1 /*
2  * Copyright 2017-2023 NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
7 #ifndef _FSL_SEMC_H_
8 #define _FSL_SEMC_H_
10 #include "fsl_common.h"
12 /*!
13  * @addtogroup semc
14  * @{
15  */
17 /*******************************************************************************
18  * Definitions
19  ******************************************************************************/
21 /*! @name Driver version */
22 /*@{*/
23 /*! @brief SEMC driver version. */
25 /*@}*/
27 /*! @brief SEMC status, _semc_status. */
28 enum
29 {
30     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidDeviceType        = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 0), /*!< Invalid device type. */
31     kStatus_SEMC_IpCommandExecutionError  = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 1), /*!< IP command execution error. */
32     kStatus_SEMC_AxiCommandExecutionError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 2), /*!< AXI command execution error. */
33     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidMemorySize        = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 3), /*!< Invalid memory sie. */
34     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidIpcmdDataSize     = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 4), /*!< Invalid IP command data size. */
35     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidAddressPortWidth  = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 5), /*!< Invalid address port width. */
36     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidDataPortWidth     = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 6), /*!< Invalid data port width. */
37     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 7), /*!< Invalid SW pinmux selection. */
38     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidBurstLength       = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 8), /*!< Invalid burst length */
39     /*! Invalid column address bit width. */
40     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidColumnAddressBitWidth = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 9),
41     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidBaseAddress           = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 10), /*!< Invalid base address. */
42     kStatus_SEMC_InvalidTimerSetting          = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_SEMC, 11), /*!< Invalid timer setting. */
43 };
45 /*! @brief SEMC memory device type. */
46 typedef enum _semc_mem_type
47 {
48     kSEMC_MemType_SDRAM = 0, /*!< SDRAM */
49     kSEMC_MemType_SRAM,      /*!< SRAM */
50     kSEMC_MemType_NOR,       /*!< NOR */
51     kSEMC_MemType_NAND,      /*!< NAND */
52     kSEMC_MemType_8080       /*!< 8080. */
53 } semc_mem_type_t;
55 /*! @brief SEMC WAIT/RDY polarity. */
56 typedef enum _semc_waitready_polarity
57 {
58     kSEMC_LowActive = 0, /*!< Low active. */
59     kSEMC_HighActive,    /*!< High active. */
60 } semc_waitready_polarity_t;
62 /*! @brief SEMC SDRAM Chip selection . */
63 typedef enum _semc_sdram_cs
64 {
65     kSEMC_SDRAM_CS0 = 0, /*!< SEMC SDRAM CS0. */
66     kSEMC_SDRAM_CS1,     /*!< SEMC SDRAM CS1. */
67     kSEMC_SDRAM_CS2,     /*!< SEMC SDRAM CS2. */
68     kSEMC_SDRAM_CS3      /*!< SEMC SDRAM CS3. */
69 } semc_sdram_cs_t;
71 /*! @brief SEMC SRAM Chip selection . */
72 typedef enum _semc_sram_cs
73 {
75     kSEMC_SRAM_CS0 = 0, /*!< SEMC SRAM CS0. */
76     kSEMC_SRAM_CS1,     /*!< SEMC SRAM CS1. */
77     kSEMC_SRAM_CS2,     /*!< SEMC SRAM CS2. */
78     kSEMC_SRAM_CS3      /*!< SEMC SRAM CS3. */
79 #else
80     kSEMC_SRAM_CS0        = 0, /*!< SEMC SRAM CS0. */
82 } semc_sram_cs_t;
84 /*! @brief SEMC NAND device type. */
85 typedef enum _semc_nand_access_type
86 {
87     kSEMC_NAND_ACCESS_BY_AXI = 0, /*!< Access to NAND flash by AXI bus. */
88     kSEMC_NAND_ACCESS_BY_IPCMD,   /*!< Access to NAND flash by IP bus. */
89 } semc_nand_access_type_t;
91 /*! @brief SEMC interrupts . */
92 typedef enum _semc_interrupt_enable
93 {
94     kSEMC_IPCmdDoneInterrupt = SEMC_INTEN_IPCMDDONEEN_MASK, /*!< Ip command done interrupt. */
95     kSEMC_IPCmdErrInterrupt  = SEMC_INTEN_IPCMDERREN_MASK,  /*!< Ip command error interrupt. */
96     kSEMC_AXICmdErrInterrupt = SEMC_INTEN_AXICMDERREN_MASK, /*!< AXI command error interrupt. */
97     kSEMC_AXIBusErrInterrupt = SEMC_INTEN_AXIBUSERREN_MASK  /*!< AXI bus error interrupt. */
98 } semc_interrupt_enable_t;
100 /*! @brief SEMC IP command data size in bytes. */
101 typedef enum _semc_ipcmd_datasize
102 {
103     kSEMC_IPcmdDataSize_1bytes = 1, /*!< The IP command data size 1 byte. */
104     kSEMC_IPcmdDataSize_2bytes,     /*!< The IP command data size 2 byte. */
105     kSEMC_IPcmdDataSize_3bytes,     /*!< The IP command data size 3 byte. */
106     kSEMC_IPcmdDataSize_4bytes      /*!< The IP command data size 4 byte. */
107 } semc_ipcmd_datasize_t;
109 /*! @brief SEMC auto-refresh timing. */
110 typedef enum _semc_refresh_time
111 {
112     kSEMC_RefreshThreeClocks = 0x0U, /*!< The refresh timing with three bus clocks. */
113     kSEMC_RefreshSixClocks,          /*!< The refresh timing with six bus clocks. */
114     kSEMC_RefreshNineClocks          /*!< The refresh timing with nine bus clocks. */
115 } semc_refresh_time_t;
117 /*! @brief CAS latency */
118 typedef enum _semc_caslatency
119 {
120     kSEMC_LatencyOne = 1, /*!< Latency  1. */
121     kSEMC_LatencyTwo,     /*!< Latency  2. */
122     kSEMC_LatencyThree,   /*!< Latency  3. */
123 } semc_caslatency_t;
125 /*! @brief SEMC sdram column address bit number. */
126 typedef enum _semc_sdram_column_bit_num
127 {
128     kSEMC_SdramColunm_12bit = 0x0U, /*!< 12 bit. */
129     kSEMC_SdramColunm_11bit,        /*!< 11 bit. */
130     kSEMC_SdramColunm_10bit,        /*!< 10 bit. */
131     kSEMC_SdramColunm_9bit,         /*!< 9 bit. */
133     kSEMC_SdramColunm_8bit, /*!< 8 bit. */
134 #endif                      /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SDRAM_SUPPORT_COLUMN_ADDRESS_8BIT */
135 } semc_sdram_column_bit_num_t;
137 /*! @brief SEMC sdram burst length. */
138 typedef enum _semc_sdram_burst_len
139 {
140 /*! According to ERR050577, Auto-refresh command may possibly fail to be triggered during
141     long time back-to-back write (or read) when SDRAM controller's burst length is greater than 1. */
142 #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_ERRATA_050577) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_ERRATA_050577 == 0x01U)
143     kSEMC_Sdram_BurstLen1 = 0, /*!< Burst length 1*/
144 #else
145     kSEMC_Sdram_BurstLen1 = 0, /*!< Burst length 1*/
146     kSEMC_Sdram_BurstLen2,     /*!< Burst length 2*/
147     kSEMC_Sdram_BurstLen4,     /*!< Burst length 4*/
148     kSEMC_Sdram_BurstLen8      /*!< Burst length 8*/
149 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_ERRATA_050577 */
150 } sem_sdram_burst_len_t;
152 /*! @brief SEMC nand column address bit number. */
153 typedef enum _semc_nand_column_bit_num
154 {
155     kSEMC_NandColum_16bit = 0x0U, /*!< 16 bit. */
156     kSEMC_NandColum_15bit,        /*!< 15 bit. */
157     kSEMC_NandColum_14bit,        /*!< 14 bit. */
158     kSEMC_NandColum_13bit,        /*!< 13 bit. */
159     kSEMC_NandColum_12bit,        /*!< 12 bit. */
160     kSEMC_NandColum_11bit,        /*!< 11 bit. */
161     kSEMC_NandColum_10bit,        /*!< 10 bit. */
162     kSEMC_NandColum_9bit,         /*!< 9 bit. */
163 } semc_nand_column_bit_num_t;
165 /*! @brief SEMC nand burst length. */
166 typedef enum _semc_nand_burst_len
167 {
168     kSEMC_Nand_BurstLen1 = 0, /*!< Burst length 1*/
169     kSEMC_Nand_BurstLen2,     /*!< Burst length 2*/
170     kSEMC_Nand_BurstLen4,     /*!< Burst length 4*/
171     kSEMC_Nand_BurstLen8,     /*!< Burst length 8*/
172     kSEMC_Nand_BurstLen16,    /*!< Burst length 16*/
173     kSEMC_Nand_BurstLen32,    /*!< Burst length 32*/
174     kSEMC_Nand_BurstLen64     /*!< Burst length 64*/
175 } sem_nand_burst_len_t;
177 /*! @brief SEMC nor/sram column address bit number. */
178 typedef enum _semc_norsram_column_bit_num
179 {
180     kSEMC_NorColum_12bit = 0x0U, /*!< 12 bit. */
181     kSEMC_NorColum_11bit,        /*!< 11 bit. */
182     kSEMC_NorColum_10bit,        /*!< 10 bit. */
183     kSEMC_NorColum_9bit,         /*!< 9 bit. */
184     kSEMC_NorColum_8bit,         /*!< 8 bit. */
185     kSEMC_NorColum_7bit,         /*!< 7 bit. */
186     kSEMC_NorColum_6bit,         /*!< 6 bit. */
187     kSEMC_NorColum_5bit,         /*!< 5 bit. */
188     kSEMC_NorColum_4bit,         /*!< 4 bit. */
189     kSEMC_NorColum_3bit,         /*!< 3 bit. */
190     kSEMC_NorColum_2bit          /*!< 2 bit. */
191 } semc_norsram_column_bit_num_t;
193 /*! @brief SEMC nor/sram burst length. */
194 typedef enum _semc_norsram_burst_len
195 {
196     kSEMC_Nor_BurstLen1 = 0, /*!< Burst length 1*/
197     kSEMC_Nor_BurstLen2,     /*!< Burst length 2*/
198     kSEMC_Nor_BurstLen4,     /*!< Burst length 4*/
199     kSEMC_Nor_BurstLen8,     /*!< Burst length 8*/
200     kSEMC_Nor_BurstLen16,    /*!< Burst length 16*/
201     kSEMC_Nor_BurstLen32,    /*!< Burst length 32*/
202     kSEMC_Nor_BurstLen64     /*!< Burst length 64*/
203 } sem_norsram_burst_len_t;
205 /*! @brief SEMC dbi column address bit number. */
206 typedef enum _semc_dbi_column_bit_num
207 {
208     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_12bit = 0x0U, /*!< 12 bit. */
209     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_11bit,        /*!< 11 bit. */
210     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_10bit,        /*!< 10 bit. */
211     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_9bit,         /*!< 9 bit. */
212     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_8bit,         /*!< 8 bit. */
213     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_7bit,         /*!< 7 bit. */
214     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_6bit,         /*!< 6 bit. */
215     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_5bit,         /*!< 5 bit. */
216     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_4bit,         /*!< 4 bit. */
217     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_3bit,         /*!< 3 bit. */
218     kSEMC_Dbi_Colum_2bit          /*!< 2 bit. */
219 } semc_dbi_column_bit_num_t;
221 /*! @brief SEMC dbi burst length. */
222 typedef enum _semc_dbi_burst_len
223 {
224     kSEMC_Dbi_BurstLen1 = 0, /*!< Burst length 1*/
225     kSEMC_Dbi_BurstLen2,     /*!< Burst length 2*/
226     kSEMC_Dbi_Dbi_BurstLen4, /*!< Burst length 4*/
227     kSEMC_Dbi_BurstLen8,     /*!< Burst length 8*/
228     kSEMC_Dbi_BurstLen16,    /*!< Burst length 16*/
229     kSEMC_Dbi_BurstLen32,    /*!< Burst length 32*/
230     kSEMC_Dbi_BurstLen64     /*!< Burst length 64*/
231 } sem_dbi_burst_len_t;
233 /*! @brief SEMC IOMUXC. */
234 typedef enum _semc_iomux_pin
235 {
236     kSEMC_MUXA8   = SEMC_IOCR_MUX_A8_SHIFT,   /*!< MUX A8 pin. */
237     kSEMC_MUXCSX0 = SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX0_SHIFT, /*!< MUX CSX0 pin */
241     kSEMC_MUXRDY  = SEMC_IOCR_MUX_RDY_SHIFT   /*!< MUX RDY pin. */
242 } semc_iomux_pin;
244 /*! @brief SEMC NOR/PSRAM Address bit 27 A27. */
245 typedef enum _semc_iomux_nora27_pin
246 {
247     kSEMC_MORA27_NONE    = 0,                        /*!< No NOR/SRAM A27 pin. */
250 } semc_iomux_nora27_pin;
252 /*! @brief SEMC port size. */
253 typedef enum _semc_port_size
254 {
255     kSEMC_PortSize8Bit = 0, /*!< 8-Bit port size. */
256     kSEMC_PortSize16Bit,    /*!< 16-Bit port size. */
258     kSEMC_PortSize32Bit /*!< 32-Bit port size. */
259 #endif                  /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SDRAM_PS_BITWIDTH */
260 } smec_port_size_t;
262 /*! @brief SEMC address mode. */
263 typedef enum _semc_addr_mode
264 {
265     kSEMC_AddrDataMux = 0, /*!< SEMC address/data mux mode. */
266     kSEMC_AdvAddrdataMux,  /*!< Advanced address/data mux mode. */
267     kSEMC_AddrDataNonMux   /*!< Address/data non-mux mode. */
268 } semc_addr_mode_t;
270 /*! @brief SEMC DQS read strobe mode. */
271 typedef enum _semc_dqs_mode
272 {
273     kSEMC_Loopbackinternal = 0, /*!< Dummy read strobe loopbacked internally. */
274     kSEMC_Loopbackdqspad,       /*!< Dummy read strobe loopbacked from DQS pad. */
275 } semc_dqs_mode_t;
277 /*! @brief SEMC ADV signal active polarity. */
278 typedef enum _semc_adv_polarity
279 {
280     kSEMC_AdvActiveLow = 0, /*!< Adv active low. */
281     kSEMC_AdvActiveHigh,    /*!< Adv active high. */
282 } semc_adv_polarity_t;
284 /*! @brief SEMC sync mode. */
285 typedef enum _semc_sync_mode
286 {
287     kSEMC_AsyncMode = 0, /*!< Async mode. */
288     kSEMC_SyncMode,      /*!< Sync mode. */
289 } semc_sync_mode_t;
291 /*! @brief SEMC ADV signal level control. */
292 typedef enum _semc_adv_level_control
293 {
294     kSEMC_AdvHigh = 0, /*!< Adv is high during address hold state. */
295     kSEMC_AdvLow,      /*!< Adv is low during address hold state. */
296 } semc_adv_level_control_t;
298 /*! @brief SEMC RDY signal active polarity. */
299 typedef enum _semc_rdy_polarity
300 {
301     kSEMC_RdyActiveLow = 0, /*!< Adv active low. */
302     kSEMC_RdyActivehigh,    /*!< Adv active low. */
303 } semc_rdy_polarity_t;
305 /*! @brief SEMC IP command for NAND: address mode. */
306 typedef enum _semc_ipcmd_nand_addrmode
307 {
308     kSEMC_NANDAM_ColumnRow = 0x0U, /*!< Address mode: column and row address(5Byte-CA0/CA1/RA0/RA1/RA2). */
309     kSEMC_NANDAM_ColumnCA0,        /*!< Address mode: column address only(1 Byte-CA0).  */
310     kSEMC_NANDAM_ColumnCA0CA1,     /*!< Address mode: column address only(2 Byte-CA0/CA1). */
311     kSEMC_NANDAM_RawRA0,           /*!< Address mode: row address only(1 Byte-RA0). */
312     kSEMC_NANDAM_RawRA0RA1,        /*!< Address mode: row address only(2 Byte-RA0/RA1). */
313     kSEMC_NANDAM_RawRA0RA1RA2      /*!< Address mode: row address only(3 Byte-RA0).  */
314 } semc_ipcmd_nand_addrmode_t;
316 /*! @brief SEMC IP command for NAND: command mode. */
317 typedef enum _semc_ipcmd_nand_cmdmode
318 {
319     kSEMC_NANDCM_Command = 0x2U,      /*!< command. */
320     kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandHold,         /*!< Command hold. */
321     kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandAddress,      /*!< Command address. */
322     kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandAddressHold,  /*!< Command address hold.  */
323     kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandAddressRead,  /*!< Command address read.  */
324     kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandAddressWrite, /*!< Command address write.  */
325     kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandRead,         /*!< Command read.  */
326     kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandWrite,        /*!< Command write.  */
327     kSEMC_NANDCM_Read,                /*!< Read.  */
328     kSEMC_NANDCM_Write                /*!< Write.  */
329 } semc_ipcmd_nand_cmdmode_t;
331 /*! @brief SEMC NAND address option. */
332 typedef enum _semc_nand_address_option
333 {
334     kSEMC_NandAddrOption_5byte_CA2RA3 = 0U, /*!< CA0+CA1+RA0+RA1+RA2 */
335     kSEMC_NandAddrOption_4byte_CA2RA2 = 2U, /*!< CA0+CA1+RA0+RA1 */
336     kSEMC_NandAddrOption_3byte_CA2RA1 = 4U, /*!< CA0+CA1+RA0 */
337     kSEMC_NandAddrOption_4byte_CA1RA3 = 1U, /*!< CA0+RA0+RA1+RA2 */
338     kSEMC_NandAddrOption_3byte_CA1RA2 = 3U, /*!< CA0+RA0+RA1 */
339     kSEMC_NandAddrOption_2byte_CA1RA1 = 7U, /*!< CA0+RA0 */
340 } semc_nand_address_option_t;
342 /*! @brief SEMC IP command for NOR. */
343 typedef enum _semc_ipcmd_nor_dbi
344 {
345     kSEMC_NORDBICM_Read = 0x2U, /*!< NOR read. */
346     kSEMC_NORDBICM_Write        /*!< NOR write.  */
347 } semc_ipcmd_nor_dbi_t;
349 /*! @brief SEMC IP command for SRAM. */
350 typedef enum _semc_ipcmd_sram
351 {
352     kSEMC_SRAMCM_ArrayRead = 0x2U, /*!< SRAM memory array read. */
353     kSEMC_SRAMCM_ArrayWrite,       /*!< SRAM memory array write. */
354     kSEMC_SRAMCM_RegRead,          /*!< SRAM memory register read. */
355     kSEMC_SRAMCM_RegWrite          /*!< SRAM memory register write. */
356 } semc_ipcmd_sram_t;
358 /*! @brief SEMC IP command for SDARM. */
359 typedef enum _semc_ipcmd_sdram
360 {
361     kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Read = 0x8U, /*!< SDRAM memory read. */
362     kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Write,       /*!< SDRAM memory write. */
363     kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Modeset,     /*!< SDRAM MODE SET. */
364     kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Active,      /*!< SDRAM active. */
365     kSEMC_SDRAMCM_AutoRefresh, /*!< SDRAM auto-refresh. */
366     kSEMC_SDRAMCM_SelfRefresh, /*!< SDRAM self-refresh. */
367     kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Precharge,   /*!< SDRAM precharge. */
368     kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Prechargeall /*!< SDRAM precharge all. */
369 } semc_ipcmd_sdram_t;
371 /*! @brief SEMC SDRAM configuration structure.
372  *
373  * 1. The memory size in the configuration is in the unit of KB. So memsize_kbytes
374  * should be set as 2^2, 2^3, 2^4 .etc which is base 2KB exponential function.
375  * Take refer to BR0~BR3 register in RM for details.
376  * 2. The prescalePeriod_N16Cycle is in unit of 16 clock cycle. It is a exception for prescaleTimer_n16cycle = 0,
377  * it means the prescaler timer period is 256 * 16 clock cycles. For precalerIf precalerTimer_n16cycle not equal to 0,
378  * The  prescaler timer period is prescalePeriod_N16Cycle * 16 clock cycles.
379  * idleTimeout_NprescalePeriod,  refreshUrgThreshold_NprescalePeriod, refreshPeriod_NprescalePeriod are
380  * similar to prescalePeriod_N16Cycle.
381  *
382  */
383 typedef struct _semc_sdram_config
384 {
385     semc_iomux_pin csxPinMux;       /*!< CS pin mux. The kSEMC_MUXA8 is not valid in sdram pin mux setting. */
386     uint32_t address;               /*!< The base address. */
387     uint32_t memsize_kbytes;        /*!< The memory size in unit of kbytes. */
388     smec_port_size_t portSize;      /*!< Port size. */
389     sem_sdram_burst_len_t burstLen; /*!< Burst length. */
390     semc_sdram_column_bit_num_t columnAddrBitNum; /*!< Column address bit number. */
391     semc_caslatency_t casLatency;                 /*!< CAS latency. */
392     uint8_t tPrecharge2Act_Ns;                    /*!< Precharge to active wait time in unit of nanosecond. */
393     uint8_t tAct2ReadWrite_Ns;                    /*!< Act to read/write wait time in unit of nanosecond. */
394     uint8_t tRefreshRecovery_Ns;                  /*!< Refresh recovery time in unit of nanosecond. */
395     uint8_t tWriteRecovery_Ns;                    /*!< write recovery time in unit of nanosecond. */
396     uint8_t tCkeOff_Ns;                           /*!< CKE off minimum time in unit of nanosecond. */
397     uint8_t tAct2Prechage_Ns;                     /*!< Active to precharge in unit of nanosecond. */
398     uint8_t tSelfRefRecovery_Ns;                  /*!< Self refresh recovery time in unit of nanosecond. */
399     uint8_t tRefresh2Refresh_Ns;                  /*!< Refresh to refresh wait time in unit of nanosecond. */
400     uint8_t tAct2Act_Ns;                          /*!< Active to active wait time in unit of nanosecond. */
401     uint32_t tPrescalePeriod_Ns;     /*!< Prescaler timer period should not be larger than 256 * 16 * clock cycle. */
402     uint32_t tIdleTimeout_Ns;        /*!< Idle timeout in unit of prescale time period. */
403     uint32_t refreshPeriod_nsPerRow; /*!< Refresh timer period like 64ms * 1000000/8192 . */
404     uint32_t refreshUrgThreshold;    /*!< Refresh urgent threshold. */
405     uint8_t refreshBurstLen;         /*!< Refresh burst length. */
407     uint8_t delayChain; /*!< Delay chain, which adds delays on DQS clock to compensate timings while DQS is faster than
408                            read data. */
409 #endif                  /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL */
410 } semc_sdram_config_t;
412 /*! @brief SEMC NAND device timing configuration structure. */
413 typedef struct _semc_nand_timing_config
414 {
415     uint8_t tCeSetup_Ns;        /*!< CE setup time: tCS. */
416     uint8_t tCeHold_Ns;         /*!< CE hold time: tCH. */
417     uint8_t tCeInterval_Ns;     /*!< CE interval time:tCEITV. */
418     uint8_t tWeLow_Ns;          /*!< WE low time: tWP. */
419     uint8_t tWeHigh_Ns;         /*!< WE high time: tWH. */
420     uint8_t tReLow_Ns;          /*!< RE low time: tRP. */
421     uint8_t tReHigh_Ns;         /*!< RE high time: tREH. */
422     uint8_t tTurnAround_Ns;     /*!< Turnaround time for async mode: tTA. */
423     uint8_t tWehigh2Relow_Ns;   /*!< WE# high to RE# wait time: tWHR. */
424     uint8_t tRehigh2Welow_Ns;   /*!< RE# high to WE# low wait time: tRHW. */
425     uint8_t tAle2WriteStart_Ns; /*!< ALE to write start wait time: tADL. */
426     uint8_t tReady2Relow_Ns;    /*!< Ready to RE# low min wait time: tRR. */
427     uint8_t tWehigh2Busy_Ns;    /*!< WE# high to busy wait time: tWB. */
428 } semc_nand_timing_config_t;
430 /*! @brief SEMC NAND configuration structure. */
431 typedef struct _semc_nand_config
432 {
433     semc_iomux_pin cePinMux;    /*!< The CE pin mux setting. The kSEMC_MUXRDY is not valid for CE pin setting. */
434     uint32_t axiAddress;        /*!< The base address for AXI nand. */
435     uint32_t axiMemsize_kbytes; /*!< The memory size in unit of kbytes for AXI nand. */
436     uint32_t ipgAddress;        /*!< The base address for IPG nand . */
437     uint32_t ipgMemsize_kbytes; /*!< The memory size in unit of kbytes for IPG nand. */
438     semc_rdy_polarity_t rdyactivePolarity;       /*!< Wait ready polarity. */
439     bool edoModeEnabled;                         /*!< EDO mode enabled. */
440     semc_nand_column_bit_num_t columnAddrBitNum; /*!< Column address bit number. */
441     semc_nand_address_option_t arrayAddrOption;  /*!< Address option. */
442     sem_nand_burst_len_t burstLen;               /*!< Burst length. */
443     smec_port_size_t portSize;                   /*!< Port size. */
444     semc_nand_timing_config_t *timingConfig;     /*!< SEMC nand timing configuration. */
445 } semc_nand_config_t;
447 /*! @brief SEMC NOR configuration structure. */
448 typedef struct _semc_nor_config
449 {
450     semc_iomux_pin cePinMux;                        /*!< The CE# pin mux setting. */
451     semc_iomux_nora27_pin addr27;                   /*!< The Addr bit 27 pin mux setting. */
452     uint32_t address;                               /*!< The base address. */
453     uint32_t memsize_kbytes;                        /*!< The memory size in unit of kbytes. */
454     uint8_t addrPortWidth;                          /*!< The address port width. */
455     semc_rdy_polarity_t rdyactivePolarity;          /*!< Wait ready polarity. */
456     semc_adv_polarity_t advActivePolarity;          /*!< ADV# polarity. */
457     semc_norsram_column_bit_num_t columnAddrBitNum; /*!< Column address bit number. */
458     semc_addr_mode_t addrMode;                      /*!< Address mode. */
459     sem_norsram_burst_len_t burstLen;               /*!< Burst length. */
460     smec_port_size_t portSize;                      /*!< Port size. */
461     uint8_t tCeSetup_Ns;                            /*!< The CE setup time. */
462     uint8_t tCeHold_Ns;                             /*!< The CE hold time. */
463     uint8_t tCeInterval_Ns;                         /*!< CE interval minimum time. */
464     uint8_t tAddrSetup_Ns;                          /*!< The address setup time. */
465     uint8_t tAddrHold_Ns;                           /*!< The address hold time. */
466     uint8_t tWeLow_Ns;                              /*!< WE low time for async mode. */
467     uint8_t tWeHigh_Ns;                             /*!< WE high time for async mode. */
468     uint8_t tReLow_Ns;                              /*!< RE low time for async mode. */
469     uint8_t tReHigh_Ns;                             /*!< RE high time for async mode. */
470     uint8_t tTurnAround_Ns;                         /*!< Turnaround time for async mode. */
471     uint8_t tAddr2WriteHold_Ns;                     /*!< Address to write data hold time for async mode. */
473     uint8_t tWriteSetup_Ns; /*!< Write data setup time for sync mode.*/
474 #endif
476     uint8_t tWriteHold_Ns; /*!< Write hold time for sync mode. */
477 #endif
479     uint8_t latencyCount; /*!< Latency count for sync mode. */
480 #endif
482     uint8_t readCycle; /*!< Read cycle time for sync mode. */
483 #endif
485     uint8_t delayChain; /*!< Delay chain, which adds delays on DQS clock to compensate timings while DQS is faster than
486                            read data. */
487 #endif                  /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL */
488 } semc_nor_config_t;
490 /*! @brief SEMC SRAM  configuration structure. */
491 typedef struct _semc_sram_config
492 {
493     semc_iomux_pin cePinMux;               /*!< The CE# pin mux setting. */
494     semc_iomux_nora27_pin addr27;          /*!< The Addr bit 27 pin mux setting. */
495     uint32_t address;                      /*!< The base address. */
496     uint32_t memsize_kbytes;               /*!< The memory size in unit of kbytes. */
497     uint8_t addrPortWidth;                 /*!< The address port width. */
498     semc_adv_polarity_t advActivePolarity; /*!< ADV# polarity 1: active high, 0: active low. */
499     semc_addr_mode_t addrMode;             /*!< Address mode. */
500     sem_norsram_burst_len_t burstLen;      /*!< Burst length. */
501     smec_port_size_t portSize;             /*!< Port size. */
503     semc_sync_mode_t syncMode; /*!< Sync mode. */
504 #endif                         /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_SYNCEN */
506     bool waitEnable; /*!< Wait enable. */
507 #endif               /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_WAITEN */
509     uint8_t waitSample; /*!< Wait sample. */
510 #endif                  /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_WAITSP */
512     semc_adv_level_control_t advLevelCtrl; /*!< ADV# level control during address hold state, 1: low, 0: high. */
513 #endif                                     /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_ADVH */
514     uint8_t tCeSetup_Ns;                   /*!< The CE setup time. */
515     uint8_t tCeHold_Ns;                    /*!< The CE hold time. */
516     uint8_t tCeInterval_Ns;                /*!< CE interval minimum time. */
518     uint8_t readHoldTime_Ns;    /*!< read hold time. */
519 #endif                          /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_RDH_TIME */
520     uint8_t tAddrSetup_Ns;      /*!< The address setup time. */
521     uint8_t tAddrHold_Ns;       /*!< The address hold time. */
522     uint8_t tWeLow_Ns;          /*!< WE low time for async mode. */
523     uint8_t tWeHigh_Ns;         /*!< WE high time for async mode. */
524     uint8_t tReLow_Ns;          /*!< RE low time for async mode. */
525     uint8_t tReHigh_Ns;         /*!< RE high time for async mode. */
526     uint8_t tTurnAround_Ns;     /*!< Turnaround time for async mode. */
527     uint8_t tAddr2WriteHold_Ns; /*!< Address to write data hold time for async mode. */
529     uint8_t tWriteSetup_Ns; /*!<Write data setup time for sync mode. */
530 #endif
532     uint8_t tWriteHold_Ns; /*!<Write hold time for sync mode. */
533 #endif
535     uint8_t latencyCount; /*!<Latency count for sync mode. */
536 #endif
538     uint8_t readCycle; /*!<Read cycle time for sync mode. */
539 #endif
541     uint8_t delayChain; /*!< Delay chain, which adds delays on DQS clock to compensate timings while DQS is faster than
542                            read data. */
543 #endif                  /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL */
544 } semc_sram_config_t;
546 /*! @brief SEMC DBI configuration structure. */
547 typedef struct _semc_dbi_config
548 {
549     semc_iomux_pin csxPinMux;                   /*!< The CE# pin mux. */
550     uint32_t address;                           /*!< The base address. */
551     uint32_t memsize_kbytes;                    /*!< The memory size in unit of 4kbytes. */
552     semc_dbi_column_bit_num_t columnAddrBitNum; /*!< Column address bit number. */
553     sem_dbi_burst_len_t burstLen;               /*!< Burst length. */
554     smec_port_size_t portSize;                  /*!< Port size. */
555     uint8_t tCsxSetup_Ns;                       /*!< The CSX setup time. */
556     uint8_t tCsxHold_Ns;                        /*!< The CSX hold time. */
557     uint8_t tWexLow_Ns;                         /*!< WEX low time. */
558     uint8_t tWexHigh_Ns;                        /*!< WEX high time. */
559     uint8_t tRdxLow_Ns;                         /*!< RDX low time. */
560     uint8_t tRdxHigh_Ns;                        /*!< RDX high time. */
561     uint8_t tCsxInterval_Ns;                    /*!< Write data setup time.*/
562 } semc_dbi_config_t;
564 /*! @brief SEMC AXI queue a weight setting structure. */
565 typedef struct _semc_queuea_weight_struct
566 {
567     uint32_t qos : 4;              /*!< weight of qos for queue 0 . */
568     uint32_t aging : 4;            /*!< weight of aging for queue 0.*/
569     uint32_t slaveHitNoswitch : 8; /*!< weight of read/write no switch for queue 0  .*/
570     uint32_t slaveHitSwitch : 8;   /*!< weight of read/write switch for queue 0.*/
571 } semc_queuea_weight_struct_t;
573 /*! @brief SEMC AXI queue a weight setting union. */
574 typedef union _semc_queuea_weight
575 {
576     semc_queuea_weight_struct_t queueaConfig; /*!< Structure configuration for queueA. */
577     uint32_t queueaValue; /*!< Configuration value for queueA which could directly write to the reg. */
578 } semc_queuea_weight_t;
580 /*! @brief SEMC AXI queue b weight setting structure. */
581 typedef struct _semc_queueb_weight_struct
582 {
583     uint32_t qos : 4;              /*!< weight of qos for queue 1. */
584     uint32_t aging : 4;            /*!< weight of aging for queue 1.*/
585     uint32_t weightPagehit : 8;    /*!< weight of page hit for queue 1 only .*/
586     uint32_t slaveHitNoswitch : 8; /*!< weight of read/write no switch for queue 1.*/
587     uint32_t bankRotation : 8;     /*!< weight of bank rotation for queue 1 only .*/
588 } semc_queueb_weight_struct_t;
590 /*! @brief SEMC AXI queue b weight setting union. */
591 typedef union _semc_queueb_weight
592 {
593     semc_queueb_weight_struct_t queuebConfig; /*!< Structure configuration for queueB. */
594     uint32_t queuebValue; /*!< Configuration value for queueB which could directly write to the reg. */
595 } semc_queueb_weight_t;
597 /*! @brief SEMC AXI queue weight setting. */
598 typedef struct _semc_axi_queueweight
599 {
600     bool queueaEnable;                 /*!< Enable queue a. */
601     semc_queuea_weight_t queueaWeight; /*!< Weight settings for queue a. */
602     bool queuebEnable;                 /*!< Enable queue b. */
603     semc_queueb_weight_t queuebWeight; /*!< Weight settings for queue b. */
604 } semc_axi_queueweight_t;
606 /*!
607  * @brief SEMC configuration structure.
608  *
609  * busTimeoutCycles: when busTimeoutCycles is zero, the bus timeout cycle is
610  * 255*1024. otherwise the bus timeout cycles is busTimeoutCycles*1024.
611  * cmdTimeoutCycles: is used for command execution timeout cycles. it's
612  * similar to the busTimeoutCycles.
613  */
614 typedef struct _semc_config_t
615 {
616     semc_dqs_mode_t dqsMode;            /*!< Dummy read strobe mode: use enum in "semc_dqs_mode_t". */
617     uint8_t cmdTimeoutCycles;           /*!< Command execution timeout cycles. */
618     uint8_t busTimeoutCycles;           /*!< Bus timeout cycles. */
619     semc_axi_queueweight_t queueWeight; /*!< AXI queue weight. */
620 } semc_config_t;
622 /*******************************************************************************
623  * API
624  ******************************************************************************/
626 #if defined(__cplusplus)
627 extern "C" {
628 #endif
630 /*!
631  * @name SEMC Initialization and De-initialization
632  * @{
633  */
635 /*!
636  * @brief Gets the SEMC default basic configuration structure.
637  *
638  * The purpose of this API is to get the default SEMC
639  * configure structure for SEMC_Init(). User may use the initialized
640  * structure unchanged in SEMC_Init(), or modify some fields of the
641  * structure before calling SEMC_Init().
642  * Example:
643    @code
644    semc_config_t config;
645    SEMC_GetDefaultConfig(&config);
646    @endcode
647  * @param config The SEMC configuration structure pointer.
648  */
649 void SEMC_GetDefaultConfig(semc_config_t *config);
651 /*!
652  * @brief Initializes SEMC.
653  * This function ungates the SEMC clock and initializes SEMC.
654  * This function must be called before calling any other SEMC driver functions.
655  *
656  * @param base SEMC peripheral base address.
657  * @param configure The SEMC configuration structure pointer.
658  */
659 void SEMC_Init(SEMC_Type *base, semc_config_t *configure);
661 /*!
662  * @brief Deinitializes the SEMC module and gates the clock.
663  *
664  * This function gates the SEMC clock. As a result, the SEMC module doesn't work after
665  * calling this function, for some IDE, calling this API may cause the next downloading
666  * operation failed. so, please call this API cautiously. Additional, users can
667  * using "#define FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL (1)" to disable the clock control
668  * operation in drivers.
669  *
670  * @param base SEMC peripheral base address.
671  */
672 void SEMC_Deinit(SEMC_Type *base);
674 /* @} */
676 /*!
677  * @name SEMC Configuration Operation For Each Memory Type
678  * @{
679  */
681 /*!
682  * @brief Configures SDRAM controller in SEMC.
683  *
684  * @param base SEMC peripheral base address.
685  * @param cs The chip selection.
686  * @param config The sdram configuration.
687  * @param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency.
688  */
689 status_t SEMC_ConfigureSDRAM(SEMC_Type *base, semc_sdram_cs_t cs, semc_sdram_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz);
691 /*!
692  * @brief Configures NAND controller in SEMC.
693  *
694  * @param base SEMC peripheral base address.
695  * @param config The nand configuration.
696  * @param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency.
697  */
698 status_t SEMC_ConfigureNAND(SEMC_Type *base, semc_nand_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz);
700 /*!
701  * @brief Configures NOR controller in SEMC.
702  *
703  * @param base SEMC peripheral base address.
704  * @param config The nor configuration.
705  * @param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency.
706  */
707 status_t SEMC_ConfigureNOR(SEMC_Type *base, semc_nor_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz);
709 /*!
710  * @brief Configures SRAM controller in SEMC.
711  *
712  * @param base SEMC peripheral base address.
713  * @param cs The chip selection.
714  * @param config The sram configuration.
715  * @param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency.
716  */
717 status_t SEMC_ConfigureSRAMWithChipSelection(SEMC_Type *base,
718                                              semc_sram_cs_t cs,
719                                              semc_sram_config_t *config,
720                                              uint32_t clkSrc_Hz);
722 /*!
723  * @brief Configures SRAM controller in SEMC.
724  * @deprecated Do not use this function. It has been superceded by @ref SEMC_ConfigureSRAMWithChipSelection.
725  * @param base SEMC peripheral base address.
726  * @param config The sram configuration.
727  * @param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency.
728  */
729 status_t SEMC_ConfigureSRAM(SEMC_Type *base, semc_sram_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz);
731 /*!
732  * @brief Configures DBI controller in SEMC.
733  *
734  * @param base SEMC peripheral base address.
735  * @param config The dbi configuration.
736  * @param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency.
737  */
738 status_t SEMC_ConfigureDBI(SEMC_Type *base, semc_dbi_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz);
740 /* @} */
742 /*!
743  * @name SEMC Interrupt Operation
744  * @{
745  */
747 /*!
748  * @brief Enables the SEMC interrupt.
749  *
750  * This function enables the SEMC interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask
751  * is a logical OR of enumeration members. See @ref semc_interrupt_enable_t.
752  * For example, to enable the IP command done and error interrupt, do the following.
753  * @code
754  *     SEMC_EnableInterrupts(ENET, kSEMC_IPCmdDoneInterrupt | kSEMC_IPCmdErrInterrupt);
755  * @endcode
756  *
757  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
758  * @param mask  SEMC interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of the
759  *             enumeration :: semc_interrupt_enable_t.
760  */
SEMC_EnableInterrupts(SEMC_Type * base,uint32_t mask)761 static inline void SEMC_EnableInterrupts(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
762 {
763     base->INTEN |= mask;
764 }
766 /*!
767  * @brief Disables the SEMC interrupt.
768  *
769  * This function disables the SEMC interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask
770  * is a logical OR of enumeration members. See @ref semc_interrupt_enable_t.
771  * For example, to disable the IP command done and error interrupt, do the following.
772  * @code
773  *     SEMC_DisableInterrupts(ENET, kSEMC_IPCmdDoneInterrupt | kSEMC_IPCmdErrInterrupt);
774  * @endcode
775  *
776  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
777  * @param mask  SEMC interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of the
778  *             enumeration :: semc_interrupt_enable_t.
779  */
SEMC_DisableInterrupts(SEMC_Type * base,uint32_t mask)780 static inline void SEMC_DisableInterrupts(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
781 {
782     base->INTEN &= ~mask;
783 }
785 /*!
786  * @brief Gets the SEMC status.
787  *
788  * This function gets the SEMC interrupts event status.
789  * User can use the a logical OR of enumeration member as a mask.
790  * See @ref semc_interrupt_enable_t.
791  *
792  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
793  * @return status flag, use status flag in semc_interrupt_enable_t to get the related status.
794  */
SEMC_GetStatusFlag(SEMC_Type * base)795 static inline bool SEMC_GetStatusFlag(SEMC_Type *base)
796 {
797     return (base->INTR != 0x00U) ? true : false;
798 }
800 /*!
801  * @brief Clears the SEMC status flag state.
802  *
803  * The following status register flags can be cleared SEMC interrupt status.
804  *
805  * @param base SEMC base pointer
806  * @param mask The status flag mask, a logical OR of enumeration member @ref semc_interrupt_enable_t.
807  */
SEMC_ClearStatusFlags(SEMC_Type * base,uint32_t mask)808 static inline void SEMC_ClearStatusFlags(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
809 {
810     base->INTR |= mask;
811 }
813 /* @} */
815 /*!
816  * @name SEMC Memory Access Operation
817  * @{
818  */
820 /*!
821  * @brief Check if SEMC is in idle.
822  *
823  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
824  * @return  True SEMC is in idle, false is not in idle.
825  */
SEMC_IsInIdle(SEMC_Type * base)826 static inline bool SEMC_IsInIdle(SEMC_Type *base)
827 {
828     return ((base->STS0 & SEMC_STS0_IDLE_MASK) != 0x00U) ? true : false;
829 }
831 /*!
832  * @brief SEMC IP command access.
833  *
834  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
835  * @param memType  SEMC memory type. refer to "semc_mem_type_t"
836  * @param address  SEMC device address.
837  * @param command  SEMC IP command.
838  * For NAND device, we should use the SEMC_BuildNandIPCommand to get the right nand command.
839  * For NOR/DBI device, take refer to "semc_ipcmd_nor_dbi_t".
840  * For SRAM device, take refer to "semc_ipcmd_sram_t".
841  * For SDRAM device, take refer to "semc_ipcmd_sdram_t".
842  * @param write  Data for write access.
843  * @param read   Data pointer for read data out.
844  */
845 status_t SEMC_SendIPCommand(
846     SEMC_Type *base, semc_mem_type_t memType, uint32_t address, uint32_t command, uint32_t write, uint32_t *read);
848 /*!
849  * @brief Build SEMC IP command for NAND.
850  *
851  * This function build SEMC NAND IP command. The command is build of user command code,
852  * SEMC address mode and SEMC command mode.
853  *
854  * @param userCommand  NAND device normal command.
855  * @param addrMode  NAND address mode. Refer to "semc_ipcmd_nand_addrmode_t".
856  * @param cmdMode   NAND command mode. Refer to "semc_ipcmd_nand_cmdmode_t".
857  */
SEMC_BuildNandIPCommand(uint8_t userCommand,semc_ipcmd_nand_addrmode_t addrMode,semc_ipcmd_nand_cmdmode_t cmdMode)858 static inline uint16_t SEMC_BuildNandIPCommand(uint8_t userCommand,
859                                                semc_ipcmd_nand_addrmode_t addrMode,
860                                                semc_ipcmd_nand_cmdmode_t cmdMode)
861 {
862     return ((uint16_t)userCommand << 8U) | ((uint16_t)addrMode << 4U) | ((uint16_t)cmdMode & 0x000FU);
863 }
865 /*!
866  * @brief Check if the NAND device is ready.
867  *
868  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
869  * @return  True NAND is ready, false NAND is not ready.
870  */
SEMC_IsNandReady(SEMC_Type * base)871 static inline bool SEMC_IsNandReady(SEMC_Type *base)
872 {
873     return ((base->STS0 & SEMC_STS0_NARDY_MASK) != 0x00U) ? true : false;
874 }
876 /*!
877  * @brief SEMC NAND device memory write through IP command.
878  *
879  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
880  * @param address  SEMC NAND device address.
881  * @param data  Data for write access.
882  * @param size_bytes   Data length.
883  */
884 status_t SEMC_IPCommandNandWrite(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size_bytes);
886 /*!
887  * @brief SEMC NAND device memory read through IP command.
888  *
889  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
890  * @param address  SEMC NAND device address.
891  * @param data  Data pointer for data read out.
892  * @param size_bytes   Data length.
893  */
894 status_t SEMC_IPCommandNandRead(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size_bytes);
896 /*!
897  * @brief SEMC NOR device memory write through IP command.
898  *
899  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
900  * @param address  SEMC NOR device address.
901  * @param data  Data for write access.
902  * @param size_bytes   Data length.
903  */
904 status_t SEMC_IPCommandNorWrite(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size_bytes);
906 /*!
907  * @brief SEMC NOR device memory read through IP command.
908  *
909  * @param base  SEMC peripheral base address.
910  * @param address  SEMC NOR device address.
911  * @param data  Data pointer for data read out.
912  * @param size_bytes   Data length.
913  */
914 status_t SEMC_IPCommandNorRead(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size_bytes);
916 /* @} */
918 #if defined(__cplusplus)
919 }
920 #endif
922 /*! @}*/
924 #endif /* _FSL_SEMC_H_*/