1#! /usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited.
4# Copyright (c) 2017 Open Source Foundries Limited.
6# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8"""Zephyr binary runner core interfaces
10This provides the core ZephyrBinaryRunner class meant for public use,
11as well as some other helpers for concrete runner classes.
14import abc
15import argparse
16import errno
17import logging
18import os
19import platform
20import shlex
21import shutil
22import signal
23import subprocess
24import re
25from dataclasses import dataclass, field
26from functools import partial
27from enum import Enum
28from inspect import isabstract
29from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, NoReturn, Optional, Set, Type, \
30    Union
32# Turn on to enable just logging the commands that would be run (at
33# info rather than debug level), without actually running them. This
34# can break runners that are expecting output or if one command
35# depends on another, so it's just for debugging.
36_DRY_RUN = False
38_logger = logging.getLogger('runners')
41class _DebugDummyPopen:
43    def terminate(self):
44        pass
46    def wait(self):
47        pass
50MAX_PORT = 49151
53class NetworkPortHelper:
54    '''Helper class for dealing with local IP network ports.'''
56    def get_unused_ports(self, starting_from):
57        '''Find unused network ports, starting at given values.
59        starting_from is an iterable of ports the caller would like to use.
61        The return value is an iterable of ports, in the same order, using
62        the given values if they were unused, or the next sequentially
63        available unused port otherwise.
65        Ports may be bound between this call's check and actual usage, so
66        callers still need to handle errors involving returned ports.'''
67        start = list(starting_from)
68        used = self._used_now()
69        ret = []
71        for desired in start:
72            port = desired
73            while port in used:
74                port += 1
75                if port > MAX_PORT:
76                    msg = "ports above {} are in use"
77                    raise ValueError(msg.format(desired))
78            used.add(port)
79            ret.append(port)
81        return ret
83    def _used_now(self):
84        handlers = {
85            'Windows': self._used_now_windows,
86            'Linux': self._used_now_linux,
87            'Darwin': self._used_now_darwin,
88        }
89        handler = handlers[platform.system()]
90        return handler()
92    def _used_now_windows(self):
93        cmd = ['netstat', '-a', '-n', '-p', 'tcp']
94        return self._parser_windows(cmd)
96    def _used_now_linux(self):
97        cmd = ['ss', '-a', '-n', '-t']
98        return self._parser_linux(cmd)
100    def _used_now_darwin(self):
101        cmd = ['netstat', '-a', '-n', '-p', 'tcp']
102        return self._parser_darwin(cmd)
104    @staticmethod
105    def _parser_windows(cmd):
106        out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).split(b'\r\n')
107        used_bytes = [x.split()[1].rsplit(b':', 1)[1] for x in out
108                      if x.startswith(b'  TCP')]
109        return {int(b) for b in used_bytes}
111    @staticmethod
112    def _parser_linux(cmd):
113        out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines()[1:]
114        used_bytes = [s.split()[3].rsplit(b':', 1)[1] for s in out]
115        return {int(b) for b in used_bytes}
117    @staticmethod
118    def _parser_darwin(cmd):
119        out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).split(b'\n')
120        used_bytes = [x.split()[3].rsplit(b':', 1)[1] for x in out
121                      if x.startswith(b'tcp')]
122        return {int(b) for b in used_bytes}
125class BuildConfiguration:
126    '''This helper class provides access to build-time configuration.
128    Configuration options can be read as if the object were a dict,
129    either object['CONFIG_FOO'] or object.get('CONFIG_FOO').
131    Kconfig configuration values are available (parsed from .config).'''
133    def __init__(self, build_dir: str):
134        self.build_dir = build_dir
135        self.options: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {}
136        self.path = os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'zephyr', '.config')
137        self._parse()
139    def __contains__(self, item):
140        return item in self.options
142    def __getitem__(self, item):
143        return self.options[item]
145    def get(self, option, *args):
146        return self.options.get(option, *args)
148    def getboolean(self, option):
149        '''If a boolean option is explicitly set to y or n,
150        returns its value. Otherwise, falls back to False.
151        '''
152        return self.options.get(option, False)
154    def _parse(self):
155        filename = self.path
156        opt_value = re.compile('^(?P<option>CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]+)=(?P<value>.*)$')
157        not_set = re.compile('^# (?P<option>CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]+) is not set$')
159        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
160            for line in f:
161                match = opt_value.match(line)
162                if match:
163                    value = match.group('value').rstrip()
164                    if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'):
165                        # A string literal should have the quotes stripped,
166                        # but otherwise be left as is.
167                        value = value[1:-1]
168                    elif value == 'y':
169                        # The character 'y' is a boolean option
170                        # that is set to True.
171                        value = True
172                    else:
173                        # Neither a string nor 'y', so try to parse it
174                        # as an integer.
175                        try:
176                            base = 16 if value.startswith('0x') else 10
177                            self.options[match.group('option')] = int(value, base=base)
178                            continue
179                        except ValueError:
180                            pass
182                    self.options[match.group('option')] = value
183                    continue
185                match = not_set.match(line)
186                if match:
187                    # '# CONFIG_FOO is not set' means a boolean option is false.
188                    self.options[match.group('option')] = False
190class MissingProgram(FileNotFoundError):
191    '''FileNotFoundError subclass for missing program dependencies.
193    No significant changes from the parent FileNotFoundError; this is
194    useful for explicitly signaling that the file in question is a
195    program that some class requires to proceed.
197    The filename attribute contains the missing program.'''
199    def __init__(self, program):
200        super().__init__(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), program)
203_RUNNERCAPS_COMMANDS = {'flash', 'debug', 'debugserver', 'attach'}
206class RunnerCaps:
207    '''This class represents a runner class's capabilities.
209    Each capability is represented as an attribute with the same
210    name. Flag attributes are True or False.
212    Available capabilities:
214    - commands: set of supported commands; default is {'flash',
215      'debug', 'debugserver', 'attach'}.
217    - dev_id: whether the runner supports device identifiers, in the form of an
218      -i, --dev-id option. This is useful when the user has multiple debuggers
219      connected to a single computer, in order to select which one will be used
220      with the command provided.
222    - flash_addr: whether the runner supports flashing to an
223      arbitrary address. Default is False. If true, the runner
224      must honor the --dt-flash option.
226    - erase: whether the runner supports an --erase option, which
227      does a mass-erase of the entire addressable flash on the target
228      before flashing. On multi-core SoCs, this may only erase portions of
229      flash specific the actual target core. (This option can be useful for
230      things like clearing out old settings values or other subsystem state
231      that may affect the behavior of the zephyr image. It is also sometimes
232      needed by SoCs which have flash-like areas that can't be sector
233      erased by the underlying tool before flashing; UICR on nRF SoCs
234      is one example.)
236    - reset: whether the runner supports a --reset option, which
237      resets the device after a flash operation is complete.
239    - tool_opt: whether the runner supports a --tool-opt (-O) option, which
240      can be given multiple times and is passed on to the underlying tool
241      that the runner wraps.
243    - file: whether the runner supports a --file option, which specifies
244      exactly the file that should be used to flash, overriding any default
245      discovered in the build directory.
246    '''
248    commands: Set[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: set(_RUNNERCAPS_COMMANDS))
249    dev_id: bool = False
250    flash_addr: bool = False
251    erase: bool = False
252    reset: bool = False
253    tool_opt: bool = False
254    file: bool = False
256    def __post_init__(self):
257        if not self.commands.issubset(_RUNNERCAPS_COMMANDS):
258            raise ValueError(f'{self.commands=} contains invalid command')
261def _missing_cap(cls: Type['ZephyrBinaryRunner'], option: str) -> NoReturn:
262    # Helper function that's called when an option was given on the
263    # command line that corresponds to a missing capability in the
264    # runner class cls.
266    raise ValueError(f"{cls.name()} doesn't support {option} option")
269class FileType(Enum):
270    OTHER = 0
271    HEX = 1
272    BIN = 2
273    ELF = 3
276class RunnerConfig(NamedTuple):
277    '''Runner execution-time configuration.
279    This is a common object shared by all runners. Individual runners
280    can register specific configuration options using their
281    do_add_parser() hooks.
282    '''
283    build_dir: str                  # application build directory
284    board_dir: str                  # board definition directory
285    elf_file: Optional[str]         # zephyr.elf path, or None
286    exe_file: Optional[str]         # zephyr.exe path, or None
287    hex_file: Optional[str]         # zephyr.hex path, or None
288    bin_file: Optional[str]         # zephyr.bin path, or None
289    uf2_file: Optional[str]         # zephyr.uf2 path, or None
290    file: Optional[str]             # binary file path (provided by the user), or None
291    file_type: Optional[FileType] = FileType.OTHER  # binary file type
292    gdb: Optional[str] = None       # path to a usable gdb
293    openocd: Optional[str] = None   # path to a usable openocd
294    openocd_search: List[str] = []  # add these paths to the openocd search path
297_YN_CHOICES = ['Y', 'y', 'N', 'n', 'yes', 'no', 'YES', 'NO']
300class _DTFlashAction(argparse.Action):
302    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
303        if values.lower().startswith('y'):
304            namespace.dt_flash = True
305        else:
306            namespace.dt_flash = False
309class _ToggleAction(argparse.Action):
311    def __call__(self, parser, args, ignored, option):
312        setattr(args, self.dest, not option.startswith('--no-'))
314class DeprecatedAction(argparse.Action):
316    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
317        _logger.warning(f'Argument {self.option_strings[0]} is deprecated' +
318                        (f' for your runner {self._cls.name()}'  if self._cls is not None else '') +
319                        f', use {self._replacement} instead.')
320        setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
322def depr_action(*args, cls=None, replacement=None, **kwargs):
323    action = DeprecatedAction(*args, **kwargs)
324    setattr(action, '_cls', cls)
325    setattr(action, '_replacement', replacement)
326    return action
328class ZephyrBinaryRunner(abc.ABC):
329    '''Abstract superclass for binary runners (flashers, debuggers).
331    **Note**: this class's API has changed relatively rarely since it
332    as added, but it is not considered a stable Zephyr API, and may change
333    without notice.
335    With some exceptions, boards supported by Zephyr must provide
336    generic means to be flashed (have a Zephyr firmware binary
337    permanently installed on the device for running) and debugged
338    (have a breakpoint debugger and program loader on a host
339    workstation attached to a running target).
341    This is supported by four top-level commands managed by the
342    Zephyr build system:
344    - 'flash': flash a previously configured binary to the board,
345      start execution on the target, then return.
347    - 'debug': connect to the board via a debugging protocol, program
348      the flash, then drop the user into a debugger interface with
349      symbol tables loaded from the current binary, and block until it
350      exits.
352    - 'debugserver': connect via a board-specific debugging protocol,
353      then reset and halt the target. Ensure the user is now able to
354      connect to a debug server with symbol tables loaded from the
355      binary.
357    - 'attach': connect to the board via a debugging protocol, then drop
358      the user into a debugger interface with symbol tables loaded from
359      the current binary, and block until it exits. Unlike 'debug', this
360      command does not program the flash.
362    This class provides an API for these commands. Every subclass is
363    called a 'runner' for short. Each runner has a name (like
364    'pyocd'), and declares commands it can handle (like
365    'flash'). Boards (like 'nrf52dk_nrf52832') declare which runner(s)
366    are compatible with them to the Zephyr build system, along with
367    information on how to configure the runner to work with the board.
369    The build system will then place enough information in the build
370    directory to create and use runners with this class's create()
371    method, which provides a command line argument parsing API. You
372    can also create runners by instantiating subclasses directly.
374    In order to define your own runner, you need to:
376    1. Define a ZephyrBinaryRunner subclass, and implement its
377       abstract methods. You may need to override capabilities().
379    2. Make sure the Python module defining your runner class is
380       imported, e.g. by editing this package's __init__.py (otherwise,
381       get_runners() won't work).
383    3. Give your runner's name to the Zephyr build system in your
384       board's board.cmake.
386    Additional advice:
388    - If you need to import any non-standard-library modules, make sure
389      to catch ImportError and defer complaints about it to a RuntimeError
390      if one is missing. This avoids affecting users that don't require your
391      runner, while still making it clear what went wrong to users that do
392      require it that don't have the necessary modules installed.
394    - If you need to ask the user something (e.g. using input()), do it
395      in your create() classmethod, not do_run(). That ensures your
396      __init__() really has everything it needs to call do_run(), and also
397      avoids calling input() when not instantiating within a command line
398      application.
400    - Use self.logger to log messages using the standard library's
401      logging API; your logger is named "runner.<your-runner-name()>"
403    For command-line invocation from the Zephyr build system, runners
404    define their own argparse-based interface through the common
405    add_parser() (and runner-specific do_add_parser() it delegates
406    to), and provide a way to create instances of themselves from
407    a RunnerConfig and parsed runner-specific arguments via create().
409    Runners use a variety of host tools and configuration values, the
410    user interface to which is abstracted by this class. Each runner
411    subclass should take any values it needs to execute one of these
412    commands in its constructor.  The actual command execution is
413    handled in the run() method.'''
415    def __init__(self, cfg: RunnerConfig):
416        '''Initialize core runner state.'''
418        self.cfg = cfg
419        '''RunnerConfig for this instance.'''
421        self.logger = logging.getLogger('runners.{}'.format(self.name()))
422        '''logging.Logger for this instance.'''
424    @staticmethod
425    def get_runners() -> List[Type['ZephyrBinaryRunner']]:
426        '''Get a list of all currently defined runner classes.'''
427        def inheritors(klass):
428            subclasses = set()
429            work = [klass]
430            while work:
431                parent = work.pop()
432                for child in parent.__subclasses__():
433                    if child not in subclasses:
434                        if not isabstract(child):
435                            subclasses.add(child)
436                        work.append(child)
437            return subclasses
439        return inheritors(ZephyrBinaryRunner)
441    @classmethod
442    @abc.abstractmethod
443    def name(cls) -> str:
444        '''Return this runner's user-visible name.
446        When choosing a name, pick something short and lowercase,
447        based on the name of the tool (like openocd, jlink, etc.) or
448        the target architecture/board (like xtensa etc.).'''
450    @classmethod
451    def capabilities(cls) -> RunnerCaps:
452        '''Returns a RunnerCaps representing this runner's capabilities.
454        This implementation returns the default capabilities.
456        Subclasses should override appropriately if needed.'''
457        return RunnerCaps()
459    @classmethod
460    def add_parser(cls, parser):
461        '''Adds a sub-command parser for this runner.
463        The given object, parser, is a sub-command parser from the
464        argparse module. For more details, refer to the documentation
465        for argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers().
467        The lone common optional argument is:
469        * --dt-flash (if the runner capabilities includes flash_addr)
471        Runner-specific options are added through the do_add_parser()
472        hook.'''
473        # Unfortunately, the parser argument's type is not documented
474        # in typeshed, so we can't type annotate much here.
476        # Common options that depend on runner capabilities. If a
477        # capability is not supported, the option string or strings
478        # are added anyway, to prevent an individual runner class from
479        # using them to mean something else.
480        caps = cls.capabilities()
482        if caps.dev_id:
483            parser.add_argument('-i', '--dev-id',
484                                dest='dev_id',
485                                help=cls.dev_id_help())
486        else:
487            parser.add_argument('-i', '--dev-id', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
489        if caps.flash_addr:
490            parser.add_argument('--dt-flash', default='n', choices=_YN_CHOICES,
491                                action=_DTFlashAction,
492                                help='''If 'yes', try to use flash address
493                                information from devicetree when flash
494                                addresses are unknown (e.g. when flashing a .bin)''')
495        else:
496            parser.add_argument('--dt-flash', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
498        if caps.file:
499            parser.add_argument('-f', '--file',
500                                dest='file',
501                                help="path to binary file")
502            parser.add_argument('-t', '--file-type',
503                                dest='file_type',
504                                help="type of binary file")
505        else:
506            parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
507            parser.add_argument('-t', '--file-type', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
509        parser.add_argument('--elf-file',
510                        metavar='FILE',
511                        action=(partial(depr_action, cls=cls, replacement='-f/--file') if caps.file else None),
512                        help='path to zephyr.elf' if not caps.file else 'Deprecated, use -f/--file instead.')
513        parser.add_argument('--hex-file',
514                        metavar='FILE',
515                        action=(partial(depr_action, cls=cls, replacement='-f/--file') if caps.file else None),
516                        help='path to zephyr.hex' if not caps.file else 'Deprecated, use -f/--file instead.')
517        parser.add_argument('--bin-file',
518                        metavar='FILE',
519                        action=(partial(depr_action, cls=cls, replacement='-f/--file') if caps.file else None),
520                        help='path to zephyr.bin' if not caps.file else 'Deprecated, use -f/--file instead.')
522        parser.add_argument('--erase', '--no-erase', nargs=0,
523                            action=_ToggleAction,
524                            help=("mass erase flash before loading, or don't. "
525                                  "Default action depends on each specific runner."
526                                  if caps.erase else argparse.SUPPRESS))
528        parser.add_argument('--reset', '--no-reset', nargs=0,
529                            action=_ToggleAction,
530                            help=("reset device after flashing, or don't. "
531                                  "Default action depends on each specific runner."
532                                  if caps.reset else argparse.SUPPRESS))
534        parser.add_argument('-O', '--tool-opt', dest='tool_opt',
535                            default=[], action='append',
536                            help=(cls.tool_opt_help() if caps.tool_opt
537                                  else argparse.SUPPRESS))
539        # Runner-specific options.
540        cls.do_add_parser(parser)
542    @classmethod
543    @abc.abstractmethod
544    def do_add_parser(cls, parser):
545        '''Hook for adding runner-specific options.'''
547    @classmethod
548    def create(cls, cfg: RunnerConfig,
549               args: argparse.Namespace) -> 'ZephyrBinaryRunner':
550        '''Create an instance from command-line arguments.
552        - ``cfg``: runner configuration (pass to superclass __init__)
553        - ``args``: arguments parsed from execution environment, as
554          specified by ``add_parser()``.'''
555        caps = cls.capabilities()
556        if args.dev_id and not caps.dev_id:
557            _missing_cap(cls, '--dev-id')
558        if args.dt_flash and not caps.flash_addr:
559            _missing_cap(cls, '--dt-flash')
560        if args.erase and not caps.erase:
561            _missing_cap(cls, '--erase')
562        if args.reset and not caps.reset:
563            _missing_cap(cls, '--reset')
564        if args.tool_opt and not caps.tool_opt:
565            _missing_cap(cls, '--tool-opt')
566        if args.file and not caps.file:
567            _missing_cap(cls, '--file')
568        if args.file_type and not args.file:
569            raise ValueError("--file-type requires --file")
570        if args.file_type and not caps.file:
571            _missing_cap(cls, '--file-type')
573        ret = cls.do_create(cfg, args)
574        if args.erase:
575            ret.logger.info('mass erase requested')
576        if args.reset:
577            ret.logger.info('reset after flashing requested')
578        return ret
580    @classmethod
581    @abc.abstractmethod
582    def do_create(cls, cfg: RunnerConfig,
583                  args: argparse.Namespace) -> 'ZephyrBinaryRunner':
584        '''Hook for instance creation from command line arguments.'''
586    @staticmethod
587    def get_flash_address(args: argparse.Namespace,
588                          build_conf: BuildConfiguration,
589                          default: int = 0x0) -> int:
590        '''Helper method for extracting a flash address.
592        If args.dt_flash is true, returns the address obtained from
593        ZephyrBinaryRunner.flash_address_from_build_conf(build_conf).
595        Otherwise (when args.dt_flash is False), the default value is
596        returned.'''
597        if args.dt_flash:
598            return ZephyrBinaryRunner.flash_address_from_build_conf(build_conf)
599        else:
600            return default
602    @staticmethod
603    def flash_address_from_build_conf(build_conf: BuildConfiguration):
604        '''If CONFIG_HAS_FLASH_LOAD_OFFSET is n in build_conf,
605        return the CONFIG_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS value. Otherwise, return
607        '''
608        if build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_HAS_FLASH_LOAD_OFFSET'):
609            return (build_conf['CONFIG_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS'] +
610                    build_conf['CONFIG_FLASH_LOAD_OFFSET'])
611        else:
612            return build_conf['CONFIG_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS']
614    def run(self, command: str, **kwargs):
615        '''Runs command ('flash', 'debug', 'debugserver', 'attach').
617        This is the main entry point to this runner.'''
618        caps = self.capabilities()
619        if command not in caps.commands:
620            raise ValueError('runner {} does not implement command {}'.format(
621                self.name(), command))
622        self.do_run(command, **kwargs)
624    @abc.abstractmethod
625    def do_run(self, command: str, **kwargs):
626        '''Concrete runner; run() delegates to this. Implement in subclasses.
628        In case of an unsupported command, raise a ValueError.'''
630    @property
631    def build_conf(self) -> BuildConfiguration:
632        '''Get a BuildConfiguration for the build directory.'''
633        if not hasattr(self, '_build_conf'):
634            self._build_conf = BuildConfiguration(self.cfg.build_dir)
635        return self._build_conf
637    @property
638    def thread_info_enabled(self) -> bool:
639        '''Returns True if self.build_conf has
640        CONFIG_DEBUG_THREAD_INFO enabled.
641        '''
642        return self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_DEBUG_THREAD_INFO')
644    @classmethod
645    def dev_id_help(cls) -> str:
646        ''' Get the ArgParse help text for the --dev-id option.'''
647        return '''Device identifier. Use it to select
648                  which debugger, device, node or instance to
649                  target when multiple ones are available or
650                  connected.'''
652    @classmethod
653    def tool_opt_help(cls) -> str:
654        ''' Get the ArgParse help text for the --tool-opt option.'''
655        return '''Option to pass on to the underlying tool used
656                  by this runner. This can be given multiple times;
657                  the resulting arguments will be given to the tool
658                  in the order they appear on the command line.'''
660    @staticmethod
661    def require(program: str) -> str:
662        '''Require that a program is installed before proceeding.
664        :param program: name of the program that is required,
665                        or path to a program binary.
667        If ``program`` is an absolute path to an existing program
668        binary, this call succeeds. Otherwise, try to find the program
669        by name on the system PATH.
671        If the program can be found, its path is returned.
672        Otherwise, raises MissingProgram.'''
673        ret = shutil.which(program)
674        if ret is None:
675            raise MissingProgram(program)
676        return ret
678    def run_server_and_client(self, server, client):
679        '''Run a server that ignores SIGINT, and a client that handles it.
681        This routine portably:
683        - creates a Popen object for the ``server`` command which ignores
684          SIGINT
685        - runs ``client`` in a subprocess while temporarily ignoring SIGINT
686        - cleans up the server after the client exits.
688        It's useful to e.g. open a GDB server and client.'''
689        server_proc = self.popen_ignore_int(server)
690        try:
691            self.run_client(client)
692        finally:
693            server_proc.terminate()
694            server_proc.wait()
696    def run_client(self, client):
697        '''Run a client that handles SIGINT.'''
698        previous = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
699        try:
700            self.check_call(client)
701        finally:
702            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, previous)
704    def _log_cmd(self, cmd: List[str]):
705        escaped = ' '.join(shlex.quote(s) for s in cmd)
706        if not _DRY_RUN:
707            self.logger.debug(escaped)
708        else:
709            self.logger.info(escaped)
711    def call(self, cmd: List[str], **kwargs) -> int:
712        '''Subclass subprocess.call() wrapper.
714        Subclasses should use this method to run command in a
715        subprocess and get its return code, rather than
716        using subprocess directly, to keep accurate debug logs.
717        '''
718        self._log_cmd(cmd)
719        if _DRY_RUN:
720            return 0
721        return subprocess.call(cmd, **kwargs)
723    def check_call(self, cmd: List[str], **kwargs):
724        '''Subclass subprocess.check_call() wrapper.
726        Subclasses should use this method to run command in a
727        subprocess and check that it executed correctly, rather than
728        using subprocess directly, to keep accurate debug logs.
729        '''
730        self._log_cmd(cmd)
731        if _DRY_RUN:
732            return
733        subprocess.check_call(cmd, **kwargs)
735    def check_output(self, cmd: List[str], **kwargs) -> bytes:
736        '''Subclass subprocess.check_output() wrapper.
738        Subclasses should use this method to run command in a
739        subprocess and check that it executed correctly, rather than
740        using subprocess directly, to keep accurate debug logs.
741        '''
742        self._log_cmd(cmd)
743        if _DRY_RUN:
744            return b''
745        return subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwargs)
747    def popen_ignore_int(self, cmd: List[str], **kwargs) -> subprocess.Popen:
748        '''Spawn a child command, ensuring it ignores SIGINT.
750        The returned subprocess.Popen object must be manually terminated.'''
751        cflags = 0
752        preexec = None
753        system = platform.system()
755        if system == 'Windows':
756            # We can't type check this line on Unix operating systems:
757            # mypy thinks the subprocess module has no such attribute.
758            cflags |= subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP  # type: ignore
759        elif system in {'Linux', 'Darwin'}:
760            # We can't type check this on Windows for the same reason.
761            preexec = os.setsid # type: ignore
763        self._log_cmd(cmd)
764        if _DRY_RUN:
765            return _DebugDummyPopen()  # type: ignore
767        return subprocess.Popen(cmd, creationflags=cflags, preexec_fn=preexec, **kwargs)
769    def ensure_output(self, output_type: str) -> None:
770        '''Ensure self.cfg has a particular output artifact.
772        For example, ensure_output('bin') ensures that self.cfg.bin_file
773        refers to an existing file. Errors out if it's missing or undefined.
775        :param output_type: string naming the output type
776        '''
777        output_file = getattr(self.cfg, f'{output_type}_file', None)
779        if output_file is None:
780            err = f'{output_type} file location is unknown.'
781        elif not os.path.isfile(output_file):
782            err = f'{output_file} does not exist.'
783        else:
784            return
786        if output_type in ('elf', 'hex', 'bin', 'uf2'):
787            err += f' Try enabling CONFIG_BUILD_OUTPUT_{output_type.upper()}.'
789        # RuntimeError avoids a stack trace saved in run_common.
790        raise RuntimeError(err)