1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 /**
10 * @file pedometer.h
11 * @brief The pedometer.h file contains the interface and structure definitions for
12 * pedometer application.
13 */
15 #ifndef PEDOMETER_H_
16 #define PEDOMETER_H_
18 #include <stddef.h>
19 #include <stdint.h>
20 #include <stdbool.h>
21 #include "KeynetikPedometer.h"
22 /******************************************************************************
23  * Public Datatypes
24  *****************************************************************************/
26 typedef KeynetikActivityLevel activitylevel_t; /* alias to a shorter name for readability */
27 typedef uint16_t debounce_count_t;
28 #define PEDO_ONEG_8G 4096      /* One G value for 8G mode.*/
29 #define PEDO_ONEG_4G 8192      /* One G value for 4G mode.*/
30 #define PEDO_ONEG_2G 16384     /* One G value for 2G mode.*/
31 #define PEDO_FREQHZ_DEFAULT 50 /* Default frequency*/
36 /*!
37  * @brief This defines the acceleration input data for the pedometer.
38  */
39 typedef struct
40 {
41     int16_t accel[3];
42 } ped_accel_t;
43 /*!
44  * @brief This defines the configuration structure of the pedometer.
45  */
46 typedef struct
47 {
48     uint16_t sleepminimum;                 /* Sleep vector magnitude minimum */
49     uint16_t sleepmaximum;                 /* Sleep vector magnitude maximum */
50     debounce_count_t sleepcount_threshold; /* Sleep debounce counter threshold */
51     struct
52     {
53         uint8_t : 5;              /* Reserved */
54         bool sleep_dbcntm : 1;    /* Sleep debounce counter mode. Set to 1 to clear the debounce counter when the test
55                                      condition fails, otherwise decrement. */
56         bool activity_dbcntm : 1; /* Activity debounce counter mode. Set to 1 to clear the debounce counter when the
57                                      test condition fails, otherwise decrement. */
58         bool config : 1;          /* Set to 1 to initialize the pedometer and configure it with the other configuration
59                                      variables. */
60     } bits;
61     KeynetikConfig keynetik;                  /* Keynetik parameters (step length, height, weight, etc) */
62     debounce_count_t activitycount_threshold; /* Activity debounce counter threshold */
63     uint8_t stepcoalesce;                     /* Number of steps to coalesce for step interrupt */
64     uint16_t oneG; /* One G value for the range at accelerometer is running. refer the data sheet of the accelerometer
65                     and compute this value.
66                     eg. 2G Mode, 1G is 4096.*/
67     uint16_t frequency; /* The frequency at which accelerometer runs in HZ. best set frequencies are 25HZ or 50HZ. It
68                            can run at higher too.*/
69 } pedometer_config_t;
70 /*!
71  * @brief This defines the pedometer instance.
72  */
73 typedef struct
74 {
75     struct pedometer_status_tag
76     {
77         union
78         {
79             struct
80             {
81                 activitylevel_t activity : 3; /* Activity level. */
82                 bool suspend : 1;             /* Pedometer autonomously suspended. */
83                 bool activitychange : 1;      /* Change in activity level. */
84                 bool stepchange : 1;          /* Change in step count. */
85                 bool suspendchange : 1;       /* Change in suspend state .*/
86                 bool mergedflags : 1;         /* Merged status flags. */
87             } bits;
88             uint8_t byte;
89         } status;
90         uint8_t version;    /* Pedometer version number. */
91         uint16_t stepcount; /* Step count. */
92         uint16_t distance;  /* Total distance in meters or activity state. */
93         uint16_t speed;     /* Average speed in meters per hour. The value is updated on the completion of each step. */
94         uint16_t calories;  /* Calorie count expended. */
95         debounce_count_t sleepcount; /* Sleep debounce counter. */
96     } status;
97     pedometer_config_t config; /* Pedometer configuration.*/
98     struct pedometer_private_tag
99     {
100         debounce_count_t activitycount; /* Activity debounce counter. */
101         uint16_t stepchg_stepcount;     /* Step count at last stepchange interrupt (for step coalesing) */
102     } private;
103 } pedometer_t;
105 /******************************************************************************
106  * Public Function Declarations
107  ******************************************************************************/
108 /*******************************************************************************
109  * API
110  ******************************************************************************/
111 /*! @brief       The interface function initialize the pedometer.
112  *  @details     This function initialize the pedometer structure and return the handle.
114  *  @param[in]   pPedometer      handle to the pedometer.
115   *
116  *  @return      void.
117  *
118  *  @Constraints None
119  *
120  *  @Reentrant   Yes
121  */
122 void pedometer_init(pedometer_t *pPedometer);
124 /*! @brief       The interface function to configure the pedometer.
125  *
126  *  @param[in]   pedometer_t    handle to the pedometer.
127  *  @param[in]   config         configuration value.
128  *
129  *  @return      void.
130  *
131  *  @Constraints None
132  *
133  *  @Reentrant   Yes
134  */
135 void pedometer_configure(pedometer_t *pPedometer, const pedometer_config_t *pConfig);
136 /*! @brief       The interface function excutes the pedometer algorithm.
137  *  @details     Call this function the rate at which accelerometer runs.
139  *  @param[in]   pPedometer         handle to the pedometer.
140  *  @param[in]   accel_data         acceleration data.
141  *  @return      ::pedometer_run() returns the status .
142  *
143  *  @Constraints None
144  *
145  *  @Reentrant   Yes
146  */
147 int32_t pedometer_run(pedometer_t *pPedometer, ped_accel_t *pData);
149 #endif // PEDOMETER_H_