1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
7  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
14  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  *
18  * $Date:        30. March 2022
19  * $Revision:    V1.1
20  *
21  * Project:      WiFi (Wireless Fidelity Interface) Driver definitions
22  */
24 /* History:
25  *  Version 1.1
26  *    Extended Socket Receive/RecvFrom/Send/SendTo (support for polling)
27  *  Version 1.0
28  *    Initial release
29  */
31 #ifndef DRIVER_WIFI_H_
32 #define DRIVER_WIFI_H_
34 #ifdef  __cplusplus
35 extern "C"
36 {
37 #endif
39 #include "Driver_Common.h"
44 #define _ARM_Driver_WiFi_(n)      Driver_WiFi##n
45 #define  ARM_Driver_WiFi_(n) _ARM_Driver_WiFi_(n)
48 /****** WiFi SetOption/GetOption Function Option Codes *****/
49 #define ARM_WIFI_BSSID                      1U          ///< Station/AP Set/Get BSSID of AP to connect or of AP;        data = &bssid,    len =  6, uint8_t[6]
50 #define ARM_WIFI_TX_POWER                   2U          ///< Station/AP Set/Get transmit power;                         data = &power,    len =  4, uint32_t: 0 .. 20 [dBm]
51 #define ARM_WIFI_LP_TIMER                   3U          ///< Station    Set/Get low-power deep-sleep time;              data = &time,     len =  4, uint32_t [seconds]: 0 = disable (default)
52 #define ARM_WIFI_DTIM                       4U          ///< Station/AP Set/Get DTIM interval;                          data = &dtim,     len =  4, uint32_t [beacons]
53 #define ARM_WIFI_BEACON                     5U          ///<         AP Set/Get beacon interval;                        data = &interval, len =  4, uint32_t [ms]
54 #define ARM_WIFI_MAC                        6U          ///< Station/AP Set/Get MAC;                                    data = &mac,      len =  6, uint8_t[6]
55 #define ARM_WIFI_IP                         7U          ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv4 static/assigned address;           data = &ip,       len =  4, uint8_t[4]
56 #define ARM_WIFI_IP_SUBNET_MASK             8U          ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv4 subnet mask;                       data = &mask,     len =  4, uint8_t[4]
57 #define ARM_WIFI_IP_GATEWAY                 9U          ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv4 gateway address;                   data = &ip,       len =  4, uint8_t[4]
58 #define ARM_WIFI_IP_DNS1                    10U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv4 primary   DNS address;             data = &ip,       len =  4, uint8_t[4]
59 #define ARM_WIFI_IP_DNS2                    11U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv4 secondary DNS address;             data = &ip,       len =  4, uint8_t[4]
60 #define ARM_WIFI_IP_DHCP                    12U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv4 DHCP client/server enable/disable; data = &dhcp,     len =  4, uint32_t: 0 = disable, non-zero = enable (default)
61 #define ARM_WIFI_IP_DHCP_POOL_BEGIN         13U         ///<         AP Set/Get IPv4 DHCP pool begin address;           data = &ip,       len =  4, uint8_t[4]
62 #define ARM_WIFI_IP_DHCP_POOL_END           14U         ///<         AP Set/Get IPv4 DHCP pool end address;             data = &ip,       len =  4, uint8_t[4]
63 #define ARM_WIFI_IP_DHCP_LEASE_TIME         15U         ///<         AP Set/Get IPv4 DHCP lease time;                   data = &time,     len =  4, uint32_t [seconds]
64 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_GLOBAL                 16U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv6 global address;                    data = &ip6,      len = 16, uint8_t[16]
65 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_LINK_LOCAL             17U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv6 link local address;                data = &ip6,      len = 16, uint8_t[16]
66 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_SUBNET_PREFIX_LEN      18U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv6 subnet prefix length;              data = &len,      len =  4, uint32_t: 1 .. 127
67 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_GATEWAY                19U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv6 gateway address;                   data = &ip6,      len = 16, uint8_t[16]
68 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_DNS1                   20U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv6 primary   DNS address;             data = &ip6,      len = 16, uint8_t[16]
69 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_DNS2                   21U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv6 secondary DNS address;             data = &ip6,      len = 16, uint8_t[16]
70 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_DHCP_MODE              22U         ///< Station/AP Set/Get IPv6 DHCPv6 client mode;                data = &mode,     len =  4, uint32_t: ARM_WIFI_IP6_DHCP_xxx (default Off)
72 /****** WiFi Security Type *****/
73 #define ARM_WIFI_SECURITY_OPEN              0U          ///< Open
74 #define ARM_WIFI_SECURITY_WEP               1U          ///< Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) with Pre-Sheared Key (PSK)
75 #define ARM_WIFI_SECURITY_WPA               2U          ///< WiFi Protected Access (WPA) with PSK
76 #define ARM_WIFI_SECURITY_WPA2              3U          ///< WiFi Protected Access II (WPA2) with PSK
77 #define ARM_WIFI_SECURITY_UNKNOWN           255U        ///< Unknown
79 /****** WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) Method *****/
80 #define ARM_WIFI_WPS_METHOD_NONE            0U          ///< Not used
81 #define ARM_WIFI_WPS_METHOD_PBC             1U          ///< Push Button Configuration
82 #define ARM_WIFI_WPS_METHOD_PIN             2U          ///< PIN
84 /****** WiFi IPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Mode *****/
85 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_DHCP_OFF               0U          ///< Static Host Configuration (default)
86 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_DHCP_STATELESS         1U          ///< Dynamic Host Configuration stateless DHCPv6
87 #define ARM_WIFI_IP6_DHCP_STATEFULL         2U          ///< Dynamic Host Configuration statefull DHCPv6
89 /****** WiFi Event *****/
90 #define ARM_WIFI_EVENT_AP_CONNECT          (1UL << 0)   ///< Access Point: Station has connected;           arg = &mac, mac (uint8_t[6])
91 #define ARM_WIFI_EVENT_AP_DISCONNECT       (1UL << 1)   ///< Access Point: Station has disconnected;        arg = &mac, mac (uint8_t[6])
92 #define ARM_WIFI_EVENT_ETH_RX_FRAME        (1UL << 4)   ///< Ethernet Frame Received (in bypass mode only); arg = interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
95 /**
96 \brief WiFi Configuration
97 */
98 typedef struct ARM_WIFI_CONFIG_s {
99   const char   *ssid;                                   ///< Pointer to Service Set Identifier (SSID) null-terminated string
100   const char   *pass;                                   ///< Pointer to Password null-terminated string
101         uint8_t security;                               ///< Security type (ARM_WIFI_SECURITY_xxx)
102         uint8_t ch;                                     ///< WiFi Channel (0 = auto, otherwise = exact channel)
103         uint8_t reserved;                               ///< Reserved
104         uint8_t wps_method;                             ///< WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) method (ARM_WIFI_WPS_METHOD_xxx)
105   const char   *wps_pin;                                ///< Pointer to WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) PIN null-terminated string
108 /**
109 \brief WiFi Scan Information
110 */
111 typedef struct ARM_WIFI_SCAN_INFO_s {
112   char    ssid[32+1];                                   ///< Service Set Identifier (SSID) null-terminated string
113   uint8_t bssid[6];                                     ///< Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID)
114   uint8_t security;                                     ///< Security type (ARM_WIFI_SECURITY_xxx)
115   uint8_t ch;                                           ///< WiFi Channel
116   uint8_t rssi;                                         ///< Received Signal Strength Indicator
119 /**
120 \brief WiFi Network Information
121 */
122 typedef struct ARM_WIFI_NET_INFO_s {
123   char    ssid[32+1];                                   ///< Service Set Identifier (SSID) null-terminated string
124   char    pass[64+1];                                   ///< Password null-terminated string
125   uint8_t security;                                     ///< Security type (ARM_WIFI_SECURITY_xxx)
126   uint8_t ch;                                           ///< WiFi Channel
127   uint8_t rssi;                                         ///< Received Signal Strength Indicator
130 /****** Socket Address Family definitions *****/
131 #define ARM_SOCKET_AF_INET                  1           ///< IPv4
132 #define ARM_SOCKET_AF_INET6                 2           ///< IPv6
134 /****** Socket Type definitions *****/
135 #define ARM_SOCKET_SOCK_STREAM              1           ///< Stream socket
136 #define ARM_SOCKET_SOCK_DGRAM               2           ///< Datagram socket
138 /****** Socket Protocol definitions *****/
139 #define ARM_SOCKET_IPPROTO_TCP              1           ///< TCP
140 #define ARM_SOCKET_IPPROTO_UDP              2           ///< UDP
142 /****** Socket Option definitions *****/
143 #define ARM_SOCKET_IO_FIONBIO               1           ///< Non-blocking I/O (Set only, default = 0); opt_val = &nbio, opt_len = sizeof(nbio), nbio (integer): 0=blocking, non-blocking otherwise
144 #define ARM_SOCKET_SO_RCVTIMEO              2           ///< Receive timeout in ms (default = 0); opt_val = &timeout, opt_len = sizeof(timeout)
145 #define ARM_SOCKET_SO_SNDTIMEO              3           ///< Send timeout in ms (default = 0); opt_val = &timeout, opt_len = sizeof(timeout)
146 #define ARM_SOCKET_SO_KEEPALIVE             4           ///< Keep-alive messages (default = 0); opt_val = &keepalive, opt_len = sizeof(keepalive), keepalive (integer): 0=disabled, enabled otherwise
147 #define ARM_SOCKET_SO_TYPE                  5           ///< Socket Type (Get only); opt_val = &socket_type, opt_len = sizeof(socket_type), socket_type (integer): ARM_SOCKET_SOCK_xxx
149 /****** Socket Function return codes *****/
150 #define ARM_SOCKET_ERROR                   (-1)         ///< Unspecified error
151 #define ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK                   (-2)         ///< Invalid socket
152 #define ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL                  (-3)         ///< Invalid argument
153 #define ARM_SOCKET_ENOTSUP                 (-4)         ///< Operation not supported
154 #define ARM_SOCKET_ENOMEM                  (-5)         ///< Not enough memory
155 #define ARM_SOCKET_EAGAIN                  (-6)         ///< Operation would block or timed out
156 #define ARM_SOCKET_EINPROGRESS             (-7)         ///< Operation in progress
157 #define ARM_SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT               (-8)         ///< Operation timed out
158 #define ARM_SOCKET_EISCONN                 (-9)         ///< Socket is connected
159 #define ARM_SOCKET_ENOTCONN                (-10)        ///< Socket is not connected
160 #define ARM_SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED            (-11)        ///< Connection rejected by the peer
161 #define ARM_SOCKET_ECONNRESET              (-12)        ///< Connection reset by the peer
162 #define ARM_SOCKET_ECONNABORTED            (-13)        ///< Connection aborted locally
163 #define ARM_SOCKET_EALREADY                (-14)        ///< Connection already in progress
164 #define ARM_SOCKET_EADDRINUSE              (-15)        ///< Address in use
165 #define ARM_SOCKET_EHOSTNOTFOUND           (-16)        ///< Host not found
168 // Function documentation
169 /**
170   \fn            ARM_DRIVER_VERSION ARM_WIFI_GetVersion (void)
171   \brief         Get driver version.
172   \return        \ref ARM_DRIVER_VERSION
173 */
174 /**
175   \fn            ARM_WIFI_CAPABILITIES ARM_WIFI_GetCapabilities (void)
176   \brief         Get driver capabilities.
177   \return        \ref ARM_WIFI_CAPABILITIES
178 */
179 /**
180   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_Initialize (ARM_WIFI_SignalEvent_t cb_event)
181   \brief         Initialize WiFi Module.
182   \param[in]     cb_event Pointer to \ref ARM_WIFI_SignalEvent_t
183   \return        execution status
184                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
185                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
186 */
187 /**
188   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_Uninitialize (void)
189   \brief         De-initialize WiFi Module.
190   \return        execution status
191                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
192                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
193 */
194 /**
195   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_PowerControl (ARM_POWER_STATE state)
196   \brief         Control WiFi Module Power.
197   \param[in]     state     Power state
198                    - \ref ARM_POWER_OFF                : Power off: no operation possible
199                    - \ref ARM_POWER_LOW                : Low-power mode: sleep or deep-sleep depending on \ref ARM_WIFI_LP_TIMER option set
200                    - \ref ARM_POWER_FULL               : Power on: full operation at maximum performance
201   \return        execution status
202                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
203                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
204                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
205                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid state)
206 */
207 /**
208   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_GetModuleInfo (char *module_info, uint32_t max_len)
209   \brief         Get Module information.
210   \param[out]    module_info Pointer to character buffer were info string will be returned
211   \param[in]     max_len     Maximum length of string to return (including null terminator)
212   \return        execution status
213                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
214                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
215                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
216                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (NULL module_info pointer or max_len equals to 0)
217 */
218 /**
219   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SetOption (uint32_t interface, uint32_t option, const void *data, uint32_t len)
220   \brief         Set WiFi Module Options.
221   \param[in]     interface Interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
222   \param[in]     option    Option to set
223   \param[in]     data      Pointer to data relevant to selected option
224   \param[in]     len       Length of data (in bytes)
225   \return        execution status
226                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
227                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
228                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
229                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid interface, NULL data pointer or len less than option specifies)
230 */
231 /**
232   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_GetOption (uint32_t interface, uint32_t option, void *data, uint32_t *len)
233   \brief         Get WiFi Module Options.
234   \param[in]     interface Interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
235   \param[in]     option    Option to get
236   \param[out]    data      Pointer to memory where data for selected option will be returned
237   \param[in,out] len       Pointer to length of data (input/output)
238                    - input: maximum length of data that can be returned (in bytes)
239                    - output: length of returned data (in bytes)
240   \return        execution status
241                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
242                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
243                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
244                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid interface, NULL data or len pointer, or *len less than option specifies)
245 */
246 /**
247   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_Scan (ARM_WIFI_SCAN_INFO_t scan_info[], uint32_t max_num)
248   \brief         Scan for available networks in range.
249   \param[out]    scan_info Pointer to array of ARM_WIFI_SCAN_INFO_t structures where available Scan Information will be returned
250   \param[in]     max_num   Maximum number of Network Information structures to return
251   \return        number of ARM_WIFI_SCAN_INFO_t structures returned or error code
252                    - value >= 0                        : Number of ARM_WIFI_SCAN_INFO_t structures returned
253                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
254                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (NULL scan_info pointer or max_num equal to 0)
255 */
256 /**
257   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_Activate (uint32_t interface, const ARM_WIFI_CONFIG_t *config)
258   \brief         Activate interface (Connect to a wireless network or activate an access point).
259   \param[in]     interface Interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
260   \param[in]     config    Pointer to ARM_WIFI_CONFIG_t structure where Configuration parameters are located
261   \return        execution status
262                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
263                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
264                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_TIMEOUT     : Timeout occurred
265                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported (security type, channel autodetect or WPS not supported)
266                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid interface, NULL config pointer or invalid configuration)
267 */
268 /**
269   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_Deactivate (uint32_t interface)
270   \brief         Deactivate interface (Disconnect from a wireless network or deactivate an access point).
271   \param[in]     interface Interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
272   \return        execution status
273                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
274                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
275                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid interface)
276 */
277 /**
278   \fn            uint32_t ARM_WIFI_IsConnected (void)
279   \brief         Get station connection status.
280   \return        station connection status
281                    - value != 0: Station connected
282                    - value = 0: Station not connected
283 */
284 /**
285   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_GetNetInfo (ARM_WIFI_NET_INFO_t *net_info)
286   \brief         Get station Network Information.
287   \param[out]    net_info  Pointer to ARM_WIFI_NET_INFO_t structure where station Network Information will be returned
288   \return        execution status
289                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
290                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed (station not connected)
291                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
292                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid interface or NULL net_info pointer)
293 */
294 /**
295   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_BypassControl (uint32_t interface, uint32_t mode)
296   \brief         Enable or disable bypass (pass-through) mode. Transmit and receive Ethernet frames (IP layer bypassed and WiFi/Ethernet translation).
297   \param[in]     interface Interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
298   \param[in]     mode
299                    - value = 1: all packets bypass internal IP stack
300                    - value = 0: all packets processed by internal IP stack
301   \return        execution status
302                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
303                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
304                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
305                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid interface or mode)
306 */
307 /**
308   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_EthSendFrame (uint32_t interface, const uint8_t *frame, uint32_t len)
309   \brief         Send Ethernet frame (in bypass mode only).
310   \param[in]     interface Interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
311   \param[in]     frame    Pointer to frame buffer with data to send
312   \param[in]     len      Frame buffer length in bytes
313   \return        execution status
314                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
315                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
316                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_BUSY        : Driver is busy
317                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
318                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid interface or NULL frame pointer)
319 */
320 /**
321   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_EthReadFrame (uint32_t interface, uint8_t *frame, uint32_t len)
322   \brief         Read data of received Ethernet frame (in bypass mode only).
323   \param[in]     interface Interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
324   \param[in]     frame    Pointer to frame buffer for data to read into
325   \param[in]     len      Frame buffer length in bytes
326   \return        number of data bytes read or error code
327                    - value >= 0                        : Number of data bytes read
328                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
329                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
330                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (invalid interface or NULL frame pointer)
331 */
332 /**
333   \fn            uint32_t ARM_WIFI_EthGetRxFrameSize (uint32_t interface)
334   \brief         Get size of received Ethernet frame (in bypass mode only).
335   \param[in]     interface Interface (0 = Station, 1 = Access Point)
336   \return        number of bytes in received frame
337 */
338 /**
339   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketCreate (int32_t af, int32_t type, int32_t protocol)
340   \brief         Create a communication socket.
341   \param[in]     af       Address family
342   \param[in]     type     Socket type
343   \param[in]     protocol Socket protocol
344   \return        status information
345                    - Socket identification number (>=0)
346                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument
347                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTSUP           : Operation not supported
348                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOMEM            : Not enough memory
349                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
350 */
351 /**
352   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketBind (int32_t socket, const uint8_t *ip, uint32_t ip_len, uint16_t port)
353   \brief         Assign a local address to a socket.
354   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
355   \param[in]     ip       Pointer to local IP address
356   \param[in]     ip_len   Length of 'ip' address in bytes
357   \param[in]     port     Local port number
358   \return        status information
359                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
360                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
361                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (address or socket already bound)
362                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EADDRINUSE        : Address already in use
363                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
364 */
365 /**
366   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketListen (int32_t socket, int32_t backlog)
367   \brief         Listen for socket connections.
368   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
369   \param[in]     backlog  Number of connection requests that can be queued
370   \return        status information
371                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
372                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
373                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (socket not bound)
374                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTSUP           : Operation not supported
375                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EISCONN           : Socket is already connected
376                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
377 */
378 /**
379   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketAccept (int32_t socket, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len, uint16_t *port)
380   \brief         Accept a new connection on a socket.
381   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
382   \param[out]    ip       Pointer to buffer where address of connecting socket shall be returned (NULL for none)
383   \param[in,out] ip_len   Pointer to length of 'ip' (or NULL if 'ip' is NULL)
384                    - length of supplied 'ip' on input
385                    - length of stored 'ip' on output
386   \param[out]    port     Pointer to buffer where port of connecting socket shall be returned (NULL for none)
387   \return        status information
388                    - socket identification number of accepted socket (>=0)
389                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
390                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (socket not in listen mode)
391                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTSUP           : Operation not supported (socket type does not support accepting connections)
392                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNRESET        : Connection reset by the peer
393                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNABORTED      : Connection aborted locally
394                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EAGAIN            : Operation would block or timed out (may be called again)
395                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
396 */
397 /**
398   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketConnect (int32_t socket, const uint8_t *ip, uint32_t ip_len, uint16_t port)
399   \brief         Connect a socket to a remote host.
400   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
401   \param[in]     ip       Pointer to remote IP address
402   \param[in]     ip_len   Length of 'ip' address in bytes
403   \param[in]     port     Remote port number
404   \return        status information
405                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
406                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
407                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument
408                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EALREADY          : Connection already in progress
409                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINPROGRESS       : Operation in progress
410                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EISCONN           : Socket is connected
411                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED      : Connection rejected by the peer
412                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNABORTED      : Connection aborted locally
413                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EADDRINUSE        : Address already in use
414                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT         : Operation timed out
415                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
416 */
417 /**
418   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketRecv (int32_t socket, void *buf, uint32_t len)
419   \brief         Receive data or check if data is available on a connected socket.
420   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
421   \param[out]    buf      Pointer to buffer where data should be stored
422   \param[in]     len      Length of buffer (in bytes), set len = 0 to check if data is available
423   \return        status information
424                    - number of bytes received (>=0), if len != 0
425                    - 0                                 : Data is available (len = 0)
426                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
427                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (pointer to buffer or length)
428                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTCONN          : Socket is not connected
429                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNRESET        : Connection reset by the peer
430                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNABORTED      : Connection aborted locally
431                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EAGAIN            : Operation would block or timed out (may be called again)
432                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
433 */
434 /**
435   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketRecvFrom (int32_t socket, void *buf, uint32_t len, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len, uint16_t *port)
436   \brief         Receive data or check if data is available on a socket.
437   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
438   \param[out]    buf      Pointer to buffer where data should be stored
439   \param[in]     len      Length of buffer (in bytes), set len = 0 to check if data is available
440   \param[out]    ip       Pointer to buffer where remote source address shall be returned (NULL for none)
441   \param[in,out] ip_len   Pointer to length of 'ip' (or NULL if 'ip' is NULL)
442                    - length of supplied 'ip' on input
443                    - length of stored 'ip' on output
444   \param[out]    port     Pointer to buffer where remote source port shall be returned (NULL for none)
445   \return        status information
446                    - number of bytes received (>=0), if len != 0
447                    - 0                                 : Data is available (len = 0)
448                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
449                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (pointer to buffer or length)
450                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTCONN          : Socket is not connected
451                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNRESET        : Connection reset by the peer
452                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNABORTED      : Connection aborted locally
453                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EAGAIN            : Operation would block or timed out (may be called again)
454                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
455 */
456 /**
457   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketSend (int32_t socket, const void *buf, uint32_t len)
458   \brief         Send data or check if data can be sent on a connected socket.
459   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
460   \param[in]     buf      Pointer to buffer containing data to send
461   \param[in]     len      Length of data (in bytes), set len = 0 to check if data can be sent
462   \return        status information
463                    - number of bytes sent (>=0), if len != 0
464                    - 0                                 : Data can be sent (len = 0)
465                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
466                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (pointer to buffer or length)
467                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTCONN          : Socket is not connected
468                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNRESET        : Connection reset by the peer
469                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNABORTED      : Connection aborted locally
470                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EAGAIN            : Operation would block or timed out (may be called again)
471                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
472 */
473 /**
474   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketSendTo (int32_t socket, const void *buf, uint32_t len, const uint8_t *ip, uint32_t ip_len, uint16_t port)
475   \brief         Send data or check if data can be sent on a socket.
476   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
477   \param[in]     buf      Pointer to buffer containing data to send
478   \param[in]     len      Length of data (in bytes), set len = 0 to check if data can be sent
479   \param[in]     ip       Pointer to remote destination IP address
480   \param[in]     ip_len   Length of 'ip' address in bytes
481   \param[in]     port     Remote destination port number
482   \return        status information
483                    - number of bytes sent (>=0), if len != 0
484                    - 0                                 : Data can be sent (len = 0)
485                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
486                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (pointer to buffer or length)
487                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTCONN          : Socket is not connected
488                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNRESET        : Connection reset by the peer
489                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ECONNABORTED      : Connection aborted locally
490                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EAGAIN            : Operation would block or timed out (may be called again)
491                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
492 */
493 /**
494   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketGetSockName (int32_t socket, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len, uint16_t *port)
495   \brief         Retrieve local IP address and port of a socket.
496   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
497   \param[out]    ip       Pointer to buffer where local address shall be returned (NULL for none)
498   \param[in,out] ip_len   Pointer to length of 'ip' (or NULL if 'ip' is NULL)
499                    - length of supplied 'ip' on input
500                    - length of stored 'ip' on output
501   \param[out]    port     Pointer to buffer where local port shall be returned (NULL for none)
502   \return        status information
503                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
504                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
505                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (pointer to buffer or length)
506                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
507 */
508 /**
509   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketGetPeerName (int32_t socket, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len, uint16_t *port)
510   \brief         Retrieve remote IP address and port of a socket.
511   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
512   \param[out]    ip       Pointer to buffer where remote address shall be returned (NULL for none)
513   \param[in,out] ip_len   Pointer to length of 'ip' (or NULL if 'ip' is NULL)
514                    - length of supplied 'ip' on input
515                    - length of stored 'ip' on output
516   \param[out]    port     Pointer to buffer where remote port shall be returned (NULL for none)
517   \return        status information
518                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
519                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
520                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument (pointer to buffer or length)
521                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTCONN          : Socket is not connected
522                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
523 */
524 /**
525   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketGetOpt (int32_t socket, int32_t opt_id, void *opt_val, uint32_t *opt_len)
526   \brief         Get socket option.
527   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
528   \param[in]     opt_id   Option identifier
529   \param[out]    opt_val  Pointer to the buffer that will receive the option value
530   \param[in,out] opt_len  Pointer to length of the option value
531                    - length of buffer on input
532                    - length of data on output
533   \return        status information
534                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
535                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
536                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument
537                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTSUP           : Operation not supported
538                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
539 */
540 /**
541   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketSetOpt (int32_t socket, int32_t opt_id, const void *opt_val, uint32_t opt_len)
542   \brief         Set socket option.
543   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
544   \param[in]     opt_id   Option identifier
545   \param[in]     opt_val  Pointer to the option value
546   \param[in]     opt_len  Length of the option value in bytes
547   \return        status information
548                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
549                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
550                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument
551                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTSUP           : Operation not supported
552                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
553 */
554 /**
555   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketClose (int32_t socket)
556   \brief         Close and release a socket.
557   \param[in]     socket   Socket identification number
558   \return        status information
559                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
560                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ESOCK             : Invalid socket
561                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EAGAIN            : Operation would block (may be called again)
562                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
563 */
564 /**
565   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_SocketGetHostByName (const char *name, int32_t af, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len)
566   \brief         Retrieve host IP address from host name.
567   \param[in]     name     Host name
568   \param[in]     af       Address family
569   \param[out]    ip       Pointer to buffer where resolved IP address shall be returned
570   \param[in,out] ip_len   Pointer to length of 'ip'
571                    - length of supplied 'ip' on input
572                    - length of stored 'ip' on output
573   \return        status information
574                    - 0                                 : Operation successful
575                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EINVAL            : Invalid argument
576                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ENOTSUP           : Operation not supported
577                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT         : Operation timed out
578                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_EHOSTNOTFOUND     : Host not found
579                    - \ref ARM_SOCKET_ERROR             : Unspecified error
580 */
581 /**
582   \fn            int32_t ARM_WIFI_Ping (const uint8_t *ip, uint32_t ip_len)
583   \brief         Probe remote host with Ping command.
584   \param[in]     ip       Pointer to remote host IP address
585   \param[in]     ip_len   Length of 'ip' address in bytes
586   \return        execution status
587                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_OK                : Operation successful
588                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR             : Operation failed
589                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_TIMEOUT     : Timeout occurred
590                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED : Operation not supported
591                    - \ref ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_PARAMETER   : Parameter error (NULL ip pointer or ip_len different than 4 or 16)
592 */
593 /**
594   \fn            void ARM_WIFI_SignalEvent (uint32_t event, void *arg)
595   \brief         Signal WiFi Events.
596   \param[in]     event    \ref wifi_event notification mask
597   \param[in]     arg      Pointer to argument of signaled event
598 */
600 typedef void (*ARM_WIFI_SignalEvent_t) (uint32_t event, void *arg); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_WIFI_SignalEvent : Signal WiFi Event.
603 /**
604 \brief WiFi Driver Capabilities.
605 */
606 typedef struct _ARM_WIFI_CAPABILITIES {
607   uint32_t station               : 1;   ///< Station
608   uint32_t ap                    : 1;   ///< Access Point
609   uint32_t station_ap            : 1;   ///< Concurrent Station and Access Point
610   uint32_t wps_station           : 1;   ///< WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) for Station
611   uint32_t wps_ap                : 1;   ///< WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) for Access Point
612   uint32_t event_ap_connect      : 1;   ///< Access Point: event generated on Station connect
613   uint32_t event_ap_disconnect   : 1;   ///< Access Point: event generated on Station disconnect
614   uint32_t event_eth_rx_frame    : 1;   ///< Event generated on Ethernet frame reception in bypass mode
615   uint32_t bypass_mode           : 1;   ///< Bypass or pass-through mode (Ethernet interface)
616   uint32_t ip                    : 1;   ///< IP (UDP/TCP) (Socket interface)
617   uint32_t ip6                   : 1;   ///< IPv6 (Socket interface)
618   uint32_t ping                  : 1;   ///< Ping (ICMP)
619   uint32_t reserved              : 20;  ///< Reserved (must be zero)
622 /**
623 \brief Access structure of the WiFi Driver.
624 */
625 typedef struct _ARM_DRIVER_WIFI {
626   ARM_DRIVER_VERSION    (*GetVersion)                  (void);
627   ARM_WIFI_CAPABILITIES (*GetCapabilities)             (void);
628   int32_t               (*Initialize)                  (ARM_WIFI_SignalEvent_t cb_event);
629   int32_t               (*Uninitialize)                (void);
630   int32_t               (*PowerControl)                (ARM_POWER_STATE state);
631   int32_t               (*GetModuleInfo)               (char *module_info, uint32_t max_len);
632   int32_t               (*SetOption)                   (uint32_t interface, uint32_t option, const void *data, uint32_t  len);
633   int32_t               (*GetOption)                   (uint32_t interface, uint32_t option,       void *data, uint32_t *len);
634   int32_t               (*Scan)                        (ARM_WIFI_SCAN_INFO_t scan_info[], uint32_t max_num);
635   int32_t               (*Activate)                    (uint32_t interface, const ARM_WIFI_CONFIG_t *config);
636   int32_t               (*Deactivate)                  (uint32_t interface);
637   uint32_t              (*IsConnected)                 (void);
638   int32_t               (*GetNetInfo)                  (ARM_WIFI_NET_INFO_t *net_info);
639   int32_t               (*BypassControl)               (uint32_t interface, uint32_t mode);
640   int32_t               (*EthSendFrame)                (uint32_t interface, const uint8_t *frame, uint32_t len);
641   int32_t               (*EthReadFrame)                (uint32_t interface,       uint8_t *frame, uint32_t len);
642   uint32_t              (*EthGetRxFrameSize)           (uint32_t interface);
643   int32_t               (*SocketCreate)                (int32_t af, int32_t type, int32_t protocol);
644   int32_t               (*SocketBind)                  (int32_t socket, const uint8_t *ip, uint32_t  ip_len, uint16_t  port);
645   int32_t               (*SocketListen)                (int32_t socket, int32_t backlog);
646   int32_t               (*SocketAccept)                (int32_t socket,       uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len, uint16_t *port);
647   int32_t               (*SocketConnect)               (int32_t socket, const uint8_t *ip, uint32_t  ip_len, uint16_t  port);
648   int32_t               (*SocketRecv)                  (int32_t socket, void *buf, uint32_t len);
649   int32_t               (*SocketRecvFrom)              (int32_t socket, void *buf, uint32_t len, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len, uint16_t *port);
650   int32_t               (*SocketSend)                  (int32_t socket, const void *buf, uint32_t len);
651   int32_t               (*SocketSendTo)                (int32_t socket, const void *buf, uint32_t len, const uint8_t *ip, uint32_t ip_len, uint16_t port);
652   int32_t               (*SocketGetSockName)           (int32_t socket, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len, uint16_t *port);
653   int32_t               (*SocketGetPeerName)           (int32_t socket, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len, uint16_t *port);
654   int32_t               (*SocketGetOpt)                (int32_t socket, int32_t opt_id,       void *opt_val, uint32_t *opt_len);
655   int32_t               (*SocketSetOpt)                (int32_t socket, int32_t opt_id, const void *opt_val, uint32_t  opt_len);
656   int32_t               (*SocketClose)                 (int32_t socket);
657   int32_t               (*SocketGetHostByName)         (const char *name, int32_t af, uint8_t *ip, uint32_t *ip_len);
658   int32_t               (*Ping)                        (const uint8_t *ip, uint32_t ip_len);
659 } const ARM_DRIVER_WIFI;
661 #ifdef  __cplusplus
662 }
663 #endif
665 #endif /* DRIVER_WIFI_H_ */