1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2021 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_WM8904_H_
10 #define _FSL_WM8904_H_
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
13 #include "fsl_codec_i2c.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup wm8904
16  * @ingroup codec
17  * @{
18  */
20 /*******************************************************************************
21  * Definitions
22  ******************************************************************************/
23 /*! @name Driver version */
24 /*@{*/
25 /*! @brief WM8904 driver version 2.5.1. */
26 #define FSL_WM8904_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 5, 1))
27 /*@}*/
29 /*! @brief wm8904 handle size */
30 #ifndef WM8904_I2C_HANDLER_SIZE
32 #endif
33 /*! @brief wm8904 debug macro */
34 #ifndef WM8904_DEBUG_REGISTER
35 #define WM8904_DEBUG_REGISTER 0
36 #endif
38 /*! @brief WM8904 register map*/
39 #define WM8904_RESET                    (0x00)
40 #define WM8904_ANALOG_ADC_0             (0x0A)
41 #define WM8904_POWER_MGMT_0             (0x0C)
42 #define WM8904_POWER_MGMT_2             (0x0E)
43 #define WM8904_POWER_MGMT_3             (0x0F)
44 #define WM8904_POWER_MGMT_6             (0x12)
45 #define WM8904_CLK_RATES_0              (0x14)
46 #define WM8904_CLK_RATES_1              (0x15)
47 #define WM8904_CLK_RATES_2              (0x16)
48 #define WM8904_AUDIO_IF_0               (0x18)
49 #define WM8904_AUDIO_IF_1               (0x19)
50 #define WM8904_AUDIO_IF_2               (0x1A)
51 #define WM8904_AUDIO_IF_3               (0x1B)
52 #define WM8904_DAC_DIG_1                (0x21)
53 #define WM8904_DAC_DIG_0                (0x27)
54 #define WM8904_ANALOG_LEFT_IN_0         (0x2C)
55 #define WM8904_ANALOG_RIGHT_IN_0        (0x2D)
56 #define WM8904_ANALOG_LEFT_IN_1         (0x2E)
57 #define WM8904_ANALOG_RIGHT_IN_1        (0x2F)
58 #define WM8904_ANALOG_OUT1_LEFT         (0x39)
59 #define WM8904_ANALOG_OUT1_RIGHT        (0x3A)
60 #define WM8904_ANALOG_OUT12_ZC          (0x3D)
61 #define WM8904_DC_SERVO_0               (0x43)
62 #define WM8904_ANALOG_HP_0              (0x5A)
63 #define WM8904_CHRG_PUMP_0              (0x62)
64 #define WM8904_CLS_W_0                  (0x68)
65 #define WM8904_WRT_SEQUENCER_0          (0x6C)
66 #define WM8904_WRT_SEQUENCER_3          (0x6F)
67 #define WM8904_WRT_SEQUENCER_4          (0x70)
68 #define WM8904_DAC_DIGITAL_VOLUME_LEFT  (0x1E)
69 #define WM8904_DAC_DIGITAL_VOLUME_RIGHT (0x1F)
70 #define WM8904_ADC_DIGITAL_VOLUME_LEFT  (0x24)
71 #define WM8904_ADC_DIGITAL_VOLUME_RIGHT (0x25)
72 #define WM8904_ANALOG_OUT2_LEFT         (0x3B)
73 #define WM8904_ANALOG_OUT2_RIGHT        (0x3C)
74 #define WM8904_GPIO_CONTROL_4           (0x7C)
75 /* FLL control register */
76 #define WM8904_FLL_CONTROL_1 (0x74)
77 #define WM8904_FLL_CONTROL_2 (0x75)
78 #define WM8904_FLL_CONTROL_3 (0x76)
79 #define WM8904_FLL_CONTROL_4 (0x77)
80 #define WM8904_FLL_CONTROL_5 (0x78)
81 /* GPIO control register */
82 #define WM8904_GPIO_CONTROL_1 (0x79)
83 #define WM8904_GPIO_CONTROL_2 (0x7A)
84 #define WM8904_GPIO_CONTROL_3 (0x7B)
85 #define WM8904_GPIO_CONTROL_4 (0x7C)
86 /* fll nco */
87 #define WM8904_FLL_NCO_TEST_0 (0xF7U)
88 #define WM8904_FLL_NCO_TEST_1 (0xF8U)
90 /*! @brief WM8904 I2C address. */
91 #define WM8904_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1A)
93 /*! @brief WM8904 I2C bit rate. */
94 #define WM8904_I2C_BITRATE (400000U)
96 /*!@brief WM8904 maximum volume */
98 #define WM8904_DAC_MAX_VOLUME                   0xC0U
99 /*! @brief WM8904 status return codes.
100  * @anchor _wm8904_status
101  */
102 enum
103 {
104     kStatus_WM8904_Success = 0x0, /*!< Success */
105     kStatus_WM8904_Fail    = 0x1  /*!< Failure */
106 };
108 /*! @brief WM8904  lrc polarity.
109  * @anchor _wm8904_lrc_polarity
110  */
111 enum
112 {
113     kWM8904_LRCPolarityNormal   = 0U,       /*!< LRC polarity  normal */
114     kWM8904_LRCPolarityInverted = 1U << 4U, /*!< LRC polarity inverted */
115 };
117 /*! @brief wm8904 module value*/
118 typedef enum _wm8904_module
119 {
120     kWM8904_ModuleADC       = 0, /*!< moduel ADC */
121     kWM8904_ModuleDAC       = 1, /*!< module DAC */
122     kWM8904_ModulePGA       = 2, /*!< module PGA */
123     kWM8904_ModuleHeadphone = 3, /*!< module headphone */
124     kWM8904_ModuleLineout   = 4, /*!< module line out */
125 } wm8904_module_t;
127 /*! @brief wm8904 play channel
128  * @anchor _wm8904_play_channel
129  */
130 enum
131 {
132     kWM8904_HeadphoneLeft  = 1U,
133     kWM8904_HeadphoneRight = 2U,
134     kWM8904_LineoutLeft    = 4U,
135     kWM8904_LineoutRight   = 8U,
136 };
138 /*! @brief WM8904 time slot. */
139 typedef enum _wm8904_timeslot
140 {
141     kWM8904_TimeSlot0 = 0U, /*!< time slot0 */
142     kWM8904_TimeSlot1 = 1U, /*!< time slot1 */
143 } wm8904_timeslot_t;
145 /*! @brief The audio data transfer protocol. */
146 typedef enum _wm8904_protocol
147 {
148     kWM8904_ProtocolI2S            = 0x2,            /*!< I2S type */
149     kWM8904_ProtocolLeftJustified  = 0x1,            /*!< Left justified mode */
150     kWM8904_ProtocolRightJustified = 0x0,            /*!< Right justified mode */
151     kWM8904_ProtocolPCMA           = 0x3,            /*!< PCM A mode */
152     kWM8904_ProtocolPCMB           = 0x3 | (1 << 4), /*!< PCM B mode */
153 } wm8904_protocol_t;
155 /*! @brief The SYSCLK / fs ratio. */
156 typedef enum _wm8904_fs_ratio
157 {
158     kWM8904_FsRatio64X   = 0x0, /*!< SYSCLK is   64 * sample rate * frame width */
159     kWM8904_FsRatio128X  = 0x1, /*!< SYSCLK is  128 * sample rate * frame width */
160     kWM8904_FsRatio192X  = 0x2, /*!< SYSCLK is  192 * sample rate * frame width */
161     kWM8904_FsRatio256X  = 0x3, /*!< SYSCLK is  256 * sample rate * frame width */
162     kWM8904_FsRatio384X  = 0x4, /*!< SYSCLK is  384 * sample rate * frame width */
163     kWM8904_FsRatio512X  = 0x5, /*!< SYSCLK is  512 * sample rate * frame width */
164     kWM8904_FsRatio768X  = 0x6, /*!< SYSCLK is  768 * sample rate * frame width */
165     kWM8904_FsRatio1024X = 0x7, /*!< SYSCLK is 1024 * sample rate * frame width */
166     kWM8904_FsRatio1408X = 0x8, /*!< SYSCLK is 1408 * sample rate * frame width */
167     kWM8904_FsRatio1536X = 0x9  /*!< SYSCLK is 1536 * sample rate * frame width */
168 } wm8904_fs_ratio_t;
170 /*! @brief Sample rate. */
171 typedef enum _wm8904_sample_rate
172 {
173     kWM8904_SampleRate8kHz    = 0x0, /*!< 8 kHz */
174     kWM8904_SampleRate12kHz   = 0x1, /*!< 12kHz */
175     kWM8904_SampleRate16kHz   = 0x2, /*!< 16kHz */
176     kWM8904_SampleRate24kHz   = 0x3, /*!< 24kHz */
177     kWM8904_SampleRate32kHz   = 0x4, /*!< 32kHz */
178     kWM8904_SampleRate48kHz   = 0x5, /*!< 48kHz */
179     kWM8904_SampleRate11025Hz = 0x6, /*!< 11.025kHz */
180     kWM8904_SampleRate22050Hz = 0x7, /*!< 22.05kHz */
181     kWM8904_SampleRate44100Hz = 0x8  /*!< 44.1kHz */
182 } wm8904_sample_rate_t;
184 /*! @brief Bit width. */
185 typedef enum _wm8904_bit_width
186 {
187     kWM8904_BitWidth16 = 0x0, /*!< 16 bits */
188     kWM8904_BitWidth20 = 0x1, /*!< 20 bits */
189     kWM8904_BitWidth24 = 0x2, /*!< 24 bits */
190     kWM8904_BitWidth32 = 0x3  /*!< 32 bits */
191 } wm8904_bit_width_t;
193 /*! @brief wm8904 record source
194  * @anchor _wm8904_record_source
195  */
196 enum
197 {
198     kWM8904_RecordSourceDifferentialLine = 1U, /*!< record source from differential line */
199     kWM8904_RecordSourceLineInput        = 2U, /*!< record source from line input */
200     kWM8904_RecordSourceDifferentialMic  = 4U, /*!< record source from differential mic */
201     kWM8904_RecordSourceDigitalMic       = 8U, /*!< record source from digital microphone */
202 };
204 /*! @brief wm8904 record channel
205  * @anchor _wm8904_record_channel
206  */
207 enum
208 {
209     kWM8904_RecordChannelLeft1                 = 1U,  /*!< left record channel 1 */
210     kWM8904_RecordChannelLeft2                 = 2U,  /*!< left record channel 2 */
211     kWM8904_RecordChannelLeft3                 = 4U,  /*!< left record channel 3 */
212     kWM8904_RecordChannelRight1                = 1U,  /*!< right record channel 1 */
213     kWM8904_RecordChannelRight2                = 2U,  /*!< right record channel 2 */
214     kWM8904_RecordChannelRight3                = 4U,  /*!< right record channel 3 */
215     kWM8904_RecordChannelDifferentialPositive1 = 1U,  /*!< differential positive record channel 1 */
216     kWM8904_RecordChannelDifferentialPositive2 = 2U,  /*!< differential positive record channel 2 */
217     kWM8904_RecordChannelDifferentialPositive3 = 4U,  /*!< differential positive record channel 3 */
218     kWM8904_RecordChannelDifferentialNegative1 = 8U,  /*!< differential negative record channel 1 */
219     kWM8904_RecordChannelDifferentialNegative2 = 16U, /*!< differential negative record channel 2 */
220     kWM8904_RecordChannelDifferentialNegative3 = 32U, /*!< differential negative record channel 3 */
221 };
223 /*! @brief wm8904 play source
224  * @anchor _wm8904_play_source
225  */
226 enum
227 {
228     kWM8904_PlaySourcePGA = 1U, /*!< play source PGA, bypass ADC */
229     kWM8904_PlaySourceDAC = 4U, /*!< play source Input3 */
230 };
232 /*! @brief wm8904 system clock source */
233 typedef enum _wm8904_sys_clk_source
234 {
235     kWM8904_SysClkSourceMCLK = 0U,       /*!< wm8904 system clock soure from MCLK */
236     kWM8904_SysClkSourceFLL  = 1U << 14, /*!< wm8904 system clock soure from FLL */
237 } wm8904_sys_clk_source_t;
239 /*! @brief wm8904 fll clock source */
240 typedef enum _wm8904_fll_clk_source
241 {
242     kWM8904_FLLClkSourceMCLK = 0U, /*!< wm8904 FLL clock source from MCLK */
243 } wm8904_fll_clk_source_t;
245 /*! @brief wm8904 fll configuration */
246 typedef struct _wm8904_fll_config
247 {
248     wm8904_fll_clk_source_t source; /*!< fll reference clock source */
249     uint32_t refClock_HZ;           /*!< fll reference clock frequency */
250     uint32_t outputClock_HZ;        /*!< fll output clock frequency  */
251 } wm8904_fll_config_t;
253 /*! @brief Audio format configuration. */
254 typedef struct _wm8904_audio_format
255 {
256     wm8904_fs_ratio_t fsRatio;       /*!< SYSCLK / fs ratio */
257     wm8904_sample_rate_t sampleRate; /*!< Sample rate */
258     wm8904_bit_width_t bitWidth;     /*!< Bit width */
259 } wm8904_audio_format_t;
261 /*! @brief Configuration structure of WM8904.*/
262 typedef struct _wm8904_config
263 {
264     bool master;                          /*!< Master or slave */
265     wm8904_sys_clk_source_t sysClkSource; /*!< system clock source */
266     wm8904_fll_config_t *fll;             /*!< fll configuration */
267     wm8904_protocol_t protocol;           /*!< Audio transfer protocol */
268     wm8904_audio_format_t format;         /*!< Audio format */
269     uint32_t mclk_HZ;                     /*!< MCLK frequency value */
271     uint16_t recordSource;       /*!< record source */
272     uint16_t recordChannelLeft;  /*!< record channel */
273     uint16_t recordChannelRight; /*!< record channel */
274     uint16_t playSource;         /*!< play source */
276     uint8_t slaveAddress;         /*!< code device slave address */
277     codec_i2c_config_t i2cConfig; /*!< i2c bus configuration */
278 } wm8904_config_t;
280 /*! @brief wm8904 codec handler
281  */
282 typedef struct _wm8904_handle
283 {
284     wm8904_config_t *config;                    /*!< wm8904 config pointer */
285     uint8_t i2cHandle[WM8904_I2C_HANDLER_SIZE]; /*!< i2c handle */
286 } wm8904_handle_t;
288 /*******************************************************************************
289  * API
290  ******************************************************************************/
291 #if defined(__cplusplus)
292 extern "C" {
293 #endif
295 /*!
296  * @brief WM8904 write register.
297  *
298  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
299  * @param reg register address.
300  * @param value value to write.
301  * @return kStatus_Success, else failed.
302  */
303 status_t WM8904_WriteRegister(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint8_t reg, uint16_t value);
305 /*!
306  * @brief WM8904 write register.
307  *
308  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
309  * @param reg register address.
310  * @param value value to read.
311  * @return kStatus_Success, else failed.
312  */
313 status_t WM8904_ReadRegister(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint8_t reg, uint16_t *value);
315 /*!
316  * @brief WM8904 modify register.
317  *
318  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
319  * @param reg register address.
320  * @param mask register bits mask.
321  * @param value value to write.
322  * @return kStatus_Success, else failed.
323  */
324 status_t WM8904_ModifyRegister(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint8_t reg, uint16_t mask, uint16_t value);
326 /*!
327  * @brief Initializes WM8904.
328  *
329  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
330  * @param wm8904Config WM8904 configuration structure.
331  */
332 status_t WM8904_Init(wm8904_handle_t *handle, wm8904_config_t *wm8904Config);
334 /*!
335  * @brief Deinitializes the WM8904 codec.
336  *
337  * This function resets WM8904.
338  *
339  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
340  *
341  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
342  */
343 status_t WM8904_Deinit(wm8904_handle_t *handle);
345 /*!
346  * @brief Fills the configuration structure with default values.
347  *
348  * The default values are:
349  *
350  *   master = false;
351  *   protocol = kWM8904_ProtocolI2S;
352  *   format.fsRatio = kWM8904_FsRatio64X;
353  *   format.sampleRate = kWM8904_SampleRate48kHz;
354  *   format.bitWidth = kWM8904_BitWidth16;
355  *
356  * @param config default configurations of wm8904.
357  */
358 void WM8904_GetDefaultConfig(wm8904_config_t *config);
360 /*!
361  * @brief Sets WM8904 as master or slave.
362  * @deprecated DO NOT USE THIS API ANYMORE. IT HAS BEEN SUPERCEDED BY @ref WM8904_SetMasterClock
363  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
364  * @param master true for master, false for slave.
365  *
366  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
367  */
368 status_t WM8904_SetMasterSlave(wm8904_handle_t *handle, bool master);
370 /*!
371  * @brief Sets WM8904 master clock configuration.
372  *
373  * User should pay attention to the sysclk parameter ,When using external MCLK as system clock source, the value should
374  * be frequency of MCLK, when using FLL as system clock source, the value should be frequency of the output of FLL.
375  *
376  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
377  * @param sysclk system clock source frequency.
378  * @param sampleRate sample rate
379  * @param bitWidth bit width
380  *
381  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
382  */
383 status_t WM8904_SetMasterClock(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint32_t sysclk, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t bitWidth);
385 /*!
386  * @brief WM8904 set PLL configuration
387  * This function will enable the GPIO1 FLL clock output function, so user can see
388  * the generated fll output clock frequency from WM8904 GPIO1.
389  *
390  * @param handle wm8904 handler pointer.
391  * @param config FLL configuration pointer.
392  *
393  */
394 status_t WM8904_SetFLLConfig(wm8904_handle_t *handle, wm8904_fll_config_t *config);
396 /*!
397  * @brief Sets the audio data transfer protocol.
398  *
399  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
400  * @param protocol Audio transfer protocol.
401  *
402  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
403  */
404 status_t WM8904_SetProtocol(wm8904_handle_t *handle, wm8904_protocol_t protocol);
406 /*!
407  * @brief Sets the audio data format.
408  *
409  * User should pay attention to the sysclk parameter ,When using external MCLK as system clock source, the value should
410  * be frequency of MCLK, when using FLL as system clock source, the value should be frequency of the output of FLL.
411  *
412  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
413  * @param sysclk system clock source frequency.
414  * @param sampleRate Sample rate frequency in Hz.
415  * @param bitWidth Audio data bit width.
416  *
417  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
418  */
419 status_t WM8904_SetAudioFormat(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint32_t sysclk, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t bitWidth);
421 /*!
422  * @brief check and update the audio data format.
423  * This api is used check the fsRatio setting based on the mclk and sample rate, if fsRatio setting
424  * is not correct, it will correct it according to mclk and sample rate.
425  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
426  * @param format audio data format
427  * @param mclkFreq mclk frequency
428  *
429  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
430  */
431 status_t WM8904_CheckAudioFormat(wm8904_handle_t *handle, wm8904_audio_format_t *format, uint32_t mclkFreq);
433 /*!
434  * @brief Sets the module output volume.
435  *
436  * The parameter should be from 0 to 63.
437  * The resulting volume will be.
438  * 0 for -57DB, 63 for 6DB.
439  *
440  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
441  * @param volumeLeft left channel volume.
442  * @param volumeRight right channel volume.
443  *
444  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
445  */
446 status_t WM8904_SetVolume(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint16_t volumeLeft, uint16_t volumeRight);
448 /*!
449  * @brief Sets the headphone output mute.
450  *
451  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
452  * @param muteLeft true to mute left channel, false to unmute.
453  * @param muteRight true to mute right channel, false to unmute.
454  *
455  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
456  */
457 status_t WM8904_SetMute(wm8904_handle_t *handle, bool muteLeft, bool muteRight);
459 /*!
460  * @brief Select LRC polarity.
461  *
462  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
463  * @param polarity LRC clock polarity.
464  *
465  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
466  */
467 status_t WM8904_SelectLRCPolarity(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint32_t polarity);
469 /*!
470  * @brief Enable WM8904 DAC time slot.
471  *
472  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
473  * @param timeSlot timeslot number.
474  *
475  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
476  */
477 status_t WM8904_EnableDACTDMMode(wm8904_handle_t *handle, wm8904_timeslot_t timeSlot);
479 /*!
480  * @brief Enable WM8904 ADC time slot.
481  *
482  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
483  * @param timeSlot timeslot number.
484  *
485  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
486  */
487 status_t WM8904_EnableADCTDMMode(wm8904_handle_t *handle, wm8904_timeslot_t timeSlot);
490 /*!
491  * @brief Reads content of all WM8904 registers and prints it to debug console.
492  *
493  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
494  *
495  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
496  */
497 status_t WM8904_PrintRegisters(wm8904_handle_t *handle);
498 #endif
500 /*!
501  * @brief SET the module output power.
502  *
503  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
504  * @param module wm8904 module.
505  * @param isEnabled, true is power on, false is power down.
506  *
507  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise..
508  */
509 status_t WM8904_SetModulePower(wm8904_handle_t *handle, wm8904_module_t module, bool isEnabled);
511 /*!
512  * @brief SET the DAC module volume.
513  *
514  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
515  * @param volume volume to be configured.
516  *
517  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise..
518  */
519 status_t WM8904_SetDACVolume(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint8_t volume);
521 /*!
522  * @brief Sets the channel output volume.
523  *
524  * The parameter should be from 0 to 63.
525  * The resulting volume will be.
526  * 0 for -57dB, 63 for 6DB.
527  *
528  * @param handle codec handle structure.
529  * @param channel codec channel.
530  * @param volume volume value from 0 -63.
531  *
532  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
533  */
534 status_t WM8904_SetChannelVolume(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint32_t channel, uint32_t volume);
536 /*!
537  * @brief SET the WM8904 record source.
538  *
539  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
540  * @param recordSource record source , can be a value of kCODEC_ModuleRecordSourceDifferentialLine,
541  * kCODEC_ModuleRecordSourceDifferentialMic, kCODEC_ModuleRecordSourceSingleEndMic, kCODEC_ModuleRecordSourceDigitalMic.
542  *
543  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
544  */
545 status_t WM8904_SetRecord(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint32_t recordSource);
547 /*!
548  * @brief SET the WM8904 record source.
549  *
550  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
551  * @param leftRecordChannel channel number of left record channel when using differential source, channel number of
552  * single end left channel when using single end source, channel number of digital mic when using digital mic source.
553  * @param rightRecordChannel channel number of right record channel when using differential source, channel number
554  * of single end right channel when using single end source.
555  *
556  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise..
557  */
558 status_t WM8904_SetRecordChannel(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint32_t leftRecordChannel, uint32_t rightRecordChannel);
560 /*!
561  * @brief SET the WM8904 play source.
562  *
563  * @param handle WM8904 handle structure.
564  * @param playSource play source , can be a value of kCODEC_ModuleHeadphoneSourcePGA,
565  * kCODEC_ModuleHeadphoneSourceDAC, kCODEC_ModuleLineoutSourcePGA, kCODEC_ModuleLineoutSourceDAC.
566  *
567  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise..
568  */
569 status_t WM8904_SetPlay(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint32_t playSource);
571 /*!
572  * @brief Sets the channel mute.
573  *
574  * @param handle codec handle structure.
575  * @param channel codec module name.
576  * @param isMute true is mute, false unmute.
577  *
578  * @return kStatus_WM8904_Success if successful, different code otherwise.
579  */
580 status_t WM8904_SetChannelMute(wm8904_handle_t *handle, uint32_t channel, bool isMute);
582 #if defined(__cplusplus)
583 }
584 #endif
586 /*! @} */
588 #endif /* _FSL_WM8904_H_ */