3.. _zephyr_2.3:
5Zephyr 2.3.0
8We are pleased to announce the release of Zephyr RTOS version 2.3.0.
10Major enhancements with this release include:
12* A new Zephyr CMake package has been introduced, reducing the need for
13  environment variables
14* A new Devicetree API, based on hierarchical macros, has been introduced. This
15  new API allows the C code to access virtually all nodes and properties in a
16  clean, organized fashion
17* The kernel timeout API has been overhauled to be flexible and configurable,
18  with future support for features like 64-bit and absolute timeouts in mind
19* A new k_heap/sys_heap heap allocator has been introduced, with much better
20  performance than the existing k_mem_pool/sys_mem_pool
21* Zephyr now integrates with the TF-M (Trusted Firmware M) PSA-compliant
22  framework
23* The Bluetooth Low Energy Host now supports LE Advertising Extensions
24* The CMSIS-DSP library is now included and integrated
26The following sections provide detailed lists of changes by component.
28Security Vulnerability Related
31The following CVEs are addressed by this release:
33* CVE-2020-10022: UpdateHub Module Copies a Variable-Sized Hash String
34  into a fixed-size array.
35* CVE-2020-10059: UpdateHub Module Explicitly Disables TLS
36  Verification
37* CVE-2020-10061: Improper handling of the full-buffer case in the
38  Zephyr Bluetooth implementation can result in memory corruption.
39* CVE-2020-10062: Packet length decoding error in MQTT
40* CVE-2020-10063: Remote Denial of Service in CoAP Option Parsing Due
41  To Integer Overflow
42* CVE-2020-10068: In the Zephyr project Bluetooth subsystem, certain
43  duplicate and back-to-back packets can cause incorrect behavior,
44  resulting in a denial of service.
45* CVE-2020-10069: An unchecked parameter in bluetooth data can result
46  in an assertion failure, or division by zero, resulting in a denial
47  of service attack.
48* CVE-2020-10070: MQTT buffer overflow on receive buffer
49* CVE-2020-10071: Insufficient publish message length validation in MQTT
51More detailed information can be found in:
54Known issues
57You can check all currently known issues by listing them using the GitHub
58interface and listing all issues with the `bug label
61A single high-priority bug is currently open:
63* :github:`23364` - Bluetooth: bt_recv deadlock on supervision timeout with
64  pending GATT Write Commands
66API Changes
71  * The identifier data structure for hwinfo drivers is clarified.  Drivers are
72    responsible for ensuring that the identifier data structure is a sequence
73    of bytes. The returned ID value is not supposed to be interpreted based on
74    vendor-specific assumptions of byte order and should express the identifier
75    as a raw byte sequence.
76    The changes have an impact on users that use the hwinfo API to identify
77    their devices.
78    The sam0 driver byte swaps each 32 bit word of the 128 bit identifier to
79    big endian.
80    The nordic driver byte swaps the entire 64 bit word to big endian.
82* I2C
84  * Added a new API for recovering an I2C bus from situations where the I2C
85    master and one or more I2C slaves are out of synchronization (e.g. if the
86    I2C master was reset in the middle of an I2C transaction or if a noise
87    pulse was induced on the SCL line).
89Deprecated in this release
92* Kernel
94  * k_uptime_delta_32(), use k_uptime_delta()
95  * Timeout values
97    * All timeout values are now encapsulated k_timeout_t opaque structure when
98      passing them to the kernel. If you want to revert to the previous s32_t
99      type for the timeout parameter, please enable
102* Bluetooth
106  * bt_le_scan_param::filter_dup, use bt_le_scan_param::options instead
107  * bt_conn_create_le(), use bt_conn_le_create() instead
108  * bt_conn_create_auto_le(), use bt_conn_le_create_auto() instead
109  * bt_conn_create_slave_le(), use bt_le_adv_start() instead with
110    bt_le_adv_param::peer set to the remote peers address.
111  * BT_LE_ADV_* macros, use BT_GAP_ADV_* enums instead
113* Boards
115  * nrf51_pca10028 has been renamed to nrf51dk_nrf51422
116  * nrf51_pca10031 has been renamed to nrf51dongle_nrf51422
117  * nrf52810_pca10040 has been renamed to nrf52dk_nrf52810
118  * nrf52_pca10040 has been renamed to nrf52dk_nrf52832
119  * nrf52833_pca10100 has been renamed to nrf52833dk_nrf52833
120  * nrf52811_pca10056 has been renamed to nrf52840dk_nrf52811
121  * nrf52840_pca10056 has been renamed to nrf52840dk_nrf52840
122  * nrf52840_pca10059 has been renamed to nrf52840dongle_nrf52840
123  * nrf9160_pca10090 has been renamed to nrf9160dk_nrf9160
124  * nrf52840_pca10090 has been renamed to nrf9160dk_nrf52840
125  * nrf52_pca20020 has been renamed to thingy52_nrf52832
126  * nrf5340_dk_nrf5340 has been renamed to nrf5340pdk_nrf5340
127  * efr32_slwstk6061a has been renamed to efr32_radio_brd4250b
129* Devicetree
131  * The C macros generated from the devicetree in previous releases are now
132    deprecated in favor of a new ``<devicetree.h>`` API.
133  * See :ref:`dt-from-c` for a high-level guide to the new API, and
134    :ref:`devicetree_api` for an API reference.
135  * Use of the legacy macros now requires explicitly enabling
136    ``CONFIG_LEGACY_DEVICETREE_MACROS``. See `the Zephyr v2.3 legacy devicetree
137    macro page`_ for more information, including a link to a migration guide to
138    the new API.
140.. _the Zephyr v2.3 legacy devicetree macro page:
141   https://docs.zephyrproject.org/2.3.0/guides/dts/legacy-macros.html#dt-legacy-macros
143* Other
145  * ``MACRO_MAP`` has been deprecated. Use ``FOR_EACH`` instead.
146  * ``BUILD_ASSERT_MSG`` has been deprecated. Use ``BUILD_ASSERT`` instead.
148Removed APIs in this release
151* The ``INLINE`` macro in ``util.h`` has been removed.
152* ``STACK_ANALYZE``, ``stack_analyze`` and ``stack_unused_space_get`` have been
153  removed.
156Stable API changes in this release
159* Bluetooth Mesh
161  * The net_idx parameter has been removed from the Health Client model
162    APIs since it can be derived (by the stack) from the app_idx parameter
164* Networking
167    and ETH_NET_DEVICE_INIT() macros changed and take a device power management
168    function pointer parameter. If networking PM is not implemented for the
169    specific network device, the device_pm_control_nop value can be used.
171* Video
173  * The video_dequeue() API call now takes a k_timeout_t for the timeout
174    parameter. This reverts to s32_t if CONFIG_LEGACY_TIMEOUT_API is enabled.
176* Floating Point Services
178  * FLOAT and FP_SHARING Kconfig options have been renamed to FPU and FPU_SHARING,
179    respectively.
184* A new general purpose memory allocator, sys_heap/k_heap, has been added
185  to Zephyr with more conventional API/behavior, better space
186  efficiency and higher performance than the pre-existing mem_pool.
187  The older mem_pool APIs are, by default, wrappers around this new
188  heap backend and will be deprecated in an upcoming release.  The
189  original implementation remains available for this release via
191* The timeout arguments to all kernel calls are now a "k_timeout_t"
192  type instead of a 32 bit millisecond count.  These can be
193  initialized in arbitrary time units (ns/us/ms, ticks), be
194  interpreted relative to either current time or system start, and be
195  expressed in 64 bit quantities.  This involves a minor change to the
196  API, so the original API is still available in a completely
197  source-compatible way via CONFIG_LEGACY_TIMEOUT_API.
198* Simplified dummy thread implementation and properly name idle threads
199* Centralized new thread priority check
200* Refactored device structures and introduced struct init_entry which is
201  a generic init end-point. SYS_INIT() generates only a struct init_entry via
202  calling INIT_ENTRY_DEFINE(). Also removed struct deviceconfig leaving
203  struct device to own everything now.
208* ARC:
210  * Changed to automatic generation of privilege stack for ARC MPU V2 to
211    avoid the potential waste of memory When USERSPACE is configured
212  * Enhanced runtime programming for the MPU v3 by making the gap-filling
213    of kernel memory a user-configurable feature
214  * Refactored the thread switch code in epilogue of irq and exception
215  * Refactored the assembly codes for better maintenance
216  * Fixed the behavior of ARC timer driver
217  * Fixed the behavior of ARC SMP
218  * Fixed the wrong configurations of ARC boards in Kconfig and DTS
220* ARM:
222  * CMSIS has been moved out of the main tree and now resides in its
223    own standalone module repository
224  * Updated CMSIS version to 5.7.0
225  * Added CMSIS-DSP library integration
226  * Added semihosting console support
227  * Cleanups and improvements to the Cortex-M exception vector table
228  * Fixed the behavior of Cortex-M spurious IRQ handler
229  * Fixed parsing of Cortex-M MemManage Stacking Errors
230  * Fixed the arch_cpu_idle() implementation for Cortex-M and Cortex-R
231  * Renamed Cortex-R architecture port to cortex_a_r in preparation for the
232    AArch32 Cortex-A architecture port
233  * Added processor exception handling and reporting framework for Cortex-R
234  * Added nested interrupt support on AArch32 Cortex-R and AArch64 Cortex-A
235  * Refactored Cortex-R interrupt system to remove fake multi-level interrupt
236    controller abstraction scheme
239* POSIX:
241  * Added support for building on ARM hosts
243* RISC-V:
245  * Added support for hard floating point for RISC-V
246  * Added march and mabi options to Kconfig
247  * Fixed compilation warning for platforms without PLIC
249* x86:
251  * Instrumented code for timing information
252  * Added ability for SoC to add MMU regions
253  * x86 FPU sharing symbols renamed
254  * early_serial: extended to support MMIO UART
256Boards & SoC Support
259* Added support for these SoC series:
261  * Broadcom Viper BCM58402
262  * Infineon XMC4500 SoC
263  * Nordic nRF52820 SoC
264  * NXP LPC55S16 SoC
265  * SiLabs EFR32BG13P SoC
266  * STM32L5 series of Ultra-low-power MCUs
268* Added support for these ARM boards:
270  * 96Boards AeroCore 2
271  * Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express
272  * Adafruit Feather STM32F405 Express
273  * Black STM32 F407VE Development Board
274  * Black STM32 F407ZG Pro Development Board
275  * Broadcom BCM958402M2
276  * EFR32 BRD4104A (SLWRB4104A)
277  * Infineon XMC45-RELAX-KIT
278  * nRF52820 emulation on nRF52833 DK
279  * nrf9160 INNBLUE21
280  * nrf9160 INNBLUE22
281  * NXP LPCXpresso55S16
282  * SEGGER IP Switch Board
283  * ST Nucleo H743ZI
284  * ST Nucleo F303RE
285  * ST Nucleo L552ZE-Q
287* Made these changes in other boards
289  * ``up_squared`` now defaults to the x86_64 architecture
290  * ``intel_s1000`` now supports SMP
292* Added support for these following shields:
294  * Espressif ESP-8266 Module
295  * MikroElektronika ADC Click
296  * MikroElectronica Eth Click
297  * ST X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1: MEMS Inertial and Environmental Multi sensor shield
299Drivers and Sensors
302* ADC
304  * Added support for STM32G4, STM32L1 and STM32H7 series
305  * Enabled internal voltage reference source on stm32
306  * Added Microchip MCP320x driver
308* Audio
310  * N/A
312* Bluetooth
314  * Added an RX thread on stm32wb hci wrapper
315  * Improved BLE support for rv32m1_vega:
317    - Added Resolvable Private Address support
318    - Enabled power saving support
319    - Added 2 Mbps PHY support
320    - Enabled controller-based privacy
322* CAN
324  * Converted can-primary alias to zephyr,can-primary chosen property
325  * Converted loopback driver to use a thread to send frames
327* Clock Control
329  * Enabled MSI range config in PLL mode on stm32
330  * Fixed AHB clock computation based on core on stm32h7
332* Console
334  * Fixed USB initialization
335  * Added semihosting console
337* Counter
339  * Added support on stm32h7 and stm32l0
340  * Fixed alarm tick count on stm32
341  * Added Maxim DS3231 driver
342  * Added NXP Kinetis LPTMR driver
344* Crypto
346  * Added driver for nRF ECB
347  * Added CAP_NO_IV_PREFIX capability to stm32 driver
349* DAC
351  * Added stm32l0 series support
352  * Added DAC shell
353  * Added NXP Kinetis DAC and DAC32 drivers
355* Debug
357  * N/A
359* Display
361  * Added power management support to st7789v driver
362  * Reworked controller memory initialization in ssd16xx driver
363  * Updated st7789v driver to set x-offset and y-offset properties properly
365* DMA
367  * Enabled use of DMAMUX on stm32l4+ and stm32wb
368  * Various fixes on stm32 dma management
372  * N/A
374* Entropy
376  * Removed Kconfig HAS_DTS_ENTROPY
377  * Implemented ISR specific get entropy call in gecko driver
379* ESPI
381  * Various fixes in Microchip driver
383* Ethernet
385  * Added SAM E54 max queue count referencing
386  * Added SAM0 family support to gmac driver
387  * Added sam4e support to queue in gmac
388  * Added network power management support to mcux
389  * Added VLAN support to enc28j60
390  * Added VLAN support to stm32
391  * Added Ethernet cable link status support to gmac
392  * Added support for i.MXRT1060 family to mcux
393  * Added support for getting manual MAC address from devicetree
394  * Added support for enabling random MAC address from devicetree
395  * Various fixes to setup and cache handling in gmac
396  * Fixed how unique MAC address is determined in mcux
397  * Fixed Ethernet cable link detection in gecko
398  * Fixed stm32 when receiving data during initialization
400* Flash
402  * Added logs on stm32
403  * Fixed wrong bank erasing on stm32g4
404  * Various fixes in nrf_qspi_nor driver
405  * Added driver for AT456 compatible SPI flash chips
406  * Enabled support for SAMV71
408* GPIO
410  * Added mcp23s17 driver
411  * Added STM32L5 support to stm32 driver
412  * Added interrupt support to sx1509b driver
413  * Fixed interrupt handling in sifive, intel_apl, mchp_xec, mcux_igpio driver
414  * Various fixes in intel_apl driver
415  * Added MCP23S17 driver
416  * Fixed port 1 interrupts in mcux lpc driver
418* Hardware Info
420  * Fixed ESP32 implementation
421  * Updated byte order in all drivers
423* I2C
425  * Added support to stm32h7
426  * Added write/read and bus recovery commands to shell
427  * Added bus recovery function to gpio bitbang driver
428  * Fixed fast and fast+ mode bus speeds in several drivers
429  * Added mcux flexcomm driver
431* I2S
433  * Added I2S master DMA support and clock output to stm32 driver
434  * Enabled SAMV71
436* IEEE 802.15.4
438  * Added Decawave DW1000 driver
439  * Added "no auto start" option and local MAC address support to rf2xx
440  * Added support for Frame Pending Bit (FPB) handling in nrf5
441  * Added CSMA CA transmit capability to nrf5
442  * Added PAN coordinator mode support to nrf5
443  * Added support for promiscuous mode to nrf5
444  * Added support for energy scan function to nrf5
445  * Fixed RX timestamp handling in nrf5
446  * Various fixes to rf2xx
448* Interrupt Controller
450  * Fixed PLIC register space
451  * Added support for STM32L5 series
452  * Added GIC V3 driver
453  * Fixed ICFGRn access and config in GIC driver
454  * Optimized the arc v2 interrupt unit driver
456* IPM
458  * Added CAVS DSP Intra-DSP Communication (IDC) driver
460* Keyboard Scan
462  * Added interrupt support to the ft5336 touch controller driver
463  * Added SDL mouse driver
465* LED
467  * N/A
469* LED Strip
471  * N/A
473* LoRa
475  * Added a LoRa shell
476  * Replaced counter driver usage with k_timer calls
477  * Various fixes in sx1276 driver
479* Modem
481  * Added support for GSM 07.10 muxing protocol to generic GSM modem
482  * Added support for modem commands that do not have a line ending
483  * Added automatic detection of ublox-sara-r4 modem type
484  * Added automatic setting of APN for ublox-sara-r4
485  * Added sendmsg() support to ublox-sara-r4
486  * Fixed UDP socket closing in ublox-sara-r4
487  * Fixed RSSI calculation for Sara U201
488  * Fixed TCP context release and RX socket src/dst port assignment in wncm14a2a
489  * Changed PPP driver connection to generic GSM modem
491* PECI
493  * Added Microchip XEC driver
495* Pinmux
497  * Fixed compilation errors in rv32m1_vega pinmux
499* PS/2
501  * Tuned PS2 driver to support several mice brands
503* PWM
505  * Added support to stm32h7
506  * Enhanced mcux ftm driver to configure pwm in ticks and allow configuring the clock prescaler
507  * Added mcux tpm driver
508  * Fixed nrfx driver to wait until PWM is stopped before restarting it
510* Sensor
512  * Added support for Analog Devices ADXL345 3-axis I2C accelerometer
513  * Added Infineon DPS310 driver
514  * Fixed temperature conversion in SI7006 driver
515  * Added Honeywell MPR driver
516  * Added BQ27421 driver
517  * Added weighted average filter to NXP Kinetis temperature driver
518  * Enabled single shot mode in ENS210 driver
519  * Added forced sampling mode to BME280 driver
520  * Added IIS2MDC magnetometer driver
521  * Added IIS2DLPC accelerometer driver
522  * Added ISM330DHCX IMU driver
523  * Added MEC tachometer driver
524  * Fixed I2C and SPI bus communication in LIS2DH driver
526* Serial
528  * Added uart_mux driver that is used in GSM 07.10 muxing protocol
529  * Added support for parity setting from dts on stm32
530  * Added support for stm32l5
531  * Various fixes in ns16550 driver
532  * Added XMC driver
533  * Added interrupt and runtime configuration support to Xilinx driver
534  * Fixed interrupt support in sifive driver
535  * Enhanced nrfx driver TX only mode support
536  * Added SAMV71 support to sam driver
538* SPI
540  * Added support for DMA client on stm32
541  * Increased clock frequency in mcux flexcomm driver
542  * Added power management support to cc13xx_cc26xx driver
544* Timer
546  * Various fixes in stm32_lptim driver
547  * Removed RTC1 dependency from nrf driver
548  * Various fixes in arcv2_timer0 driver
549  * Fixed TICKLESS=n processing in nrf_rtc and stm32_lptim drivers
550  * Added CAVS DSP wall clock timer driver
551  * Implemented tickless support in xlnx_psttc_timer driver
553* USB
555  * Added experimental USB Audio implementation.
556  * Added support to stm32wb
557  * Fixed PMA leak at reset on stm32
558  * Various fixes in usb_dc_nrfx driver
559  * Refactored usb_dc_mcux_ehci driver
561* Video
563  * Added dedicated video init priority
564  * Various fixes in sw_generator and mcux_csi
565  * Fixed video buffer alignment
567* Watchdog
569  * Added support on stm32g0
570  * Disabled iwdg at boot on stm32
572* WiFi
574  * Added scan completion indication to eswifi
575  * Added support to ESP8266 and ESP32
581* Converted networking to use new k_timeout_t infrastructure
582* Enhanced new TCP stack support
583* Added minimal support for TFTP client (RFC 1350)
584* Added support for network device driver power management
585* Added support for socketpair() BSD socket API
586* Added support for QEMU user networking (SLIRP)
587* Added support to disable automatic network attachment in OpenThread
588* Added support for Frame Pending Bit handling in OpenThread
589* Added support for RX frame handling in OpenThread
590* Added support for TX started notification in OpenThread
591* Added support for HW CSMA CA in OpenThread
592* Added support for promiscuous mode in OpenThread
593* Added support for reading OPAQUE resources with OMA TLV in LWM2M
594* Added config to enable PAN coordinator mode in IEEE 802.15.4
595* Added config to enable promiscuous mode in IEEE 802.15.4
596* Added support for subscribe in Azure cloud sample
597* Added support for queue mode in lwm2m_client sample
598* Added support to allow change of the QEMU Ethernet interface name
599* Added support for PPP IPCP to negotiate used DNS servers
600* Added support for setting hostname in DHCPv4 request
601* Fixed binding AF_PACKET socket type multiple times
602* Fixed LLDPDU data in sent LLDP packets
603* Fixed and enhance Google IoT sample application documentation
604* Fixed MQTT cloud sample when polling incoming messages
605* Fixed LWM2M socket error handling, and pending and reply handling during start
606* Fixed LWM2M retransmission logic
607* Fixed LWM2M Cell ID resource initialization
608* Fixed COAP pending and reply handling
609* Fixed wpan_serial sample application and enable USB during initialization
610* Fixed HTTP client payload issue on HTTP upload
611* Fixed MQTT Websocket incoming data handling and accept packets only in RX
612* Fixed MQTT Publish message length validation
613* Fixed IEEE 802.15.4 received frame length validation
614* IEEE 802.15.4: avoided ACK processing when not needed
615* IEEE 802.15.4: Now allows energy detection scan unconditionally
620* Host:
622  * Support for LE Advertising Extensions has been added.
623  * The Host is now 5.2 compliant, with support for EATT, L2CAP ECRED mode and
624    all new GATT PDUs.
625  * New application-controlled data length and PHY update APIs.
626  * Legacy OOB pairing support has been added.
627  * Multiple improvements to OOB data access and pairing.
628  * The Host now uses the new thread analyzer functionality.
629  * Multiple bug fixes and improvements
631* BLE split software Controller:
633  * The Controller is now 5.2 compliant.
634  * A new HCI USB H4 driver has been added, which can interact with BlueZ's
635    counterpart Host driver.
636  * PHY support is now configurable.
637  * Only control procedures supported by the peer are now used.
638  * The Nordic nRF52820 IC is now supported
639  * OpenISA/RV32M1:
641    * 2 Mbps PHY support.
642    * Radio deep sleep mode support.
643    * Controller-based privacy support.
645* BLE legacy software Controller:
647  * The legacy Controller has been removed from the tree.
649Build and Infrastructure
652* Zephyr CMake package
654  * The Zephyr main repository now includes a Zephyr CMake package.
655    This allows for registering Zephyr in the CMake user package registry and
656    allows for easier integration into Zephyr applications, by using the CMake
657    function, ``find_package(Zephyr ...)``.
658    Registering the Zephyr CMake package in the CMake user package registry
659    removes the need for setting of ``ZEPHYR_BASE``, sourcing ``zephyr-env.sh``,
660    or running ``zephyr-env.cmd``.
661  * A new ``west`` extension command, ``west zephyr-export`` is introduced for easy
662    registration of Zephyr CMake package in the CMake user package registry.
663  * Zephyr Build Configuration CMake package hook.
664    Zephyr offers the possibility of configuring the Zephyr build system through
665    a Zephyr Build Configuration package. A single Zephyr workspace
666    ``ZephyrBuildConfig.cmake`` will be loaded if present in the Zephyr
667    workspace. This allows users to configure the Zephyr build system on a per
668    workspace setup, as an alternative to using a ``.zephyrrc`` system wide file.
670* Devicetree
672  * A new :ref:`devicetree_api` was added. This API is not generated, but is
673    still included via ``<devicetree.h>``.
675    See `the Zephyr v2.3 legacy devicetree macro page`_ for more information,
676    including a link to a migration guide to the new API.
678    The :ref:`dt-howtos` page has been extended for the new API, and a new
679    :ref:`dt-from-c` API usage guide was also added.
681Libraries / Subsystems
684* Disk
686  * Add stm32 sdmmc disk access driver, supports stm32f7 and stm32l4
688* Random
690  * Removed the ``rand32_timestamp`` driver.
692* POSIX subsystem:
694  * socketpair() function implemented.
695  * eventfd() function (Linux-like extension) implemented.
697* Power management:
699  * Add system and device power management support on TI CC13x2/CC26x2.
704* HALs are now moved out of the main tree as external modules and reside in
705  their own standalone repositories.
710* New API overview page added.
711* Reference pages have been cleaned up and organized.
712* The Devicetree documentation has been expanded significally.
713* The project roles have been overhauled in the Contribution Guidelines pages.
714* The documentation on driver-specific APIs has been simplified.
715* Documentation for new APIs, boards and samples.
717Tests and Samples
720* Added samples for USB Audio Class.
721* Added sample for using POSIX read()/write() with network sockets.
723Issue Related Items
726These GitHub issues were addressed since the previous 2.2.0 tagged
729* :github:`25991` - [net][net.socket.select][imx-rt series] test fails  (k_uptime_get_32() - tstamp <= FUZZ is false)
730* :github:`25990` - tests/net/socket/select failed on sam_e70_xplained board.
731* :github:`25960` - tests/net/socket/socketpair failed on mimxrt1050_evk and sam_e70_xplained.
732* :github:`25948` - Function i2c_transfer stops execution for I2C_SAM0
733* :github:`25944` - driver: timer: stm32_lptim: Extra ticks count
734* :github:`25926` - k_cycle_get_32() returns 0 in native_posix
735* :github:`25925` -  tests: net: socket: socketpair: fails due to empty message header name
736* :github:`25920` - Compilation error when CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y specified
737* :github:`25904` - kernel: k_queue_get return NULL before timeout
738* :github:`25901` - timer: nrf_rtc_timer: Subtraction underflow causing 8 minute time skips
739* :github:`25895` - driver: timer: stm32_lptim: backup domain is reset
740* :github:`25893` - Application syscalls in usermode gives bus fault with stacking error
741* :github:`25887` - legacy timeout API does not work as expected
742* :github:`25880` - stm32wb: Unable to use BLE and USB host simultaneously.
743* :github:`25870` - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api fails conversion tests with large offset
744* :github:`25863` - Where is the definition of SystemInit()?
745* :github:`25859` - mesh example not working with switched off dcdc?
746* :github:`25847` - Problems using math functions and double.
747* :github:`25824` - Unpacked bt_l2cap_le_conn_rsp struct is causing corrupt L2CAP connection request responses on some platforms
748* :github:`25820` - kernel: k_timer_start(timer, K_FOREVER, K_NO_WAIT) expires immediately
749* :github:`25811` - K22F USB Console/Shell
750* :github:`25797` - [Coverity CID :210607] Uninitialized scalar variable in tests/net/socket/socketpair/src/test_socketpair_happy_path.c
751* :github:`25796` - [Coverity CID :210579] Uninitialized scalar variable in tests/net/socket/socketpair/src/test_socketpair_happy_path.c
752* :github:`25795` - [Coverity CID :210564] Uninitialized scalar variable in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/distance/src/u32.c
753* :github:`25793` - [Coverity CID :210561] Resource leak in tests/net/socket/socketpair/src/test_socketpair_unsupported_calls.c
754* :github:`25791` - [Coverity CID :210614] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/distance/src/f32.c
755* :github:`25789` - [Coverity CID :210586] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/distance/src/f32.c
756* :github:`25788` - [Coverity CID :210581] Dereference before null check in subsys/net/lib/sockets/socketpair.c
757* :github:`25787` - [Coverity CID :210571] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/subsys/openthread/radio_test.c
758* :github:`25785` - [Coverity CID :210549] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/subsys/openthread/radio_test.c
759* :github:`25780` - [Coverity CID :210612] Negative array index read in samples/net/sockets/socketpair/src/socketpair_example.c
760* :github:`25779` - [Coverity CID :209942] Pointer to local outside scope in subsys/net/ip/tcp2.c
761* :github:`25774` - [Coverity CID :210615] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
762* :github:`25773` - [Coverity CID :210613] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
763* :github:`25772` - [Coverity CID :210609] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
764* :github:`25771` - [Coverity CID :210608] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/fastmath/src/f32.c
765* :github:`25770` - [Coverity CID :210605] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/filtering/src/misc_f32.c
766* :github:`25769` - [Coverity CID :210603] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/filtering/src/misc_f32.c
767* :github:`25768` - [Coverity CID :210601] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/fastmath/src/f32.c
768* :github:`25767` - [Coverity CID :210600] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
769* :github:`25766` - [Coverity CID :210592] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
770* :github:`25765` - [Coverity CID :210591] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/filtering/src/misc_f32.c
771* :github:`25764` - [Coverity CID :210590] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
772* :github:`25763` - [Coverity CID :210577] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
773* :github:`25762` - [Coverity CID :210576] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/filtering/src/misc_f32.c
774* :github:`25761` - [Coverity CID :210574] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
775* :github:`25760` - [Coverity CID :210572] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/distance/src/f32.c
776* :github:`25759` - [Coverity CID :210569] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/bayes/src/f32.c
777* :github:`25758` - [Coverity CID :210567] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/fastmath/src/f32.c
778* :github:`25757` - [Coverity CID :210565] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
779* :github:`25756` - [Coverity CID :210563] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
780* :github:`25755` - [Coverity CID :210560] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
781* :github:`25754` - [Coverity CID :210556] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/matrix/src/unary_f64.c
782* :github:`25753` - [Coverity CID :210555] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/support/src/barycenter_f32.c
783* :github:`25752` - [Coverity CID :210551] Incompatible cast in tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/matrix/src/unary_f32.c
784* :github:`25751` - [Coverity CID :210545] Incompatible cast in tests/benchmarks/cmsis_dsp/basicmath/src/f32.c
785* :github:`25737` - [Coverity CID :210585] Unchecked return value in samples/net/sockets/socketpair/src/socketpair_example.c
786* :github:`25736` - [Coverity CID :210583] Unchecked return value from library in samples/net/sockets/socketpair/src/socketpair_example.c
787* :github:`25731` - [Coverity CID :210568] Argument cannot be negative in tests/net/socket/socketpair/src/test_socketpair_happy_path.c
788* :github:`25730` - [Coverity CID :210553] Unchecked return value in tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_basic_api/src/test_deprecated.c
789* :github:`25727` - [Coverity CID :210611] Logically dead code in subsys/net/lib/sockets/socketpair.c
790* :github:`25702` - BSD socket sendmsg() did not verify params in usermode
791* :github:`25701` - MPU FAULT in nvs test on nrf52840dk_nrf52840
792* :github:`25698` - IPv6 prefix could be added multiple times to prefix timer list
793* :github:`25697` - Example of Thread creation in documentation does not compile
794* :github:`25694` - IPv6 RA prefix option invalid length
795* :github:`25673` - Unable to use SPI1 when enabled without SPI0 on cc13xx/cc26xx
796* :github:`25670` - Possible Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/logging/log_msg.c
797* :github:`25666` - tests: kernel: mem_protect: syscalls: test_string_nlen fails
798* :github:`25656` - shields: Can't use multiple shields anymore
799* :github:`25635` - ARM: TLS pointer may not be set correctly
800* :github:`25621` - ESWiFi does not populate info about remote when invoking callback
801* :github:`25614` - fix longstanding error in pthread_attr_t definition
802* :github:`25613` - USB: CDC adds set line coding callback
803* :github:`25612` - ARM: Cortex-M: CPU is not reporting Explicit MemManage Stacking Errors correctly
804* :github:`25597` - west sign fails to find header size or padding
805* :github:`25585` - QEMU special key handling is broken on qemu_cortex_a53
806* :github:`25578` - nrf: clock control: nrf5340: using CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_K32SRC_RC results in build failure
807* :github:`25568` - nrf: clock_control: Fatal error during initialization
808* :github:`25561` - bluetooth: GATT lockup on split packets
809* :github:`25555` - Unable to connect to Thread network (NRF52840DK)
810* :github:`25527` - sample and writeup for socketpair
811* :github:`25526` - Sanity Check Fails:
812* :github:`25522` - settings: FCB back-end does not try to add record after the last compression attempt.
813* :github:`25519` - wrong debug function cause kinds of building error
814* :github:`25511` - arc em_starterkit_em11d failed in tests/kernel/timer/timer_api
815* :github:`25510` - arc EMSDP failed in tests/kernel/gen_isr_table
816* :github:`25509` - OpenThread SED set link mode fail
817* :github:`25493` - devicetree: nRF5340 application core DTSI is missing cryptocell node
818* :github:`25489` - drivers: modem_cmd_handler: uninitialized variable used
819* :github:`25483` - Bluetooth: controller: split: feature exchange not conform V5.0 core spec
820* :github:`25480` - Unconditional source of shield configs can mess up configuration
821* :github:`25478` - settings_runtime_set() not populating bt/cf
822* :github:`25477` - dts: arm: Incorrect GIC interrupt spec order for AArch64 SoCs
823* :github:`25471` - disco_l475_iot1 don't write last small block
824* :github:`25469` - Fix devicetree documentation for new API
825* :github:`25468` - FRDM_K82F DTS missing information for ADC-0
826* :github:`25452` - Some USB samples targeting stm32 are malfunctioning
827* :github:`25448` - serial: uart_nrfx_uarte: poll & async TX infinite hang
828* :github:`25447` - cf_set() returns 0 when no cfg is available
829* :github:`25442` - Does Zephyr support USB host mode ?
830* :github:`25437` - tests/lib/heap: sanitycheck timeout on STM32 boards
831* :github:`25433` - Add vendor specific class custom usb device sample
832* :github:`25427` - STM32 Ethernet driver build failure with CONFIG_ASSERT=1
833* :github:`25408` - STM32 Ethernet Driver: Fix driver crash caused by RX IRQ trigger
834* :github:`25390` - driver: timer: arm arch timer PPI configuration to be taken from dt
835* :github:`25386` - boards: shields: esp_8266: There isn't CI tests enabled
836* :github:`25379` - Bluetooth mesh example not working
837* :github:`25378` - Installation problems
838* :github:`25369` - tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_basic_api: test_gpio_deprecated step fails on STM32 boards
839* :github:`25366` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api: instable test status on STM32 boards
840* :github:`25363` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api: Assertion failed on STM32 boards
841* :github:`25354` - Fails to compile when SYS_PM_DIRECT_FORCE_MODE is true
842* :github:`25351` - test:mimxrt1050_evk:tests/subsys/usb/bos/: run failure
843* :github:`25350` - Bluetooth: controller: Data transmission delayed by slave latency
844* :github:`25349` - The b_l072z_lrwan1 board (STM32L0) doesn't support flashing of firmware larger than bank 0
845* :github:`25348` - test:mimxrt10xx_evk:tests/kernel/mem_protect/stackprot: get unexpected Stacking error
846* :github:`25346` - Timestamp in LOG jumps 00:08:32
847* :github:`25337` - LED pins always configured as PWM outputs
848* :github:`25334` - SPI won't build on microbit with I2C
849* :github:`25332` - lib: updatehub: Don't build after conversion from DT_FLASH_AREA to FLASH_AREA macros
850* :github:`25331` - test_timer_remaining() fails with assertion in timer_api test
851* :github:`25319` - MMU and USERSPACE not working on upsquared
852* :github:`25312` - samples:mimxrt1010_evk:samples/net/openthread/ncp: build error
853* :github:`25289` - mcuboot incompatible with Nordic QSPI flash driver
854* :github:`25287` - test/benchmarks/latency_measure fails on nucleo_f429zi and nucleo_f207zg
855* :github:`25284` - spi: stm32: dma_client: Cannot use RX only configuration
856* :github:`25276` - OpenThread not work after upgrade to latest version
857* :github:`25272` - tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_basic_api failed on mec15xxevb_assy6853 board.
858* :github:`25270` - fix userspace permissions in socketpair tests
859* :github:`25263` - Can anyone tell me how can i use external qspi flash "mx25r64"(custom board with nrf52840 soc) for mcuboot slot1 and i'm using zephyr 2.2.0
860* :github:`25260` - drivers: uart_ns16550: device config_info content mutated
861* :github:`25251` - Post DT API migration review
862* :github:`25247` - const qualifier lost on some device config_info casts
863* :github:`25246` - SHELL_DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH should be configurable in Kconfig
864* :github:`25241` - tests.drivers.spi_loopback stm32wb55x fails transferring multiple buffers with dma
865* :github:`25240` - Building usb audio sample hangs the pre-processor
866* :github:`25234` - kernel.timer.tickless test fails on atsamd21_xpro
867* :github:`25233` - bad logic in test_busy_wait of tests/kernel/context
868* :github:`25232` - driver: wifi: esp_offload.c: Missing new timeout API conversion
869* :github:`25230` - Lib: UpdateHub: Missing new timeout API conversion
870* :github:`25224` - benchmark.kernel.latency test fails on atsame54_xpro
871* :github:`25221` - arch.arm.irq_advanced_features test fails on atsamd21_xpro
872* :github:`25216` - cc13xx and cc26xx handler for IRQ invoked multiple times
873* :github:`25210` - CI seems to be stuck for my pull request
874* :github:`25204` - soc: apollo_lake: Disabling I2C support is not possible
875* :github:`25200` - Build error in Sample App for OpenThread NCP
876* :github:`25196` - tests: portability: cmsis_rtos_v2: hangs on nRF52, 53 and 91 nRF platforms
877* :github:`25194` - tests: kernel: context: seems to be failing on Nordic platforms
878* :github:`25191` - tests/drivers/console: drivers.console.semihost can't work
879* :github:`25190` - West - init/update module SHA with --depth = 1
880* :github:`25185` - Adding CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS creates errors on bt_hci_core & bt_gatt
881* :github:`25184` - lldp: lldp_send includes bug
882* :github:`25183` - west build error after while "getting started" on ESP32
883* :github:`25180` - tests: drivers/i2s/i2s_api: Build failed on 96b_argonkey
884* :github:`25179` - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api failed on iotdk board.
885* :github:`25178` -  tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api failed on iotdk board.
886* :github:`25177` - tests/drivers/counter/maxim_ds3231_api failed on frdm_k64f.
887* :github:`25176` - tests/kernel/context failed on multiple platforms.
888* :github:`25174` - qemu test failures when running sanitycheck
889* :github:`25169` - soc/arm/infineon_xmc/4xxx/soc.h not found
890* :github:`25161` - samples/cfb/display flickers with SSD1306
891* :github:`25141` - Cannot use C++ on APPLICATION level initialization
892* :github:`25140` - Unable to obtain dhcp lease
893* :github:`25139` - USB HID mouse sample high input delay
894* :github:`25130` - Bluetooth: controller: Incorrect version information
895* :github:`25128` - Missing ``python3-dev`` dependency
896* :github:`25123` - DAC is not described in soc of STM32L4xx series
897* :github:`25109` - Flash tests fail on posix
898* :github:`25101` - driver: gpio: mchp: GPIO initialization value doesn't get reflected when using new flags
899* :github:`25091` - drivers: eSPI: Incorrect handling of OOB registers leads to report wrong OOB packet len
900* :github:`25084` - LLDP: missing net_pkt_set_lldp in lldp_send
901* :github:`25083` - Networking samples are not able to connect with the TCP under qemu_x86 after 9b055ec
902* :github:`25067` - Insufficient ticker nodes for vendor implementations
903* :github:`25057` - errors when running sanitycheck with tests/subsys/storage/stream/stream_flash
904* :github:`25036` - kernel: pipe: read_avail / write_avail syscalls
905* :github:`25032` - build failure on lpcxpresso55s16_ns
906* :github:`25017` - [CI] m2gl025_miv in Shippable CI systematically fails some tests
907* :github:`25016` - BT_LE_ADV_NCONN_NAME doesn't actually advertise name
908* :github:`25015` - Bluetooth Isochronous Channels Support
909* :github:`25012` - checkpatch.pl doesn't match the vendor string properly
910* :github:`25010` - disco_l475_iot1 don't confirm MCUBoot slot-1 image
911* :github:`24978` - RFC: use compatible name for prefix for device-specific API
912* :github:`24970` - ieee802154 l2: no length check in frame validation
913* :github:`24965` - RF2XX radio driver does automatic retransmission and OpenThread as well
914* :github:`24963` - Slower OpenThread PSKc calculation
915* :github:`24943` - Add a harness property to boards in sanitycheck's hardware_map
916* :github:`24928` - Running Zephyr Bot tests on local machine
917* :github:`24927` - stm32: Fix docs boards for doc generation
918* :github:`24926` - Remove all uses of CONFIG_LEGACY_TIMEOUT_API  from the tree before 2.3
919* :github:`24915` - accelerometer example no longer works for microbit
920* :github:`24911` - arch: arm: aarch32: When CPU_HAS_FPU for Cortex-R5 is selected, prep_c.c uses undefined symbols
921* :github:`24909` - ``find_package`` goes into an infinite loop on windows
922* :github:`24903` - Python detection when building documentation fails
923* :github:`24889` - stm32f469i discovery board and samples/display/lvgl fails
924* :github:`24869` - qemu_x86: with icount enabled, crash in test_syscall_torture
925* :github:`24853` - os: Precise data bus error with updatehub
926* :github:`24842` - Support Building on Aarch64
927* :github:`24840` - Unable to connect to OpenThread network after upgrade
928* :github:`24805` - On x86, misalligned SSE accesses can occur when multithreading is enabled
929* :github:`24784` - nRF: Busy wait clock is skewed vs. timer clock
930* :github:`24773` - devicetree: allow generation of properties that don't have a binding
931* :github:`24751` - What is purpose of the CONFIG_ADC_X
932* :github:`24744` - k_thread_join() taking a very long time on qemu_cortex_m3
933* :github:`24733` - Misconfigured environment
934* :github:`24727` - Unable allocate buffer to send mesh message
935* :github:`24722` - OnePlus 7T & peripheral_hr on NRF52 conn failure
936* :github:`24720` - Build failure on intel_s1000_crb board for test case:ā€ tests/kernel/smpā€
937* :github:`24718` - adc: stm32g4: Fix ADC instances naming
938* :github:`24713` - ztest_test_fail() doesn't always work
939* :github:`24706` - mcumgr: fail to upgrade nRF target using nRF Connect
940* :github:`24702` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api failed on frdm_k64f board.
941* :github:`24701` - tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/transform failed on frdm_k64f board.
942* :github:`24695` - Board IP Can Not Be Set Manually
943* :github:`24692` - FindPython3 has unexpected behavior on Windows
944* :github:`24674` - Cannot generate code coverage report for unit tests using sanitycheck
945* :github:`24665` - z_cstart memory corruption (ARM CortexM)
946* :github:`24661` - sanitycheck incorrect judgement with tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_basic_api.
947* :github:`24660` - tests/benchmarks/sys_kernel failed on nrf platforms
948* :github:`24659` - tests/portability/cmsis_rtos_v2 failed on reel_board.
949* :github:`24653` - device_pm: clarify and document usage
950* :github:`24646` - Bluetooth: hci_uart broken on master
951* :github:`24645` - naming consistency for kernel object initializer macros
952* :github:`24642` - kernel: pipe: simple test fails for pipe write / read of 3 bytes
953* :github:`24641` - inconsistent timer behavior on native platforms
954* :github:`24635` - tests/counter/counter_basic_api fails on mps2_an385
955* :github:`24634` - Invalid pin reported in gpio callback
956* :github:`24626` - USB re-connection fails on SAM E70
957* :github:`24612` - mimxrt1020_evk: total freeze
958* :github:`24601` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Config Client's net_key_status pulls two key indexes, should pull one.
959* :github:`24585` - How to read/write an big(>16K) file in littlefs shell sample on native posix board?
960* :github:`24579` - Couldn't get test results from device serial on mimxrt1050_evk board.
961* :github:`24576` - scripts/subfolder_list.py: Support long paths
962* :github:`24571` - #include <new> is not available
963* :github:`24564` - NRF51822 BLE ~400uA idle current consumption
964* :github:`24554` - hal_infineon: Add new module for Infineon XMC HAL layer
965* :github:`24553` - samples/subsys/shell/fs/ fail on native posix board
966* :github:`24539` - How to complete userspace support for driver-specific API
967* :github:`24534` - arch_mem_domain_max_partitions_get() returns equal number for all architectures
968* :github:`24533` - devicetree: are some defines missing from the bindings?
969* :github:`24509` - Ethernet Sample Echo Failed in Nucleo_f429zi - bisected
970* :github:`24505` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Configuration Client: Add support for Model Subscription Get
971* :github:`24500` - Failed to run the sample "Native Posix Ethernet"
972* :github:`24497` - frdm_k64f fatal error while using flash and TLS features together
973* :github:`24490` - SPI-NOR driver not found in spi_flash sample
974* :github:`24485` - kernel: pipe: should return if >= min_xfer bytes transferred and timeout is K_FOREVER
975* :github:`24484` - The file system shell example failed to build
976* :github:`24479` - nrf-uarte problems with uart_irq_tx_disable() in handler
977* :github:`24464` - drivers: espi: XEC: Incorrect eSPI channel status handling leading to missed interrupts and callbacks
978* :github:`24462` - File not truncated to actual size after calling fs_close
979* :github:`24457` - Common Trace Format - Failed to produce correct trace output
980* :github:`24442` - samples/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/smp_svr: should enable BT and FS for nrf52 boards
981* :github:`24439` - LPCXpresso55S69_ns target : build failed
982* :github:`24437` - smp_svr samle doesn't build for any target
983* :github:`24431` - http_client assumes request payload is non-binary
984* :github:`24426` - syscall for pipe(2)
985* :github:`24409` - When the delay parameter of k_delayed_work_submit is K_FOREVER, the system will crash
986* :github:`24399` - drivers: sam0_rtc_timer: DT_INST changes have broken this driver
987* :github:`24390` - nsim_sem_normal target is broken
988* :github:`24382` - disco_l475_iot1 not working with samples/net/wifi
989* :github:`24376` - SPI (test) is not working for LPCXpresso54114
990* :github:`24373` - NULL-pointer dereferencing in GATT when master connection fails
991* :github:`24369` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api failure on nRF51-DK
992* :github:`24366` - syscall for socketpair(2)
993* :github:`24363` - nsim_hs_smp target doesn't work at all
994* :github:`24359` - k_heap / sys_heap needs overview documentation
995* :github:`24357` - NVS sample on STM32F4 fails even if the dts definition is correct
996* :github:`24356` - MCUboot (and other users of DT_FLASH_DEV_NAME) broken with current zephyr master
997* :github:`24355` - tests/drivers/uart/uart_basic_api configure and config_get fail because not implemented
998* :github:`24353` - minnowboard hangs during boot of samples/hello_world
999* :github:`24347` - Application Cortex M Systick driver broken by merge of #24012
1000* :github:`24340` - #24308 Broke python3 interpreter selection
1001* :github:`24339` - arm_gic_irq_set_priority - temporary variable overflow
1002* :github:`24325` - broken link in MinnowBoard documentation
1003* :github:`24324` - ST Nucleo F767ZI Ethernet Auto Negotiation problem
1004* :github:`24322` - IRQ_CONNECT and IRQ_DIRECT_CONNECT throw compile error with CONFIG_CPLUSPLUS
1005* :github:`24311` - LPN not receiving any message from Friend node after LPN device reset
1006* :github:`24306` - How to set up native posix board to allow connections to the Internet?
1007* :github:`24304` - Application crash #nrf52840 #ble
1008* :github:`24299` -  tests/subsys/storage/flash_map failed on frdm_k64f board.
1009* :github:`24294` - Problem using TMP116 sensor with platformio
1010* :github:`24291` - The button interrupt enters the spurious handler
1011* :github:`24283` - os:   Illegal use of the EPSR-disco_l475_iot1
1012* :github:`24282` - echo_client sample return: Cannot connect to TCP remote (IPv6): 110
1013* :github:`24278` - Function of "ull_conn_done" in "ull_conn.c"
1014* :github:`24277` - tests/kernel/workq/critical times out on ARC
1015* :github:`24276` - tests/kernel/context hangs on ARC in test_kernel_cpu_idle
1016* :github:`24275` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/syscalls fails on ARC in test_syscall_torture
1017* :github:`24252` - Python detection macro in cmake fails to detect highest installed version
1018* :github:`24243` - MCUBoot not working on disco_l475_iot1
1019* :github:`24241` - Build error when using MCHP ACPI HAL macros
1020* :github:`24237` - Fail to pass samples/subsys/nvs
1021* :github:`24227` - build hello_world sample failed for ESP32 board.
1022* :github:`24226` - [master]Bluetooth: samples/bluetooth/central_hr can't connect with samples/bluetooth/peripheral_hr
1023* :github:`24216` - Shell: Allow selecting command without subcommands
1024* :github:`24215` - Couldn't flash image into up_squared using misc.py script.
1025* :github:`24212` - lib: updatehub: Improve memory footprint
1026* :github:`24207` - tests/subsys/fs/fcb fails on nRF52840-DK
1027* :github:`24197` - Reduce snprintf and snprintk footprint
1028* :github:`24195` - question regarding c++
1029* :github:`24194` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Unknown message received by the node
1030* :github:`24193` - Issue with launching examples on custom board (after succesfull build)
1031* :github:`24187` - Remove the BLE Legacy Controller from the tree
1032* :github:`24183` - [v2.2] Bluetooth: controller: split: Regression slave latency during connection update
1033* :github:`24181` - Snprintk used at many place while dummy build if CONFIG_PRINTK is undef
1034* :github:`24180` - Parameter deprecation causes scanner malfunction on big-endian systems
1035* :github:`24178` - CI: extra_args from sanitycheck ``*.yaml`` do not propagate to cmake
1036* :github:`24176` - Where can I read PDR (packet delivery ratio)? Or number of TX/ACK packets?
1037* :github:`24162` - eSPI KConfig overrides espi_config API channel selection in eSPI driver
1038* :github:`24158` - gap in support for deprecated Nordic board names
1039* :github:`24156` - MQTT Websocket transport interprets all received data as MQTT messages
1040* :github:`24145` - File system shell example mount littleFS issue on nrf52840_pca10056
1041* :github:`24144` - deadlock potential in nrf_qspi_nor
1042* :github:`24136` - tests/benchmarks/latency_measure failed on mec15xxevb_assy6853 board.
1043* :github:`24122` - [nrf_qspi_nor] LittleFS file system fails to mount if LFS rcache buffer is not word aligned
1044* :github:`24108` - https GET request is failed for big file download.
1045* :github:`24104` - west sign usage help is missing key information
1046* :github:`24103` - USB Serial Number reverses bytes in hw identifier
1047* :github:`24101` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Transport Segment send failed lead to seg_tx un-free
1048* :github:`24098` - drivers: flash: flash_stm32: usage fault
1049* :github:`24089` - Zephyr/Openthread/MBEDTLS heap size/usage
1050* :github:`24086` - Bluetooth: SMP: Existing bond deleted on pairing failure
1051* :github:`24081` - le_adv_ext_report is not generating an HCI event
1052* :github:`24072` - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api failed on nucleo_stm32l152re board
1053* :github:`24068` - UART driver for sifive does not compile when configuring PORT_1
1054* :github:`24067` - cross-platform inconsistency in I2C bus speeds
1055* :github:`24055` - Add support for openocd on stm32g0 and stm32g4 targets
1056* :github:`24041` - [Coverity CID :209368] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1057* :github:`24040` - [Coverity CID :209369] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1058* :github:`24039` - [Coverity CID :209370] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1059* :github:`24038` - [Coverity CID :209371] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1060* :github:`24037` - [Coverity CID :209372] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1061* :github:`24036` - [Coverity CID :209373] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1062* :github:`24035` - [Coverity CID :209374] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1063* :github:`24034` - [Coverity CID :209375] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/interrupt/src/prevent_irq.c
1064* :github:`24033` - [Coverity CID :209376] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1065* :github:`24032` - [Coverity CID :209377] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1066* :github:`24031` - [Coverity CID :209378] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1067* :github:`24027` - [Coverity CID :209382] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1068* :github:`24026` - [Coverity CID :209383] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
1069* :github:`24016` - Fully support DTS on nrf entropy driver
1070* :github:`24014` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Friend node not cache for lpn which receiveing unknown app_idx
1071* :github:`24009` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Friend node not cache ALL_Node Address or different app_idx
1072* :github:`24008` - Build failure on intel_s1000_crb board.
1073* :github:`24003` - Couldn't generated code coverage report using sanitycheck
1074* :github:`24001` - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api failed on reel_board and mec15xxevb_assy6853.
1075* :github:`23998` - Infinite Reboot loop in Constructor C++
1076* :github:`23997` - flash sector erase fails on stm32l475
1077* :github:`23989` - Switching among different PHY Modes
1078* :github:`23986` - Possible use of uninitialized variable in subsys/net/ip/utils.c
1079* :github:`23980` - Nordic USB driver: last fragment sometimes dropped for OUT control endpoint
1080* :github:`23961` - CCC does not get cleared when CONFIG_BT_KEYS_OVERWRITE_OLDEST is enabled
1081* :github:`23953` - Question: How is pdata.tsize initialized in zephyr/subsys/usb/usb_transfer.c?
1082* :github:`23947` - soc: arm: atmel: sam4e: Enable FPU
1083* :github:`23946` - ARM soft FP ABI support is broken
1084* :github:`23945` - west flash don't flash right signed file when system build both hex and bin files
1085* :github:`23930` - Question: Cortex-M7 revision r0p1 errata
1086* :github:`23928` - Flash device FLASH_CTRL not found
1087* :github:`23922` - cmake 3.17 dev warning from FindPythonInterp.cmake
1088* :github:`23919` - sanitycheck samples/drivers/entropy/sample.drivers.entropy fails
1089* :github:`23907` - Shell overdo argument parsing in some cases
1090* :github:`23897` - Typo in linker.ld for NXP i.MX RT
1091* :github:`23893` - server to client ble coms: two characteristics with notifications failing to notify the right characteristics at the client
1092* :github:`23877` - syscall use of output buffers may be unsafe in some situations
1093* :github:`23872` - cmake find_package(ZephyrUnittest...) doesn't work
1094* :github:`23866` - sample hci_usb fails with zephyr 2.2.0 (worked with zephyr 2.1.0)
1095* :github:`23865` - nrf52840 and pyocd cannot program at addresses above 512k
1096* :github:`23853` - samples/boards/nrf/battery does not build
1097* :github:`23850` - Template with C linkage in util.h:52
1098* :github:`23824` - ARM Cortex-M7 MPU setting
1099* :github:`23805` - Bluetooth: controller: Switching to non conn adv fails for Mesh LPN
1100* :github:`23803` - nrf52840 ble error
1101* :github:`23800` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_cmos failed on up_squared platform
1102* :github:`23799` -  tests/subsys/logging/log_immediate failed on reel_board
1103* :github:`23777` - Problem with applying overlay for custom board in blinky example
1104* :github:`23763` - net: sockets: Wrong binding when connecting to ll address
1105* :github:`23762` - stm32: Revert nucleo_l152re to work at full speed
1106* :github:`23750` - eSPI API needs to be updated since it's passing parameters by value
1107* :github:`23718` - Getting started with zephyr OS
1108* :github:`23712` - Error in mounting the SD card
1109* :github:`23703` - Openthread on Zephyr cannot get On-Mesh Prefix address
1110* :github:`23694` - TEMP_KINETIS is forced enabled on frdm_k64f if SENSORS is enabled. But ADC is missing
1111* :github:`23692` - drivers: ublox-sara-r4: Add support for pin polarity
1112* :github:`23678` - drivers/flash: stm32: Error in device name
1113* :github:`23677` - SPI slave driver doesn't work correctly on STM32F746ZG; needs spi-fifo to be enabled in DT
1114* :github:`23674` - Openthread stop working after "Update OpenThread revision #23632"
1115* :github:`23673` - spi-nor driver fails to check for support of 32 KiBy block erase
1116* :github:`23669` -  ipv4 rx fragments: is zephyr support?
1117* :github:`23662` - Building blinky sample program goes wrong
1118* :github:`23637` - Wrong channel computation in stm32 pwm driver
1119* :github:`23624` - posix: clock: clock_gettime fault on userspace with CLOCK_REALTIME
1120* :github:`23623` - stm32 can2 not work properly
1121* :github:`23622` - litex_vexriscv: k_busy_wait() never returns if called with interrupts locked
1122* :github:`23618` - cmake: Export compile_commands.json for all generated code
1123* :github:`23617` - kernel: k_cpu_idle/atomic_idle() not tested for tick-less kernel
1124* :github:`23611` - Add QuickLogic EOS S3 HAL west module
1125* :github:`23600` - Differences in cycles between k_busy_wait and k_sleep
1126* :github:`23595` - RF2XX driver Openthread ACK handling
1127* :github:`23593` - Nested interrupt test is broken for RISC-V
1128* :github:`23588` - [Coverity CID :208912] Dereference after null check in tests/net/icmpv4/src/main.c
1129* :github:`23587` - [Coverity CID :208913] Resource leak in tests/net/socket/af_packet/src/main.c
1130* :github:`23586` - [Coverity CID :208914] Self assignment in drivers/peci/peci_mchp_xec.c
1131* :github:`23585` - [Coverity CID :208915] Out-of-bounds access in tests/net/icmpv4/src/main.c
1132* :github:`23584` - [Coverity CID :208916] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/sensor/adxl345/adxl345.c
1133* :github:`23583` - [Coverity CID :208917] Dereference after null check in tests/net/icmpv4/src/main.c
1134* :github:`23582` - [Coverity CID :208918] Side effect in assertion in tests/arch/arm/arm_interrupt/src/arm_interrupt.c
1135* :github:`23581` - [Coverity CID :208919] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/sensor/adxl345/adxl345.c
1136* :github:`23580` - [Coverity CID :208920] Resource leak in tests/net/socket/af_packet/src/main.c
1137* :github:`23579` - [Coverity CID :208921] Improper use of negative value in tests/net/socket/af_packet/src/main.c
1138* :github:`23577` - [Coverity CID :208923] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/sensor/adxl345/adxl345.c
1139* :github:`23576` - [Coverity CID :208924] Dereference after null check in tests/net/icmpv4/src/main.c
1140* :github:`23575` - [Coverity CID :208925] Unsigned compared against 0 in samples/drivers/espi/src/main.c
1141* :github:`23573` - [Coverity CID :208927] Dereference after null check in tests/net/icmpv4/src/main.c
1142* :github:`23571` - drivers: timer: nrf52: Question: Does nRF52840 errata 179 affect nrf_rtc_timer driver?
1143* :github:`23562` - build warnings when updating to master from 2.2.0
1144* :github:`23555` - STM32 SDMMC disk access driver (based on stm32 cube HAL)
1145* :github:`23544` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/syscalls failed on iotdk board.
1146* :github:`23541` - xilinx_zynqmp: k_busy_wait() never returns if called with interrupts locked
1147* :github:`23539` -  west flash --runner jlink returns KeyError: 'jlink'
1148* :github:`23529` - Convert STM32 drivers to new DT macros
1149* :github:`23528` - k64f dts flash0/storage_partition 8KiB -> 64KiB
1150* :github:`23507` - samples/subsys/shell/shell_module doesn't work on qemu_x86_64
1151* :github:`23504` - Build system dependency issue with syscalls
1152* :github:`23496` - Issue building & flashing a hello world project on nRF52840
1153* :github:`23494` - Bluetooth: LL/PAC/SLA/BV-01-C fails if Slave-initiated Feature Exchange is disabled
1154* :github:`23485` - BT: host: Service Change indication sent regardless of whether it is needed or not.
1155* :github:`23482` - 2M PHY + DLE and timing calculations on an encrypted link are wrong
1156* :github:`23476` - tests/kernel/interrupt failed on ARC
1157* :github:`23475` - tests/kernel/gen_isr_table failed on iotdk board.
1158* :github:`23473` - tests/posix/common failed on multiple ARM platforms.
1159* :github:`23468` - bluetooth: host: Runtime HCI_LE_Create_Connection timeout
1160* :github:`23467` - Import from linux to zephyr?
1161* :github:`23459` - tests: drivers: uart: config api has extra dependency in test 2
1162* :github:`23444` - drivers: hwinfo: shell command "hwinfo devid" output ignores endianness
1163* :github:`23441` - RFC: API change: Add I2C bus recovery API
1164* :github:`23438` - Cannot reset Bluetooth mesh device
1165* :github:`23435` - Missing documentation for macros in util.h
1166* :github:`23432` - Add PECI subsystem user space handlers
1167* :github:`23425` - Remote opencd
1168* :github:`23420` - PPP management don't build
1169* :github:`23418` - Building hello_world failed
1170* :github:`23415` - gen_defines does not resolve symbol values for devicetree.conf
1171* :github:`23414` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info  failed on mec15xxevb_assy6853 board.
1172* :github:`23395` - UART Console input does not work on SiFive HiFive1 on echo sample app
1173* :github:`23387` - [Question] Why does not zephyr use a toolchain file with cmake as -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=.. ?
1174* :github:`23386` - SAM GMAC should support PHY link status detection
1175* :github:`23373` - ARM: Move CMSIS out of main tree
1176* :github:`23372` - arm: aarch32: spurious IRQ handler calling z_arm_reserved with wrong arguments' list
1177* :github:`23360` - Possible NULL dereference in  zephyr/arch/arm/include/aarch32/cortex_m/exc.h
1178* :github:`23353` - nrf51_ble400.dts i2c pins inverted
1179* :github:`23346` - bl65x_dvk boards do not reset after flashing
1180* :github:`23339` - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api failed on mps2_an385 with v1.14 branch.
1181* :github:`23337` - USB DFU device + Composite Device with ACM Serial - Windows Fails
1182* :github:`23324` - TinyCBOR is not linked to application files unless CONFIG_MCUMGR is selected
1183* :github:`23311` - Sanitycheck flash error on frdm_k64f board.
1184* :github:`23309` - Sanitycheck generated incorrect acrn.xml on acrn platform
1185* :github:`23299` - Some bugs or dead codes cased by possible NULL pointers
1186* :github:`23295` - [Coverity CID :208676] Overlapping buffer in memory copy in subsys/usb/class/mass_storage.c
1187* :github:`23294` - [Coverity CID :208677] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/lis3mdl/lis3mdl_trigger.c
1188* :github:`23284` - driver: ethernet: Add support for a second Ethernet controller in the MCUX driver
1189* :github:`23280` - Bluetooth: hci_usb fails to connect to two devices with slow advertising interval
1190* :github:`23278` - uart_basic_api test fails for SAM family devices
1191* :github:`23274` - power: subsystem: Application hangs when logging is enabled after entering deep sleep
1192* :github:`23247` - Bluetooth LE: Add feature to allow profiles to change ADV data at RPA updates
1193* :github:`23246` - net: tx_bufs are not freed when NET_TCP_BACKLOG_SIZE is too high
1194* :github:`23226` - Bluetooth: host: Peer not resolved when host resolving is used
1195* :github:`23225` - Bluetooth: Quality of service: Adaptive channel map
1196* :github:`23222` - Bluetooth: host: Unable to pair when privacy feature is disabled by application
1197* :github:`23207` - tests/kernel/mem_pool/mem_pool_concept failed on mec15xxevb_assy6853 board.
1198* :github:`23193` - Allow overriding get_mac() function in ieee802154 drivers
1199* :github:`23187` - nrf_rtc_timer.c  timseout setting mistake.
1200* :github:`23184` - mqtt_connect fails with return -2
1201* :github:`23156` - App determines if Bluetooth host link request is allowed
1202* :github:`23153` - Binding AF_PACKET socket second time will fail with multiple network interfaces
1203* :github:`23133` - boards: adafruit_feather_m0: don't throw compiler warnings on using custom sercom config
1204* :github:`23117` - Unable to flash hello_world w/XDS-110 & OpenOCD
1205* :github:`23107` - Convert SAM SoC drivers to DT_INST
1206* :github:`23106` - timer_api intermittent failures on Nordic nRF
1207* :github:`23070` - Bluetooth: controller: Fix ticker implementation to avoid catch up
1208* :github:`23026` - missing ISR locking in UART driver?
1209* :github:`23001` - Implement SAM E5X GMAC support
1210* :github:`22997` - Add GMAC device tree definition
1211* :github:`22964` - Define a consistent naming convention for device tree defines
1212* :github:`22948` - sanitycheck --build-only followed by --test-only fails
1213* :github:`22911` - [Coverity CID :208407] Unsigned compared against 0 in drivers/modem/modem_pin.c
1214* :github:`22910` - [Coverity CID :208408] Unsigned compared against 0 in drivers/modem/modem_pin.c
1215* :github:`22909` - [Coverity CID :208409] Unchecked return value in tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_basic_api/src/test_deprecated.c
1216* :github:`22908` - [Coverity CID :208410] Unsigned compared against 0 in drivers/modem/modem_pin.c
1217* :github:`22907` - si7006 temperature conversion offset missing
1218* :github:`22903` - mcuboot/samples/zephyr (make test-good-rsa) doesn't work
1219* :github:`22887` - Atomic operations on pointers
1220* :github:`22860` - Highly accurate synchronized clock distribution for BLE mesh network
1221* :github:`22780` - Sanitycheck hardware map integration caused some tests failure.
1222* :github:`22777` - Sanitycheck hardware map integration failed with some tests timeout.
1223* :github:`22745` - schedule_api  fails with slice testing on frdmkw41z board on v2.2.0_rc1
1224* :github:`22738` - crashes in tests/kernel/mem_protect/userspace case pass_noperms_object on x86_64
1225* :github:`22732` - IPv6 address and prefix timeout failures
1226* :github:`22701` - Implement I2C driver for lpcxpresso55s69
1227* :github:`22679` - MQTT publish causes unnecessary TCP segmentation
1228* :github:`22670` - Implement GIC-based ARM interrupt tests
1229* :github:`22643` - [Coverity CID :208206] Unsigned compared against 0 in samples/sensor/fxos8700-hid/src/main.c
1230* :github:`22625` - tests/subsys/canbus/isotp/conformance fails on frdm_k64f and twr_ke18f boards
1231* :github:`22622` - tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_basic_api failed on multiple ARM platforms
1232* :github:`22561` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/syscalls fails test_string_nlen on nsim_sem
1233* :github:`22555` - Add support to device tree generation support for DT_NODELABEL_<node-label>_<FOO> generation
1234* :github:`22554` - Add support to device tree generation support for DT_PATH_<path>_<FOO> generation
1235* :github:`22541` - hal_nordic: nrf_glue.h change mapped assert function
1236* :github:`22521` - intermittent crash in tests/portability/cmsis_rtos_v2 on qemu_x86
1237* :github:`22502` - USB transfer warnings
1238* :github:`22452` - not driver found in can bus samples for olimexino_stm32
1239* :github:`22441` - [Coverity CID :207967] Invalid type in argument to printf format specifier in samples/drivers/spi_flash/src/main.c
1240* :github:`22431` - [Coverity CID :207984] Sizeof not portable in drivers/counter/counter_handlers.c
1241* :github:`22429` - [Coverity CID :207989] Dereference after null check in drivers/sensor/sensor_shell.c
1242* :github:`22421` - mbed TLS: Inconsistent Kconfig option names
1243* :github:`22356` - An application hook for early init
1244* :github:`22348` - LIS2DH SPI Support
1245* :github:`22270` - wrong total of testcases when sanitycheck is run with a single test
1246* :github:`22264` - drivers: serial: nrf_uart & nrf_uarte infinite hang
1247* :github:`22222` - Enabling OpenThread SLAAC
1248* :github:`22158` - flash_img: support arbitrary flash devices
1249* :github:`22083` - stm32: spi: Infinite loop of RXNE bit check
1250* :github:`22078` - stm32: Shell module sample doesn't work on nucleo_l152re
1251* :github:`22034` - Add support for USB device on STM32L1 series
1252* :github:`21984` - i2c_4 not working on stm32f746g_disco
1253* :github:`21955` - usb: tests/subsys/usb/device fails on all NXP RT boards
1254* :github:`21932` - Current consumption on nrf52_pca10040, power_mgr sample
1255* :github:`21917` - cmake error with CONFIG_COUNTER and CONFIG_BT both enabled (nrf52 board)
1256* :github:`21899` - STM32F769I-DISCO > microSD + FatFS > failed in "samples/subsys/fs/fat_fs" > CMD0 and 0x01
1257* :github:`21877` - tests/drivers/uart/uart_async_api fails on qemu_cortex_m0
1258* :github:`21833` - SRAM not sufficient when building BT Mesh developer guide build on BBC Micro-bit
1259* :github:`21820` - docs: "Crypto Cipher" API isn't available in the docs
1260* :github:`21755` - tests/drivers/adc/adc_api  failed on  mec15xxevb_assy6853 board.
1261* :github:`21706` - Link to releases in README.rst give a 404 error
1262* :github:`21701` - [Coverity CID :206600] Logically dead code in drivers/crypto/crypto_mtls_shim.c
1263* :github:`21677` - [Coverity CID :206388] Unrecoverable parse warning in subsys/cpp/cpp_new.cpp
1264* :github:`21675` - [Coverity CID :206390] Unrecoverable parse warning in subsys/cpp/cpp_new.cpp
1265* :github:`21514` - Logging - strange behaviour with RTT on nRF53
1266* :github:`21513` - NULL parameter checks in Zephyr APIs
1267* :github:`21500` - RFC: k_thread_join()
1268* :github:`21469` - ARC SMP is mostly untested in sanitycheck
1269* :github:`21455` - driver: subsys: sdhc: USAGE FAULT trace and no cs control
1270* :github:`21441` - Add UART5 on B-port to H7 pinmux
1271* :github:`21426` - civetweb triggers an error on Windows with Git 2.24
1272* :github:`21390` - BLE Incomplete Connect results in subsquent encryption failures
1273* :github:`21372` - cc26x2r1_launchxl build passed, but can't flash
1274* :github:`21369` - devicetree: clearly define constraints on identifier/property name conflicts
1275* :github:`21321` - error update for project civetweb
1276* :github:`21305` - New Kernel Timeout API
1277* :github:`21253` - 2.2 Release Checklist
1278* :github:`21201` - ARM: Core Stack Improvements/Bug fixes for 2.2 release
1279* :github:`21200` - Replace IWDG_STM32_START_AT_BOOT by WDT_DISABLE_AT_BOOT
1280* :github:`21158` - Giving Semaphore Limit+1 can cause limit+1 takes
1281* :github:`21156` - Interrupts do not work on UP Squared board
1282* :github:`21107` - LL_ASSERT and 'Imprecise data bus error' in LL Controller
1283* :github:`21093` - put sys_trace_isr_enter/sys_trace_isr_exit to user care about ISR instead of every ISR
1284* :github:`21088` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Send Model Message shouldn't require explicit NetKey Index
1285* :github:`21068` - Conflicting documentation for device initialization
1286* :github:`20993` - spinlock APIs need documentation
1287* :github:`20991` - test_timer_duration_period fails with stm32 lptimer
1288* :github:`20945` - samples/synchronization fails on nsim_hs_smp and nsim_sem_normal
1289* :github:`20876` - [Coverity CID :205820] Memory - corruptions in tests/crypto/tinycrypt/src/cmac_mode.c
1290* :github:`20875` - [Coverity CID :205840] Memory - corruptions in tests/benchmarks/mbedtls/src/benchmark.c
1291* :github:`20874` - [Coverity CID :205805] Memory - corruptions in tests/benchmarks/mbedtls/src/benchmark.c
1292* :github:`20873` - [Coverity CID :205782] Memory - corruptions in tests/benchmarks/mbedtls/src/benchmark.c
1293* :github:`20835` - [Coverity CID :205797] Control flow issues in drivers/flash/spi_nor.c
1294* :github:`20825` - stm32: dma: enable dma with peripheral using DMAMUX
1295* :github:`20699` - Each board should have a list of Kconfig options supported
1296* :github:`20632` - call to bt_gatt_hids_init influences execution time of work queue
1297* :github:`20604` - log will be discarded before logging_thread scheduled once
1298* :github:`20585` - z_clock_announce starvation with timeslicing active
1299* :github:`20492` - [Coverity CID :205653]Control flow issues in /drivers/dma/dma_stm32_v1.c
1300* :github:`20491` - [Coverity CID :205644]Control flow issues in /drivers/dma/dma_stm32_v1.c
1301* :github:`20348` - Convert remaining entropy to Devicetree
1302* :github:`20330` - devicetree Arduino bindings do not support identification of bus controllers
1303* :github:`20301` - tests/drivers/watchdog/wdt_basic_api failed on mec15xxevb_assy6853 board.
1304* :github:`20259` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Network management
1305* :github:`20137` - posix: undefined reference with --no-gc-sections
1306* :github:`20136` - kernel: undefined reference with --no-gc-sections
1307* :github:`20068` - Application doesn't start when SHELL-UART is enabled and UART is not connected on STM32F0
1308* :github:`19869` - Implement tickless capability for xlnx_psttc_timer
1309* :github:`19852` - Add support for GPIO AF remap on STM32F1XX
1310* :github:`19837` - SS register is 0 when taking exceptions on qemu_x86_long
1311* :github:`19813` - tests/crypto/rand32 failed on sam_e70 board on v1.14 branch.
1312* :github:`19763` - tests/subsys/usb/device/ failed on mimxrt1050_evk board.
1313* :github:`19614` - Make zephyr_library out of hal_stm32 and hal_st
1314* :github:`19550` - drivers/pcie: ``pcie_get_mbar()`` should return a ``void *`` not ``u32_t``
1315* :github:`19487` - tests/kernel/fifo/fifo_usage GPF crash on qemu_x86_long
1316* :github:`19456` - arch/x86: make use of z_bss_zero() and z_data_copy()
1317* :github:`19353` - arch/x86: QEMU doesn't appear to support x2APIC
1318* :github:`19307` - _interrupt_stack is defined in the kernel, but declared in arch headers
1319* :github:`19285` - devicetree: fixed non-alias reference to specific nodes
1320* :github:`19235` - move drivers/timer/apic_timer.c to devicetree
1321* :github:`19219` - drivers/i2c/i2c_dw.c is not 64-bit clean
1322* :github:`19144` - arch/x86: CONFIG_BOOT_TIME_MEASUREMENT broken
1323* :github:`19075` - k_delayed_work_submit() does not handle long delays correctly
1324* :github:`19067` - non-overlapping MPU gap-filling needs to be optional
1325* :github:`19038` - [zephyr branch 1.14 and master -stm32-netusb]:errors when i view RNDIS Deviceā€˜s properties on Windows 10
1326* :github:`18956` - memory protection for x86 dependent on XIP
1327* :github:`18940` - Counter External Trigger
1328* :github:`18808` - Docs for gpmrb board incorrectly refer to up_squared board
1329* :github:`18787` - arch/x86: retire loapic_timer.c driver in favor of new apic_timer.c
1330* :github:`18657` - drivers/timer/hpet.c should use devicetree, not CONFIG_* for MMIO/IRQ data
1331* :github:`18614` - same70 hsmci interface
1332* :github:`18568` - Support for Particle Photon
1333* :github:`18435` - [Coverity CID :203481]API usage errors in /tests/crypto/tinycrypt/src/test_ecc_utils.c
1334* :github:`18425` - [Coverity CID :203498]Memory - corruptions in /tests/application_development/gen_inc_file/src/main.c
1335* :github:`18422` - [Coverity CID :203415]Memory - illegal accesses in /subsys/shell/shell_telnet.c
1336* :github:`18389` - [Coverity CID :203396]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/bluetooth/mesh/access.c
1337* :github:`18386` - [Coverity CID :203443]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/bluetooth/host/rfcomm.c
1338* :github:`18263` - flash sector erase fails on stm32f412
1339* :github:`18207` - tests/bluetooth/hci_prop_evt fails with code coverage enabled in qemu_x86
1340* :github:`18124` - synchronization example fails to build for SMP platforms
1341* :github:`18118` - samples/subsys/console doesn't work with qemu_riscv32
1342* :github:`18106` - Only 1 NET_SOCKET_OFFLOAD driver can be used
1343* :github:`18085` - I2C log level ignored
1344* :github:`18050` - BT Host - Advertisement extensions support
1345* :github:`18047` - BT Host: Advertising Extensions - Advertiser
1346* :github:`18046` - BT Host: Advertising Extensions - Scanner
1347* :github:`18044` - BT Host: Advertising Extensions - Periodic Advertisement Synchronisation (Rx)
1348* :github:`18042` - Only corporate members can join the slack channel
1349* :github:`17892` - arch/x86: clean up segmentation.h
1350* :github:`17888` - arch/x86: remove IAMCU ABI support
1351* :github:`17775` - Microchip XEC rtos timer should be using values coming from DTS
1352* :github:`17755` - ARC privilege mode stacks waste memory due to alignment requirements
1353* :github:`17735` - abolish Z_OOPS() in system call handlers
1354* :github:`17543` - dtc version 1.4.5 with ubuntu 18.04 and zephyr sdk-0.10.1
1355* :github:`17508` - RFC: Change/deprecation in display API
1356* :github:`17443` - Kconfig: move arch-specific stack sizes to arch trees?
1357* :github:`17430` - arch/x86: drivers/interrupt_controller/system_apic.c improperly classifies IRQs
1358* :github:`17415` - Settings Module - settings_line_val_read() returning -EINVAL instead of 0 for deleted setting entries
1359* :github:`17361` - _THREAD_QUEUED overlaps with x86 _EXC_ACTIVE in k_thread.thread_state
1360* :github:`17324` - failing bluetooth tests with code coverage enabled in qemu_x86
1361* :github:`17323` - failing network tests with code coverage enabled in qemu_x86
1362* :github:`17240` - add arc support in Zephyr's openthread
1363* :github:`17234` - CONFIG_KERNEL_ENTRY appears to be superfluous
1364* :github:`17166` - arch/x86: eliminate support for CONFIG_REALMODE
1365* :github:`17135` - Cannot flash LWM2M example for ESP32
1366* :github:`17133` - arch/x86: x2APIC EOI should be inline
1367* :github:`17104` - arch/x86: fix -march flag for Apollo Lake
1368* :github:`17064` - drivers/serial/uart_ns16550: CMD_SET_DLF should be removed
1369* :github:`16988` - Packet isn't received by server during stepping
1370* :github:`16902` - CMSIS v2 emulation assumes ticks == milliseconds
1371* :github:`16886` - Bluetooth Mesh: Receive segmented message multiple times
1372* :github:`16721` - PCIe build warnings from devicetree
1373* :github:`16720` - drivers/loapic_timer.c is buggy, needs cleanup
1374* :github:`16649` - z_init_timeout() ignores fn parameter
1375* :github:`16587` - build failures with gcc 9.x
1376* :github:`16436` - Organize generated include files
1377* :github:`16385` - watch dog timer causes the reboot on SAME70 board
1378* :github:`16330` - LPCXpresso55S69 secure/non-secure configuration
1379* :github:`16196` - display_mcux_elcdif driver full support frame buffer features
1380* :github:`16122` - Detect first block in LWM2M firmware updates.
1381* :github:`16096` - Sam gmac Ethernet driver should be able to detect the carrier state
1382* :github:`16072` - boards/up_squared: k_sleep() too long with local APIC timer
1383* :github:`15903` - Documentation missing for SPI and ADC async operations
1384* :github:`15680` - "backport v1.14 branch" label: update description and doc
1385* :github:`15565` - undefined references to ``sys_rand32_get``
1386* :github:`15504` -  Can I use one custom random static bd_addr before provision?
1387* :github:`15499` - gpio_intel_apl: gpio_pin_read() pin value doesn't match documentation
1388* :github:`15463` - soc/x86/apollo_lake/soc_gpio.h: leading zeros on decimal constants
1389* :github:`15449` - tests/net/ieee802154/crypto: Assertion Failure:  ds_test(dev) is false
1390* :github:`15343` - tests/kernel/interrupt: Assertion Failure in test_prevent_interruption
1391* :github:`15304` - merge gen_kobject_list.py and gen_priv_stacks.py
1392* :github:`15202` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info measurements are suddenly higher than previous values on nrf52_pca10040
1393* :github:`15181` - ztest issues
1394* :github:`15177` - samples/drivers/crypto:  CBC and CTR mode not supported
1395* :github:`14972` - samples: Create README.rst
1396* :github:`14790` - google_iot_mqtt sample does not work with qemu_x86 out of the box
1397* :github:`14763` - PCI debug logging cannot work with PCI-enabled NS16550
1398* :github:`14749` - Verify all samples work as intended
1399* :github:`14647` - IP: Zephyr replies to broadcast ethernet packets in other subnets on the same wire
1400* :github:`14591` - Infineon Tricore architecture support
1401* :github:`14540` - kernel: message queue MACRO not compatible with C++
1402* :github:`14302` - USB MSC fails USB3CV tests
1403* :github:`14173` - Configure QEMU to run independent of the host clock
1404* :github:`14122` - CONFIG_FLOAT/CONFIG_FP_SHARING descriptions are confusing and contradictory
1405* :github:`14099` - Minnowboard doesn't build tests/kernel/xip/
1406* :github:`13963` - up_squared: evaluate removal of SBL-related special configurations
1407* :github:`13821` - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api: Assertion failed for test_slice_scheduling
1408* :github:`13783` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/stackprot failure in frdm_k64f due to limited privilege stack size
1409* :github:`13569` - ZTEST: Add optional float/double comparison support
1410* :github:`13468` - tests/drivers/watchdog/wdt_basic_api/testcase.yaml: Various version of "Waiting to restart MCU"
1411* :github:`13353` - z_timeout_remaining should subtract z_clock_elapsed
1412* :github:`12872` - Update uart api tests with configure/configure_get apis
1413* :github:`12775` - USB audio isochronous endpoints
1414* :github:`12553` - List of tests that keep failing sporadically
1415* :github:`12478` - tests/drivers/ipm/peripheral.mailbox failing sporadically on qemu_x86_64 (timeout)
1416* :github:`12440` - Device discovery of direct advertising devices is not working
1417* :github:`12385` - Support touch button
1418* :github:`12264` - kernel: poll: outdated check for expired timeout
1419* :github:`11998` - intermittent failures in tests/kernel/common: test_timeout_order: (poll_events[ii].state not equal to K_POLL_STATE_SEM_AVAILABLE)
1420* :github:`11928` - nRF UART nrfx drivers (nRF UARTE 0) won't build
1421* :github:`11916` - ISR table (_sw_isr_table) generation is fragile and can result in corrupted binaries
1422* :github:`11745` - logging: never leaves panic mode on fatal thread exception
1423* :github:`11261` - ARM Cortex-M4 (EFR32FG1P) MCU fails to wake up from sleep within _sys_soc_suspend()
1424* :github:`11149` - subsys/bluetooth/host/rfcomm.c: Missing unlock
1425* :github:`11016` - nRF52840-PCA10056/59: Cannot bring up HCI0 when using HCI_USB sample
1426* :github:`9994` - irq_is_enabled not available on nios2
1427* :github:`9962` - Migrate sensor drivers to device tree
1428* :github:`9953` - wrong behavior in pthread_barrier_wait()
1429* :github:`9741` - tests/kernel/spinlock:kernel.multiprocessing.spinlock_bounce crashing on ESP32
1430* :github:`9711` - RFC: Zephyr should provide a unique id interface
1431* :github:`9608` - Bluetooth: different transaction collision
1432* :github:`9566` - Unclear definition of CONFIG_IS_BOOTLOADER
1433* :github:`8139` - Driver for BMA400 accelerometer
1434* :github:`7868` - Support non-recursive single-toolchain multi-image builds
1435* :github:`7564` - dtc: define list of acceptable warnings (and silent them with --warning -no<warnign-name> option)
1436* :github:`6648` - Trusted Execution Framework: practical use-cases (high-level overview)
1437* :github:`6015` - PWM on 32bit arch can get 0 pulse_cycle because of 64bit calculation
1438* :github:`5857` - net: TCP retransmit queue implementation is broken
1439* :github:`5408` - Improve docs & samples on device tree overlay
1440* :github:`4985` - TEE support for ARMv8-M
1441* :github:`4911` - Filesystem support for qemu
1442* :github:`4832` - disco_l475_iot1: Provide 802.15.4 Sub-GHz
1443* :github:`4475` - Add support for Rigado BMD-3XX-EVAL boards
1444* :github:`4412` - Replace STM32 USB driver with DWC
1445* :github:`4326` - Port Zephyr to Cypress PSoC 6 MCU's
1446* :github:`3909` - Add Atmel SAM QDEC Driver
1447* :github:`3730` - ESP32: DAC Driver support
1448* :github:`3729` - ESP32 ADC Driver Support
1449* :github:`3727` - ESP32: SPI Driver Support
1450* :github:`3726` - ESP32: DMA Driver Support
1451* :github:`3694` - i2c: Drivers are not thread safe
1452* :github:`3668` - timeslice reset is not tested for interrupt-induced swaps
1453* :github:`3564` - Requires more UART samples for STM32 Nucleo/similar boards
1454* :github:`3285` - Allow taking advantage of HW-based AES block cipher
1455* :github:`3232` - Add ksdk dma shim driver
1456* :github:`3076` - Add support for DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) drivers
1457* :github:`2585` - Support for LE legacy out-of-band pairing
1458* :github:`2566` - Create a tool for finding out stack sizes automatically.
1459* :github:`1900` - Framework for Trusted Execution Environment
1460* :github:`1894` - Secure Key Storage
1461* :github:`1333` - Provide build number in include/generated/version.h