1 # Device tree binding vendor prefix registry. Keep this list in 2 # alphabetical order. 3 # 4 # This isn't an exhaustive list, but you should add new prefixes to it 5 # before using them to avoid name-space collisions. 6 # 7 # The contents of this file are parsed during documentation generation. 8 # Anything that starts with a '#' is treated as a comment and ignored. 9 # Non-empty lines should be in this format: 10 # 11 # <vendor-prefix><TAB><Full name of vendor> 12 13 # zephyr-keep-sorted-start 14 01space 01Space 15 96boards 96Boards 16 aaeon AAEON Technology Inc. 17 abb ABB 18 abilis Abilis Systems 19 abracon Abracon Corporation 20 abt ShenZhen Asia Better Technology Ltd. 21 acer Acer Inc. 22 acme Acme Systems srl 23 aconno aconno GmbH 24 acrn Project ACRN 25 actinius Actinius B.V. 26 actions Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 27 active-semi Active-Semi International Inc 28 ad Avionic Design GmbH 29 adafruit Adafruit Industries, LLC 30 adapteva Adapteva, Inc. 31 adaptrum Adaptrum, Inc. 32 adh AD Holdings Plc. 33 adi Analog Devices, Inc. 34 advantech Advantech Corporation 35 aeroflexgaisler Aeroflex Gaisler AB 36 aesop AESOP Embedded Forum 37 al Annapurna Labs 38 alcatel Alcatel 39 alientek Alientek 40 allegro Allegro DVT 41 allo Allo.com 42 allwinner Allwinner Technology Co., Ltd. 43 alphascale AlphaScale Integrated Circuits Systems, Inc. 44 alps Alps Electric Co., Ltd. 45 alt Altus-Escon-Company BV 46 altr Altera Corp. 47 amarula Amarula Solutions 48 amazon Amazon.com, Inc. 49 ambiq Ambiq Micro, Inc. 50 amcc Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (APM, formally AMCC) 51 amd Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Inc. 52 amediatech Shenzhen Amediatech Technology Co., Ltd 53 amlogic Amlogic, Inc. 54 ampere Ampere Computing LLC 55 ampire Ampire Co., Ltd. 56 ams AMS AG 57 amstaos AMS-Taos Inc. 58 analogix Analogix Semiconductor, Inc. 59 andestech Andes Technology Corporation 60 antmicro Antmicro 61 anvo Anvo-Systems Dresden GmbH 62 aosong Guangzhou Aosong Electronic Co., Ltd. 63 ap Angst+Pfister 64 apa Apa Electronic Co., Ltd 65 apm Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (APM) 66 apple Apple Inc. 67 aptina Aptina Imaging 68 arasan Arasan Chip Systems 69 arc Synopsys, Inc. (formerly ARC International PLC) 70 archermind ArcherMind Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. 71 arctic Arctic Sand 72 arcx arcx Inc. / Archronix Inc. 73 arduino Arduino 74 aries Aries Embedded GmbH 75 arm ARM Ltd. 76 armadeus ARMadeus Systems SARL 77 arrow Arrow Electronics 78 artesyn Artesyn Embedded Technologies Inc. 79 asahi-kasei Asahi Kasei Corp. 80 asc All Sensors Corporation 81 asmedia ASMedia Technology Inc. 82 aspeed ASPEED Technology Inc. 83 asus AsusTek Computer Inc. 84 atlas Atlas Scientific LLC 85 atmarktechno Atmark Techno, Inc. 86 atmel Atmel Corporation 87 auo AU Optronics Corporation 88 auvidea Auvidea GmbH 89 avago Avago Technologies 90 avia avia semiconductor 91 avic Shanghai AVIC Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. 92 avnet Avnet, Inc. 93 awinic Shanghai Awinic Technology Co., Ltd. 94 axentia Axentia Technologies AB 95 axis Axis Communications AB 96 azoteq Azoteq (Pty) Ltd 97 azw Shenzhen AZW Technology Co., Ltd. 98 baikal BAIKAL ELECTRONICS, JSC 99 bananapi BIPAI KEJI LIMITED 100 bbc BBC 101 bcdevices Blue Clover Devices 102 beacon Compass Electronics Group, LLC 103 beagle BeagleBoard.org Foundation 104 bhf Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG 105 bitmain Bitmain Technologies 106 blues Blues Wireless 107 blutek BluTek Power 108 boe BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 109 bosch Bosch Sensortec GmbH 110 boundary Boundary Devices Inc. 111 brcm Broadcom Corporation 112 broadmobi Shanghai Broadmobi Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. 113 bticino Bticino International 114 buffalo Buffalo, Inc. 115 bur B&R Industrial Automation GmbH 116 bytesatwork bytesatwork AG 117 calaosystems CALAO Systems SAS 118 calxeda Calxeda 119 canaan Canaan, Inc. 120 caninos Caninos Loucos Program 121 capella Capella Microsystems, Inc 122 cascoda Cascoda, Ltd. 123 catalyst Catalyst Semiconductor, Inc. 124 cavium Cavium, Inc. 125 cdns Cadence Design Systems Inc. 126 cdtech CDTech(H.K.) Electronics Limited 127 cellwise CellWise Microelectronics Co., Ltd 128 ceva Ceva, Inc. 129 checkpoint Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. 130 chefree Chefree Technology Corp. 131 chipidea Chipidea, Inc 132 chipone ChipOne 133 chipsemi Chipsemi Corp. 134 chipspark ChipSPARK 135 chrontel Chrontel, Inc. 136 chrp Common Hardware Reference Platform 137 chunghwa Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd. 138 chuwi Chuwi Innovation Ltd. 139 ciaa Computadora Industrial Abierta Argentina 140 circuitdojo Circuit Dojo 141 cirque Cirque Corporation 142 cirrus Cirrus Logic, Inc. 143 cisco Cisco Systems, Inc. 144 cloudengines Cloud Engines, Inc. 145 cnm Chips&Media, Inc. 146 cnxt Conexant Systems, Inc. 147 colorfly Colorful GRP, Shenzhen Xueyushi Technology Ltd. 148 compulab CompuLab Ltd. 149 contextualelectronics Contextual Electronics 150 coreriver CORERIVER Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. 151 corpro Chengdu Corpro Technology Co., Ltd. 152 cortina Cortina Systems, Inc. 153 cosmic Cosmic Circuits 154 crane Crane Connectivity Solutions 155 creative Creative Technology Ltd 156 croxel Croxel, Inc. 157 crystalfontz Crystalfontz America, Inc. 158 csky Hangzhou C-SKY Microsystems Co., Ltd 159 csq Shenzen Chuangsiqi Technology Co.,Ltd. 160 ct CTHINGS.CO 161 cubietech Cubietech, Ltd. 162 cypress Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 163 cznic CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. 164 dallas Maxim Integrated Products (formerly Dallas Semiconductor) 165 dataimage DataImage, Inc. 166 davicom DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc. 167 decawave Qorvo, Inc (formerly Decawave) 168 dell Dell Inc. 169 delta Delta Electronics, Inc. 170 denx Denx Software Engineering 171 devantech Devantech, Ltd. 172 dfi DFI Inc. 173 dfrobot DFRobot 174 dh DH electronics GmbH 175 difrnce Shenzhen Yagu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 176 digi Digi International Inc. 177 digilent Diglent, Inc. 178 diodes Diodes Incorporated 179 dioo Dioo Microcircuit Co., Ltd 180 dlc DLC Display Co., Ltd. 181 dlg Dialog Semiconductor 182 dlink D-Link Corporation 183 dmo Data Modul AG 184 domintech Domintech Co., Ltd. 185 dongwoon Dongwoon Anatech 186 dptechnics DPTechnics 187 dragino Dragino Technology Co., Limited 188 dserve dServe Technology B.V. 189 dynaimage Dyna-Image 190 ea Embedded Artists AB 191 ebang Zhejiang Ebang Communication Co., Ltd 192 ebs-systart EBS-SYSTART GmbH 193 ebv EBV Elektronik 194 ebyte Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology 195 eckelmann Eckelmann AG 196 edt Emerging Display Technologies 197 eeti eGalax_eMPIA Technology Inc 198 efinix Efinix Inc 199 einfochips Einfochips 200 elan Elan Microelectronic Corp. 201 electronut Electronut Labs 202 element14 Element14 (A Premier Farnell Company) 203 elgin Elgin S/A. 204 elida Shenzhen Elida Technology Co., Ltd. 205 elimo Elimo Engineering Ltd. 206 embest Shenzhen Embest Technology Co., Ltd. 207 emlid Emlid, Ltd. 208 emmicro EM Microelectronic 209 empire-electronix Empire Electronix 210 emtrion emtrion GmbH 211 enclustra Enclustra 212 endless Endless Mobile, Inc. 213 ene ENE Technology, Inc. 214 energymicro Silicon Laboratories (formerly Energy Micro AS) 215 engicam Engicam S.r.l. 216 enjoydigital EnjoyDigital 217 epcos EPCOS AG 218 epfl Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 219 epson Seiko Epson Corp. 220 espressif Espressif Systems 221 est ESTeem Wireless Modems 222 ettus NI Ettus Research 223 eukrea Eukréa Electromatique 224 everest Everest Semiconductor Co. Ltd. 225 everlight Everlight Electronics Co. Ltd. 226 everspin Everspin Technologies, Inc. 227 evervision Evervision Electronics Co. Ltd. 228 exar Exar Corporation 229 excito Excito 230 ezchip EZchip Semiconductor 231 ezurio Ezurio 232 facebook Facebook (deprecated, use meta) 233 fairphone Fairphone B.V. 234 fanke FANKE Technology Co., Ltd. 235 faraday Faraday Technology Corporation 236 fastrax Fastrax Oy 237 fcs Fairchild Semiconductor 238 feixin Shenzhen Feixin Photoelectic Co., Ltd 239 feiyang Shenzhen Fly Young Technology Co.,LTD. 240 festo Festo SE & Co. KG 241 fii Foxconn Industrial Internet 242 fintek Feature Integration Technology Inc. 243 firefly Firefly 244 focaltech FocalTech Systems Co.,Ltd 245 franzininho Franzininho 246 frida Shenzhen Frida LCD Co., Ltd. 247 friendlyarm Guangzhou FriendlyARM Computer Tech Co., Ltd 248 fsl Freescale Semiconductor 249 ftdi Future Technology Devices International Ltd. 250 fujitsu Fujitsu Ltd. 251 futaba Futaba Corporation 252 fysetc Shenzhen Fuyuansheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 253 gaisler Gaisler 254 galaxycore Galaxycore, Inc. 255 gardena GARDENA GmbH 256 gateworks Gateworks Corporation 257 gcw Game Consoles Worldwide 258 gd GigaDevice Semiconductor 259 ge General Electric Company 260 geekbuying GeekBuying 261 gef GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms Embedded Systems, Inc. 262 gefanuc GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms Embedded Systems, Inc. 263 gemei Gemei Digital Technology Co., Ltd. 264 geniatech Geniatech, Inc. 265 giantec Giantec Semiconductor, Inc. 266 giantplus Giantplus Technology Co., Ltd. 267 globalscale Globalscale Technologies, Inc. 268 globaltop GlobalTop Technology, Inc. 269 gmt Global Mixed-mode Technology, Inc. 270 gooddisplay Dalian Good Display Co., Ltd. 271 goodix Shenzhen Huiding Technology Co., Ltd. 272 google Google, Inc. 273 greeled GreeLed Electronic Ltd. 274 grinn Grinn 275 grmn Garmin Limited 276 gss Gas Sensing Solutions Ltd. 277 gumstix Gumstix, Inc. 278 hamamatsu Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. 279 hannstar HannStar Display Corporation 280 haoyu Haoyu Microelectronic Co. Ltd. 281 hardkernel Hardkernel Co., Ltd 282 heltec Chengdu Heltec Automation Technology Co., Ltd. 283 hideep HiDeep Inc. 284 himax Himax Technologies, Inc. 285 hirschmann Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH 286 hisilicon Hisilicon Limited. 287 hit Hitachi Ltd. 288 hitex Hitex Development Tools 289 holt Holt Integrated Circuits, Inc. 290 holtek Holtek Semiconductor, Inc. 291 holyiot Shenzhen Holyiot Technology Co., Ltd. 292 honestar Honestar Technologies Co., Ltd. 293 honeywell Honeywell 294 hoperf HOPERF Microelectronics Co. Ltd 295 hoperun Jiangsu HopeRun Software Co., Ltd. 296 hp Hewlett Packard 297 hsg HannStar Display Co. 298 hugsun Shenzhen Hugsun Technology Co. Ltd. 299 hwacom HwaCom Systems Inc. 300 hycon Hycon Technology Corp. 301 hydis Hydis Technologies 302 hynitron Hynitron 303 hyundai Hyundai Technology 304 hzgrow Hangzhou Grow Technology Co., Ltd. 305 i2se I2SE GmbH 306 ibm International Business Machines (IBM) 307 icplus IC Plus Corp. 308 idt Integrated Device Technologies, Inc. 309 ifi Ingenieurburo Fur Ic-Technologie (I/F/I) 310 ilitek ILI Technology Corporation (ILITEK) 311 img Imagination Technologies Ltd. 312 imi Integrated Micro-Electronics Inc. 313 incircuit In-Circuit GmbH 314 inet-tek Shenzhen iNet Mobile Internet Technology Co., Ltd 315 infineon Infineon Technologies 316 inforce Inforce Computing 317 ingenic Ingenic Semiconductor 318 innblue innblue UG 319 innolux Innolux Corporation 320 inside-secure INSIDE Secure 321 inspur Inspur Corporation 322 intel Intel Corporation 323 intercontrol Inter Control Group 324 invensense InvenSense Inc. 325 inventek Inventek Systems 326 inversepath Inverse Path 327 iom Iomega Corporation 328 isee ISEE 2007 S.L. 329 isentek Isentek Inc. 330 isil Intersil 331 issi Integrated Silicon Solutions Inc. 332 ist Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG 333 istech Integrated Solutions Technology Inc. 334 ite ITE Tech. Inc. 335 itead ITEAD Intelligent Systems Co.Ltd 336 ivo InfoVision Optoelectronics Kunshan Co. Ltd. 337 iwave iWave Systems Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 338 jdi Japan Display Inc. 339 jedec JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 340 jesurun Shenzhen Jesurun Electronics Business Dept. 341 jhd Shenzhen Jinghua Displays Electronics Co., Ltd. 342 jianda Jiandangjing Technology Co., Ltd. 343 kam Kamstrup A/S 344 karo Ka-Ro electronics GmbH 345 keithkoep Keith & Koep GmbH 346 keymile Keymile GmbH 347 khadas Khadas 348 kiebackpeter Kieback & Peter GmbH 349 kincony KinCony Electronics Co., Ltd. 350 kinetic Kinetic Technologies 351 kingdisplay King & Display Technology Co., Ltd. 352 kingnovel Kingnovel Technology Co., Ltd. 353 kionix Kionix, Inc. 354 kobo Rakuten Kobo Inc. 355 kobol Kobol Innovations Pte. Ltd. 356 koe Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics Inc. 357 kontron Kontron S&T AG 358 kosagi Sutajio Ko-Usagi PTE Ltd. 359 kvaser Kvaser 360 kvg Kverneland Group 361 kyo Kyocera Corporation 362 lacie LaCie 363 laird Laird PLC 364 lamobo Ketai Huajie Technology Co., Ltd. 365 lantiq Lantiq Semiconductor 366 lattice Lattice Semiconductor 367 leadtek Shenzhen Leadtek Technology Co., Ltd. 368 leez Leez 369 lego LEGO Systems A/S 370 lemaker Shenzhen LeMaker Technology Co., Ltd. 371 lenovo Lenovo Group Ltd. 372 lg LG Corporation 373 lgphilips LG Display 374 libretech Shenzhen Libre Technology Co., Ltd 375 licheepi Lichee Pi 376 lilygo Lilygo Shenzhen Xinyuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd 377 linaro Linaro Limited 378 linksprite LinkSprite Technologies, Inc. 379 linksys Belkin International, Inc. (Linksys) 380 linutronix Linutronix GmbH 381 linux Linux-specific binding 382 linx Linx Technologies 383 litex LiteX SoC builder 384 lltc Linear Technology Corporation 385 logicpd Logic PD, Inc. 386 logictechno Logic Technologies Limited 387 longcheer Longcheer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 388 lontium Lontium Semiconductor Corporation 389 loongson Loongson Technology Corporation Limited 390 lowrisc lowRISC Community Interest Company 391 lsi LSI Corp. (LSI Logic) 392 ltr LiteOn OptoElectronics 393 luatos LuatOS Team 394 lwn Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH 395 lxa Linux Automation GmbH 396 m5stack M5Stack 397 macnica Macnica Americas 398 madmachine Shenzhen FeiKaiTe Technology Co., Ltd. 399 makerbase Makerbase Co., Ltd. 400 makerdiary Shenzhen Zaowubang Technology Co., Ltd. 401 mantix Mantix Display Technology Co.,Ltd. 402 mapleboard Mapleboard.org 403 marvell Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 404 maxbotix MaxBotix Inc. 405 maxim Maxim Integrated Products 406 mbvl Mobiveil Inc. 407 mcube mCube 408 meas Measurement Specialties 409 mecer Mustek Limited 410 mediatek MediaTek Inc. 411 megachips MegaChips 412 mele Shenzhen MeLE Digital Technology Ltd. 413 melexis Melexis N.V. 414 melfas MELFAS Inc. 415 mellanox Mellanox Technologies 416 memsic MEMSIC Inc. 417 menlo Menlo Systems GmbH 418 mentor Mentor Graphics 419 meraki Cisco Meraki, LLC 420 merrii Merrii Technology Co., Ltd. 421 meta Meta Platforms, Inc. 422 micrel Micrel Inc. 423 microbit Micro:bit Educational Foundation 424 microchip Microchip Technology Inc. 425 microcrystal Micro Crystal AG 426 micron Micron Technology Inc. 427 microsoft Microsoft Corporation 428 microsys MicroSys Electronics GmbH 429 mikroe MikroElektronika d.o.o. 430 mikrotik MikroTik 431 miniand Miniand Tech 432 minix MINIX Technology Ltd. 433 miramems MiraMEMS Sensing Technology Co., Ltd. 434 mitsubishi Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 435 modtronix Modtronix Engineering 436 mosaixtech Mosaix Technologies, Inc. 437 motorola Motorola, Inc. 438 moxa Moxa Inc. 439 mpl MPL AG 440 mps Monolithic Power Systems Inc. 441 mqmaker mqmaker Inc. 442 mrvl Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 443 msi Micro-Star International Co. Ltd. 444 mstar MStar Semiconductor, Inc. (acquired by MediaTek Inc.) 445 mti Imagination Technologies Ltd. (formerly MIPS Technologies Inc.) 446 multi-inno Multi-Inno Technology Co.,Ltd 447 mundoreader Mundo Reader S.L. 448 murata Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 449 mxchip Shanghai MXCHIP Information Technology Co., Ltd. 450 mxicy Macronix International Co., Ltd. 451 myir MYIR Tech Limited 452 national National Semiconductor 453 nec NEC LCD Technologies, Ltd. 454 neonode Neonode Inc. 455 neorv32 NEORV32 RISC-V Processor 456 netgear NETGEAR 457 netlogic Broadcom Corporation (formerly NetLogic Microsystems) 458 netron-dy Netron DY 459 netronix Netronix, Inc. 460 netxeon Shenzhen Netxeon Technology CO., LTD 461 neweast Guangdong Neweast Optoelectronics CO., LTD 462 newhaven Newhaven Display International 463 nexbox Nexbox 464 nextthing Next Thing Co. 465 ni National Instruments 466 nintendo Nintendo 467 nlt NLT Technologies, Ltd. 468 nokia Nokia 469 nordic Nordic Semiconductor 470 norik Norik Systems 471 noritake Noritake Co., Inc. Electronics Division 472 novtech NovTech, Inc. 473 nuclei Nuclei System Technology 474 nutsboard NutsBoard 475 nuvoton Nuvoton Technology Corporation 476 nvd New Vision Display 477 nvidia NVIDIA 478 nxp NXP Semiconductors 479 oceanic Oceanic Systems (UK) Ltd. 480 oct Octavo Systems LLC 481 okaya Okaya Electric America, Inc. 482 oki Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. 483 olimex OLIMEX Ltd. 484 olpc One Laptop Per Child 485 onion Onion Corporation 486 onnn ON Semiconductor Corp. 487 ontat On Tat Industrial Company 488 opalkelly Opal Kelly Incorporated 489 opencores OpenCores.org 490 openisa open-isa.org 491 openrisc OpenRISC.io 492 openthread OpenThread.io 493 option Option NV 494 oranth Shenzhen Oranth Technology Co., Ltd. 495 orcl Oracle Corporation 496 orisetech Orise Technology 497 ortustech Ortus Technology Co., Ltd. 498 osddisplays OSD Displays 499 ouya Ouya Inc. 500 overkiz Overkiz SAS 501 ovti OmniVision Technologies 502 ovti OmniVision Technologies Co., Ltd. 503 oxsemi Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd. 504 ozzmaker OzzMaker 505 panasonic Panasonic Corporation 506 parade Parade Technologies Inc. 507 parallax Parallax Inc. 508 particle Particle.io 509 pda Precision Design Associates, Inc. 510 peregrine Peregrine Consultoria e Servicos 511 pericom Pericom Technology Inc. 512 pervasive Pervasive Displays, Inc. 513 phicomm PHICOMM Co., Ltd. 514 phosense Beijing Phosense Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 515 phytec PHYTEC 516 picochip Picochip Ltd 517 pimoroni Pimoroni Ltd. 518 pine64 Pine64 519 pineriver Shenzhen PineRiver Designs Co., Ltd. 520 pixart PixArt Imaging Inc. 521 pixcir PIXCIR MICROELECTRONICS Co., Ltd 522 pjrc PJRC 523 plantower Plantower Co., Ltd 524 plathome Plat'Home Co., Ltd. 525 plda PLDA 526 plx Broadcom Corporation (formerly PLX Technology) 527 ply Plymovent Group BV 528 pni PNI Sensor Corporation 529 pocketbook PocketBook International SA 530 polaroid Polaroid Corporation 531 portwell Portwell Inc. 532 poslab Poslab Technology Co., Ltd. 533 pov Point of View International B.V. 534 powertip Powertip Tech. Corp. 535 powervr PowerVR (deprecated, use img) 536 primux Primux Trading, S.L. 537 probox2 PROBOX2 (by W2COMP Co., Ltd.) 538 prt Protonic Holland 539 ptc Princeton Technology Corp. 540 pulsedlight PulsedLight, Inc 541 purism Purism, SPC 542 qca Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. 543 qcom Qualcomm Technologies, Inc 544 qemu QEMU, a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer 545 qi Qi Hardware 546 qiaodian QiaoDian XianShi Corporation 547 qihua Chengdu Kaixuan Information Technology Co., Ltd. 548 qnap QNAP Systems, Inc. 549 qorvo Qorvo, Inc. 550 quectel Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. 551 quicklogic QuickLogic Corp. 552 radxa Radxa 553 raidsonic RaidSonic Technology GmbH 554 rakwireless RAKwireless Technology Limited 555 ralink Mediatek/Ralink Technology Corp. 556 ramtron Ramtron International 557 raspberrypi Raspberry Pi Foundation 558 raydium Raydium Semiconductor Corp. 559 raytac Raytac Corporation 560 rda Unisoc Communications, Inc. 561 realtek Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 562 remarkable reMarkable AS 563 renesas Renesas Electronics Corporation 564 renode Antmicro's open source simulation and virtual development framework 565 rervision Shenzhen Rervision Technology Co., Ltd. 566 revotics Revolution Robotics, Inc. (Revotics) 567 rex iMX6 Rex Project 568 reyax Reyax Technology Co., Ltd. 569 richtek Richtek Technology Corporation 570 ricoh Ricoh Co. Ltd. 571 rikomagic Rikomagic Tech Corp. Ltd 572 riot Embest RIoT 573 riscv RISC-V Foundation 574 rockchip Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd 575 rocktech ROCKTECH DISPLAYS LIMITED 576 rohm ROHM Semiconductor Co., Ltd 577 ronbo Ronbo Electronics 578 ronoth Ronoth 579 roofull Shenzhen Roofull Technology Co, Ltd 580 roseapplepi RoseapplePi.org 581 ruuvi Ruuvi Innovations Ltd (Oy) 582 samsung Samsung Semiconductor 583 samtec Samtec/Softing company 584 sancloud Sancloud Ltd 585 sandisk Sandisk Corporation 586 satoz Satoz International Co., Ltd 587 sbs Smart Battery System 588 sc Space Cubics, LLC 589 schindler Schindler 590 sciosense Sciosense B.V. 591 seagate Seagate Technology PLC 592 seco SECO S.p.A. 593 seeed Seeed Technology Co., Ltd 594 segger SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH 595 seirobotics Shenzhen SEI Robotics Co., Ltd 596 semtech Semtech Corporation 597 sensirion Sensirion AG 598 sensortek Sensortek Technology Corporation 599 sensry sensry.io 600 sff Small Form Factor Committee 601 sgd Solomon Goldentek Display Corporation 602 sgmicro SG Micro Corp 603 sgx SGX Sensortech 604 sharp Sharp Corporation 605 shimafuji Shimafuji Electric, Inc. 606 shiratech Shiratech Solutions 607 si-en Si-En Technology Ltd. 608 si-linux Silicon Linux Corporation 609 siemens Siemens AG 610 sifive SiFive, Inc. 611 sigma Sigma Designs, Inc. 612 sii Seiko Instruments, Inc. 613 sil Silicon Image 614 silabs Silicon Laboratories 615 silead Silead Inc. 616 silergy Silergy Corp. 617 silex-insight Silex Insight 618 siliconfile Siliconfile Technologies lnc. 619 siliconmitus Silicon Mitus, Inc. 620 silvaco Silvaco, Inc. 621 simcom SIMCom Wireless Solutions Co., LTD 622 simtek Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Simtek Corporation) 623 sinlinx Sinlinx Electronics Technology Co., LTD 624 sinovoip SinoVoip Co., Ltd 625 sinowealth Sino Wealth Electronic Ltd 626 sipeed Shenzhen Sipeed Technology Co., Ltd. 627 sirf SiRF Technology, Inc. 628 sis Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. 629 sitronix Sitronix Technology Corporation 630 skyworks Skyworks Solutions, Inc. 631 smartlabs SmartLabs LLC 632 smsc Standard Microsystems Corporation 633 snps Synopsys, Inc. 634 sochip Shenzhen SoChip Technology Co., Ltd. 635 socionext Socionext Inc. 636 solderparty Solder Party AB 637 solidrun SolidRun 638 solomon Solomon Systech Limited 639 sony Sony Corporation 640 spacecubics Space Cubics, LLC 641 spansion Spansion Inc. 642 sparkfun SparkFun Electronics 643 sprd Spreadtrum Communications Inc. 644 sqn Sequans Communications 645 sst Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. 646 sstar Xiamen Xingchen(SigmaStar) Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly part of MStar Semiconductor, Inc.) 647 st STMicroelectronics 648 st-ericsson ST-Ericsson 649 starfive StarFive Technology Co. Ltd. 650 starry Starry Electronic Technology (ShenZhen) Co., LTD 651 startek Startek 652 ste ST-Ericsson 653 stericsson ST-Ericsson 654 summit Summit microelectronics 655 sunchip Shenzhen Sunchip Technology Co., Ltd 656 sunw Sun Microsystems, Inc 657 supermicro Super Micro Computer, Inc. 658 swir Sierra Wireless 659 syna Synaptics Inc. 660 synology Synology, Inc. 661 tbs TBS Technologies 662 tbs-biometrics Touchless Biometric Systems AG 663 tcg Trusted Computing Group 664 tcl Toby Churchill Ltd. 665 tcs Shenzhen City Tang Cheng Technology Co., Ltd. 666 tdk TDK Corporation. 667 tdo Shangai Top Display Optoelectronics Co., Ltd 668 technexion TechNexion 669 technologic Technologic Systems 670 techstar Shenzhen Techstar Electronics Co., Ltd. 671 telink Telink Semiconductor 672 telit Telit Cinterion 673 tempo Tempo Semiconductor 674 terasic Terasic Inc. 675 tfc Three Five Corp 676 thine THine Electronics, Inc. 677 thingyjp thingy.jp 678 ti Texas Instruments 679 tianma Tianma Micro-electronics Co., Ltd. 680 tlm Trusted Logic Mobility 681 tmt Tecon Microprocessor Technologies, LLC. 682 topeet Topeet 683 toppoly TPO (deprecated, use tpo) 684 topwise Topwise Communication Co., Ltd. 685 toradex Toradex AG 686 torex Torex Semiconductor Ltd. 687 toshiba Toshiba Corporation 688 toumaz Toumaz 689 tpk TPK U.S.A. LLC 690 tplink TP-LINK Technologies Co., Ltd. 691 tpo TPO 692 tq TQ-Systems GmbH 693 tronfy Tronfy 694 tronsmart Tronsmart 695 truly Truly Semiconductors Limited 696 tsd Theobroma Systems Design und Consulting GmbH 697 tyan Tyan Computer Corporation 698 u-blox u-blox 699 u-boot U-Boot bootloader 700 ubnt Ubiquiti Networks 701 ucrobotics uCRobotics 702 udoo Udoo 703 ugoos Ugoos Industrial Co., Ltd. 704 ultrachip UltraChip Inc. 705 uniwest United Western Technologies Corp (UniWest) 706 up-bridge-the-gap UP Bridge the Gap 707 upisemi uPI Semiconductor Corp. 708 urt United Radiant Technology Corporation 709 usi Universal Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd. 710 utoo Aigo Digital Technology Co., Ltd. 711 v3 V3 Semiconductor 712 vaisala Vaisala 713 vamrs Vamrs Ltd. 714 variscite Variscite Ltd. 715 vcc-gnd VCC-GND Studio 716 vdl Van der Laan b.v. 717 via VIA Technologies, Inc. 718 videostrong Videostrong Technology Co., Ltd. 719 virtio Virtual I/O Device Specification, developed by the OASIS consortium 720 virtual Used for virtual device without specific vendor. 721 vishay Vishay Intertechnology, Inc 722 visionox Visionox 723 vitesse Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation 724 vivante Vivante Corporation 725 vnd A stand-in for a real vendor which can be used in examples and tests 726 vngiotlab VNGIoTLab 727 vocore VoCore Studio 728 voipac Voipac Technologies s.r.o. 729 vot Vision Optical Technology Co., Ltd. 730 vxt VXT Ltd 731 wand Wandbord (Technexion) 732 waveshare Waveshare Electronics 733 wch WinChipHead 734 wd Western Digital Corp. 735 we Würth Elektronik GmbH. 736 weact WeAct Studio 737 wemos WEMOS Electronics 738 wetek WeTek Electronics, limited. 739 wexler Wexler 740 whwave Shenzhen whwave Electronics, Inc. 741 wi2wi Wi2Wi, Inc. 742 winbond Winbond Electronics corp. 743 winsen Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. 744 winstar Winstar Display Corp. 745 wits Shenzhen Merrii Technology Co., Ltd. (WITS) 746 witte Witte Technology 747 wiznet WIZnet Co., Ltd. 748 wlf Wolfson Microelectronics 749 wm Wondermedia Technologies, Inc. 750 wnc Wistron NeWeb Corporation 751 wobo Wobo 752 wolfson Cirrus Logic, Inc. (formerly Wolfson Microelectronics plc) 753 worldsemi Worldsemi Co., Limited 754 wurth Wurth Elektronik 755 x-powers X-Powers 756 xen Xen Hypervisor 757 xes Extreme Engineering Solutions (X-ES) 758 xiaomi Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. 759 xillybus Xillybus Ltd. 760 xingbangda Shenzhen Xingbangda Display Technology Co., Ltd 761 xinpeng Shenzhen Xinpeng Technology Co., Ltd 762 xiphera Xiphera Ltd. 763 xlnx Xilinx 764 xnano Xnano 765 xptek Shenzhen Xptek Technology Co., Ltd 766 xunlong Shenzhen Xunlong Software CO.,Limited 767 xylon Xylon 768 yamaha Yamaha Corporation 769 yes-optoelectronics Yes Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. 770 yic YIC System Co., Ltd. 771 ylm Shenzhen Yangliming Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 772 yna YSH & ATIL 773 yones-toptech Yones Toptech Co., Ltd. 774 ys Shenzhen Yashi Changhua Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. 775 ysoft Y Soft Corporation a.s. 776 zarlink Zarlink Semiconductor 777 zealz Zealz 778 zeitec ZEITEC Semiconductor Co., LTD. 779 zephyr Zephyr-specific binding 780 zidoo Shenzhen Zidoo Technology Co., Ltd. 781 zii Zodiac Inflight Innovations 782 zinitix Zinitix Co., Ltd 783 zkmagic Shenzhen Zkmagic Technology Co., Ltd. 784 zte ZTE Corp. 785 zyxel ZyXEL Communications Corp. 786 # zephyr-keep-sorted-stop 787