1.. zephyr:board:: slstk3701a 2 3Overview 4******** 5 6The EFM32 Giant Gecko Starter Kit SLSTK3701A contains an MCU from the 7EFM32GG Series 1 family built on an ARM® Cortex®-M4F processor with excellent 8low power capabilities. 9 10Hardware 11******** 12 13- Advanced Energy Monitoring provides real-time information about the energy 14 consumption of an application or prototype design. 15- Ultra low power 128x128 pixel color Memory-LCD 16- 2 user buttons, 2 LEDs and a touch slider 17- Relative humidity, magnetic Hall Effect and inductive-capacitive metal sensor 18- USB interface for Host/Device/OTG 19- 32 Mb Quad-SPI Flash memory 20- SD card slot 21- RJ-45 Ethernet jack 22- 2 digital microphones 23- On-board Segger J-Link USB debugger 24 25For more information about the EFM32GG11 SoC and SLSTK3701A board: 26 27- `EFM32GG Series 1 Website`_ 28- `EFM32GG11 Datasheet`_ 29- `EFM32GG11 Reference Manual`_ 30- `SLSTK3701A Website`_ 31- `SLSTK3701A User Guide`_ 32- `SLSTK3701A Schematics`_ 33 34Supported Features 35================== 36 37.. zephyr:board-supported-hw:: 38 39Connections and IOs 40=================== 41 42The EFM32GG11 SoC has nine GPIO controllers (PORTA to PORTI), all of which are 43currently enabled for the SLSTK3701A board. 44 45In the following table, the column **Name** contains pin names. For example, PE1 46means pin number 1 on PORTE, as used in the board's datasheets and manuals. 47 48+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 49| Name | Function | Usage | 50+=======+=============+=====================================+ 51| PH10 | GPIO | LED0 red | 52+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 53| PH11 | GPIO | LED0 green | 54+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 55| PH12 | GPIO | LED0 blue | 56+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 57| PH13 | GPIO | LED1 red | 58+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 59| PH14 | GPIO | LED1 green | 60+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 61| PH15 | GPIO | LED1 blue | 62+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 63| PC8 | GPIO | Push Button PB0 | 64+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 65| PC9 | GPIO | Push Button PB1 | 66+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 67| PE1 | GPIO | Board Controller Enable | 68| | | EFM_BC_EN | 69+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 70| PH4 | UART_TX | UART TX Console VCOM_TX US0_TX #4 | 71+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 72| PH5 | UART_RX | UART RX Console VCOM_RX US0_RX #4 | 73+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 74| PI4 | I2C_SDA | SENSOR_I2C_SDA I2C2_SDA #7 | 75+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 76| PI5 | I2C_SCL | SENSOR_I2C_SCL I2C2_SCL #7 | 77+-------+-------------+-------------------------------------+ 78 79 80System Clock 81============ 82 83The EFM32GG11 SoC is configured to use the 50 MHz external oscillator on the 84board. 85 86Serial Port 87=========== 88 89The EFM32GG11 SoC has six USARTs, two UARTs and two Low Energy UARTs (LEUART). 90USART4 is connected to the board controller and is used for the console. 91 92Programming and Debugging 93************************* 94 95.. note:: 96 Before using the kit the first time, you should update the J-Link firmware 97 in Simplicity Studio. 98 99Flashing 100======== 101 102The SLSTK3701A includes an `J-Link`_ serial and debug adaptor built into the 103board. The adaptor provides: 104 105- A USB connection to the host computer, which exposes a mass storage device and a 106 USB serial port. 107- A serial flash device, which implements the USB flash disk file storage. 108- A physical UART connection which is relayed over interface USB serial port. 109 110Flashing an application to SLSTK3701A 111------------------------------------- 112 113The sample application :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` is used for this example. 114Build the Zephyr kernel and application: 115 116.. zephyr-app-commands:: 117 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 118 :board: slstk3701a 119 :goals: build 120 121Connect the SLSTK3701A to your host computer using the USB port and you 122should see a USB connection which exposes a mass storage device(STK3701A) and 123a USB Serial Port. Copy the generated zephyr.bin to the STK3701A drive. 124 125Open a serial terminal (minicom, putty, etc.) with the following settings: 126 127- Speed: 115200 128- Data: 8 bits 129- Parity: None 130- Stop bits: 1 131 132Reset the board and you'll see the following message on the corresponding serial port 133terminal session: 134 135.. code-block:: console 136 137 Hello World! slstk3701a 138 139 140.. _SLSTK3701A Website: 141 https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/mcu/32-bit/efm32-giant-gecko-gg11-starter-kit 142 143.. _SLSTK3701A User Guide: 144 https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/user-guides/ug287-stk3701.pdf 145 146.. _SLSTK3701A Schematics: 147 https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/schematic-files/BRD2204A-B00-schematic.pdf 148 149.. _EFM32GG Series 1 Website: 150 https://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/32-bit/efm32-giant-gecko-s1 151 152.. _EFM32GG11 Datasheet: 153 https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/efm32gg11-datasheet.pdf 154 155.. _EFM32GG11 Reference Manual: 156 https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/reference-manuals/efm32gg11-rm.pdf 157 158.. _J-Link: 159 https://www.segger.com/jlink-debug-probes.html 160