/thrift-3.4.0/lib/perl/lib/Thrift/ |
D | ProtocolDecorator.pm | 50 my ($name, $type, $seqid) = @_; 73 my ($name) = @_; 101 my ($fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldId) = @_; 120 my ($keyType, $valType, $size) = @_; 133 my ($elemType, $size) = @_; 146 my ($elemType, $size) = @_; 180 my ($i32) = @_; 217 my ($name, $type, $seqid) = @_; 250 my ($name, $fieldType, $fieldId) = @_; 265 my ($keyType, $valType, $size) = @_; [all …]
D | Exception.pm | 33 ref( $_[0] ), 34 ( $_[0]->{message} || 'empty message' ), 35 ( defined $_[0]->{code} ? $_[0]->{code} : 'undefined' ); 64 my $self = $classname->SUPER::new(@_);
D | BinaryProtocol.pm | 56 my ($name, $type, $seqid) = @_; 86 my ($fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldId) = @_; 108 my ($keyType, $valType, $size) = @_; 125 my ($elemType, $size) = @_; 141 my ($elemType, $size) = @_; 251 my ($name, $type, $seqid) = @_; 300 my ($name, $fieldType, $fieldId) = @_; 322 my ($keyType, $valType, $size) = @_; 339 my ($elemType, $size) = @_; 355 my ($elemType, $size) = @_;
D | HttpClient.pm | 81 my ($name, $value) = @_; 190 map { $request->header($_ => $self->{headers}->{$_}) } keys %{$self->{headers}};
D | Server.pm | 48 my @args = @_; 147 my $self = $classname->SUPER::new(@_); 195 my @args = @_;
/thrift-3.4.0/test/features/ |
D | string_limit.py | 25 _, mtype, _ = proto.readMessageBegin() 28 _, ftype, fid = proto.readFieldBegin() 33 _, ftype, _ = proto.readFieldBegin()
D | container_limit.py | 29 _, mtype, _ = proto.readMessageBegin() 32 _, ftype, fid = proto.readFieldBegin() 43 _, ftype, _ = proto.readFieldBegin()
D | theader_binary.py | 24 _, mtype, _ = proto.readMessageBegin() 27 _, ftype, _ = proto.readFieldBegin()
/thrift-3.4.0/tutorial/perl/ |
D | PerlServer.pl | 48 my($self, $n1, $n2) = @_; 55 my($self, $logid, $work) = @_; 95 my($self, $key) = @_; 102 my($self) = @_;
/thrift-3.4.0/lib/rs/ |
D | RELEASING.md | 5 1. Setting up your [crates.io](https://www.crates.io) account _(one-time)_ 36 _Requires you to have stored your credentials in `~/.cargo/credentials`._ 48 _(not required if you have stored your credentials in `~/.cargo/credentials`)_
/thrift-3.4.0/lib/d/src/thrift/codegen/ |
D | base.d | 183 static if (is(T _ == TProtocolPair!(I, O), I, O)) { in isTProtocolPair() 219 static if(is(T _ == interface) && in isBaseService() 232 static if(is(T _ == interface) && in isDerivedService() 410 static if (is(This _ == class)) { 473 foreach (i, _; this.tupleof) { in thriftToHashImpl() 481 static if (is(This _ == class)) { 637 } else static if (is(F _ : E[], E)) { 647 } else static if (is(F _ : V[K], K, V)) { 661 } else static if (is(F _ : HashSet!(E), E)) { 841 } else static if (is(F _ : E[], E)) { [all …]
D | idlgen.d | 235 } else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : U[], U)) { in CompositeTypeDeps() 237 } else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : HashSet!E, E)) { in CompositeTypeDeps() 239 } else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : V[K], K, V)) { in CompositeTypeDeps() 457 } else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : U[], U)) { in dToIdlType() 459 } else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : V[K], K, V)) { in dToIdlType() 461 } else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : HashSet!E, E)) { in dToIdlType() 492 } else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : U[], U) || in dToIdlConst() 493 is(FullyUnqual!T _ : HashSet!E, E) in dToIdlConst() 501 } else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : V[K], K, V)) { in dToIdlConst()
/thrift-3.4.0/test/perl/ |
D | TestServer.pl | 230 printf( '%02lx', ord $_ ) foreach (@bytes); 265 map { $_ . ' => ' . $thing->{$_} } 276 map { $_ . ' => ' . $thing->{$_} }
/thrift-3.4.0/lib/py/src/protocol/ |
D | TProtocol.py | 274 reader_name, _, is_container = self._ttype_handlers(ttype, espec) 360 ttype, tspec, _ = spec 362 for _ in self._write_by_ttype(ttype, val, spec, tspec): 367 ttype, tspec, _ = spec 369 for _ in self._write_by_ttype(ttype, val, spec, tspec): 374 ktype, kspec, vtype, vspec, _ = spec 376 for _ in zip(self._write_by_ttype(ktype, six.iterkeys(val), spec, kspec), 401 _, writer_name, is_container = self._ttype_handlers(ttype, espec)
/thrift-3.4.0/lib/ocaml/src/ |
D | TServerSocket.ml | 35 | _ -> () 38 Some s -> let (fd,_) = Unix.accept s in 40 … | _ -> raise (Transport.E (Transport.NOT_OPEN,"TServerSocket: Not listening but tried to accept"))
D | TSocket.ml | 34 …Unix.Unix_error (e,fn,_) -> raise (T.E (T.NOT_OPEN, ("TSocket: Could not connect to "^host^":"^(st… 35 … | _ -> raise (T.E (T.NOT_OPEN, ("TSocket: Could not connect to "^host^":"^(string_of_int port)))) 49 …Unix.Unix_error (e,fn,_) -> raise (T.E (T.UNKNOWN, ("TSocket: Could not read "^(string_of_int len)… 50 …| _ -> raise (T.E (T.UNKNOWN, ("TSocket: Could not read "^(string_of_int len)^" from "^host^":"^(s…
D | TThreadedServer.ml | 35 (fun _ -> 42 with _ -> ()) ())
D | Thrift.ml | 138 | _ -> raise Thrift_error 157 | _ -> raise Thrift_error 222 let (_,t,_) = self#readFieldBegin in 249 | _ -> raise (Protocol.E (Protocol.INVALID_DATA, "Invalid data")) 314 | _ -> raise Thrift_error;; 371 | _ -> iprot#skip ft);
/thrift-3.4.0/lib/d/src/thrift/internal/ |
D | codegen.d | 35 static if (is(T _ == const(U), U)) { in FullyUnqual() 37 } else static if (is(T _ == immutable(U), U)) { in FullyUnqual() 39 } else static if (is(T _ == shared(U), U)) { in FullyUnqual() 41 } else static if (is(T _ == U[], U) && !isSomeString!T) { in FullyUnqual() 43 } else static if (is(T _ == V[K], K, V)) { in FullyUnqual()
/thrift-3.4.0/lib/ocaml/ |
D | TODO | 3 Avoid capture properly instead of relying on the user not to use _
/thrift-3.4.0/lib/perl/ |
D | Makefile.PL | 48 for (@result = shift->SUPER::test(@_)) {
/thrift-3.4.0/tutorial/netstd/Server/ |
D | Program.cs | 196 _ => throw new ArgumentException("unsupported value $transport", nameof(transport)), in RunSelectedConfigurationAsync() 205 _ => throw new ArgumentException("unsupported value $buffering", nameof(buffering)), in RunSelectedConfigurationAsync() 213 _ => throw new ArgumentException("unsupported value $protocol", nameof(protocol)), in RunSelectedConfigurationAsync() 363 _ = env; in Configure() 364 _ = loggerFactory; in Configure()
/thrift-3.4.0/contrib/fb303/aclocal/ |
D | ax_boost_base.m4 | 117 _version_tmp=`echo $i | sed "s#$ac_boost_path##" | sed 's/\/include\/boost-//' | sed 's/_/./'` 122 VERSION_UNDERSCORE=`echo $_version | sed 's/\./_/'` 130 _version_tmp=`echo $i | sed "s#$ac_boost_path##" | sed 's/\/include\/boost-//' | sed 's/_/./'` 140 VERSION_UNDERSCORE=`echo $_version | sed 's/\./_/'` 147 stage_version=`echo $version_dir | sed 's/boost_//' | sed 's/_/./g'`
/thrift-3.4.0/lib/netstd/Thrift/Transport/Server/ |
D | THttpServerTransport.cs | 91 _ = next; in THttpServerTransport() 92 _ = loggerFactory; in THttpServerTransport()
/thrift-3.4.0/compiler/cpp/test/ |
D | CMakeLists.txt | 26 add_test(NAME "${LANG}_${FILENAME}" 28 set_tests_properties("${LANG}_${FILENAME}" PROPERTIES