1.. zephyr:board:: w5500_evb_pico2 2 3Overview 4******** 5 6W5500-EVB-Pico2 is a microcontroller evaluation board based on the Raspberry 7Pi RP2350A and fully hardwired TCP/IP controller W5500 - and basically works 8the same as Raspberry Pi Pico2 board but with additional Ethernet via W5500. 9The USB bootloader allows the ability to flash without any adapter, in a 10drag-and-drop manner. It is also possible to flash and debug the boards with 11their SWD interface, using an external adapter. 12 13Hardware 14******** 15 16- Dual core Arm Cortex-M33 or Hazard3 processor running up to 133MHz 17- 520KB on-chip SRAM 18- 16MB on-board QSPI flash with XIP capabilities 19- 26 GPIO pins 20- 3 Analog inputs 21- 2 UART peripherals 22- 2 SPI controllers 23- 2 I2C controllers 24- 16 PWM channels 25- USB 1.1 controller (host/device) 26- 3 Programmable I/O (PIO) for custom peripherals 27- On-board LED 28- 1 Watchdog timer peripheral 29- Wiznet W5500 Ethernet MAC/PHY 30 31Supported Features 32================== 33 34.. zephyr:board-supported-hw:: 35 36Pin Mapping 37=========== 38 39The peripherals of the RP2350A SoC can be routed to various pins on the board. 40The configuration of these routes can be modified through DTS. Please refer to 41the datasheet to see the possible routings for each peripheral. 42 43External pin mapping on the W5500_EVB_PICO2 is identical to the Raspberry Pi 44Pico2. Since GPIO 25 is routed to the on-board LED on, similar to the Raspberry 45Pi Pico, the blinky example works as intended. The W5500 is routed to the SPI0 46(P16-P19), with the reset and interrupt signal for the W5500 routed to P20 and 47P21, respectively. All of these are shared with the edge connector on the 48board. 49 50Refer to `W55500 Evaluation Board Pico2 Documentation`_ for a board schematic and 51other certifications. 52 53Default Zephyr Peripheral Mapping: 54---------------------------------- 55 56.. rst-class:: rst-columns 57 58- UART0_TX : P0 59- UART0_RX : P1 60- I2C0_SDA : P4 61- I2C0_SCL : P5 62- I2C1_SDA : P14 63- I2C1_SCL : P15 64- SPI0_RX : P16 65- SPI0_CSN : P17 66- SPI0_SCK : P18 67- SPI0_TX : P19 68- W5500 Reset : P20 69- W5500 Interrupt : P21 70- ADC_CH0 : P26 71- ADC_CH1 : P27 72- ADC_CH2 : P28 73- ADC_CH3 : P29 74 75Programming and Debugging 76************************* 77 78Flashing 79======== 80 81Using OpenOCD 82------------- 83 84The overall explanation regarding flashing and debugging is the same as or 85``rpi_pico``. 86See :ref:`rpi_pico_flashing_using_openocd`. in ``rpi_pico`` documentation. 87 88A typical build command for w5500_evb_pico2 is as follows. 89This assumes a CMSIS-DAP adapter such as the RaspberryPi Debug Probe, 90but if you are using something else, specify ``RPI_PICO_DEBUG_ADAPTER``. 91 92.. zephyr-app-commands:: 93 :zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky 94 :board: w5500_evb_pico2 95 :goals: build flash 96 :gen-args: -DOPENOCD=/usr/local/bin/openocd 97 98Using UF2 99--------- 100 101If you don't have an SWD adapter, you can flash the Raspberry Pi Pico with 102a UF2 file. By default, building an app for this board will generate a 103:file:`build/zephyr/zephyr.uf2` file. If the Pico is powered on with the ``BOOTSEL`` 104button pressed, it will appear on the host as a mass storage device. The 105UF2 file should be drag-and-dropped to the device, which will flash the Pico. 106 107Debugging 108========= 109 110The SWD interface can also be used to debug the board. To achieve this, you can 111either use SEGGER JLink or OpenOCD. 112 113Using OpenOCD 114------------- 115 116Install OpenOCD as described for flashing the board. 117 118Here is an example for debugging the :zephyr:code-sample:`blinky` application. 119 120.. zephyr-app-commands:: 121 :zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky 122 :board: w5500_evb_pico2 123 :maybe-skip-config: 124 :goals: debug 125 :gen-args: -DOPENOCD=/usr/local/bin/openocd 126 127.. target-notes:: 128 129.. _pico_setup.sh: 130 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raspberrypi/pico-setup/master/pico_setup.sh 131 132.. _Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Pico: 133 https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/getting-started-with-pico.pdf 134 135.. _W55500 Evaluation Board Pico2 Documentation: 136 https://docs.wiznet.io/Product/iEthernet/W5500/w5500-evb-pico2 137