1.. _phyboard_lyra_am62xx_a53: 2 3phyBOARD-Lyra AM62x A53 Core 4############################ 5 6Overview 7******** 8 9PHYTEC phyBOARD-Lyra AM62x board is based on TI Sitara applications 10processor, composed of a quad Cortex®-A53 cluster and a single Cortex®-M4 core. 11Zephyr OS is ported to run on the Cortex®-A53 core. 12 13- Board features: 14 15 - RAM: 2GB DDR4 16 - Storage: 17 18 - 16GB eMMC 19 - 64MB OSPI NOR 20 - 4KB EEPROM 21 - Ethernet 22 23See the `PHYTEC AM62x Product Page`_ for details. 24 25.. figure:: img/phyCORE-AM62x_Lyra_frontside.webp 26 :align: center 27 :alt: phyBOARD-Lyra AM62x 28 29 PHYTEC phyBOARD-Lyra with the phyCORE-AM62x SoM 30 31Supported Features 32================== 33 34The Zephyr phyboard_lyra/am6234/a53 board configuration supports the following hardware 35features: 36 37+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 38| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component | 39+===========+============+=====================================+ 40| GIC-v3 | on-chip | interrupt controller | 41+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 42| ARM TIMER | on-chip | system clock | 43+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 44| PINCTRL | on-chip | pinctrl | 45+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 46| UART | on-chip | serial port | 47+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 48| Mailbox | on-chip | IPC Mailbox | 49+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------+ 50 51Devices 52======== 53System Clock 54------------ 55 56This board configuration uses a system clock frequency of 200 MHz. 57 58DDR RAM 59------- 60 61The board has 2GB of DDR RAM available. This board configuration 62allocates Zephyr 1MB of RAM (0x82000000 to 0x82100000). 63 64Serial Port 65----------- 66 67This board configuration uses a single serial communication channel with the 68CPU's UART0. 69 70SD Card 71******* 72 73Download PHYTEC's official `WIC`_ and `bmap`_ files and flash the WIC file with 74bmap-tools on a SD-card. 75 76.. code-block:: console 77 78 bmaptool copy phytec-qt5demo-image-phyboard-lyra-am62xx-3.wic.xz /dev/sdX 79 80Building 81******** 82 83You can build an application in the usual way. Refer to 84:ref:`build_an_application` for more details. Here is an example for 85:zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world`. 86 87.. zephyr-app-commands:: 88 :board: phyboard_lyra/am6234/a53 89 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 90 :goals: build 91 92Programming 93*********** 94 95Copy the compiled ``zephyr.bin`` to the first FAT partition of the SD card and 96plug the SD card into the board. Power it up and stop the u-boot execution at 97prompt. 98 99Use U-Boot to load and kick zephyr.bin: 100 101.. code-block:: console 102 103 fatload mmc 1:1 0x82000000 zephyr.bin; dcache flush; icache flush; dcache off; icache off; go 0x82000000 104 105 106.. 107 References 108 109.. _PHYTEC AM62x Product Page: 110 https://www.phytec.com/product/phycore-am62x/ 111 112.. _WIC: 113 https://download.phytec.de/Software/Linux/BSP-Yocto-AM62x/BSP-Yocto-Ampliphy-AM62x-PD23.2.1/images/ampliphy-xwayland/phyboard-lyra-am62xx-3/phytec-qt5demo-image-phyboard-lyra-am62xx-3.wic.xz 114 115.. _Bmap: 116 https://download.phytec.de/Software/Linux/BSP-Yocto-AM62x/BSP-Yocto-Ampliphy-AM62x-PD23.2.1/images/ampliphy-xwayland/phyboard-lyra-am62xx-3/phytec-qt5demo-image-phyboard-lyra-am62xx-3.wic.bmap 117