1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2025 Intel Corporation
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  */
10 #include <stdint.h>
11 #include <zephyr/arch/cpu.h>
12 #include <zephyr/arch/common/sys_io.h>
14 /**
16  * Microphone Privacy Policy
17  *
18  * Offset: 00h
19  * Block: DfMICPVC
20  *
21  * This register controls the microphone privacy DMA data zeroing feature HW policy.
22  */
23 union DFMICPVCP {
24 	uint32_t full;
25 	struct {
26 	/**
27 	 * DMA Data Zeroing Wait Time
28 	 * type: RW/L, rst: 0b, rst domain: PLTRST
29 	 *
30 	 * Indicates the time-out duration to wait before forcing the actual
31 	 * microphone privacy DMA data zeroing. Unit in number of RTC clocks.
32 	 * Valid and static when DDZE = 10. For DDZE = 0x or 11 case, time-out
33 	 * is not necessary as it will not be enabled or force mic disable statically.
34 	 * Locked when DDZPL = 1.
35 	 */
36 	uint32_t ddzwt : 16;
37 	/**
38 	 * DMA Data Zeroing Enable
39 	 * type: RW/L, rst: 00b, rst domain: PLTRST
40 	 *
41 	 * Indicates the policy setting for HW to force the microphone privacy DMA data zeroing.
42 	 * 0x: Disabled
43 	 * 10: Enabled (mic disable dynamically depending on privacy signaling input)
44 	 * 11: Enabled (force mic disable statically)
45 	 * Locked when DDZPL = 1.
46 	 */
47 	uint32_t ddze : 2;
48 	/**
49 	 * De-glitcher Enable
50 	 * type: RW/L, rst: 0b, rst domain: PLTRST
51 	 *
52 	 * De-glitcher enable for privacy signaling GPIO input running on resume clock domain.
53 	 * Locked when DDZPL = 1.
54 	 */
55 	uint32_t dge : 1;
56 	/**
57 	 * DMA Data Zeroing Policy Lock
58 	 * type: RW/L, rst: 0b, rst domain: PLTRST
59 	 *
60 	 * When set to 1, it locks the privacy DMA data zeroing policy setting.
61 	 */
62 	uint32_t ddzpl : 1;
64 	/**
65 	 * DMA Data Zeroing Link Select
66 	 * type: RW/L, rst: 0b, rst domain: PLTRST
67 	 *
68 	 * Select 1 or more audio link to apply the microphone privacy DMA data zeroing.
69 	 * 1 bit per audio link.
70 	 * [6:0]: SoundWire link segment
71 	 * [7]: DMIC
72 	 * Valid and static when DDZE = 1.
73 	 * Locked when DDZPL = 1.
74 	 */
75 	uint32_t ddzls : 8;
76 	/**
77 	 * Reserved (Preserved)
78 	 * type: RO, rst: 000 0000h, rst domain: nan
79 	 *
80 	 * SW must preserve the original value when writing.
81 	 */
82 	uint32_t rsvd31 : 4;
83 	} part;
84 };
86 /**
88  * Microphone Privacy Status
89  *
90  * Offset: 04h
91  * Block: DfMICPVC
92  *
93  * This register reports the microphone privacy DMA data zeroing status.
94  */
95 union DFMICPVCS {
96 	uint16_t full;
97 	struct {
98 		/**
99 		 * Mic Disabled Indicator Output
100 		 * type: RO/V, rst: 0b, rst domain: nan
101 		 *
102 		 * Indicates the mic disabled status output to GPIO (i.e. the privacy
103 		 * indicator output).
104 		 */
105 		uint16_t mdio : 1;
106 		/**
107 		 * Reserved (Zero)
108 		 * type: RO, rst: 0000h, rst domain: nan
109 		 *
110 		 * SW must use zeros for writes.
111 		 */
112 		uint16_t rsvd15 : 15;
113 	} part;
114 };
116 /**
118  * FW Microphone Privacy Control & Status
119  *
120  * Offset: 06h
121  * Block: DfMICPVC
122  *
123  * This register allows DSP FW to manage the mic privacy operation (if not locked by trusted host).
124  */
125 union DFFWMICPVCCS {
126 	uint16_t full;
127 	struct {
128 	/**
129 	 * Mic Disable Status Changed Interrupt Enabled
130 	 * type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: DSPLRST
131 	 *
132 	 * When set to 1, it allows MDSTSCHG bit to be propagated as mic privacy interrupt
133 	 *  to the DSP Cores.
134 	 */
135 	uint16_t mdstschgie : 1;
136 	/**
137 	 * FW Managed Mic Disable
138 	 * type: RW/L, rst: 0b, rst domain: DSPLRST
139 	 *
140 	 * When set to 1, it indicates FW will manage its own time-out, decide which related link
141 	 * DMA should zero out the data (through DGLISxCS.DDZ), and update the privacy signaling
142 	 * output (through FMDSTS).
143 	 * HW will NOT control any of the DMIC / SoundWire link level DMA data zeroing or privacy
144 	 * signaling output in this case. Locked when DfMICPVCCGP. DDZPL = 1.
145 	 */
146 	uint16_t fmmd : 1;
147 	/**
148 	 * FW Mic Disable Status
149 	 * type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: DSPLRST
150 	 *
151 	 * When set to 1, it indicates FW has quiesced the mic input stream gracefully and
152 	 * instructs HW to set privacy indicator output (no dependency on privacy
153 	 * signaling input). Valid if FMMD = 1.
154 	 */
155 	uint16_t fmdsts : 1;
156 	/**
157 	 * Reserved (Preserved)
158 	 * type: RO, rst: 00h, rst domain: nan
159 	 *
160 	 * SW must preserve the original value when writing.
161 	 */
162 	uint16_t rsvd7 : 5;
163 	/**
164 	 * Mic Disable Status Changed
165 	 * type: RW/1C, rst: 0b, rst domain: DSPLRST
166 	 *
167 	 * Asserted when mic disable status has changed state (independent of MDSTSCHGIE setting),
168 	 * and trigger interrupt if enabled.
169 	 *
170 	 * Note: If MDSTS change again before the current MDSTSCHG is acknowledged by DSP FW,
171 	 * the bit will still remain set until cleared by DSP FW.
172 	 */
173 	uint16_t mdstschg : 1;
174 	/**
175 	 * Mic Disable Status
176 	 * type: RO/V, rst: 0b, rst domain: nan
177 	 *
178 	 * Indicates the live mic disable status input from GPIO (if FMMD = 1).  When asserted and
179 	 * the microphone privacy DMA data zeroing policy is enabled, FW will manage its
180 	 * own time-out and decide which related link DMA should zero out the data
181 	 * (DGLISxCS.DDZ = 1), followed by setting the mic privacy indicator output (FMDSTS = 1).
182 	 * When de-asserted, FW should remove the DMA data zeroing (DGLISxCS.DDZ = 0) and clear
183 	 * the privacy indicator output (FMDSTS = 0) as soon as possible.
184 	 */
185 	uint16_t mdsts : 1;
186 	/**
187 	 * Reserved (Preserved)
188 	 * type: RO, rst: 00h, rst domain: nan
189 	 *
190 	 * SW must preserve the original value when writing.
191 	 */
192 	uint16_t rsvd15 : 6;
193 	} part;
194 };
196 /**
198  * Digital Microphone x Privacy Control & Status
199  *
200  * Offset: 10h
201  * Block: DMICVSSX_AON
202  *
203  * This register controls the status reporting structure of the microphone privacy DMA data
204  * zeroing feature.
205  */
206 union DMICXPVCCS {
207 	uint16_t full;
208 	struct {
209 		/**
210 		 * Mic Disable Status Changed Interrupt Enabled
211 		 * type: RW, rst: 0h, rst domain: FLR
212 		 *
213 		 * When set to 1, it allows MDSTSCHG bit to be propagated as DMIC
214 		 * / SoundWire interrupt to the DSP Cores / host CPU.
215 		 */
216 		uint16_t    mdstschgie : 1;
217 		/**
218 		 * Reserved
219 		 * type: RO, rst: 00h, rst domain: N/A
220 		 */
221 		uint16_t rsvd7 : 7;
222 		/**
223 		 * Mic Disable Status Changed
224 		 * type: RW/1C, rst: 0h, rst domain: FLR
225 		 *
226 		 * Asserted when mic disable status has changed state (independent of MDSTSCHGIE
227 		 * setting), and trigger interrupt if enabled.
228 		 * Note: If MDSTS change again before the current MDSTSCHG is acknowledged by
229 		 * DSP FW / host SW, the bit will still remain set until cleared by
230 		 * DSP FW / host SW.
231 		 */
232 		uint16_t mdstschg: 1;
233 		/**
234 		 * Mic Disable Status
235 		 * type: RO/V, rst: 0h, rst domain: N/A
236 		 *
237 		 * Indicates the live mic disable status input from GPIO
238 		 * (for the selected mic audio link per DFMICPVCP.DDZLS).
239 		 * When asserted and the microphone privacy DMA data zeroing policy is enabled,
240 		 * the timer will start counting and force the selected mic data to zero
241 		 * (after time-out). When de-asserted,
242 		 * it remove the DMA data zeroing immediately (including stopping the timer
243 		 * if it has not expired).
244 		 */
245 		uint16_t mdsts: 1;
246 		/**
247 		 * Force Mic Disable
248 		 * type: RO/V, rst: 0h, rst domain: N/A
249 		 *
250 		 * Indicates the microphone endpoint
251 		 * (for the selected mic audio link per DFMICPVCP.DDZLS)
252 		 * is statically force mic disable by trusted agent and SW / FW should hide
253 		 * the endpoint from being exposed to OS.
254 		 */
255 		uint16_t fmdis: 1;
256 		/**
257 		 * Reserved
258 		 * type: RO, rst: 00h, rst domain: N/A
259 		 */
260 		uint16_t rsvd15: 5;
261 	} part;
262 };