1 /**************************************************************************//**
2  * @file     eadc.h
3  * @version  V0.10
4  * @brief    M2351 series EADC driver header file
5  *
6  * @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
8  *****************************************************************************/
9 #ifndef __EADC_H__
10 #define __EADC_H__
12 #ifdef __cplusplus
13 extern "C"
14 {
15 #endif
18 /** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
19   @{
20 */
22 /** @addtogroup EADC_Driver EADC Driver
23   @{
24 */
26 /** @addtogroup EADC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS EADC Exported Constants
27   @{
28 */
30 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 /*  EADC_CTL Constant Definitions                                                                          */
32 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #define EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_SINGLE_END          (0UL<<EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_Pos)   /*!< Single-end input mode      */
34 #define EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_DIFFERENTIAL        (1UL<<EADC_CTL_DIFFEN_Pos)   /*!< Differential input mode    */
36 #define EADC_CTL_DMOF_STRAIGHT_BINARY       (0UL<<EADC_CTL_DMOF_Pos)     /*!< Select the straight binary format as the output format of the conversion result   */
37 #define EADC_CTL_DMOF_TWOS_COMPLEMENT       (1UL<<EADC_CTL_DMOF_Pos)     /*!< Select the 2's complement format as the output format of the conversion result    */
40 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
41 /* EADC_SCTL Constant Definitions                                                                          */
42 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
43 #define EADC_SCTL_CHSEL(x)                  ((x) << EADC_SCTL_CHSEL_Pos)       /*!< A/D sample module channel selection */
44 #define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV(x)              ((x) << EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos)   /*!< A/D sample module start of conversion trigger delay clock divider selection */
45 #define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYCNT(x)              ((x) << EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYCNT_Pos)   /*!< A/D sample module start of conversion trigger delay time */
47 #define EADC_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER               (0UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< Software trigger */
48 #define EADC_FALLING_EDGE_TRIGGER           (EADC_SCTL_EXTFEN_Msk | (1UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos))       /*!< STADC pin falling edge trigger */
49 #define EADC_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER            (EADC_SCTL_EXTREN_Msk | (1UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos))       /*!< STADC pin rising edge trigger */
50 #define EADC_FALLING_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER    (EADC_SCTL_EXTFEN_Msk | EADC_SCTL_EXTREN_Msk | (1UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)) /*!< STADC pin both falling and rising edge trigger */
51 #define EADC_ADINT0_TRIGGER                 (2UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< ADC ADINT0 interrupt EOC pulse trigger */
52 #define EADC_ADINT1_TRIGGER                 (3UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< ADC ADINT1 interrupt EOC pulse trigger */
53 #define EADC_TIMER0_TRIGGER                 (4UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< Timer0 overflow pulse trigger */
54 #define EADC_TIMER1_TRIGGER                 (5UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< Timer1 overflow pulse trigger */
55 #define EADC_TIMER2_TRIGGER                 (6UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< Timer2 overflow pulse trigger */
56 #define EADC_TIMER3_TRIGGER                 (7UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< Timer3 overflow pulse trigger */
57 #define EADC_PWM0TG0_TRIGGER                (8UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< EPWM0TG0 trigger */
58 #define EADC_PWM0TG1_TRIGGER                (9UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)      /*!< EPWM0TG1 trigger */
59 #define EADC_PWM0TG2_TRIGGER                (0xAUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)    /*!< EPWM0TG2 trigger */
60 #define EADC_PWM0TG3_TRIGGER                (0xBUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)    /*!< EPWM0TG3 trigger */
61 #define EADC_PWM0TG4_TRIGGER                (0xCUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)    /*!< EPWM0TG4 trigger */
62 #define EADC_PWM0TG5_TRIGGER                (0xDUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)    /*!< EPWM0TG5 trigger */
63 #define EADC_PWM1TG0_TRIGGER                (0xEUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)    /*!< EPWM1TG0 trigger */
64 #define EADC_PWM1TG1_TRIGGER                (0xFUL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)    /*!< EPWM1TG1 trigger */
65 #define EADC_PWM1TG2_TRIGGER                (0x10UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)   /*!< EPWM1TG2 trigger */
66 #define EADC_PWM1TG3_TRIGGER                (0x11UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)   /*!< EPWM1TG3 trigger */
67 #define EADC_PWM1TG4_TRIGGER                (0x12UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)   /*!< EPWM1TG4 trigger */
68 #define EADC_PWM1TG5_TRIGGER                (0x13UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)   /*!< EPWM1TG5 trigger */
69 #define EADC_BPWM0TG_TRIGGER                (0x14UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)   /*!< BPWM0TG trigger */
70 #define EADC_BPWM1TG_TRIGGER                (0x15UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGSEL_Pos)   /*!< BPWM1TG trigger */
72 #define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_1       (0UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos)         /*!< Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/1 */
73 #define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_2       (0x1UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos)       /*!< Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/2 */
74 #define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_4       (0x2UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos)       /*!< Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/4 */
75 #define EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_DIVIDER_16      (0x3UL<<EADC_SCTL_TRGDLYDIV_Pos)       /*!< Trigger delay clock frequency is ADC_CLK/16 */
78 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
79 /* EADC_CMP Constant Definitions                                                                           */
80 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
81 #define EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN          (0UL<<EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_Pos)   /*!< The compare condition is "less than" */
82 #define EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL   (1UL<<EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_Pos)   /*!< The compare condition is "greater than or equal to" */
83 #define EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_ENABLE              (EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_Msk)    /*!< Compare window mode enable */
84 #define EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_DISABLE             (~EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_Msk)   /*!< Compare window mode disable */
85 #define EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_ENABLE             (EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_Msk)   /*!< A/D result compare interrupt enable */
86 #define EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_DISABLE            (~EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_Msk)  /*!< A/D result compare interrupt disable */
88 /*@}*/ /* end of group EADC_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
90 /** @addtogroup EADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS EADC Exported Functions
91   @{
92 */
93 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
94 /*  EADC Macro Definitions                                                                                 */
95 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
97 /**
98   * @brief A/D Converter Control Circuits Reset.
99   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
100   * @return None
101   * @details ADCRST bit (EADC_CT[1]) remains 1 during ADC reset, when ADC reset end, the ADCRST bit is automatically cleared to 0.
102   */
103 #define EADC_CONV_RESET(eadc) ((eadc)->CTL |= EADC_CTL_ADCRST_Msk)
105 /**
106   * @brief Enable PDMA transfer.
107   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
108   * @return None
109   * @details When A/D conversion is completed, the converted data is loaded into EADC_DATn (n: 0 ~ 18) register,
110   *         user can enable this bit to generate a PDMA data transfer request.
111   When set PDMAEN bit (EADC_CTL[11]), user must set ADINTENn (EADC_CTL[5:2], n=0~3) = 0 to disable interrupt.
112   */
113 #define EADC_ENABLE_PDMA(eadc) ((eadc)->CTL |= EADC_CTL_PDMAEN_Msk)
115 /**
116   * @brief Disable PDMA transfer.
117   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
118   * @return None
119   * @details This macro is used to disable PDMA transfer.
120   */
121 #define EADC_DISABLE_PDMA(eadc) ((eadc)->CTL &= (~EADC_CTL_PDMAEN_Msk))
123 /**
124   * @brief Enable double buffer mode.
125   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
126   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 3.
127   * @return None
128   * @details The ADC controller supports a double buffer mode in sample module 0~3.
129   *         If user enable DBMEN (EADC_SCTLn[23], n=0~3), the double buffer mode will enable.
130   */
131 #define EADC_ENABLE_DOUBLE_BUFFER(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->SCTL[(u32ModuleNum)] |= EADC_SCTL_DBMEN_Msk)
133 /**
134   * @brief Disable double buffer mode.
135   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
136   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 3.
137   * @return None
138   * @details Sample has one sample result register.
139   */
140 #define EADC_DISABLE_DOUBLE_BUFFER(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->SCTL[(u32ModuleNum)] &= ~EADC_SCTL_DBMEN_Msk)
142 /**
143   * @brief Set ADIFn at A/D end of conversion.
144   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
145   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 15.
146   * @return None
147   * @details The A/D converter generates ADIFn (EADC_STATUS2[3:0], n=0~3) at the start of conversion.
148   */
149 #define EADC_ENABLE_INT_POSITION(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->SCTL[(u32ModuleNum)] |= EADC_SCTL_INTPOS_Msk)
151 /**
152   * @brief Set ADIFn at A/D start of conversion.
153   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
154   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 15.
155   * @return None
156   * @details The A/D converter generates ADIFn (EADC_STATUS2[3:0], n=0~3) at the end of conversion.
157   */
158 #define EADC_DISABLE_INT_POSITION(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->SCTL[(u32ModuleNum)] &= ~EADC_SCTL_INTPOS_Msk)
160 /**
161   * @brief Enable the interrupt.
162   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
163   * @param[in] u32Mask Decides the combination of interrupt status bits. Each bit corresponds to a interrupt status.
164   *                    This parameter decides which interrupts will be enabled. Bit 0 is ADCIEN0, bit 1 is ADCIEN1..., bit 3 is ADCIEN3.
165   * @return None
166   * @details The A/D converter generates a conversion end ADIFn (EADC_STATUS2[n]) upon the end of specific sample module A/D conversion.
167   *         If ADCIENn bit (EADC_CTL[n+2]) is set then conversion end interrupt request ADINTn is generated (n=0~3).
168   */
169 #define EADC_ENABLE_INT(eadc, u32Mask) ((eadc)->CTL |= ((u32Mask) << EADC_CTL_ADCIEN0_Pos))
171 /**
172   * @brief Disable the interrupt.
173   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
174   * @param[in] u32Mask Decides the combination of interrupt status bits. Each bit corresponds to a interrupt status.
175   *                    This parameter decides which interrupts will be disabled. Bit 0 is ADCIEN0, bit 1 is ADCIEN1..., bit 3 is ADCIEN3.
176   * @return None
177   * @details Specific sample module A/D ADINT0 interrupt function Disabled.
178   */
179 #define EADC_DISABLE_INT(eadc, u32Mask) ((eadc)->CTL &= ~((u32Mask) << EADC_CTL_ADCIEN0_Pos))
181 /**
182   * @brief Enable the sample module interrupt.
183   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
184   * @param[in] u32IntSel Decides which interrupt source will be used, valid value are from 0 to 3.
185   * @param[in] u32ModuleMask the combination of sample module interrupt status bits. Each bit corresponds to a sample module interrupt status.
186   *                          This parameter decides which sample module interrupts will be enabled, valid range are between 1~0x7FFFF.
187   * @return None
188   * @details There are 4 ADC interrupts ADINT0~3, and each of these interrupts has its own interrupt vector address.
189   */
190 #define EADC_ENABLE_SAMPLE_MODULE_INT(eadc, u32IntSel, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->INTSRC[(u32IntSel)] |= (u32ModuleMask))
192 /**
193   * @brief Disable the sample module interrupt.
194   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
195   * @param[in] u32IntSel Decides which interrupt source will be used, valid value are from 0 to 3.
196   * @param[in] u32ModuleMask the combination of sample module interrupt status bits. Each bit corresponds to a sample module interrupt status.
197   *                          This parameter decides which sample module interrupts will be disabled, valid range are between 1~0x7FFFF.
198   * @return None
199   * @details There are 4 ADC interrupts ADINT0~3, and each of these interrupts has its own interrupt vector address.
200   */
201 #define EADC_DISABLE_SAMPLE_MODULE_INT(eadc, u32IntSel, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->INTSRC[(u32IntSel)] &= ~(u32ModuleMask))
203 /**
204   * @brief Set the input mode output format.
205   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
206   * @param[in] u32Format Decides the output format. Valid values are:
207   *                       - \ref EADC_CTL_DMOF_STRAIGHT_BINARY      :Select the straight binary format as the output format of the conversion result.
208   *                       - \ref EADC_CTL_DMOF_TWOS_COMPLEMENT      :Select the 2's complement format as the output format of the conversion result.
209   * @return None
210   * @details The macro is used to set A/D input mode output format.
211   */
212 #define EADC_SET_DMOF(eadc, u32Format) ((eadc)->CTL = ((eadc)->CTL & ~EADC_CTL_DMOF_Msk) | (u32Format))
214 /**
215   * @brief Start the A/D conversion.
216   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
217   * @param[in] u32ModuleMask The combination of sample module. Each bit corresponds to a sample module.
218   *                         This parameter decides which sample module will be conversion, valid range are between 1~0x7FFFF.
219   *                         Bit 0 is sample module 0, bit 1 is sample module 1..., bit 18 is sample module 18.
220   * @return None
221   * @details After write EADC_SWTRG register to start ADC conversion, the EADC_PENDSTS register will show which SAMPLE will conversion.
222   */
223 #define EADC_START_CONV(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->SWTRG = (u32ModuleMask))
225 /**
226   * @brief Cancel the conversion for sample module.
227   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
228   * @param[in] u32ModuleMask The combination of sample module. Each bit corresponds to a sample module.
229   *                         This parameter decides which sample module will stop the conversion, valid range are between 1~0x7FFFF.
230   *                         Bit 0 is sample module 0, bit 1 is sample module 1..., bit 18 is sample module18.
231   * @return None
232   * @details If user want to disable the conversion of the sample module, user can write EADC_PENDSTS register to clear it.
233   */
234 #define EADC_STOP_CONV(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->PENDSTS = (u32ModuleMask))
236 /**
237   * @brief Get the conversion pending flag.
238   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
239   * @return Return the conversion pending sample module.
240   * @details This STPFn(EADC_PENDSTS[18:0]) bit remains 1 during pending state, when the respective ADC conversion is end,
241   *         the STPFn (n=0~18) bit is automatically cleared to 0.
242   */
243 #define EADC_GET_PENDING_CONV(eadc) ((eadc)->PENDSTS)
245 /**
246   * @brief Get the conversion data of the user-specified sample module.
247   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
248   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 18.
249   * @return Return the conversion data of the user-specified sample module.
250   * @details This macro is used to read RESULT bit (EADC_DATn[15:0], n=0~18) field to get conversion data.
251   */
252 #define EADC_GET_CONV_DATA(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->DAT[(u32ModuleNum)] & EADC_DAT_RESULT_Msk)
254 /**
255   * @brief Get the data overrun flag of the user-specified sample module.
256   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
257   * @param[in] u32ModuleMask The combination of data overrun status bits. Each bit corresponds to a data overrun status, valid range are between 1~0x7FFFF.
258   * @return Return the data overrun flag of the user-specified sample module.
259   * @details This macro is used to read OV bit (EADC_STATUS0[31:16], EADC_STATUS1[18:16]) field to get data overrun status.
260   */
261 #define EADC_GET_DATA_OVERRUN_FLAG(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((((eadc)->STATUS0 >> EADC_STATUS0_OV_Pos) | ((eadc)->STATUS1 & EADC_STATUS1_OV_Msk)) & (u32ModuleMask))
263 /**
264   * @brief Get the data valid flag of the user-specified sample module.
265   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
266   * @param[in] u32ModuleMask The combination of data valid status bits. Each bit corresponds to a data valid status, valid range are between 1~0x7FFFF.
267   * @return Return the data valid flag of the user-specified sample module.
268   * @details This macro is used to read VALID bit (EADC_STATUS0[15:0], EADC_STATUS1[2:0]) field to get data valid status.
269   */
270 #define EADC_GET_DATA_VALID_FLAG(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((((eadc)->STATUS0 & EADC_STATUS0_VALID_Msk) | (((eadc)->STATUS1 & EADC_STATUS1_VALID_Msk) << 16)) & (u32ModuleMask))
272 /**
273   * @brief Get the double data of the user-specified sample module.
274   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
275   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum Decides the sample module number, valid value are from 0 to 18.
276   * @return Return the double data of the user-specified sample module.
277   * @details This macro is used to read RESULT bit (EADC_DDATn[15:0], n=0~3) field to get conversion data.
278   */
279 #define EADC_GET_DOUBLE_DATA(eadc, u32ModuleNum) ((eadc)->DDAT[(u32ModuleNum)] & EADC_DDAT0_RESULT_Msk)
281 /**
282   * @brief Get the user-specified interrupt flags.
283   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
284   * @param[in] u32Mask The combination of interrupt status bits. Each bit corresponds to a interrupt status.
285   *                    Bit 0 is ADIF0, bit 1 is ADIF1..., bit 3 is ADIF3.
286   *                    Bit 4 is ADCMPF0, bit 5 is ADCMPF1..., bit 7 is ADCMPF3.
287   * @return Return the user-specified interrupt flags.
288   * @details This macro is used to get the user-specified interrupt flags.
289   */
290 #define EADC_GET_INT_FLAG(eadc, u32Mask) ((eadc)->STATUS2 & (u32Mask))
292 /**
293   * @brief Get the user-specified sample module overrun flags.
294   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
295   * @param[in] u32ModuleMask The combination of sample module overrun status bits. Each bit corresponds to a sample module overrun status, valid range are between 1~0x7FFFF.
296   * @return Return the user-specified sample module overrun flags.
297   * @details This macro is used to get the user-specified sample module overrun flags.
298   */
299 #define EADC_GET_SAMPLE_MODULE_OV_FLAG(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->OVSTS & (u32ModuleMask))
301 /**
302   * @brief Clear the selected interrupt status bits.
303   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
304   * @param[in] u32Mask The combination of compare interrupt status bits. Each bit corresponds to a compare interrupt status.
305   *                    Bit 0 is ADIF0, bit 1 is ADIF1..., bit 3 is ADIF3.
306   *                    Bit 4 is ADCMPF0, bit 5 is ADCMPF1..., bit 7 is ADCMPF3.
307   * @return None
308   * @details This macro is used to clear clear the selected interrupt status bits.
309   */
310 #define EADC_CLR_INT_FLAG(eadc, u32Mask) ((eadc)->STATUS2 = (u32Mask))
312 /**
313   * @brief Clear the selected sample module overrun status bits.
314   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
315   * @param[in] u32ModuleMask The combination of sample module overrun status bits. Each bit corresponds to a sample module overrun status.
316   *                      Bit 0 is SPOVF0, bit 1 is SPOVF1..., bit 18 is SPOVF18.
317   * @return None
318   * @details This macro is used to clear the selected sample module overrun status bits.
319   */
320 #define EADC_CLR_SAMPLE_MODULE_OV_FLAG(eadc, u32ModuleMask) ((eadc)->OVSTS = (u32ModuleMask))
322 /**
323   * @brief Check all sample module A/D result data register overrun flags.
324   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
325   * @retval 0 None of sample module data register overrun flag is set to 1.
326   * @retval 1 Any one of sample module data register overrun flag is set to 1.
327   * @details The AOV bit (EADC_STATUS2[27]) will keep 1 when any one of sample module data register overrun flag OVn (EADC_DATn[16]) is set to 1.
328   */
329 #define EADC_IS_DATA_OV(eadc) (((eadc)->STATUS2 & EADC_STATUS2_AOV_Msk) >> EADC_STATUS2_AOV_Pos)
331 /**
332   * @brief Check all sample module A/D result data register valid flags.
333   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
334   * @retval 0 None of sample module data register valid flag is set to 1.
335   * @retval 1 Any one of sample module data register valid flag is set to 1.
336   * @details The AVALID bit (EADC_STATUS2[26]) will keep 1 when any one of sample module data register valid flag VALIDn (EADC_DATn[17]) is set to 1.
337   */
340 /**
341   * @brief Check all A/D sample module start of conversion overrun flags.
342   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
343   * @retval 0 None of sample module event overrun flag is set to 1.
344   * @retval 1 Any one of sample module event overrun flag is set to 1.
345   * @details The STOVF bit (EADC_STATUS2[25]) will keep 1 when any one of sample module event overrun flag SPOVFn (EADC_OVSTS[n]) is set to 1.
346   */
349 /**
350   * @brief Check all A/D interrupt flag overrun bits.
351   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
352   * @retval 0 None of ADINT interrupt flag is overwritten to 1.
353   * @retval 1 Any one of ADINT interrupt flag is overwritten to 1.
354   * @details The ADOVIF bit (EADC_STATUS2[24]) will keep 1 when any one of ADINT interrupt flag ADOVIFn (EADC_STATUS2[11:8]) is overwritten to 1.
355   */
356 #define EADC_IS_INT_FLAG_OV(eadc) (((eadc)->STATUS2 & EADC_STATUS2_ADOVIF_Msk) >> EADC_STATUS2_ADOVIF_Pos)
358 /**
359   * @brief Get the busy state of EADC.
360   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
361   * @retval 0 Idle state.
362   * @retval 1 Busy state.
363   * @details This macro is used to read BUSY bit (EADC_STATUS2[23]) to get busy state.
364   */
365 #define EADC_IS_BUSY(eadc) (((eadc)->STATUS2 & EADC_STATUS2_BUSY_Msk) >> EADC_STATUS2_BUSY_Pos)
367 /**
368   * @brief Configure the comparator 0 and enable it.
369   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
370   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum specifies the compare sample module, valid value are from 0 to 18.
371   * @param[in] u32Condition specifies the compare condition. Valid values are:
372   *                        - \ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN            :The compare condition is "less than the compare value"
373   *                        - \ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL     :The compare condition is "greater than or equal to the compare value
374   * @param[in] u16CMPData specifies the compare value, valid range are between 0~0xFFF.
375   * @param[in] u32MatchCount specifies the match count setting, valid range are between 0~0xF.
376   * @return None
378   *         Means EADC will assert comparator 0 flag if sample module 5 conversion result is greater or
379   *         equal to 0x800 for 10 times continuously, and a compare interrupt request is generated.
380   */
381 #define EADC_ENABLE_CMP0(eadc,\
382                          u32ModuleNum,\
383                          u32Condition,\
384                          u16CMPData,\
385                          u32MatchCount) ((eadc)->CMP[0] |=(((u32ModuleNum) << EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Pos)|\
386                                                             (u32Condition) |\
387                                                             ((u16CMPData) << EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos)| \
388                                                             (((u32MatchCount) - 1UL) << EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Pos)|\
389                                                             EADC_CMP_ADCMPEN_Msk))
391 /**
392   * @brief Configure the comparator 1 and enable it.
393   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
394   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum specifies the compare sample module, valid value are from 0 to 18.
395   * @param[in] u32Condition specifies the compare condition. Valid values are:
396   *                        - \ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN            :The compare condition is "less than the compare value"
397   *                        - \ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL     :The compare condition is "greater than or equal to the compare value
398   * @param[in] u16CMPData specifies the compare value, valid range are between 0~0xFFF.
399   * @param[in] u32MatchCount specifies the match count setting, valid range are between 0~0xF.
400   * @return None
402   *         Means EADC will assert comparator 1 flag if sample module 5 conversion result is greater or
403   *         equal to 0x800 for 10 times continuously, and a compare interrupt request is generated.
404   */
405 #define EADC_ENABLE_CMP1(eadc,\
406                          u32ModuleNum,\
407                          u32Condition,\
408                          u16CMPData,\
409                          u32MatchCount) ((eadc)->CMP[1] |=(((u32ModuleNum) << EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Pos)|\
410                                                             (u32Condition) |\
411                                                             ((u16CMPData) << EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos)| \
412                                                             (((u32MatchCount) - 1UL) << EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Pos)|\
413                                                             EADC_CMP_ADCMPEN_Msk))
415 /**
416   * @brief Configure the comparator 2 and enable it.
417   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
418   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum specifies the compare sample module, valid value are from 0 to 18.
419   * @param[in] u32Condition specifies the compare condition. Valid values are:
420   *                        - \ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN            :The compare condition is "less than the compare value"
421   *                        - \ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL     :The compare condition is "greater than or equal to the compare value
422   * @param[in] u16CMPData specifies the compare value, valid range are between 0~0xFFF.
423   * @param[in] u32MatchCount specifies the match count setting, valid range are between 0~0xF.
424   * @return None
426   *         Means EADC will assert comparator 2 flag if sample module 5 conversion result is greater or
427   *         equal to 0x800 for 10 times continuously, and a compare interrupt request is generated.
428   */
429 #define EADC_ENABLE_CMP2(eadc,\
430                          u32ModuleNum,\
431                          u32Condition,\
432                          u16CMPData,\
433                          u32MatchCount) ((eadc)->CMP[2] |=(((u32ModuleNum) << EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Pos)|\
434                                                             (u32Condition) |\
435                                                             ((u16CMPData) << EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos)| \
436                                                             (((u32MatchCount) - 1UL) << EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Pos)|\
437                                                             EADC_CMP_ADCMPEN_Msk))
439 /**
440   * @brief Configure the comparator 3 and enable it.
441   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
442   * @param[in] u32ModuleNum specifies the compare sample module, valid value are from 0 to 18.
443   * @param[in] u32Condition specifies the compare condition. Valid values are:
444   *                        - \ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_LESS_THAN            :The compare condition is "less than the compare value"
445   *                        - \ref EADC_CMP_CMPCOND_GREATER_OR_EQUAL     :The compare condition is "greater than or equal to the compare value
446   * @param[in] u16CMPData specifies the compare value, valid range are between 0~0xFFF.
447   * @param[in] u32MatchCount specifies the match count setting, valid range are between 1~0xF.
448   * @return None
450   *         Means EADC will assert comparator 3 flag if sample module 5 conversion result is greater or
451   *         equal to 0x800 for 10 times continuously, and a compare interrupt request is generated.
452   */
453 #define EADC_ENABLE_CMP3(eadc,\
454                          u32ModuleNum,\
455                          u32Condition,\
456                          u16CMPData,\
457                          u32MatchCount) ((eadc)->CMP[3] |=(((u32ModuleNum) << EADC_CMP_CMPSPL_Pos)|\
458                                                             (u32Condition) |\
459                                                             ((u16CMPData) << EADC_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos)| \
460                                                             (((u32MatchCount) - 1UL) << EADC_CMP_CMPMCNT_Pos)|\
461                                                             EADC_CMP_ADCMPEN_Msk))
463 /**
464   * @brief Enable the compare window mode.
465   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
466   * @param[in] u32CMP Specifies the compare register, valid value are 0 and 2.
467   * @return None
468   * @details ADCMPF0 (EADC_STATUS2[4]) will be set when both EADC_CMP0 and EADC_CMP1 compared condition matched.
469   */
470 #define EADC_ENABLE_CMP_WINDOW_MODE(eadc, u32CMP) ((eadc)->CMP[(u32CMP)] |= EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_Msk)
472 /**
473   * @brief Disable the compare window mode.
474   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
475   * @param[in] u32CMP Specifies the compare register, valid value are 0 and 2.
476   * @return None
477   * @details ADCMPF2 (EADC_STATUS2[6]) will be set when both EADC_CMP2 and EADC_CMP3 compared condition matched.
478   */
479 #define EADC_DISABLE_CMP_WINDOW_MODE(eadc, u32CMP) ((eadc)->CMP[(u32CMP)] &= ~EADC_CMP_CMPWEN_Msk)
481 /**
482   * @brief Enable the compare interrupt.
483   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
484   * @param[in] u32CMP Specifies the compare register, valid value are from 0 to 3.
485   * @return None
486   * @details If the compare function is enabled and the compare condition matches the setting of CMPCOND (EADC_CMPn[2], n=0~3)
487   *         and CMPMCNT (EADC_CMPn[11:8], n=0~3), ADCMPFn (EADC_STATUS2[7:4], n=0~3) will be asserted, in the meanwhile,
488   *         if ADCMPIE is set to 1, a compare interrupt request is generated.
489   */
490 #define EADC_ENABLE_CMP_INT(eadc, u32CMP) ((eadc)->CMP[(u32CMP)] |= EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_Msk)
492 /**
493   * @brief Disable the compare interrupt.
494   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
495   * @param[in] u32CMP Specifies the compare register, valid value are from 0 to 3.
496   * @return None
497   * @details This macro is used to disable the compare interrupt.
498   */
499 #define EADC_DISABLE_CMP_INT(eadc, u32CMP) ((eadc)->CMP[(u32CMP)] &= ~EADC_CMP_ADCMPIE_Msk)
501 /**
502   * @brief Disable comparator 0.
503   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
504   * @return None
505   * @details This macro is used to disable comparator 0.
506   */
507 #define EADC_DISABLE_CMP0(eadc) ((eadc)->CMP[0] = 0UL)
509 /**
510   * @brief Disable comparator 1.
511   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
512   * @return None
513   * @details This macro is used to disable comparator 1.
514   */
515 #define EADC_DISABLE_CMP1(eadc) ((eadc)->CMP[1] = 0UL)
517 /**
518   * @brief Disable comparator 2.
519   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
520   * @return None
521   * @details This macro is used to disable comparator 2.
522   */
523 #define EADC_DISABLE_CMP2(eadc) ((eadc)->CMP[2] = 0UL)
525 /**
526   * @brief Disable comparator 3.
527   * @param[in] eadc The pointer of the specified EADC module.
528   * @return None
529   * @details This macro is used to disable comparator 3.
530   */
531 #define EADC_DISABLE_CMP3(eadc) ((eadc)->CMP[3] = 0UL)
533 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
534 /* Define EADC functions prototype                                                                         */
535 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
536 void EADC_Open(EADC_T *eadc, uint32_t u32InputMode);
537 void EADC_Close(EADC_T *eadc);
538 void EADC_ConfigSampleModule(EADC_T *eadc, uint32_t u32ModuleNum, uint32_t u32TriggerSrc, uint32_t u32Channel);
539 void EADC_SetTriggerDelayTime(EADC_T *eadc, uint32_t u32ModuleNum, uint32_t u32TriggerDelayTime, uint32_t u32DelayClockDivider);
540 void EADC_SetExtendSampleTime(EADC_T *eadc, uint32_t u32ModuleNum, uint32_t u32ExtendSampleTime);
542 /*@}*/ /* end of group EADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
544 /*@}*/ /* end of group EADC_Driver */
546 /*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
548 #ifdef __cplusplus
549 }
550 #endif
552 #endif /* __EADC_H__ */