[in] interfaceHandle   Opening interface handle.
640  *
641  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Open successfully.
642  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The deviceHandle or interfaceHandle is a NULL pointer.
643  */
644 extern usb_status_t USB_HostOpenDeviceInterface(usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
645                                                 usb_host_interface_handle interfaceHandle);
647 /*!
648  * @brief Closes an interface.
649  *
650  * This function opens an interface. It is used to notify the host driver the interface is not used by APP or class
651  * driver.
652  *
653  * @param[in] deviceHandle      Removing device handle.
654  * @param[in] interfaceHandle   Opening interface handle.
655  *
656  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Close successfully.
657  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The deviceHandle is a NULL pointer.
658  */
659 extern usb_status_t USB_HostCloseDeviceInterface(usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
660                                                  usb_host_interface_handle interfaceHandle);
662 /*!
663  * @brief Gets a host stack version function.
664  *
665  * The function is used to get the host stack version.
666  *
667  * @param[out] version The version structure pointer to keep the host stack version.
668  *
669  */
670 extern void USB_HostGetVersion(uint32_t *version);
673 /*!
674  * @brief Send a bus or device suspend request.
675  *
676  * This function is used to send a bus or device suspend request.
677  *
678  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
679  * @param[in] deviceHandle      The device handle.
680  *
681  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Request successfully.
682  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle is a NULL pointer. Or the controller handle is invalid.
683  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle transfer.
684  *                                          Or, the deviceHandle is invalid.
685  *                                          Or, the request is invalid.
686  */
687 extern usb_status_t USB_HostSuspendDeviceResquest(usb_host_handle hostHandle, usb_device_handle deviceHandle);
689 /*!
690  * @brief Send a bus or device resume request.
691  *
692  * This function is used to send a bus or device resume request.
693  *
694  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
695  * @param[in] deviceHandle      The device handle.
696  *
697  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Request successfully.
698  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle is a NULL pointer. Or the controller handle is invalid.
699  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle transfer.
700  *                                          Or, the deviceHandle is invalid.
701  *                                          Or, the request is invalid.
702  */
703 extern usb_status_t USB_HostResumeDeviceResquest(usb_host_handle hostHandle, usb_device_handle deviceHandle);
704 #if ((defined(USB_HOST_CONFIG_LPM_L1)) && (USB_HOST_CONFIG_LPM_L1 > 0U))
705 /*!
706  * @brief Send a bus or device suspend request.
707  *
708  * This function is used to send a bus or device suspend request.
709  *
710  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
711  * @param[in] deviceHandle      The device handle.
712  *@param[in] sleeptype      Bus suspend or single device suspend.
713  *
714  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Request successfully.
715  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle is a NULL pointer. Or the controller handle is invalid.
716  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle transfer.
717  *                                          Or, the deviceHandle is invalid.
718  *                                          Or, the request is invalid.
719  */
720 extern usb_status_t USB_HostL1SleepDeviceResquest(usb_host_handle hostHandle,
721                                                   usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
722                                                   uint8_t sleepType);
724 /*!
725  * @brief Send a bus or device resume request.
726  *
727  * This function is used to send a bus or device resume request.
728  *
729  * @param[in] hostHandle     The host handle.
730  * @param[in] deviceHandle      The device handle.
731  * *@param[in] sleeptype      Bus suspend or single device suspend.
732  *
733  * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              Request successfully.
734  * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle        The hostHandle is a NULL pointer. Or the controller handle is invalid.
735  * @retval kStatus_USB_Error                There is no idle transfer.
736  *                                          Or, the deviceHandle is invalid.
737  *                                          Or, the request is invalid.
738  */
739 extern usb_status_t USB_HostL1ResumeDeviceResquest(usb_host_handle hostHandle,
740                                                    usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
741                                                    uint8_t sleepType);
742 /*!
743  * @brief Update the lpm param.
744  *
745  * The function is used to configure the lpm token.
746  *
747  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
748  * @param[in] lpmParam HIRD value and whether enable remotewakeup.
749  *
750  */
751 extern usb_status_t USB_HostL1SleepDeviceResquestConfig(usb_host_handle hostHandle, uint8_t *lpmParam);
752 #endif
753 /*!
754  * @brief Update the hardware tick.
755  *
756  * The function is used to update the hardware tick.
757  *
758  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
759  * @param[in] tick Current hardware tick(uint is ms).
760  *
761  */
762 extern usb_status_t USB_HostUpdateHwTick(usb_host_handle hostHandle, uint64_t tick);
764 #endif
767 /*!
768  * @brief Set the charger type. It is only supported on RT600 currently.
769  *
770  * The set charger type becomes valid in next attach.
771  *
772  * @param[in] hostHandle The host handle.
773  * @param[in] type.
774  *
775  */
776 extern usb_status_t USB_HostSetChargerType(usb_host_handle hostHandle, uint8_t type);
777 #endif
779 /*! @}*/
781 #ifdef __cplusplus
782 }
783 #endif
785 /*! @}*/
787 #endif /* _USB_HOST_H_ */