1.. _west-workspaces: 2 3Workspaces 4########## 5 6This page describes the *west workspace* concept introduced in 7:ref:`west-basics` in more detail. 8 9.. _west-manifest-rev: 10 11The ``manifest-rev`` branch 12*************************** 13 14West creates and controls a Git branch named ``manifest-rev`` in each 15project. This branch points to the revision that the manifest file 16specified for the project at the time :ref:`west-update` was last run. 17Other workspace management commands may use ``manifest-rev`` as a reference 18point for the upstream revision as of this latest update. Among other 19purposes, the ``manifest-rev`` branch allows the manifest file to use SHAs 20as project revisions. 21 22Although ``manifest-rev`` is a normal Git branch, west will recreate and/or 23reset it on the next update. For this reason, it is **dangerous** 24to check it out or otherwise modify it yourself. For instance, any commits 25you manually add to this branch may be lost the next time you run ``west 26update``. Instead, check out a local branch with another name, and either 27rebase it on top of a new ``manifest-rev``, or merge ``manifest-rev`` into 28it. 29 30.. note:: 31 32 West does not create a ``manifest-rev`` branch in the manifest repository, 33 since west does not manage the manifest repository's branches or revisions. 34 35The ``refs/west/*`` Git refs 36**************************** 37 38West also reserves all Git refs that begin with ``refs/west/`` (such as 39``refs/west/foo``) for itself in local project repositories. Unlike 40``manifest-rev``, these refs are not regular branches. West's behavior here is 41an implementation detail; users should not rely on these refs' existence or 42behavior. 43 44Private repositories 45******************** 46 47You can use west to fetch from private repositories. There is nothing 48west-specific about this. 49 50The ``west update`` command essentially runs ``git fetch YOUR_PROJECT_URL`` 51when a project's ``manifest-rev`` branch must be updated to a newly fetched 52commit. It's up to your environment to make sure the fetch succeeds. 53 54You can either enter the password manually or use any of the `credential 55helpers built in to Git`_. Since Git has credential storage built in, there is 56no need for a west-specific feature. 57 58The following sections cover common cases for running ``west update`` without 59having to enter your password, as well as how to troubleshoot issues. 60 61.. _credential helpers built in to Git: 62 https://git-scm.com/docs/gitcredentials 63 64Fetching via HTTPS 65================== 66 67On Windows when fetching from GitHub, recent versions of Git prompt you for 68your GitHub password in a graphical window once, then store it for future use 69(in a default installation). Passwordless fetching from GitHub should therefore 70work "out of the box" on Windows after you have done it once. 71 72In general, you can store your credentials on disk using the "store" git 73credential helper. See the `git-credential-store`_ manual page for details. 74 75To use this helper for all the repositories in your workspace, run: 76 77.. code-block:: shell 78 79 west forall -c "git config credential.helper store" 80 81To use this helper on just the projects ``foo`` and ``bar``, run: 82 83.. code-block:: shell 84 85 west forall -c "git config credential.helper store" foo bar 86 87To use this helper by default on your computer, run: 88 89.. code-block:: shell 90 91 git config --global credential.helper store 92 93On GitHub, you can set up a `personal access token`_ to use in place of your 94account password. (This may be required if your account has two-factor 95authentication enabled, and may be preferable to storing your account password 96in plain text even if two-factor authentication is disabled.) 97 98You can use the Git credential store to authenticate with a GitHub PAT 99(Personal Access Token) like so: 100 101.. code-block:: shell 102 103 echo "https://x-access-token:$GH_TOKEN@github.com" >> ~/.git-credentials 104 105If you don't want to store any credentials on the file system, you can store 106them in memory temporarily using `git-credential-cache`_ instead. 107 108If you setup fetching via SSH, you can use Git URL rewrite feature. The following 109command instructs Git to use SSH URLs for GitHub instead of HTTPS ones: 110 111.. code-block:: shell 112 113 git config --global url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/" 114 115.. _git-credential-store: 116 https://git-scm.com/docs/git-credential-store#_examples 117.. _git-credential-cache: 118 https://git-scm.com/docs/git-credential-cache 119.. _personal access token: 120 https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token 121 122Fetching via SSH 123================ 124 125If your SSH key has no password, fetching should just work. If it does have a 126password, you can avoid entering it manually every time using `ssh-agent`_. 127 128On GitHub, see `Connecting to GitHub with SSH`_ for details on configuration 129and key creation. 130 131.. _ssh-agent: 132 https://www.ssh.com/ssh/agent 133.. _Connecting to GitHub with SSH: 134 https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/connecting-to-github-with-ssh 135 136Project locations 137***************** 138 139Projects can be located anywhere inside the workspace, but they may not 140"escape" it. 141 142In other words, project repositories need not be located in subdirectories of 143the manifest repository or as immediate subdirectories of the topdir. However, 144projects must have paths inside the workspace. 145 146You may replace a project's repository directory within the workspace with a 147symbolic link to elsewhere on your computer, but west will not do this for you. 148 149.. _west-topologies: 150 151Topologies supported 152******************** 153 154The following are example source code topologies supported by west. 155 156- T1: star topology, zephyr is the manifest repository 157- T2: star topology, a Zephyr application is the manifest repository 158- T3: forest topology, freestanding manifest repository 159 160T1: Star topology, zephyr is the manifest repository 161==================================================== 162 163- The zephyr repository acts as the central repository and specifies 164 its :ref:`modules` in its :file:`west.yml` 165- Analogy with existing mechanisms: Git submodules with zephyr as the 166 super-project 167 168This is the default. See :ref:`west-workspace` for how mainline Zephyr is an 169example of this topology. 170 171.. _west-t2: 172 173T2: Star topology, application is the manifest repository 174========================================================= 175 176- Useful for those focused on a single application 177- A repository containing a Zephyr application acts as the central repository 178 and names other projects required to build it in its :file:`west.yml`. This 179 includes the zephyr repository and any modules. 180- Analogy with existing mechanisms: Git submodules with the application as 181 the super-project, zephyr and other projects as submodules 182 183A workspace using this topology looks like this: 184 185.. code-block:: none 186 187 west-workspace/ 188 │ 189 ├── application/ # .git/ │ 190 │ ├── CMakeLists.txt │ 191 │ ├── prj.conf │ never modified by west 192 │ ├── src/ │ 193 │ │ └── main.c │ 194 │ └── west.yml # main manifest with optional import(s) and override(s) 195 │ │ 196 ├── modules/ 197 │ └── lib/ 198 │ └── zcbor/ # .git/ project from either the main manifest or some import. 199 │ 200 └── zephyr/ # .git/ project 201 └── west.yml # This can be partially imported with lower precedence or ignored. 202 # Only the 'manifest-rev' version can be imported. 203 204 205Here is an example :file:`application/west.yml` which uses 206:ref:`west-manifest-import`, available since west 0.7, to import Zephyr v2.5.0 207and its modules into the application manifest file: 208 209.. code-block:: yaml 210 211 # Example T2 west.yml, using manifest imports. 212 manifest: 213 remotes: 214 - name: zephyrproject-rtos 215 url-base: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos 216 projects: 217 - name: zephyr 218 remote: zephyrproject-rtos 219 revision: v2.5.0 220 import: true 221 self: 222 path: application 223 224You can still selectively "override" individual Zephyr modules if you use 225``import:`` in this way; see :ref:`west-manifest-ex1.3` for an example. 226 227Another way to do the same thing is to copy/paste :file:`zephyr/west.yml` 228to :file:`application/west.yml`, adding an entry for the zephyr 229project itself, like this: 230 231.. code-block:: yaml 232 233 # Equivalent to the above, but with manually maintained Zephyr modules. 234 manifest: 235 remotes: 236 - name: zephyrproject-rtos 237 url-base: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos 238 defaults: 239 remote: zephyrproject-rtos 240 projects: 241 - name: zephyr 242 revision: v2.5.0 243 west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml 244 - name: net-tools 245 revision: some-sha-goes-here 246 path: tools/net-tools 247 # ... other Zephyr modules go here ... 248 self: 249 path: application 250 251(The ``west-commands`` is there for :ref:`west-build-flash-debug` and other 252Zephyr-specific :ref:`west-extensions`. It's not necessary when using 253``import``.) 254 255The main advantage to using ``import`` is not having to track the revisions of 256imported projects separately. In the above example, using ``import`` means 257Zephyr's :ref:`module <modules>` versions are automatically determined from the 258:file:`zephyr/west.yml` revision, instead of having to be copy/pasted (and 259maintained) on their own. 260 261T3: Forest topology 262=================== 263 264- Useful for those supporting multiple independent applications or downstream 265 distributions with no "central" repository 266- A dedicated manifest repository which contains no Zephyr source code, 267 and specifies a list of projects all at the same "level" 268- Analogy with existing mechanisms: Google repo-based source distribution 269 270A workspace using this topology looks like this: 271 272.. code-block:: none 273 274 west-workspace/ 275 ├── app1/ # .git/ project 276 │ ├── CMakeLists.txt 277 │ ├── prj.conf 278 │ └── src/ 279 │ └── main.c 280 ├── app2/ # .git/ project 281 │ ├── CMakeLists.txt 282 │ ├── prj.conf 283 │ └── src/ 284 │ └── main.c 285 ├── manifest-repo/ # .git/ never modified by west 286 │ └── west.yml # main manifest with optional import(s) and override(s) 287 ├── modules/ 288 │ └── lib/ 289 │ └── zcbor/ # .git/ project from either the main manifest or 290 │ # from some import 291 │ 292 └── zephyr/ # .git/ project 293 └── west.yml # This can be partially imported with lower precedence or ignored. 294 # Only the 'manifest-rev' version can be imported. 295 296Here is an example T3 :file:`manifest-repo/west.yml` which uses 297:ref:`west-manifest-import`, available since west 0.7, to import Zephyr 298v2.5.0 and its modules, then add the ``app1`` and ``app2`` projects: 299 300.. code-block:: yaml 301 302 manifest: 303 remotes: 304 - name: zephyrproject-rtos 305 url-base: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos 306 - name: your-git-server 307 url-base: https://git.example.com/your-company 308 defaults: 309 remote: your-git-server 310 projects: 311 - name: zephyr 312 remote: zephyrproject-rtos 313 revision: v2.5.0 314 import: true 315 - name: app1 316 revision: SOME_SHA_OR_BRANCH_OR_TAG 317 - name: app2 318 revision: ANOTHER_SHA_OR_BRANCH_OR_TAG 319 self: 320 path: manifest-repo 321 322You can also do this "by hand" by copy/pasting :file:`zephyr/west.yml` 323as shown :ref:`above <west-t2>` for the T2 topology, with the same caveats. 324 325.. _workspace-as-git-repo: 326 327Not supported: workspace topdir as .git repository 328************************************************** 329 330Some users have asked for support making the workspace :ref:`topdir 331<west-workspace>` a git repository, like this example: 332 333.. code-block:: none 334 335 my-workspace/ # workspace topdir 336 ├── .git/ # puts the entire workspace in a git repository 337 ├── .west/ # marks the location of the topdir 338 └── [ ... other projects ...] 339 340This is **not** an officially supported topology. As a design decision, west 341assumes that the workspace topdir itself is not a git repository. 342 343You may be able to make something like this "work" for yourself and your own 344goals. However, future versions of west might contain changes which can "break" 345your setup. 346