1 .. zephyr:board:: stm32u083c_dk 2 3 Overview 4 ******** 5 6 The STM32U083C_DK board, featuring an ARM Cortex-M0+ based STM32U083MC MCU, 7 provides an affordable and flexible way for users to try out new concepts and 8 build prototypes by choosing from the various combinations of performance and 9 power consumption features. Here are some highlights of the STM32U083C_DK 10 board: 11 12 - Ultra-low-power STM32U083MC microcontroller based on the Arm |reg| Cortex |reg|‑M0+ core, 13 featuring 256 Kbytes of flash memory and 40 Kbytes of SRAM in an LQFP80 package. 14 15 - Board connectors: 16 17 - ST-LINK USB Type-C connector 18 - User USB Device with USB Type-C connector 19 - mikroBUS connectors 20 - MIPI debug in connector (Arm |reg| Cortex |reg| 10‑pin 1.27 mm‑pitch 21 debug connector over STDC14 footprint) 22 - Extension connectors for full access to all STM32 I/Os 23 - VBAT dedicated connector provides the capability to power the board on a battery 24 25 - Flexible power-supply options: 26 27 - ST-LINK USB VBUS, USB connector, or external sources 28 29 - 4×24-segment LCD 30 - Three user LEDs 31 - Reset push-button 32 - User joystick 33 - Touchkey 34 - Temperature sensor 35 36 More information about the board can be found at the `STM32U083_DK website`_. 37 38 Hardware 39 ******** 40 41 The STM32U083xC devices are an ultra-low-power microcontrollers family (STM32U0 42 Series) based on the high-performance Arm |reg| Cortex |reg|-M0+ 32-bit RISC core. 43 They operate at a frequency of up to 56 MHz. 44 45 - Includes ST state-of-the-art patented technology 46 - Ultra-low-power with FlexPowerControl: 47 48 - 1.71 V to 3.6 V power supply 49 - -40 °C to +85/125 °C temperature range 50 - 130 nA VBAT mode: supply for RTC, 9 x 32-bit backup registers 51 - 16 nA Shutdown mode (6 wake-up pins) 52 - 30 nA Standby mode (6 wake-up pins) without RTC 53 - 160 nA Standby mode with RTC 54 - 825 nA Stop 2 mode with RTC 55 - 695 nA Stop 2 mode without RTC 56 - 4 µA wake-up from Stop mode 57 - 52 µA/MHz Run mode (LDO mode) 58 - Brownout reset 59 60 - Core: 61 62 - 32-bit Arm |reg| Cortex |reg|-M0+ CPU, frequency up to 56 MHz 63 64 - ART Accelerator: 65 66 - 1-Kbyte instruction cache allowing 0-wait-state execution from flash memory 67 68 - Benchmarks: 69 70 - 1.13 DMIPS/MHz (Drystone 2.1) 71 - 134 CoreMark |reg| (2.4 CoreMark/MHz at 56 MHz) 72 - 407 ULPMark™-CP 73 - 143 ULPMark™-PP 74 - 19.7 ULPMark™-CM 75 76 - Memories: 77 78 - 256-Kbyte single bank flash memory, proprietary code readout protection 79 - 40-Kbyte SRAM with hardware parity check 80 81 - General-purpose input/outputs: 82 83 - Up to 69 fast I/Os, most of them 5 V‑tolerant 84 85 - Clock management: 86 87 - 4 to 48 MHz crystal oscillator 88 - 32 kHz crystal oscillator for RTC (LSE) 89 - Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (±1%) 90 - Internal low-power 32 kHz RC (±5%) 91 - Internal multispeed 100 kHz to 48 MHz oscillator, 92 auto-trimmed by LSE (better than ±0.25 % accuracy) 93 - Internal 48 MHz with clock recovery 94 - PLL for system clock, USB, ADC 95 96 - Security: 97 98 - Customer code protection 99 - Robust read out protection (RDP): 3 protection level states 100 and password-based regression (128-bit PSWD) 101 - Hardware protection feature (HDP) 102 - Secure boot 103 - AES: 128/256-bit key encryption hardware accelerator 104 - True random number generation, candidate for NIST SP 800-90B certification 105 - Candidate for Arm |reg| PSA level 1 and SESIP level 3 certifications 106 - 5 passive anti-tamper pins 107 - 96-bit unique ID 108 109 - Up to 10 timers, 2 watchdogs and RTC: 110 111 - 1x 16-bit advanced motor-control, 1x 32-bit and 3x 16-bit general purpose, 112 2x 16-bit basic, 3x low-power 16-bit timers (available in Stop mode), 113 2x watchdogs, SysTick timer 114 - RTC with hardware calendar, alarms and calibration 115 116 - Up to 20 communication peripherals: 117 118 - 1 USB 2.0 full-speed crystal-less solution with LPM and BCD 119 - 7 USARTs/LPUARTs (SPI, ISO 7816, LIN, IrDA, modem) 120 - 4 I2C interfaces supporting Fast-mode and Fast-mode Plus (up to 1 Mbit/s) 121 - 3 SPIs, plus 4x USARTs in SPI mode 122 - IRTIM (Infrared interface) 123 124 - Rich analog peripherals (independent supply): 125 126 - 1x 12-bit ADC (0.4 µs conversion time), up to 16-bit with hardware oversampling 127 - 1x 12-bit DAC output channel, low-power sample and hold 128 - 1x general-purpose operational amplifier with built-in PGA (variable gain up to 16) 129 - 2x ultra-low-power comparators 130 131 - LCD driver: 132 - 8*48 or 4*52 segments, with step-up converter 133 134 - General-purpose inputs/outputs: 135 - Up to 69 fast I/Os, most of them 5 V-tolerant 136 137 - ECOPACK2 compliant packages 138 139 More information about STM32U083MC can be found here: 140 141 - `STM32U083MC on www.st.com`_ 142 - `STM32U083 reference manual`_ 143 144 Supported Features 145 ================== 146 147 The Zephyr stm32u083c_dk board configuration supports the following hardware features: 148 149 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 150 | Interface | Controller | Driver/Component | 151 +===========+============+=====================================+ 152 | CLOCK | on-chip | reset and clock control | 153 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 154 | GPIO | on-chip | gpio | 155 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 156 | NVIC | on-chip | nested vector interrupt controller | 157 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 158 | UART | on-chip | serial port-polling; | 159 | | | serial port-interrupt | 160 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 161 | ADC | on-chip | adc | 162 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 163 | DAC | on-chip | DAC Controller | 164 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 165 | I2C | on-chip | i2c | 166 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 167 | PWM | on-chip | pwm | 168 +-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 169 170 Other hardware features are not yet supported on this Zephyr port. 171 172 The default configuration can be found in the defconfig file: 173 :zephyr_file:`boards/st/stm32u083c_dk/stm32u083c_dk_defconfig` 174 175 176 Connections and IOs 177 =================== 178 179 STM32U083C_DK Board has 10 GPIO controllers. These controllers are responsible 180 for pin muxing, input/output, pull-up, etc. 181 182 For more details please refer to `STM32U083MC User Manual`_. 183 184 Default Zephyr Peripheral Mapping: 185 ---------------------------------- 186 187 - ADC1_IN8 : PA4 188 - I2C1_SCL : PB8 189 - I2C1_SDA : PB9 190 - LPUART_1_TX : PG7 191 - LPUART_1_RX : PG8 192 - SPI1_NSS : PA4 193 - SPI1_SCK : PA5 194 - SPI1_MISO : PA6 195 - SPI1_MOSI : PA7 196 - SPI1_CS : PA15 197 - UART_2_TX : PA2 198 - UART_2_RX : PA3 199 200 System Clock 201 ------------ 202 203 STM32U083C_DK System Clock could be driven by internal or external oscillator, 204 as well as main PLL clock. By default System clock is driven by PLL clock at 205 48MHz, driven by 4MHz medium speed internal oscillator. 206 207 Serial Port 208 ----------- 209 210 STM32U083C_DK board has 7 U(S)ARTs. The Zephyr console output is assigned to 211 USART2. Default settings are 115200 8N1. 212 213 214 Programming and Debugging 215 ************************* 216 217 STM32U083C_DK board includes an ST-LINK/V3 embedded debug tool interface. 218 This probe allows to flash the board using various tools. 219 220 Flashing 221 ======== 222 223 The board is configured to be flashed using west `STM32CubeProgrammer`_ runner, 224 so its :ref:`installation <stm32cubeprog-flash-host-tools>` is required. 225 226 Alternatively, JLink or pyOCD can also be used to flash the board using 227 the ``--runner`` (or ``-r``) option: 228 229 .. code-block:: console 230 231 $ west flash --runner pyocd 232 $ west flash --runner jlink 233 234 For pyOCD, additional target information needs to be installed. 235 This can be done by executing the following commands. 236 237 .. code-block:: console 238 239 $ pyocd pack --update 240 $ pyocd pack --install stm32u0 241 242 243 Flashing an application to STM32U083C_DK 244 ---------------------------------------- 245 246 Connect the STM32U083C_DK to your host computer using the USB port. 247 Then build and flash an application. Here is an example for the 248 :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application. 249 250 Run a serial host program to connect with your Nucleo board: 251 252 .. code-block:: console 253 254 $ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 255 256 Then build and flash the application. 257 258 .. zephyr-app-commands:: 259 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 260 :board: stm32u083c_dk 261 :goals: build flash 262 263 You should see the following message on the console: 264 265 .. code-block:: console 266 267 Hello World! stm32u083c_dk/stm32u083xx 268 269 Debugging 270 ========= 271 272 Default flasher for this board is openocd. It could be used in the usual way. 273 Here is an example for the :zephyr:code-sample:`blinky` application. 274 275 .. zephyr-app-commands:: 276 :zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky 277 :board: nucleo_u083rc 278 :goals: debug 279 280 Note: Check the ``build/tfm`` directory to ensure that the commands required by these scripts 281 (``readlink``, etc.) are available on your system. Please also check ``STM32_Programmer_CLI`` 282 (which is used for initialization) is available in the PATH. 283 284 .. _STM32U083_DK website: 285 https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/stm32u083c-dk.html 286 287 .. _STM32U083MC User Manual: 288 https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/um3292-discovery-kit-with-STM32U083MC-MCU.pdf 289 290 .. _STM32U083MC on www.st.com: 291 https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32u083mc 292 293 .. _STM32U083 reference manual: 294 https://www.st.com/resource/en/reference_manual/rm0503-stm32u0-series-advanced-armbased-32bit-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf 295 296 .. _STM32CubeProgrammer: 297 https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeprog.html 298