1 /*!
2  * \file      RegionCommon.h
3  *
4  * \brief     Region independent implementations which are common to all regions.
5  *
6  * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
7  *
8  * \code
9  *                ______                              _
10  *               / _____)             _              | |
11  *              ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
12  *               \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
13  *               _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
14  *              (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
15  *              (C)2013-2017 Semtech
16  *
17  *               ___ _____ _   ___ _  _____ ___  ___  ___ ___
18  *              / __|_   _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
19  *              \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) |   / (__| _|
20  *              |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
21  *              embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
22  *
23  * \endcode
24  *
25  * \author    Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
26  *
27  * \author    Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
28  *
29  * \author    Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
30  *
31  * \author    Johannes Bruder ( STACKFORCE )
32  *
33  * \defgroup  REGIONCOMMON Common region implementation
34  *            Region independent implementations which are common to all regions.
35  * \{
36  */
37 #ifndef __REGIONCOMMON_H__
38 #define __REGIONCOMMON_H__
40 #ifdef __cplusplus
41 extern "C"
42 {
43 #endif
45 #include "LoRaMacTypes.h"
46 #include "LoRaMacHeaderTypes.h"
47 #include "region/Region.h"
49 // Constants that are common to all the regions.
51 /*!
52  * Receive delay of 1 second.
53  */
54 #define REGION_COMMON_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_DELAY1            1000
56 /*!
57  * Receive delay of 2 seconds.
58  */
61 /*!
62  * Join accept delay of 5 seconds.
63  */
66 /*!
67  * Join accept delay of 6 seconds.
68  */
71 /*!
72  * ADR ack limit.
73  */
74 #define REGION_COMMON_DEFAULT_ADR_ACK_LIMIT             64
76 /*!
77  * ADR ack delay.
78  */
79 #define REGION_COMMON_DEFAULT_ADR_ACK_DELAY             32
81 /*!
82  * Retransmission timeout for ACK in milliseconds.
83  */
86 /*!
87  * Rounding limit for generating random retransmission timeout for ACK.
88  * In milliseconds.
89  */
92 /*!
93  * Default Rx1 receive datarate offset
94  */
95 #define REGION_COMMON_DEFAULT_RX1_DR_OFFSET             0
97 /*!
98  * Default downlink dwell time configuration
99  */
102 /*!
103  * Default ping slots periodicity
104  *
105  * Periodicity is equal to 2^REGION_COMMON_DEFAULT_PING_SLOT_PERIODICITY seconds.
106  * Example: 2^7 = 128 seconds. The end-device will open an Rx slot every 128 seconds.
107  */
110 /*!
111  * Default reponse timeout for class b and class c confirmed
112  * downlink frames in milli seconds.
113  *
114  * The value shall not be smaller than RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT plus
115  * the maximum time on air.
116  */
117 #define REGION_COMMON_CLASS_B_C_RESP_TIMEOUT            8000
120 typedef struct sRegionCommonLinkAdrParams
121 {
122     /*!
123      * Number of repetitions.
124      */
125     uint8_t NbRep;
126     /*!
127      * Datarate.
128      */
129     int8_t Datarate;
130     /*!
131      * Tx power.
132      */
133     int8_t TxPower;
134     /*!
135      * Channels mask control field.
136      */
137     uint8_t ChMaskCtrl;
138     /*!
139      * Channels mask field.
140      */
141     uint16_t ChMask;
142 }RegionCommonLinkAdrParams_t;
144 typedef struct sRegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams
145 {
146     /*!
147      * LoRaWAN specification Version
148      */
149     Version_t Version;
150     /*!
151      * The current status of the AdrLinkRequest.
152      */
153     uint8_t Status;
154     /*!
155      * Set to true, if ADR is enabled.
156      */
157     bool AdrEnabled;
158     /*!
159      * The datarate the AdrLinkRequest wants to set.
160      */
161     int8_t Datarate;
162     /*!
163      * The TX power the AdrLinkRequest wants to set.
164      */
165     int8_t TxPower;
166     /*!
167      * The number of repetitions the AdrLinkRequest wants to set.
168      */
169     uint8_t NbRep;
170     /*!
171      * The current datarate the node is using.
172      */
173     int8_t CurrentDatarate;
174     /*!
175      * The current TX power the node is using.
176      */
177     int8_t CurrentTxPower;
178     /*!
179      * The current number of repetitions the node is using.
180      */
181     int8_t CurrentNbRep;
182     /*!
183      * The number of channels.
184      */
185     uint8_t NbChannels;
186     /*!
187      * Pointer to the first element of the channels mask.
188      */
189     uint16_t* ChannelsMask;
190     /*!
191      * The minimum possible datarate.
192      */
193     int8_t MinDatarate;
194     /*!
195      * The maximum possible datarate.
196      */
197     int8_t MaxDatarate;
198     /*!
199      * Pointer to the channels.
200      */
201     ChannelParams_t* Channels;
202     /*!
203      * The minimum possible TX power.
204      */
205     int8_t MinTxPower;
206     /*!
207      * The maximum possible TX power.
208      */
209     int8_t MaxTxPower;
210 }RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams_t;
212 typedef struct sRegionCommonRxBeaconSetupParams
213 {
214     /*!
215      * A pointer to the available datarates.
216      */
217     const uint8_t* Datarates;
218     /*!
219      * Frequency
220      */
221     uint32_t Frequency;
222     /*!
223      * The size of the beacon frame.
224      */
225     uint8_t BeaconSize;
226     /*!
227      * The datarate of the beacon.
228      */
229     uint8_t BeaconDatarate;
230     /*!
231      * The channel bandwidth of the beacon.
232      */
233     uint8_t BeaconChannelBW;
234     /*!
235      * The RX time.
236      */
237     uint32_t RxTime;
238     /*!
239      * The symbol timeout of the RX procedure.
240      */
241     uint16_t SymbolTimeout;
242 }RegionCommonRxBeaconSetupParams_t;
244 typedef struct sRegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannelsParams
245 {
246     /*!
247      * Set to true, if the device is joined.
248      */
249     bool Joined;
250     /*!
251      * The datarate to count the available channels.
252      */
253     uint8_t Datarate;
254     /*!
255      * A pointer to the channels mask to verify.
256      */
257     uint16_t* ChannelsMask;
258     /*!
259      * A pointer to the channels.
260      */
261     ChannelParams_t* Channels;
262     /*!
263      * A pointer to the bands.
264      */
265     Band_t* Bands;
266     /*!
267      * The number of available channels.
268      */
269     uint16_t MaxNbChannels;
270     /*!
271      * A pointer to the bitmask containing the
272      * join channels. Shall have the same dimension as the
273      * ChannelsMask with a number of MaxNbChannels channels.
274      */
275     uint16_t* JoinChannels;
276 }RegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannelsParams_t;
278 typedef struct sRegionCommonIdentifyChannelsParam
279 {
280     /*!
281      * Aggregated time-off time.
282      */
283     TimerTime_t AggrTimeOff;
284     /*!
285      * Time of the last aggregated TX.
286      */
287     TimerTime_t LastAggrTx;
288     /*!
289      * Set to true, if the duty cycle is enabled, otherwise false.
290      */
291     bool DutyCycleEnabled;
292     /*!
293      * Maximum number of bands.
294      */
295     uint8_t MaxBands;
296     /*!
297      * Elapsed time since the start of the node.
298      */
299     SysTime_t ElapsedTimeSinceStartUp;
300     /*!
301      * Joined Set to true, if the last uplink was a join request
302      */
303     bool LastTxIsJoinRequest;
304     /*!
305      * Expected time-on-air
306      */
307     TimerTime_t ExpectedTimeOnAir;
308     /*!
309      * Pointer to a structure of RegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannelsParams_t.
310      */
311     RegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannelsParams_t* CountNbOfEnabledChannelsParam;
312 }RegionCommonIdentifyChannelsParam_t;
314 typedef struct sRegionCommonSetDutyCycleParams
315 {
316     /*!
317      * Duty cycle period.
318      */
319     TimerTime_t DutyCycleTimePeriod;
320     /*!
321      * Number of bands available.
322      */
323     uint8_t MaxBands;
324     /*!
325      * A pointer to the bands.
326      */
327     Band_t* Bands;
328 }RegionCommonSetDutyCycleParams_t;
330 typedef struct sRegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDrParams
331 {
332     int8_t CurrentDr;
333     int8_t MaxDr;
334     int8_t MinDr;
335     uint8_t NbChannels;
336     uint16_t* ChannelsMask;
337     ChannelParams_t* Channels;
338 }RegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDrParams_t;
340 /*!
341  * \brief Verifies, if a value is in a given range.
342  *        This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
343  *
344  * \param [IN] value Value to verify, if it is in range.
345  *
346  * \param [IN] min Minimum possible value.
347  *
348  * \param [IN] max Maximum possible value.
349  *
350  * \retval Returns 1 if the value is in range, otherwise 0.
351  */
352 uint8_t RegionCommonValueInRange( int8_t value, int8_t min, int8_t max );
354 /*!
355  * \brief Verifies, if a datarate is available on an active channel.
356  *        This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
357  *
358  * \param [IN] nbChannels Number of channels.
359  *
360  * \param [IN] channelsMask The channels mask of the region.
361  *
362  * \param [IN] dr The datarate to verify.
363  *
364  * \param [IN] minDr Minimum datarate.
365  *
366  * \param [IN] maxDr Maximum datarate.
367  *
368  * \param [IN] channels The channels of the region.
369  *
370  * \retval Returns true if the datarate is supported, false if not.
371  */
372 bool RegionCommonChanVerifyDr( uint8_t nbChannels, uint16_t* channelsMask, int8_t dr,
373                             int8_t minDr, int8_t maxDr, ChannelParams_t* channels );
375 /*!
376  * \brief Disables a channel in a given channels mask.
377  *        This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
378  *
379  * \param [IN] channelsMask The channels mask of the region.
380  *
381  * \param [IN] id The id of the channels mask to disable.
382  *
383  * \param [IN] maxChannels Maximum number of channels.
384  *
385  * \retval Returns true if the channel could be disabled, false if not.
386  */
387 bool RegionCommonChanDisable( uint16_t* channelsMask, uint8_t id, uint8_t maxChannels );
389 /*!
390  * \brief Counts the number of active channels in a given channels mask.
391  *        This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
392  *
393  * \param [IN] channelsMask The channels mask of the region.
394  *
395  * \param [IN] startIdx Start index.
396  *
397  * \param [IN] stopIdx Stop index ( the channels of this index will not be counted ).
398  *
399  * \retval Returns the number of active channels.
400  */
401 uint8_t RegionCommonCountChannels( uint16_t* channelsMask, uint8_t startIdx, uint8_t stopIdx );
403 /*!
404  * \brief Copy a channels mask.
405  *        This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
406  *
407  * \param [IN] channelsMaskDest The destination channels mask.
408  *
409  * \param [IN] channelsMaskSrc The source channels mask.
410  *
411  * \param [IN] len The index length to copy.
412  */
413 void RegionCommonChanMaskCopy( uint16_t* channelsMaskDest, uint16_t* channelsMaskSrc, uint8_t len );
415 /*!
416  * \brief Sets the last tx done property.
417  *        This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
418  *
419  * \param [IN] band The band to be updated.
420  *
421  * \param [IN] lastTxAirTime The time on air of the last TX frame.
422  *
423  * \param [IN] joined Set to true if the device has joined.
424  *
425  * \param [IN] elapsedTimeSinceStartup Elapsed time since initialization.
426  */
427 void RegionCommonSetBandTxDone( Band_t* band, TimerTime_t lastTxAirTime, bool joined, SysTime_t elapsedTimeSinceStartup );
429 /*!
430  * \brief Updates the time-offs of the bands.
431  *        This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
432  *
433  * \param [IN] joined Set to true, if the node has joined the network
434  *
435  * \param [IN] bands A pointer to the bands.
436  *
437  * \param [IN] nbBands The number of bands available.
438  *
439  * \param [IN] dutyCycleEnabled Set to true, if the duty cycle is enabled.
440  *
441  * \param [IN] lastTxIsJoinRequest Set to true, if the last TX is a join request.
442  *
443  * \param [IN] elapsedTimeSinceStartup Elapsed time since start up.
444  *
445  * \param [IN] expectedTimeOnAir Expected time on air for the next transmission.
446  *
447  * \retval Returns the time which must be waited to perform the next uplink.
448  */
449 TimerTime_t RegionCommonUpdateBandTimeOff( bool joined, Band_t* bands,
450                                            uint8_t nbBands, bool dutyCycleEnabled,
451                                            bool lastTxIsJoinRequest, SysTime_t elapsedTimeSinceStartup,
452                                            TimerTime_t expectedTimeOnAir );
454 /*!
455  * \brief Parses the parameter of an LinkAdrRequest.
456  *        This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
457  *
458  * \param [IN] payload Pointer to the payload containing the MAC commands. The payload
459  *                     must contain the CMD identifier, following by the parameters.
460  *
461  * \param [OUT] parseLinkAdr The function fills the structure with the ADR parameters.
462  *
463  * \retval Returns the length of the ADR request, if a request was found. Otherwise, the
464  *         function returns 0.
465  */
466 uint8_t RegionCommonParseLinkAdrReq( uint8_t* payload, RegionCommonLinkAdrParams_t* parseLinkAdr );
468 /*!
469  * \brief Verifies and updates the datarate, the TX power and the number of repetitions
470  *        of a LinkAdrRequest. This depends on the configuration of ADR also.
471  *
472  * \param [IN] verifyParams Pointer to a structure containing input parameters.
473  *
474  * \param [OUT] dr The updated datarate.
475  *
476  * \param [OUT] txPow The updated TX power.
477  *
478  * \param [OUT] nbRep The updated number of repetitions.
479  *
480  * \retval Returns the status according to the LinkAdrRequest definition.
481  */
482 uint8_t RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams( RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams_t* verifyParams, int8_t* dr, int8_t* txPow, uint8_t* nbRep );
484 /*!
485  * \brief Computes the symbol time for LoRa modulation.
486  *
487  * \param [IN] phyDr Physical datarate to use.
488  *
489  * \param [IN] bandwidth Bandwidth to use.
490  *
491  * \retval Returns the symbol time in microseconds.
492  */
493 uint32_t RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeLoRa( uint8_t phyDr, uint32_t bandwidthInHz );
495 /*!
496  * \brief Computes the symbol time for FSK modulation.
497  *
498  * \param [IN] phyDr Physical datarate to use.
499  *
500  * \retval Returns the symbol time in microseconds.
501  */
502 uint32_t RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeFsk( uint8_t phyDrInKbps );
504 /*!
505  * \brief Computes the RX window timeout and the RX window offset.
506  *
507  * \param [IN] tSymbolInUs Symbol timeout.
508  *
509  * \param [IN] minRxSymbols Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame.
510  *
511  * \param [IN] rxErrorInMs System maximum timing error of the receiver. In milliseconds
512  *                     The receiver will turn on in a [-rxErrorInMs : +rxErrorInMs] ms interval around RxOffset.
513  *
514  * \param [IN] wakeUpTimeInMs Wakeup time of the system.
515  *
516  * \param [OUT] windowTimeoutInSymbols RX window timeout.
517  *
518  * \param [OUT] windowOffsetInMs RX window time offset to be applied to the RX delay.
519  */
520 void RegionCommonComputeRxWindowParameters( uint32_t tSymbolInUs, uint8_t minRxSymbols, uint32_t rxErrorInMs, uint32_t wakeUpTimeInMs, uint32_t* windowTimeoutInSymbols, int32_t* windowOffsetInMs );
522 /*!
523  * \brief Computes the txPower, based on the max EIRP and the antenna gain.
524  *
525  * \remark US915 region uses a conducted power as input value for maxEirp.
526  *         Thus, the antennaGain parameter must be set to 0.
527  *
528  * \param [IN] txPower TX power index.
529  *
530  * \param [IN] maxEirp Maximum EIRP.
531  *
532  * \param [IN] antennaGain Antenna gain. Referenced to the isotropic antenna.
533  *                         Value is in dBi. ( antennaGain[dBi] = measuredAntennaGain[dBd] + 2.15 )
534  *
535  * \retval Returns the physical TX power.
536  */
537 int8_t RegionCommonComputeTxPower( int8_t txPowerIndex, float maxEirp, float antennaGain );
539 /*!
540  * \brief Sets up the radio into RX beacon mode.
541  *
542  * \param [IN] rxBeaconSetupParams A pointer to the input parameters.
543  */
544 void RegionCommonRxBeaconSetup( RegionCommonRxBeaconSetupParams_t* rxBeaconSetupParams );
546 /*!
547  * \brief Counts the number of enabled channels.
548  *
549  * \param [IN] countNbOfEnabledChannelsParams A pointer to the input parameters.
550  *
551  * \param [OUT] enabledChannels A pointer to an array of size XX_MAX_NB_CHANNELS. The function
552  *              stores the available channels into this array.
553  *
554  * \param [OUT] nbEnabledChannels The number of available channels found.
555  *
556  * \param [OUT] nbRestrictedChannels It contains the number of channel
557  *                      which are available, but restricted due to duty cycle.
558  */
559 void RegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannels( RegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannelsParams_t* countNbOfEnabledChannelsParams,
560                                            uint8_t* enabledChannels, uint8_t* nbEnabledChannels, uint8_t* nbRestrictedChannels );
562 /*!
563  * \brief Identifies all channels which are available currently.
564  *
565  * \param [IN] identifyChannelsParam A pointer to the input parameters.
566  *
567  * \param [OUT] aggregatedTimeOff The new value of the aggregatedTimeOff. The function
568  *                                may resets it to 0.
569  *
570  * \param [OUT] enabledChannels A pointer to an array of size XX_MAX_NB_CHANNELS. The function
571  *              stores the available channels into this array.
572  *
573  * \param [OUT] nbEnabledChannels The number of available channels found.
574  *
575  * \param [OUT] nbRestrictedChannels It contains the number of channel
576  *                      which are available, but restricted due to duty cycle.
577  *
578  * \param [OUT] nextTxDelay Holds the time which has to be waited for the next possible
579  *                          uplink transmission.
580  *
581  *\retval Status of the operation.
582  */
583 LoRaMacStatus_t RegionCommonIdentifyChannels( RegionCommonIdentifyChannelsParam_t* identifyChannelsParam,
584                                               TimerTime_t* aggregatedTimeOff, uint8_t* enabledChannels,
585                                               uint8_t* nbEnabledChannels, uint8_t* nbRestrictedChannels,
586                                               TimerTime_t* nextTxDelay );
588 /*!
589  * \brief Selects the next lower datarate.
590  *
591  * \param [IN] params Data structure providing parameters based on \ref RegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDrParams_t
592  *
593  * \retval The next lower datarate.
594  */
595 int8_t RegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDr( RegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDrParams_t *params );
597 /*!
598  * \brief Limits the TX power.
599  *
600  * \param [IN] txPower Current TX power.
601  *
602  * \param [IN] maxBandTxPower Maximum possible TX power.
603  *
604  * \retval Limited TX power.
605  */
606 int8_t RegionCommonLimitTxPower( int8_t txPower, int8_t maxBandTxPower );
608 /*!
609  * \brief Gets the bandwidth.
610  *
611  * \param [IN] drIndex Datarate index.
612  *
613  * \param [IN] bandwidths A pointer to the bandwidth table.
614  *
615  * \retval Bandwidth.
616  */
617 uint32_t RegionCommonGetBandwidth( uint32_t drIndex, const uint32_t* bandwidths );
619 /*! \} defgroup REGIONCOMMON */
621 #ifdef __cplusplus
622 }
623 #endif
625 #endif // __REGIONCOMMON_H__