1.. zephyr:board:: siwx917_rb4338a 2 3 4Overview 5******** 6 7The SiWx917-RB4338A (aka BRD4338A) radio board provides support for the Silicon 8Labs SiWG917 SoC. This board cannot be used stand-alone and requires a a 9`Wireless Pro Kit`_ Mainboard (Si-MB4002A aka BRD4002A), for power, debug 10options etc. 11 12This board might be sold as a part of the `SiWx917-PK6031A`_ bundle ("SiWx917 13Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash Pro Kit"), which includes the BRD4002A 14Mainboard in addition of the BRD4338A. 15 16SiWG917 is an ultra-low power SoC that includes hardware support for Single-Band 17Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth LE 5.4, Matter... 18 19Hardware 20******** 21 22For more information about the SiWG917 SoC and BRD4338A board, refer to these 23documents: 24 25- `SiWG917 Website`_ 26- `SiWG917 Datasheet`_ 27- `SiWG917 Reference Manual`_ 28- `BRD4338A Website`_ 29- `BRD4338A User Guide`_ 30 31 32Supported Features 33================== 34 35.. zephyr:board-supported-hw:: 36 37Programming and Debugging 38************************* 39 40Flashing 41======== 42 43Applications for the ``siwx917_rb4338a`` board can be built in the usual 44way. The flash method requires on `Simplicity Commander`_ installed on the host. 45 46Then, connect the BRD4002A board with a mounted BRD4338A radio module to your 47host computer using the USB port. 48 49Here is an example for the :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application. 50 51.. zephyr-app-commands:: 52 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 53 :board: siwx917_rb4338a 54 :goals: flash 55 56Open a serial terminal (minicom, putty, etc.) with the following settings: 57 58- Speed: 115200 59- Data: 8 bits 60- Parity: None 61- Stop bits: 1 62 63Reset the board and you should see the following message in the terminal: 64 65.. code-block:: console 66 67 Hello World! siwx917_rb4338a 68 69 70Debugging 71========= 72 73Debuggning relies on JLink tool. JLink is not able to flash the firmware. So 74debug session has to be done in two steps. ``west flash`` will flahs the 75firmware using Simplicity Commander. Then ``west attach`` will use JLink to 76attach to the board. The Zephyr image may has already booted when user runs 77``west attach``. User may execute ``monitor reset`` in the gdb prompt to reset 78the board. 79 80 81 82.. _SiWx917-PK6031A: 83 https://www.silabs.com/development-tools/wireless/wi-fi/siwx917-pk6031a-wifi-6-bluetooth-le-soc-pro-kit 84 85.. _Wireless Pro Kit: 86 https://www.silabs.com/development-tools/wireless/wireless-pro-kit-mainboard 87 88.. _BRD4338A Website: 89 https://www.silabs.com/development-tools/wireless/wi-fi/siwx917-rb4338a-wifi-6-bluetooth-le-soc-radio-board 90 91.. _BRD4338A User Guide: 92 https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/user-guides/ug562-brd4338a-user-guide.pdf 93 94.. _SiWG917 Website: 95 https://www.silabs.com/wireless/wi-fi/siwx917-wireless-socs 96 97.. _SiWG917 Datasheet: 98 https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/siwg917-datasheet.pdf 99 100.. _SiWG917 Reference Manual: 101 https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/reference-manuals/siw917x-family-rm.pdf 102 103.. _Simplicity Commander: 104 https://www.silabs.com/developer-tools/simplicity-studio/simplicity-commander 105