1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2018 ARM Limited
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef __SMM_MPS2_H__
18 #define __SMM_MPS2_H__
20 #include "cmsis.h"   /* device specific header file */
22 /* FPGAIO register map structure */
23 struct arm_mps2_fpgaio_t {
24     volatile uint32_t LED;           /* Offset: 0x000 (R/W) LED connections
25                                       *         [31:2] : Reserved
26                                       *         [1:0]  : LEDs */
27     volatile uint32_t RESERVED1[1];
28     volatile uint32_t BUTTON;        /* Offset: 0x008 (R/W) Buttons
29                                       *         [31:2] : Reserved
30                                       *         [1:0]  : Buttons */
31     volatile uint32_t RESERVED2[1];
32     volatile uint32_t CLK1HZ;        /* Offset: 0x010 (R/W) 1Hz up counter */
33     volatile uint32_t CLK100HZ;      /* Offset: 0x014 (R/W) 100Hz up counter */
34     volatile uint32_t COUNTER;       /* Offset: 0x018 (R/W) Cycle Up Counter
35                                       *                     Increments when
36                                       *                     32bit prescale
37                                       *                     counter reach
38                                       *                     zero */
39     volatile uint32_t RESERVED3[1];
40     volatile uint32_t PRESCALE;      /* Offset: 0x020 (R/W) Prescaler
41                                       *                     Bit[31:0] : reload
42                                       *                     value for prescale
43                                       *                     counter */
44     volatile uint32_t PSCNTR;        /* Offset: 0x024 (R/W) 32bit Prescale
45                                       *                     counter. Current
46                                       *                     value of the
47                                       *                     prescaler counter.
48                                       *
49                                       * The Cycle Up Counter increment when the
50                                       * prescale down counter reach 0.
51                                       * The prescaler counter is reloaded with
52                                       * PRESCALE after reaching 0. */
53     volatile uint32_t RESERVED4[9];
54     volatile uint32_t MISC;          /* Offset: 0x04C (R/W) Misc control
55                                       *         [31:10] : Reserved
56                                       *         [9] : SHIELD_1_SPI_nCS
57                                       *         [8] : SHIELD_0_SPI_nCS
58                                       *         [7] : ADC_SPI_nCS
59                                       *         [6] : CLCD_BL_CTRL
60                                       *         [5] : CLCD_RD
61                                       *         [4] : CLCD_RS
62                                       *         [3] : CLCD_RESET
63                                       *         [2] : RESERVED
64                                       *         [1] : SPI_nSS
65                                       *         [0] : CLCD_CS */
66 };
68 /* SCC register map structure */
69 struct arm_mps2_scc_t {
70     volatile uint32_t CFG_REG0;    /* Offset: 0x000 (R/W) Remaps block RAM to
71                                     *                     ZBT
72                                     *         [31:1] : Reserved
73                                     *         [0] 1  : REMAP BlockRam to ZBT */
74     volatile uint32_t LEDS;        /* Offset: 0x004 (R/W) Controls the MCC user
75                                     *                      LEDs
76                                     *         [31:8] : Reserved
77                                     *         [7:0]  : MCC LEDs */
78     volatile uint32_t RESERVED0[1];
79     volatile uint32_t SWITCHES;    /* Offset: 0x00C (R/ ) Denotes the state
80                                     *                     of the MCC user
81                                     *                     switches
82                                     *         [31:8] : Reserved
83                                     *         [7:0]  : These bits indicate state
84                                     *                  of the MCC switches */
85     volatile uint32_t CFG_REG4;    /* Offset: 0x010 (R/ ) Denotes the board
86                                     *                     revision
87                                     *         [31:4] : Reserved
88                                     *         [3:0]  : Used by the MCC to pass
89                                     *                  PCB revision.
90                                     *                  0 = A 1 = B */
91     volatile uint32_t RESERVED1[35];
92     volatile uint32_t SYS_CFGDATA_RTN; /* Offset: 0x0A0 (R/W) User data register
93                                         *         [31:0] : Data */
94     volatile uint32_t SYS_CFGDATA_OUT; /* Offset: 0x0A4 (R/W)  User data
95                                         *                      register
96                                         *         [31:0] : Data */
97     volatile uint32_t SYS_CFGCTRL;     /* Offset: 0x0A8 (R/W) Control register
98                                         *         [31]    : Start (generates
99                                         *                   interrupt on write
100                                         *                   to this bit)
101                                         *         [30]    : R/W access
102                                         *         [29:26] : Reserved
103                                         *         [25:20] : Function value
104                                         *         [19:12] : Reserved
105                                         *         [11:0]  : Device (value of
106                                         *                   0/1/2 for supported
107                                         *                   clocks) */
108     volatile uint32_t SYS_CFGSTAT;     /* Offset: 0x0AC (R/W) Contains status
109                                         *                     information
110                                         *         [31:2] : Reserved
111                                         *         [1]    : Error
112                                         *         [0]    : Complete */
113     volatile uint32_t RESERVED2[20];
114     volatile uint32_t SCC_DLL;         /* Offset: 0x100 (R/W) DLL Lock Register
115                                         *         [31:24] : DLL LOCK MASK[7:0]
116                                         *                   Indicate if the DLL
117                                         *                   locked is masked
118                                         *         [23:16] : DLL LOCK MASK[7:0]
119                                         *                   Indicate if the DLLs
120                                         *                   are locked or
121                                         *                   unlocked
122                                         *         [15:1]  : Reserved
123                                         *         [0]     : This bit indicates
124                                         *                   if all enabled DLLs
125                                         *                   are locked */
126     volatile uint32_t RESERVED3[957];
127     volatile uint32_t SCC_AID;         /* Offset: 0xFF8 (R/ ) SCC AID Register
128                                         *         [31:24] : FPGA build number
129                                         *         [23:20] : V2MMPS2 target
130                                         *                   board revision
131                                         *                   (A = 0, B = 1)
132                                         *         [19:11] : Reserved
133                                         *         [10]    : if “1” SCC_SW
134                                         *                   register has been
135                                         *                   implemented
136                                         *         [9]     : if “1” SCC_LED
137                                         *                   register has been
138                                         *                   implemented
139                                         *         [8]     : if “1” DLL lock
140                                         *                   register has been
141                                         *                   implemented
142                                         *         [7:0]   : number of SCC
143                                         *                   configuration
144                                         *                   register */
145     volatile uint32_t SCC_ID;          /* Offset: 0xFFC (R/ ) Contains
146                                         *                     information about
147                                         *                     the FPGA image
148                                         *         [31:24] : Implementer ID:
149                                         *                   0x41 = ARM
150                                         *         [23:20] : Application note
151                                         *                   IP variant number
152                                         *         [19:16] : IP Architecture:
153                                         *                   0x4 =AHB
154                                         *         [15:4]  : Primary part number:
155                                         *                   386 = AN386
156                                         *         [3:0]   : Application note IP
157                                         *                   revision number */
158 };
160 /* Peripheral declaration */
161 #define MPS2_FPGAIO      ((struct arm_mps2_fpgaio_t*) MPS2_IO_FPGAIO_BASE_NS)
162 #define MPS2_SCC         ((struct arm_mps2_scc_t*) MPS2_IO_SCC_BASE_NS)
164 /* Secure Peripheral declaration */
165 #define SEC_MPS2_FPGAIO  ((struct arm_mps2_fpgaio_t*) MPS2_IO_FPGAIO_BASE_S)
166 #define SEC_MPS2_SCC     ((struct arm_mps2_scc_t*) MPS2_IO_SCC_BASE_S)
168 #endif /* __SMM_MPS2_H__ */