1 /** @file
2  *  @brief Bluetooth subsystem classic core APIs.
3  */
5 /*
6  * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation
7  * Copyright 2024 NXP
8  *
9  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
10  */
14 /**
15  * @brief Bluetooth APIs
16  * @defgroup bluetooth Bluetooth APIs
17  * @ingroup connectivity
18  * @{
19  */
21 #include <stdbool.h>
22 #include <string.h>
24 #include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
25 #include <zephyr/net_buf.h>
26 #include <zephyr/bluetooth/addr.h>
28 #ifdef __cplusplus
29 extern "C" {
30 #endif
32 /**
33  * @brief Generic Access Profile (GAP)
34  * @defgroup bt_gap Generic Access Profile (GAP)
35  * @since 1.0
36  * @version 1.0.0
37  * @ingroup bluetooth
38  * @{
39  */
41 /**
42  * @private
43  * @brief BR/EDR discovery private structure
44  */
45 struct bt_br_discovery_priv {
46 	/** Clock offset */
47 	uint16_t clock_offset;
48 	/** Page scan repetition mode */
49 	uint8_t pscan_rep_mode;
50 	/** Resolving remote name*/
51 	bool resolving;
52 };
54 /** @brief BR/EDR discovery result structure */
55 struct bt_br_discovery_result {
56 	/** Private data */
57 	struct bt_br_discovery_priv _priv;
59 	/** Remote device address */
60 	bt_addr_t addr;
62 	/** RSSI from inquiry */
63 	int8_t rssi;
65 	/** Class of Device */
66 	uint8_t cod[3];
68 	/** Extended Inquiry Response */
69 	uint8_t eir[240];
70 };
72 /** BR/EDR discovery parameters */
73 struct bt_br_discovery_param {
74 	/** Maximum length of the discovery in units of 1.28 seconds.
75 	 *  Valid range is 0x01 - 0x30.
76 	 */
77 	uint8_t length;
79 	/** True if limited discovery procedure is to be used. */
80 	bool limited;
81 };
83 /**
84  * @brief Start BR/EDR discovery
85  *
86  * Start BR/EDR discovery (inquiry) and provide results through the specified
87  * callback. The discovery results will be notified through callbacks
88  * registered by @ref bt_br_discovery_cb_register.
89  * If more inquiry results were received during session than
90  * fits in provided result storage, only ones with highest RSSI will be
91  * reported.
92  *
93  * @param param Discovery parameters.
94  * @param results Storage for discovery results.
95  * @param count Number of results in storage. Valid range: 1-255.
96  *
97  * @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case
98  * of protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error
99  */
100 int bt_br_discovery_start(const struct bt_br_discovery_param *param,
101 			  struct bt_br_discovery_result *results, size_t count);
103 /**
104  * @brief Stop BR/EDR discovery.
105  *
106  * Stops ongoing BR/EDR discovery. If discovery was stopped by this call
107  * results won't be reported
108  *
109  * @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
110  *         protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
111  */
112 int bt_br_discovery_stop(void);
114 struct bt_br_discovery_cb {
116 	/**
117 	 * @brief An inquiry response received callback.
118 	 *
119 	 * @param result Storage used for discovery results
120 	 */
121 	void (*recv)(const struct bt_br_discovery_result *result);
123 	/** @brief The inquiry has stopped after discovery timeout.
124 	 *
125 	 * @param results Storage used for discovery results
126 	 * @param count Number of valid discovery results.
127 	 */
128 	void (*timeout)(const struct bt_br_discovery_result *results,
129 				  size_t count);
131 	sys_snode_t node;
132 };
134 /**
135  * @brief Register discovery packet callbacks.
136  *
137  * Adds the callback structure to the list of callback structures that monitors
138  * inquiry activity.
139  *
140  * This callback will be called for all inquiry activity, regardless of what
141  * API was used to start the discovery.
142  *
143  * @param cb Callback struct. Must point to memory that remains valid.
144  */
145 void bt_br_discovery_cb_register(struct bt_br_discovery_cb *cb);
147 /**
148  * @brief Unregister discovery packet callbacks.
149  *
150  * Remove the callback structure from the list of discovery callbacks.
151  *
152  * @param cb Callback struct. Must point to memory that remains valid.
153  */
154 void bt_br_discovery_cb_unregister(struct bt_br_discovery_cb *cb);
156 struct bt_br_oob {
157 	/** BR/EDR address. */
158 	bt_addr_t addr;
159 };
161 /**
162  * @brief Get BR/EDR local Out Of Band information
163  *
164  * This function allows to get local controller information that are useful
165  * for Out Of Band pairing or connection creation process.
166  *
167  * @param oob Out Of Band information
168  */
169 int bt_br_oob_get_local(struct bt_br_oob *oob);
171 /**
172  * @brief Enable/disable set controller in discoverable state.
173  *
174  * Allows make local controller to listen on INQUIRY SCAN channel and responds
175  * to devices making general inquiry. To enable this state it's mandatory
176  * to first be in connectable state.
177  *
178  * If the device enters limited discoverable mode, the controller will leave from discoverable
179  * mode after the duration of @kconfig{BT_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE_DURATION} seconds in the limited
180  * discoverable mode.
181  *
182  * @param enable Value allowing/disallowing controller to become discoverable.
183  * @param limited Value allowing/disallowing controller to enter limited discoverable mode.
184  *
185  * @return Negative if fail set to requested state or requested state has been
186  *         already set. Zero if done successfully.
187  */
188 int bt_br_set_discoverable(bool enable, bool limited);
190 /**
191  * @brief Enable/disable set controller in connectable state.
192  *
193  * Allows make local controller to be connectable. It means the controller
194  * start listen to devices requests on PAGE SCAN channel. If disabled also
195  * resets discoverability if was set.
196  *
197  * @param enable Value allowing/disallowing controller to be connectable.
198  *
199  * @return Negative if fail set to requested state or requested state has been
200  *         already set. Zero if done successfully.
201  */
202 int bt_br_set_connectable(bool enable);
204 /** @brief Check if a Bluetooth classic device address is bonded.
205  *
206  *  @param addr Bluetooth classic device address.
207  *
208  *  @return true if @p addr is bonded
209  */
210 bool bt_br_bond_exists(const bt_addr_t *addr);
212 /**
213  * @}
214  */
216 #ifdef __cplusplus
217 }
218 #endif
219 /**
220  * @}
221  */