1 /*
2  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3  * Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor
4  * Copyright (c) 2020, Linaro Ltd.
5  *
6  * Not a generated file. Feel free to modify.
7  */
9 /**
10  * @file
11  * @brief Devicetree main header
12  *
13  * API for accessing the current application's devicetree macros.
14  */
19 #include <zephyr/devicetree_generated.h>
20 #include <zephyr/irq_multilevel.h>
22 #if !defined(_LINKER) && !defined(_ASMLANGUAGE)
23 #include <stdint.h>
24 #endif
26 #include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
28 /**
29  * @brief devicetree.h API
30  * @defgroup devicetree Devicetree
31  * @since 2.2
32  * @version 1.2.0
33  * @{
34  * @}
35  */
37 /*
38  * Property suffixes
39  * -----------------
40  *
41  * These are the optional parts that come after the _P_<property>
42  * part in DT_N_<path-id>_P_<property-id> macros, or the "prop-suf"
43  * nonterminal in the DT guide's macros.bnf file.
44  *
45  * Before adding new ones, check this list to avoid conflicts. If any
46  * are missing from this list, please add them. It should be complete.
47  *
48  * _ENUM_IDX: property's value as an index into bindings enum
49  * _ENUM_VAL_<val>_EXISTS property's value as a token exists
50  * _EXISTS: property is defined
51  * _FOREACH_PROP_ELEM: helper for "iterating" over values in the property
52  * _FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS: foreach functions with variable number of arguments
53  * _IDX_<i>: logical index into property
54  * _IDX_<i>_EXISTS: logical index into property is defined
55  * _IDX_<i>_PH: phandle array's phandle by index (or phandle, phandles)
56  * _IDX_<i>_STRING_TOKEN: string array element value as a token
57  * _IDX_<i>_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN: string array element value as a uppercased token
58  * _IDX <i>_STRING_UNQUOTED: string array element value as a sequence of tokens, with no quotes
59  * _IDX_<i>_VAL_<val>: phandle array's specifier value by index
60  * _IDX_<i>_VAL_<val>_EXISTS: cell value exists, by index
61  * _LEN: property logical length
62  * _NAME_<name>_PH: phandle array's phandle by name
63  * _NAME_<name>_VAL_<val>: phandle array's property specifier by name
64  * _NAME_<name>_VAL_<val>_EXISTS: cell value exists, by name
65  * _STRING_TOKEN: string property's value as a token
66  * _STRING_UPPER_TOKEN: like _STRING_TOKEN, but uppercased
67  * _STRING_UNQUOTED: string property's value as a sequence of tokens, with no quotes
68  */
70 /**
71  * @defgroup devicetree-generic-id Node identifiers and helpers
72  * @ingroup devicetree
73  * @{
74  */
76 /**
77  * @brief Name for an invalid node identifier
78  *
79  * This supports cases where factored macros can be invoked from paths where
80  * devicetree data may or may not be available. It is a preprocessor identifier
81  * that does not match any valid devicetree node identifier.
82  */
83 #define DT_INVALID_NODE _
85 /**
86  * @brief Node identifier for the root node in the devicetree
87  */
88 #define DT_ROOT DT_N
90 /**
91  * @brief Get a node identifier for a devicetree path
92  *
93  * @note This macro returns a node identifier from path components. To get
94  *       a path string from a node identifier, use DT_NODE_PATH() instead.
95  *
96  * The arguments to this macro are the names of non-root nodes in the
97  * tree required to reach the desired node, starting from the root.
98  * Non-alphanumeric characters in each name must be converted to
99  * underscores to form valid C tokens, and letters must be lowercased.
100  *
101  * Example devicetree fragment:
102  *
103  * @code{.dts}
104  *     / {
105  *             soc {
106  *                     serial1: serial@40001000 {
107  *                             status = "okay";
108  *                             current-speed = <115200>;
109  *                             ...
110  *                     };
111  *             };
112  *     };
113  * @endcode
114  *
115  * You can use `DT_PATH(soc, serial_40001000)` to get a node identifier
116  * for the `serial@40001000` node. Node labels like `serial1` cannot be
117  * used as DT_PATH() arguments; use DT_NODELABEL() for those instead.
118  *
119  * Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the `current-speed` property:
120  *
121  * @code{.c}
122  *     DT_PROP(DT_PATH(soc, serial_40001000), current_speed) // 115200
123  * @endcode
124  *
125  * (The `current-speed` property is also in `lowercase-and-underscores`
126  * form when used with this API.)
127  *
128  * When determining arguments to DT_PATH():
129  *
130  * - the first argument corresponds to a child node of the root (`soc` above)
131  * - a second argument corresponds to a child of the first argument
132  *   (`serial_40001000` above, from the node name `serial@40001000`
133  *   after lowercasing and changing `@` to `_`)
134  * - and so on for deeper nodes in the desired node's path
135  *
136  * @param ... lowercase-and-underscores node names along the node's path,
137  *            with each name given as a separate argument
138  * @return node identifier for the node with that path
139  */
140 #define DT_PATH(...) DT_PATH_INTERNAL(__VA_ARGS__)
142 /**
143  * @brief Get a node identifier for a node label
144  *
145  * Convert non-alphanumeric characters in the node label to
146  * underscores to form valid C tokens, and lowercase all letters. Note
147  * that node labels are not the same thing as label properties.
148  *
149  * Example devicetree fragment:
150  *
151  * @code{.dts}
152  *     serial1: serial@40001000 {
153  *             label = "UART_0";
154  *             status = "okay";
155  *             current-speed = <115200>;
156  *             ...
157  *     };
158  * @endcode
159  *
160  * The only node label in this example is `serial1`.
161  *
162  * The string `UART_0` is *not* a node label; it's the value of a
163  * property named label.
164  *
165  * You can use `DT_NODELABEL(serial1)` to get a node identifier for the
166  * `serial@40001000` node. Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the
167  * current-speed property:
168  *
169  * @code{.c}
170  *     DT_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(serial1), current_speed) // 115200
171  * @endcode
172  *
173  * Another example devicetree fragment:
174  *
175  * @code{.dts}
176  *     cpu@0 {
177  *            L2_0: l2-cache {
178  *                    cache-level = <2>;
179  *                    ...
180  *            };
181  *     };
182  * @endcode
183  *
184  * Example usage to get the cache-level property:
185  *
186  * @code{.c}
187  *     DT_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(l2_0), cache_level) // 2
188  * @endcode
189  *
190  * Notice how `L2_0` in the devicetree is lowercased to `l2_0` in the
191  * DT_NODELABEL() argument.
192  *
193  * @param label lowercase-and-underscores node label name
194  * @return node identifier for the node with that label
195  */
196 #define DT_NODELABEL(label) DT_CAT(DT_N_NODELABEL_, label)
198 /**
199  * @brief Get a node identifier from /aliases
200  *
201  * This macro's argument is a property of the `/aliases` node. It
202  * returns a node identifier for the node which is aliased. Convert
203  * non-alphanumeric characters in the alias property to underscores to
204  * form valid C tokens, and lowercase all letters.
205  *
206  * Example devicetree fragment:
207  *
208  * @code{.dts}
209  *     / {
210  *             aliases {
211  *                     my-serial = &serial1;
212  *             };
213  *
214  *             soc {
215  *                     serial1: serial@40001000 {
216  *                             status = "okay";
217  *                             current-speed = <115200>;
218  *                             ...
219  *                     };
220  *             };
221  *     };
222  * @endcode
223  *
224  * You can use DT_ALIAS(my_serial) to get a node identifier for the
225  * `serial@40001000` node. Notice how `my-serial` in the devicetree
226  * becomes `my_serial` in the DT_ALIAS() argument. Example usage with
227  * DT_PROP() to get the current-speed property:
228  *
229  * @code{.c}
230  *     DT_PROP(DT_ALIAS(my_serial), current_speed) // 115200
231  * @endcode
232  *
233  * @param alias lowercase-and-underscores alias name.
234  * @return node identifier for the node with that alias
235  */
236 #define DT_ALIAS(alias) DT_CAT(DT_N_ALIAS_, alias)
238 /**
239  * @brief Test if the devicetree has a given alias
240  * @param alias_name lowercase-and-underscores devicetree alias name
241  * @return 1 if the alias exists and refers to a node, 0 otherwise
242  */
243 #define DT_HAS_ALIAS(alias_name) DT_NODE_EXISTS(DT_ALIAS(alias_name))
245 /**
246  * @brief Get the hash associated with a DT node
247  *
248  * Get the hash for the specified node_id. The hash is calculated on the
249  * full devicetree path of the node.
250  * @param node_id node identifier
251  * @return hash value as a preprocessor token
252  */
253 #define DT_NODE_HASH(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _HASH)
255 /**
256  * @brief Get a node identifier for an instance of a compatible
257  *
258  * All nodes with a particular compatible property value are assigned
259  * instance numbers, which are zero-based indexes specific to that
260  * compatible. You can get a node identifier for these nodes by
261  * passing DT_INST() an instance number, @p inst, along with the
262  * lowercase-and-underscores version of the compatible, @p compat.
263  *
264  * Instance numbers have the following properties:
265  *
266  * - for each compatible, instance numbers start at 0 and are contiguous
267  * - exactly one instance number is assigned for each node with a compatible,
268  *   **including disabled nodes**
269  * - enabled nodes (status property is `okay` or missing) are assigned the
270  *   instance numbers starting from 0, and disabled nodes have instance
271  *   numbers which are greater than those of any enabled node
272  *
273  * No other guarantees are made. In particular:
274  *
275  * - instance numbers **in no way reflect** any numbering scheme that
276  *   might exist in SoC documentation, node labels or unit addresses,
277  *   or properties of the /aliases node (use DT_NODELABEL() or DT_ALIAS()
278  *   for those)
279  * - there **is no general guarantee** that the same node will have
280  *   the same instance number between builds, even if you are building
281  *   the same application again in the same build directory
282  *
283  * Example devicetree fragment:
284  *
285  * @code{.dts}
286  *     serial1: serial@40001000 {
287  *             compatible = "vnd,soc-serial";
288  *             status = "disabled";
289  *             current-speed = <9600>;
290  *             ...
291  *     };
292  *
293  *     serial2: serial@40002000 {
294  *             compatible = "vnd,soc-serial";
295  *             status = "okay";
296  *             current-speed = <57600>;
297  *             ...
298  *     };
299  *
300  *     serial3: serial@40003000 {
301  *             compatible = "vnd,soc-serial";
302  *             current-speed = <115200>;
303  *             ...
304  *     };
305  * @endcode
306  *
307  * Assuming no other nodes in the devicetree have compatible
308  * `"vnd,soc-serial"`, that compatible has nodes with instance numbers
309  * 0, 1, and 2.
310  *
311  * The nodes `serial@40002000` and `serial@40003000` are both enabled, so
312  * their instance numbers are 0 and 1, but no guarantees are made
313  * regarding which node has which instance number.
314  *
315  * Since `serial@40001000` is the only disabled node, it has instance
316  * number 2, since disabled nodes are assigned the largest instance
317  * numbers. Therefore:
318  *
319  * @code{.c}
320  *     // Could be 57600 or 115200. There is no way to be sure:
321  *     // either serial@40002000 or serial@40003000 could
322  *     // have instance number 0, so this could be the current-speed
323  *     // property of either of those nodes.
324  *     DT_PROP(DT_INST(0, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed)
325  *
326  *     // Could be 57600 or 115200, for the same reason.
327  *     // If the above expression expands to 57600, then
328  *     // this expands to 115200, and vice-versa.
329  *     DT_PROP(DT_INST(1, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed)
330  *
331  *     // 9600, because there is only one disabled node, and
332  *     // disabled nodes are "at the end" of the instance
333  *     // number "list".
334  *     DT_PROP(DT_INST(2, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed)
335  * @endcode
336  *
337  * Notice how `"vnd,soc-serial"` in the devicetree becomes `vnd_soc_serial`
338  * (without quotes) in the DT_INST() arguments. (As usual, `current-speed`
339  * in the devicetree becomes `current_speed` as well.)
340  *
341  * Nodes whose `compatible` property has multiple values are assigned
342  * independent instance numbers for each compatible.
343  *
344  * @param inst instance number for compatible @p compat
345  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
346  * @return node identifier for the node with that instance number and
347  *         compatible
348  */
349 #define DT_INST(inst, compat) UTIL_CAT(DT_N_INST, DT_DASH(inst, compat))
351 /**
352  * @brief Get a node identifier for a parent node
353  *
354  * Example devicetree fragment:
355  *
356  * @code{.dts}
357  *     parent: parent-node {
358  *             child: child-node {
359  *                     ...
360  *             };
361  *     };
362  * @endcode
363  *
364  * The following are equivalent ways to get the same node identifier:
365  *
366  * @code{.c}
367  *     DT_NODELABEL(parent)
368  *     DT_PARENT(DT_NODELABEL(child))
369  * @endcode
370  *
371  * @param node_id node identifier
372  * @return a node identifier for the node's parent
373  */
374 #define DT_PARENT(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _PARENT)
376 /**
377  * @brief Get a node identifier for a grandparent node
378  *
379  * Example devicetree fragment:
380  *
381  * @code{.dts}
382  *     gparent: grandparent-node {
383  *             parent: parent-node {
384  *                     child: child-node { ... }
385  *             };
386  *     };
387  * @endcode
388  *
389  * The following are equivalent ways to get the same node identifier:
390  *
391  * @code{.c}
392  *     DT_GPARENT(DT_NODELABEL(child))
394  * @endcode
395  *
396  * @param node_id node identifier
397  * @return a node identifier for the node's parent's parent
398  */
399 #define DT_GPARENT(node_id) DT_PARENT(DT_PARENT(node_id))
401 /**
402  * @brief Get a node identifier for a child node
403  *
404  * Example devicetree fragment:
405  *
406  * @code{.dts}
407  *     / {
408  *             soc-label: soc {
409  *                     serial1: serial@40001000 {
410  *                             status = "okay";
411  *                             current-speed = <115200>;
412  *                             ...
413  *                     };
414  *             };
415  *     };
416  * @endcode
417  *
418  * Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the status of the
419  * `serial@40001000` node:
420  *
421  * @code{.c}
422  *     #define SOC_NODE DT_NODELABEL(soc_label)
423  *     DT_PROP(DT_CHILD(SOC_NODE, serial_40001000), status) // "okay"
424  * @endcode
425  *
426  * Node labels like `serial1` cannot be used as the @p child argument
427  * to this macro. Use DT_NODELABEL() for that instead.
428  *
429  * You can also use DT_FOREACH_CHILD() to iterate over node
430  * identifiers for all of a node's children.
431  *
432  * @param node_id node identifier
433  * @param child lowercase-and-underscores child node name
434  * @return node identifier for the node with the name referred to by 'child'
435  */
436 #define DT_CHILD(node_id, child) UTIL_CAT(node_id, DT_S_PREFIX(child))
438 /**
439  * @brief Get a node identifier for a status `okay` node with a compatible
440  *
441  * Use this if you want to get an arbitrary enabled node with a given
442  * compatible, and you do not care which one you get. If any enabled
443  * nodes with the given compatible exist, a node identifier for one
444  * of them is returned. Otherwise, @ref DT_INVALID_NODE is returned.
445  *
446  * Example devicetree fragment:
447  *
448  * @code{.dts}
449  *	node-a {
450  *		compatible = "vnd,device";
451  *		status = "okay";
452  *	};
453  *
454  *	node-b {
455  *		compatible = "vnd,device";
456  *		status = "okay";
457  *	};
458  *
459  *	node-c {
460  *		compatible = "vnd,device";
461  *		status = "disabled";
462  *	};
463  * @endcode
464  *
465  * Example usage:
466  *
467  * @code{.c}
468  *     DT_COMPAT_GET_ANY_STATUS_OKAY(vnd_device)
469  * @endcode
470  *
471  * This expands to a node identifier for either `node-a` or `node-b`.
472  * It will not expand to a node identifier for `node-c`, because that
473  * node does not have status `okay`.
474  *
475  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
476  * @return node identifier for a node with that compatible, or
477  *         @ref DT_INVALID_NODE
478  */
479 #define DT_COMPAT_GET_ANY_STATUS_OKAY(compat)			\
481 		    (DT_INST(0, compat)),		\
482 		    (DT_INVALID_NODE))
484 /**
485  * @brief Get a devicetree node's full path as a string literal
486  *
487  * This returns the path to a node from a node identifier. To get a
488  * node identifier from path components instead, use DT_PATH().
489  *
490  * Example devicetree fragment:
491  *
492  * @code{.dts}
493  *     / {
494  *             soc {
495  *                     node: my-node@12345678 { ... };
496  *             };
497  *     };
498  * @endcode
499  *
500  * Example usage:
501  *
502  * @code{.c}
503  *    DT_NODE_PATH(DT_NODELABEL(node)) // "/soc/my-node@12345678"
504  *    DT_NODE_PATH(DT_PATH(soc))       // "/soc"
505  *    DT_NODE_PATH(DT_ROOT)            // "/"
506  * @endcode
507  *
508  * @param node_id node identifier
509  * @return the node's full path in the devicetree
510  */
511 #define DT_NODE_PATH(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _PATH)
513 /**
514  * @brief Get a devicetree node's name with unit-address as a string literal
515  *
516  * This returns the node name and unit-address from a node identifier.
517  *
518  * Example devicetree fragment:
519  *
520  * @code{.dts}
521  *     / {
522  *             soc {
523  *                     node: my-node@12345678 { ... };
524  *             };
525  *     };
526  * @endcode
527  *
528  * Example usage:
529  *
530  * @code{.c}
531  *    DT_NODE_FULL_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(node)) // "my-node@12345678"
532  * @endcode
533  *
534  * @param node_id node identifier
535  * @return the node's name with unit-address as a string in the devicetree
536  */
537 #define DT_NODE_FULL_NAME(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _FULL_NAME)
539 /**
540  * @brief Get the node's full name, including the unit-address, as an unquoted
541  *        sequence of tokens
542  *
543  * This macro returns removed "the quotes" from the node's full name.
544  *
545  * Example devicetree fragment:
546  *
547  * @code{.dts}
548  *     / {
549  *             soc {
550  *                     node: my-node@12345678 { ... };
551  *             };
552  *     };
553  * @endcode
554  *
555  * Example usage:
556  *
557  * @code{.c}
558  *    DT_NODE_FULL_NAME_UNQUOTED(DT_NODELABEL(node)) // my-node@12345678
559  * @endcode
560  *
561  * @param node_id node identifier
562  * @return the node's full name with unit-address as a sequence of tokens,
563  *         with no quotes
564  */
567 /**
568  * @brief Get the node's full name, including the unit-address, as a token.
569  *
570  * This macro returns removed "the quotes" from the node's full name and
571  * converting any non-alphanumeric characters to underscores.
572  *
573  * Example devicetree fragment:
574  *
575  * @code{.dts}
576  *     / {
577  *             soc {
578  *                     node: my-node@12345678 { ... };
579  *             };
580  *     };
581  * @endcode
582  *
583  * Example usage:
584  *
585  * @code{.c}
586  *    DT_NODE_FULL_NAME_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(node)) // my_node_12345678
587  * @endcode
588  *
589  * @param node_id node identifier
590  * @return the node's full name with unit-address as a token, i.e. without any quotes
591  *         and with special characters converted to underscores
592  */
593 #define DT_NODE_FULL_NAME_TOKEN(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _FULL_NAME_TOKEN)
595 /**
596  * @brief Like DT_NODE_FULL_NAME_TOKEN(), but uppercased.
597  *
598  * This macro returns removed "the quotes" from the node's full name,
599  * converting any non-alphanumeric characters to underscores, and
600  * capitalizing the result.
601  *
602  * Example devicetree fragment:
603  *
604  * @code{.dts}
605  *     / {
606  *             soc {
607  *                     node: my-node@12345678 { ... };
608  *             };
609  *     };
610  * @endcode
611  *
612  * Example usage:
613  *
614  * @code{.c}
616  * @endcode
617  *
618  * @param node_id node identifier
619  * @return the node's full name with unit-address as an uppercased token,
620  *         i.e. without any quotes and with special characters converted
621  *         to underscores
622  */
625 /**
626  * @brief Get a devicetree node's index into its parent's list of children
627  *
628  * Indexes are zero-based.
629  *
630  * It is an error to use this macro with the root node.
631  *
632  * Example devicetree fragment:
633  *
634  * @code{.dts}
635  *     parent {
636  *             c1: child-1 {};
637  *             c2: child-2 {};
638  *     };
639  * @endcode
640  *
641  * Example usage:
642  *
643  * @code{.c}
644  *     DT_NODE_CHILD_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(c1)) // 0
645  *     DT_NODE_CHILD_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(c2)) // 1
646  * @endcode
647  *
648  * @param node_id node identifier
649  * @return the node's index in its parent node's list of children
650  */
651 #define DT_NODE_CHILD_IDX(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _CHILD_IDX)
653 /**
654  * @brief Get the number of child nodes of a given node
655  *
656  * @param node_id a node identifier
657  * @return Number of child nodes
658  */
659 #define DT_CHILD_NUM(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _CHILD_NUM)
662 /**
663  * @brief Get the number of child nodes of a given node
664  *        which child nodes' status are okay
665  *
666  * @param node_id a node identifier
667  * @return Number of child nodes which status are okay
668  */
669 #define DT_CHILD_NUM_STATUS_OKAY(node_id) \
672 /**
673  * @brief Do @p node_id1 and @p node_id2 refer to the same node?
674  *
675  * Both @p node_id1 and @p node_id2 must be node identifiers for nodes
676  * that exist in the devicetree (if unsure, you can check with
677  * DT_NODE_EXISTS()).
678  *
679  * The expansion evaluates to 0 or 1, but may not be a literal integer
680  * 0 or 1.
681  *
682  * @internal
683  * Implementation note: distinct nodes have distinct node identifiers.
684  * See include/zephyr/devicetree/ordinals.h.
685  * @endinternal
686  *
687  * @param node_id1 first node identifier
688  * @param node_id2 second node identifier
689  * @return an expression that evaluates to 1 if the node identifiers
690  *         refer to the same node, and evaluates to 0 otherwise
691  */
692 #define DT_SAME_NODE(node_id1, node_id2) \
693 	(DT_DEP_ORD(node_id1) == (DT_DEP_ORD(node_id2)))
695 /**
696  * @brief Get a devicetree node's node labels as an array of strings
697  *
698  * Example devicetree fragment:
699  *
700  * @code{.dts}
701  *     foo: bar: node@deadbeef {};
702  * @endcode
703  *
704  * Example usage:
705  *
706  * @code{.c}
708  * @endcode
709  *
710  * This expands to:
711  *
712  * @code{.c}
713  *     { "foo", "bar", }
714  * @endcode
715  *
716  * @param node_id node identifier
717  * @return an array initializer for an array of the node's node labels as strings
718  */
719 #define DT_NODELABEL_STRING_ARRAY(node_id) \
722 /**
723  * @}
724  */
726 /**
727  * @defgroup devicetree-generic-prop Property accessors
728  * @ingroup devicetree
729  * @{
730  */
732 /**
733  * @brief Get a devicetree property value
734  *
735  * For properties whose bindings have the following types, this macro
736  * expands to:
737  *
738  * - string: a string literal
739  * - boolean: `0` if the property is false, or `1` if it is true
740  * - int: the property's value as an integer literal
741  * - array, uint8-array, string-array: an initializer expression in braces,
742  *   whose elements are integer or string literals (like `{0, 1, 2}`,
743  *   `{"hello", "world"}`, etc.)
744  * - phandle: a node identifier for the node with that phandle
745  *
746  * A property's type is usually defined by its binding. In some
747  * special cases, it has an assumed type defined by the devicetree
748  * specification even when no binding is available: `compatible` has
749  * type string-array, `status` has type string, and
750  * `interrupt-controller` has type boolean.
751  *
752  * For other properties or properties with unknown type due to a
753  * missing binding, behavior is undefined.
754  *
755  * For usage examples, see DT_PATH(), DT_ALIAS(), DT_NODELABEL(),
756  * and DT_INST() above.
757  *
758  * @param node_id node identifier
759  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
760  * @return a representation of the property's value
761  */
762 #define DT_PROP(node_id, prop) DT_CAT3(node_id, _P_, prop)
764 /**
765  * @brief Get a property's logical length
766  *
767  * Here, "length" is a number of elements, which may differ from the
768  * property's size in bytes.
769  *
770  * The return value depends on the property's type:
771  *
772  * - for types array, string-array, and uint8-array, this expands
773  *   to the number of elements in the array
774  * - for type phandles, this expands to the number of phandles
775  * - for type phandle-array, this expands to the number of
776  *   phandle and specifier blocks in the property
777  * - for type phandle, this expands to 1 (so that a phandle
778  *   can be treated as a degenerate case of phandles with length 1)
779  * - for type string, this expands to 1 (so that a string can be
780  *   treated as a degenerate case of string-array with length 1)
781  *
782  * These properties are handled as special cases:
783  *
784  * - reg property: use `DT_NUM_REGS(node_id)` instead
785  * - interrupts property: use `DT_NUM_IRQS(node_id)` instead
786  *
787  * It is an error to use this macro with the `ranges`, `dma-ranges`, `reg`
788  * or `interrupts` properties.
789  *
790  * For other properties, behavior is undefined.
791  *
792  * @param node_id node identifier
793  * @param prop a lowercase-and-underscores property with a logical length
794  * @return the property's length
795  */
796 #define DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, prop) DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _LEN)
798 /**
799  * @brief Like DT_PROP_LEN(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
800  *
801  * If the property is defined (as determined by DT_NODE_HAS_PROP()),
802  * this expands to DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, prop). The @p default_value
803  * parameter is not expanded in this case.
804  *
805  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
806  *
807  * @param node_id node identifier
808  * @param prop a lowercase-and-underscores property with a logical length
809  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
810  * @return the property's length or the given default value
811  */
812 #define DT_PROP_LEN_OR(node_id, prop, default_value) \
813 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop), \
814 		    (DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, prop)), (default_value))
816 /**
817  * @brief Is index @p idx valid for an array type property?
818  *
819  * If this returns 1, then DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) or
820  * DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx, ...) are valid at index @p idx.
821  * If it returns 0, it is an error to use those macros with that index.
822  *
823  * These properties are handled as special cases:
824  *
825  * - `reg` property: use DT_REG_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) instead
826  * - `interrupts` property: use DT_IRQ_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) instead
827  *
828  * It is an error to use this macro with the `reg` or `interrupts` properties.
829  *
830  * @param node_id node identifier
831  * @param prop a lowercase-and-underscores property with a logical length
832  * @param idx index to check
833  * @return An expression which evaluates to 1 if @p idx is a valid index
834  *         into the given property, and 0 otherwise.
835  */
836 #define DT_PROP_HAS_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
837 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx, _EXISTS))
839 /**
840  * @brief Is name @p name available in a `foo-names` property?
841  *
842  * This property is handled as special case:
843  *
844  * - `interrupts` property: use DT_IRQ_HAS_NAME(node_id, idx) instead
845  *
846  * It is an error to use this macro with the `interrupts` property.
847  *
848  * Example devicetree fragment:
849  *
850  * @code{.dts}
851  *	nx: node-x {
852  *		foos = <&bar xx yy>, <&baz xx zz>;
853  *		foo-names = "event", "error";
854  *		status = "okay";
855  *	};
856  * @endcode
857  *
858  * Example usage:
859  *
860  * @code{.c}
861  *     DT_PROP_HAS_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(nx), foos, event)    // 1
862  *     DT_PROP_HAS_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(nx), foos, failure)  // 0
863  * @endcode
864  *
865  * @param node_id node identifier
866  * @param prop a lowercase-and-underscores `prop-names` type property
867  * @param name a lowercase-and-underscores name to check
868  * @return An expression which evaluates to 1 if "name" is an available
869  *         name into the given property, and 0 otherwise.
870  */
871 #define DT_PROP_HAS_NAME(node_id, prop, name) \
872 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, prop, _NAME_, name, _EXISTS))
874 /**
875  * @brief Get the value at index @p idx in an array type property
876  *
877  * It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
878  * `node->property[index]`.
879  *
880  * The return value depends on the property's type:
881  *
882  * - for types array, string-array, uint8-array, and phandles,
883  *   this expands to the idx-th array element as an
884  *   integer, string literal, integer, and node identifier
885  *   respectively
886  *
887  * - for type phandle, idx must be 0 and the expansion is a node
888  *   identifier (this treats phandle like a phandles of length 1)
889  *
890  * - for type string, idx must be 0 and the expansion is the
891  *   entire string (this treats string like string-array of length 1)
892  *
893  * These properties are handled as special cases:
894  *
895  * - `reg`: use DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX() or DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX() instead
896  * - `interrupts`: use DT_IRQ_BY_IDX()
897  * - `ranges`: use DT_NUM_RANGES()
898  * - `dma-ranges`: it is an error to use this property with
899  *   DT_PROP_BY_IDX()
900  *
901  * For properties of other types, behavior is undefined.
902  *
903  * @param node_id node identifier
904  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
905  * @param idx the index to get
906  * @return a representation of the idx-th element of the property
907  */
908 #define DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
909 	DT_CAT5(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx)
911 /**
912  * @brief Get the last element of an array type property
913  *
914  * @param node_id node identifier
915  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
916  *
917  * @return a representation of the last element of the property
918  */
919 #define DT_PROP_LAST(node_id, prop) \
920 	DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, UTIL_DEC(DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, prop)))
922 /**
923  * @brief Like DT_PROP(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
924  *
925  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_PROP(node_id, prop).
926  * The @p default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
927  *
928  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
929  *
930  * @param node_id node identifier
931  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
932  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
933  * @return the property's value or @p default_value
934  */
935 #define DT_PROP_OR(node_id, prop, default_value) \
936 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop), \
937 		    (DT_PROP(node_id, prop)), (default_value))
939 /**
940  * @brief Get a property array value's index into its enumeration values
941  *
942  * The return values start at zero.
943  *
944  * Example devicetree fragment:
945  *
946  * @code{.dts}
947  *     some_node: some-node {
948  *         compat = "vend,enum-string-array";
949  *         foos =
950  *             <&phandle val1>,
951  *             <&phandle val2>,
952  *             <&phandle val3>;
953  *         foo-names = "default", "option3", "option1";
954  *     };
955  * @endcode
956  *
957  * Example bindings fragment:
958  *
959  * @code{.yaml}
960  * compatible: vend,enum-string-array
961  * properties:
962  *   foos:
963  *     type: phandle-array
964  *     description: |
965  *       Explanation about what this phandle-array exactly is for.
966  *
967  *   foo-names:
968  *     type: string-array
969  *     description: |
970  *       Some explanation about the available options
971  *       default: explain default
972  *       option1: explain option1
973  *       option2: explain option2
974  *       option3: explain option3
975  *     enum:
976  *       - default
977  *       - option1
978  *       - option2
979  *       - option3
980  * @endcode
981  *
982  * Example usage:
983  *
984  * @code{.c}
985  *     DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(some_node), foo_names, 0) // 0
986  *     DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(some_node), foo_names, 2) // 1
987  * @endcode
988  *
989  * @param node_id node identifier
990  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
991  * @param idx the index to get
992  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum: list
993  */
994 #define DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
995 	DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx, _ENUM_IDX)
997 /**
998  * @brief Equivalent to @ref DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0).
999  * @param node_id node identifier
1000  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1001  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum: list
1002  */
1003 #define DT_ENUM_IDX(node_id, prop) DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0)
1005 /**
1006  * @brief Like DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to a default enum index
1007  *
1008  * If the value exists, this expands to its zero based index value thanks to
1009  * DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx).
1010  *
1011  * Otherwise, this expands to provided default index enum value.
1012  *
1013  * @param node_id node identifier
1014  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1015  * @param idx the index to get
1016  * @param default_idx_value a fallback index value to expand to
1017  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum if present,
1018  *         default_idx_value otherwise
1019  */
1020 #define DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, prop, idx, default_idx_value) \
1021 	COND_CODE_1(DT_PROP_HAS_IDX(node_id, prop, idx), \
1022 		    (DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx)), (default_idx_value))
1024 /**
1025  * @brief Equivalent to DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, prop, 0, default_idx_value).
1026  * @param node_id node identifier
1027  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1028  * @param default_idx_value a fallback index value to expand to
1029  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum if present,
1030  *         default_idx_value otherwise
1031  */
1032 #define DT_ENUM_IDX_OR(node_id, prop, default_idx_value) \
1033 	DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, prop, 0, default_idx_value)
1035 /**
1036  * @brief Does a node enumeration property array have a given value?
1037  *
1038  * @param node_id node identifier
1039  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1040  * @param idx the index to get
1041  * @param value lowercase-and-underscores enumeration value
1042  * @return 1 if the node property has the value @a value, 0 otherwise.
1043  */
1044 #define DT_ENUM_HAS_VALUE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx, value) \
1045 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT8(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx, _ENUM_VAL_, value, _EXISTS))
1047 /**
1048  * @brief Equivalent to DT_ENUM_HAS_VALUE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0, value).
1049  * @param node_id node identifier
1050  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1051  * @param value lowercase-and-underscores enumeration value
1052  * @return 1 if the node property has the value @a value, 0 otherwise.
1053  */
1054 #define DT_ENUM_HAS_VALUE(node_id, prop, value) \
1055 	DT_ENUM_HAS_VALUE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0, value)
1057 /**
1058  * @brief Get a string property's value as a token.
1059  *
1060  * This removes "the quotes" from a string property's value,
1061  * converting any non-alphanumeric characters to underscores. This can
1062  * be useful, for example, when programmatically using the value to
1063  * form a C variable or code.
1064  *
1065  * DT_STRING_TOKEN() can only be used for properties with string type.
1066  *
1067  * It is an error to use DT_STRING_TOKEN() in other circumstances.
1068  *
1069  * Example devicetree fragment:
1070  *
1071  * @code{.dts}
1072  *     n1: node-1 {
1073  *             prop = "foo";
1074  *     };
1075  *     n2: node-2 {
1076  *             prop = "FOO";
1077  *     }
1078  *     n3: node-3 {
1079  *             prop = "123 foo";
1080  *     };
1081  * @endcode
1082  *
1083  * Example bindings fragment:
1084  *
1085  * @code{.yaml}
1086  *     properties:
1087  *       prop:
1088  *         type: string
1089  * @endcode
1090  *
1091  * Example usage:
1092  *
1093  * @code{.c}
1094  *     DT_STRING_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop) // foo
1095  *     DT_STRING_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop) // FOO
1096  *     DT_STRING_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(n3), prop) // 123_foo
1097  * @endcode
1098  *
1099  * Notice how:
1100  *
1101  * - Unlike C identifiers, the property values may begin with a
1102  *   number. It's the user's responsibility not to use such values as
1103  *   the name of a C identifier.
1104  *
1105  * - The uppercased `"FOO"` in the DTS remains `FOO` as a token. It is
1106  *   *not* converted to `foo`.
1107  *
1108  * - The whitespace in the DTS `"123 foo"` string is converted to
1109  *   `123_foo` as a token.
1110  *
1111  * @param node_id node identifier
1112  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1113  * @return the value of @p prop as a token, i.e. without any quotes
1114  *         and with special characters converted to underscores
1115  */
1116 #define DT_STRING_TOKEN(node_id, prop) \
1117 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _STRING_TOKEN)
1119 /**
1120  * @brief Like DT_STRING_TOKEN(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
1121  *
1122  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_STRING_TOKEN(node_id, prop).
1123  * The @p default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
1124  *
1125  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
1126  *
1127  * @param node_id node identifier
1128  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1129  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
1130  * @return the property's value as a token, or @p default_value
1131  */
1132 #define DT_STRING_TOKEN_OR(node_id, prop, default_value) \
1133 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop), \
1134 		(DT_STRING_TOKEN(node_id, prop)), (default_value))
1136 /**
1137  * @brief Like DT_STRING_TOKEN(), but uppercased.
1138  *
1139  * This removes "the quotes" from a string property's value,
1140  * converting any non-alphanumeric characters to underscores, and
1141  * capitalizing the result. This can be useful, for example, when
1142  * programmatically using the value to form a C variable or code.
1143  *
1144  * DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN() can only be used for properties with string type.
1145  *
1146  * It is an error to use DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN() in other circumstances.
1147  *
1148  * Example devicetree fragment:
1149  *
1150  * @code{.dts}
1151  *     n1: node-1 {
1152  *             prop = "foo";
1153  *     };
1154  *     n2: node-2 {
1155  *             prop = "123 foo";
1156  *     };
1157  * @endcode
1158  *
1159  * Example bindings fragment:
1160  *
1161  * @code{.yaml}
1162  *     properties:
1163  *       prop:
1164  *         type: string
1165  *
1166  * @endcode
1167  *
1168  * Example usage:
1169  *
1170  * @code{.c}
1171  *     DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop) // FOO
1172  *     DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop) // 123_FOO
1173  * @endcode
1174  *
1175  * Notice how:
1176  *
1177  * - Unlike C identifiers, the property values may begin with a
1178  *   number. It's the user's responsibility not to use such values as
1179  *   the name of a C identifier.
1180  *
1181  * - The lowercased `"foo"` in the DTS becomes `FOO` as a token, i.e.
1182  *   it is uppercased.
1183  *
1184  * - The whitespace in the DTS `"123 foo"` string is converted to
1185  *   `123_FOO` as a token, i.e. it is uppercased and whitespace becomes
1186  *   an underscore.
1187  *
1188  * @param node_id node identifier
1189  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1190  * @return the value of @p prop as an uppercased token, i.e. without
1191  *         any quotes and with special characters converted to underscores
1192  */
1193 #define DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN(node_id, prop) \
1194 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _STRING_UPPER_TOKEN)
1196 /**
1197  * @brief Like DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
1198  *
1199  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN(node_id, prop).
1200  * The @p default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
1201  *
1202  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
1203  *
1204  * @param node_id node identifier
1205  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1206  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
1207  * @return the property's value as an uppercased token,
1208  *         or @p default_value
1209  */
1210 #define DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_OR(node_id, prop, default_value) \
1211 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop), \
1212 		(DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN(node_id, prop)), (default_value))
1214 /**
1215  * @brief Get a string property's value as an unquoted sequence of tokens
1216  *
1217  * This removes "the quotes" from string-valued properties.
1218  * That can be useful, for example,
1219  * when defining floating point values as a string in devicetree
1220  * that you would like to use to initialize a float or double variable in C.
1221  *
1222  * DT_STRING_UNQUOTED() can only be used for properties with string type.
1223  *
1224  * It is an error to use DT_STRING_UNQUOTED() in other circumstances.
1225  *
1226  * Example devicetree fragment:
1227  *
1228  *     n1: node-1 {
1229  *             prop = "12.7";
1230  *     };
1231  *     n2: node-2 {
1232  *             prop = "0.5";
1233  *     }
1234  *     n3: node-3 {
1235  *             prop = "A B C";
1236  *     };
1237  *
1238  * Example bindings fragment:
1239  *
1240  *     properties:
1241  *       prop:
1242  *         type: string
1243  *
1244  * Example usage:
1245  *
1246  *     DT_STRING_UNQUOTED(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop) // 12.7
1247  *     DT_STRING_UNQUOTED(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop) // 0.5
1248  *     DT_STRING_UNQUOTED(DT_NODELABEL(n3), prop) // A B C
1249  *
1250  * @param node_id node identifier
1251  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1252  * @return the property's value as a sequence of tokens, with no quotes
1253  */
1254 #define DT_STRING_UNQUOTED(node_id, prop) \
1255 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _STRING_UNQUOTED)
1257 /**
1258  * @brief Like DT_STRING_UNQUOTED(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
1259  *
1260  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_STRING_UNQUOTED(node_id, prop).
1261  * The @p default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
1262  *
1263  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
1264  *
1265  * @param node_id node identifier
1266  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1267  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
1268  * @return the property's value as a sequence of tokens, with no quotes,
1269  *         or @p default_value
1270  */
1271 #define DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_OR(node_id, prop, default_value) \
1272 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop), \
1273 		(DT_STRING_UNQUOTED(node_id, prop)), (default_value))
1275 /**
1276  * @brief Get an element out of a string-array property as a token.
1277  *
1278  * This removes "the quotes" from an element in the array, and converts
1279  * non-alphanumeric characters to underscores. That can be useful, for example,
1280  * when programmatically using the value to form a C variable or code.
1281  *
1282  * DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX() can only be used for properties with
1283  * string-array type.
1284  *
1285  * It is an error to use DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX() in other circumstances.
1286  *
1287  * Example devicetree fragment:
1288  *
1289  * @code{.dts}
1290  *     n1: node-1 {
1291  *             prop = "f1", "F2";
1292  *     };
1293  *     n2: node-2 {
1294  *             prop = "123 foo", "456 FOO";
1295  *     };
1296  * @endcode
1297  *
1298  * Example bindings fragment:
1299  *
1300  * @code{.yaml}
1301  *     properties:
1302  *       prop:
1303  *         type: string-array
1304  * @endcode
1305  *
1306  * Example usage:
1307  *
1308  * @code{.c}
1309  *     DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop, 0) // f1
1310  *     DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop, 1) // F2
1311  *     DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop, 0) // 123_foo
1312  *     DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop, 1) // 456_FOO
1313  * @endcode
1314  *
1315  * For more information, see @ref DT_STRING_TOKEN.
1316  *
1317  * @param node_id node identifier
1318  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1319  * @param idx the index to get
1320  * @return the element in @p prop at index @p idx as a token
1321  */
1322 #define DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
1323 	DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx, _STRING_TOKEN)
1325 /**
1326  * @brief Like DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(), but uppercased.
1327  *
1328  * This removes "the quotes" and capitalizes an element in the array, and
1329  * converts non-alphanumeric characters to underscores. That can be useful, for
1330  * example, when programmatically using the value to form a C variable or code.
1331  *
1332  * DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX() can only be used for properties with
1333  * string-array type.
1334  *
1335  * It is an error to use DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX() in other circumstances.
1336  *
1337  * Example devicetree fragment:
1338  *
1339  * @code{.dts}
1340  *     n1: node-1 {
1341  *             prop = "f1", "F2";
1342  *     };
1343  *     n2: node-2 {
1344  *             prop = "123 foo", "456 FOO";
1345  *     };
1346  * @endcode
1347  *
1348  * Example bindings fragment:
1349  *
1350  * @code{.yaml}
1351  *     properties:
1352  *       prop:
1353  *         type: string-array
1354  * @endcode
1355  *
1356  * Example usage:
1357  *
1358  * @code{.c}
1359  *     DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop, 0) // F1
1360  *     DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop, 1) // F2
1361  *     DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop, 0) // 123_FOO
1362  *     DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop, 1) // 456_FOO
1363  * @endcode
1364  *
1365  * For more information, see @ref DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN.
1366  *
1367  * @param node_id node identifier
1368  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1369  * @param idx the index to get
1370  * @return the element in @p prop at index @p idx as an uppercased token
1371  */
1372 #define DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
1373 	DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx, _STRING_UPPER_TOKEN)
1375 /**
1376  * @brief Get a string array item value as an unquoted sequence of tokens.
1377  *
1378  * This removes "the quotes" from string-valued item.
1379  * That can be useful, for example,
1380  * when defining floating point values as a string in devicetree
1381  * that you would like to use to initialize a float or double variable in C.
1382  *
1383  * DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX() can only be used for properties with
1384  * string-array type.
1385  *
1386  * It is an error to use DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX() in other circumstances.
1387  *
1388  * Example devicetree fragment:
1389  *
1390  *     n1: node-1 {
1391  *             prop = "12.7", "34.1";
1392  *     };
1393  *     n2: node-2 {
1394  *             prop = "A B", "C D";
1395  *     }
1396  *
1397  * Example bindings fragment:
1398  *
1399  *     properties:
1400  *       prop:
1401  *         type: string-array
1402  *
1403  * Example usage:
1404  *
1405  *     DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop, 0) // 12.7
1406  *     DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop, 1) // 34.1
1407  *     DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop, 0) // A B
1408  *     DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop, 1) // C D
1409  *
1410  * @param node_id node identifier
1411  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
1412  * @param idx the index to get
1413  * @return the property's value as a sequence of tokens, with no quotes
1414  */
1415 #define DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
1416 	DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx, _STRING_UNQUOTED)
1418 /*
1419  * phandle properties
1420  *
1421  * These are special-cased to manage the impedance mismatch between
1422  * phandles, which are just uint32_t node properties that only make sense
1423  * within the tree itself, and C values.
1424  */
1426 /**
1427  * @brief Get a property value from a phandle in a property.
1428  *
1429  * This is a shorthand for:
1430  *
1431  * @code{.c}
1432  *     DT_PROP(DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, phs, idx), prop)
1433  * @endcode
1434  *
1435  * That is, @p prop is a property of the phandle's node, not a
1436  * property of @p node_id.
1437  *
1438  * Example devicetree fragment:
1439  *
1440  * @code{.dts}
1441  *     n1: node-1 {
1442  *             foo = <&n2 &n3>;
1443  *     };
1444  *
1445  *     n2: node-2 {
1446  *             bar = <42>;
1447  *     };
1448  *
1449  *     n3: node-3 {
1450  *             baz = <43>;
1451  *     };
1452  * @endcode
1453  *
1454  * Example usage:
1455  *
1456  * @code{.c}
1457  *     #define N1 DT_NODELABEL(n1)
1458  *
1459  *     DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(N1, foo, 0, bar) // 42
1460  *     DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(N1, foo, 1, baz) // 43
1461  * @endcode
1462  *
1463  * @param node_id node identifier
1464  * @param phs lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle`,
1465  *            `phandles`, or `phandle-array`
1466  * @param idx logical index into @p phs, which must be zero if @p phs
1467  *            has type `phandle`
1468  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
1469  * @return the property's value
1470  */
1471 #define DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, phs, idx, prop) \
1472 	DT_PROP(DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, phs, idx), prop)
1474 /**
1475  * @brief Like DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(), but with a fallback to
1476  * @p default_value.
1477  *
1478  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, phs,
1479  * idx, prop). The @p default_value parameter is not expanded in this
1480  * case.
1481  *
1482  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
1483  *
1484  * @param node_id node identifier
1485  * @param phs lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle`,
1486  *            `phandles`, or `phandle-array`
1487  * @param idx logical index into @p phs, which must be zero if @p phs
1488  *            has type `phandle`
1489  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
1490  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
1491  * @return the property's value
1492  */
1493 #define DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX_OR(node_id, phs, idx, prop, default_value) \
1494 	DT_PROP_OR(DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, phs, idx), prop, default_value)
1496 /**
1497  * @brief Get a property value from a phandle's node
1498  *
1499  * This is equivalent to DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, ph, 0, prop).
1500  *
1501  * @param node_id node identifier
1502  * @param ph lowercase-and-underscores property of @p node_id
1503  *           with type `phandle`
1504  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
1505  * @return the property's value
1506  */
1507 #define DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE(node_id, ph, prop) \
1508 	DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, ph, 0, prop)
1510 /**
1511  * @brief Get a phandle-array specifier cell value at an index
1512  *
1513  * It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
1514  * `node->phandle_array[index].cell`. That is, the cell value is in
1515  * the @p pha property of @p node_id, inside the specifier at index
1516  * @p idx.
1517  *
1518  * Example devicetree fragment:
1519  *
1520  * @code{.dts}
1521  *     gpio0: gpio@abcd1234 {
1522  *             #gpio-cells = <2>;
1523  *     };
1524  *
1525  *     gpio1: gpio@1234abcd {
1526  *             #gpio-cells = <2>;
1527  *     };
1528  *
1529  *     led: led_0 {
1530  *             gpios = <&gpio0 17 0x1>, <&gpio1 5 0x3>;
1531  *     };
1532  * @endcode
1533  *
1534  * Bindings fragment for the `gpio0` and `gpio1` nodes:
1535  *
1536  * @code{.yaml}
1537  *     gpio-cells:
1538  *       - pin
1539  *       - flags
1540  * @endcode
1541  *
1542  * Above, `gpios` has two elements:
1543  *
1544  * - index 0 has specifier <17 0x1>, so its `pin` cell is 17, and its
1545  *   `flags` cell is 0x1
1546  * - index 1 has specifier <5 0x3>, so `pin` is 5 and `flags` is 0x3
1547  *
1548  * Example usage:
1549  *
1550  * @code{.c}
1551  *     #define LED DT_NODELABEL(led)
1552  *
1553  *     DT_PHA_BY_IDX(LED, gpios, 0, pin)   // 17
1554  *     DT_PHA_BY_IDX(LED, gpios, 1, flags) // 0x3
1555  * @endcode
1556  *
1557  * @param node_id node identifier
1558  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
1559  * @param idx logical index into @p pha
1560  * @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name within the specifier
1561  *             at @p pha index @p idx
1562  * @return the cell's value
1563  */
1564 #define DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, idx, cell) \
1565 	DT_CAT7(node_id, _P_, pha, _IDX_, idx, _VAL_, cell)
1567 /**
1568  * @brief Like DT_PHA_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to @p default_value.
1569  *
1570  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha,
1571  * idx, cell). The @p default_value parameter is not expanded in this
1572  * case.
1573  *
1574  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
1575  *
1576  * @internal
1577  * Implementation note: the _IDX_##idx##_VAL_##cell##_EXISTS macros are
1578  * defined, so it's safe to use DT_PROP_OR() here, because that uses an
1579  * IS_ENABLED() on the _EXISTS macro.
1580  * @endinternal
1581  *
1582  * @param node_id node identifier
1583  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
1584  * @param idx logical index into @p pha
1585  * @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name within the specifier
1586  *             at @p pha index @p idx
1587  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
1588  * @return the cell's value or @p default_value
1589  */
1590 #define DT_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, pha, idx, cell, default_value) \
1591 	DT_PROP_OR(node_id, DT_CAT5(pha, _IDX_, idx, _VAL_, cell), default_value)
1593 /**
1594  * @brief Equivalent to DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
1595  * @param node_id node identifier
1596  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
1597  * @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name
1598  * @return the cell's value
1599  */
1600 #define DT_PHA(node_id, pha, cell) DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
1602 /**
1603  * @brief Like DT_PHA(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
1604  *
1605  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA(node_id, pha, cell).
1606  * The @p default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
1607  *
1608  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
1609  *
1610  * @param node_id node identifier
1611  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
1612  * @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name
1613  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
1614  * @return the cell's value or @p default_value
1615  */
1616 #define DT_PHA_OR(node_id, pha, cell, default_value) \
1617 	DT_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, pha, 0, cell, default_value)
1619 /**
1620  * @brief Get a value within a phandle-array specifier by name
1621  *
1622  * This is like DT_PHA_BY_IDX(), except it treats @p pha as a structure
1623  * where each array element has a name.
1624  *
1625  * It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
1626  * `node->phandle_struct.name.cell`. That is, the cell value is in the
1627  * @p pha property of @p node_id, treated as a data structure where
1628  * each array element has a name.
1629  *
1630  * Example devicetree fragment:
1631  *
1632  * @code{.dts}
1633  *     n: node {
1634  *             io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>;
1635  *             io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP";
1636  *     };
1637  * @endcode
1638  *
1639  * Bindings fragment for the "adc1" and "adc2" nodes:
1640  *
1641  * @code{.yaml}
1642  *     io-channel-cells:
1643  *       - input
1644  * @endcode
1645  *
1646  * Example usage:
1647  *
1648  * @code{.c}
1649  *     DT_PHA_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), io_channels, sensor, input)  // 10
1650  *     DT_PHA_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), io_channels, bandgap, input) // 20
1651  * @endcode
1652  *
1653  * @param node_id node identifier
1654  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
1655  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in @p pha
1656  * @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name in the named specifier
1657  * @return the cell's value
1658  */
1659 #define DT_PHA_BY_NAME(node_id, pha, name, cell) \
1660 	DT_CAT7(node_id, _P_, pha, _NAME_, name, _VAL_, cell)
1662 /**
1663  * @brief Like DT_PHA_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
1664  *
1665  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA_BY_NAME(node_id, pha,
1666  * name, cell). The @p default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
1667  *
1668  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
1669  *
1670  * @internal
1671  * Implementation note: the `_NAME_##name##_VAL_##cell##_EXISTS` macros are
1672  * defined, so it's safe to use DT_PROP_OR() here, because that uses an
1673  * IS_ENABLED() on the `_EXISTS` macro.
1674  * @endinternal
1675  *
1676  * @param node_id node identifier
1677  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
1678  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in @p pha
1679  * @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name in the named specifier
1680  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
1681  * @return the cell's value or @p default_value
1682  */
1683 #define DT_PHA_BY_NAME_OR(node_id, pha, name, cell, default_value) \
1684 	DT_PROP_OR(node_id, DT_CAT5(pha, _NAME_, name, _VAL_, cell), default_value)
1686 /**
1687  * @brief Get a phandle's node identifier from a phandle array by @p name
1688  *
1689  * It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
1690  * `node->phandle_struct.name.phandle`. That is, the phandle array is
1691  * treated as a structure with named elements. The return value is
1692  * the node identifier for a phandle inside the structure.
1693  *
1694  * Example devicetree fragment:
1695  *
1696  * @code{.dts}
1697  *     adc1: adc@abcd1234 {
1698  *             foobar = "ADC_1";
1699  *     };
1700  *
1701  *     adc2: adc@1234abcd {
1702  *             foobar = "ADC_2";
1703  *     };
1704  *
1705  *     n: node {
1706  *             io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>;
1707  *             io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP";
1708  *     };
1709  * @endcode
1710  *
1711  * Above, "io-channels" has two elements:
1712  *
1713  * - the element named `"SENSOR"` has phandle `&adc1`
1714  * - the element named `"BANDGAP"` has phandle `&adc2`
1715  *
1716  * Example usage:
1717  *
1718  * @code{.c}
1719  *     #define NODE DT_NODELABEL(n)
1720  *
1721  *     DT_PROP(DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(NODE, io_channels, sensor), foobar)  // "ADC_1"
1722  *     DT_PROP(DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(NODE, io_channels, bandgap), foobar) // "ADC_2"
1723  * @endcode
1724  *
1725  * Notice how devicetree properties and names are lowercased, and
1726  * non-alphanumeric characters are converted to underscores.
1727  *
1728  * @param node_id node identifier
1729  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
1730  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of an element in @p pha
1731  * @return a node identifier for the node with that phandle
1732  */
1733 #define DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(node_id, pha, name) \
1734 	DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, pha, _NAME_, name, _PH)
1736 /**
1737  * @brief Get a node identifier for a phandle in a property.
1738  *
1739  * When a node's value at a logical index contains a phandle, this
1740  * macro returns a node identifier for the node with that phandle.
1741  *
1742  * Therefore, if @p prop has type `phandle`, @p idx must be zero. (A
1743  * `phandle` type is treated as a `phandles` with a fixed length of
1744  * 1).
1745  *
1746  * Example devicetree fragment:
1747  *
1748  * @code{.dts}
1749  *     n1: node-1 {
1750  *             foo = <&n2 &n3>;
1751  *     };
1752  *
1753  *     n2: node-2 { ... };
1754  *     n3: node-3 { ... };
1755  * @endcode
1756  *
1757  * Above, `foo` has type phandles and has two elements:
1758  *
1759  * - index 0 has phandle `&n2`, which is `node-2`'s phandle
1760  * - index 1 has phandle `&n3`, which is `node-3`'s phandle
1761  *
1762  * Example usage:
1763  *
1764  * @code{.c}
1765  *     #define N1 DT_NODELABEL(n1)
1766  *
1767  *     DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(N1, foo, 0) // node identifier for node-2
1768  *     DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(N1, foo, 1) // node identifier for node-3
1769  * @endcode
1770  *
1771  * Behavior is analogous for phandle-arrays.
1772  *
1773  * @internal
1774  * Implementation note: using DT_CAT6 above defers concatenation until
1775  * after expansion of each parameter. This is important when 'idx' is
1776  * expandable to a number, but it isn't one "yet".
1777  * @endinternal
1778  *
1779  * @param node_id node identifier
1780  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name in @p node_id
1781  *             with type `phandle`, `phandles` or `phandle-array`
1782  * @param idx index into @p prop
1783  * @return node identifier for the node with the phandle at that index
1784  */
1785 #define DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
1786 	DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx, _PH)
1788 /**
1789  * @brief Get a node identifier for a phandle property's value
1790  *
1791  * This is equivalent to DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0). Its primary
1792  * benefit is readability when @p prop has type `phandle`.
1793  *
1794  * @param node_id node identifier
1795  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of @p node_id
1796  *             with type `phandle`
1797  * @return a node identifier for the node pointed to by "ph"
1798  */
1799 #define DT_PHANDLE(node_id, prop) DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0)
1801 /**
1802  * @}
1803  */
1805 /**
1806  * @defgroup devicetree-ranges-prop ranges property
1807  * @ingroup devicetree
1808  * @{
1809  */
1811 /**
1812  * @brief Get the number of range blocks in the ranges property
1813  *
1814  * Use this instead of DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, ranges).
1815  *
1816  * Example devicetree fragment:
1817  *
1818  * @code{.dts}
1819  *     pcie0: pcie@0 {
1820  *             compatible = "pcie-controller";
1821  *             reg = <0 1>;
1822  *             #address-cells = <3>;
1823  *             #size-cells = <2>;
1824  *
1825  *             ranges = <0x1000000 0 0 0 0x3eff0000 0 0x10000>,
1826  *                      <0x2000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x2eff0000>,
1827  *                      <0x3000000 0x80 0 0x80 0 0x80 0>;
1828  *     };
1829  *
1830  *     other: other@1 {
1831  *             reg = <1 1>;
1832  *
1833  *             ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3eff0000 0x10000>,
1834  *                      <0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x10000000 0x2eff0000>;
1835  *     };
1836  * @endcode
1837  *
1838  * Example usage:
1839  *
1840  * @code{.c}
1841  *     DT_NUM_RANGES(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0)) // 3
1842  *     DT_NUM_RANGES(DT_NODELABEL(other)) // 2
1843  * @endcode
1844  *
1845  * @param node_id node identifier
1846  */
1847 #define DT_NUM_RANGES(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _RANGES_NUM)
1849 /**
1850  * @brief Is @p idx a valid range block index?
1851  *
1852  * If this returns 1, then DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(node_id, idx),
1853  * DT_RANGES_PARENT_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) or
1854  * DT_RANGES_LENGTH_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) are valid.
1855  * For DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) the return value
1856  * of DT_RANGES_HAS_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_AT_IDX(node_id, idx) will indicate
1857  * validity.
1858  * If it returns 0, it is an error to use those macros with index @p idx,
1859  * including DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(node_id, idx).
1860  *
1861  * Example devicetree fragment:
1862  *
1863  * @code{.dts}
1864  *     pcie0: pcie@0 {
1865  *             compatible = "pcie-controller";
1866  *             reg = <0 1>;
1867  *             #address-cells = <3>;
1868  *             #size-cells = <2>;
1869  *
1870  *             ranges = <0x1000000 0 0 0 0x3eff0000 0 0x10000>,
1871  *                      <0x2000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x2eff0000>,
1872  *                      <0x3000000 0x80 0 0x80 0 0x80 0>;
1873  *     };
1874  *
1875  *     other: other@1 {
1876  *             reg = <1 1>;
1877  *
1878  *             ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3eff0000 0x10000>,
1879  *                      <0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x10000000 0x2eff0000>;
1880  *     };
1881  * @endcode
1882  *
1883  * Example usage:
1884  *
1885  * @code{.c}
1886  *     DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 0) // 1
1887  *     DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 1) // 1
1888  *     DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 2) // 1
1889  *     DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 3) // 0
1890  *     DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 0) // 1
1891  *     DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 1) // 1
1892  *     DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 2) // 0
1893  *     DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 3) // 0
1894  * @endcode
1895  *
1896  * @param node_id node identifier
1897  * @param idx index to check
1898  * @return 1 if @p idx is a valid register block index,
1899  *         0 otherwise.
1900  */
1901 #define DT_RANGES_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) \
1902 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT4(node_id, _RANGES_IDX_, idx, _EXISTS))
1904 /**
1905  * @brief Does a ranges property have child bus flags at index?
1906  *
1907  * If this returns 1, then DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) is valid.
1908  * If it returns 0, it is an error to use this macro with index @p idx.
1909  * This macro only returns 1 for PCIe buses (i.e. nodes whose bindings specify they
1910  * are "pcie" bus nodes.)
1911  *
1912  * Example devicetree fragment:
1913  *
1914  * @code{.dts}
1915  *     parent {
1916  *             #address-cells = <2>;
1917  *
1918  *             pcie0: pcie@0 {
1919  *                     compatible = "pcie-controller";
1920  *                     reg = <0 0 1>;
1921  *                     #address-cells = <3>;
1922  *                     #size-cells = <2>;
1923  *
1924  *                     ranges = <0x1000000 0 0 0 0x3eff0000 0 0x10000>,
1925  *                              <0x2000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x2eff0000>,
1926  *                              <0x3000000 0x80 0 0x80 0 0x80 0>;
1927  *             };
1928  *
1929  *             other: other@1 {
1930  *                     reg = <0 1 1>;
1931  *
1932  *                     ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3eff0000 0x10000>,
1933  *                              <0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x10000000 0x2eff0000>;
1934  *             };
1935  *     };
1936  * @endcode
1937  *
1938  * Example usage:
1939  *
1940  * @code{.c}
1949  * @endcode
1950  *
1951  * @param node_id node identifier
1952  * @param idx logical index into the ranges array
1953  * @return 1 if @p idx is a valid child bus flags index,
1954  *         0 otherwise.
1955  */
1956 #define DT_RANGES_HAS_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_AT_IDX(node_id, idx) \
1959 /**
1960  * @brief Get the ranges property child bus flags at index
1961  *
1962  * When the node is a PCIe bus, the Child Bus Address has an extra cell used to store some
1963  * flags, thus this cell is extracted from the Child Bus Address as Child Bus Flags field.
1964  *
1965  * Example devicetree fragments:
1966  *
1967  * @code{.dts}
1968  *     parent {
1969  *             #address-cells = <2>;
1970  *
1971  *             pcie0: pcie@0 {
1972  *                     compatible = "pcie-controller";
1973  *                     reg = <0 0 1>;
1974  *                     #address-cells = <3>;
1975  *                     #size-cells = <2>;
1976  *
1977  *                     ranges = <0x1000000 0 0 0 0x3eff0000 0 0x10000>,
1978  *                              <0x2000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x2eff0000>,
1979  *                              <0x3000000 0x80 0 0x80 0 0x80 0>;
1980  *             };
1981  *     };
1982  * @endcode
1983  *
1984  * Example usage:
1985  *
1986  * @code{.c}
1987  *     DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 0) // 0x1000000
1988  *     DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 1) // 0x2000000
1989  *     DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 2) // 0x3000000
1990  * @endcode
1991  *
1992  * @param node_id node identifier
1993  * @param idx logical index into the ranges array
1994  * @returns range child bus flags field at idx
1995  */
1996 #define DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
1997 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _RANGES_IDX_, idx, _VAL_CHILD_BUS_FLAGS)
1999 /**
2000  * @brief Get the ranges property child bus address at index
2001  *
2002  * When the node is a PCIe bus, the Child Bus Address has an extra cell used to store some
2003  * flags, thus this cell is removed from the Child Bus Address.
2004  *
2005  * Example devicetree fragments:
2006  *
2007  * @code{.dts}
2008  *     parent {
2009  *             #address-cells = <2>;
2010  *
2011  *             pcie0: pcie@0 {
2012  *                     compatible = "pcie-controller";
2013  *                     reg = <0 0 1>;
2014  *                     #address-cells = <3>;
2015  *                     #size-cells = <2>;
2016  *
2017  *                     ranges = <0x1000000 0 0 0 0x3eff0000 0 0x10000>,
2018  *                              <0x2000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x2eff0000>,
2019  *                              <0x3000000 0x80 0 0x80 0 0x80 0>;
2020  *             };
2021  *
2022  *             other: other@1 {
2023  *                     reg = <0 1 1>;
2024  *
2025  *                     ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3eff0000 0x10000>,
2026  *                              <0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x10000000 0x2eff0000>;
2027  *             };
2028  *     };
2029  * @endcode
2030  *
2031  * Example usage:
2032  *
2033  * @code{.c}
2035  *     DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 1) // 0x10000000
2036  *     DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 2) // 0x8000000000
2038  *     DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 1) // 0x10000000
2039  * @endcode
2040  *
2041  * @param node_id node identifier
2042  * @param idx logical index into the ranges array
2043  * @returns range child bus address field at idx
2044  */
2045 #define DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2046 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _RANGES_IDX_, idx, _VAL_CHILD_BUS_ADDRESS)
2048 /**
2049  * @brief Get the ranges property parent bus address at index
2050  *
2051  * Similarly to DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(), this properly accounts
2052  * for child bus flags cells when the node is a PCIe bus.
2053  *
2054  * Example devicetree fragment:
2055  *
2056  * @code{.dts}
2057  *     parent {
2058  *             #address-cells = <2>;
2059  *
2060  *             pcie0: pcie@0 {
2061  *                     compatible = "pcie-controller";
2062  *                     reg = <0 0 1>;
2063  *                     #address-cells = <3>;
2064  *                     #size-cells = <2>;
2065  *
2066  *                     ranges = <0x1000000 0 0 0 0x3eff0000 0 0x10000>,
2067  *                              <0x2000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x2eff0000>,
2068  *                              <0x3000000 0x80 0 0x80 0 0x80 0>;
2069  *             };
2070  *
2071  *             other: other@1 {
2072  *                     reg = <0 1 1>;
2073  *
2074  *                     ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3eff0000 0x10000>,
2075  *                              <0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x10000000 0x2eff0000>;
2076  *             };
2077  *     };
2078  * @endcode
2079  *
2080  * Example usage:
2081  *
2082  * @code{.c}
2083  *     DT_RANGES_PARENT_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 0) // 0x3eff0000
2084  *     DT_RANGES_PARENT_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 1) // 0x10000000
2085  *     DT_RANGES_PARENT_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 2) // 0x8000000000
2086  *     DT_RANGES_PARENT_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 0) // 0x3eff0000
2087  *     DT_RANGES_PARENT_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 1) // 0x10000000
2088  * @endcode
2089  *
2090  * @param node_id node identifier
2091  * @param idx logical index into the ranges array
2092  * @returns range parent bus address field at idx
2093  */
2094 #define DT_RANGES_PARENT_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2095 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _RANGES_IDX_, idx, _VAL_PARENT_BUS_ADDRESS)
2097 /**
2098  * @brief Get the ranges property length at index
2099  *
2100  * Similarly to DT_RANGES_CHILD_BUS_ADDRESS_BY_IDX(), this properly accounts
2101  * for child bus flags cells when the node is a PCIe bus.
2102  *
2103  * Example devicetree fragment:
2104  *
2105  * @code{.dts}
2106  *     parent {
2107  *             #address-cells = <2>;
2108  *
2109  *             pcie0: pcie@0 {
2110  *                     compatible = "pcie-controller";
2111  *                     reg = <0 0 1>;
2112  *                     #address-cells = <3>;
2113  *                     #size-cells = <2>;
2114  *
2115  *                     ranges = <0x1000000 0 0 0 0x3eff0000 0 0x10000>,
2116  *                              <0x2000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x10000000 0 0x2eff0000>,
2117  *                              <0x3000000 0x80 0 0x80 0 0x80 0>;
2118  *             };
2119  *
2120  *             other: other@1 {
2121  *                     reg = <0 1 1>;
2122  *
2123  *                     ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3eff0000 0x10000>,
2124  *                              <0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x10000000 0x2eff0000>;
2125  *             };
2126  *     };
2127  * @endcode
2128  *
2129  * Example usage:
2130  *
2131  * @code{.c}
2132  *     DT_RANGES_LENGTH_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 0) // 0x10000
2133  *     DT_RANGES_LENGTH_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 1) // 0x2eff0000
2134  *     DT_RANGES_LENGTH_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(pcie0), 2) // 0x8000000000
2135  *     DT_RANGES_LENGTH_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 0) // 0x10000
2136  *     DT_RANGES_LENGTH_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(other), 1) // 0x2eff0000
2137  * @endcode
2138  *
2139  * @param node_id node identifier
2140  * @param idx logical index into the ranges array
2141  * @returns range length field at idx
2142  */
2143 #define DT_RANGES_LENGTH_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2144 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _RANGES_IDX_, idx, _VAL_LENGTH)
2146 /**
2147  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each entry of @p node_id ranges property
2148  *
2149  * The macro @p fn must take two parameters, @p node_id which will be the node
2150  * identifier of the node with the ranges property and @p idx the index of
2151  * the ranges block.
2152  *
2153  * Example devicetree fragment:
2154  *
2155  * @code{.dts}
2156  *     n: node@0 {
2157  *             reg = <0 0 1>;
2158  *
2159  *             ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3eff0000 0x10000>,
2160  *                      <0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x10000000 0x2eff0000>;
2161  *     };
2162  * @endcode
2163  *
2164  * Example usage:
2165  *
2166  * @code{.c}
2167  *     #define RANGE_LENGTH(node_id, idx) DT_RANGES_LENGTH_BY_IDX(node_id, idx),
2168  *
2169  *     const uint64_t *ranges_length[] = {
2171  *     };
2172  * @endcode
2173  *
2174  * This expands to:
2175  *
2176  * @code{.c}
2177  *     const char *ranges_length[] = {
2178  *         0x10000, 0x2eff0000,
2179  *     };
2180  * @endcode
2181  *
2182  * @param node_id node identifier
2183  * @param fn macro to invoke
2184  */
2185 #define DT_FOREACH_RANGE(node_id, fn) \
2186 	DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_RANGE)(fn)
2188 /**
2189  * @}
2190  */
2192 /**
2193  * @defgroup devicetree-generic-vendor Vendor and model name helpers
2194  * @ingroup devicetree
2195  * @{
2196  */
2198 /**
2199  * @brief Get the vendor at index @p idx as a string literal
2200  *
2201  * The vendor is a string extracted from vendor prefixes if an entry exists
2202  * that matches the node's compatible prefix. There may be as many as one
2203  * vendor prefixes file per directory in DTS_ROOT.
2204  *
2205  * Example vendor-prefixes.txt:
2206  *
2207  *	vnd	A stand-in for a real vendor
2208  *	zephyr	Zephyr-specific binding
2209  *
2210  * Example devicetree fragment:
2211  *
2212  * @code{.dts}
2213  *	n1: node-1 {
2214  *		compatible = "vnd,model1", "gpio", "zephyr,model2";
2215  *	};
2216  * @endcode
2217  *
2218  * Example usage:
2219  *
2220  * @code{.c}
2221  *	DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), 0) // "A stand-in for a real vendor"
2222  *	DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), 2) // "Zephyr-specific binding"
2223  * @endcode
2224  *
2225  * Notice that the compatible at index 1 doesn't match any entries in the
2226  * vendor prefix file and therefore index 1 is not a valid vendor index. Use
2227  * DT_NODE_VENDOR_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) to determine if an index is valid.
2228  *
2229  * @param node_id node identifier
2230  * @param idx index of the vendor to return
2231  * @return string literal of the idx-th vendor
2232  */
2233 #define DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2234 	DT_CAT3(node_id, _COMPAT_VENDOR_IDX_, idx)
2236 /**
2237  * @brief Does a node's compatible property have a vendor at an index?
2238  *
2239  * If this returns 1, then DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) is valid. If it
2240  * returns 0, it is an error to use DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) with
2241  * index @p idx.
2242  *
2243  * @param node_id node identifier
2244  * @param idx index of the vendor to check
2245  * @return 1 if @p idx is a valid vendor index,
2246  *         0 otherwise.
2247  */
2248 #define DT_NODE_VENDOR_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2251 /**
2252  * @brief Like DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to default_value.
2253  *
2254  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx).
2255  * The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
2256  *
2257  * Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
2258  *
2259  * @param node_id node identifier
2260  * @param idx index of the vendor to return
2261  * @return string literal of the idx-th vendor
2262  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
2263  * @return string literal of the idx-th vendor or "default_value"
2264  */
2265 #define DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, idx, default_value) \
2266 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_VENDOR_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx), \
2267 		    (DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx)), (default_value))
2269 /**
2270  * @brief Get the node's (only) vendor as a string literal
2271  *
2272  * Equivalent to DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, 0, default_value).
2273  *
2274  * @param node_id node identifier
2275  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
2276  */
2277 #define DT_NODE_VENDOR_OR(node_id, default_value) \
2278 	DT_NODE_VENDOR_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, 0, default_value)
2280 /**
2281  * @brief Get the model at index "idx" as a string literal
2282  *
2283  * The model is a string extracted from the compatible after the vendor prefix.
2284  *
2285  * Example vendor-prefixes.txt:
2286  *
2287  *	vnd	A stand-in for a real vendor
2288  *	zephyr	Zephyr-specific binding
2289  *
2290  * Example devicetree fragment:
2291  *
2292  *	n1: node-1 {
2293  *		compatible = "vnd,model1", "gpio", "zephyr,model2";
2294  *	};
2295  *
2296  * Example usage:
2297  *
2298  *	DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), 0) // "model1"
2299  *	DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n1), 2) // "model2"
2300  *
2301  * Notice that the compatible at index 1 doesn't match any entries in the
2302  * vendor prefix file and therefore index 1 is not a valid model index. Use
2303  * DT_NODE_MODEL_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) to determine if an index is valid.
2304  *
2305  * @param node_id node identifier
2306  * @param idx index of the model to return
2307  * @return string literal of the idx-th model
2308  */
2309 #define DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2310 	DT_CAT3(node_id, _COMPAT_MODEL_IDX_, idx)
2312 /**
2313  * @brief Does a node's compatible property have a model at an index?
2314  *
2315  * If this returns 1, then DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) is valid. If it
2316  * returns 0, it is an error to use DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) with
2317  * index "idx".
2318  *
2319  * @param node_id node identifier
2320  * @param idx index of the model to check
2321  * @return 1 if "idx" is a valid model index,
2322  *         0 otherwise.
2323  */
2324 #define DT_NODE_MODEL_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2325 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT4(node_id, _COMPAT_MODEL_IDX_, idx, _EXISTS))
2327 /**
2328  * @brief Like DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to default_value.
2329  *
2330  * If the value exists, this expands to DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX(node_id, idx).
2331  * The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
2332  *
2333  * Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
2334  *
2335  * @param node_id node identifier
2336  * @param idx index of the model to return
2337  * @return string literal of the idx-th model
2338  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
2339  * @return string literal of the idx-th model or "default_value"
2340  */
2341 #define DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, idx, default_value) \
2342 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_MODEL_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx), \
2343 		    (DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX(node_id, idx)), (default_value))
2345 /**
2346  * @brief Get the node's (only) model as a string literal
2347  *
2348  * Equivalent to DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, 0, default_value).
2349  *
2350  * @param node_id node identifier
2351  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
2352  */
2353 #define DT_NODE_MODEL_OR(node_id, default_value) \
2354 	DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, 0, default_value)
2356 /**
2357  * @}
2358  */
2360 /**
2361  * @defgroup devicetree-reg-prop reg property
2362  * @ingroup devicetree
2363  * @{
2364  */
2366 /**
2367  * @brief Get the number of register blocks in the reg property
2368  *
2369  * Use this instead of DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, reg).
2370  * @param node_id node identifier
2371  * @return Number of register blocks in the node's "reg" property.
2372  */
2373 #define DT_NUM_REGS(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _REG_NUM)
2375 /**
2376  * @brief Is @p idx a valid register block index?
2377  *
2378  * If this returns 1, then DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) or
2379  * DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) are valid.
2380  * If it returns 0, it is an error to use those macros with index @p idx.
2381  * @param node_id node identifier
2382  * @param idx index to check
2383  * @return 1 if @p idx is a valid register block index,
2384  *         0 otherwise.
2385  */
2386 #define DT_REG_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2387 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT4(node_id, _REG_IDX_, idx, _EXISTS))
2389 /**
2390  * @brief Is @p name a valid register block name?
2391  *
2392  * If this returns 1, then DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(node_id, name) or
2393  * DT_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(node_id, name) are valid.
2394  * If it returns 0, it is an error to use those macros with name @p name.
2395  * @param node_id node identifier
2396  * @param name name to check
2397  * @return 1 if @p name is a valid register block name,
2398  *         0 otherwise.
2399  */
2400 #define DT_REG_HAS_NAME(node_id, name) \
2401 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT4(node_id, _REG_NAME_, name, _EXISTS))
2403 /**
2404  * @brief Get the base raw address of the register block at index @p idx
2405  *
2406  * Get the base address of the register block at index @p idx without any
2407  * type suffix. This can be used to index other devicetree properties, use the
2408  * non _RAW macros for assigning values in actual code.
2409  *
2410  * @param node_id node identifier
2411  * @param idx index of the register whose address to return
2412  * @return address of the idx-th register block
2413  */
2414 #define DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX_RAW(node_id, idx) \
2415 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _REG_IDX_, idx, _VAL_ADDRESS)
2417 /**
2418  * @brief Get a node's (only) register block raw address
2419  *
2420  * Get a node's only register block address without any type suffix. This can
2421  * be used to index other devicetree properties, use the non _RAW macros for
2422  * assigning values in actual code.
2423  *
2424  * Equivalent to DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX_RAW(node_id, 0).
2425  * @param node_id node identifier
2426  * @return node's register block address
2427  */
2428 #define DT_REG_ADDR_RAW(node_id) \
2429 	DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX_RAW(node_id, 0)
2431 /**
2432  * @brief Get the base address of the register block at index @p idx
2433  * @param node_id node identifier
2434  * @param idx index of the register whose address to return
2435  * @return address of the idx-th register block
2436  */
2437 #define DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2438 	DT_U32_C(DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX_RAW(node_id, idx))
2440 /**
2441  * @brief Get the size of the register block at index @p idx
2442  *
2443  * This is the size of an individual register block, not the total
2444  * number of register blocks in the property; use DT_NUM_REGS() for
2445  * that.
2446  *
2447  * @param node_id node identifier
2448  * @param idx index of the register whose size to return
2449  * @return size of the idx-th register block
2450  */
2451 #define DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2452 	DT_U32_C(DT_CAT4(node_id, _REG_IDX_, idx, _VAL_SIZE))
2454 /**
2455  * @brief Get a node's (only) register block address
2456  *
2457  * Equivalent to DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0).
2458  * @param node_id node identifier
2459  * @return node's register block address
2460  */
2461 #define DT_REG_ADDR(node_id) DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
2463 /**
2464  * @brief 64-bit version of DT_REG_ADDR()
2465  *
2466  * This macro version adds the appropriate suffix for 64-bit unsigned
2467  * integer literals.
2468  * Note that this macro is equivalent to DT_REG_ADDR() in linker/ASM context.
2469  *
2470  * @param node_id node identifier
2471  * @return node's register block address
2472  */
2473 #define DT_REG_ADDR_U64(node_id) DT_U64_C(DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX_RAW(node_id, 0))
2475 /**
2476  * @brief Get a node's (only) register block size
2477  *
2478  * Equivalent to DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, 0).
2479  * @param node_id node identifier
2480  * @return node's only register block's size
2481  */
2482 #define DT_REG_SIZE(node_id) DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
2484 /**
2485  * @brief Get a register block's base address by name
2486  * @param node_id node identifier
2487  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
2488  * @return address of the register block specified by name
2489  */
2490 #define DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(node_id, name) \
2491 	DT_U32_C(DT_CAT4(node_id, _REG_NAME_, name, _VAL_ADDRESS))
2493 /**
2494  * @brief Like DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
2495  * @param node_id node identifier
2496  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
2497  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
2498  * @return address of the register block specified by name if present,
2499  *         @p default_value otherwise
2500  */
2501 #define DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME_OR(node_id, name, default_value) \
2502 	COND_CODE_1(DT_REG_HAS_NAME(node_id, name), \
2503 		    (DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(node_id, name)), (default_value))
2505 /**
2506  * @brief 64-bit version of DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME()
2507  *
2508  * This macro version adds the appropriate suffix for 64-bit unsigned
2509  * integer literals.
2510  * Note that this macro is equivalent to DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME() in
2511  * linker/ASM context.
2512  *
2513  * @param node_id node identifier
2514  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
2515  * @return address of the register block specified by name
2516  */
2517 #define DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME_U64(node_id, name) \
2518 	DT_U64_C(DT_CAT4(node_id, _REG_NAME_, name, _VAL_ADDRESS))
2520 /**
2521  * @brief Get a register block's size by name
2522  * @param node_id node identifier
2523  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
2524  * @return size of the register block specified by name
2525  */
2526 #define DT_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(node_id, name) \
2527 	DT_U32_C(DT_CAT4(node_id, _REG_NAME_, name, _VAL_SIZE))
2529 /**
2530  * @brief Like DT_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
2531  * @param node_id node identifier
2532  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
2533  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
2534  * @return size of the register block specified by name if present,
2535  *         @p default_value otherwise
2536  */
2537 #define DT_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME_OR(node_id, name, default_value) \
2538 	COND_CODE_1(DT_REG_HAS_NAME(node_id, name), \
2539 		    (DT_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(node_id, name)), (default_value))
2542 /**
2543  * @}
2544  */
2546 /**
2547  * @defgroup devicetree-interrupts-prop interrupts property
2548  * @ingroup devicetree
2549  * @{
2550  */
2552 /**
2553  * @brief Get the number of interrupt sources for the node
2554  *
2555  * Use this instead of DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, interrupts).
2556  *
2557  * @param node_id node identifier
2558  * @return Number of interrupt specifiers in the node's "interrupts" property.
2559  */
2560 #define DT_NUM_IRQS(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _IRQ_NUM)
2562 /**
2563  * @brief Get the number of node labels that a node has
2564  *
2565  * Example devicetree fragment:
2566  *
2567  * @code{.dts}
2568  *     / {
2569  *         foo {};
2570  *         bar: bar@1000 {};
2571  *         baz: baz2: baz@2000 {};
2572  *     };
2573  * @endcode
2574  *
2575  * Example usage:
2576  *
2577  * @code{.c}
2578  *     DT_NUM_NODELABELS(DT_PATH(foo))      // 0
2579  *     DT_NUM_NODELABELS(DT_NODELABEL(bar)) // 1
2580  *     DT_NUM_NODELABELS(DT_NODELABEL(baz)) // 2
2581  * @endcode
2582  *
2583  * @param node_id node identifier
2584  * @return number of node labels that the node has
2585  */
2586 #define DT_NUM_NODELABELS(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _NODELABEL_NUM)
2588 /**
2589  * @brief Get the interrupt level for the node
2590  *
2591  * @param node_id node identifier
2592  * @return interrupt level
2593  */
2594 #define DT_IRQ_LEVEL(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _IRQ_LEVEL)
2596 /**
2597  * @brief Is @p idx a valid interrupt index?
2598  *
2599  * If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) is valid.
2600  * If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro with this index.
2601  * @param node_id node identifier
2602  * @param idx index to check
2603  * @return 1 if the idx is valid for the interrupt property
2604  *         0 otherwise.
2605  */
2606 #define DT_IRQ_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2607 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT4(node_id, _IRQ_IDX_, idx, _EXISTS))
2609 /**
2610  * @brief Does an interrupts property have a named cell specifier at an index?
2611  * If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, cell) is valid.
2612  * If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro.
2613  * @param node_id node identifier
2614  * @param idx index to check
2615  * @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
2616  * @return 1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index idx
2617  *         0 otherwise.
2618  */
2619 #define DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, idx, cell) \
2620 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT6(node_id, _IRQ_IDX_, idx, _VAL_, cell, _EXISTS))
2622 /**
2623  * @brief Equivalent to DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
2624  * @param node_id node identifier
2625  * @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
2626  * @return 1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index 0
2627  *         0 otherwise.
2628  */
2629 #define DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL(node_id, cell) DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
2631 /**
2632  * @brief Does an interrupts property have a named specifier value at an index?
2633  * If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_NAME(node_id, name, cell) is valid.
2634  * If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro.
2635  * @param node_id node identifier
2636  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
2637  * @return 1 if "name" is a valid named specifier
2638  *         0 otherwise.
2639  */
2640 #define DT_IRQ_HAS_NAME(node_id, name) \
2641 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT4(node_id, _IRQ_NAME_, name, _VAL_irq_EXISTS))
2643 /**
2644  * @brief Get a value within an interrupt specifier at an index
2645  *
2646  * It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
2647  * "node->interrupts[index].cell".
2648  *
2649  * This can be used to get information about an individual interrupt
2650  * when a device generates more than one.
2651  *
2652  * Example devicetree fragment:
2653  *
2654  * @code{.dts}
2655  *     my-serial: serial@abcd1234 {
2656  *             interrupts = < 33 0 >, < 34 1 >;
2657  *     };
2658  * @endcode
2659  *
2660  * Assuming the node's interrupt domain has "#interrupt-cells = <2>;" and
2661  * the individual cells in each interrupt specifier are named "irq" and
2662  * "priority" by the node's binding, here are some examples:
2663  *
2664  *     #define SERIAL DT_NODELABEL(my_serial)
2665  *
2666  *     Example usage                       Value
2667  *     -------------                       -----
2668  *     DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 0, irq)          33
2669  *     DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 0, priority)      0
2670  *     DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 1, irq,          34
2671  *     DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 1, priority)      1
2672  *
2673  * @param node_id node identifier
2674  * @param idx logical index into the interrupt specifier array
2675  * @param cell cell name specifier
2676  * @return the named value at the specifier given by the index
2677  */
2678 #define DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, cell)   \
2679 	DT_CAT5(node_id, _IRQ_IDX_, idx, _VAL_, cell)
2681 /**
2682  * @brief Get a value within an interrupt specifier by name
2683  *
2684  * It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
2685  * `node->interrupts.name.cell`.
2686  *
2687  * This can be used to get information about an individual interrupt
2688  * when a device generates more than one, if the bindings give each
2689  * interrupt specifier a name.
2690  *
2691  * @param node_id node identifier
2692  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
2693  * @param cell cell name specifier
2694  * @return the named value at the specifier given by the index
2695  */
2696 #define DT_IRQ_BY_NAME(node_id, name, cell) \
2697 	DT_CAT5(node_id, _IRQ_NAME_, name, _VAL_, cell)
2699 /**
2700  * @brief Get an interrupt specifier's value
2701  * Equivalent to DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, 0, cell).
2702  * @param node_id node identifier
2703  * @param cell cell name specifier
2704  * @return the named value at that index
2705  */
2706 #define DT_IRQ(node_id, cell) DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
2708 /**
2709  * @brief Get an interrupt specifier's interrupt controller by index
2710  *
2711  * @code{.dts}
2712  *     gpio0: gpio0 {
2713  *             interrupt-controller;
2714  *             #interrupt-cells = <2>;
2715  *     };
2716  *
2717  *     foo: foo {
2718  *             interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
2719  *             interrupts = <1 1>, <2 2>;
2720  *     };
2721  *
2722  *     bar: bar {
2723  *             interrupts-extended = <&gpio0 3 3>, <&pic0 4>;
2724  *     };
2725  *
2726  *     pic0: pic0 {
2727  *             interrupt-controller;
2728  *             #interrupt-cells = <1>;
2729  *
2730  *             qux: qux {
2731  *                     interrupts = <5>, <6>;
2732  *                     interrupt-names = "int1", "int2";
2733  *             };
2734  *     };
2735  * @endcode
2736  *
2737  * Example usage:
2738  *
2739  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(foo), 0) // &gpio0
2740  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(foo), 1) // &gpio0
2741  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(bar), 0) // &gpio0
2742  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(bar), 1) // &pic0
2743  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(qux), 0) // &pic0
2744  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(qux), 1) // &pic0
2745  *
2746  * @param node_id node identifier
2747  * @param idx interrupt specifier's index
2748  * @return node_id of interrupt specifier's interrupt controller
2749  */
2750 #define DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
2751 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _IRQ_IDX_, idx, _CONTROLLER)
2753 /**
2754  * @brief Get an interrupt specifier's interrupt controller by name
2755  *
2756  * @code{.dts}
2757  *     gpio0: gpio0 {
2758  *             interrupt-controller;
2759  *             #interrupt-cells = <2>;
2760  *     };
2761  *
2762  *     foo: foo {
2763  *             interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
2764  *             interrupts = <1 1>, <2 2>;
2765  *             interrupt-names = "int1", "int2";
2766  *     };
2767  *
2768  *     bar: bar {
2769  *             interrupts-extended = <&gpio0 3 3>, <&pic0 4>;
2770  *             interrupt-names = "int1", "int2";
2771  *     };
2772  *
2773  *     pic0: pic0 {
2774  *             interrupt-controller;
2775  *             #interrupt-cells = <1>;
2776  *
2777  *             qux: qux {
2778  *                     interrupts = <5>, <6>;
2779  *                     interrupt-names = "int1", "int2";
2780  *             };
2781  *     };
2782  * @endcode
2783  *
2784  * Example usage:
2785  *
2786  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(foo), int1) // &gpio0
2787  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(foo), int2) // &gpio0
2788  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(bar), int1) // &gpio0
2789  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(bar), int2) // &pic0
2790  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(qux), int1) // &pic0
2791  *     DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(qux), int2) // &pic0
2792  *
2793  * @param node_id node identifier
2794  * @param name interrupt specifier's name
2795  * @return node_id of interrupt specifier's interrupt controller
2796  */
2797 #define DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(node_id, name) \
2798 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _IRQ_NAME_, name, _CONTROLLER)
2800 /**
2801  * @brief Get an interrupt specifier's interrupt controller
2802  * @note Equivalent to DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
2803  *
2804  * @code{.dts}
2805  *     gpio0: gpio0 {
2806  *             interrupt-controller;
2807  *             #interrupt-cells = <2>;
2808  *     };
2809  *
2810  *     foo: foo {
2811  *             interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
2812  *             interrupts = <1 1>;
2813  *     };
2814  *
2815  *     bar: bar {
2816  *             interrupts-extended = <&gpio0 3 3>;
2817  *     };
2818  *
2819  *     pic0: pic0 {
2820  *             interrupt-controller;
2821  *             #interrupt-cells = <1>;
2822  *
2823  *             qux: qux {
2824  *                     interrupts = <5>;
2825  *             };
2826  *     };
2827  * @endcode
2828  *
2829  * Example usage:
2830  *
2831  *     DT_IRQ_INTC(DT_NODELABEL(foo)) // &gpio0
2832  *     DT_IRQ_INTC(DT_NODELABEL(bar)) // &gpio0
2833  *     DT_IRQ_INTC(DT_NODELABEL(qux)) // &pic0
2834  *
2835  * @param node_id node identifier
2836  * @return node_id of interrupt specifier's interrupt controller
2837  * @see DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX()
2838  */
2839 #define DT_IRQ_INTC(node_id) \
2840 	DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
2842 /**
2843  * @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
2844  */
2846 /* DT helper macro to encode a node's IRQN to level 1 according to the multi-level scheme */
2847 #define DT_IRQN_L1_INTERNAL(node_id, idx) DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, irq)
2848 /* DT helper macro to encode a node's IRQN to level 2 according to the multi-level scheme */
2849 #define DT_IRQN_L2_INTERNAL(node_id, idx)                                                          \
2850 	(IRQ_TO_L2(DT_IRQN_L1_INTERNAL(node_id, idx)) |                                            \
2851 	 DT_IRQ(DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(node_id, idx), irq))
2852 /* DT helper macro to encode a node's IRQN to level 3 according to the multi-level scheme */
2853 #define DT_IRQN_L3_INTERNAL(node_id, idx)                                                          \
2854 	(IRQ_TO_L3(DT_IRQN_L1_INTERNAL(node_id, idx)) |                                            \
2855 	 IRQ_TO_L2(DT_IRQ(DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(node_id, idx), irq)) |                                \
2856 	 DT_IRQ(DT_IRQ_INTC(DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(node_id, idx)), irq))
2857 /* DT helper macro for the macros above */
2858 #define DT_IRQN_LVL_INTERNAL(node_id, idx, level) DT_CAT3(DT_IRQN_L, level, _INTERNAL)(node_id, idx)
2860 /**
2861  * DT helper macro to encode a node's interrupt number according to the Zephyr's multi-level scheme
2862  * See doc/kernel/services/interrupts.rst for details
2863  */
2864 #define DT_MULTI_LEVEL_IRQN_INTERNAL(node_id, idx)                                                 \
2865 	DT_IRQN_LVL_INTERNAL(node_id, idx, DT_IRQ_LEVEL(node_id))
2867 /**
2868  * INTERNAL_HIDDEN @endcond
2869  */
2871 /**
2872  * @brief Get the node's Zephyr interrupt number at index
2873  * If @kconfig{CONFIG_MULTI_LEVEL_INTERRUPTS} is enabled, the interrupt number at index will be
2874  * multi-level encoded
2875  * @param node_id node identifier
2876  * @param idx logical index into the interrupt specifier array
2877  * @return the Zephyr interrupt number
2878  */
2879 #define DT_IRQN_BY_IDX(node_id, idx)                                                               \
2880 	COND_CODE_1(IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_MULTI_LEVEL_INTERRUPTS),                                     \
2881 		    (DT_MULTI_LEVEL_IRQN_INTERNAL(node_id, idx)),                                  \
2882 		    (DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, irq)))
2884 /**
2885  * @brief Get a node's (only) irq number
2886  *
2887  * Equivalent to DT_IRQ(node_id, irq). This is provided as a convenience
2888  * for the common case where a node generates exactly one interrupt,
2889  * and the IRQ number is in a cell named `irq`.
2890  *
2891  * @param node_id node identifier
2892  * @return the interrupt number for the node's only interrupt
2893  */
2894 #define DT_IRQN(node_id) DT_IRQN_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
2896 /**
2897  * @}
2898  */
2900 /**
2901  * @defgroup devicetree-generic-chosen Chosen nodes
2902  * @ingroup devicetree
2903  * @{
2904  */
2906 /**
2907  * @brief Get a node identifier for a `/chosen` node property
2908  *
2909  * This is only valid to call if `DT_HAS_CHOSEN(prop)` is 1.
2910  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name for
2911  *             the /chosen node
2912  * @return a node identifier for the chosen node property
2913  */
2914 #define DT_CHOSEN(prop) DT_CAT(DT_CHOSEN_, prop)
2916 /**
2917  * @brief Test if the devicetree has a `/chosen` node
2918  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores devicetree property
2919  * @return 1 if the chosen property exists and refers to a node,
2920  *         0 otherwise
2921  */
2922 #define DT_HAS_CHOSEN(prop) IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT3(DT_CHOSEN_, prop, _EXISTS))
2924 /**
2925  * @}
2926  */
2928 /**
2929  * @defgroup devicetree-generic-foreach "For-each" macros
2930  * @ingroup devicetree
2931  * @{
2932  *
2933  * IMPORTANT: you can't use the DT for-each macros in their own expansions.
2934  *
2935  * For example, something like this won't work the way you might expect:
2936  *
2937  * @code{.c}
2938  * #define FOO(node_id) [...] DT_FOREACH_NODE(...) [...]
2940  * @endcode
2941  *
2942  * In this example, the C preprocessor won't expand the
2943  * DT_FOREACH_NODE() macro inside of FOO() while it's already
2944  * expanding DT_FOREACH_NODE() at the top level of the file.
2945  *
2946  * This is true of any macro, not just DT_FOREACH_NODE(). The C
2947  * language works this way to avoid infinite recursions inside of
2948  * macro expansions.
2949  *
2950  * If you need to "nest" calls to one of these macros, you can work
2951  * around this preprocessor limitation by using a different, related
2952  * macro instead, like this:
2953  *
2954  * @code{.c}
2955  * #define BAR(node_id) [...] DT_FOREACH_NODE_VARGS(...) [...]
2957  * @endcode
2958  *
2959  * Here, we use DT_FOREACH_NODE_VARGS() "inside" BAR() "inside"
2960  * DT_FOREACH_NODE(). Because of this, the preprocessor will expand
2961  * both DT_FOREACH_NODE_VARGS() and DT_FOREACH_NODE() as expected.
2962  */
2964 /**
2965  * @brief Invokes @p fn for every node in the tree.
2966  *
2967  * The macro @p fn must take one parameter, which will be a node
2968  * identifier. The macro is expanded once for each node in the tree.
2969  * The order that nodes are visited in is not specified.
2970  *
2971  * @param fn macro to invoke
2972  */
2975 /**
2976  * @brief Invokes @p fn for every node in the tree with multiple arguments.
2977  *
2978  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
2979  * identifier for the node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
2980  *
2981  * The macro is expanded once for each node in the tree. The order that nodes
2982  * are visited in is not specified.
2983  *
2984  * @param fn macro to invoke
2985  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
2986  */
2989 /**
2990  * @brief Invokes @p fn for every status `okay` node in the tree.
2991  *
2992  * The macro @p fn must take one parameter, which will be a node
2993  * identifier. The macro is expanded once for each node in the tree
2994  * with status `okay` (as usual, a missing status property is treated
2995  * as status `okay`). The order that nodes are visited in is not
2996  * specified.
2997  *
2998  * @param fn macro to invoke
2999  */
3002 /**
3003  * @brief Invokes @p fn for every status `okay` node in the tree with multiple
3004  *        arguments.
3005  *
3006  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
3007  * identifier for the node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
3008  *
3009  * The macro is expanded once for each node in the tree with status `okay` (as
3010  * usual, a missing status property is treated as status `okay`). The order
3011  * that nodes are visited in is not specified.
3012  *
3013  * @param fn macro to invoke
3014  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
3015  */
3018 /**
3019  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each ancestor of @p node_id
3020  *
3021  * The macro @p fn must take one parameter, which will be the identifier
3022  * of a child node of @p node_id to enable traversal of all ancestor nodes.
3023  *
3024  * The ancestor will be iterated over in the same order as they
3025  * appear in the final devicetree.
3026  *
3027  * Example devicetree fragment:
3028  *
3029  * @code{.dts}
3030  *     n: node1 {
3031  *             foobar = "foo1";
3032  *
3033  *             n_2: node2 {
3034  *                        foobar = "foo2";
3035  *
3036  *                        n_3: node3 {
3037  *                                   foobar = "foo3";
3038  *                        };
3039  *             };
3040  *     };
3041  * @endcode
3042  *
3043  * Example usage:
3044  *
3045  * @code{.c}
3046  *     #define GET_PROP(n) DT_PROP(n, foobar),
3047  *
3048  *     const char *ancestor_names[] = {
3050  *     };
3051  * @endcode
3052  *
3053  * This expands to:
3054  *
3055  * @code{.c}
3056  *     const char *ancestor_names[] = {
3057  *         "foo2", "foo1",
3058  *     };
3059  * @endcode
3060  *
3061  * @param node_id node identifier
3062  * @param fn macro to invoke
3063  */
3064 #define DT_FOREACH_ANCESTOR(node_id, fn) \
3065 	DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_ANCESTOR)(fn)
3067 /**
3068  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each child of @p node_id
3069  *
3070  * The macro @p fn must take one parameter, which will be the node
3071  * identifier of a child node of @p node_id.
3072  *
3073  * The children will be iterated over in the same order as they
3074  * appear in the final devicetree.
3075  *
3076  * Example devicetree fragment:
3077  *
3078  * @code{.dts}
3079  *     n: node {
3080  *             child-1 {
3081  *                     foobar = "foo";
3082  *             };
3083  *             child-2 {
3084  *                     foobar = "bar";
3085  *             };
3086  *     };
3087  * @endcode
3088  *
3089  * Example usage:
3090  *
3091  * @code{.c}
3092  *     #define FOOBAR_AND_COMMA(node_id) DT_PROP(node_id, foobar),
3093  *
3094  *     const char *child_foobars[] = {
3096  *     };
3097  * @endcode
3098  *
3099  * This expands to:
3100  *
3101  * @code{.c}
3102  *     const char *child_foobars[] = {
3103  *         "foo", "bar",
3104  *     };
3105  * @endcode
3106  *
3107  * @param node_id node identifier
3108  * @param fn macro to invoke
3109  */
3110 #define DT_FOREACH_CHILD(node_id, fn) \
3111 	DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_CHILD)(fn)
3113 /**
3114  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each child of @p node_id with a separator
3115  *
3116  * The macro @p fn must take one parameter, which will be the node
3117  * identifier of a child node of @p node_id.
3118  *
3119  * Example devicetree fragment:
3120  *
3121  * @code{.dts}
3122  *     n: node {
3123  *             child-1 {
3124  *                     ...
3125  *             };
3126  *             child-2 {
3127  *                     ...
3128  *             };
3129  *     };
3130  * @endcode
3131  *
3132  * Example usage:
3133  *
3134  * @code{.c}
3135  *     const char *child_names[] = {
3137  *     };
3138  * @endcode
3139  *
3140  * This expands to:
3141  *
3142  * @code{.c}
3143  *     const char *child_names[] = {
3144  *         "child-1", "child-2"
3145  *     };
3146  * @endcode
3147  *
3148  * @param node_id node identifier
3149  * @param fn macro to invoke
3150  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
3151  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
3152  */
3153 #define DT_FOREACH_CHILD_SEP(node_id, fn, sep) \
3154 	DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_CHILD_SEP)(fn, sep)
3156 /**
3157  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each child of @p node_id with multiple arguments
3158  *
3159  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
3160  * identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
3161  *
3162  * The children will be iterated over in the same order as they
3163  * appear in the final devicetree.
3164  *
3165  * @param node_id node identifier
3166  * @param fn macro to invoke
3167  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
3168  *
3169  * @see DT_FOREACH_CHILD
3170  */
3171 #define DT_FOREACH_CHILD_VARGS(node_id, fn, ...) \
3172 	DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_CHILD_VARGS)(fn, __VA_ARGS__)
3174 /**
3175  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each child of @p node_id with separator and multiple
3176  *        arguments.
3177  *
3178  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
3179  * identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
3180  *
3181  * @param node_id node identifier
3182  * @param fn macro to invoke
3183  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
3184  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
3185  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
3186  *
3188  */
3189 #define DT_FOREACH_CHILD_SEP_VARGS(node_id, fn, sep, ...) \
3190 	DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_CHILD_SEP_VARGS)(fn, sep, __VA_ARGS__)
3192 /**
3193  * @brief Call @p fn on the child nodes with status `okay`
3194  *
3195  * The macro @p fn should take one argument, which is the node
3196  * identifier for the child node.
3197  *
3198  * As usual, both a missing status and an `ok` status are
3199  * treated as `okay`.
3200  *
3201  * The children will be iterated over in the same order as they
3202  * appear in the final devicetree.
3203  *
3204  * @param node_id node identifier
3205  * @param fn macro to invoke
3206  */
3207 #define DT_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY(node_id, fn) \
3210 /**
3211  * @brief Call @p fn on the child nodes with status `okay` with separator
3212  *
3213  * The macro @p fn should take one argument, which is the node
3214  * identifier for the child node.
3215  *
3216  * As usual, both a missing status and an `ok` status are
3217  * treated as `okay`.
3218  *
3219  * @param node_id node identifier
3220  * @param fn macro to invoke
3221  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
3222  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
3223  *
3225  */
3226 #define DT_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY_SEP(node_id, fn, sep) \
3227 	DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY_SEP)(fn, sep)
3229 /**
3230  * @brief Call @p fn on the child nodes with status `okay` with multiple
3231  * arguments
3232  *
3233  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
3234  * identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
3235  *
3236  * As usual, both a missing status and an `ok` status are
3237  * treated as `okay`.
3238  *
3239  * The children will be iterated over in the same order as they
3240  * appear in the final devicetree.
3241  *
3242  * @param node_id node identifier
3243  * @param fn macro to invoke
3244  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
3245  *
3247  */
3248 #define DT_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(node_id, fn, ...) \
3251 /**
3252  * @brief Call @p fn on the child nodes with status `okay` with separator and
3253  * multiple arguments
3254  *
3255  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
3256  * identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
3257  *
3258  * As usual, both a missing status and an `ok` status are
3259  * treated as `okay`.
3260  *
3261  * @param node_id node identifier
3262  * @param fn macro to invoke
3263  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
3264  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
3265  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
3266  *
3268  */
3269 #define DT_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY_SEP_VARGS(node_id, fn, sep, ...) \
3272 /**
3273  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each element in the value of property @p prop.
3274  *
3275  * The macro @p fn must take three parameters: fn(node_id, prop, idx).
3276  * @p node_id and @p prop are the same as what is passed to
3277  * DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(), and @p idx is the current index into the array.
3278  * The @p idx values are integer literals starting from 0.
3279  *
3280  * The @p prop argument must refer to a property that can be passed to
3281  * DT_PROP_LEN().
3282  *
3283  * Example devicetree fragment:
3284  *
3285  * @code{.dts}
3286  *     n: node {
3287  *             my-ints = <1 2 3>;
3288  *     };
3289  * @endcode
3290  *
3291  * Example usage:
3292  *
3293  * @code{.c}
3294  *     #define TIMES_TWO(node_id, prop, idx) \
3295  *	       (2 * DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx)),
3296  *
3297  *     int array[] = {
3298  *             DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(DT_NODELABEL(n), my_ints, TIMES_TWO)
3299  *     };
3300  * @endcode
3301  *
3302  * This expands to:
3303  *
3304  * @code{.c}
3305  *     int array[] = {
3306  *             (2 * 1), (2 * 2), (2 * 3),
3307  *     };
3308  * @endcode
3309  *
3310  * In general, this macro expands to:
3311  *
3312  *     fn(node_id, prop, 0) fn(node_id, prop, 1) [...] fn(node_id, prop, n-1)
3313  *
3314  * where `n` is the number of elements in @p prop, as it would be
3315  * returned by `DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, prop)`.
3316  *
3317  * @param node_id node identifier
3318  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
3319  * @param fn macro to invoke
3320  * @see DT_PROP_LEN
3321  */
3322 #define DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(node_id, prop, fn)		\
3323 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _FOREACH_PROP_ELEM)(fn)
3325 /**
3326  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each element in the value of property @p prop with
3327  *        separator.
3328  *
3329  * Example devicetree fragment:
3330  *
3331  * @code{.dts}
3332  *     n: node {
3333  *             my-gpios = <&gpioa 0 GPIO_ACTICE_HIGH>,
3334  *                        <&gpiob 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
3335  *     };
3336  * @endcode
3337  *
3338  * Example usage:
3339  *
3340  * @code{.c}
3341  *     struct gpio_dt_spec specs[] = {
3342  *             DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP(DT_NODELABEL(n), my_gpios,
3343  *                                      GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX, (,))
3344  *     };
3345  * @endcode
3346  *
3347  * This expands as a first step to:
3348  *
3349  * @code{.c}
3350  *     struct gpio_dt_spec specs[] = {
3351  *             GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n), my_gpios, 0),
3352  *             GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n), my_gpios, 1)
3353  *     };
3354  * @endcode
3355  *
3356  * The @p prop parameter has the same restrictions as the same parameter
3357  * given to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM().
3358  *
3359  * @param node_id node identifier
3360  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
3361  * @param fn macro to invoke
3362  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
3363  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
3364  *
3366  */
3367 #define DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP(node_id, prop, fn, sep) \
3368 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP)(fn, sep)
3370 /**
3371  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each element in the value of property @p prop with
3372  * multiple arguments.
3373  *
3374  * The macro @p fn must take multiple parameters:
3375  * `fn(node_id, prop, idx, ...)`. @p node_id and @p prop are the same as what
3376  * is passed to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(), and @p idx is the current index into
3377  * the array. The @p idx values are integer literals starting from 0. The
3378  * remaining arguments are passed-in by the caller.
3379  *
3380  * The @p prop parameter has the same restrictions as the same parameter
3381  * given to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM().
3382  *
3383  * @param node_id node identifier
3384  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
3385  * @param fn macro to invoke
3386  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
3387  *
3389  */
3390 #define DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS(node_id, prop, fn, ...)		\
3391 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS)(fn, __VA_ARGS__)
3393 /**
3394  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each element in the value of property @p prop with
3395  * multiple arguments and a separator.
3396  *
3397  * The @p prop parameter has the same restrictions as the same parameter
3398  * given to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM().
3399  *
3400  * @param node_id node identifier
3401  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
3402  * @param fn macro to invoke
3403  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
3404  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
3405  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to fn
3406  *
3408  */
3409 #define DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP_VARGS(node_id, prop, fn, sep, ...)	\
3410 	DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP_VARGS)(	\
3411 		fn, sep, __VA_ARGS__)
3413 /**
3414  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each status `okay` node of a compatible.
3415  *
3416  * This macro expands to:
3417  *
3418  *     fn(node_id_1) fn(node_id_2) ... fn(node_id_n)
3419  *
3420  * where each `node_id_<i>` is a node identifier for some node with
3421  * compatible @p compat and status `okay`. Whitespace is added between
3422  * expansions as shown above.
3423  *
3424  * Example devicetree fragment:
3425  *
3426  * @code{.dts}
3427  *     / {
3428  *             a {
3429  *                     compatible = "foo";
3430  *                     status = "okay";
3431  *             };
3432  *             b {
3433  *                     compatible = "foo";
3434  *                     status = "disabled";
3435  *             };
3436  *             c {
3437  *                     compatible = "foo";
3438  *             };
3439  *     };
3440  * @endcode
3441  *
3442  * Example usage:
3443  *
3444  * @code{.c}
3446  * @endcode
3447  *
3448  * This expands to one of the following:
3449  *
3450  *     "/a" "/c"
3451  *     "/c" "/a"
3452  *
3453  * "One of the following" is because no guarantees are made about the
3454  * order that node identifiers are passed to @p fn in the expansion.
3455  *
3456  * (The `/c` string literal is present because a missing status
3457  * property is always treated as if the status were set to `okay`.)
3458  *
3459  * Note also that @p fn is responsible for adding commas, semicolons,
3460  * or other terminators as needed.
3461  *
3462  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores devicetree compatible
3463  * @param fn Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept a
3464  *           node_id as its only parameter.
3465  */
3466 #define DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(compat, fn)				\
3468 		    (UTIL_CAT(DT_FOREACH_OKAY_, compat)(fn)),		\
3469 		    ())
3471 /**
3472  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each status `okay` node of a compatible
3473  *        with multiple arguments.
3474  *
3475  * This is like DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY() except you can also pass
3476  * additional arguments to @p fn.
3477  *
3478  * Example devicetree fragment:
3479  *
3480  * @code{.dts}
3481  *     / {
3482  *             a {
3483  *                     compatible = "foo";
3484  *                     val = <3>;
3485  *             };
3486  *             b {
3487  *                     compatible = "foo";
3488  *                     val = <4>;
3489  *             };
3490  *     };
3491  * @endcode
3492  *
3493  * Example usage:
3494  *
3495  * @code{.c}
3496  *     #define MY_FN(node_id, operator) DT_PROP(node_id, val) operator
3497  *     x = DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(foo, MY_FN, +) 0;
3498  * @endcode
3499  *
3500  * This expands to one of the following:
3501  *
3502  * @code{.c}
3503  *     x = 3 + 4 + 0;
3504  *     x = 4 + 3 + 0;
3505  * @endcode
3506  *
3507  * i.e. it sets `x` to 7. As with DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(), there are no
3508  * guarantees about the order nodes appear in the expansion.
3509  *
3510  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores devicetree compatible
3511  * @param fn Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept a
3512  *           node_id as its only parameter.
3513  * @param ... Additional arguments to pass to @p fn
3514  */
3515 #define DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(compat, fn, ...)			\
3517 		    (DT_CAT(DT_FOREACH_OKAY_VARGS_,			\
3518 			      compat)(fn, __VA_ARGS__)),		\
3519 		    ())
3521 /**
3522  * @brief Call @p fn on all nodes with compatible `compat`
3523  *        and status `okay` with multiple arguments
3524  *
3525  *
3526  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores devicetree compatible
3527  * @param fn Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept a
3528  *           devicetree compatible and instance number.
3529  * @param ... Additional arguments to pass to @p fn
3530  *
3532  */
3533 #define DT_COMPAT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(compat, fn, ...)		\
3536 			      compat)(fn, compat, __VA_ARGS__)),	\
3537 		    ())
3540 /**
3541  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each node label of a given node
3542  *
3543  * The order of the node labels in this macro's expansion matches
3544  * the order in the final devicetree, with duplicates removed.
3545  *
3546  * Node labels are passed to @p fn as tokens. Note that devicetree
3547  * node labels are always valid C tokens (see "6.2 Labels" in
3548  * Devicetree Specification v0.4 for details). The node labels are
3549  * passed as tokens to @p fn as-is, without any lowercasing or
3550  * conversion of special characters to underscores.
3551  *
3552  * Example devicetree fragment:
3553  *
3554  * @code{.dts}
3555  *     foo: bar: FOO: node@deadbeef {};
3556  * @endcode
3557  *
3558  * Example usage:
3559  *
3560  * @code{.c}
3561  *     int foo = 1;
3562  *     int bar = 2;
3563  *     int FOO = 3;
3564  *
3565  *     #define FN(nodelabel) + nodelabel
3566  *     int sum = 0 DT_FOREACH_NODELABEL(DT_NODELABEL(foo), FN)
3567  * @endcode
3568  *
3569  * This expands to:
3570  *
3571  * @code{.c}
3572  *     int sum = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3;
3573  * @endcode
3574  *
3575  * @param node_id node identifier whose node labels to use
3576  * @param fn macro which will be passed each node label in order
3577  */
3578 #define DT_FOREACH_NODELABEL(node_id, fn) DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_NODELABEL)(fn)
3580 /**
3581  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each node label of a given node with
3582  *        multiple arguments.
3583  *
3584  * This is like DT_FOREACH_NODELABEL() except you can also pass
3585  * additional arguments to @p fn.
3586  *
3587  * Example devicetree fragment:
3588  *
3589  * @code{.dts}
3590  *     foo: bar: node@deadbeef {};
3591  * @endcode
3592  *
3593  * Example usage:
3594  *
3595  * @code{.c}
3596  *     int foo = 0;
3597  *     int bar = 1;
3598  *
3599  *     #define VAR_PLUS(nodelabel, to_add) int nodelabel ## _added = nodelabel + to_add;
3600  *
3602  * @endcode
3603  *
3604  * This expands to:
3605  *
3606  * @code{.c}
3607  *     int foo = 0;
3608  *     int bar = 1;
3609  *     int foo_added = foo + 1;
3610  *     int bar_added = bar + 1;
3611  * @endcode
3612  *
3613  * @param node_id node identifier whose node labels to use
3614  * @param fn macro which will be passed each node label in order
3615  * @param ... additional arguments to pass to @p fn
3616  */
3617 #define DT_FOREACH_NODELABEL_VARGS(node_id, fn, ...) \
3618 	DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_NODELABEL_VARGS)(fn, __VA_ARGS__)
3620 /**
3621  * @}
3622  */
3624 /**
3625  * @defgroup devicetree-generic-exist Existence checks
3626  * @ingroup devicetree
3627  * @{
3628  */
3630 /**
3631  * @brief Does a node identifier refer to a node?
3632  *
3633  * Tests whether a node identifier refers to a node which exists, i.e.
3634  * is defined in the devicetree.
3635  *
3636  * It doesn't matter whether or not the node has a matching binding,
3637  * or what the node's status value is. This is purely a check of
3638  * whether the node exists at all.
3639  *
3640  * @param node_id a node identifier
3641  * @return 1 if the node identifier refers to a node,
3642  *         0 otherwise.
3643  */
3644 #define DT_NODE_EXISTS(node_id) IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _EXISTS))
3646 /**
3647  * @brief Does a node identifier refer to a node with a status?
3648  *
3649  * Example uses:
3650  *
3651  * @code{.c}
3652  *     DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_PATH(soc, i2c_12340000), okay)
3653  *     DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_PATH(soc, i2c_12340000), disabled)
3654  * @endcode
3655  *
3656  * Tests whether a node identifier refers to a node which:
3657  *
3658  * - exists in the devicetree, and
3659  * - has a status property matching the second argument
3660  *   (except that either a missing status or an `ok` status
3661  *   in the devicetree is treated as if it were `okay` instead)
3662  *
3663  * @param node_id a node identifier
3664  * @param status a status as one of the tokens okay or disabled, not a string
3665  * @return 1 if the node has the given status, 0 otherwise.
3666  */
3667 #define DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, status) \
3668 	DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS_INTERNAL(node_id, status)
3670 /**
3671  * @brief Does a node identifier refer to a node with a status `okay`?
3672  *
3673  * Example uses:
3674  *
3675  * @code{.c}
3676  *     DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS_OKAY(DT_PATH(soc, i2c_12340000))
3677  * @endcode
3678  *
3679  * Tests whether a node identifier refers to a node which:
3680  *
3681  * - exists in the devicetree, and
3682  * - has a status property as `okay`
3683  *
3684  * As usual, both a missing status and an `ok` status are treated as
3685  * `okay`.
3686  *
3687  * @param node_id a node identifier
3688  * @return 1 if the node has status as `okay`, 0 otherwise.
3689  */
3690 #define DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS_OKAY(node_id) DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, okay)
3692 /**
3693  * @brief Does the devicetree have a status `okay` node with a compatible?
3694  *
3695  * Test for whether the devicetree has any nodes with status `okay`
3696  * and the given compatible. That is, this returns 1 if and only if
3697  * there is at least one @p node_id for which both of these
3698  * expressions return 1:
3699  *
3700  * @code{.c}
3701  *     DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, okay)
3702  *     DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat)
3703  * @endcode
3704  *
3705  * As usual, both a missing status and an `ok` status are treated as
3706  * `okay`.
3707  *
3708  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
3709  * @return 1 if both of the above conditions are met, 0 otherwise
3710  */
3711 #define DT_HAS_COMPAT_STATUS_OKAY(compat) \
3714 /**
3715  * @brief Get the number of instances of a given compatible with
3716  *        status `okay`
3717  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
3718  * @return Number of instances with status `okay`
3719  */
3720 #define DT_NUM_INST_STATUS_OKAY(compat)			\
3722 		 UTIL_CAT(DT_N_INST, DT_DASH(compat, NUM_OKAY)))
3724 /**
3725  * @brief Does a devicetree node match a compatible?
3726  *
3727  * Example devicetree fragment:
3728  *
3729  * @code{.dts}
3730  *     n: node {
3731  *             compatible = "vnd,specific-device", "generic-device";
3732  *     }
3733  * @endcode
3734  *
3735  * Example usages which evaluate to 1:
3736  *
3737  * @code{.c}
3738  *     DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(DT_NODELABEL(n), vnd_specific_device)
3739  *     DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(DT_NODELABEL(n), generic_device)
3740  * @endcode
3741  *
3742  * This macro only uses the value of the compatible property. Whether
3743  * or not a particular compatible has a matching binding has no effect
3744  * on its value, nor does the node's status.
3745  *
3746  * @param node_id node identifier
3747  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
3748  * @return 1 if the node's compatible property contains @p compat,
3749  *         0 otherwise.
3750  */
3751 #define DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat) \
3752 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT3(node_id, _COMPAT_MATCHES_, compat))
3754 /**
3755  * @brief Does a devicetree node have a compatible and status?
3756  *
3757  * This is equivalent to:
3758  *
3759  * @code{.c}
3760  *     (DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat) &&
3761  *      DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, status))
3762  * @endcode
3763  *
3764  * @param node_id node identifier
3765  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
3766  * @param status okay or disabled as a token, not a string
3767  */
3768 #define DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT_STATUS(node_id, compat, status) \
3769 	UTIL_AND(DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat), DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, status))
3771 /**
3772  * @brief Does a devicetree node have a property?
3773  *
3774  * Tests whether a devicetree node has a property defined.
3775  *
3776  * This tests whether the property is defined at all, not whether a
3777  * boolean property is true or false. To get a boolean property's
3778  * truth value, use DT_PROP(node_id, prop) instead.
3779  *
3780  * @param node_id node identifier
3781  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
3782  * @return 1 if the node has the property, 0 otherwise.
3783  */
3784 #define DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop) \
3785 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT4(node_id, _P_, prop, _EXISTS))
3788 /**
3789  * @brief Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at an index?
3790  *
3791  * If this returns 1, then the phandle-array property @p pha has a cell
3792  * named @p cell at index @p idx, and therefore DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id,
3793  * pha, idx, cell) is valid. If it returns 0, it's an error to use
3794  * DT_PHA_BY_IDX() with the same arguments.
3795  *
3796  * @param node_id node identifier
3797  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
3798  * @param idx index to check within @p pha
3799  * @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name whose existence to check
3800  *             at index @p idx
3801  * @return 1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index idx,
3802  *         0 otherwise.
3803  */
3804 #define DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, pha, idx, cell)             \
3805 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT8(node_id, _P_, pha,			    \
3806 			   _IDX_, idx, _VAL_, cell, _EXISTS))
3808 /**
3809  * @brief Equivalent to DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
3810  * @param node_id node identifier
3811  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
3812  * @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name whose existence to check
3813  *             at index @p idx
3814  * @return 1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index 0,
3815  *         0 otherwise.
3816  */
3817 #define DT_PHA_HAS_CELL(node_id, pha, cell) \
3818 	DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
3820 /**
3821  * @}
3822  */
3824 /**
3825  * @defgroup devicetree-generic-bus Bus helpers
3826  * @ingroup devicetree
3827  * @{
3828  */
3830 /**
3831  * @brief Node's bus controller
3832  *
3833  * Get the node identifier of the node's bus controller. This can be
3834  * used with DT_PROP() to get properties of the bus controller.
3835  *
3836  * It is an error to use this with nodes which do not have bus
3837  * controllers.
3838  *
3839  * Example devicetree fragment:
3840  *
3841  * @code{.dts}
3842  *     i2c@deadbeef {
3843  *             status = "okay";
3844  *             clock-frequency = < 100000 >;
3845  *
3846  *             i2c_device: accelerometer@12 {
3847  *                     ...
3848  *             };
3849  *     };
3850  * @endcode
3851  *
3852  * Example usage:
3853  *
3854  * @code{.c}
3855  *     DT_PROP(DT_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(i2c_device)), clock_frequency) // 100000
3856  * @endcode
3857  *
3858  * @param node_id node identifier
3859  * @return a node identifier for the node's bus controller
3860  */
3861 #define DT_BUS(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _BUS)
3863 /**
3864  * @brief Is a node on a bus of a given type?
3865  *
3866  * Example devicetree overlay:
3867  *
3868  * @code{.dts}
3869  *     &i2c0 {
3870  *            temp: temperature-sensor@76 {
3871  *                     compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
3872  *                     reg = <0x76>;
3873  *            };
3874  *     };
3875  * @endcode
3876  *
3877  * Example usage, assuming `i2c0` is an I2C bus controller node, and
3878  * therefore `temp` is on an I2C bus:
3879  *
3880  * @code{.c}
3881  *     DT_ON_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(temp), i2c) // 1
3882  *     DT_ON_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(temp), spi) // 0
3883  * @endcode
3884  *
3885  * @param node_id node identifier
3886  * @param bus lowercase-and-underscores bus type as a C token (i.e.
3887  *            without quotes)
3888  * @return 1 if the node is on a bus of the given type,
3889  *         0 otherwise
3890  */
3891 #define DT_ON_BUS(node_id, bus) IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT3(node_id, _BUS_, bus))
3893 /**
3894  * @}
3895  */
3897 /**
3898  * @defgroup devicetree-inst Instance-based devicetree APIs
3899  * @ingroup devicetree
3900  * @{
3901  */
3903 /**
3904  * @brief Node identifier for an instance of a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` compatible
3905  * @param inst instance number
3906  * @return a node identifier for the node with `DT_DRV_COMPAT` compatible and
3907  *         instance number @p inst
3908  */
3909 #define DT_DRV_INST(inst) DT_INST(inst, DT_DRV_COMPAT)
3911 /**
3912  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` parent's node identifier
3913  * @param inst instance number
3914  * @return a node identifier for the instance's parent
3915  *
3916  * @see DT_PARENT
3917  */
3918 #define DT_INST_PARENT(inst) DT_PARENT(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
3920 /**
3921  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` grandparent's node identifier
3922  * @param inst instance number
3923  * @return a node identifier for the instance's grandparent
3924  *
3925  * @see DT_GPARENT
3926  */
3927 #define DT_INST_GPARENT(inst) DT_GPARENT(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
3929 /**
3930  * @brief Get a node identifier for a child node of DT_DRV_INST(inst)
3931  *
3932  * @param inst instance number
3933  * @param child lowercase-and-underscores child node name
3934  * @return node identifier for the node with the name referred to by 'child'
3935  *
3936  * @see DT_CHILD
3937  */
3938 #define DT_INST_CHILD(inst, child) \
3939 	DT_CHILD(DT_DRV_INST(inst), child)
3941 /**
3942  * @brief Get the number of child nodes of a given node
3943  *
3944  * This is equivalent to @see
3945  * <tt>DT_CHILD_NUM(DT_DRV_INST(inst))</tt>.
3946  *
3947  * @param inst Devicetree instance number
3948  * @return Number of child nodes
3949  */
3950 #define DT_INST_CHILD_NUM(inst) DT_CHILD_NUM(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
3952 /**
3953  * @brief Get the number of child nodes of a given node
3954  *
3955  * This is equivalent to @see
3956  * <tt>DT_CHILD_NUM_STATUS_OKAY(DT_DRV_INST(inst))</tt>.
3957  *
3958  * @param inst Devicetree instance number
3959  * @return Number of child nodes which status are okay
3960  */
3961 #define DT_INST_CHILD_NUM_STATUS_OKAY(inst) \
3964 /**
3965  * @brief Get a string array of DT_DRV_INST(inst)'s node labels
3966  *
3967  * Equivalent to DT_NODELABEL_STRING_ARRAY(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
3968  *
3969  * @param inst instance number
3970  * @return an array initializer for an array of the instance's node labels as strings
3971  */
3974 /**
3975  * @brief Get the number of node labels by instance number
3976  *
3977  * Equivalent to DT_NUM_NODELABELS(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
3978  *
3979  * @param inst instance number
3980  * @return the number of node labels that the node with that instance number has
3981  */
3984 /**
3985  * @brief Call @p fn on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst).
3986  *
3987  * The macro @p fn should take one argument, which is the node
3988  * identifier for the child node.
3989  *
3990  * The children will be iterated over in the same order as they
3991  * appear in the final devicetree.
3992  *
3993  * @param inst instance number
3994  * @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
3995  *
3996  * @see DT_FOREACH_CHILD
3997  */
3998 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD(inst, fn) \
4001 /**
4002  * @brief Call @p fn on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst) with a separator
4003  *
4004  * The macro @p fn should take one argument, which is the node
4005  * identifier for the child node.
4006  *
4007  * @param inst instance number
4008  * @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
4009  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
4010  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
4011  *
4013  */
4014 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD_SEP(inst, fn, sep) \
4015 	DT_FOREACH_CHILD_SEP(DT_DRV_INST(inst), fn, sep)
4017 /**
4018  * @brief Call @p fn on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst).
4019  *
4020  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
4021  * identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
4022  *
4023  * The children will be iterated over in the same order as they
4024  * appear in the final devicetree.
4025  *
4026  * @param inst instance number
4027  * @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
4028  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
4029  *
4030  * @see DT_FOREACH_CHILD
4031  */
4032 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD_VARGS(inst, fn, ...) \
4035 /**
4036  * @brief Call @p fn on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst) with separator.
4037  *
4038  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
4039  * identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
4040  *
4041  * @param inst instance number
4042  * @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
4043  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
4044  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
4045  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
4046  *
4048  */
4049 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD_SEP_VARGS(inst, fn, sep, ...) \
4052 /**
4053  * @brief Call @p fn on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst) with status `okay`.
4054  *
4055  * The macro @p fn should take one argument, which is the node
4056  * identifier for the child node.
4057  *
4058  * @param inst instance number
4059  * @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
4060  *
4062  */
4063 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY(inst, fn) \
4066 /**
4067  * @brief Call @p fn on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst) with status `okay`
4068  * and with separator.
4069  *
4070  * The macro @p fn should take one argument, which is the node
4071  * identifier for the child node.
4072  *
4073  * @param inst instance number
4074  * @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
4075  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
4076  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
4077  *
4079  */
4080 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY_SEP(inst, fn, sep) \
4083 /**
4084  * @brief Call @p fn on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst) with status `okay`
4085  * and multiple arguments.
4086  *
4087  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
4088  * identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
4089  *
4090  * @param inst instance number
4091  * @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
4092  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
4093  *
4095  */
4096 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(inst, fn, ...) \
4099 /**
4100  * @brief Call @p fn on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst) with status `okay`
4101  * and with separator and multiple arguments.
4102  *
4103  * The macro @p fn takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node
4104  * identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
4105  *
4106  * @param inst instance number
4107  * @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
4108  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
4109  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
4110  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
4111  *
4113  */
4114 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY_SEP_VARGS(inst, fn, sep, ...) \
4117 /**
4118  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` property array value's index into its enumeration values
4119  * @param inst instance number
4120  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4121  * @param idx the index to get
4122  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum: list
4123  */
4124 #define DT_INST_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
4125 	DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
4127 /**
4128  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` value's index into its enumeration values
4129  * @param inst instance number
4130  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4131  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum: list
4132  */
4133 #define DT_INST_ENUM_IDX(inst, prop) \
4134 	DT_ENUM_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop)
4136 /**
4137  * @brief Like DT_INST_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to a default enum index
4138  * @param inst instance number
4139  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4140  * @param idx the index to get
4141  * @param default_idx_value a fallback index value to expand to
4142  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum if present,
4143  *         default_idx_value otherwise
4144  */
4145 #define DT_INST_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX_OR(inst, prop, idx, default_idx_value) \
4146 	DT_ENUM_IDX_BY_IDX_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx, default_idx_value)
4148 /**
4149  * @brief Like DT_INST_ENUM_IDX(), but with a fallback to a default enum index
4150  * @param inst instance number
4151  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4152  * @param default_idx_value a fallback index value to expand to
4153  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum if present,
4154  *         default_idx_value otherwise
4155  */
4156 #define DT_INST_ENUM_IDX_OR(inst, prop, default_idx_value) \
4157 	DT_ENUM_IDX_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, default_idx_value)
4159 /**
4160  * @brief Does a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` enumeration property have a given value by index?
4161  * @param inst instance number
4162  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4163  * @param idx the index to get
4164  * @param value lowercase-and-underscores enumeration value
4165  * @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum
4166  */
4167 #define DT_INST_ENUM_HAS_VALUE_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx, value) \
4168 	DT_ENUM_HAS_VALUE_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx, value)
4170 /**
4171  * @brief Does a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` enumeration property have a given value?
4172  *
4173  * @param inst instance number
4174  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4175  * @param value lowercase-and-underscores enumeration value
4176  * @return 1 if the node property has the value @a value, 0 otherwise.
4177  */
4178 #define DT_INST_ENUM_HAS_VALUE(inst, prop, value) \
4179 	DT_ENUM_HAS_VALUE(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, value)
4181 /**
4182  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance property
4183  * @param inst instance number
4184  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4185  * @return a representation of the property's value
4186  */
4187 #define DT_INST_PROP(inst, prop) DT_PROP(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop)
4189 /**
4190  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` property length
4191  * @param inst instance number
4192  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4193  * @return logical length of the property
4194  */
4195 #define DT_INST_PROP_LEN(inst, prop) DT_PROP_LEN(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop)
4197 /**
4198  * @brief Is index @p idx valid for an array type property
4199  *        on a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance?
4200  * @param inst instance number
4201  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4202  * @param idx index to check
4203  * @return 1 if @p idx is a valid index into the given property,
4204  *         0 otherwise.
4205  */
4206 #define DT_INST_PROP_HAS_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
4207 	DT_PROP_HAS_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
4209 /**
4210  * @brief Is name @p name available in a `foo-names` property?
4211  * @param inst instance number
4212  * @param prop a lowercase-and-underscores `prop-names` type property
4213  * @param name a lowercase-and-underscores name to check
4214  * @return An expression which evaluates to 1 if @p name is an available
4215  *         name into the given property, and 0 otherwise.
4216  */
4217 #define DT_INST_PROP_HAS_NAME(inst, prop, name) \
4218 	DT_PROP_HAS_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, name)
4220 /**
4221  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` element value in an array property
4222  * @param inst instance number
4223  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4224  * @param idx the index to get
4225  * @return a representation of the idx-th element of the property
4226  */
4227 #define DT_INST_PROP_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
4228 	DT_PROP_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
4230 /**
4231  * @brief Like DT_INST_PROP(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
4232  * @param inst instance number
4233  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4234  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4235  * @return DT_INST_PROP(inst, prop) or @p default_value
4236  */
4237 #define DT_INST_PROP_OR(inst, prop, default_value) \
4238 	DT_PROP_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, default_value)
4240 /**
4241  * @brief Like DT_INST_PROP_LEN(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
4242  * @param inst instance number
4243  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4244  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4245  * @return DT_INST_PROP_LEN(inst, prop) or @p default_value
4246  */
4247 #define DT_INST_PROP_LEN_OR(inst, prop, default_value) \
4248 	DT_PROP_LEN_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, default_value)
4250 /**
4251  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's string property's value as a
4252  *        token.
4253  *
4254  * @param inst instance number
4255  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4256  * @return the value of @p prop as a token, i.e. without any quotes
4257  *         and with special characters converted to underscores
4258  */
4259 #define DT_INST_STRING_TOKEN(inst, prop) \
4260 	DT_STRING_TOKEN(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop)
4262 /**
4263  * @brief Like DT_INST_STRING_TOKEN(), but uppercased.
4264  * @param inst instance number
4265  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4266  * @return the value of @p prop as an uppercased token, i.e. without
4267  *         any quotes and with special characters converted to underscores
4268  */
4269 #define DT_INST_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN(inst, prop) \
4272 /**
4273  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's string property's value as
4274  *        an unquoted sequence of tokens.
4275  *
4276  * @param inst instance number
4277  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4278  * @return the value of @p prop as a sequence of tokens, with no quotes
4279  */
4280 #define DT_INST_STRING_UNQUOTED(inst, prop) \
4283 /**
4284  * @brief Get an element out of string-array property as a token.
4285  * @param inst instance number
4286  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4287  * @param idx the index to get
4288  * @return the element in @p prop at index @p idx as a token
4289  */
4290 #define DT_INST_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
4291 	DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
4293 /**
4294  * @brief Like DT_INST_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(), but uppercased.
4295  * @param inst instance number
4296  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4297  * @param idx the index to get
4298  * @return the element in @p prop at index @p idx as an uppercased token
4299  */
4300 #define DT_INST_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
4301 	DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
4303 /**
4304  * @brief Get an element out of string-array property as an unquoted sequence of tokens.
4305  * @param inst instance number
4306  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4307  * @param idx the index to get
4308  * @return the value of @p prop at index @p idx as a sequence of tokens, with no quotes
4309  */
4310 #define DT_INST_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
4311 	DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
4313 /**
4314  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's property value from a phandle's node
4315  * @param inst instance number
4316  * @param ph lowercase-and-underscores property of @p inst
4317  *           with type `phandle`
4318  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
4319  * @return the value of @p prop as described in the DT_PROP() documentation
4320  */
4321 #define DT_INST_PROP_BY_PHANDLE(inst, ph, prop) \
4322 	DT_INST_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(inst, ph, 0, prop)
4324 /**
4325  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's property value from a phandle in a
4326  * property.
4327  * @param inst instance number
4328  * @param phs lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle`,
4329  *            `phandles`, or `phandle-array`
4330  * @param idx logical index into "phs", which must be zero if "phs"
4331  *            has type `phandle`
4332  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
4333  * @return the value of @p prop as described in the DT_PROP() documentation
4334  */
4335 #define DT_INST_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(inst, phs, idx, prop) \
4336 	DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), phs, idx, prop)
4338 /**
4339  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's phandle-array specifier value at an index
4340  * @param inst instance number
4341  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
4342  * @param idx logical index into the property @p pha
4343  * @param cell binding's cell name within the specifier at index @p idx
4344  * @return the value of the cell inside the specifier at index @p idx
4345  */
4346 #define DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, idx, cell) \
4347 	DT_PHA_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, idx, cell)
4349 /**
4350  * @brief Like DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to default_value
4351  * @param inst instance number
4352  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
4353  * @param idx logical index into the property @p pha
4354  * @param cell binding's cell name within the specifier at index @p idx
4355  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4356  * @return DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, idx, cell) or default_value
4357  */
4358 #define DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(inst, pha, idx, cell, default_value) \
4359 	DT_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, idx, cell, default_value)
4361 /**
4362  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's phandle-array specifier value
4363  * Equivalent to DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, 0, cell)
4364  * @param inst instance number
4365  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
4366  * @param cell binding's cell name for the specifier at @p pha index 0
4367  * @return the cell value
4368  */
4369 #define DT_INST_PHA(inst, pha, cell) DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, 0, cell)
4371 /**
4372  * @brief Like DT_INST_PHA(), but with a fallback to default_value
4373  * @param inst instance number
4374  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
4375  * @param cell binding's cell name for the specifier at @p pha index 0
4376  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4377  * @return DT_INST_PHA(inst, pha, cell) or default_value
4378  */
4379 #define DT_INST_PHA_OR(inst, pha, cell, default_value) \
4380 	DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(inst, pha, 0, cell, default_value)
4382 /**
4383  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's value within a phandle-array
4384  * specifier by name
4385  * @param inst instance number
4386  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
4387  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in @p pha
4388  * @param cell binding's cell name for the named specifier
4389  * @return the cell value
4390  */
4391 #define DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME(inst, pha, name, cell) \
4392 	DT_PHA_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, name, cell)
4394 /**
4395  * @brief Like DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to default_value
4396  * @param inst instance number
4397  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
4398  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in @p pha
4399  * @param cell binding's cell name for the named specifier
4400  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4401  * @return DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME(inst, pha, name, cell) or default_value
4402  */
4403 #define DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME_OR(inst, pha, name, cell, default_value) \
4404 	DT_PHA_BY_NAME_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, name, cell, default_value)
4406 /**
4407  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's phandle node identifier from a
4408  * phandle array by name
4409  * @param inst instance number
4410  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
4411  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of an element in @p pha
4412  * @return node identifier for the phandle at the element named "name"
4413  */
4414 #define DT_INST_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(inst, pha, name) \
4415 	DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, name) \
4417 /**
4418  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's node identifier for a phandle in
4419  * a property.
4420  * @param inst instance number
4421  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name in @p inst
4422  *             with type `phandle`, `phandles` or `phandle-array`
4423  * @param idx index into @p prop
4424  * @return a node identifier for the phandle at index @p idx in @p prop
4425  */
4426 #define DT_INST_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
4427 	DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
4429 /**
4430  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's node identifier for a phandle
4431  * property's value
4432  * @param inst instance number
4433  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of @p inst
4434  *             with type `phandle`
4435  * @return a node identifier for the node pointed to by "ph"
4436  */
4437 #define DT_INST_PHANDLE(inst, prop) DT_INST_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(inst, prop, 0)
4439 /**
4440  * @brief is @p idx a valid register block index on a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance?
4441  * @param inst instance number
4442  * @param idx index to check
4443  * @return 1 if @p idx is a valid register block index,
4444  *         0 otherwise.
4445  */
4446 #define DT_INST_REG_HAS_IDX(inst, idx) DT_REG_HAS_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
4448 /**
4449  * @brief is @p name a valid register block name on a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance?
4450  * @param inst instance number
4451  * @param name name to check
4452  * @return 1 if @p name is a valid register block name,
4453  *         0 otherwise.
4454  */
4455 #define DT_INST_REG_HAS_NAME(inst, name) DT_REG_HAS_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name)
4457 /**
4458  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's idx-th register block's raw address
4459  * @param inst instance number
4460  * @param idx index of the register whose address to return
4461  * @return address of the instance's idx-th register block
4462  */
4463 #define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX_RAW(inst, idx) DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX_RAW(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
4465 /**
4466  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's idx-th register block's address
4467  * @param inst instance number
4468  * @param idx index of the register whose address to return
4469  * @return address of the instance's idx-th register block
4470  */
4471 #define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(inst, idx) DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
4473 /**
4474  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance's idx-th register block's size
4475  * @param inst instance number
4476  * @param idx index of the register whose size to return
4477  * @return size of the instance's idx-th register block
4478  */
4479 #define DT_INST_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(inst, idx) \
4480 	DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
4482 /**
4483  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s register block address by  name
4484  * @param inst instance number
4485  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
4486  * @return address of the register block with the given @p name
4487  */
4488 #define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(inst, name) \
4489 	DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name)
4491 /**
4492  * @brief Like DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
4493  * @param inst instance number
4494  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
4495  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4496  * @return address of the register block specified by name if present,
4497  *         @p default_value otherwise
4498  */
4499 #define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME_OR(inst, name, default_value) \
4500 	DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name, default_value)
4502 /**
4503  * @brief 64-bit version of DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME()
4504  *
4505  * This macro version adds the appropriate suffix for 64-bit unsigned
4506  * integer literals.
4507  * Note that this macro is equivalent to DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME() in
4508  * linker/ASM context.
4509  *
4510  * @param inst instance number
4511  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
4512  * @return address of the register block with the given @p name
4513  */
4514 #define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME_U64(inst, name) \
4515 	DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME_U64(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name)
4517 /**
4518  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s register block size by name
4519  * @param inst instance number
4520  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
4521  * @return size of the register block with the given @p name
4522  */
4523 #define DT_INST_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(inst, name) \
4524 	DT_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name)
4526 /**
4527  * @brief Like DT_INST_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
4528  * @param inst instance number
4529  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
4530  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4531  * @return size of the register block specified by name if present,
4532  *         @p default_value otherwise
4533  */
4534 #define DT_INST_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME_OR(inst, name, default_value) \
4535 	DT_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name, default_value)
4537 /**
4538  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s (only) register block raw address
4539  * @param inst instance number
4540  * @return instance's register block address
4541  */
4542 #define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_RAW(inst) DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX_RAW(inst, 0)
4544 /**
4545  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s (only) register block address
4546  * @param inst instance number
4547  * @return instance's register block address
4548  */
4549 #define DT_INST_REG_ADDR(inst) DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
4551 /**
4552  * @brief 64-bit version of DT_INST_REG_ADDR()
4553  *
4554  * This macro version adds the appropriate suffix for 64-bit unsigned
4555  * integer literals.
4556  * Note that this macro is equivalent to DT_INST_REG_ADDR() in
4557  * linker/ASM context.
4558  *
4559  * @param inst instance number
4560  * @return instance's register block address
4561  */
4562 #define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_U64(inst) DT_REG_ADDR_U64(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
4564 /**
4565  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s (only) register block size
4566  * @param inst instance number
4567  * @return instance's register block size
4568  */
4569 #define DT_INST_REG_SIZE(inst) DT_INST_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
4571 /**
4572  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s number of interrupts
4573  *
4574  * @param inst instance number
4575  * @return number of interrupts
4576  */
4577 #define DT_INST_NUM_IRQS(inst) DT_NUM_IRQS(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
4579 /**
4580  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` interrupt level
4581  *
4582  * @param inst instance number
4583  * @return interrupt level
4584  */
4585 #define DT_INST_IRQ_LEVEL(inst) DT_IRQ_LEVEL(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
4587 /**
4588  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` interrupt specifier value at an index
4589  * @param inst instance number
4590  * @param idx logical index into the interrupt specifier array
4591  * @param cell cell name specifier
4592  * @return the named value at the specifier given by the index
4593  */
4594 #define DT_INST_IRQ_BY_IDX(inst, idx, cell) \
4595 	DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx, cell)
4597 /**
4598  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` interrupt specifier's interrupt controller by index
4599  * @param inst instance number
4600  * @param idx interrupt specifier's index
4601  * @return node_id of interrupt specifier's interrupt controller
4602  */
4603 #define DT_INST_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(inst, idx) \
4604 	DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
4606 /**
4607  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` interrupt specifier's interrupt controller by name
4608  * @param inst instance number
4609  * @param name interrupt specifier's name
4610  * @return node_id of interrupt specifier's interrupt controller
4611  */
4612 #define DT_INST_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(inst, name) \
4613 	DT_IRQ_INTC_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name)
4615 /**
4616  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` interrupt specifier's interrupt controller
4617  * @note Equivalent to DT_INST_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
4618  * @param inst instance number
4619  * @return node_id of interrupt specifier's interrupt controller
4620  * @see DT_INST_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX()
4621  */
4622 #define DT_INST_IRQ_INTC(inst) \
4623 	DT_INST_IRQ_INTC_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
4625 /**
4626  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` interrupt specifier value by name
4627  * @param inst instance number
4628  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
4629  * @param cell cell name specifier
4630  * @return the named value at the specifier given by the index
4631  */
4632 #define DT_INST_IRQ_BY_NAME(inst, name, cell) \
4633 	DT_IRQ_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name, cell)
4635 /**
4636  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` interrupt specifier's value
4637  * @param inst instance number
4638  * @param cell cell name specifier
4639  * @return the named value at that index
4640  */
4641 #define DT_INST_IRQ(inst, cell) DT_INST_IRQ_BY_IDX(inst, 0, cell)
4643 /**
4644  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s (only) irq number
4645  * @param inst instance number
4646  * @return the interrupt number for the node's only interrupt
4647  */
4648 #define DT_INST_IRQN(inst) DT_IRQN(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
4650 /**
4651  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s irq number at index
4652  * @param inst instance number
4653  * @param idx logical index into the interrupt specifier array
4654  * @return the interrupt number for the node's idx-th interrupt
4655  */
4656 #define DT_INST_IRQN_BY_IDX(inst, idx) DT_IRQN_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
4658 /**
4659  * @brief Get a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s bus node identifier
4660  * @param inst instance number
4661  * @return node identifier for the instance's bus node
4662  */
4663 #define DT_INST_BUS(inst) DT_BUS(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
4665 /**
4666  * @brief Test if a `DT_DRV_COMPAT`'s bus type is a given type
4667  * @param inst instance number
4668  * @param bus a binding's bus type as a C token, lowercased and without quotes
4669  * @return 1 if the given instance is on a bus of the given type,
4670  *         0 otherwise
4671  */
4672 #define DT_INST_ON_BUS(inst, bus) DT_ON_BUS(DT_DRV_INST(inst), bus)
4674 /**
4675  * @brief Like DT_INST_STRING_TOKEN(), but with a fallback to @p default_value
4676  * @param inst instance number
4677  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores property name
4678  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4679  * @return if @p prop exists, its value as a token, i.e. without any quotes and
4680  *         with special characters converted to underscores. Otherwise
4681  *         @p default_value
4682  */
4683 #define DT_INST_STRING_TOKEN_OR(inst, name, default_value) \
4684 	DT_STRING_TOKEN_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name, default_value)
4686 /**
4687  * @brief Like DT_INST_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN(), but with a fallback to
4688  *        @p default_value
4689  * @param inst instance number
4690  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores property name
4691  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4692  * @return the property's value as an uppercased token, or @p default_value
4693  */
4694 #define DT_INST_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_OR(inst, name, default_value) \
4695 	DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name, default_value)
4697 /**
4698  * @brief Like DT_INST_STRING_UNQUOTED(), but with a fallback to
4699  *        @p default_value
4700  * @param inst instance number
4701  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores property name
4702  * @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
4703  * @return the property's value as a sequence of tokens, with no quotes, or @p default_value
4704  */
4705 #define DT_INST_STRING_UNQUOTED_OR(inst, name, default_value) \
4706 	DT_STRING_UNQUOTED_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name, default_value)
4708 /**
4709  * @brief Test if any enabled node with the given compatible is on
4710  *        the given bus type
4711  *
4712  * This is like DT_ANY_INST_ON_BUS_STATUS_OKAY(), except it can also
4713  * be useful for handling multiple compatibles in single source file.
4714  *
4715  * Example devicetree overlay:
4716  *
4717  * @code{.dts}
4718  *     &i2c0 {
4719  *            temp: temperature-sensor@76 {
4720  *                     compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4721  *                     reg = <0x76>;
4722  *            };
4723  *     };
4724  * @endcode
4725  *
4726  * Example usage, assuming `i2c0` is an I2C bus controller node, and
4727  * therefore `temp` is on an I2C bus:
4728  *
4729  * @code{.c}
4730  *     DT_HAS_COMPAT_ON_BUS_STATUS_OKAY(vnd_some_sensor, i2c) // 1
4731  * @endcode
4732  *
4733  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
4734  * @param bus a binding's bus type as a C token, lowercased and without quotes
4735  * @return 1 if any enabled node with that compatible is on that bus type,
4736  *         0 otherwise
4737  */
4738 #define DT_HAS_COMPAT_ON_BUS_STATUS_OKAY(compat, bus) \
4739 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT4(DT_COMPAT_, compat, _BUS_, bus))
4741 /**
4742  * @brief Test if any `DT_DRV_COMPAT` node is on a bus of a given type
4743  *        and has status okay
4744  *
4745  * This is a special-purpose macro which can be useful when writing
4746  * drivers for devices which can appear on multiple buses. One example
4747  * is a sensor device which may be wired on an I2C or SPI bus.
4748  *
4749  * Example devicetree overlay:
4750  *
4751  * @code{.dts}
4752  *     &i2c0 {
4753  *            temp: temperature-sensor@76 {
4754  *                     compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4755  *                     reg = <0x76>;
4756  *            };
4757  *     };
4758  * @endcode
4759  *
4760  * Example usage, assuming `i2c0` is an I2C bus controller node, and
4761  * therefore `temp` is on an I2C bus:
4762  *
4763  * @code{.c}
4764  *     #define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_some_sensor
4765  *
4766  *     DT_ANY_INST_ON_BUS_STATUS_OKAY(i2c) // 1
4767  * @endcode
4768  *
4769  * @param bus a binding's bus type as a C token, lowercased and without quotes
4770  * @return 1 if any enabled node with that compatible is on that bus type,
4771  *         0 otherwise
4772  */
4773 #define DT_ANY_INST_ON_BUS_STATUS_OKAY(bus) \
4776 /**
4777  * @brief Check if any `DT_DRV_COMPAT` node with status `okay` has a given
4778  *        property.
4779  *
4780  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4781  *
4782  * Example devicetree overlay:
4783  *
4784  * @code{.dts}
4785  *     &i2c0 {
4786  *         sensor0: sensor@0 {
4787  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4788  *             status = "okay";
4789  *             reg = <0>;
4790  *             foo = <1>;
4791  *             bar = <2>;
4792  *         };
4793  *
4794  *         sensor1: sensor@1 {
4795  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4796  *             status = "okay";
4797  *             reg = <1>;
4798  *             foo = <2>;
4799  *         };
4800  *
4801  *         sensor2: sensor@2 {
4802  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4803  *             status = "disabled";
4804  *             reg = <2>;
4805  *             baz = <1>;
4806  *         };
4807  *     };
4808  * @endcode
4809  *
4810  * Example usage:
4811  *
4812  * @code{.c}
4813  *     #define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_some_sensor
4814  *
4815  *     DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY(foo) // 1
4816  *     DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY(bar) // 1
4817  *     DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY(baz) // 0
4818  * @endcode
4819  */
4820 #define DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY(prop) \
4823 /**
4824  * @brief Check if any device node with status `okay` has a given
4825  *        property.
4826  *
4827  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores devicetree compatible
4828  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4829  *
4830  * Example devicetree overlay:
4831  *
4832  * @code{.dts}
4833  *     &i2c0 {
4834  *         sensor0: sensor@0 {
4835  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4836  *             status = "okay";
4837  *             reg = <0>;
4838  *             foo = <1>;
4839  *             bar = <2>;
4840  *         };
4841  *
4842  *         sensor1: sensor@1 {
4843  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4844  *             status = "okay";
4845  *             reg = <1>;
4846  *             foo = <2>;
4847  *         };
4848  *
4849  *         sensor2: sensor@2 {
4850  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4851  *             status = "disabled";
4852  *             reg = <2>;
4853  *             baz = <1>;
4854  *         };
4855  *     };
4856  * @endcode
4857  *
4858  * Example usage:
4859  *
4860  * @code{.c}
4861  *
4862  *     DT_ANY_COMPAT_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY(vnd_some_sensor, foo) // 1
4863  *     DT_ANY_COMPAT_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY(vnd_some_sensor, bar) // 1
4864  *     DT_ANY_COMPAT_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY(vnd_some_sensor, baz) // 0
4865  * @endcode
4866  */
4867 #define DT_ANY_COMPAT_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY(compat, prop) \
4870 /**
4871  * @brief Check if any `DT_DRV_COMPAT` node with status `okay` has a given
4872  *        boolean property that exists.
4873  *
4874  * This differs from @ref DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY because even when not present
4875  * on a node, the boolean property is generated with a value of 0 and therefore exists.
4876  *
4877  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
4878  *
4879  * Example devicetree overlay:
4880  *
4881  * @code{.dts}
4882  *     &i2c0 {
4883  *         sensor0: sensor@0 {
4884  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4885  *             status = "okay";
4886  *             reg = <0>;
4887  *             foo;
4888  *             bar;
4889  *         };
4890  *
4891  *         sensor1: sensor@1 {
4892  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4893  *             status = "okay";
4894  *             reg = <1>;
4895  *             foo;
4896  *         };
4897  *
4898  *         sensor2: sensor@2 {
4899  *             compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
4900  *             status = "disabled";
4901  *             reg = <2>;
4902  *             baz;
4903  *         };
4904  *     };
4905  * @endcode
4906  *
4907  * Example usage:
4908  *
4909  * @code{.c}
4910  *     #define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_some_sensor
4911  *
4912  *     DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY(foo) // 1
4913  *     DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY(bar) // 1
4914  *     DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY(baz) // 0
4915  * @endcode
4916  */
4917 #define DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY(prop) \
4920 /**
4921  * @brief Call @p fn on all nodes with compatible `DT_DRV_COMPAT`
4922  *        and status `okay`
4923  *
4924  * This macro calls `fn(inst)` on each `inst` number that refers to a
4925  * node with status `okay`. Whitespace is added between invocations.
4926  *
4927  * Example devicetree fragment:
4928  *
4929  * @code{.dts}
4930  *     a {
4931  *             compatible = "vnd,device";
4932  *             status = "okay";
4933  *             foobar = "DEV_A";
4934  *     };
4935  *
4936  *     b {
4937  *             compatible = "vnd,device";
4938  *             status = "okay";
4939  *             foobar = "DEV_B";
4940  *     };
4941  *
4942  *     c {
4943  *             compatible = "vnd,device";
4944  *             status = "disabled";
4945  *             foobar = "DEV_C";
4946  *     };
4947  * @endcode
4948  *
4949  * Example usage:
4950  *
4951  * @code{.c}
4952  *     #define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_device
4953  *     #define MY_FN(inst) DT_INST_PROP(inst, foobar),
4954  *
4956  * @endcode
4957  *
4958  * This expands to:
4959  *
4960  * @code{.c}
4961  *     MY_FN(0) MY_FN(1)
4962  * @endcode
4963  *
4964  * and from there, to either this:
4965  *
4966  *     "DEV_A", "DEV_B",
4967  *
4968  * or this:
4969  *
4970  *     "DEV_B", "DEV_A",
4971  *
4972  * No guarantees are made about the order that a and b appear in the
4973  * expansion.
4974  *
4975  * Note that @p fn is responsible for adding commas, semicolons, or
4976  * other separators or terminators.
4977  *
4978  * Device drivers should use this macro whenever possible to
4979  * instantiate a struct device for each enabled node in the devicetree
4980  * of the driver's compatible `DT_DRV_COMPAT`.
4981  *
4982  * @param fn Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept an
4983  *           instance number as its only parameter.
4984  */
4985 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(fn) \
4988 			      DT_DRV_COMPAT)(fn)),		\
4989 		    ())
4991 /**
4992  * @brief Call @p fn on all nodes with compatible `DT_DRV_COMPAT`
4993  *        and status `okay` with multiple arguments
4994  *
4995  *
4996  * @param fn Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept an
4997  *           instance number.
4998  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
4999  *
5002  */
5003 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(fn, ...) \
5006 			      DT_DRV_COMPAT)(fn, __VA_ARGS__)), \
5007 		    ())
5009 /**
5010  * @brief Call @p fn on all node labels for a given `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance
5011  *
5012  * Equivalent to DT_FOREACH_NODELABEL(DT_DRV_INST(inst), fn).
5013  *
5014  * @param inst instance number
5015  * @param fn macro which will be passed each node label for the node
5016  *           with that instance number
5017  */
5018 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_NODELABEL(inst, fn) \
5021 /**
5022  * @brief Call @p fn on all node labels for a given `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance
5023  *        with multiple arguments
5024  *
5025  * Equivalent to DT_FOREACH_NODELABEL_VARGS(DT_DRV_INST(inst), fn, ...).
5026  *
5027  * @param inst instance number
5028  * @param fn macro which will be passed each node label for the node
5029  *           with that instance number
5030  * @param ... additional arguments to pass to @p fn
5031  */
5032 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_NODELABEL_VARGS(inst, fn, ...) \
5035 /**
5036  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each element of property @p prop for
5037  *        a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance.
5038  *
5039  * Equivalent to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn).
5040  *
5041  * @param inst instance number
5042  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
5043  * @param fn macro to invoke
5044  */
5045 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(inst, prop, fn) \
5046 	DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn)
5048 /**
5049  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each element of property @p prop for
5050  *        a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance with a separator.
5051  *
5052  * Equivalent to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn, sep).
5053  *
5054  * @param inst instance number
5055  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
5056  * @param fn macro to invoke
5057  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
5058  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
5059  */
5060 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP(inst, prop, fn, sep) \
5061 	DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn, sep)
5063 /**
5064  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each element of property @p prop for
5065  *        a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance with multiple arguments.
5066  *
5067  * Equivalent to
5068  *      DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn, __VA_ARGS__)
5069  *
5070  * @param inst instance number
5071  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
5072  * @param fn macro to invoke
5073  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to @p fn
5074  *
5076  */
5077 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS(inst, prop, fn, ...) \
5078 	DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn, __VA_ARGS__)
5080 /**
5081  * @brief Invokes @p fn for each element of property @p prop for
5082  *        a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance with multiple arguments and a separator.
5083  *
5084  * Equivalent to
5085  *      DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP_VARGS(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn, sep,
5086  *                                     __VA_ARGS__)
5087  *
5088  * @param inst instance number
5089  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
5090  * @param fn macro to invoke
5091  * @param sep Separator (e.g. comma or semicolon). Must be in parentheses;
5092  *            this is required to enable providing a comma as separator.
5093  * @param ... variable number of arguments to pass to fn
5094  *
5096  */
5097 #define DT_INST_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP_VARGS(inst, prop, fn, sep, ...)		\
5098 	DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP_VARGS(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn, sep,	\
5099 				       __VA_ARGS__)
5101 /**
5102  * @brief Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have a property?
5103  * @param inst instance number
5104  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
5105  * @return 1 if the instance has the property, 0 otherwise.
5106  */
5107 #define DT_INST_NODE_HAS_PROP(inst, prop) \
5108 	DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop)
5110 /**
5111  * @brief Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have the compatible?
5112  * @param inst instance number
5113  * @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
5114  * @return 1 if the instance matches the compatible, 0 otherwise.
5115  */
5116 #define DT_INST_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(inst, compat) \
5117 	DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(DT_DRV_INST(inst), compat)
5119 /**
5120  * @brief Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at an index
5121  *        for a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance?
5122  * @param inst instance number
5123  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
5124  * @param idx index to check
5125  * @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
5126  * @return 1 if the named @p cell exists in the specifier at index @p idx,
5127  *         0 otherwise.
5128  */
5129 #define DT_INST_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(inst, pha, idx, cell) \
5130 	DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, idx, cell)
5132 /**
5133  * @brief Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at index 0
5134  *        for a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance?
5135  * @param inst instance number
5136  * @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type `phandle-array`
5137  * @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
5138  * @return 1 if the named @p cell exists in the specifier at index 0,
5139  *         0 otherwise.
5140  */
5141 #define DT_INST_PHA_HAS_CELL(inst, pha, cell) \
5142 	DT_INST_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(inst, pha, 0, cell)
5144 /**
5145  * @brief is index valid for interrupt property on a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance?
5146  * @param inst instance number
5147  * @param idx logical index into the interrupt specifier array
5148  * @return 1 if the @p idx is valid for the interrupt property
5149  *         0 otherwise.
5150  */
5151 #define DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_IDX(inst, idx) DT_IRQ_HAS_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
5153 /**
5154  * @brief Does a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance have an interrupt named cell specifier?
5155  * @param inst instance number
5156  * @param idx index to check
5157  * @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
5158  * @return 1 if the named @p cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index
5159  *         @p idx 0 otherwise.
5160  */
5161 #define DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(inst, idx, cell) \
5162 	DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx, cell)
5164 /**
5165  * @brief Does a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance have an interrupt value?
5166  * @param inst instance number
5167  * @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
5168  * @return 1 if the named @p cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index 0
5169  *         0 otherwise.
5170  */
5171 #define DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_CELL(inst, cell) \
5172 	DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(inst, 0, cell)
5174 /**
5175  * @brief Does a `DT_DRV_COMPAT` instance have an interrupt value?
5176  * @param inst instance number
5177  * @param name lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
5178  * @return 1 if @p name is a valid named specifier
5179  */
5180 #define DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_NAME(inst, name) \
5181 	DT_IRQ_HAS_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name)
5183 /**
5184  * @}
5185  */
5187 /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
5189 /** @brief Helper for DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY_
5190  *
5191  * This macro generates token "1," for instance of a device,
5192  * identified by index @p idx, if instance has property @p prop.
5193  *
5194  * @param idx instance number
5195  * @param prop property to check for
5196  *
5197  * @return Macro evaluates to `1,` if instance has the property,
5198  * otherwise it evaluates to literal nothing.
5199  */
5200 #define DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY__(idx, prop)	\
5201 	COND_CODE_1(DT_INST_NODE_HAS_PROP(idx, prop), (1,), ())
5202 /** @brief Helper for DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY
5203  *
5204  * This macro uses DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY_ with
5205  * DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARG to generate comma separated list of 1,
5206  * where each 1 on the list represents instance that has a property
5207  * @p prop; the list may be empty, and the upper bound on number of
5208  * list elements is number of device instances.
5209  *
5210  * @param prop property to check
5211  *
5212  * @return Evaluates to list of 1s (e.g: 1,1,1,) or nothing.
5213  */
5214 #define DT_ANY_INST_HAS_PROP_STATUS_OKAY_(prop)	\
5217 /** @brief Helper for DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY_
5218  *
5219  * This macro generates token "1," for instance of a device,
5220  * identified by index @p idx, if instance has boolean property
5221  * @p prop with value 1.
5222  *
5223  * @param idx instance number
5224  * @param prop property to check for
5225  *
5226  * @return Macro evaluates to `1,` if instance property value is 1,
5227  * otherwise it evaluates to literal nothing.
5228  */
5229 #define DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY__(idx, prop)	\
5230 	COND_CODE_1(DT_INST_PROP(idx, prop), (1,), ())
5231 /** @brief Helper for DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY
5232  *
5233  * This macro uses DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY_ with
5234  * DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARG to generate comma separated list of 1,
5235  * where each 1 on the list represents instance that has a property
5236  * @p prop of value 1; the list may be empty, and the upper bound on number of
5237  * list elements is number of device instances.
5238  *
5239  * @param prop property to check
5240  *
5241  * @return Evaluates to list of 1s (e.g: 1,1,1,) or nothing.
5242  */
5243 #define DT_ANY_INST_HAS_BOOL_STATUS_OKAY_(prop)	\
5246 #define DT_PATH_INTERNAL(...) \
5248 /** @brief DT_PATH_INTERNAL() helper: prepends _S_ to a node name
5249  * We don't want to expand 'name' recursively before expansion
5250  * in this case. The MACRO_MAP_CAT above is giving us the exact
5251  * tokens it wants prefixed with _S_.
5252  */
5253 #define DT_S_PREFIX(name) _S_##name
5255 /**
5256  * @brief Concatenation helper, 2 arguments
5257  *
5258  * This and the following macros are used to paste things together
5259  * with "##" *after* forcing expansion on each argument.
5260  *
5261  * We could try to use something like UTIL_CAT(), but the compiler
5262  * error messages from the util macros can be extremely long when they
5263  * are misused. This unfortunately happens often with devicetree.h,
5264  * since its macro-based API is fiddly and can be hard to get right.
5265  *
5266  * Keeping things brutally simple here hopefully makes some errors
5267  * easier to read.
5268  */
5269 #define DT_CAT(a1, a2) a1 ## a2
5270 /** @brief Concatenation helper, 3 arguments */
5271 #define DT_CAT3(a1, a2, a3) a1 ## a2 ## a3
5272 /** @brief Concatenation helper, 4 arguments */
5273 #define DT_CAT4(a1, a2, a3, a4) a1 ## a2 ## a3 ## a4
5274 /** @brief Internal concatenation helper, 5 arguments */
5275 #define DT_CAT5(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) a1 ## a2 ## a3 ## a4 ## a5
5276 /** @brief Concatenation helper, 6 arguments */
5277 #define DT_CAT6(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) a1 ## a2 ## a3 ## a4 ## a5 ## a6
5278 /** @brief concatenation helper, 7 arguments */
5279 #define DT_CAT7(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \
5280 	a1 ## a2 ## a3 ## a4 ## a5 ## a6 ## a7
5281 /** @brief concatenation helper, 8 arguments */
5282 #define DT_CAT8(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) \
5283 	a1 ## a2 ## a3 ## a4 ## a5 ## a6 ## a7 ## a8
5284 /*
5285  * If you need to define a bigger DT_CATN(), do so here. Don't leave
5286  * any "holes" of undefined macros, please.
5287  */
5289 /** @brief Helper for node identifier macros to expand args */
5291 /** @brief Helper for DT_DASH(): prepends _ to a name */
5292 #define DT_DASH_PREFIX(name) _##name
5293 /** @brief Helper for DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS */
5294 #define DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS_INTERNAL(node_id, status) \
5295 	IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT3(node_id, _STATUS_, status))
5297 /** @brief Helper macro to OR multiple has property checks in a loop macro
5298  *         (for the specified device)
5299  */
5300 #define DT_COMPAT_NODE_HAS_PROP_AND_OR(inst, compat, prop) \
5301 	DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(DT_INST(inst, compat), prop) ||
5303 /**
5304  * @def DT_U32_C
5305  * @brief Macro to add 32bit unsigned postfix to the devicetree address constants
5306  */
5307 #if defined(_LINKER) || defined(_ASMLANGUAGE)
5308 #define DT_U32_C(_v) (_v)
5309 #else
5310 #define DT_U32_C(_v) UINT32_C(_v)
5311 #endif
5313 /**
5314  * @def DT_U64_C
5315  * @brief Macro to add ULL postfix to the devicetree address constants
5316  */
5317 #if defined(_LINKER) || defined(_ASMLANGUAGE)
5318 #define DT_U64_C(_v) (_v)
5319 #else
5320 #define DT_U64_C(_v) UINT64_C(_v)
5321 #endif
5323 /* Helpers for DT_NODELABEL_STRING_ARRAY. We define our own stringify
5324  * in order to avoid adding a dependency on toolchain.h..
5325  */
5328 #define DT_STRINGIFY_INTERNAL_HELPER(arg) #arg
5330 /** @endcond */
5332 /* have these last so they have access to all previously defined macros */
5333 #include <zephyr/devicetree/io-channels.h>
5334 #include <zephyr/devicetree/clocks.h>
5335 #include <zephyr/devicetree/gpio.h>
5336 #include <zephyr/devicetree/spi.h>
5337 #include <zephyr/devicetree/dma.h>
5338 #include <zephyr/devicetree/pwms.h>
5339 #include <zephyr/devicetree/fixed-partitions.h>
5340 #include <zephyr/devicetree/ordinals.h>
5341 #include <zephyr/devicetree/pinctrl.h>
5342 #include <zephyr/devicetree/can.h>
5343 #include <zephyr/devicetree/reset.h>
5344 #include <zephyr/devicetree/mbox.h>
5345 #include <zephyr/devicetree/port-endpoint.h>