3.. _zephyr_3.3:
5Zephyr 3.3.0
8We are pleased to announce the release of Zephyr version 3.3.0.
10Major enhancements with this release include:
12* Introduced :ref:`Fuel Gauge <fuel_gauge_api>` subsystem for battery level
13  monitoring.
14* Introduced :ref:`USB-C <usbc_api>` device stack with PD (power delivery)
15  support.
16* Introduced :ref:`DSP (digital signal processing) <zdsp_api>` subsystem with
17  CMSIS-DSP as the default backend.
18* Added Picolibc support for all architectures when using Zephyr SDK.
20The following sections provide detailed lists of changes by component.
22Security Vulnerability Related
25The following CVEs are addressed by this release:
27More detailed information can be found in:
30* CVE-2023-0359: Under embargo until 2023-04-20
32* CVE-2023-0779: Under embargo until 2023-04-22
35API Changes
38* Emulator creation APIs have changed to better match
39  :c:macro:`DEVICE_DT_DEFINE`. It also includes a new backend API pointer to
40  allow sensors to share common APIs for more generic tests.
42Changes in this release
45* Newlib nano variant is no longer selected by default when
46  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC` is selected.
47  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_NANO` must now be explicitly selected in
48  order to use the nano variant.
50* Bluetooth: Added extra options to bt_le_per_adv_sync_transfer_subscribe to
51  allow disabling sync reports, and enable sync report filtering. these two
52  options are mutually exclusive.
54* Bluetooth: :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_PER_ADV_SYNC_TRANSFER_RECEIVER`
55  and :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_PER_ADV_SYNC_TRANSFER_SENDER` have been
56  added to enable the PAST implementation rather than
57  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_CONN`.
58* Flashdisk: :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DISK_FLASH_VOLUME_NAME`,
59  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DISK_FLASH_DEV_NAME`,
60  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DISK_FLASH_START`,
61  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DISK_FLASH_MAX_RW_SIZE`,
62  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DISK_ERASE_BLOCK_SIZE`,
64  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DISK_VOLUME_SIZE` and
65  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DISK_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE` Kconfig options have been
66  removed in favor of new :dtcompatible:`zephyr,flash-disk` devicetree binding.
68* Regulator APIs previously located in ``<zephyr/drivers/regulator/consumer.h>``
69  are now part of ``<zephyr/drivers/regulator.h>``.
71* Starting from this release ``zephyr-`` prefixed tags won't be created
72  anymore. The project will continue using ``v`` tags, for example ``v3.3.0``.
74* Bluetooth: Deprecated the Bluetooth logging subsystem in favor of the Zephyr
75  standard logging system. To enable debugging for a particular module in the
76  Bluetooth subsystem, enable `CONFIG_BT_(module name)_LOG_LEVEL_DBG` instead of
77  `CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_(module name)`.
79* MCUmgr img_mgmt now requires that a full sha256 hash to be used when
80  uploading an image to keep track of the progress, where the sha256 hash
81  is of the whole file being uploaded (different to the hash used when getting
82  image states). Use of a truncated hash or non-sha256 hash will still work
83  but will cause issues and failures in client software with future updates
84  to Zephyr/MCUmgr such as image verification.
86* MCUmgr handlers no longer need to be registered by the application code,
87  handlers just need to use a define which will then call the supplied
88  registration function at boot-up. If applications register this then
89  those registrations should be removed to prevent registering the same
90  handler multiple times.
92* MCUmgr Bluetooth and UDP transports no longer need to be registered by the
93  application code, these will now automatically be registered at boot-up (this
94  feature can be disabled for the UDP transport by setting
96  applications register transports then those registrations should be removed
97  to prevent registering the same transport multiple times.
99* MCUmgr transport Kconfigs have changed from ``select`` to ``depends on``
100  which means that for applications using the Bluetooth transport,
101  applications will now need to enable the following:
103  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT`
104  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL`
106  For CDC or serial transports:
108  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CONSOLE`
110  For shell transport:
112  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SHELL`
113  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SHELL_BACKEND_SERIAL`
115  For UDP transport:
117  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NETWORKING`
118  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_UDP`
120* MCUmgr fs_mgmt hash/checksum function, type and variable names have been
121  changed to be prefixed with ``fs_mgmt_`` to retain alignment with other
122  zephyr and MCUmgr APIs.
124* Python's argparse argument parser usage in Zephyr scripts has been updated
125  to disable abbreviations, any future python scripts or python code updates
126  must also disable allowing abbreviations by using ``allow_abbrev=False``
127  when setting up ``ArgumentParser()``.
129  This may cause out-of-tree scripts or commands to fail if they have relied
130  upon their behaviour previously, these will need to be updated in order for
131  building to work. As an example, if a script argument had ``--reset-type``
132  and an out-of-tree script used this by passing ``--reset`` then it will need
133  to be updated to use the full argument name, ``--reset-type``.
135* Rewrote the CAN API to utilize flag bitfields instead discrete of struct
136  members for indicating standard/extended CAN ID, Remote Transmission Request
137  (RTR), and added support for filtering of CAN-FD format frames.
139* New :ref:`Zephyr message bus (Zbus) <zbus>` subsystem added; a message-oriented
140  bus that enables one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many communication
141  between threads.
143* zTest now supports controlling test summary printouts via the
144  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ZTEST_SUMMARY`. This Kconfig can be set to ``n`` for
145  less verbose test output.
147* Emulators now support a backend API pointer which allows a single class of
148  devices to provide similar emulated functionality. This can be used to write
149  a single test for the class of devices and testing various boards using
150  different chips.
152Removed APIs in this release
155* Removed :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COUNTER_RTC_STM32_LSE_DRIVE*`
156  This should now be configured using the ``driving_capability`` property of
157  LSE clock
159* Removed :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COUNTER_RTC_STM32_LSE_BYPASS`
160  This should now be configured using the new ``lse_bypass`` property of
161  LSE clock
163* Removed :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COUNTER_RTC_STM32_BACKUP_DOMAIN_RESET`. Its purpose
164  was to control the reset of the counter value at board reset. It is removed since
165  it has too wide scope (full Backup RAM reset). Replaced by
166  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COUNTER_RTC_STM32_SAVE_VALUE_BETWEEN_RESETS` which also
167  allows to control the reset of counter value, with an opposite logic.
169* Removed deprecated tinycbor module, code that uses this module should be
170  updated to use zcbor as a replacement.
172* Removed deprecated GPIO flags used for setting debounce, drive strength and
173  voltage level. All drivers now use vendor-specific flags as needed.
175* Removed deprecated ``UTIL_LISTIFY`` helper macro.
177* Removed deprecated ``pwm_pin*`` family of functions from the PWM API.
179* Removed deprecated ``nvs_init`` function from the NVS filesystem API.
181* Removed deprecated ``DT_CHOSEN_*_LABEL`` helper macros.
183* Removed deprecated property ``enable-pin-remap`` from  :dtcompatible: `st,stm32-usb`:.
184  ``remap-pa11-pa12`` from :dtcompatible: `st-stm32-pinctrl`: should now be used.
186Deprecated in this release
189* ``xtools`` toolchain variant is now deprecated. When using a
190  custom toolchain built with Crosstool-NG, the
191  :ref:`cross-compile toolchain variant <other_x_compilers>` should be used instead.
193* C++ library Kconfig options have been renamed to improve consistency. See
194  below for the list of deprecated Kconfig options and their replacements:
196  .. table::
197     :align: center
199     +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
200     | Deprecated                             | Replacement                                    |
201     +========================================+================================================+
202     | :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPLUSPLUS`     | :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPP`                   |
203     +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
204     | :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_EXCEPTIONS`    | :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPP_EXCEPTIONS`        |
205     +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
206     | :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_RTTI`          | :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPP_RTTI`              |
207     +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
208     | :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LIB_CPLUSPLUS` | :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LIBCPP_IMPLEMENTATION` |
209     +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
211* MCUmgr subsystem, specifically the SMP transport API, is dropping `zephyr_`
212  prefix, deprecating prefixed functions and callback type definitions with the
213  prefix and replacing them with prefix-less variants.
214  The :c:struct:`zephyr_smp_transport` type, representing transport object,
215  is now replaced with :c:struct:`smp_transport`, and the later one is used,
216  instead of the former one, by all prefix-less functions.
218  Deprecated functions and their replacements:
220  .. table::
221     :align: center
223     +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
224     | Deprecated                          | Drop in replacement                   |
225     +=====================================+=======================================+
226     | :c:func:`zephyr_smp_transport_init` | :c:func:`smp_transport_init`          |
227     +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
228     | :c:func:`zephyr_smp_rx_req`         | :c:func:`smp_rx_req`                  |
229     +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
230     | :c:func:`zephyr_smp_alloc_rsp`      | :c:func:`smp_alloc_rsp`               |
231     +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
232     | :c:func:`zephyr_smp_free_buf`       | :c:func:`smp_free_buf`                |
233     +-------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
235  Deprecated callback types and their replacements:
237  .. table::
238     :align: center
240     +---------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
241     | Deprecated                                  | Drop in replacement                   |
242     +=============================================+=======================================+
243     | :c:func:`zephyr_smp_transport_out_fn`       | :c:func:`smp_transport_out_fn`        |
244     +---------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
245     | :c:func:`zephyr_smp_transport_get_mtu_fn`   | :c:func:`smp_transport_get_mtu_fn`    |
246     +---------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
247     | :c:func:`zephyr_smp_transport_ud_copy_fn`   | :c:func:`smp_transport_ud_copy_fn`    |
248     +---------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
249     | :c:func:`zephyr_smp_transport_ud_free_fn`   | :c:func:`smp_transport_ud_free_fn`    |
250     +---------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
252  NOTE: Only functions are marked as ``__deprecated``, type definitions are not.
254* STM32 Ethernet Mac address Kconfig related symbols (:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ETH_STM32_HAL_RANDOM_MAC`,
255  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ETH_STM32_HAL_MAC4`, ...) have been deprecated in favor
256  of the use of zephyr generic device tree ``local-mac-address`` and ``zephyr,random-mac-address``
257  properties.
259* STM32 RTC source clock should now be configured using devicetree.
260  Related Kconfig :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COUNTER_RTC_STM32_CLOCK_LSI` and
261  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_COUNTER_RTC_STM32_CLOCK_LSE` options are now
262  deprecated.
264* STM32 Interrupt controller Kconfig symbols such as :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_EXTI_STM32_EXTI0_IRQ_PRI`
265  are removed. Related IRQ priorities should now be configured in device tree.
267* `PWM_STM32_COMPLEMENTARY` deprecated in favor of `STM32_PWM_COMPLEMENTARY`.
269* File backend for settings APIs and Kconfig options were deprecated:
271  :c:func:`settings_mount_fs_backend` in favor of :c:func:`settings_mount_file_backend`
273  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SETTINGS_FS` in favor of :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SETTINGS_FILE`
275  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SETTINGS_FS_DIR` in favor of creating all parent
276  directories from :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SETTINGS_FILE_PATH`
278  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SETTINGS_FS_FILE` in favor of :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SETTINGS_FILE_PATH`
280  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SETTINGS_FS_MAX_LINES` in favor of :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SETTINGS_FILE_MAX_LINES`
282* PCIe APIs :c:func:`pcie_probe` and :c:func:`pcie_bdf_lookup` have been
283  deprecated in favor of a centralized scan of available PCIe devices.
287    * Deprecated :c:macro:`PTHREAD_COND_DEFINE`, :c:macro:`PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFINE` in favour of the
288      standard :c:macro:`PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER` and :c:macro:`PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER`.
289    * Deprecated ``<fcntl.h>``, ``<sys/stat.h>`` header files in the minimal libc in favour of
290      ``<zephyr/posix/fcntl.h>`` and ``<zephyr/posix/sys/stat.h>``.
292* SPI DT :c:func:`spi_is_ready` function has been deprecated in favor of :c:func:`spi_is_ready_dt`.
294* LwM2M APIs using string references as LwM2M paths has been deprecated in favor of functions
295  using :c:struct:`lwm2m_path_obj` instead.
297Stable API changes in this release
300* MCUmgr events have been reworked to use a single, unified callback system.
301  This allows better customisation of the callbacks with a lower flash size.
302  Applications using the existing callback system will need to be upgraded to
303  use the new API by following the :ref:`migration guide <mcumgr_cb_migration>`
305* :c:func:`net_pkt_get_frag`, :c:func:`net_pkt_get_reserve_tx_data` and
306  :c:func:`net_pkt_get_reserve_rx_data` functions are now requiring to specify
307  the minimum fragment length to allocate, so that they work correctly also in
308  case :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_BUF_VARIABLE_DATA_SIZE` is enabled.
309  Applications using this APIs will need to be updated to provide the expected
310  fragment length.
312* Marked the Controller Area Network (CAN) controller driver API as stable.
314New APIs in this release
320* Added an "EARLY" init level that runs immediately on entry to z_cstart()
322* Refactored the internal CPU count API to allow for runtime changes
324* Added support for defining application main() in C++ code
326* Fixed a race condition on SMP when pending threads where a second CPU
327  could attempt to run a thread before the pending thread had finished
328  the context switch.
333* ARC
335  * Fixed & reworked interrupt management (enabling / disabling) for the SMP systems
336  * Added TLS (thread-local storage) for ARC MWDT toolchain
337  * Fixed & rework irq_offload implementation
338  * Fixed multiple logging & cbprintf issues for ARCv3 64bit
339  * Added XIP support with MWDT toolchain
340  * Improved DSP support, add DSP and AGU context save / restore
341  * Added XY memory support for ARC DSP targets
342  * Added architectures-specific DSP tests
343  * Added additional compile-time checks for unsupported configuration: ARC_FIRQ + ARC_HAS_SECURE
344  * Added support for using ``__auto_type`` type for ARC MWDT toolchain
345  * Added support for using ``_Generic`` and ``__fallthrough`` keywords for ARC MWDT toolchain
346  * Bumped minimal required ARC MWDT version to 2022.09
347  * Fixed & reworked inclusion of C/C++ headers for ARC MWDT toolchain which cased build issue with
348    C++
350* ARM
352  * More precise 'reason' codes are now returned in the fault handler.
353  * Cache functions now use proper ``sys_*`` functions.
354  * Renamed default RAM region from ``SRAM`` to ``RAM``.
356* ARM64
358  * Implemented ASID support for ARM64 MMU
360* RISC-V
362  * Converted :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MP_NUM_CPUS` to
363    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MP_MAX_NUM_CPUS`.
365  * Added support for hardware register stacking/unstacking during ISRs and
366    exceptions.
368  * Added support for overriding :c:func:`arch_irq_lock`,
369    :c:func:`arch_irq_unlock` and :c:func:`arch_irq_unlocked`.
371  * Zephyr CPU number is now decoupled from the hart ID.
373  * Secondary boot code is no longer included when
374    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MP_MAX_NUM_CPUS` equals ``1``.
376  * IPIs are no longer hardcoded to :c:func:`z_sched_ipi`.
378  * Implemented an on-demand context switching algorithm for thread FPU
379    accesses.
381  * Enabled booting from non-zero indexed RISC-V harts with
382    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_RV_BOOT_HART`.
384  * Hart IDs are now mapped to Zephyr CPUs with the devicetree.
386  * Added a workaround for ``MTVAL`` not updating properly on QEMU-based
387    platforms.
392* Audio
394  * Refactored the handling of extended and periodic advertising in the BAP
395    broadcast source.
396  * Implemented the Common Audio Profile initiator role.
397  * Added support for Broadcast source subgroup and BIS codec configuration.
398  * Renamed the CSI and VCP functionality to use the "P" postfix for profile
399    instead of "S" for service.
400  * Added a broadcast source metadata update function.
401  * Added (un)binding of audio ISO structs to Audio Streams.
402  * Added support for encrypted broadcast.
403  * Added the ability to change the supported contexts in PACS.
404  * Improved stream coupling for CIS as the unicast client
405  * Added broadcast source metadata update function
406  * Added packing to unicast group create
407  * Added packing field to broadcast source
408  * Renamed BASS and BASS client to BAP Scan Delegator and BPA Broadcast Assistant
409  * Added support for multiple subgroups for BAP broadcast sink
410  * Replaced capabilities API with PACS
412* Host
414  * Added a new ``BT_CONN_INTERVAL_TO_US`` utility macro.
415  * Made the HCI fragmentation logic asynchronous, thus fixing a long-standing
416    potential deadlock between data and control procedures.
417  * Added the local advertising address to :c:func:`bt_le_ext_adv_get_info`.
418  * Improved the implementation of :c:func:`bt_disable` to handle additional
419    edge cases.
420  * Removed all Bluetooth-specific logging macros and functionality, switching
421    instead to the OS-wide ones.
422  * Added a new :c:func:`bt_le_per_adv_sync_lookup_index` function.
423  * Fixed missing calls to bt_le_per_adv_sync_cb.term when deleting a periodic
424    advertising sync object.
425  * Added local advertising address to bt_le_ext_adv_info.
426  * Added the printing of function names by default when logging.
427  * Changed the policy for advertising restart after disconnection, which is now
428    done only for connections in the peripheral role.
429  * Added a guard to prevent bonding to the same device more than once.
430  * Refactored crypto functionality from SMP into its own folder, and added the
431    h8 crypto function.
432  * Changed the behavior when receiving an L2CAP K-frame larger than the MPS,
433    disconnecting instead of truncating it.
434  * Added a new :kconfig:option:`BT_ID_ALLOW_UNAUTH_OVERWRITE` that allows
435    unauthorized bond overrides with multiple identities.
436  * Added support for the object calculate checksum feature in OTS.
437  * Changed back the semantics of :kconfig:option:`BT_PRIVACY` to refer to local
438    RPA address generation.
439  * Modified the SMP behavior when outside a pairing procedure. The stack no
440    longer sends unnecessary Pairing Failed PDUs in that state.
442  * ISO: Changed ISO seq_num to 16-bit
444* Mesh
446  * Changed the default advertiser to be extended advertiser.
447  * Made the provisioning feature set dynamic.
448  * Made the maximum number of simultaneous Bluetooth connections that the mesh
449    stack can use configurable via :kconfig:option:`BT_MESH_MAX_CONN`.
450  * Changed the advertising duration calculation to avoid imprecise estimations.
451  * Added the :kconfig:option:`BT_MESH_FRIEND_ADV_LATENCY` Kconfig option.
453* Controller
455  * Implemented the Read/Write Connection Accept Timeout HCI commands.
456  * Implemented the Sleep Clock Accuracy Update procedure.
457  * Implemented additional ISO-related HCI commands.
458  * Implemented ISO-AL SDU buffering and PDU release timeout.
459  * Added support for handling fragmented AD without chaining PDUs.
460  * Added support for multiple memory pools for advertising PDUs
461  * Added support for retrying the automatic peripheral connection parameter
462    update.
463  * Added support for deferring anchor points moves using an external hook.
464  * Added a new ``LL_ASSERT_MSG`` macro for verbose assertions.
465  * Added long control PDU support.
466  * Added support for Broadcast ISO encryption.
467  * Added support for central CIS/CIG, including ULL and Nordic LLL.
468  * Added support for peripheral CIS/CIG in the Nordic LLL.
469  * Added the :kconfig:option:`BT_CTLR_SLOT_RESERVATION_UPDATE` Kconfig option.
470  * Integrated ISOAL for ISO broadcast.
472Boards & SoC Support
475* Added support for these SoC series:
477  * Atmel SAMC20, SAMC21
478  * Atmel SAME70Q19
479  * GigaDevice GD32L23X
480  * GigaDevice GD32A50X
481  * NXP S32Z2/E2
483* Made these changes in other SoC series:
485  * STM32F1: USB Prescaler configuration is now expected to be done using
486    :dtcompatible: `st,stm32f1-pll-clock`: ``usbpre``
487    or :dtcompatible: `st,stm32f105-pll-clock`: ``otgfspre`` properties.
488  * STM32F7/L4: Now supports configuring MCO.
489  * STM32G0: Now supports FDCAN
490  * STM32G4: Now supports power management (STOP0 and STOP1 low power modes).
491  * STM32H7: Now supports PLL2, USB OTG HS and ULPI PHY.
492  * STM32L5: Now supports RTC based :ref:`counter_api`.
493  * STM32U5: Now supports :ref:`crypto_api` through AES device.
494  * STM32F7/L4: Now supports configuring MCO.
496* Changes for ARC boards:
498  * Multiple fixes to ``mdb-hw`` and ``mdb-nsim`` west runners to improve usability
499  * Added ``nsim_em11d`` board with DSP features (XY DSP with AGU and XY memory)
500  * Fixed cy8c95xx I2C GPIO port init on HSDK board
501  * Added SPI flash support on EM starter kit board
502  * Multiple fixes for nSIM platform - configuration: adding of missing HW features or
503    configurations sync
504  * Improved creg_gpio platform driver - add pin_configure API
505  * Added separate QEMU config ``qemu_arc_hs_xip`` for XIP testing
506  * Added ``nsim_hs_sram``, ``nsim_hs_flash_xip`` nSIM platforms to verify various memory models
507  * nSIM board documentation overhaul
509* Added support for these ARM boards:
511  * Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 Express
512  * Adafruit KB2040
513  * Atmel atsamc21n_xpro
514  * GigaDevice GD32L233R-EVAL
515  * GigaDevice GD32A503V-EVAL
516  * nRF5340 Audio DK
517  * Sparkfun pro micro RP2040
518  * Arduino Portenta H7
519  * SECO JUNO SBC-D23 (STM32F302)
520  * ST Nucleo G070RB
521  * ST Nucleo L4A6ZG
522  * NXP X-S32Z27X-DC (DC2)
524* Added support for these ARM64 boards:
526  * i.MX93 (Cortex-A) EVK board
527  * Khadas Edge-V board
528  * QEMU Virt KVM
530* Added support for these X86 boards:
532  * Intel Raptor Lake CRB
534* Added support for these RISC-V boards:
536  * Added LCD support for ``longan_nano`` board.
538* Made these changes in ARM boards:
540  * sam4s_xplained: Enabled PWM
541  * sam_e70_xplained: Added DMA devicetree entries for SPI
542  * sam_v71_xult: Added DMA devicetree entries for SPI
543  * tdk_robokit1: Added DMA devicetree entries for SPI
545  * The scratch partition has been removed for the following Nordic boards and
546    flash used by this area re-assigned to other partitions to free up space
547    and rely upon the swap-using-move algorithm in MCUboot (which does not
548    suffer from the same faults or stuck image issues as swap-using-scratch
549    does):
550    ``nrf21540dk_nrf52840``
551    ``nrf51dk_nrf51422``
552    ``nrf51dongle_nrf51422``
553    ``nrf52833dk_nrf52833``
554    ``nrf52840dk_nrf52811``
555    ``nrf52840dk_nrf52840``
556    ``nrf52840dongle_nrf52840``
557    ``nrf52dk_nrf52805``
558    ``nrf52dk_nrf52810``
559    ``nrf52dk_nrf52832``
560    ``nrf5340dk_nrf5340``
561    ``nrf9160dk_nrf52840``
562    ``nrf9160dk_nrf9160``
564    Note that MCUboot and MCUboot image updates from pre-Zephyr 3.3 might be
565    incompatible with Zephyr 3.3 onwards and vice versa.
567  * The default console for the ``nrf52840dongle_nrf52840`` board has been
568    changed from physical UART (which is not connected to anything on the
569    board) to use USB CDC instead.
570  * Forced configuration of FPU was removed from following boards:
571    ``stm32373c_eval``
572    ``stm32f3_disco``
574  * On STM32 boards, configuration of USB, SDMMC and entropy devices that generally
575    expect a 48MHz clock is now done using device tree. When available, HSI48 is enabled
576    and configured as domain clock for these devices, otherwise PLL_Q output or MSI is used.
577    On some boards, previous PLL SAI configuration has been changed to above options,
578    since PLL SAI cannot yet be configured using device tree.
580* Made these changes in other boards:
582  * The nrf52_bsim (natively simulated nRF52 device with BabbleSim) now models
583    a nRF52833 instead of a nRF52832 device
585* Added support for these following shields:
587  * Adafruit PCA9685
588  * nPM6001 EK
589  * nPM1100 EK
590  * Semtech SX1262MB2DAS
591  * Sparkfun MAX3421E
593Build system and infrastructure
596* Code relocation
598  * ``zephyr_code_relocate`` API has changed to accept a list of files to
599    relocate and a location to place the files.
601* Sysbuild
603  * Issue with duplicate sysbuild image name causing an infinite cmake loop
604    has been fixed.
606  * Issue with board revision not being passed to sysbuild images has been
607    fixed.
609  * Application specific configurations of sysbuild controlled images.
611* Userspace
613  * Userspace option to disable using the ``relax`` linker option has been
614    added.
616* Tools
618  * Static code analyser (SCA) tool support has been added.
620Drivers and Sensors
623* ADC
625  * STM32: Now Supports sequencing multiple channels into a single read.
626  * Fixed a problem in :c:macro:`ADC_CHANNEL_CFG_DT` that forced users to add
627    artificial ``input-positive`` property in nodes related to ADC drivers that
628    do not use configurable analog inputs when such drivers were used together
629    with an ADC driver that uses such input configuration.
630  * Added driver for TI CC13xx/CC26xx family.
631  * Added driver for Infineon XMC4xxx family.
632  * Added driver for ESP32 SoCs.
634* Battery-backed RAM
636  * STM32: Added driver to enable support for backup registers from RTC.
638* CAN
640  * Added RX overflow counter statistics support (STM32 bxCAN, Renesas R-Car,
641    and NXP FlexCAN).
642  * Added support for TWAI on ESP32-C3.
643  * Added support for multiple MCP2515 driver instances.
644  * Added Kvaser PCIcan driver and support for using it under QEMU.
645  * Made the fake CAN test driver generally available.
646  * Added support for compiling the Native Posix Linux CAN driver against Linux
647    kernel headers prior to v5.14.
649    helper symbols.
651* Clock control
653  * STM32: HSI48 can now be configured using device tree.
655* Counter
657  * STM32 RTC based counter domain clock (LSE/SLI) should now be configured using device tree.
658  * Added Timer based driver for GigaDevice GD32 SoCs.
659  * Added NXP S32 System Timer Module driver.
661* DAC
663  * Added support for GigaDevice GD32 SoCs.
664  * Added support for Espressif ESP32 SoCs.
666* DFU
668  * Removed :c:macro:`BOOT_TRAILER_IMG_STATUS_OFFS` in favor a two new functions;
669    :c:func:`boot_get_area_trailer_status_offset` and :c:func:`boot_get_trailer_status_offset`
671* Disk
673  * STM32 SD host controller clocks are now configured via devicetree.
674  * Zephyr flash disks are now configured using the :dtcompatible:`zephyr,flash-disk`
675    devicetree binding
676  * Flash disks can be marked as read only by setting the ``read-only`` property
677    on the linked flash device partition.
679* DMA
681  * Adjusted incorrect dma1 clock source for GD32 gd32vf103 SoC.
682  * Atmel SAM: Added support to select fixed or increment address mode when using
683    peripherals to memory or memory to peripheral transfers.
684  * STM32 DMA variable scope cleanups
685  * Intel GPDMA linked list transfer descriptors appropriately aligned to 64 byte addresses
686  * Intel GPDMA fixed bug in transfer configuration to initialize cfg_hi and cfg_lo
687  * STM32 DMA Support for the STM32MP1 series
688  * SAM XDMAC fixes to enable usage with SPI DMA transfers
689  * Intel GPDMA fixed to return errors on dma stop
690  * Intel GPDMA disabled interrupts when unneeded
691  * Intel GPDMA fixed for register/ip ownership
692  * STM32U5 GPDMA bug fix for busy flag
693  * STM32U5 Suspend and resume features added
694  * Intel GPDMA Report total bytes read/written (linear link position) in dma status
695  * DMA API get attribute function added, added attributes for scatter/gather blocks available
696    to Intel HDA and Intel GPDMA drivers.
697  * Intel GPDMA Power management functionality added
698  * Intel HDA Power management functionality added
699  * GD32 Slot used for peripheral selection
700  * GD32 memory to memory support added
701  * ESP32C3 GDMA driver added
702  * Intel HDA underrun/overrun (xrun) handling and reporting added
703  * Intel GPDMA underrun/overrun (xrun) handling nad reporting added
704  * DMA API start/stop are defined to be repeatable callable with test cases added.
705    STM32 DMA, Intel HDA, and Intel GPDMA all comply with the contract after patches.
706  * NXP EDMA Unused mutex removed
710  * Added fake EEPROM driver for testing purposes.
712* Ethernet
714  * STM32: Default Mac address configuration is now uid based. Optionally, user can
715    configure it to be random or provide its own address using device tree.
716  * STM32: Added support for STM32Cube HAL Ethernet API V2 on F4/F7/H7. By default disabled,
717    it can be enabled with :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ETH_STM32_HAL_API_V2`.
718  * STM32: Added ethernet support on STM32F107 devices.
719  * STM32: Now supports multicast hash filtering in the MAC. It can be enabled using
720    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ETH_STM32_MULTICAST_FILTER`.
721  * STM32: Now supports statistics logging through :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_STATISTICS_ETHERNET`.
722    Requires use of HAL Ethernet API V2.
724* Flash
726  * Flash: Moved CONFIG_FLASH_FLEXSPI_XIP into the SOC level due to the flexspi clock initialization occurring in the SOC level.
728  * NRF: Added CONFIG_SOC_FLASH_NRF_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER to allow tweaking the timeout of flash operations.
730  * spi_nor: Added property mxicy,mx25r-power-mode to jedec,spi-nor binding for controlling low power/high performance mode on Macronix MX25R* Ultra Low Power flash devices.
732  * spi_nor: Added check if the flash is busy during init. This used to cause
733    the flash device to be unavailable until the system was restarted. The fix
734    waits for the flash to become ready before continuing. In cases where a
735    full flash erase was started before a restart, this might result in several
736    minutes of waiting time (depending on flash size and erase speed).
738  * rpi_pico: Added a flash driver for the Raspberry Pi Pico platform.
740  * STM32 OSPI: sfdp-bfp table and jedec-id can now be read from device tree and override
741    the flash content if required.
743  * STM32 OSPI: Now supports DMA transfer on STM32U5.
745  * STM32: Flash driver was revisited to simplify reuse of driver for new series, taking
746    advantage of device tree compatibles.
748* FPGA
750  * Added preliminary support for the Lattice iCE40.
751  * Added Qomu board sample.
753* GPIO
755  * Atmel SAM: Added support to configure Open-Drain pins
756  * Added driver for nPM6001 PMIC GPIOs
757  * Added NXP S32 GPIO (SIUL2) driver
759* hwinfo
761  * Added hwinfo_get_device_id for ESP32-C3
762  * Added reset cause for iwdg and wwdg for STM32H7 and MP1
764* I2C
766  * SAM0 Fixed spurious trailing data by moving stop condition from thread into ISR
767  * I2C Shell command adds ability to configure bus speed through `i2c speed`
768  * ITE usage of instruction local memory support
769  * NPCX bus recovery on transaction timeout
770  * ITE log status of registers on transfer failure
771  * ESP32 enabled configuring a hardware timeout to account for longer durations of clock stretching
772  * ITE fixed bug where an operation was done outside of the driver mutex
773  * NRFX TWIM Made transfer timeout configurable
774  * DW Bug fix for clearing FIFO on initialization
775  * NPCX simplified smb bank register usage
776  * NXP LPI2C enabled target mode
777  * NXP FlexComm Added semaphore for shared usage of bus
778  * I2C Added support for dumping messages in the log for all transactions, reads and writes
779  * STM32: Slave configuration now supports 10-bit addressing.
780  * STM32: Now support power management. 3 modes supported: :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_PM`,
781    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_PM_DEVICE`, :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_PM_DEVICE_RUNTIME`.
782  * STM32: Domain clock can now be configured using device tree
784* I3C
786  * Added a new target device API :c:func:`i3c_target_tx_write` to
787    explicit write to TX FIFO.
789  * GETMRL and GETMWL are both optional in :c:func:`i3c_device_basic_info_get` as
790    MRL and MWL are optional according to I3C specification.
792  * Added a new driver to support Cadence I3C controller.
794* Interrupt Controller
796  * STM32: Driver configuration and initialization is now based on device tree
797  * Added NXP S32 External Interrupt Controller (SIUL2) driver.
799* IPM
801  * ipm_stm32_ipcc: fixed an issue where interrupt mask is not cleaned correctly,
802    resulting in infinite TXF interrupts.
804* MBOX
806  * Added NXP S32 Message Receive Unit (MRU) driver.
808* PCIE
810  * Support for accessing I/O BARs, which was previously removed, is back.
812  * Added new API :c:func:`pcie_scan` to scan for devices.
814    * This iterates through the buses and devices which are expected to
815      exist. The old method was to try all possible combination of buses
816      and devices to determine if there is a device there.
817      :c:func:`pci_init` and :c:func:`pcie_bdf_lookup` have been updated to
818      use this new API.
820    * :c:func:`pcie_scan` also introduces a callback mechanism for when
821      a new device has been discovered.
823* Pin control
825  * Common pin control properties are now defined at root level in a single
826    file: :zephyr_file:`dts/bindings/pinctrl/pincfg-node.yaml`. Pin control
827    bindings are expected to include it at the level they need. For example,
828    drivers using the grouping representation approach need to include it at
829    grandchild level, while drivers using the node approach need to include it
830    at the child level. This change will only impact out-of-tree pin control
831    drivers, since all in-tree drivers have been updated.
832  * Added NXP S32 SIUL2 driver
833  * Added Nuvoton NuMicro driver
834  * Added Silabs Gecko driver
835  * Added support for i.MX93 in the i.MX driver
836  * Added support for GD32L23x/GD32A50x in the Gigadevice driver
838* PWM
840  * Atmel SAM: Added support to select pin polarity
841  * Added driver for NXP PCA9685 LED controller
843* Regulators
845  * Completed an API overhaul so that devices like PMICs can be supported. The
846    API now offers a clear and concise API that allows to perform the following
847    operations:
849      - Enable/disable regulator output (reference counted)
850      - List supported voltages
851      - Get/set operating voltage
852      - Get/set maximum current
853      - Get/set operating mode
854      - Obtain errors, e.g. overcurrent.
856    The devicetree part maintains compatibility with Linux bindings, for example,
857    the following properties are well supported:
859      - ``regulator-boot-on``
860      - ``regulator-always-on``
861      - ``regulator-min-microvolt``
862      - ``regulator-max-microvolt``
863      - ``regulator-min-microamp``
864      - ``regulator-max-microamp``
865      - ``regulator-allowed-modes``
866      - ``regulator-initial-mode``
868    A common driver class layer takes care of the common functionality so that
869    driver implementations are kept simple. For example, allowed voltage ranges
870    are verified before calling into the driver.
872    An experimental parent API to configure DVS (Dynamic Voltage Scaling) has
873    also been introduced.
875  * Refactored NXP PCA9420 driver to align with the new API.
876  * Added support for nPM6001 PMIC (LDO and BUCK converters).
877  * Added support for nPM1100 PMIC (allows to dynamically change its mode).
878  * Added a new test that allows to verify regulator output voltage using the
879    ADC API.
880  * Added a new test that checks API behavior provided we have a well-behaved
881    driver.
883* Reset
885  * STM32: STM32 reset driver is now available. Devices reset line configuration should
886    be done using device tree.
888* SDHC
890  * i.MX RT USDHC:
892    - Support HS400 and HS200 mode. This mode is used with eMMC devices,
893      and will enable high speed operation for those cards.
894    - Support DMA operation on SOCs that do not support non-cacheable memory,
895      such as the RT595. DMA will enable higher performance SD modes,
896      such as HS400 and SDR104, to reliably transfer data using the
897      SD host controller
899* Sensor
901  * Refactored all drivers to use :c:macro:`SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE` to
902    enable a new sensor info iterable section and shell command. See
903    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SENSOR_INFO`.
904  * Refactored all sensor devicetree bindings to inherit new base sensor device
905    properties in :zephyr_file:`dts/bindings/sensor/sensor-device.yaml`.
906  * Added sensor attribute support to the shell.
907  * Added ESP32 and RaspberryPi Pico die temperature sensor drivers.
908  * Added TDK InvenSense ICM42688 six axis IMU driver.
909  * Added TDK InvenSense ICP10125 pressure and temperature sensor driver.
910  * Added AMS AS5600 magnetic angle sensor driver.
911  * Added AMS AS621x temperature sensor driver.
912  * Added HZ-Grow R502A fingerprint sensor driver.
913  * Enhanced FXOS8700, FXAS21002, and BMI270 drivers to support SPI in addition
914    to I2C.
915  * Enhanced ST LIS2DW12 driver to support free fall detection.
916  * rpi_pico: Added die temperature sensor driver.
917  * STM32 family Quadrature Decoder driver was added. Only enabled on STM32F4 for now.
919* Serial
921  * Atmel SAM: UART/USART: Added support to configure driver at runtime
922  * STM32: DMA now supported on STM32U5 series.
924  * uart_altera_jtag: added support for Nios-V UART.
926  * uart_esp32: added support asynchronous operation.
928  * uart_gecko: added support for pinctrl.
930  * uart_mchp_xec: now supports UART on MEC15xx SoC.
932  * uart_mcux_flexcomm: added support for runtime configuration.
934  * uart_mcux_lpuart: added support for RS-485.
936  * uart_numicro: uses pinctrl to configure UART pins.
938  * uart_pl011: added support for pinctrl.
940  * uart_rpi_pico: added support for runtime configuration.
942  * uart_xmc4xxx: added support for interrupt so it can now be interrupt driven.
943    Also added support for FIFO.
945  * New UART drivers are added:
947    * Cadence IP6528 UART.
949    * NXP S32 LINFlexD UART.
951    * OpenTitan UART.
953    * QuickLogic USBserialport_S3B.
955* SPI
957  * Added dma support for GD32 driver.
958  * Atmel SAM:
960    * Added support to transfers using DMA.
961    * Added support to loopback mode for testing purposes.
963  * Added NXP S32 SPI driver.
965* Timer
967  * Corrected CPU numbering on SMP RISC-V systems using the mtime device
969  * Added support for OpenTitan's privileged timer device to riscv_machine_timer
971  * Refactored SYS_CLOCK_EXISTS such that it always matches the
972    existence of a timer device in kconfig
974  * Significant rework to nrf_rtc_timer with multiple fixes
976  * Fixed prescaler correction in stm32_lptim driver and fix race with auto-reload
978* USB
980  * STM32F1: Clock bus configuration is not done automatically by driver anymore.
981    It is user's responsibility to configure the proper bus prescaler using clock_control
982    device tree node to achieve a 48MHz bus clock. Note that, in most cases, core clock
983    is 72MHz and default prescaler configuration is set to achieve 48MHz USB bus clock.
984    Prescaler only needs to be configured manually when core clock is already 48MHz.
985  * STM32 (non F1): Clock bus configuration is now expected to be done in device tree
986    using ``clocks`` node property. When a dedicated HSI 48MHz clock is available on target,
987    is it configured by default as the USB bus clock, but user has the ability to select
988    another 48MHz clock source. When no HSI48 is available, a specific 48MHz bus clock
989    source should be configured by user.
990  * STM32: Now supports :c:func:`usb_dc_detach` and :c:func:`usb_dc_wakeup_request`.
991  * STM32: Vbus sensing is now supported and determined based on the presence of the
992    hardware detection pin(s) in the device tree. E.g: pinctrl-0 = <&usb_otg_fs_vbus_pa9 ...>;
993  * RPi Pico: fixed buffer status handling, fixed infinite unhandled irq retriggers,
994    fixed DATA PID toggle and control transfer handling.
995  * NXP: Enabled high speed support, fixed endpoint buffer write operation.
996  * nRF USBD: Removed HAL driver uninit on detach, fixed endpoints disable on
997    USB stack disable.
998  * Added new experimental USB device controller (UDC) API and implementation
999    for nRF USBD, Kinetis USBFSOTG, and virtual controllers.
1000  * Added new experimental USB host controller (UDC) API and implementation
1001    for MAX3421E and virtual controllers.
1003* Watchdog
1005  * Added driver for nPM6001 PMIC Watchdog.
1006  * Added free watchdog driver for GigaDevice GD32 SoCs.
1007  * Added window watchdog driver for GigaDevice GD32 SoCs.
1008  * Added NXP S32 Software Watchdog Timer driver.
1013* CoAP:
1015  * Implemented insertion of a CoAP option at arbitrary position.
1017* Ethernet:
1019  * Fixed AF_PACKET/SOCK_RAW/IPPROTO_RAW sockets on top of Ethernet L2.
1020  * Added support for setting Ethernet MAC address with net shell.
1021  * Added check for return values of the driver start/stop routines when
1022    bringing Ethernet interface up.
1023  * Added ``unknown_protocol`` statistic for packets with unrecognized protocol
1024    field, instead of using ``error`` for this purpose.
1025  * Added NXP S32 NETC Ethernet driver.
1027* HTTP:
1029  * Reworked HTTP headers: moved methods to a separate header, added status
1030    response codes header and grouped HTTP headers in a subdirectory.
1031  * Used :c:func:`zsock_poll` for HTTP timeout instead of a delayed work.
1033* ICMPv4:
1035  * Added support to autogenerate Echo Request payload.
1037* ICMPv6:
1039  * Added support to autogenerate Echo Request payload.
1040  * Fixed stats counting for ND packets.
1042* IEEE802154:
1044  * Improved short address support.
1045  * Improved IEEE802154 context thread safety.
1046  * Decoupled IEEE802154 parameters from :c:struct:`net_pkt` into
1047    :c:struct:`net_pkt_cb_ieee802154`.
1048  * Multiple other minor fixes/improvements.
1050* IPv4:
1052  * IPv4 packet fragmentation support has been added, this allows large packets
1053    to be split up before sending or reassembled during receive for packets that
1054    are larger than the network device MTU. This is disabled by default but can
1055    be enabled with :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_IPV4_FRAGMENT`.
1056  * Added support for setting/reading DSCP/ECN fields.
1057  * Fixed packet leak in IPv4 address auto-configuration procedure.
1058  * Added support for configuring IPv4 addresses with ``net ipv4`` shell
1059    command.
1060  * Zephyr now adds IGMP all systems address to all IPv4 network
1061    interfaces by default.
1063* IPv6:
1065  * Made it possible to add route to router's link local address.
1066  * Added support for setting/reading DSCP/ECN fields.
1067  * Improved test coverage for IPv6 fragmentation.
1068  * Added support for configuring IPv6 addresses with ``net ipv6`` shell
1069    command.
1070  * Added support for configuring IPv6 routes with ``net route`` shell
1071    command.
1073* LwM2M:
1076    :c:macro:`LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_REG_TIMEOUT`. This event is now used in case
1077    of registration timeout.
1078  * Added new LwM2M APIs for historical data storage for LwM2M resource.
1079  * Updated LwM2M APIs to use ``const`` pointers when possible.
1080  * Added shell command to lock/unlock LwM2M registry.
1081  * Added shell command to enable historical data cache for a resource.
1082  * Switched to use ``zsock_*`` functions internally.
1083  * Added uCIFI LPWAN (ID 3412) object implementation.
1084  * Added BinaryAppDataContainer (ID 19) object implementation.
1085  * Deprecated :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_SUPPORT`, as it's now
1086    considered as an integral part of the LwM2M library.
1087  * Added support for SenML Object Link data type.
1088  * Fixed a bug causing incorrect ordering of the observation paths.
1089  * Deprecated string based LwM2M APIs. LwM2M APIs now use
1090    :c:struct:`lwm2m_obj_path` to represent object/resource paths.
1091  * Refactored ``lwm2m_client`` sample by splitting specific functionalities
1092    into separate modules.
1093  * Multiple other minor fixes within the LwM2M library.
1095* Misc:
1097  * Updated various networking test suites to use the new ztest API.
1098  * Added redirect support for ``big_http_download`` sample and updated the
1099    server URL for TLS variant.
1100  * Fixed memory leak in ``net udp`` shell command.
1101  * Fixed cloning of LL address for :c:struct:`net_pkt`.
1102  * Added support for QoS and payload size setting in ``net ping`` shell
1103    command.
1104  * Added support for aborting ``net ping`` shell command.
1105  * Introduced carrier and dormant management on network interfaces. Separated
1106    interface administrative state from operational state.
1107  * Improved DHCPv4 behavior with multiple DHCPv4 servers in the network.
1108  * Fixed net_mgmt event size calculation.
1109  * Added :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_LOOPBACK_MTU` option to configure loopback
1110    interface MTU.
1111  * Reimplemented the IP/UDP/TCP checksum calculation to speed up the
1112    processing.
1113  * Removed :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_CONFIG_SETTINGS` use from test cases to
1114    improve test execution on real platforms.
1115  * Added MQTT-SN library and sample.
1116  * Fixed variable buffer length configuration
1117    (:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_BUF_VARIABLE_DATA_SIZE`).
1118  * Fixed IGMPv2 membership report destination address.
1119  * Added mutex protection for the connection list handling.
1120  * Separated user data pointer from FIFO reserved space in
1121    :c:struct:`net_context`.
1122  * Added input validation for ``net pkt`` shell command.
1124* OpenThread:
1126  * Implemented PSA support for ECDSA API.
1127  * Fixed :c:func:`otPlatRadioSetMacKey` when asserts are disabled.
1128  * Deprecated :c:func:`openthread_set_state_changed_cb` in favour of more
1129    generic :c:func:`openthread_state_changed_cb_register`.
1130  * Implemented diagnostic GPIO commands.
1132* SNTP:
1134  * Switched to use ``zsock_*`` functions internally.
1135  * Fixed the library operation with IPv4 disabled.
1137* Sockets:
1139  * Fixed a possible memory leak on failed TLS socket creation.
1141* TCP:
1143  * Extended the default TCP out-of-order receive queue timeout to 2 seconds.
1144  * Reimplemented TCP ref counting, to prevent situation, where TCP connection
1145    context could be released prematurely.
1147* Websockets:
1149  * Reimplemented websocket receive routine to fix several issues.
1150  * Implemented proper websocket close procedure.
1151  * Fixed a bug where websocket would overwrite the mutex used by underlying TCP
1152    socket.
1154* Wi-Fi:
1156  * Added support for power save configuration.
1157  * Added support for regulatory domain configuration.
1158  * Added support for power save timeout configuration.
1160* zperf
1162  * Added option to set QoS for zperf.
1163  * Fixed out of order/lost packets statistics.
1164  * Defined a public API for the library to allow throughput measurement without shell enabled.
1165  * Added an option for asynchronous upload.
1170* New experimental USB support:
1172  * Added new USB device stack (device_next), class implementation for CDC ACM and
1173    BT HCI USB transport layer.
1174  * Added initial support for USB host
1176* USB device stack (device):
1178  * Removed transfer cancellation on bus suspend.
1179  * Reworked disabling all endpoints on stack disable to allow re-enabling USB
1180    device stack.
1181  * Revised endpoint enable/disable on alternate setting.
1182  * Improved USB DFU support with WinUSB on Windows.
1183  * Added check to prevent recursive logging loop and allowed to send more than
1184    one byte using poll out in CDC ACM class implementation.
1185  * Corrected IAD and interface descriptors, removed unnecessary CDC descriptors,
1186    and fixed packet reception in RNDIS ethernet implementation.
1187  * Implemented cache synchronization after write operations in USB MSC class.
1196New general-purpose macros:
1199- :c:macro:`DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_SEP`
1202- :c:macro:`DT_INST_GPARENT`
1203- :c:macro:`DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX_OR`
1204- :c:macro:`DT_NODE_MODEL_BY_IDX`
1205- :c:macro:`DT_NODE_MODEL_HAS_IDX`
1206- :c:macro:`DT_NODE_MODEL_OR`
1208New special-purpose macros introduced for the GPIO hogs feature (see
1211- :c:macro:`DT_GPIO_HOG_FLAGS_BY_IDX`
1212- :c:macro:`DT_GPIO_HOG_PIN_BY_IDX`
1213- :c:macro:`DT_NUM_GPIO_HOGS`
1215The following deprecated macros were removed:
1223New bindings:
1225  - Generic or vendor-independent:
1227    - :dtcompatible:`usb-c-connector`
1228    - :dtcompatible:`usb-ulpi-phy`
1230  - AMS AG (ams):
1232    - :dtcompatible:`ams,as5600`
1233    - :dtcompatible:`ams,as6212`
1235  - Synopsys, Inc. (formerly ARC International PLC) (arc):
1237    - :dtcompatible:`arc,xccm`
1238    - :dtcompatible:`arc,yccm`
1240  - ARM Ltd. (arm):
1242    - :dtcompatible:`arm,cortex-a55`
1243    - :dtcompatible:`arm,ethos-u`
1245  - ASPEED Technology Inc. (aspeed):
1247    - :dtcompatible:`aspeed,ast10x0-reset`
1249  - Atmel Corporation (atmel):
1251    - :dtcompatible:`atmel,samc2x-gclk`
1252    - :dtcompatible:`atmel,samc2x-mclk`
1254  - Bosch Sensortec GmbH (bosch):
1256    - :dtcompatible:`bosch,bmi270`
1257    - :dtcompatible:`bosch,bmi270`
1259  - Cadence Design Systems Inc. (cdns):
1261    - :dtcompatible:`cdns,i3c`
1262    - :dtcompatible:`cdns,uart`
1264  - Espressif Systems (espressif):
1266    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-adc`
1267    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-dac`
1268    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-eth`
1269    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-gdma`
1270    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-mdio`
1271    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-temp`
1273  - GigaDevice Semiconductor (gd):
1275    - :dtcompatible:`gd,gd322-dma` has new helper macros to easily setup the ``dma-cells`` property.
1276    - :dtcompatible:`gd,gd32-dma-v1`
1277    - :dtcompatible:`gd,gd32-fwdgt`
1278    - :dtcompatible:`gd,gd32-wwdgt`
1280  - Hangzhou Grow Technology Co., Ltd. (hzgrow):
1282    - :dtcompatible:`hzgrow,r502a`
1284  - Infineon Technologies (infineon):
1286    - :dtcompatible:`infineon,xmc4xxx-adc`
1287    - :dtcompatible:`infineon,xmc4xxx-flash-controller`
1288    - :dtcompatible:`infineon,xmc4xxx-intc`
1289    - :dtcompatible:`infineon,xmc4xxx-nv-flash`
1291  - Intel Corporation (intel):
1293    - :dtcompatible:`intel,adsp-communication-widget`
1294    - :dtcompatible:`intel,adsp-dfpmcch`
1295    - :dtcompatible:`intel,adsp-dfpmccu`
1296    - :dtcompatible:`intel,adsp-mem-window`
1297    - :dtcompatible:`intel,adsp-sha`
1298    - :dtcompatible:`intel,adsp-timer`
1299    - :dtcompatible:`intel,hda-dai`
1300    - :dtcompatible:`intel,raptor-lake`
1302  - InvenSense Inc. (invensense):
1304    - :dtcompatible:`invensense,icm42688`
1305    - :dtcompatible:`invensense,icp10125`
1307  - ITE Tech. Inc. (ite):
1309    - :dtcompatible:`ite,it8xxx2-espi`
1310    - :dtcompatible:`ite,it8xxx2-gpiokscan`
1311    - :dtcompatible:`ite,it8xxx2-ilm`
1312    - :dtcompatible:`ite,it8xxx2-shi`
1313    - :dtcompatible:`ite,it8xxx2-usbpd`
1315  - Kvaser (kvaser):
1317    - :dtcompatible:`kvaser,pcican`
1319  - Lattice Semiconductor (lattice):
1321    - :dtcompatible:`lattice,ice40-fpga`
1323  - lowRISC Community Interest Company (lowrisc):
1325    - :dtcompatible:`lowrisc,machine-timer`
1326    - :dtcompatible:`lowrisc,opentitan-uart`
1328  - Maxim Integrated Products (maxim):
1330    - :dtcompatible:`maxim,max3421e_spi`
1332  - Microchip Technology Inc. (microchip):
1334    - :dtcompatible:`microchip,xec-bbled`
1335    - :dtcompatible:`microchip,xec-ecs`
1336    - :dtcompatible:`microchip,xec-espi-saf-v2`
1337    - :dtcompatible:`microchip,xec-qmspi-full-duplex`
1339  - Nordic Semiconductor (nordic):
1341    - :dtcompatible:`nordic,npm1100`
1342    - :dtcompatible:`nordic,npm6001`
1343    - :dtcompatible:`nordic,npm6001-gpio`
1344    - :dtcompatible:`nordic,npm6001-regulator`
1345    - :dtcompatible:`nordic,npm6001-wdt`
1347  - Nuvoton Technology Corporation (nuvoton):
1349    - :dtcompatible:`nuvoton,npcx-kscan`
1350    - :dtcompatible:`nuvoton,npcx-sha`
1351    - :dtcompatible:`nuvoton,npcx-shi`
1352    - :dtcompatible:`nuvoton,numicro-gpio`
1353    - :dtcompatible:`nuvoton,numicro-pinctrl`
1355  - NXP Semiconductors (nxp):
1357    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,css-v2`
1358    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,fxas21002`
1359    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,fxos8700`
1360    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,imx-flexspi-aps6408l`
1361    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,imx-flexspi-s27ks0641`
1362    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,imx-mu-rev2`
1363    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,imx93-pinctrl`
1364    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,mcux-qdec`
1365    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,mcux-xbar`
1366    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,pca9420`
1367    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,pca9685-pwm`
1368    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,pcf8574`
1369    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,pdcfg-power`
1370    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-gpio`
1371    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-linflexd`
1372    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-mru`
1373    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-netc-emdio`
1374    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-netc-psi`
1375    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-netc-vsi`
1376    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-siul2-eirq`
1377    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-spi`
1378    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-swt`
1379    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32-sys-timer`
1380    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,s32ze-pinctrl`
1382  - OpenThread (openthread):
1384    - :dtcompatible:`openthread,config`
1386  - QuickLogic Corp. (quicklogic):
1388    - :dtcompatible:`quicklogic,usbserialport-s3b`
1390  - Raspberry Pi Foundation (raspberrypi):
1392    - :dtcompatible:`raspberrypi,pico-flash-controller`
1393    - :dtcompatible:`raspberrypi,pico-temp`
1395  - Richtek Technology Corporation (richtek):
1397    - :dtcompatible:`richtek,rt1718s`
1398    - :dtcompatible:`richtek,rt1718s-gpio-port`
1400  - Smart Battery System (sbs):
1402    - :dtcompatible:`sbs,sbs-gauge-new-api`
1404  - Silicon Laboratories (silabs):
1406    - :dtcompatible:`silabs,gecko-pinctrl`
1407    - :dtcompatible:`silabs,gecko-stimer`
1409  - Synopsys, Inc. (snps):
1411    - :dtcompatible:`snps,ethernet-cyclonev`
1413  - SparkFun Electronics (sparkfun):
1415    - :dtcompatible:`sparkfun,pro-micro-gpio`
1417  - STMicroelectronics (st):
1419    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-bbram`
1420    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-qdec`
1421    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-rcc-rctl`
1422    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32wb-rf`
1424  - Texas Instruments (ti):
1426    - :dtcompatible:`ti,cc13xx-cc26xx-adc`
1427    - :dtcompatible:`ti,cc13xx-cc26xx-watchdog`
1428    - :dtcompatible:`ti,tca6424a`
1430  - A stand-in for a real vendor which can be used in examples and tests (vnd):
1432    - :dtcompatible:`vnd,emul-tester`
1434  - Zephyr-specific binding (zephyr):
1436    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,ec-host-cmd-periph-espi`
1437    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,fake-can`
1438    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,fake-eeprom`
1439    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,fake-regulator`
1440    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,flash-disk`
1441    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,gpio-emul-sdl`
1442    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,gpio-keys`
1443    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,ipc-icmsg-me-follower`
1444    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,ipc-icmsg-me-initiator`
1445    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,mmc-disk`
1446    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,psa-crypto-rng`
1447    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,udc-virtual`
1448    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,uhc-virtual`
1449    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,usb-c-vbus-adc`
1451Removed bindings:
1453  - Generic or vendor-independent:
1455    - ``regulator-pmic``
1457  - Intel Corporation (intel):
1459    - ``intel,adsp-lps``
1461  - NXP Semiconductors (nxp):
1463    - ``nxp,imx-flexspi-hyperram``
1465  - STMicroelectronics (st):
1467    - ``st,stm32f0-flash-controller``
1468    - ``st,stm32f3-flash-controller``
1469    - ``st,stm32l0-flash-controller``
1470    - ``st,stm32l1-flash-controller``
1471    - ``st,stm32u5-flash-controller``
1473Modified bindings:
1475  - Generic or vendor-independent:
1477    - All sensor devices now have a ``friendly-name`` property,
1478      which is a human-readable string describing the sensor.
1479      See :zephyr_file:`dts/bindings/sensor/sensor-device.yaml`
1480      for more information.
1482    - All DMA controller devices have had their ``dma-buf-alignment``
1483      properties renamed to ``dma-buf-addr-alignment``.
1485      Additionally, all DMA controller devices have new
1486      ``dma-buf-size-alignment`` and ``dma-copy-alignment`` properties.
1488      See :zephyr_file:`dts/bindings/dma/dma-controller.yaml` for
1489      more information.
1491    - :dtcompatible:`ns16550`:
1493        - new property: ``vendor-id``
1494        - new property: ``device-id``
1495        - property ``reg`` is no longer required
1497    - :dtcompatible:`pci-host-ecam-generic`:
1499        - new property: ``interrupt-map-mask``
1500        - new property: ``interrupt-map``
1501        - new property: ``bus-range``
1503    - :dtcompatible:`regulator-fixed`:
1505        - removed property: ``supply-gpios``
1506        - removed property: ``vin-supply``
1508    - :dtcompatible:`gpio-keys`:
1510        - new property: ``debounce-interval-ms``
1512  - Altera Corp. (altr):
1514    - :dtcompatible:`altr,jtag-uart`:
1516        - new property: ``write-fifo-depth``
1518  - ARM Ltd. (arm):
1520    - :dtcompatible:`arm,pl011`:
1522        - new property: ``pinctrl-0``
1523        - new property: ``pinctrl-1``
1524        - new property: ``pinctrl-2``
1525        - new property: ``pinctrl-3``
1526        - new property: ``pinctrl-4``
1527        - new property: ``pinctrl-names``
1529  - Atmel Corporation (atmel):
1531    - :dtcompatible:`atmel,sam-pwm`:
1533        - specifier cells for space "pwm" are now named: ['channel', 'period', 'flags'] (old value: ['channel', 'period'])
1534        - property ``#pwm-cells`` const value changed from 2 to 3
1536    - :dtcompatible:`atmel,sam-spi`:
1538        - new property: ``loopback``
1540  - Espressif Systems (espressif):
1542    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-twai`:
1544        - property ``clkout-divider`` enum value changed from [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14] to None
1546    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-i2c`:
1548        - new property: ``scl-timeout-us``
1550    - :dtcompatible:`espressif,esp32-spi`:
1552        - new property: ``dma-enabled``
1553        - new property: ``dma-clk``
1554        - new property: ``dma-host``
1555        - removed property: ``dma``
1557  - GigaDevice Semiconductor (gd):
1559    - :dtcompatible:`gd,gd32-dma`:
1561        - specifier cells for space "dma" are now named: ['channel', 'config'] (old value: ['channel'])
1562        - new property: ``gd,mem2mem``
1563        - removed property: ``resets``
1564        - removed property: ``reset-names``
1565        - property ``#dma-cells`` const value changed from 1 to 2
1567  - ILI Technology Corporation (ILITEK) (ilitek):
1569    - :dtcompatible:`ilitek,ili9341` (on spi bus):
1571        - property ``disctrl`` default value changed from [10, 130, 39] to [10, 130, 39, 4]
1573  - Infineon Technologies (infineon):
1575    - :dtcompatible:`infineon,xmc4xxx-uart`:
1577        - new property: ``fifo-start-offset``
1578        - new property: ``fifo-tx-size``
1579        - new property: ``fifo-rx-size``
1581  - Intel Corporation (intel):
1583    - :dtcompatible:`intel,adsp-power-domain`:
1585        - removed property: ``lps``
1587    - :dtcompatible:`intel,e1000`:
1589        - new property: ``vendor-id``
1590        - new property: ``device-id``
1591        - property ``reg`` is no longer required
1593    - :dtcompatible:`intel,dai-dmic`:
1595        - new property: ``fifo``
1596        - property ``shim`` type changed from array to int
1598  - ITE Tech. Inc. (ite):
1600    - :dtcompatible:`ite,it8xxx2-pinctrl-func`:
1602        - new property: ``pp-od-mask``
1603        - new property: ``pullup-mask``
1604        - new property: ``gpio-group``
1605        - property ``volt-sel-mask`` is no longer required
1606        - property ``func4-gcr`` is no longer required
1607        - property ``func3-en-mask`` is no longer required
1608        - property ``func3-gcr`` is no longer required
1609        - property ``func4-en-mask`` is no longer required
1610        - property ``volt-sel`` is no longer required
1612  - JEDEC Solid State Technology Association (jedec):
1614    - :dtcompatible:`jedec,spi-nor` (on spi bus):
1616        - new property: ``mxicy,mx25r-power-mode``
1618  - Microchip Technology Inc. (microchip):
1620    - :dtcompatible:`microchip,xec-uart`:
1622        - new property: ``wakerx-gpios``
1624    - :dtcompatible:`microchip,xec-pcr`:
1626        - new property: ``clk32kmon-period-min``
1627        - new property: ``clk32kmon-period-max``
1628        - new property: ``clk32kmon-duty-cycle-var-max``
1629        - new property: ``clk32kmon-valid-min``
1630        - new property: ``xtal-enable-delay-ms``
1631        - new property: ``pll-lock-timeout-ms``
1632        - new property: ``clkmon-bypass``
1633        - new property: ``internal-osc-disable``
1634        - new property: ``pinctrl-0``
1635        - new property: ``pinctrl-names``
1636        - new property: ``pinctrl-1``
1637        - new property: ``pinctrl-2``
1638        - new property: ``pinctrl-3``
1639        - new property: ``pinctrl-4``
1640        - property ``interrupts`` is no longer required
1642    - :dtcompatible:`microchip,xec-qmspi-ldma`:
1644        - new property: ``port-sel``
1645        - new property: ``chip-select``
1646        - removed property: ``port_sel``
1647        - removed property: ``chip_select``
1648        - property ``lines`` enum value changed from None to [1, 2, 4]
1650  - Nordic Semiconductor (nordic):
1652    - :dtcompatible:`nordic,nrf21540-fem`:
1654        - new property: ``supply-voltage-mv``
1656    - :dtcompatible:`nordic,qspi-nor` (on qspi bus):
1658        - new property: ``mxicy,mx25r-power-mode``
1660  - Nuvoton Technology Corporation (nuvoton):
1662    - :dtcompatible:`nuvoton,numicro-uart`:
1664        - new property: ``pinctrl-0``
1665        - new property: ``pinctrl-1``
1666        - new property: ``pinctrl-2``
1667        - new property: ``pinctrl-3``
1668        - new property: ``pinctrl-4``
1669        - new property: ``pinctrl-names``
1671    - :dtcompatible:`nuvoton,adc-cmp`:
1673        - new property: ``status``
1674        - new property: ``compatible``
1675        - new property: ``reg``
1676        - new property: ``reg-names``
1677        - new property: ``interrupts``
1678        - new property: ``interrupts-extended``
1679        - new property: ``interrupt-names``
1680        - new property: ``interrupt-parent``
1681        - new property: ``label``
1682        - new property: ``clocks``
1683        - new property: ``clock-names``
1684        - new property: ``#address-cells``
1685        - new property: ``#size-cells``
1686        - new property: ``dmas``
1687        - new property: ``dma-names``
1688        - new property: ``io-channel-names``
1689        - new property: ``mboxes``
1690        - new property: ``mbox-names``
1691        - new property: ``wakeup-source``
1692        - new property: ``power-domain``
1694  - NXP Semiconductors (nxp):
1696    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,kinetis-lpuart`:
1698        - new property: ``nxp,rs485-mode``
1699        - new property: ``nxp,rs485-de-active-low``
1701    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,fxas21002` (on i2c bus):
1703        - new property: ``reset-gpios``
1705    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,imx-pwm`:
1707        - specifier cells for space "pwm" are now named: ['channel', 'period', 'flags'] (old value: ['channel', 'period'])
1708        - new property: ``nxp,prescaler``
1709        - new property: ``nxp,reload``
1710        - property ``#pwm-cells`` const value changed from 2 to 3
1712    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,imx-usdhc`:
1714        - new property: ``mmc-hs200-1_8v``
1715        - new property: ``mmc-hs400-1_8v``
1717    - :dtcompatible:`nxp,lpc-sdif`:
1719        - new property: ``mmc-hs200-1_8v``
1720        - new property: ``mmc-hs400-1_8v``
1722  - QEMU, a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer (qemu):
1724    - :dtcompatible:`qemu,ivshmem`:
1726        - new property: ``vendor-id``
1727        - new property: ``device-id``
1729  - Renesas Electronics Corporation (renesas):
1731    - :dtcompatible:`renesas,smartbond-uart`:
1733        - property ``current-speed`` enum value changed from [1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600, 1000000] to [4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 500000, 921600, 1000000, 2000000]
1735  - Silicon Laboratories (silabs):
1737    - :dtcompatible:`silabs,gecko-usart`:
1739        - new property: ``pinctrl-0``
1740        - new property: ``pinctrl-1``
1741        - new property: ``pinctrl-2``
1742        - new property: ``pinctrl-3``
1743        - new property: ``pinctrl-4``
1744        - new property: ``pinctrl-names``
1745        - property ``location-rx`` is no longer required
1746        - property ``location-tx`` is no longer required
1747        - property ``peripheral-id`` is no longer required
1749    - :dtcompatible:`silabs,gecko-gpio-port`:
1751        - property ``peripheral-id`` is no longer required
1753    - :dtcompatible:`silabs,gecko-spi-usart`:
1755        - new property: ``pinctrl-0``
1756        - new property: ``pinctrl-1``
1757        - new property: ``pinctrl-2``
1758        - new property: ``pinctrl-3``
1759        - new property: ``pinctrl-4``
1760        - new property: ``pinctrl-names``
1761        - property ``location-clk`` is no longer required
1762        - property ``location-rx`` is no longer required
1763        - property ``location-tx`` is no longer required
1764        - property ``peripheral-id`` is no longer required
1766  - Sitronix Technology Corporation (sitronix):
1768    - :dtcompatible:`sitronix,st7735r` (on spi bus):
1770        - new property: ``rgb-is-inverted``
1772  - Synopsys, Inc. (snps):
1774    - :dtcompatible:`snps,designware-i2c`:
1776        - new property: ``vendor-id``
1777        - new property: ``device-id``
1778        - property ``reg`` is no longer required
1780  - STMicroelectronics (st):
1782    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-adc`:
1784        - the ``has-temp-channel``, ``has-vref-channel`` and
1785          ``has-vbat-channel`` properties were respectively replaced by
1786          ``temp-channel``, ``vref-channel`` and ``vbat-channel``
1788    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-ethernet`:
1790        - the built-in driver for this compatible now supports the
1791          ``local-mac-address`` and ``zephyr,random-mac-address`` properties
1792          for setting MAC addresses, and the associated Kconfig options
1793          (``CONFIG_ETH_STM32_HAL_RANDOM_MAC``,
1794          ``CONFIG_ETH_STM32_HAL_USER_STATIC_MAC``) are now deprecated
1796    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-qspi-nor` (on qspi bus):
1798        - new property: ``reset-cmd``
1799        - new property: ``reset-cmd-wait``
1801    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-uart`:
1803        - new property: ``resets``
1804        - new property: ``tx-rx-swap``
1805        - new property: ``reset-names``
1807    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-usart`:
1809        - new property: ``resets``
1810        - new property: ``tx-rx-swap``
1811        - new property: ``reset-names``
1813    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-lpuart`:
1815        - new property: ``resets``
1816        - new property: ``tx-rx-swap``
1817        - new property: ``reset-names``
1819    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-exti`:
1821        - new property: ``num-lines``
1822        - new property: ``line-ranges``
1823        - new property: ``interrupt-controller``
1824        - new property: ``#interrupt-cells``
1825        - property ``interrupts`` is now required
1826        - property ``interrupt-names`` is now required
1828    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-ospi`:
1830        - property ``clock-names`` is now required
1832    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32f105-pll2-clock`:
1834        - new property: ``otgfspre``
1836    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32f105-pll-clock`:
1838        - new property: ``otgfspre``
1840    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32f100-pll-clock`:
1842        - new property: ``otgfspre``
1844    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32f1-pll-clock`:
1846        - property ``usbpre`` type changed from int to boolean
1848    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-lse-clock`:
1850        - new property: ``lse-bypass``
1852    - :dtcompatible:`st,lis2dh12` (on i2c bus):
1854        - new property: ``anym-no-latch``
1855        - new property: ``anym-mode``
1857    - :dtcompatible:`st,lsm6dso` (on i2c bus):
1859        - new property: ``drdy-pulsed``
1861    - :dtcompatible:`st,lis2dh` (on i2c bus):
1863        - new property: ``anym-no-latch``
1864        - new property: ``anym-mode``
1866    - :dtcompatible:`st,lsm303agr-accel` (on spi bus):
1868        - new property: ``anym-no-latch``
1869        - new property: ``anym-mode``
1871    - :dtcompatible:`st,lis3dh` (on i2c bus):
1873        - new property: ``anym-no-latch``
1874        - new property: ``anym-mode``
1876    - :dtcompatible:`st,lsm6dso` (on spi bus):
1878        - new property: ``drdy-pulsed``
1880    - :dtcompatible:`st,lis2dw12` (on spi bus):
1882        - new property: ``odr``
1883        - new property: ``ff-duration``
1884        - new property: ``ff-threshold``
1886    - :dtcompatible:`st,lsm6dso32` (on spi bus):
1888        - new property: ``drdy-pulsed``
1890    - :dtcompatible:`st,lsm303dlhc-accel` (on i2c bus):
1892        - new property: ``anym-no-latch``
1893        - new property: ``anym-mode``
1895    - :dtcompatible:`st,lis2dh` (on spi bus):
1897        - new property: ``anym-no-latch``
1898        - new property: ``anym-mode``
1900    - :dtcompatible:`st,lis2dw12` (on i2c bus):
1902        - new property: ``odr``
1903        - new property: ``ff-duration``
1904        - new property: ``ff-threshold``
1906    - :dtcompatible:`st,lsm303agr-accel` (on i2c bus):
1908        - new property: ``anym-no-latch``
1909        - new property: ``anym-mode``
1911    - :dtcompatible:`st,lsm6dso32` (on i2c bus):
1913        - new property: ``drdy-pulsed``
1915    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-sdmmc`:
1917        - new property: ``resets``
1918        - new property: ``reset-names``
1920    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-ucpd`:
1922        - new property: ``dead-battery``
1923        - new property: ``pinctrl-0``
1924        - new property: ``pinctrl-names``
1925        - new property: ``pinctrl-1``
1926        - new property: ``pinctrl-2``
1927        - new property: ``pinctrl-3``
1928        - new property: ``pinctrl-4``
1930    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-timers`:
1932        - new property: ``resets``
1933        - new property: ``reset-names``
1935    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-lptim`:
1937        - new property: ``st,static-prescaler``
1938        - new property: ``reset-names``
1940    - :dtcompatible:`st,stm32-usb`:
1942        - removed property: ``enable-pin-remap``
1944  - Texas Instruments (ti):
1946    - :dtcompatible:`ti,ina230` (on i2c bus):
1948        - new property: ``current-lsb-microamps``
1949        - new property: ``rshunt-milliohms``
1950        - new property: ``alert-gpios``
1951        - removed property: ``irq-gpios``
1952        - removed property: ``current-lsb``
1953        - removed property: ``rshunt``
1955    - :dtcompatible:`ti,ina237` (on i2c bus):
1957        - new property: ``current-lsb-microamps``
1958        - new property: ``rshunt-milliohms``
1959        - new property: ``alert-gpios``
1960        - removed property: ``irq-gpios``
1961        - removed property: ``current-lsb``
1962        - removed property: ``rshunt``
1964  - A stand-in for a real vendor which can be used in examples and tests (vnd):
1966    - :dtcompatible:`vnd,pinctrl`:
1968        - new property: ``bias-disable``
1969        - new property: ``bias-high-impedance``
1970        - new property: ``bias-bus-hold``
1971        - new property: ``bias-pull-up``
1972        - new property: ``bias-pull-down``
1973        - new property: ``bias-pull-pin-default``
1974        - new property: ``drive-push-pull``
1975        - new property: ``drive-open-drain``
1976        - new property: ``drive-open-source``
1977        - new property: ``drive-strength``
1978        - new property: ``drive-strength-microamp``
1979        - new property: ``input-enable``
1980        - new property: ``input-disable``
1981        - new property: ``input-schmitt-enable``
1982        - new property: ``input-schmitt-disable``
1983        - new property: ``input-debounce``
1984        - new property: ``power-source``
1985        - new property: ``low-power-enable``
1986        - new property: ``low-power-disable``
1987        - new property: ``output-disable``
1988        - new property: ``output-enable``
1989        - new property: ``output-low``
1990        - new property: ``output-high``
1991        - new property: ``sleep-hardware-state``
1992        - new property: ``slew-rate``
1993        - new property: ``skew-delay``
1995  - Zephyr-specific binding (zephyr):
1997    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,cdc-acm-uart` (on usb bus):
1999        - new property: ``tx-fifo-size``
2000        - new property: ``rx-fifo-size``
2002    - :dtcompatible:`zephyr,sdhc-spi-slot` (on spi bus):
2004        - bus list changed from [] to ['sd']
2011  * In order to avoid name conflicts with devices that may be defined at
2012    board level, it is advised, specifically for shields devicetree descriptions,
2013    to provide a device nodelabel in the form ``<device>_<shield>``. In-tree shields
2014    have been updated to follow this recommendation.
2016* Others
2018  * STM32F1 SoCs
2020    * Added new pinctrl definitions for STM32F1xx PWM input. In PWM capture mode
2021      STM32F1xx pins have to be configured as input and not as alternate.
2022      The new names takes the form tim1_ch1_pwm_in_pa8 for example.
2024    * Renamed pinctrl definitions for STM32F1xx PWM output to differentiate them
2025      from newly created inputs. The new names takes the form tim1_ch1_pwm_out_pa8
2026      instead of tim1_ch1_pwm_pa8.
2028Libraries / Subsystems
2031* C Library
2033  * Newlib nano variant is no longer selected by default when
2034    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC` is selected.
2035    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_NANO` must now be explicitly selected
2036    in order to use the nano variant.
2037  * Picolibc now supports all architectures supported by Zephyr.
2038  * Added C11 ``aligned_alloc`` support to the minimal libc.
2040* C++ Library
2042  * C++ support in Zephyr is no longer considered a "subsystem" because it
2043    mainly consists of the C++ ABI runtime library and the C++ standard
2044    library, which are "libraries" that are dissimilar to the existing Zephyr
2045    subsystems. C++ support components are now located in ``lib/cpp`` as
2046    "C++ library."
2047  * C++ ABI runtime library components such as global constructor/destructor
2048    and initialiser handlers, that were previously located under
2049    ``subsys/cpp``, have been moved to ``lib/cpp/abi`` in order to provide a
2050    clear separation between the C++ ABI runtime library and the C++ standard
2051    library.
2052  * C++ minimal library components have been moved to ``lib/cpp/minimal``.
2053  * C++ tests have been moved to ``tests/lib/cpp``.
2054  * C++ samples have been moved to ``samples/cpp``.
2055  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPLUSPLUS` has been renamed to
2056    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPP`.
2057  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_EXCEPTIONS` has been renamed to
2058    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPP_EXCEPTIONS`.
2059  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_RTTI` has been renamed to
2060    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPP_RTTI`.
2061  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LIB_CPLUSPLUS` is deprecated. A toolchain-specific
2062    C++ standard library Kconfig option from
2063    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LIBCPP_IMPLEMENTATION` should be selected instead.
2064  * Zephyr subsystems and modules that require the features from the full C++
2065    standard library (e.g. Standard Template Library) can now select
2066    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_REQUIRES_FULL_LIBC`, which automatically selects
2067    a compatible C++ standard library.
2068  * Introduced :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPP_MAIN` to support defining ``main()``
2069    function in a C++ source file. Enabling this option makes the Zephyr kernel
2070    invoke ``int main(void)``, which is required by the ISO C++ standards, as
2071    opposed to the Zephyr default ``void main(void)``.
2072  * Added no-throwing implementation of new operator to the C++ minimal
2073    library.
2074  * Added support for new operator with alignment request (C++17) to the C++
2075    minimal library.
2076  * Added GNU C++ standard library support with Picolibc when using a suitably
2077    configured toolchain (e.g. the upcoming Zephyr SDK 0.16.0 release).
2079* Cache
2081  * Introduced new Cache API
2082  * ``CONFIG_HAS_ARCH_CACHE`` has been renamed to
2083    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ARCH_CACHE`
2084  * ``CONFIG_HAS_EXTERNAL_CACHE`` has been renamed to
2085    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_EXTERNAL_CACHE`
2087* DSP
2089  * Introduced DSP (digital signal processing) subsystem with CMSIS-DSP as the
2090    default backend.
2091  * CMSIS-DSP now supports all architectures supported by Zephyr.
2093* File systems
2095  * Added new API call `fs_mkfs`.
2096  * Added new sample `samples/subsys/fs/format`.
2097  * FAT FS driver has been updated to version 0.15 w/patch1.
2098  * Added the option to disable CRC checking in :ref:`fcb_api` by enabling the
2099    Kconfig option :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_FCB_ALLOW_FIXED_ENDMARKER`
2100    and setting the `FCB_FLAGS_CRC_DISABLED` flag in the :c:struct:`fcb` struct.
2102* IPC
2104  * Added :c:func:`ipc_rpmsg_deinit`, :c:func:`ipc_service_close_instance` and
2105    :c:func:`ipc_static_vrings_deinit`  functions
2106  * Added deregister API support for icmsg backend
2107  * Added a multi-endpoint feature to icmsg backend
2108  * Added no-copy features to icmsg backend
2110* ISO-TP
2112  * Rewrote the ISO-TP API to not reuse definitions from the CAN controller API.
2114* Logging
2116  * Added support for logging on multiple domains.
2117  * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LOG_PRINTK` is now by default enabled which means that
2118    when logging is enabled then printk is by directed to the logging subsystem.
2119  * Added option to use custom logging header.
2121* Management
2123  * MCUmgr functionality deprecated in 3.1 has been removed:
2126  * MCUmgr fs_mgmt issue with erasing a file prior to writing the first block
2127    of data has been worked around by only truncating/deleting the file data
2128    if the file exists. This can help work around an issue whereby logging is
2129    enabled and the command is sent on the same UART as the logging system, in
2130    which a filesystem error was emitted.
2131  * A MCUmgr bug when using the smp_svr sample with Bluetooth transport that
2132    could have caused a stack overflow has been fixed.
2133  * A MCUmgr issue with Bluetooth transport that could cause a deadlock of the
2134    mcumgr thread if the remote device disconnected before the output message
2135    was sent has been fixed.
2136  * A MCUmgr img_mgmt bug whereby the state of an image upload could persist
2137    when it was no longer valid (e.g. after an image erase command) has been
2138    fixed.
2139  * MCUmgr fs_mgmt command has been added that allows querying/listing the
2140    supported hash/checksum types.
2141  * MCUmgr Bluetooth transport will now clear unprocessed commands sent if a
2142    remote device disconnects instead of processing them.
2143  * A new MCUmgr transport function pointer has been added which needs
2144    registering in ``smp_transport_init`` for removing invalid packets for
2145    connection-orientated transports. If this is unimplemented, the function
2146    pointer can be set to NULL.
2147  * MCUmgr command handler definitions have changed, the ``mgmt_ctxt`` struct
2148    has been replaced with the ``smp_streamer`` struct, the zcbor objects need
2149    to replace ``cnbe`` object access with ``writer`` and ``cnbd`` object
2150    access with ``reader`` to successfully build.
2151  * MCUmgr callback system has been reworked with a unified singular interface
2152    which supports status passing to the handler (:ref:`mcumgr_callbacks`).
2153  * MCUmgr subsystem directory structure has been flattened and contents of the
2154    lib subdirectory has been redistributed into following directories:
2156    .. table::
2157       :align: center
2159       +----------------+-------------------------------------------+
2160       | Subdirectory   | MCUmgr area                               |
2161       +================+===========================================+
2162       | mgmt           | MCUmgr management functions, group        |
2163       |                | registration, and so on;                  |
2164       +----------------+-------------------------------------------+
2165       | smp            | Simple Management Protocol processing;    |
2166       +----------------+-------------------------------------------+
2167       | transport      | Transport support and transport API;      |
2168       +----------------+-------------------------------------------+
2169       | grp            | Command groups, formerly lib/cmd;         |
2170       |                | each group, which has Zephyr built in     |
2171       |                | support has its own directory here;       |
2172       +----------------+-------------------------------------------+
2173       | util           | Utilities used by various subareas of     |
2174       |                | MCUmgr.                                   |
2175       +----------------+-------------------------------------------+
2177    Public API interfaces for above areas are now exported through zephyr_interface,
2178    and headers for them reside in ``zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/<mcumgr_subarea>/``.
2179    For example to access mgmt API include ``<zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/mgmt/mgmt.h>``.
2181    Private headers for above areas can be accessed, when required, using paths:
2182    ``mgmt/mcumgr/mgmt/<mcumgr_subarea>/``.
2183  * MCUmgr os_mgmt info command has been added that allows querying details on
2184    the kernel and application, allowing application-level extensibility
2185    see :ref:`mcumgr_os_application_info` for details.
2187  * MCUMgr :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_APP_LINK_WITH_MCUMGR` has been removed as
2188    it has not been doing anything.
2190  * MCUmgr Kconfig option names have been standardised. Script
2191    :zephyr_file:`scripts/utils/migrate_mcumgr_kconfigs.py` has been provided
2192    to make transition to new Kconfig options easier.
2193    Below table provides information on old names and new equivalents:
2195    .. table::
2196       :align: center
2198       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2199       | Old Kconfig option name                        | New Kconfig option name                               |
2200       +================================================+=======================================================+
2202       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2204       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2205       | MGMT_MAX_MAIN_MAP_ENTRIES                      | MCUMGR_SMP_CBOR_MAX_MAIN_MAP_ENTRIES                  |
2206       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2207       | MGMT_MIN_DECODING_LEVELS                       | MCUMGR_SMP_CBOR_MIN_DECODING_LEVELS                   |
2208       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2209       | MGMT_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_1                      | MCUMGR_SMP_CBOR_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_1                  |
2210       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2211       | MGMT_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_2                      | MCUMGR_SMP_CBOR_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_2                  |
2212       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2213       | MGMT_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_3                      | MCUMGR_SMP_CBOR_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_3                  |
2214       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2215       | MGMT_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_4                      | MCUMGR_SMP_CBOR_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_4                  |
2216       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2217       | MGMT_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_5                      | MCUMGR_SMP_CBOR_MIN_DECODING_LEVEL_5                  |
2218       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2219       | MGMT_MAX_DECODING_LEVELS                       | MCUMGR_SMP_CBOR_MAX_DECODING_LEVELS                   |
2220       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2221       | MCUMGR_CMD_FS_MGMT                             | MCUMGR_GRP_FS                                         |
2222       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2223       | FS_MGMT_MAX_FILE_SIZE_64KB                     | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_MAX_FILE_SIZE_64KB                      |
2224       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2225       | FS_MGMT_MAX_FILE_SIZE_4GB                      | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_MAX_FILE_SIZE_4GB                       |
2226       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2227       | FS_MGMT_MAX_OFFSET_LEN                         | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_MAX_OFFSET_LEN                          |
2228       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2229       | FS_MGMT_DL_CHUNK_SIZE_LIMIT                    | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_DL_CHUNK_SIZE_LIMIT                     |
2230       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2231       | FS_MGMT_DL_CHUNK_SIZE                          | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_DL_CHUNK_SIZE                           |
2232       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2233       | FS_MGMT_FILE_STATUS                            | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_FILE_STATUS                             |
2234       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2235       | FS_MGMT_CHECKSUM_HASH                          | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_CHECKSUM_HASH                           |
2236       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2238       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2239       | FS_MGMT_CHECKSUM_IEEE_CRC32                    | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_CHECKSUM_IEEE_CRC32                     |
2240       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2241       | FS_MGMT_HASH_SHA256                            | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_HASH_SHA256                             |
2242       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2243       | FS_MGMT_FILE_ACCESS_HOOK                       | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_FILE_ACCESS_HOOK                        |
2244       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2245       | FS_MGMT_PATH_SIZE                              | MCUMGR_GRP_FS_PATH_LEN                                |
2246       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2247       | MCUMGR_CMD_IMG_MGMT                            | MCUMGR_GRP_IMG                                        |
2248       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2250       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2252       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2253       | IMG_MGMT_VERBOSE_ERR                           | MCUMGR_GRP_IMG_VERBOSE_ERR                            |
2254       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2255       | IMG_MGMT_DUMMY_HDR                             | MCUMGR_GRP_IMG_DUMMY_HDR                              |
2256       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2257       | IMG_MGMT_DIRECT_IMAGE_UPLOAD                   | MCUMGR_GRP_IMG_DIRECT_UPLOAD                          |
2258       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2260       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2261       | IMG_MGMT_FRUGAL_LIST                           | MCUMGR_GRP_IMG_FRUGAL_LIST                            |
2262       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2263       | MCUMGR_CMD_OS_MGMT                             | MCUMGR_GRP_OS                                         |
2264       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2265       | MCUMGR_GRP_OS_OS_RESET_HOOK                    | MCUMGR_GRP_OS_RESET_HOOK                              |
2266       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2267       | OS_MGMT_RESET_MS                               | MCUMGR_GRP_OS_RESET_MS                                |
2268       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2269       | OS_MGMT_TASKSTAT                               | MCUMGR_GRP_OS_TASKSTAT                                |
2270       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2272       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2274       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2276       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2278       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2279       | OS_MGMT_TASKSTAT_STACK_INFO                    | MCUMGR_GRP_OS_TASKSTAT_STACK_INFO                     |
2280       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2281       | OS_MGMT_ECHO                                   | MCUMGR_GRP_OS_ECHO                                    |
2282       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2283       | OS_MGMT_MCUMGR_PARAMS                          | MCUMGR_GRP_OS_MCUMGR_PARAMS                           |
2284       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2285       | MCUMGR_CMD_SHELL_MGMT                          | MCUMGR_GRP_SHELL                                      |
2286       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2288       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2289       | MCUMGR_CMD_STAT_MGMT                           | MCUMGR_GRP_STAT                                       |
2290       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2291       | STAT_MGMT_MAX_NAME_LEN                         | MCUMGR_GRP_STAT_MAX_NAME_LEN                          |
2292       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2293       | MCUMGR_GRP_ZEPHYR_BASIC                        | MCUMGR_GRP_ZBASIC                                     |
2294       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2295       | MCUMGR_GRP_BASIC_CMD_STORAGE_ERASE             | MCUMGR_GRP_ZBASIC_STORAGE_ERASE                       |
2296       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2297       | MGMT_VERBOSE_ERR_RESPONSE                      | MCUMGR_SMP_VERBOSE_ERR_RESPONSE                       |
2298       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2299       | MCUMGR_SMP_REASSEMBLY                          | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_REASSEMBLY                           |
2300       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2301       | MCUMGR_BUF_COUNT                               | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_NETBUF_COUNT                         |
2302       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2303       | MCUMGR_BUF_SIZE                                | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_NETBUF_SIZE                          |
2304       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2305       | MCUMGR_BUF_USER_DATA_SIZE                      | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_NETBUF_USER_DATA_SIZE                |
2306       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2307       | MCUMGR_SMP_BT                                  | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_BT                                   |
2308       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2309       | MCUMGR_SMP_REASSEMBLY_BT                       | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_BT_REASSEMBLY                        |
2310       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2312       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2313       | MCUMGR_SMP_BT_AUTHEN                           | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_BT_AUTHEN                            |
2314       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2316       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2318       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2320       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2322       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2324       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2326       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2328       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2329       | MCUMGR_SMP_DUMMY                               | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_DUMMY                                |
2330       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2331       | MCUMGR_SMP_DUMMY_RX_BUF_SIZE                   | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_DUMMY_RX_BUF_SIZE                    |
2332       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2333       | MCUMGR_SMP_SHELL                               | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_SHELL                                |
2334       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2335       | MCUMGR_SMP_SHELL_MTU                           | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_SHELL_MTU                            |
2336       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2337       | MCUMGR_SMP_SHELL_RX_BUF_COUNT                  | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_SHELL_RX_BUF_COUNT                   |
2338       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2339       | MCUMGR_SMP_UART                                | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UART                                 |
2340       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2341       | MCUMGR_SMP_UART_ASYNC                          | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UART_ASYNC                           |
2342       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2343       | MCUMGR_SMP_UART_ASYNC_BUFS                     | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UART_ASYNC_BUFS                      |
2344       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2345       | MCUMGR_SMP_UART_ASYNC_BUF_SIZE                 | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UART_ASYNC_BUF_SIZE                  |
2346       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2347       | MCUMGR_SMP_UART_MTU                            | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UART_MTU                             |
2348       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2349       | MCUMGR_SMP_UDP                                 | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UDP                                  |
2350       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2351       | MCUMGR_SMP_UDP_IPV4                            | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UDP_IPV4                             |
2352       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2353       | MCUMGR_SMP_UDP_IPV6                            | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UDP_IPV6                             |
2354       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2355       | MCUMGR_SMP_UDP_PORT                            | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UDP_PORT                             |
2356       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2357       | MCUMGR_SMP_UDP_STACK_SIZE                      | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UDP_STACK_SIZE                       |
2358       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2359       | MCUMGR_SMP_UDP_THREAD_PRIO                     | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UDP_THREAD_PRIO                      |
2360       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2361       | MCUMGR_SMP_UDP_MTU                             | MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_UDP_MTU                              |
2362       +------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
2364  * MCUmgr responses where ``rc`` (result code) is 0 (no error) will no longer
2365    be present in responses and in cases where there is only an ``rc`` result,
2366    the resultant response will now be an empty CBOR map. The old behaviour can
2367    be restored by enabling
2368    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_LEGACY_RC_BEHAVIOUR`.
2370  * MCUmgr now has log outputting on most errors from the included fs, img,
2371    os, shell, stat and zephyr_basic group commands. The level of logging can be
2372    controlled by adjusting: :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_FS_LOG_LEVEL`,
2373    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_IMG_LOG_LEVEL`,
2374    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_OS_LOG_LEVEL`,
2375    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_SHELL_LOG_LEVEL`,
2376    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_STAT_LOG_LEVEL` and
2377    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_ZBASIC_LOG_LEVEL`.
2379  * MCUmgr img_mgmt has a new field which is sent in the final packet (if
2380    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_IMG_ENABLE_IMAGE_CHECK` is enabled) named ``match``
2381    which is a boolean and is true if the uploaded data matches the supplied
2382    hash, or false otherwise.
2384  * MCUmgr img_mgmt will now skip receiving data if the provided hash already
2385    matches the hash of the data present (if
2386    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_IMG_ENABLE_IMAGE_CHECK` is enabled) and finish the
2387    upload operation request instantly.
2389  * MCUmgr img_mgmt structs are now packed, which fixes a fault issue on
2390    processors that do not support unaligned memory access.
2392  * If MCUmgr is used with the shell transport and ``printk()`` functionality
2393    is used, there can be an issue whereby the ``printk()`` calls output during
2394    a MCUmgr frame receive, this has been fixed by default in zephyr by routing
2395    ``printk()`` calls to the logging system, For user applications,
2396    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_LOG_PRINTK` should be enabled to include this fix.
2398  * A bug when MCUmgr shell transport is used (issue was observed over USB CDC
2399    but could also occur with UART) whereby the default shell receive ring
2400    buffer is insufficient has been fixed by making the default size 256 bytes
2401    instead of 64 when the shell MCUmgr transport is selected.
2403  * UpdateHub:
2405    * The integrity check was reworked to allow use by other libraries. Since
2406      then UpdateHub uses mbedTLS library as default crypto library.
2407    * Added a new Storage Abstraction to isolate both flash operations and
2408      MCUboot internals.
2409    * The UpdateHub User API was moved as a Zephyr public API and the userspace
2410      now is available. This added :c:func:`updatehub_confirm` and
2411      :c:func:`updatehub_reboot` functions.
2413* LwM2M
2415  * The ``lwm2m_senml_cbor_*`` files have been regenerated using zcbor 0.6.0.
2419  * Harmonized posix type definitions across the minimal libc, newlib and picolibc.
2421    * Abstract ``pthread_t``, ``pthread_key_t``, ``pthread_cond_t``,
2422      ``pthread_mutex_t``, as ``uint32_t``.
2423    * Defined :c:macro:`PTHREAD_KEY_INITIALIZER`, :c:macro:`PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER`,
2424      :c:macro:`PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER` to align with POSIX 1003.1.
2426  * Allowed non-prefixed standard include paths with :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_POSIX_API`.
2428    * I.e. ``#include <unistd.h>`` instead of ``#include <zephyr/posix/unistd.h>``.
2429    * Primarily to ease integration with external libraries.
2430    * Internal Zephyr code should continue to use prefixed header paths.
2432  * Enabled ``eventfd()``, ``getopt()`` by default with :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_POSIX_API`.
2433  * Moved / renamed header files to align with POSIX specifications.
2435    * E.g. move ``fcntl.h``, ``sys/stat.h`` from the minimal libc into the
2436      ``include/zephyr/posix`` directory. Rename ``posix_sched.h`` to ``sched.h``.
2437    * Move :c:macro:`O_ACCMODE`, :c:macro:`O_RDONLY`, :c:macro:`O_WRONLY`,
2438      :c:macro:`O_WRONLY`, to ``fcntl.h``.
2440  * Added :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_TIMER_CREATE_WAIT`, :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MAX_PTHREAD_KEY_COUNT`,
2441    :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MAX_PTHREAD_COND_COUNT`, :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_MAX_PTHREAD_MUTEX_COUNT`.
2442  * Defined :c:macro:`SEEK_SET`, :c:macro:`SEEK_CUR`, :c:macro:`SEEK_END`.
2444* SD Subsystem
2446  * Added support for eMMC protocol in Zephyr.
2448    - Speed modes up to HS400 are supported using 1.8v operation.
2449    - Additional protocol tests have been added to verify eMMC functionality.
2450    - Disk subsystem tests have been updated to function with eMMC.
2452  * Card and host combinations that cannot utilize UHS (ultra high speed) mode
2453    will now use 4 bit bus width when possible. This will greatly improve
2454    performance for these systems.
2456* Settings
2458  * Replaced all :c:func:`k_panic` invocations within settings backend
2459    initialization with returning / propagating error codes.
2461* Shell
2463  * New features:
2465    * SHELL_AUTOSTART configuration option. When SHELL_AUTOSTART is set to n, the shell is not
2466      started after boot but can be enabled later from the application code.
2467    * Added support for setting the help description for each entry in a dictionary.
2469  * Bugfix:
2471    * Updated to clear command buffer when leaving bypass mode to prevent undefined behaviour
2472      on consecutive shell operations.
2473    * Set RX size default to 256 if shell MCUmgr is enabled.
2474    * Fixed log message queue size for all backends.
2476  * Documentation:
2478    * Added information explaining commands execution.
2480* Utilities
2482  * Added the linear range API to map values in a linear range to a range index
2483    :zephyr_file:`include/zephyr/sys/linear_range.h`.
2486* Zbus
2488  * Added the :ref:`zbus` to Zephyr.
2490    * Channel-centric multi-paradigm (message-passing and publish-subscribe) communication message bus.
2491    * Virtual Distributed Event Dispatcher.
2492    * Observers can be listeners (synchronous) and subscribers (asynchronous).
2493    * One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many communications.
2494    * Persistent messages distributed by shared-memory approach.
2495    * Delivery guarantee only for listeners.
2496    * Uses mutex to control channels access.
2497    * Added the following samples:
2499      * :zephyr:code-sample:`zbus-hello-world`
2500      * :zephyr:code-sample:`zbus-work-queue`
2501      * :zephyr:code-sample:`zbus-dyn-channel`
2502      * :zephyr:code-sample:`zbus-uart-bridge`
2503      * :zephyr:code-sample:`zbus-remote-mock`
2504      * :zephyr:code-sample:`zbus-runtime-obs-registration`
2505      * :zephyr:code-sample:`zbus-benchmark`
2507    * Added zbus channels APIs:
2509      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_pub`
2510      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_read`
2511      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_notify`
2512      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_claim`
2513      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_finish`
2514      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_name`
2515      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_msg`
2516      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_const_msg`
2517      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_msg_size`
2518      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_user_data`
2519      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_add_obs`
2520      * :c:func:`zbus_chan_rm_obs`
2521      * :c:func:`zbus_runtime_obs_pool`
2522      * :c:func:`zbus_obs_set_enable`
2523      * :c:func:`zbus_obs_name`
2524      * :c:func:`zbus_sub_wait`
2525      * :c:func:`zbus_iterate_over_channels`
2526      * :c:func:`zbus_iterate_over_observers`
2528    * Added the related configuration options:
2530      * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ZBUS_CHANNEL_NAME`
2531      * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ZBUS_OBSERVER_NAME`
2532      * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ZBUS_STRUCTS_ITERABLE_ACCESS`
2533      * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ZBUS_RUNTIME_OBSERVERS_POOL_SIZE`
2538* Atmel
2540  * sam0: Added support for SAMC20/21.
2541  * sam4l: Added ``US_MR_CHRL_{n}_BIT`` Register Aliases for USART Driver.
2543* GigaDevice
2545  * Added support for gd32l23x.
2546  * Added support for gd32a50x.
2548* Nordic
2550  * Updated nrfx to version 2.10.0.
2552* STM32
2554  * stm32cube: updated stm32h7 to cube version V1.11.0.
2555  * stm32cube: updated stm32l5 to cube version V1.5.0.
2556  * stm32cube: updated stm32wl to cube version V1.3.0.
2558* Espressif
2560  * Added Ethernet driver support
2561  * Added light-sleep and deep-sleep support over PM interface
2562  * Added ADC and DAC driver support
2563  * Added GDMA driver support
2568* Flash Map API drops ``fa_device_id`` from :c:struct:`flash_area`, as it
2569  is no longer needed by MCUboot, and has not been populated for a long
2570  time now.
2572Trusted Firmware-M
2575* Updated to TF-M 1.7.0 (and MbedTLS 3.2.1).
2576* Initial attestation service has been disabled by default due to license
2577  issues with the QCBOR dependency. To enable it, set the path for QCBOR via
2578  ``CONFIG_TFM_QCBOR_PATH`` or set the path to ``DOWNLOAD``.
2579* Firmware update sample removed pending update to 1.0 FWU service.
2580* psa_crypto sample removed pending resolution of PSA API conflicts w/MbedTLS.
2585Upgraded zcbor to 0.6.0. Among other things, this brings in a few convenient
2586changes for Zephyr:
2588* In the zcbor codebase, the ``ARRAY_SIZE`` macro has been renamed to
2589  ``ZCBOR_ARRAY_SIZE`` to not collide with Zephyr's :c:macro:`ARRAY_SIZE` macro.
2590* The zcbor codebase now better supports being used in C++ code.
2592The entire release notes can be found at
2598* Upgraded to Doxygen 1.9.6.
2599* It is now possible to link to Kconfig search results.
2601Issue Related Items
2604Known Issues
2607- :github:`33747` - gptp does not work well on NXP rt series platform
2608- :github:`37193` - mcumgr: Probably incorrect error handling with udp backend
2609- :github:`37731` - Bluetooth: hci samples: Unable to allocate command buffer
2610- :github:`40023` - Build fails for ``native_posix`` board when using C++ <atomic> header
2611- :github:`42030` - can: "bosch,m-can-base": Warning "missing or empty reg/ranges property"
2612- :github:`43099` - CMake: ARCH roots issue
2613- :github:`43249` - MBEDTLS_ECP_C not build when MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO
2614- :github:`43555` - Variables not properly initialized when using data relocation with SDRAM
2615- :github:`43562` - Setting and/or documentation of Timer and counter use/requirements for Nordic Bluetooth driver
2616- :github:`44339` - Bluetooth:controller: Implement support for Advanced Scheduling in refactored LLCP
2617- :github:`44948` - cmsis_dsp: transform: error during building cf64.fpu and rf64.fpu for mps2_an521_remote
2618- :github:`45241` - (Probably) unnecessary branches in several modules
2619- :github:`45323` - Bluetooth: controller: llcp: Implement handling of delayed notifications in refactored LLCP
2620- :github:`45814` - Armclang build fails due to missing source file
2621- :github:`46121` - Bluetooth: Controller: hci: Wrong periodic advertising report data status
2622- :github:`46401` - ARM64: Relax 4K MMU mapping alignment
2623- :github:`46846` - lib: libc: newlib: strerror_r non-functional
2624- :github:`47120` - shell uart: busy wait for DTR in ISR
2625- :github:`47732` - Flash map does not fare well with MCU who do bank swaps
2626- :github:`47908` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/stack_random works unreliably and sporadically fails
2627- :github:`48094` - pre-commit scripts fail when there is a space in zephyr_base
2628- :github:`48102` - JSON parses uses recursion (breaks rule 17.2)
2629- :github:`48287` - malloc_prepare ASSERT happens when enabling newlib libc with demand paging
2630- :github:`48608` - boards: mps2_an385: Unstable system timer
2631- :github:`48841` - Bluetooth: df: Assert in lower link layer when requesting CTE from peer periodically with 7.5ms connection interval
2632- :github:`48992` - qemu_leon3: tests/posix/common/portability.posix.common fails
2633- :github:`49213` - logging.add.log_user test fails when compiled with GCC 12
2634- :github:`49390` - shell_rtt thread can starve other threads of the same priority
2635- :github:`49484` - CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_SRAM_SIZE should not be defined by default
2636- :github:`49492` - kernel.poll test fails on qemu_arc_hs6x when compiled with GCC 12
2637- :github:`49494` - testing.ztest.ztress test fails on qemu_cortex_r5 when compiled with GCC 12
2638- :github:`49614` - acrn_ehl_crb: The testcase tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api failed to run.
2639- :github:`49816` - ISOTP receive fails for multiple binds with same CAN ID but different extended ID
2640- :github:`49889` - ctf trace: unknown event id when parsing samples/tracing result on reel board
2641- :github:`50084` - drivers: nrf_802154: nrf_802154_trx.c - assertion fault when enabling Segger SystemView tracing
2642- :github:`50095` - ARC revision Kconfigs wrongly mixed with board name
2643- :github:`50196` - LSM6DSO interrupt handler not being called
2644- :github:`50501` - STM32 SPI does not work properly with async + interrupts
2645- :github:`50506` - nxp,mcux-usbd devicetree binding issues
2646- :github:`50546` - drivers: can: rcar: likely inconsistent behavior when calling can_stop() with pending transmissions
2647- :github:`50598` - UDP over IPSP not working on nRF52840
2648- :github:`50652` - RAM Loading on i.MXRT1160_evk
2649- :github:`50766` - Disable cross-compiling when using host toolchain
2650- :github:`50777` - LE Audio: Receiver start ready command shall only be sent by the receiver
2651- :github:`50875` - net: ip: race in access to writable net_if attributes
2652- :github:`50941` - sample.logger.syst.catalog.deferred_cpp fails on qemu_cortex_m0
2653- :github:`51024` - aarch32 excn vector not pinned in mmu causing newlib heap overlap
2654- :github:`51127` - UART HW DMA ( UART Communication based on HW DMA ) - Buffer Overflow test in STM32H743 Controller
2655- :github:`51133` - Bluetooth: audio: Sink ASE does not go to IDLE state
2656- :github:`51250` - ESP32-C3 pin glitches during start-up
2657- :github:`51317` - Confusing license references in nios2f-zephyr
2658- :github:`51342` - Bluetooth ISO extra ``stream_sent`` callback after ``seq_num`` 16-bit rollover
2659- :github:`51420` - tests: subsys: logging: log_links: logging.log_links fails
2660- :github:`51422` - nsim_em: tests/subsys/logging/log_link_order run failed on nsim_em
2661- :github:`51449` - device: device_get_binding is broken for nodes with the same name
2662- :github:`51604` - doc: is the documentation GDPR compliant since it uses Google Analytics without prompting the user about tracking?
2663- :github:`51637` - shell: bypass shell_fprintf ASSERT fail
2664- :github:`51728` - soc: xtensa: esp32_net: Remove binary blobs from source tree
2665- :github:`51774` - thread safety of adv_new in Bluetooth subsys
2666- :github:`51814` - ARC irq_offload doesn't honor thread switches
2667- :github:`51820` - Longer strings aren't logged
2668- :github:`51825` - west: runners: jlink: JLink.exe name collision
2669- :github:`51977` - newlib integration: _unlink isn't mapped to unlink
2670- :github:`52055` - Bluetooth: Controller: Broadcast scheduling issues
2671- :github:`52269` - UART documentation for uart_irq_tx_enable/disable incomplete
2672- :github:`52271` - west sign: imgtool: zephyr.signed.hex and zephyr.signed.bin do not have the same contents
2673- :github:`52362` - nrf_qspi_nor driver crash if power management is enabled
2674- :github:`52395` - Cannot build applications with dts having (unused) external flash partition and disabling those drivers
2675- :github:`52491` - Value of EVENT_OVERHEAD_START_US is set to low
2676- :github:`52494` - SPI NOR DPD comment is misleading/wrong
2677- :github:`52510` - twister: truncated handler.log reports test as "failed"
2678- :github:`52513` - sample.modules.chre fails on qemu_leon3
2679- :github:`52575` - Kconfig: excessive ``select`` usage
2680- :github:`52585` - PDM event handler shouldn't stop driver on allocation failure
2681- :github:`52589` - Add support for different SDHC high-speed modes (currently defaults to SDR25)
2682- :github:`52605` - esp32-usb-serial tx-complete interrupt not working in interrupt mode on esp32c3
2683- :github:`52623` - qemu_x86: thousands of timer interrupts per second
2684- :github:`52667` - nrf_rtc_timer: Booting application with zephyr < 3.0.0 from mcuboot with zephyr >= 3.0.0
2685- :github:`52700` - posix: getopt: implement standards-compliant reset
2686- :github:`52702` - drivers: wifi: esp_at: Some issues on Passive Receive mode
2687- :github:`52705` - RNDIS fails to enumerate on Raspberry Pi Pico
2688- :github:`52741` - bl5340_dvk_cpuapp has wrong button for mcuboot button
2689- :github:`52764` - boards: esp32c3_devkitm: unable to read memory-mapped flash memory
2690- :github:`52792` - ATWINC1500 : (wifi_winc1500_nm_bsp.c : nm_bsp_reset) The reset function is not logical and more
2691- :github:`52825` - Overflow in settime posix function
2692- :github:`52830` - Annoying Slirp Message console output from qemu_x86 board target
2693- :github:`52868` - ESP32 Wifi driver returns EIO (-5) if connecting without a sleep sometime before calling
2694- :github:`52869` - ESP32 Counter overflow, with no API to reset it
2695- :github:`52885` - modem: gsm_ppp: CONFIG_GSM_MUX: Unable to reactivate modem after executing gsm_ppp_stop()
2696- :github:`52886` - tests: subsys: fs: littlefs: filesystem.littlefs.default and filesystem.littlefs.custom fails
2697- :github:`52887` - Bluetooth: LL assert with chained adv packets
2698- :github:`52924` - ESP32 get the build message "IRAM0 segment data does not fit."
2699- :github:`52941` - Zephyr assumes ARM M7 core has a cache
2700- :github:`52954` - check_zephyr_package() only checks the first zephyr package rather than all the considered ones.
2701- :github:`52998` - tests: drivers: can: Build failure with sysroot path not quoted on Windows
2702- :github:`53000` - Delaying logging via CONFIG_LOG_PROCESS_THREAD_STARTUP_DELAY_MS doesn't work if another backend is disabled
2703- :github:`53006` - Hawbkit with b_l4s5i_iot01a - wifi_eswifi: Cannot allocate rx packet
2704- :github:`53008` - Invalid ISO interval configuration
2705- :github:`53088` - Unable to chage initialization priority of logging subsys
2706- :github:`53123` - Cannot run a unit test on Mac OSX with M1 Chip
2707- :github:`53124` - cmake: incorrect argument passing and dereference in zephyr_check_compiler_flag() and zephyr_check_compiler_flag_hardcoded()
2708- :github:`53137` - Bluetooth: Controller: HCI 0x45 error after 3rd AD fragment with data > 248 bytes
2709- :github:`53148` - Bluetooth: Controller: BT_HCI_OP_LE_BIG_TERMINATE_SYNC on syncing BIG sync returns invalid BIG handle
2710- :github:`53172` - SHTCx driver wrong negative temperature values
2711- :github:`53173` - HCI-UART: unable to preform a DFU - GATT CONN timeout
2712- :github:`53198` - Bluetooth: Restoring security level fails and missing some notifications
2713- :github:`53265` - Bluetooth: Controller: ISO interleaved broadcast not working
2714- :github:`53319` - USB CDC ACM UART driver's interrupt-driven API hangs when no host is connected
2715- :github:`53334` - Bluetooth: Peripheral disconnected with BT_HCI_ERR_LL_RESP_TIMEOUT reason and SMP timeout
2716- :github:`53343` - subsys: logging: use of timestamping during early boot may crash MMU-based systems
2717- :github:`53348` - Bluetooth: Restoring connection to peripheral issue
2718- :github:`53375` - net: lwm2m: write method when floating point
2719- :github:`53475` - The ATT_MTU value for EATT should be set as the minimum MTU of ATT Client and ATT Server
2720- :github:`53505` - Some device tree integers may be signed or unsigned depending on their value
2721- :github:`53522` - k_busy_wait function hangs on when CONFIG_SYSTEM_CLOCK_SLOPPY_IDLE is set with CONFIG_PM.
2722- :github:`53537` - TFM-M doesn't generate tfm_ns_signed.bin image for FOTA firmware upgrade
2723- :github:`53544` - Cannot see both bootloader and application RTT output
2724- :github:`53546` - zephyr kernel Kconfig USE_STDC_LSM6DS3TR and hal_st CMakeLists.txt lsm6ds3tr-c variable name mismatched (hyphen sign special case)
2725- :github:`53552` - LE Audio: Device executes receiver start ready before the CIS is connected
2726- :github:`53555` - ESP32-C3 Is RV32IMA, Not RV32IMC?
2727- :github:`53570` - SDHC SPI driver should issue CMD12 after receiving data error token
2728- :github:`53587` - Issue with Auto-IP and Multicast/socket connection
2729- :github:`53605` - tests: posix: common: portability.posix.common fails - posix_apis.test_clock_gettime_rollover
2730- :github:`53613` - tests: drivers: uart: uart_mix_fifo_poll: tests ``drivers.uart.uart_mix_poll_async_api_*`` fail
2731- :github:`53643` - Invalid warning when BLE advertising times out
2732- :github:`53674` - net: lwm2m: senml cbor formatter relying on implementation detail / inconsistency of lwm2m_path_to_string
2733- :github:`53680` - HawkBit Metadata Error
2734- :github:`53728` - Sensor API documentation: no mention of blocking behaviour
2735- :github:`53729` - Can not build for ESP32 sample program - Zephyr using CMake build
2736- :github:`53767` - `@kconfig` is not allowed in headline
2737- :github:`53780` - sysbuild with custom board compilation failed to find the board
2738- :github:`53790` - Flash Init fails when CONFIG_SPI_NOR_IDLE_IN_DPD=y
2739- :github:`53800` - Raspberry Pi Pico - ssd1306 display attempts to initialize before i2c bus is ready for communication
2740- :github:`53801` - k_busy_wait adds 1us delay unnecessarily
2741- :github:`53823` - Bluetooth init failed on nrf5340_audio_dk_nrf5340_cpuapp
2742- :github:`53855` - mimxrt1050_evk invalid writes to flash
2743- :github:`53858` - Response on the shell missing with fast queries
2744- :github:`53867` - kconfig: Linked code into external SEMC-controlled memory without boot header
2745- :github:`53871` - Bluetooth: IPSP Sample Crash on nrf52840dk_nrf52840
2746- :github:`53873` - Syscall parser creates syscall macro for commented/ifdefed out syscall prototype
2747- :github:`53917` - clang-format key incompatible with IntelliJ IDEs
2748- :github:`53933` - tests: lib: spsc_pbuf: lib.spsc_pbuf... hangs
2749- :github:`53937` - usb: stm32g0: sometimes get write error during CDC ACM enumeration when using USB hub
2750- :github:`53939` - USB C PD stack no callback for MSG_NOT_SUPPORTED_RECEIVED policy notify
2751- :github:`53964` - gpio_emul: ``gpio_*`` functions not callable within an ISR
2752- :github:`53980` - Bluetooth: hci: spi: race condition leading to deadlock
2753- :github:`53993` - platform: Raspberry Pi Pico area: USB Default config should be bus powered device for the Raspberry Pi Pico
2754- :github:`53996` - bt_conn_foreach() includes invalid connection while advertising
2755- :github:`54014` - usb: using Bluetooth HCI class in composite device leads to conflicts
2756- :github:`54037` - Unciast_audio_client sample application cannot work with servers with only sinks.
2757- :github:`54047` - Bluetooth: Host: Invalid handling of Service Changed indication if GATT Service is registered after Bluetooth initialization and before settings load
2758- :github:`54064` - doc: mgmt: mcumgr: img_mgmt: Documentation specifies that hash in state of images is a required field
2759- :github:`54076` - logging fails to build with LOG_ALWAYS_RUNTIME=y
2760- :github:`54085` - USB MSC Sample does not work for native_posix over USBIP
2761- :github:`54092` - ZCBOR code generator generates names not compatible with C++
2762- :github:`54101` - bluetooth: shell: Lots of checks of type (unsigned < 0) which is bogus
2763- :github:`54121` - Intel CAVS: tests/subsys/zbus/user_data fails
2764- :github:`54122` - Intel CAVS: tests/subsys/dsp/basicmath fails (timeout)
2765- :github:`54162` - Mass-Storage-Sample - USB HS support for the stm32f723e_disco board
2766- :github:`54179` - DeviceTree compile failures do not stop build
2767- :github:`54198` - reel board: Mesh badge demo fails to send BT Mesh message
2768- :github:`54199` - ENC28J60: dns resolve fails after few minutes uptime
2769- :github:`54200` - bq274xx incorrect conversions
2770- :github:`54211` - tests: kernel: timer: timer_behavior: kernel.timer.timer fails
2771- :github:`54226` - Code coverage collection is broken
2772- :github:`54240` - twister: --runtime-artifact-cleanup has no effect
2773- :github:`54273` - ci: Scan code workflow does not report a violation for unknown LicenseRef
2774- :github:`54275` - net: socket: tls: cannot send when using blocking socket
2775- :github:`54288` - modem: hl7800: power off draws excessive current
2776- :github:`54289` - Twister jobserver support eliminates parallel build for me
2777- :github:`54301` - esp32: Console doesn't work with power management enabled
2778- :github:`54317` - kernel: events: SMP race condition and one enhancement
2779- :github:`54330` - West build command execution takes more time or fails sometimes
2780- :github:`54336` - picolibc is incompatible with xcc / xcc-clang toolchains
2781- :github:`54364` - CANopen SYNC message is not received
2782- :github:`54373` - Mcuboot swap type is ``test`` when update fails
2783- :github:`54377` - mec172xevb: benchmark.kernel.core (and adc_api/drivers.adc) failing
2784- :github:`54407` - Bluetooth: Controller: ISO Central with continuous scanning asserts
2785- :github:`54411` - mgmt: mcumgr: Shell transport can lock shell up until device is rebooted
2786- :github:`54435` - mec172xevb: sample.drivers.sample.drivers.peci failing
2787- :github:`54439` - Missing documentation of lwm2m_rd_client_resume and lwm2m_rd_client_pause
2788- :github:`54444` - samples/modules/chre/sample.modules.chre should not attempt to build on toolchains w/o newlib
2789- :github:`54459` - hawkbit: wrong header size used while reading the version of the app
2790- :github:`54460` - Build system should skip ``zephyr/drivers/ethernet`` module if TAP & SLIP already provides a network driver in ``zephyr/drivers/net/slip.c``
2791- :github:`54498` - net: openthread: echo server do not work in userspace
2792- :github:`54500` - jwt: memory allocation problem after multiple jwt_sign calls
2793- :github:`54504` - LwM2M: Connection resume does not work after network error
2794- :github:`54506` - net: ieee802154_6lo: wrong fragmentation of packets with specific payload sizes
2795- :github:`54531` - Bluetooth: Controller: le_ext_create_connection fails with initiating_PHYs == 0x03
2796- :github:`54532` - Tests: Bluetooth: tester: BTP communication is not fully reliable on NRF52 board using UART
2797- :github:`54538` - LE Audio: BAP Unicast Client Idle/CIS disconnect race condition
2798- :github:`54539` - LE Audio: Unicast client should only disconnect CIS if both ASEs are not in streaming state
2799- :github:`54542` - Bluetooth pending tx packets assert on disable
2800- :github:`54554` - arch.arm.swap.tz fails to build for v2m_musca_b1_ns
2801- :github:`54576` - Errors during IPv4 defragmenting
2802- :github:`54577` - IPv6 defragmenting fails when segments do not overlap
2803- :github:`54581` - STM32H7 adc sequence init function unstable logic return
2804- :github:`54599` - net stats: many received TCP packets count as "dropped"
2805- :github:`54609` - driver: led: kconfig symbols mix up
2806- :github:`54610` - samples: kernel: metairq_dispatch: sample.kernel.metairq_dispatch hangs
2807- :github:`54630` - memcpy crashes with NEW_LIBC on stm32 cortex m7 with debugger attached
2808- :github:`54668` - shell: "log backend" command causes shell to lock up
2809- :github:`54670` - stm32: memcpy crashes with NEWLIBC
2810- :github:`54674` - modem: hl7800: DNS resolver does not start for IPv6 only
2811- :github:`54683` - Missing input validation in gen_driver_kconfig_dts.py
2812- :github:`54695` - usb mass storage on mimxrt595_evk_cm33 mount very slow
2813- :github:`54705` - CDC USB shell receives garbage when application starts
2814- :github:`54713` - LVGL Module File System Memory Leaks
2815- :github:`54717` - --generate-hardware-map produces TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object on Windows
2816- :github:`54719` - STM32 clock frequency calculation error
2817- :github:`54720` - QEMU bug with branch delay slots on ARC
2818- :github:`54726` - LittleFS test only works for specific device parameters
2819- :github:`54731` - USB DFU sample does not reliably upload image on RT1050
2820- :github:`54737` - Wrong order of member initialization for macro Z_DEVICE_INIT
2821- :github:`54739` - C++ Compatibility for DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE
2822- :github:`54746` - ESP32 SPI word size is not respected
2823- :github:`54754` - outdated version of rpi_pico hal configures USB PLL incorrectly
2824- :github:`54755` - small timer periods take twice as much time as they should
2825- :github:`54768` - nrf9160dk_nrf52840: flow control pins crossed
2826- :github:`54769` - Error when flashing to LPCXpresso55S06 EVK.
2827- :github:`54770` - Bluetooth: GATT: CCC and CF values written by privacy-disabled peer before bonding may be lost
2828- :github:`54773` - Bluetooth: GATT: Possible race conditions related to GATT database hash calculation after settings load
2829- :github:`54779` - file write gives -5 after file size reaches cache size
2830- :github:`54783` - stm32: NULL dereference in net_eth_carrier_on
2831- :github:`54785` - .data and .bss relocation to DTCM & CCM is broken with SDK 0.15+
2832- :github:`54798` - net: ipv4: IP packets get dropped in Zephyr when an application is receiving high rate data
2833- :github:`54805` - when invoke dma_stm32_disable_stream failed in interrupt callback, it will endless loop
2834- :github:`54813` - Bluetooth: host: Implicit sc_indicate declaration when Service Changed is disabled
2835- :github:`54824` - BT: Mesh: Utilizes some not initialized variables
2836- :github:`54826` - Clang/llvm build is broken: Error: initializer element is not a compile-time constant
2837- :github:`54833` - ESPXX failing in gpio tests
2838- :github:`54841` - Drivers: I2S: STM32: Mishandling of Master Clock output (MCK)
2839- :github:`54844` - RAK5010 board has wrong LIS3DH INT pin configured
2840- :github:`54846` - ESP32C3 SPI DMA host ID
2841- :github:`54855` - ESP32: Compilation errors after migrating to zephyr 3.2.0
2842- :github:`54856` - nRF52840 nRF52833 Bluetooth: Timeout in ``net_config_init_by_iface`` but interface is up
2843- :github:`54859` - LE Audio: BT_AUDIO_UNICAST_CLIENT_GROUP_STREAM_COUNT invalid descsi
2844- :github:`54861` - up_squared: CHRE sample output mangling fails regex verification
2846Addressed issues
2849* :github:`54873` - doc: Remove Google Analytics tracking code from generated documentation.
2850* :github:`54858` - espressif blobs does not follow zephyr requirements
2851* :github:`54872` - west flash --elf-file is not flashing using .elf file, but using zephyr.hex to flash
2852* :github:`54813` - Bluetooth: host: Implicit sc_indicate declaration when Service Changed is disabled
2853* :github:`54804` - Warning (simple_bus_reg): /soc/can: missing or empty reg/ranges property
2854* :github:`54786` - doc: Version selector should link to latest LTS version instead of 2.7.0
2855* :github:`54782` - nrf_rtc_timer may not properly handle a timeout that is set in specific conditions
2856* :github:`54770` - Bluetooth: GATT: CCC and CF values written by privacy-disabled peer before bonding may be lost
2857* :github:`54763` - doc: Copyright notice should be updated to 2015-2023
2858* :github:`54760` - net_lwm2m_engine: fcntl(F_GETFL) failed (-22) on es-wifi
2859* :github:`54730` - intel_adsp_ace15_mtpm: cpp.main.minimal test failing
2860* :github:`54718` - The rf2xx driver uses a wrong bit mask on TRAC_STATUS
2861* :github:`54710` - Sending NODE_RX_TYPE_CIS_ESTABLISHED messes up LLCP
2862* :github:`54703` - boards: thingy53: Inconsistent method of setting USB related log level
2863* :github:`54702` - boards: thingy53: USB remote wakeup is not correctly disabled
2864* :github:`54686` - RP2040: Cleanup incorrect comment and condition from the USB driver
2865* :github:`54685` - drivers: serial: rp2040: fix rpi pico address mapping
2866* :github:`54671` - Bluetooth: spurious error when using hci_rpmsg
2867* :github:`54666` - LE Audio: EALREADY error of ase_stream_qos() not mapped
2868* :github:`54659` - boards: arm: nrf52840dongle_nrf52840: Defaults to UART which is not connected (and mcuboot build fails)
2869* :github:`54654` - LE Audio: Kconfig typo in ``pacs.c``
2870* :github:`54642` - Bluetooth: Controller: Assertion on disconnecting CIS and assertion on synchronizing to first encrypted BIS
2871* :github:`54614` - Cannot flash b_l4s5i_iot01a samples/hello_world
2872* :github:`54613` - Bluetooth: Unable to enable PAST as advertiser without periodic sync support
2873* :github:`54605` - native_posix_64 platform broken in Twister
2874* :github:`54597` - SRAM2 wrong on certain stm32h7 SOC (system crashes during startup)
2875* :github:`54580` - samples/subsys/task_wdt fails with timeout on s32z270dc2_r52 boards
2876* :github:`54575` - Automatic termination with return code from a native_posix main function
2877* :github:`54574` - USB RNDIS Reception and Descriptor Issue(s)
2878* :github:`54573` - gpio_hogs test uses an incorrect GPIO spec handle
2879* :github:`54572` - QEMU networking breakage (Updating nrf-sdk 2.1->2.2 , implies zephyr 3.1 -> 3.2)
2880* :github:`54569` - MMC subsys shares sdmmc kconfigs
2881* :github:`54567` - Assertion in z_add_timeout() fails in drivers.uart.uart_mix_poll_async_api test
2882* :github:`54563` - Variable uninitialised in flash_stm32_page_layout
2883* :github:`54558` - LPTIM Kconfig-related build failures for nucleo_g431rb
2884* :github:`54557` - sample.drivers.flash.shell fails to build for adafruit_kb2040
2885* :github:`54556` - sample.display.lvgl.gui fails to build for stm32f429i_disc1
2886* :github:`54545` - boards: rpi_pico: Bad MPU settings
2887* :github:`54544` - Bluetooth: controller: HCI/CCO/BI-45-C setHostFeatureBit failing
2888* :github:`54540` - psa_crypto variants of drivers/entropy/api and crypto/rand32 tests fail to build for nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns and nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns
2889* :github:`54537` - logging.add.async build fails on mtpm with xcc-clang
2890* :github:`54534` - PSoC6/Cat1 add binary blob for Cortex-M0+ core
2891* :github:`54533` - tests/drivers/can/timing fails on nucleo_f746zg
2892* :github:`54529` - Bluetooth: shell: Missing help messages and parameters
2893* :github:`54528` - log switch_format, mipi_syst tests failing on intel_adsp_ace15_mtpm
2894* :github:`54522` - Can we embrace GNU Build IDs?
2895* :github:`54516` - twister: Quarantine verify works incorrectly with integration mode
2896* :github:`54509` - Zephyr does not configure TF-M correctly for Hard-Float
2897* :github:`54507` - CONFIG_PM=y results to hard fault system for STM32L083
2898* :github:`54499` - stm32u5 lptimer driver init must wait after interrupt reg
2899* :github:`54493` - samples/drivers/counter/alarm/ fails on nucleo_f746zg
2900* :github:`54492` - west: twister return code ignored by west
2901* :github:`54484` - Intel CAVS25: tests/boards/intel_adsp/ssp/ fails
2902* :github:`54472` - How to enable a node in main.
2903* :github:`54469` - nsim_sem and nsim_em7d_v22 failed in zdsp.basicmath test
2904* :github:`54462` - usb_dc_rpi_pico driver enables some interrupts it doesn't handle
2905* :github:`54461` - SAM spi bus inoperable when interrupted on fast path
2906* :github:`54457` - DHCPv4 starts even when interface is not operationally up
2907* :github:`54455` - Many tests have wrong component and are wrongly categorized
2908* :github:`54454` - Twister summary in some cases provides an irrelevant example
2909* :github:`54450` - nuvoton_pfm_m487 failed to build due to missing M48x-pinctrl.h
2910* :github:`54440` - tests/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_registry/subsys.net.lib.lwm2m.lwm2m_registry fails to build w/toolchains that don't support newlib
2911* :github:`54438` - question: why lwm2m_rd_client_stop might block
2912* :github:`54431` - adafruit kb2040 board configuration is invalid and lack flash controller
2913* :github:`54428` - esp32 invalid flash dependencies
2914* :github:`54427` - stm32 uart driver ``LOG_`` msg crashes when entering sleep mode
2915* :github:`54422` - modules: openthread: multiple definition in openthread config
2916* :github:`54417` - Intel CAVS18: tests/subsys/dsp/basicmath fails
2917* :github:`54414` - stm32u5 dma driver does not support repeated start-stop
2918* :github:`54412` - [hci_uart] nrf52840 & BlueZ 5.55 - start / stop scanning breaks
2919* :github:`54410` - [BUG] TLB driver fails to unmap L2 HPSRAM region when assertions are enabled
2920* :github:`54409` - ETH MAC config for STM32H7X and STM32_HAL_API_V2 too late and fails
2921* :github:`54405` - Nominate @Vge0rge as contributor
2922* :github:`54401` - Uninitialized has_param struct sometimes causes BSIM "has.sh" test to fail
2923* :github:`54399` - Intel CAVS18: tests/subsys/zbus/user_data/user_data.channel_user_data FAILED
2924* :github:`54397` - Test posix_header fails on some STM32 Nucleo boards
2925* :github:`54395` - mgmt: mcumgr: img_grp: Upload inspect fails when using swap using scratch
2926* :github:`54393` - Bluetooth: Controller: Starting a second BIG causes them to overlap and have twice the interval
2927* :github:`54387` - soc: arm: st_stm32: Incorrect SRAM devicetree definition for the STM32L471xx
2928* :github:`54384` - Removal of old runner options caused downstream breakage
2929* :github:`54378` - Net pkt PPP dependency bug
2930* :github:`54374` - ARC: west runner: mdb: incorrect handling of unsupported jtag adapters
2931* :github:`54372` - ARC: west runner: mdb: unexpected empty argument pass to MDB executable
2932* :github:`54366` - tests: pin_get_config failed on it8xxx2_evb, again
2933* :github:`54361` - Incorrect network stats for Neighbour Discovery packets
2934* :github:`54360` - enable HTTPS server on Zephyr RTOS
2935* :github:`54356` - Bluetooth: Scanner consumption while scanning
2936* :github:`54351` - Tests: bluetooth: failing unittests
2937* :github:`54347` - zephyr/posix/fcntl.h header works differently on native_posix platform
2938* :github:`54344` - Bluetooth: Controller: Central ACL connections overlap Broadcast ISO BIG event
2939* :github:`54342` - Bluetooth: Controller: Connected ISO Central causes Peripheral to drop ISO data PDUs
2940* :github:`54341` - Bluetooth: Controller: Direction finding samples do not reconnect after disconnection
2941* :github:`54335` - tests/kernel/fatal/no-multithreading/kernel.no-mt.cpu_exception failing on qemu_cortex_m3
2942* :github:`54334` - Need support to define partitions for usage with mcuboot
2943* :github:`54332` - LwM2M engine is does not go into non-block mode anymore in native_posix target
2944* :github:`54327` - intel_adsp: ace: various multicore bugs, timeouts
2945* :github:`54321` - ARC: unusable console after west flash or west debug with mdb runners
2946* :github:`54318` - boards: nucleo_g474re: openocd runner is not stable enough for intensive testing
2947* :github:`54316` - RTT is not working correctly on STM32U5 series
2948* :github:`54315` - Problem seen with touch screen on RT1170 when running the LVGL sample
2949* :github:`54310` - Using NOCOPY code relocation generates a warning flag
2950* :github:`54287` - modem: hl7800: PSM hibernate draws excessive current
2951* :github:`54274` - newlib: Document CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_NANO default change
2952* :github:`54258` - boards: arm: twr_ke18f: LPTMR always enabled, resulting in low system timer resolution
2953* :github:`54254` - tests: canbus: isotp: conformance: test fails with CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SEC=100
2954* :github:`54253` - v3.3.0-rc1: stm32: IPv6 neighbour solicitation packets are not received without CONFIG_ETH_STM32_MULTICAST_FILTER
2955* :github:`54247` - tests: net: tcp: net.tcp.simple fails
2956* :github:`54246` - Sample:subsys/ipc/rpmsg_server:The two cores cannot communicate in nRF5340
2957* :github:`54241` - The cy8c95xx I2C GPIO expander support was broken in #47841
2958* :github:`54236` - b_u585i_iot02a_ns: Can't build TFM enabled samples (TF-M 1.7.0)
2959* :github:`54230` - STM32H7: Kernel crash with BCM4=0
2960* :github:`54225` - Intel CAVS: tests/lib/c_lib/ fails
2961* :github:`54224` - Issues with picolibc on xtensa platforms
2962* :github:`54223` - Intel CAVS: tests/kernel/common/kernel.common.picolibc fails
2963* :github:`54214` - Display framebuffer allocation
2964* :github:`54210` - tests: drivers: udc drivers.udc fails
2965* :github:`54209` - USB C PD dead battery support
2966* :github:`54208` - Various RISC-V FPU context switching issues
2967* :github:`54205` - Regression: RiscV FPU regs not saved in multithreaded applications
2968* :github:`54202` - decawave_dwm1001_dev: i2c broken due to pinctrl_nrf fix
2969* :github:`54190` - RP2040 cannot be compiled with C11 enabled
2970* :github:`54173` - Bluetooth: GATT: Change awareness of bonded GATT Client is not maintained on reconnection after reboot
2971* :github:`54172` - Bluetooth: GATT: Written value of gatt_cf_cfg data may be dropped on power down
2972* :github:`54148` - qemu_x86_tiny places picolibc text outside of pinned.text
2973* :github:`54140` - BUS FAULT when running nmap towards echo_async sample
2974* :github:`54139` - Bluetooth: Audio: race hazard bt_audio_discover() callback vs unicast_client_ase_cp_discover()
2975* :github:`54138` - Buetooth: shell: `bt adv-data` isn't working properly
2976* :github:`54136` - Socket error after deregistration causes RD client state machine to re-register
2977* :github:`54123` - Intel CAVS 25: tests/boards/intel_adsp/ssp fails
2978* :github:`54117` - West flash fails on upload to Nucleo F303K8
2979* :github:`54104` - Bluetooth: Host: Bonding information distribution in the non-bondable mode
2980* :github:`54087` - tests:igmp:frdm_k64f: igmp test fails
2981* :github:`54086` - test:rio:frdm_k64f: rio user_space test fails with zephyr-v3.2.0-3842-g7ffc20082023
2982* :github:`54078` - No activity on can_tx when running the ISO-TP sample
2983* :github:`54072` - Bluetooth: Host: Periodic scanner does not differentiate between partial and incomplete data
2984* :github:`54065` - How To Change C++ Version Compilation Option For Freestanding Application?
2985* :github:`54053` - CI:frdm_k64f: kernel.common.stack_protection test failure
2986* :github:`54034` - QSPI: Unable to build the project when introduced DMA into external flash interfacing
2987* :github:`54017` - Modules: TF-M: Resolve QCBOR issues with TF-M 1.7.0
2988* :github:`54005` - esp32 Severe crash using modules with embedded PSRAM (eg esp32-wroom-32E-n8r2)
2989* :github:`54002` - mgmt: mcumgr: bluetooth transport: Inability to use refactored transport as a library in some circumstances
2990* :github:`53995` - drivers: ethernet: stm32: Enable ethernet statistics in the driver
2991* :github:`53994` - net: ethernet: Multicast receive packets statistics are not getting updated
2992* :github:`53991` - LE Audio: samples/bluetooth/broadcast_audio_sink configure error
2993* :github:`53989` - STM32 usb networking stack threading issue
2994* :github:`53967` - net: http client: HTTP timeout can lead to deadlock of global system queue
2995* :github:`53954` - tests: lib: ringbuffer: libraries.ring_buffer hangs
2996* :github:`53952` - USB C PD sink sample stops working when connected to a non-PD source
2997* :github:`53942` - Websocket: No close message on websocket close
2998* :github:`53936` - Enabling CONFIG_TRACING and CONFIG_EVENTS causes undefined reference error
2999* :github:`53935` - stm32 iwdt wdt_install_timeout not working properly
3000* :github:`53926` - Bluetooth Mesh stack question
3001* :github:`53916` - Multichannel PWM for STM32U575
3002* :github:`53913` - net: ip: igmp: IGMP doesn't get initialised because the iface->config.ip.ipv4 pointer is not initialised
3003* :github:`53911` - Info request: SMP Hash
3004* :github:`53900` - led_set_brightness() is not setting brightness after led_blink() for STM32U575
3005* :github:`53885` - Ethernet TCP Client Issue description with iperf/zperf
3006* :github:`53876` - The handle of att indication violates the spec
3007* :github:`53862` - Switching from USB to UART
3008* :github:`53859` - RFC: Board porting guide: Do not assume OS or default ports for board files
3009* :github:`53808` - Improve PLLI2S VCO precision
3010* :github:`53805` - peripheral_dis compilation reports RAM overflow for BBC microbit
3011* :github:`53799` - Info request: SMP hash definition
3012* :github:`53786` - BLE:DF: slot_plus_us is not set properly
3013* :github:`53782` - nrf5340dk: missing i2c bias pull up
3014* :github:`53781` - Allow resetting STM32 peripherals through RCC peripheral reset register
3015* :github:`53777` - mgmt: mcumgr: Change transport selects to depends on
3016* :github:`53773` - drivers: ethernet: stm32: Completion of enabling the multicast hash filter
3017* :github:`53756` - esp32 - Wrong value for the default cpu freq -> crash on assert
3018* :github:`53753` - [DOC] Mismatch of driver sample overview
3019* :github:`53744` - ztest: assert() functions does not always retuns
3020* :github:`53723` - device tree macro: GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET_BY_IDX_OR does not work
3021* :github:`53720` - Bluetooth: Controller: Incorrect address type for PA sync established
3022* :github:`53715` - mec15xxevb_assy6853: broken UART console output
3023* :github:`53707` - fs: fcb: Add option to disable CRC for FCB entries
3024* :github:`53697` - Can not run the usb mass storage demo on NXP mimxrt595_evk_cm33
3025* :github:`53696` - sysbuild should not parse the board revision conf
3026* :github:`53689` - boards: nrf52840dongle_nrf52840 is missing storage partition definition
3027* :github:`53676` - net: lwm2m: inconsistent path string handling throughout the codebase
3028* :github:`53673` - samples: posix: gettimeofday does not build on native_posix
3029* :github:`53663` - Error while trying to flash nucleo_f446re: TARGET: stm32f4x.cpu - Not halted
3030* :github:`53656` - twister: samples: Bogus yaml for code_relocation sample
3031* :github:`53654` - SPI2 not working on STM32L412
3032* :github:`53652` - samples: mgmt: mcumgr: fs overlay does not work
3033* :github:`53642` - Display driver sample seems to mix up RGB565 and BGR565
3034* :github:`53636` - cdc_acm fails on lpcxpresso55s69 board
3035* :github:`53630` - net: ieee802154_6lo: REGRESSION: L2 MAC byte swapping results in wrong IPHC decompression
3036* :github:`53617` - unicast_audio_client and unicast_audio_server example assert
3037* :github:`53612` - file system (LFS?): failure to expand file with truncate
3038* :github:`53610` - k_malloc and settings
3039* :github:`53604` - testsuite: Broken Kconfig prevents building tests for nrf52840dk_nrf52840 platform
3040* :github:`53584` - STM32F1 PWM Input Capture Issue
3041* :github:`53579` - add_compile_definitions does not "propagate upwards" as supposed to when using west
3042* :github:`53568` - Kconfig search has white on white text
3043* :github:`53566` - Use fixup commits during code review
3044* :github:`53559` - mgmt: mcumgr: explore why UART interface is so slow (possible go application fault)
3045* :github:`53556` - Cannot add multiple out-of-the-tree secure partitions
3046* :github:`53549` - mgmt: mcumgr: callbacks: Callbacks events for a single group should be able to be combined
3047* :github:`53548` - net: ip: igmp: Mechanism to add MAC address for IGMP all systems multicast address to an ethernet multicast hash filter
3048* :github:`53535` - define a recommended process in zephyr for a CI framework integration
3049* :github:`53520` - tests: drivers: gpio: gpio_api_1pin: peripheral.gpio.1pin fails
3050* :github:`53513` - STM32 PWM Input Capture Issue
3051* :github:`53500` - ``net_tcp: context->tcp == NULL`` error messages during TCP connection
3052* :github:`53495` - RFC: treewide: python: argparse default configuration allows shortened command arguments
3053* :github:`53490` - Peridic current spike using tickless Zephyr
3054* :github:`53488` - Missing UUID for PBA and TMAS
3055* :github:`53487` - west: flash: stm32cubeprogrammer: Reset command line argument is wrong
3056* :github:`53474` - Sysbuild cmake enters infinite loop if 2 images are added to a build with the same name
3057* :github:`53470` - Unable to build using Arduino Zero
3058* :github:`53468` - STM32 single-wire UART not working when poll-out more than 1 char
3059* :github:`53466` - Nucleo F413ZH CAN bus support
3060* :github:`53458` - IPv4 address autoconfiguration leaks TX packets/buffers
3061* :github:`53455` - GATT: Deadlock while sending GATT notification from system workqueue thread
3062* :github:`53451` - USB: Suspending CDC ACM can lead to endpoint/transfer state mismatch
3063* :github:`53446` - Bluetooth: Controller: ll_setup_iso_path not working if both CIS and BIS supported
3064* :github:`53438` - unable to wakeup from Stop2 mode
3065* :github:`53437` - WaveShare xnucleo_f411re: Error: ``** Unable to reset target **``
3066* :github:`53433` - flash content erase in bootloader region at run time
3067* :github:`53430` - drivers: display: otm8009a: import 3rd-party source
3068* :github:`53425` - Do we have support for rtc subsecond calculation in zephyr.
3069* :github:`53424` - Reopen issue #49390
3070* :github:`53423` - [bisected] logging.log_msg_no_overflow is failing on qemu_riscv64
3071* :github:`53421` - cpp: defined popcount macro prevents use of std::popcount
3072* :github:`53419` - net: stats: DHCP packets are not counted as part of UDP counters
3073* :github:`53417` - CAN-FD / MCAN driver: Possible variable overflow for some MCUs
3074* :github:`53407` - Support of regex
3075* :github:`53385` - SWD not working on STM32F405
3076* :github:`53366` - net: ethernet: provide a way to get ethernet config
3077* :github:`53361` - Adding I2C devices SX1509B to Devicetree with the same address on different busses generates FATAL ERROR.
3078* :github:`53360` - kernel: k_msgq: add peek_more function
3079* :github:`53347` - WINC1500 socket recv fail
3080* :github:`53340` - net: lwm2m: add BinaryAppDataContainer object (19)
3081* :github:`53335` - Undeclared constants in devicetree_generated.h
3082* :github:`53326` - usb: device: usb_dfu: k_mutex is being called from isr
3083* :github:`53315` - Fix possible underflow in tcp flags parse.
3084* :github:`53306` - scripts: utils: migrate_mcumgr_kconfigs.py: Missing options
3085* :github:`53301` - Bluetooth: Controller: Cannot recreate CIG
3086* :github:`53294` - samples: mgmt: mcumgr: smp_svr: UDP file can be removed
3087* :github:`53293` - mgmt: mcumgr: CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_IMG_REJECT_DIRECT_XIP_MISMATCHED_SLOT causes a build failure
3088* :github:`53285` - SNTP & DATE_TIME & SERVER ADDRESS configuration and behavior
3089* :github:`53280` - Bluetooth: security level failure with multiple links
3090* :github:`53276` - doc: mgmt: mcumgr: fix "some unspecified" error
3091* :github:`53271` - modules: segger: KConfigs are broken
3092* :github:`53259` - RFC: API Change: dma: callback status
3093* :github:`53254` - Bluetooth: bt_conn_foreach() reports unstable conn ref before the connection is completed
3094* :github:`53247` - ATT timeout followed by a segmentation fault
3095* :github:`53242` - Controller in HCI UART RAW mode responds to Stop Discovery mgmt command with 0x0b status code
3096* :github:`53240` - Task Watchdog Fallback Timeout Before Installing Timeout - STM32
3097* :github:`53236` - Make USB VBUS sensing configurable for STM32 devices
3098* :github:`53231` - drivers/flash/flash_stm32l5_u5.c : unable to use full 2MB flash with TF-M activated
3099* :github:`53227` - mgmt: mcumgr: Possible instability with USB CDC data transfer
3100* :github:`53223` - LE Audio: Add interleaved packing for LE audio
3101* :github:`53221` - Systemview trace id overlap
3102* :github:`53209` - LwM2M: Replace pathstrings from the APIs
3103* :github:`53194` - tests: kernel: timer: starve: DTS failure stm32f3_seco_d23
3104* :github:`53189` - Mesh CI failure with BT_MESH_LPN_RECV_DELAY
3105* :github:`53175` - Select pin properties from shield overlay
3106* :github:`53164` - mgmt: mcumgr: NMP Timeout with smp_svr example
3107* :github:`53158` - SPIM transaction timeout leads to crash
3108* :github:`53151` - fs: FAT_FS_API MKFS test uses driver specific calls
3109* :github:`53147` - usb: cdc_acm: log related warning promoted to error
3110* :github:`53141` - For pinctrl on STM32 pin cannot be defined as push-pull with low level
3111* :github:`53129` - Build fails on ESP32 when enabling websocket client API
3112* :github:`53103` - Zephyr shell on litex : number higher than 10 are printed as repeated hex
3113* :github:`53101` - esp32: The startup code hangs after reboot via sys_reboot(...)
3114* :github:`53094` - Extend Zperf command
3115* :github:`53093` - ARM: Ability to query CFSR on exception
3116* :github:`53059` - Bluetooth: peripheral GATT notification call takes a lot of time
3117* :github:`53049` - Bluetooth: LL assertion fail with peripherals connect/disconnect rounds
3118* :github:`53048` - Bluetooth: legacy advertising doesn't resume if CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV=y
3119* :github:`53046` - Bluetooth: Failed to set security level for the second connection
3120* :github:`53043` - Bluetooth: Peripheral misses notifications from Central after setting security level
3121* :github:`53033` - tests-ci : libraries: encoding: jwt test Failed
3122* :github:`53034` - tests-ci : os: mgmt: info_net test No Console Output(Timeout)
3123* :github:`53035` - tests-ci : crypto: rand32: random_ctr_drbg test No Console Output(Timeout)
3124* :github:`53036` - tests-ci : testing: ztest: base.verbose_1 test No Console Output(Timeout)
3125* :github:`53037` - tests-ci : net: mqtt_sn: client test No Console Output(Timeout)
3126* :github:`53038` - tests-ci : net: socket: mgmt test No Console Output(Timeout)
3127* :github:`53039` - tests-ci : net: socket: af_packet.ipproto_raw test No Console Output(Timeout)
3128* :github:`53040` - tests-ci : net: ipv4: fragment test No Console Output(Timeout)
3129* :github:`53019` - random: Zephyr enables TEST_RANDOM_GENERATOR when it should not
3130* :github:`53012` - stm32u5: timer api: lptim: k_msleep is twice long as expected
3131* :github:`53010` - timers: large drift if hardware timer has a low resolution
3132* :github:`53007` - Bluetooth: Notification callback is called with incorrect connection reference
3133* :github:`53002` - Incorrect hardware reset cause sets for watchdog reset on stm32h743zi
3134* :github:`52996` - kconfig: Use of multiple fragment files with OVERLAY_CONFIG not taking effect
3135* :github:`52995` - Add triage permissions for dianazig
3136* :github:`52983` - Bluetooth: Audio: BT_CODEC_LC3_CONFIG_DATA fails to compile with _frame_blocks_per_sdu > 1
3137* :github:`52981` - LOG_MODE_MINIMAL do not work with USB_CDC for nRF52840
3138* :github:`52975` - posix: clock: current method of capturing elapsed time leads to loss in seconds
3139* :github:`52970` - samples/net/wifi example does not work with ESP32
3140* :github:`52962` - Bluetooth non-functional on nRF5340 target
3141* :github:`52935` - Missing Libraries
3142* :github:`52931` - Filesystem Write Fails with Some SD-Cards
3143* :github:`52925` - Using #define LOG_LEVEL 0 does not filter out logs
3144* :github:`52920` - qemu_cortex_r5: tests/ztest/base
3145* :github:`52918` - qemu_cortex_r5` CI fails
3146* :github:`52914` - drivers: adc: ADC_CONFIGURABLE_INPUTS confict between 2 ADCs
3147* :github:`52913` - twister build fails but returns exit code of 0
3148* :github:`52909` - usb: usb don't work after switch from Zephyr 2.7.3 to 3.2.99 on i.MX RT1020
3149* :github:`52898` - mgmt: mcumgr: replace cmake functions without zephyr prefix to have zephyr prefix
3150* :github:`52882` - Sample applications that enable USB and error if it fails are incompatible with boards like thingy53 with auto-USB init (i.e. USB CDC for logging)
3151* :github:`52878` - Bluetooth: Unable use native_posix with shell demo
3152* :github:`52872` - Logging to USB CDC ACM limited to very low rate
3153* :github:`52870` - ESP32-C3 System clock resolution improvements
3154* :github:`52857` - Adafruit WINC1500 Wifi Shield doesn't work on nRF528XX
3155* :github:`52855` - Improve artifact generation for split build/test operation of twister
3156* :github:`52854` - twister build fails but returns exit code of 0
3157* :github:`52838` - Bluetooth: audio:invalid ase state transition
3158* :github:`52833` - Bluetooth Controller assertion on sys_reboot() with active connections (lll_preempt_calc: Actual EVENT_OVERHEAD_START_US)
3159* :github:`52829` - kernel/sched: Fix SMP race on pend
3160* :github:`52818` - samples: subsys: usb: shell: sample.usbd.shell  fails - no output from console
3161* :github:`52817` - tests: drivers: udc: dirvers.udc fails
3162* :github:`52813` - stm32h7: dsi: ltdc: clock: PLL3: clock not set up correctly or side effect
3163* :github:`52812` - Various problems with pipes (Not unblocking, Data Access Violation, unblocking wrong thread...)
3164* :github:`52805` - Code crashing due to ADC Sync operation (STM32F4)
3165* :github:`52803` - Kconfig: STM32F4 UF2 family ID
3166* :github:`52795` - Remove deprecated tinycbor module
3167* :github:`52794` - Possible regression for printk() output of i2c sensor data on amg88xx sample
3168* :github:`52788` - Re-enable LVGL support for M0 processors.
3169* :github:`52784` - NRF_DRIVE_S0D1 option is not always set in the nordic,nrf-twi and nordic,nrf-twim nodes, when using shield?
3170* :github:`52779` - Error While adding the mcuboot folder in repo.
3171* :github:`52776` - ite: eSPI driver: espi_it8xxx2_send_vwire() is not setting valid flag along with respective virtual wire when invoked from app code.
3172* :github:`52754` - tests/drivers/bbram: Refactor to use a common prj.conf
3173* :github:`52749` - posix: getopt: cannot use getopt() in a standard way
3174* :github:`52739` - Newlib defines POSIX primitives when -std=gnu
3175* :github:`52721` - Minimal logging does not work if printk and boot banner are disabled
3176* :github:`52718` - Simplify handling of fragments in ``net_buf``
3177* :github:`52709` - samples: subsys: nvs: sample.nvs.basic does not complete within twister default timeout
3178* :github:`52708` - samples: drivers: watchdog: sample.drivers.watchdog loops endlessly
3179* :github:`52707` - samples: subsys: task_wdt: sample.subsys.task_wdt loops endlessly
3180* :github:`52703` - tests: subsys: usb: device: usb.device USAGE FAULT exception
3181* :github:`52691` - cannot read octospi flash when partition size exceeds 4mb
3182* :github:`52690` - coredump: stm32l5: I-cache error on coredump backend in flash
3183* :github:`52675` - I2C: STM32F0 can't switch to HSI clock by default and change timing
3184* :github:`52673` - mcux: flexcan: forever waiting semaphore in can_send()
3185* :github:`52670` - tests: subsys: usb: device: usb.device hangs
3186* :github:`52652` - drivers: sensors: bmi08x config file
3187* :github:`52641` - armv7: mpu: RASR size field incorrectly initialized
3188* :github:`52632` - MQTT over WebSockets: After hours of running time receiving published messages is strongly delayed
3189* :github:`52628` - spi: NXP MCUX LPSPI driver does not correctly change baud rate once configured
3190* :github:`52626` - Improve LLCP unit tests
3191* :github:`52625` - USB device: mimxrt685_evk_cm33: premature ZLP during control IN transfer
3192* :github:`52614` - Empty "west build --test-item" doesn't report warnings/errors
3193* :github:`52602` - tests: subsys: settings: file_littlefs: system.settings.file_littlefs.raw fails
3194* :github:`52598` - esp32c3 Unable to do any timing faster than 1ms
3195* :github:`52595` - Twister: unable to run tests on real hardware
3196* :github:`52588` - ESP32c3 SPI driver DMA mode limited to 64 byte chunks
3197* :github:`52566` - Error while build esp32 samples/hello_world
3198* :github:`52563` - spi_transceive with DMA for STM32 does not work for devices with 16 bit words.
3199* :github:`52561` - fsl_flexcan missing flags
3200* :github:`52559` - Compiler cannot include C++ headers when both PICOLIBC and LIB_CPLUSPLUS options are set
3201* :github:`52556` - adc driver sample was failing with STM32 nucleo_f429zi board
3202* :github:`52548` - Late device driver initialization
3203* :github:`52539` - Broken linker script for the esp32 platform
3204* :github:`52534` - Missing include to src/core/lv_theme.h in src/themes/mono/lv_theme_mono.h
3205* :github:`52528` - Zephyr support for Nordic devices Thingy with TFLM
3206* :github:`52527` - net: lwm2m: wrong SenML CBOR object link encoding
3207* :github:`52526` - Simplify lvgl.h file by creating more header files inside module's sub-filoders (src/widgets and src/layouts)
3208* :github:`52518` - lib: posix: usleep() does not follow the POSIX spec
3209* :github:`52517` - lib: posix: sleep() does not return the number of seconds left if interrupted
3210* :github:`52506` - GPIO multiple gaps cause incorrect pinout check
3211* :github:`52493` - net: lwm2m: add 32 bits floating point support
3212* :github:`52486` - Losing connection with JLink on STM32H743IIK6 with Zephyr 2.7.2
3213* :github:`52479` - incorrect canopennode SDO CRC
3214* :github:`52472` - Set compiler options only for a custom/external module
3215* :github:`52464` - LE Audio: Unicast Client failing to create the CIG
3216* :github:`52462` - uart: stm32: UART clock source not initialized
3217* :github:`52457` - compilation error with "west build -b lpcxpresso54114_m4 samples/subsys/ipc/openamp/ "
3218* :github:`52455` - ARC: MWDT: minimal libc includes
3219* :github:`52452` - drivers: pwm: loopback test fails on frdm_k64f
3220* :github:`52449` - net: ip: igmp: IGMP v2 membership reports are sent to instead of the group being reported
3221* :github:`52448` - esp32: subsys: settings: not working properly on esp_wrover_kit
3222* :github:`52443` - Concerns with maintaining separate kernel device drivers for fuel-gauge and charger ICs
3223* :github:`52415` - tests: kernel: timer: timer_behavior: kernel.timer.timer fails
3224* :github:`52412` - doc: mgmt: mcumgr: Clarify that hash in img_mgmt is a full sha256 hash and required
3225* :github:`52409` - STM32H7: ethernet: Device fails to receive any IP packets over ethernet after receiving UDP/IP multicast at a constant rate for some time
3226* :github:`52407` - tests: subsys: mgmt: mcumgr: Test needed that enables all features/Kconfigs
3227* :github:`52404` - mgmt: mcumgr: Callback include file has file name typo
3228* :github:`52401` - mgmt: mcumgr: Leftover files after directory update
3229* :github:`52399` - cmake error
3230* :github:`52393` - Controller: ACL packets NACKed after Data Length Update
3231* :github:`52376` - Cannot build apps with main in a .cpp file
3232* :github:`52366` - LE Audio: Missing released callback for streams on ACL disconnect
3233* :github:`52360` - samples/net/sockets/socketpair does not run as expected
3234* :github:`52353` - bug: sysbuild lost board reversion here
3235* :github:`52352` - Questions about newlib library
3236* :github:`52351` - Bluetooth: Controller: ISOAL ASSERT failure
3237* :github:`52344` - Software-based Debounced GPIO
3238* :github:`52339` - usb: USB device re-enabling does not work on Nordic devices (regression)
3239* :github:`52327` - websocket: websocket_recv_msg breaks when there is no data after header
3240* :github:`52324` - Bluetooth Mesh example seems broken on v3.2.99 - worked ok with v3.1.99
3241* :github:`52317` - drivers: wifi: eswifi: Offload sockets accessing invalid net_context, resulting in errors in FLASH_SR and blocking flash use
3242* :github:`52309` - SAM0 flash driver with page emulated enabled will not write data at 0 block
3243* :github:`52308` - pip3 is unable to build wheel for cmsis-pack-manager as part of the requirements.txt on Fedora 37.
3244* :github:`52307` - Linker Error using CONSOLE_GETCHAR and CONSOLE_GETLINE
3245* :github:`52301` - Zephyr-Hello World is not working
3246* :github:`52298` - CI fail multiple times due to download package from http://azure.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu failed.
3247* :github:`52296` - Regulator shell does not build due to missing atoi define
3248* :github:`52291` - boards: thingy53: Enable USB-CDC by default
3249* :github:`52284` - unable to malloc during  tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/transform.cf64
3250* :github:`52280` - boards: thingy53 non-secure (thingy53_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns) does not build
3251* :github:`52276` - stm32: ST Kit B-L4S5I-IOT01A Octospi flash support
3252* :github:`52267` - http client includes chunking data in response body when making a non-chunked request and server responds with chunked data
3253* :github:`52262` - west flash --file
3254* :github:`52242` - Fatal exception LoadProhibited from mcuboot when enabling newlib in wifi sample (esp32)
3255* :github:`52235` - counter_basic_api test fails to build on STM32 platforms
3256* :github:`52228` - Bluetooth: L2CAP: receive a K-frame with payload longer than MPS if Enhanced ATT enabled
3257* :github:`52219` - jlink runner doesn't flash bin file if a hex file is present
3258* :github:`52218` - ADC read locked forever with CONFIG_DEBUG_OPTIMISATION=y on STM32U5
3259* :github:`52216` - spi_transceive with DMA on a STM32 slave returns value incorrect
3260* :github:`52211` - MCUX based QDEC driver
3261* :github:`52196` - Calling ``bt_le_ext_adv_stop()`` can causes failures in connections when support for multiple connections are enabled
3262* :github:`52195` - Bluetooth: GATT: add_subscriptions not respecting encryption
3263* :github:`52190` - [lpcxpresso55s28] flash range starts from Secure address which is not compatible with latest Jlink(v7.82a)
3264* :github:`52189` - Flash file system not working on stm32h735g_disco
3265* :github:`52181` - ADC Channel SCAN mode for STM32U5
3266* :github:`52171` - Bluetooth: BR/EDR: Inappropriate l2cap channel state set/get
3267* :github:`52169` - Mesh provisioning static OOB incorrect zero padding
3268* :github:`52167` - twister: Mechanism to pass CLI args through to ztest executable
3269* :github:`52154` - mgmt: mcumgr: Add Kconfig to automatically register handlers and mcumgr functionality
3270* :github:`52139` - ppp modem doesn't send NET_EVENT_L4_CONNECTED event
3271* :github:`52131` - tests-ci : kernel: timer: starve test No Console Output(Timeout)
3272* :github:`52125` - Timer accuracy issue with STM32U5 board
3273* :github:`52114` - Can't make JerryScript Work with Zephyr
3274* :github:`52113` - Binary blobs in ``hal_telink`` submodules
3275* :github:`52111` - Incompatible LTO version of liblt_9518_zephyr.a
3276* :github:`52103` - STM32u5 dual bank flash issue
3277* :github:`52101` - ``bt_gatt_notify`` function does not notify data larger than 20 bytes
3278* :github:`52099` - mgmt: mcumgr: Rename fs_mgmt hash/checksum functions
3279* :github:`52095` - dfu/mcuboot: dfu/mcuboot.h used BOOT_MAX_ALIGN and BOOT_MAGIC_SZ but does not include ``bootutil/bootutil_public.h``
3280* :github:`52094` - STM32MP157 Debugging method use wrong GDB port when execute command ``west debug``
3281* :github:`52085` - can: SAM M_CAN regression
3282* :github:`52079` - TLS handshake failure (after client-hello) with big_http_download sample
3283* :github:`52073` - ESP32-C3 UART1 not available after zephyr update to v3.2.99
3284* :github:`52065` - west: debugserver command does not work
3285* :github:`52059` - Bluetooth: conn:  in multi role configuration incorrect address is set after advertising resume
3286* :github:`52057` - tests: kernel: timer: starve: kernel.timer.starve hangs
3287* :github:`52056` - Bluetooth: Missing LL data length update callback on Central and Peripheral sides
3288* :github:`52055` - Bluetooth: Controller: Broadcast scheduling issues
3289* :github:`52049` - Update mps2_an521_remote for compatibility with mps2_an521_ns
3290* :github:`52022` - RFC: API Change: mgmt: mcumgr: transport: Add query valid check function
3291* :github:`52021` - RFC: API Change: mgmt: mcumgr: Replace mgmt_ctxt struct with smp_streamer
3292* :github:`52009` - tests: kernel: fifo: fifo_timeout: kernel.fifo.timeout fails on nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp
3293* :github:`51998` - Nominate Attie Grande as zephyr Collaborator
3294* :github:`51997` - microTVM or zephyr bugs, No SOURCES given to Zephyr library
3295* :github:`51989` - stm32f303v(b-c)tx-pinctrl.dtsi, No such file or directory
3296* :github:`51984` - Bluetooth: Central rejects connection parameters update request from a connected peripheral
3297* :github:`51973` - Coding style problem, clang-format formatted code cannot pass CI.
3298* :github:`51951` - Zephyr Getting Started steps fail with Python v3.11
3299* :github:`51944` - lsm6dso sensnsor driver: to enable drdy in pulsed mode call ``lsm6dso_data_ready_mode_set()``
3300* :github:`51939` - mgmt: mcumgr: SMP is broken
3301* :github:`51931` - Failing unit test re. missing PERIPHERAL_ISO_SUPPORT KConfig selection
3302* :github:`51893` - LSM303dlhc sensor example not compiling for nRF52840
3303* :github:`51874` - Zephyr 3.1 bosch,bme280 device is in the final DTS and accessible, but DT_HAS_BOSCH_BME280_ENABLED=n
3304* :github:`51873` - sensor: bmp388: missing if check around i2c device ready function
3305* :github:`51872` - Race condition in workqueue can lead to work items being lost
3306* :github:`51870` - Nucleo_h743zi fails to format storage flash partition
3307* :github:`51855` - openocd: targeting wrong serial port / device
3308* :github:`51829` - qemu_x86: upgrading to q35 breaks networking samples.
3309* :github:`51827` - picolibc heap lock recursion mismatch
3310* :github:`51821` - native_posix: Cmake must be run at least twice to find ${CMAKE_STRIP}
3311* :github:`51815` - Bluetooth: bt_disable in loop with babblesim gatt test causes Zephyr link layer assert
3312* :github:`51798` - mgmt: mcumgr: image upload, then image erase, then image upload does not restart upload from start
3313* :github:`51797` - West espressif install not working
3314* :github:`51796` - LE Audio: Improve stream coupling for CIS as the unicast client
3315* :github:`51788` - Questionable test code in ipv6_fragment test
3316* :github:`51785` - drivers/clock_control: stm32: Can support configure stm32_h7 PLL2 ?
3317* :github:`51780` - windows-curses Python package in requirements.txt can't install if using Python 3.11
3318* :github:`51778` - stm32l562e-dk: Broken TF-M psa-crypto sample
3319* :github:`51776` - POSIX API is not portable across arches
3320* :github:`51761` - Bluetooth : HardFault in hci_driver on sample/bluetooth/periodic_sync using nRF52833DK
3321* :github:`51752` - CAN documentation points to old sample locations
3322* :github:`51731` - Twister has a hard dependency on ``west.log``
3323* :github:`51728` - soc: xtensa: esp32_net: Remove binary blobs from source tree
3324* :github:`51720` - USB mass sample not working for FAT FS
3325* :github:`51714` - Bluetooth: Application with buffer that cannot unref it in disconnect handler leads to advertising issues
3326* :github:`51713` - drivers: flash: spi_nor: init fails when flash is busy
3327* :github:`51711` - Esp32-WROVER Unable to include the header file ``esp32-pinctrl.h``
3328* :github:`51693` - Bluetooth: Controller: Transmits packets longer than configured max len
3329* :github:`51687` - tests-ci : net: socket: tcp.preempt test Failed
3330* :github:`51688` - tests-ci : net: socket: tcp test Failed
3331* :github:`51689` - tests-ci : net: socket: poll test Failed
3332* :github:`51690` - tests-ci : net: socket: select test Failed
3333* :github:`51691` - tests-ci : net: socket: tls.preempt test Failed
3334* :github:`51692` - tests-ci : net: socket: tls test Failed
3335* :github:`51676` - stm32_hal -- undefined reference to "SystemCoreClock"
3336* :github:`51653` - mgmt: mcumgr: bt: issue with queued packets when device is busy
3337* :github:`51650` - Bluetooth: Extended adv reports with legacy data should also be discardable
3338* :github:`51631` - bluetooth: shell: linker error
3339* :github:`51629` - BLE stack execution fails with CONFIG_NO_OPTIMIZATIONS=y
3340* :github:`51622` - ESP32 mcuboot not support chip revision 1
3341* :github:`51621` - APPLICATION_CONFIG_DIR, CONF_FILE do not always pick up local ``boards/*.conf``
3342* :github:`51620` - Add Apache Thrift Module (from GSoC 2022 Project)
3343* :github:`51617` - RFC: Add Apache Thrift Upstream Module (from GSoC 2022 Project)
3344* :github:`51611` - check_compliance.py generates file checkpath.txt which isn't in .gitingore
3345* :github:`51607` - DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT does not consider parents/path
3346* :github:`51604` - doc: is the documentation GDPR compliant since it uses Google Analytics without prompting the user about tracking?
3347* :github:`51602` - Stack overflow when using mcumgr fs_mgmt
3348* :github:`51600` - Bluetooth assert on flash erase using mcumgr
3349* :github:`51594` - mgmt: mcumgr: bt: thread freezes if device disconnects
3350* :github:`51588` - Doc:  Broken link in the "Electronut Labs Papyr" documentation page
3351* :github:`51566` - broken network once lwM2M is resumed after pause
3352* :github:`51559` - lwm2m tests are failing
3353* :github:`51549` - Memory report generation breaks if app and Zephyr is located on different Windows drives
3354* :github:`51546` - The blinky_pwm sample does not work on raspberry pi pico
3355* :github:`51544` - drivers/pwm/pwm_sam.c - update period and duty cycle issue (workaround + suggestions for fix)
3356* :github:`51529` - frdm_k64f: tests/net/socket/tls run failed on frdm_k64f
3357* :github:`51528` - spurious warnings when EXTRA_CFLAGS=-save-temps=obj is passed
3358* :github:`51521` - subsys: bluetooth: shell: gatt.c build fails with CONFIG_DEBUG_OPTIMIZATIONS and CONFIG_BT_SHELL=y
3359* :github:`51520` - samples: compression lz4 fails on small-ram stm32 platforms
3360* :github:`51508` - openocd: can't flash STM32H7 board using STLink V3
3361* :github:`51506` - it8xxx2_evb: Test suite after watchdog test will display fail in the daily test
3362* :github:`51505` - drivers: modem: gsm: gsm_ppp_stop() does not change gsm->state
3363* :github:`51488` - lis2dw12 function latch is misunderstood with drdy latch
3364* :github:`51480` - tests-ci : drivers: watchdog test Build failure of mimxrt1064_evk
3365* :github:`51476` - Please add documentation or sample how to use TLS_SESSION_CACHE socket option
3366* :github:`51475` - Twister: Mistake timeout as skipped
3367* :github:`51474` - driver: stm32: usb: add detach function support
3368* :github:`51471` - Network protocol MQTT: When qos=1, there is a bug in the subscription and publication
3369* :github:`51470` - tests-ci : drivers: mipi_dsi: api test Build failure
3370* :github:`51469` - Intel CAVS: Failed in tests/kernel/spinlock
3371* :github:`51468` - mps3_an547:tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/filtering bus fault
3372* :github:`51464` - samples: drivers: peci: Code doesn't build for npcx7m6fb_evb board
3373* :github:`51458` - Only one instance of mcp2515
3374* :github:`51454` - Cmake error for Zephyr Sample Code in Visual Studio
3375* :github:`51446` - The PR #50334 breaks twister execution on various HW boards
3376* :github:`51437` - LoRaWan problem with uplink messages sent as a response to class C downlink
3377* :github:`51438` - tests-ci : net: http:  test Build failure
3378* :github:`51436` - tests-ci : drivers: drivers.watchdog: nxp-imxrt11xx series : watchdog build failure
3379* :github:`51435` - tests-ci : drivers: hwinfo: api test Failed
3380* :github:`51432` - Bluetooth: ISO: Remove checks for and change seq_num to uint16_t
3381* :github:`51424` - tests: net: socket: tls: v4 dtls sendmsg test is testing v6
3382* :github:`51421` - tests: net: socket: tls: net.socket.tls region ``FLASH`` overflowed
3383* :github:`51418` - Intel CAVS: Assertion failed in tests/subsys/logging/log_links
3384* :github:`51406` - Blinky not executing on Windows
3385* :github:`51376` - Silabs WFX200 Binary Blob
3386* :github:`51375` - tests/lib/devicetree/devices/libraries.devicetree.devices: build failure (bl5340_dvk_cpuapp)
3387* :github:`51371` - hal: nxp: ARRAY_SIZE collision
3388* :github:`51370` - Driver error precision LPS22HH
3389* :github:`51368` - tests: tests/subsys/cpp/cxx/cpp.main.picolibc: build failure
3390* :github:`51364` - ESP32 WIFI: when allocating system_heap to PSRAM(extern ram), wifi station can't connet to ap(indicate that ap not found)
3391* :github:`51360` - I2C master read failure when 10-bit addressing is used with i2c_ll_stm32_v1
3392* :github:`51351` - I2C: ESP32 driver does not support longer clock stretching
3393* :github:`51349` - Turn power domains on/off directly
3394* :github:`51343` - qemu_x86_tiny doesn't place libc-hooks data in z_libc_partition
3395* :github:`51331` - lvgl: LV_FONT_CUSTOM_DECLARE does not work as string
3396* :github:`51323` - kernel: tests: Evaluate "platform_allow" usage in kernel tests.
3397* :github:`51322` - tests: kernel: timer: timer_behavior: kernel.timer.timer fails
3398* :github:`51318` - x86_64: Thread Local Storage pointer not setup before first thread started
3399* :github:`51301` - CI: mps3_an547: test failures
3400* :github:`51297` - Bluetooth: Implement H8 function from cryptographic toolbox
3401* :github:`51294` - ztest: Broken tests in main branch due to API-breaking change ``ZTEST_FAIL_ON_ASSUME``
3402* :github:`51290` - samples: application_development: external_lib: does not work on windows
3403* :github:`51276` - CAN driver for ESP32 (TWAI) does not enable the transceiver
3404* :github:`51265` - net: ip: cloning of net_pkt produces dangling ll address pointers and may flip overwrite flag
3405* :github:`51264` - drivers: ieee802154: nrf: wrapped pkt attribute access
3406* :github:`51263` - drivers: ieee802154: IEEE 802.15.4 L2 does not announce (but uses) promisc mode
3407* :github:`51261` - drivers: ieee802154: Drivers allocate RX packets from the TX pool
3408* :github:`51247` - Bluetooth: RPA expired callback inconsistently called
3409* :github:`51235` - nominate me as zephyr contributor
3410* :github:`51234` - it8xxx2_evb: The testcase tests/kernel/sleep/failed to run.
3411* :github:`51233` - up_squared: samples/boards/up_squared/gpio_counter run failed
3412* :github:`51228` - Bluetooth: Privacy in scan roles not updating RPA on timeout
3413* :github:`51223` - Problem when using fatfs example in a out_of_tree_driver with the file ff.h
3414* :github:`51214` - enc28j60 appears to be unable to correctly determine network state
3415* :github:`51208` - Bluetooth: Host: ``bt_le_oob_get_local`` gives incorrect address
3416* :github:`51202` - twister: Integration errors not reported nor counted in the console output but present in the reports.
3417* :github:`51194` - samples/subsys/lorawan building failed
3418* :github:`51185` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api fails to build on mimxrt685_evk_cm33
3419* :github:`51177` - Change SPI configuration (bitrate) with MCUXpresso SPI driver fails
3420* :github:`51174` - Bluetooth: l2cap needs check rx.mps when le_recv
3421* :github:`51168` - ITERABLE_SECTION_ROM stores data in RAM instead of ROM
3422* :github:`51165` - tools/fiptool/fiptool: Permission denied
3423* :github:`51156` - esp32 wifi: how to use ap mode and ap+station mode?
3424* :github:`51153` - modem: ppp: extract access technology when MODEM_CELL_INFO is enabled
3425* :github:`51149` - Esp32 wifi compilation error
3426* :github:`51146` - Running test: drivers:  disk: disk_access with  RAM disk  fails
3427* :github:`51144` - PR #51017 Broke GPIO builds for LPC11u6x platforms
3428* :github:`51142` - TestPlan generation not picking up tests missing ``test_`` prefix
3429* :github:`51138` - Testing tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/ fails on some stm32 boards
3430* :github:`51126` - Bluetooh: host: df: wrong size of a HCI command for connectionless CTE enable in AoD mode
3431* :github:`51117` - tests: kernel: workq: work: kernel.work.api fails test_1cpu_drain_wait
3432* :github:`51108` - Ethernet: Error frames are displayed when DHCP is suspended for a long time: <inf> net_dhcpv4: Received:
3433* :github:`51107` - Ethernet: Error frames are often displayed: <err> eth_mcux: ENET_GetRxFrameSize return: 4001
3434* :github:`51105` - esp32 wifi: http transmit rate is too slow
3435* :github:`51102` - issue installing zepyhr when i am using west cmd
3436* :github:`51076` - ADC channels 8-12 not working on LPC55s6X
3437* :github:`51074` - logging: syst: sample failure
3438* :github:`51070` - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'elftools'
3439* :github:`51068` - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'elftools'
3440* :github:`51065` - building tests/subsys/jwt failed on disco_l475_iot1  with twister
3441* :github:`51062` - lora_recv_async receives empty buffer after multiple receptions on sx12xx
3442* :github:`51060` - 10-bit addressing not supported by I2C slave driver for STM32 target
3443* :github:`51057` - Retrieve gpios used by a device (pinctrl)
3444* :github:`51048` - Firmware Upgrade Issue with Mcumgr On STM32H743 controller
3445* :github:`51025` - mbedtls: build warnings
3446* :github:`51021` - openthread: build warnings
3447* :github:`51019` - NVS should allow overwriting existing index even if there's no room to keep the old value
3448* :github:`51016` - mgmt: mcumgr: Add dummy shell buffer size Kconfig entry to shell mgmt
3449* :github:`51015` - Build Error for ST Nucleo F103RB
3450* :github:`51010` - Unable to communicate with LIS2DS12 on 52840DK or custom board
3451* :github:`51007` - Improve process around feature freeze exceptions
3452* :github:`51003` - Crash when using flexcomm5 as i2c on LPC5526
3453* :github:`50989` - Invalid ASE State Machine Transition
3454* :github:`50983` - RPI Pico usb hangs up in interrupt handler for composite devices
3455* :github:`50976` - JSON array encoding fails on array of objects
3456* :github:`50974` - DHCP (IPv4) NAK not respected when in renewing state
3457* :github:`50973` - DHCP (IPv4) seemingly dies by trying to assign an IP of
3458* :github:`50970` - SAME54_xpro network driver not attached
3459* :github:`50953` - LE Audio: Add support for setting ISO data path for broadcast sink
3460* :github:`50948` - SSD1306+lvgl sample fails to display
3461* :github:`50947` - stm32 static IPv4 networking in smp_svr sample application does not seem to work until a ping is received
3462* :github:`50940` - logging.log_output_ts64 fails on qemu_arc_hs5x
3463* :github:`50937` - Error when building for esp32c3_devkitm
3464* :github:`50923` - RFC: Stable API change: Rework and improve mcumgr callback system
3465* :github:`50895` - ADC Voltage Reference issue with STM32U5 MCU
3466* :github:`50874` - Cant disable bluetooth for BLE peripheral after connection with Central
3467* :github:`50872` - Error while installing python dependecies
3468* :github:`50868` - DHCP never binds if a NAK is received during the requesting state
3469* :github:`50853` - STM32F7 series can't run at frequencies higher than 180MHz
3470* :github:`50844` - zcbor module apis which are used for mcu boot functionality are not building in cpp file against v3.1.0
3471* :github:`50812` - MCUmgr udp sample fails with shell - BUS FAULT
3472* :github:`50801` - JSON parser fails on multidimensional arrays
3473* :github:`50789` - west: runners: blackmagicprobe: Doesn't work on windows due to wrong path separator
3474* :github:`50786` - Bluetooth: Host: Extended advertising reports may block the host
3475* :github:`50784` - LE Audio: Missing Media Proxy checks for callbacks
3476* :github:`50783` - LE Audio: Reject ISO data if the stream is not in the streaming state
3477* :github:`50782` - LE Audio: The MPL shell module should not use opcodes
3478* :github:`50781` - LE Audio: ``mpl init`` causes warnings when adding objects
3479* :github:`50780` - LE Audio: Bidirectional handling of 2 audio streams as the unicast server when streams are configured separately not working as intended
3480* :github:`50778` - LE Audio: Audio shell: Unicast server cannot execute commands for the default_stream
3481* :github:`50776` - CAN Drivers allow sending FD frames without device being set to FD mode
3482* :github:`50768` - storage: DT ``fixed-partition`` with ``status = "okay"`` requires flash driver
3483* :github:`50746` - Stale kernel memory pool API references
3484* :github:`50744` - net: ipv6: Allow on creating incomplete neighbor entries and routes in case of receiving Router Advertisement
3485* :github:`50735` - intel_adsp_cavs18: tests/boards/intel_adsp/hda_log/boards.intel_adsp.hda_log.printk failed
3486* :github:`50732` - net: tests/net/ieee802154/l2/net.ieee802154.l2 failed on reel_board due to build failure
3487* :github:`50709` - tests: arch: arm: arm_thread_swap fails on stm32g0 or stm32l0
3488* :github:`50684` - After enabling  CONFIG_SPI_STM32_DMA in project config file for STM32MP157-dk2 Zephyr throwing error
3489* :github:`50665` - MEC15xx/MEC1501: UART and special purpose pins missing pinctrl configuration
3490* :github:`50658` - Bluetooth: BLE stack notifications blocks host side for too long (``drivers/bluetooth/hci/spi.c`` and ``hci_spi``)
3491* :github:`50656` - Wrong definition of bank size for intel memory management driver.
3492* :github:`50655` - STM32WB55 Bus Fault when connecting then disconnecting then connecting then disconnecting then connecting
3493* :github:`50620` - fifo test fails with CONFIG_CMAKE_LINKER_GENERATOR enabled on qemu_cortex_a9
3494* :github:`50614` - Zephyr if got the ip is "10.xxx.xxx.xxx" when join in the switchboard, then the device may can not visit the outer net, also unable to Ping.
3495* :github:`50603` - Upgrade to loramac-node 4.7.0 when it is released to fix async LoRa reception on SX1276
3496* :github:`50596` - Documentation: Broken links in the previous release documentation
3497* :github:`50592` - mgmt: mcumgr: Remove code/functions deprecated in zephyr 3.1 release
3498* :github:`50590` - openocd: Can't flash on various STM32 boards
3499* :github:`50587` - Regression in Link Layer Control Procedure (LLCP)
3500* :github:`50570` - samples/drivers/can/counter fails in twister for native_posix
3501* :github:`50567` - Passed test cases are reported as "Skipped" because of incomplete test log
3502* :github:`50565` - Fatal error after ``west flash`` for nucleo_l053r8
3503* :github:`50554` - Test uart async failed on Nucleo F429ZI
3504* :github:`50525` - Passed test cases reported as "Skipped" because test log lost
3505* :github:`50515` - Non-existing test cases reported as "Skipped" with reason  “No results captured, testsuite misconfiguration?” in test report
3506* :github:`50461` - Bluetooth: controller: LLCP: use of legacy ctrl Tx buffers
3507* :github:`50452` - mec172xevb_assy6906: The testcase tests/lib/cmsis_dsp/matrix failed to run.
3508* :github:`50446` - MCUX CAAM is disabled temporarily
3509* :github:`50438` - Bluetooth: Conn: Bluetooth stack becomes unusable when communicating with both centrals and peripherals
3510* :github:`50427` - Bluetooth: host: central connection context leak
3511* :github:`50426` - STM32: using SPI after STOP2 sleep causes application to hang
3512* :github:`50404` - Intel CAVS: tests/subsys/logging/log_immediate failed.
3513* :github:`50389` - Allow twister to be called directly from west
3514* :github:`50381` - BLE: Connection slows down massively when connecting to a second device
3515* :github:`50354` - ztest_new: _zassert_base : return without post processing
3516* :github:`50345` - Network traffic occurs before Bluetooth NET L2 (IPSP) link setup complete
3517* :github:`50284` - Generated linker scripts break when ZEPHYR_BASE and ZEPHYR_MODULES share structure that contains symlinks
3518* :github:`50256` - I2C on SAMC21 sends out stop condition incorrectly
3519* :github:`50193` - Impossible to connect with a peripheral with BLE and zephyr 2.7.99, BT_HCI_ERR_UNKNOWN_CONN_ID error
3520* :github:`50192` - nrf_qspi_nor driver might crash if power management is enabled
3521* :github:`50188` - Avoid using extra net buffer for L2 header
3522* :github:`50149` - tests: drivers: flash fails on nucleo_l152re because of wrong erase flash size
3523* :github:`50139` - net: ipv4: Add DSCP/ToS based QoS support
3524* :github:`50070` - LoRa: Support on RFM95 LoRa module combined with a nRF52 board
3525* :github:`50040` - shields: Settle on nodelabels naming scheme
3526* :github:`50028` - flash_stm32_ospi Write enable failed when building with TF-M
3527* :github:`49996` - tests: drivers: clock_control: nrf_lf_clock_start and nrf_onoff_and_bt fails
3528* :github:`49963` - Random crash on the L475 due to work->handler set to NULL
3529* :github:`49962` - RFC: Stable API Change:  SMP (Simple Management Protocol) transport API within MCUMgr drops ``zephyr_`` prefix in functions and type definitions and drop zst parameter from zephyr_smp_transport_out_fn
3530* :github:`49917` - http_client_req() sometimes hangs when peer disconnects
3531* :github:`49871` - zperf: Add support to stop/start download
3532* :github:`49870` - stm32 enables HSI48 clock with device tree
3533* :github:`49844` - shell: Add abort support
3534* :github:`49843` - net: shell: Extend ping command
3535* :github:`49821` - USB DFU implementation does not work with WinUSB because of missing device reset API
3536* :github:`49811` - DHCP cannot obtain IP, when CONFIG_NET_VLAN is enabled
3537* :github:`49783` - net: ipv4: packet fragmentation support
3538* :github:`49746` - twister: extra test results
3539* :github:`49740` - LE Audio: Support for application-controlled advertisement for BAP broadcast source
3540* :github:`49711` - tests/arch/common/timing/arch.common.timing.smp fails for CAVS15, 18
3541* :github:`49648` - tests/subsys/logging/log_switch_format, log_syst build failures on CAVS
3542* :github:`49624` - Bluetooth: Controller: Recent RAM usage increase for hci_rpmsg build
3543* :github:`49621` - STM32WB55 BLE Extended Advertising support
3544* :github:`49620` - Add picolibc documentation
3545* :github:`49614` - acrn_ehl_crb: The testcase tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api failed to run.
3546* :github:`49611` - ehl_crb: Failed to run timer testcases
3547* :github:`49588` - Json parser is incorrect with undefined parameter
3548* :github:`49584` - STM32WB55 Failed read remote feature, remote version and LE set PHY
3549* :github:`49530` - Bluetooth: Audio: Invalid behavior testing
3550* :github:`49451` - Treat carrier UP/DOWN independently to interface UP/DOWN
3551* :github:`49413` - TI-AM62x: Add Zephyr Support for M4 and R5 cores
3552* :github:`49373` - BLE scanning - BT RX thread hangs on.
3553* :github:`49338` - Antenna switching for Bluetooth direction finding with the nRF5340
3554* :github:`49313` - nRF51822 sometimes hard fault on connect
3555* :github:`49298` - cc3220sf: add a launchpad_connector.dtsi
3556* :github:`49266` - Bluetooth: Host doesn't seem to handle INCOMPLETE per adv reports
3557* :github:`49234` - option to configure coverage data heap size
3558* :github:`49228` - ti: cc13xx_cc26xx: ADC support
3559* :github:`49210` - BL5340 board cannot build bluetooth applications
3560* :github:`49208` - drivers: modem: bg9x: not supporting UDP
3561* :github:`49148` - Asynchronous UART API triggers Zephyr assertion on STM32WB55
3562* :github:`49112` - lack of support for lpsram cache
3563* :github:`49069` - log: cdc_acm: hard fault message does not output
3564* :github:`49066` - Mcumgr img_mgmt_impl_upload_inspect() can cause unaligned memory access hard fault.
3565* :github:`49054` - STM32H7 apps are broken in C++ mode due to HAL include craziness
3566* :github:`49032` - espi saf testing disabled
3567* :github:`49026` - Add a CI check on image file sizes (specifically around boards)
3568* :github:`49021` - uart async api does not provide all received data
3569* :github:`48954` - several NXP devicetree bindings are missing
3570* :github:`48953` - 'intel,sha' is missing binding and usage
3571* :github:`48886` - Documenting the process for treewide changes
3572* :github:`48857` - samples: Bluetooth: Buffer size mismatch in samples/bluetooth/hci_usb for nRF5340
3573* :github:`48850` - Bluetooth: LLCP: possible access to released control procedure context
3574* :github:`48726` - net: tests/net/ieee802154/l2/net.ieee802154.l2 failed on reel board
3575* :github:`48625` - GSM_PPP api keeps sending commands to muxed AT channel
3576* :github:`48616` - RFC: Change to clang-format coding style rules re binary operators
3577* :github:`48609` - drivers: gpio: expose gpio_utils.h to external GPIO drivers
3578* :github:`48603` - LoRa driver asynchronous receive callback clears data before the callback.
3579* :github:`48520` - clang-format: #include reorder due to default: SortIncludesOptions != SI_Never
3580* :github:`48505` - BLE stack can get stuck in connected state despite connection failure
3581* :github:`48473` - Setting CONFIG_GSM_MUX_INITIATOR=n results in a compile error
3582* :github:`48468` - GSM Mux does not transmit all queued data when uart_fifo_fill is called
3583* :github:`48394` - vsnprintfcb writes to ``*str`` if it is NULL
3584* :github:`48390` - [Intel Cavs] Boot failures on low optimization levels
3585* :github:`48317` - drivers: fpga: include driver for Lattice iCE40 parts
3586* :github:`48304` - bt_disable() does not work properly on nRF52
3587* :github:`48299` - SHT3XD_CMD_WRITE_TH_LOW_SET should be SHT3XD_CMD_WRITE_TH_LOW_CLEAR
3588* :github:`48150` - Sensor Subsystem: data types
3589* :github:`48148` - Sensor Subsystem: Base sensor DTS bindings
3590* :github:`48147` - ztest: before/after functions may run on different threads, which may cause potential issues.
3591* :github:`48037` - Grove LCD Sample Not Working
3592* :github:`48018` - ztest: static threads are not re-launched for repeated test suite execution.
3593* :github:`47988` - JSON parser not consistent on extra data
3594* :github:`47877` - ECSPI support for NXP i.MX devices
3595* :github:`47872` - Differentiating Samples, Tests & Demos
3596* :github:`47833` - Intel CAVS: cavstool.py fails to extract complete log from winstream buffer when logging is frequent
3597* :github:`47830` - Intel CAVS: Build failure due to #47713 PR
3598* :github:`47817` - samples/modules/nanopb/sample.modules.nanopb fails with protobuf > 3.19.0
3599* :github:`47611` - ci: workflows: compliance: Add commit title to an error msg
3600* :github:`47607` - Settings with FCB backend does not pass test on stm32h743
3601* :github:`47576` - undefined reference to ``__device_dts_ord_20`` When building with board hifive_unmatched on flash_shell samples
3602* :github:`47500` - twister: cmake: Failure of "--build-only -M" combined with "--test-only" for --device-testing
3603* :github:`47477` - qemu_leon3: tests/kernel/fpu_sharing/generic/ failed when migrating to new ztest API
3604* :github:`47329` - Newlib nano variant footprint reduction
3605* :github:`47326` - drivers: WINC1500: issues with buffer allocation when using sockets
3606* :github:`47324` - drivers: modem: gsm_ppp: support common gpios
3607* :github:`47315` - LE Audio: CAP Initiator skeleton Implementation
3608* :github:`47299` - LE Audio: Advertising (service) data for one or more services/roles
3609* :github:`47296` - LE Audio: Move board files for nRF5340 Audio development kit upstream
3610* :github:`47274` - mgmt/mcumgr/lib: Rework of event callback framework
3611* :github:`47243` - LE Audio: Add support for stream specific codec configurations for broadcast source
3612* :github:`47242` - LE Audio: Add subgroup support for broadcast source
3613* :github:`47092` - driver: nrf: uarte: new dirver breaks our implementation for uart.
3614* :github:`47040` - tests: drivers: gpio_basic_api and gpio_api_1pin: convert to new ztest API
3615* :github:`47014` - can: iso-tp: implementation test failed with twister on nucleo_g474re
3616* :github:`46988` - samples: net: openthread: coprocessor: RCP is missing required capabilities: tx-security tx-timing
3617* :github:`46986` - Logging (deferred v2) with a lot of output causes MPU fault
3618* :github:`46897` - tests: posix: fs: improve tests to take better advantage of new ztest features
3619* :github:`46844` - Timer drivers likely have off-by-one in rapidly-presented timeouts
3620* :github:`46824` - Prevent new uses of old ztest API
3621* :github:`46598` - Logging with RTT backend on STM32WB strange behavier
3622* :github:`46596` - STM32F74X RMII interface does not work
3623* :github:`46491` - Zephyr SDK 0.15.0 Checklist
3624* :github:`46446` - lvgl: Using sw_rotate with SSD1306 shield causes memory fault
3625* :github:`46351` - net: tcp: Implement fast-retransmit
3626* :github:`46326` - Async UART for STM32 U5 support
3627* :github:`46287` - Zephyr 3.2 release checklist
3628* :github:`46268` - Update RNDIS USB class codes for automatic driver loading by Windows
3629* :github:`46126` - pm_device causes assertion error in sched.c with lis2dh
3630* :github:`46105` - RFC: Proposal of Integrating Trusted Firmware-A
3631* :github:`46073` - IPSP (IPv6 over BLE) example stop working after a short time
3632* :github:`45921` - Runtime memory usage
3633* :github:`45910` - [RFC] Zbus: a message bus system
3634* :github:`45891` - mgmt/mcumgr/lib: Refactoring of callback subsystem in image management (DFU)
3635* :github:`45814` - Armclang build fails due to missing source file
3636* :github:`45756` - Add overlay-bt-minimal.conf for smp_svr sample application
3637* :github:`45697` - RING_BUF_DECLARE broken for C++
3638* :github:`45625` - LE Audio: Update CSIP API with new naming scheme
3639* :github:`45621` - LE Audio: Update VCP API with new naming scheme
3640* :github:`45427` - Bluetooth: Controller: LLCP: Data structure for communication between the ISR and the thread
3641* :github:`45222` - drivers: peci: user space handlers not building correctly
3642* :github:`45218` - rddrone_fmuk66: I2C configuration incorrect
3643* :github:`45094` - stm32: Add USB HS device support to STM32H747
3644* :github:`44908` - Support ESP32 ADC
3645* :github:`44861` - WiFi support for STM32 boards
3646* :github:`44410` - drivers: modem: shell: ``modem send`` doesn't honor line ending in modem cmd handler
3647* :github:`44399` - Zephyr RTOS support for Litex SoC with 64 bit rocket cpu.
3648* :github:`44377` - ISO Broadcast/Receive sample not working with coded PHY
3649* :github:`44324` - Compile error in byteorder.h
3650* :github:`44318` - boards: arm: rpi_pico: Enable CONFIG_ARM_MPU=y for raspberry pi pico board
3651* :github:`44281` - Bluetooth: Use hardware encryption for encryption
3652* :github:`44164` - Implement the equivalent of PR #44102 in LLCP
3653* :github:`44055` - Immediate alert client
3654* :github:`43998` - posix: add include/posix to search path based on Kconfig
3655* :github:`43986` - interrupt feature for gpio_mcp23xxx
3656* :github:`43836` - stm32: g0b1: RTT doesn't work properly after stop mode
3657* :github:`43737` - Support compiling ```native_posix`` targets on Windows using the MinGW
3658* :github:`43696` - mgmt/mcumgr: RFC: Standardize Kconfig option names for MCUMGR
3659* :github:`43655` - esp32c3: Connection fail loop
3660* :github:`43647` - Bluetooth: LE multirole: connection as central is not totally unreferenced on disconnection
3661* :github:`43604` - Checkpatch: Support in-code ignore tags
3662* :github:`43411` - STM32 SPI DMA issue
3663* :github:`43330` - usb_dc_nrfx.c starts usbd_work_queue with no name
3664* :github:`43308` - driver: serial: stm32: uart will lost data when use dma mode[async mode]
3665* :github:`43294` - LoRaWAN stack & user ChannelsMask
3666* :github:`43286` - Zephyr 3.1 Release Checklist
3667* :github:`42998` - Should board.dts enable peripherals by default?
3668* :github:`42910` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIS Data path setup: HCI ISO Data
3669* :github:`42908` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LE Remove CIG
3670* :github:`42907` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: Disconnect: ACL disconnection leading to CIS Disconnection complete
3671* :github:`42906` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG:  Disconnect:  Using HCI Disconnect:  Generate LL_CIS_TERMINATE_IND
3672* :github:`42905` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LL Rejects: Remote request being rejected
3673* :github:`42902` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: Host reject: LE Reject CIS Request
3674* :github:`42900` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LE Setup ISO Data Path
3675* :github:`42899` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LE CIS Established Event
3676* :github:`42898` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LE Accept CIS
3677* :github:`42897` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LE CIS Request Event
3678* :github:`42896` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LE Create CIS: NULL PDU scheduling
3679* :github:`42895` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LE Create CIS: Control procedure with LL_CIS_REQ/RSP/IND PDU
3680* :github:`42894` - Bluetooth: Controller: CIG: LE Set CIG Parameters
3681* :github:`42700` - Support module.yml in zephyr repo
3682* :github:`42590` - mgmt/mcumgr/lib: RFC: Allow leaving out "rc" in successful respones and use "rc" only for SMP processing errors.
3683* :github:`42432` - i2c: unable to configure SAMD51 i2c clock frequency for standard (100 KHz) speeds
3684* :github:`42420` - mgmt/mcumgr/lib: Async image erase command with status check
3685* :github:`42374` - STM32L5: Entropy : Power Management not working due to entropy driver & stop mode
3686* :github:`42361` - OpenOCD flashing not working on cc1352r1_launchxl/cc26x2r1_launchxl
3687* :github:`41956` - Bluetooth: Controller: BIG: Synchronized receiver encryption support
3688* :github:`41955` - Bluetooth: Controller: BIG: Broadcaster encryption support
3689* :github:`41830` - CONF_FILE, OVERLAY_CONFIG parsing expands ``${ZEPHYR_<whatever>_MODULE_DIR}``
3690* :github:`41823` - Bluetooth: Controller: llcp: Remote request are dropped due to lack of free proc_ctx
3691* :github:`41822` - BLE IPSP sample cannot handle large ICMPv6 Echo Request
3692* :github:`41784` - virtio device driver
3693* :github:`41771` - tests: drivers: adc: Test doesn't build for mec172xevb_assy6906
3694* :github:`41765` - assert.h should not include non libc headers
3695* :github:`41694` - undefined reference to ``_open``
3696* :github:`41622` - Infinite mutual recursion when SMP and ATOMIC_OPERATIONS_C are set
3697* :github:`41606` - stm32u5: Re-implement VCO input and EPOD configuration
3698* :github:`41581` - STM32 subghzspi fails pinctrl setup
3699* :github:`41380` - stm32h7: Ethernet: Migrate driver to the new eth HAL api
3700* :github:`41213` - LE Audio: Update GA services to use the multi-instance macro
3701* :github:`41212` - LE Audio: Store of bonded data
3702* :github:`41209` - LE Audio: MCS support for multiple instances
3703* :github:`41073` - twister: no way to specify arguments for the binary zephyr.exe
3704* :github:`40982` - Build system: West: Add a warning when used repository does not match manifest
3705* :github:`40972` - Power management support for MEC172x
3706* :github:`40944` - BUILTIN_STACK_CHECKER and MPU_STACK_GUARD with a thread using the FPU will fault the bulltin stack checker
3707* :github:`40928` - mgmt/mcumgr/lib: Check image consistency after writing last chunk
3708* :github:`40924` - mgmt/mcumgr/lib: Do not re-upload image, by default, to the secondary slot
3709* :github:`40868` - Add a pre and post initialization among CONFIG_APPLICATION_INIT_PRIORITY
3710* :github:`40850` - Add Zephyr logging support to mgmt/mcumgr/lib
3711* :github:`40833` - driver: i2c: TCA9546a: Have compilation fails when driver init priority missmatch
3712* :github:`40642` - Why does CMake wrongly believe the rimage target is changing?
3713* :github:`40582` - how the zephyr supportting with running cadence hifi4 lx7,reset_vectorXEA2.s ?
3714* :github:`40561` - BLE notification and indication callback data are difficult to pass to other threads...
3715* :github:`40560` - Callbacks lack context information...
3716* :github:`39740` - Road from pinmux to pinctrl
3717* :github:`39712` - bq274xx sensor - Fails to compile when CONFIG_PM_DEVICE enabled
3718* :github:`39598` - use of __noinit with ecc memory hangs system
3719* :github:`39520` - Add support for the BlueNRG-LP SoC
3720* :github:`39431` - arduino_nano_33_ble_sense: Add More Devices to the Device Tree
3721* :github:`39331` - ti: cc13xx_cc26xx: watchdog timer driver
3722* :github:`39234` - Add support for the Sensririon SCD30 CO2 sensor
3723* :github:`39194` - Process: investigate GitHub code review replacements
3724* :github:`39037` - CivetWeb samples fail to build with CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC
3725* :github:`39025` - Bluetooth: Periodic Advertising, Filter Accept List, Resolving list related variable name abbreviations
3726* :github:`38947` - Issue with SMP commands sent over the UART
3727* :github:`38880` - ARC: ARCv2: qemu_arc_em / qemu_arc_hs don't work with XIP disabled
3728* :github:`38668` - ESP32S I2S
3729* :github:`38570` - Process: binary blobs in Zephyr
3730* :github:`38450` - Python script for checking PR errors
3731* :github:`38346` - twister command line parameter clean up and optimizate twister documents
3732* :github:`38291` - Make Zephyr modules compatible with PlatformIO libdeps
3733* :github:`38251` - cmake: DTC_OVERLAY_FILE flags cancel board <board>.overlay files
3734* :github:`38041` - Logging-related tests fails on qemu_arc_hs6x
3735* :github:`37855` - STM32 - kconfigs to determine if peripheral is available
3736* :github:`37346` - STM32WL LoRa increased the current in "suspend_to_idle" state
3737* :github:`37056` - Clarify device power states
3738* :github:`36953` - <err> lorawan: MlmeConfirm failed : Tx timeout
3739* :github:`36951` - twister: report information about tests instability
3740* :github:`36882` - MCUMGR: fs upload fail for first time file upload
3741* :github:`36724` - The road to a stable Controller Area Network driver API
3742* :github:`36601` - Add input support to audio_codec
3743* :github:`36553` - LoRaWAN Sample: ``join accept`` but "Join failed"
3744* :github:`36544` - RFC: API Change: Bluetooth: Read Multiple
3745* :github:`36343` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Modularizing the proxy feature
3746* :github:`36301` - soc: cypress: Port Zephyr to Cypress CYW43907
3747* :github:`36297` - Move BSS section to the end of image
3748* :github:`35986` - POSIX: multiple definition of posix_types
3749* :github:`35812` - ESP32 Factory app partition is not bootable
3750* :github:`35316` - log_panic() hangs kernel
3751* :github:`35238` - ieee802.15.4 support for stm32wb55
3752* :github:`35237` - build: Enhance twister to follow all module.yml in module list
3753* :github:`35177` - example-application: Add example library & tests
3754* :github:`34949` - console Bluetooth LE backend
3755* :github:`34597` - Mismatch between ``ot ping`` and ``net ping``
3756* :github:`34536` - Simple event-driven framework
3757* :github:`34324` - RTT is not working on STM32
3758* :github:`34269` - LOG_MODE_MINIMAL BUILD error
3759* :github:`34049` - Nordic nrf9160 switching between drivers and peripherals
3760* :github:`33876` - Lora sender sample build error for esp32
3761* :github:`33704` - BLE Shell Scan application filters
3762* :github:`32875` - Benchmarking Zephyr vs. RIOT-OS
3763* :github:`32756` - Enable mcumgr shell management to send responses to UART other than assigned to shell
3764* :github:`32733` - RS-485 support
3765* :github:`32339` - reimplement tests/kernel/timer/timer_api
3766* :github:`32288` - Enhance the ADC functionality on the STM32 devices to all available ADC channels
3767* :github:`32213` - Universal error code type
3768* :github:`31959` - BLE firmware update STM32WB stuck in loop waiting for CPU2
3769* :github:`31298` - tests/kernel/gen_isr_table failed on hsdk and nsim_hs_smp sometimes
3770* :github:`30391` - Unit Testing in Zephyr
3771* :github:`30348` - XIP can't be enabled with ARC MWDT toolchain
3772* :github:`30212` - Disk rewrites same flash page multiple times.
3773* :github:`30159` - Clean code related to dts fixup files
3774* :github:`30042` - usbd: support more than one configuration descriptors
3775* :github:`30023` - Device model: add debug helpers for when device_get_binding() fails
3776* :github:`29986` - Add support for a single node having multiple bus types
3777* :github:`29832` - Redundant error check of function  uart_irq_update() in ``tests/drivers/uart/uart_basic_api/src/test_uart_fifo.c``
3778* :github:`29495` - SD card slow write SPI/Fatfs/stm32
3779* :github:`29160` - arm: Always include arch/arm/include
3780* :github:`29136` - usb: add USB device stack shell support
3781* :github:`29135` - usb: allow the instances of a USB class to be enabled and disabled at runtime
3782* :github:`29134` - usb: allow more extensive settings of the device descriptor
3783* :github:`29133` - usb: USB device stack should store and validate the device state
3784* :github:`29132` - usb: USB device stack should track and check the state of control transfers
3785* :github:`29087` - Moving (some) boards to their own repo/module
3786* :github:`28998` - net: if: extend list of admin/operational states of network interface
3787* :github:`28872` - Support ESP32 as Bluetooth controller
3788* :github:`28864` - sanitycheck: Make sanitycheck test specifiacation compatible
3789* :github:`28617` - enable CONFIG_TEST for all samples
3790* :github:`27819` - Memory Management for MMU-based devices for LTS2
3791* :github:`27258` - Ring buffer does not allow to partially put/get data
3792* :github:`26796` - Interrupts on Cortex-M do not work with CONFIG_MULTITHREADING=n
3793* :github:`26392` - e1000 ethernet driver needs to be converted to DTS
3794* :github:`26109` - devicetree: overloaded DT_REG_ADDR() and DT_REG_SIZE() for PCI devices
3795* :github:`25917` - Bluetooth: Deadlock with TX of ACL data and HCI commands (command blocked by data)
3796* :github:`25417` - net: socket: socketpair: check for ISR context
3797* :github:`25407` - No tests/samples covering socket read()/write() calls
3798* :github:`25055` - Redundant flash shell commands
3799* :github:`24653` - device_pm: clarify and document usage
3800* :github:`23887` - drivers: modem: question: Should modem stack include headers to put into zephyr/include?
3801* :github:`23165` - macOS setup fails to build for lack of "elftools" Python package
3802* :github:`23161` - I2C and sensor deinitialization
3803* :github:`23072` - #ifdef __cplusplus missing in tracking_cpu_stats.h
3804* :github:`22049` - Bluetooth: IRK handling issue when using multiple local identities
3805* :github:`21995` - Bluetooth: controller: split: Porting of connection event length
3806* :github:`21724` - dts: edtlib: handle child-binding or child-child-binding as 'normal' binding with compatible
3807* :github:`21446` - samples: add SPI slave
3808* :github:`21239` - devicetree: Generation of the child-bindigs items as a common static initializer
3809* :github:`20707` - Define GATT service at run-time
3810* :github:`20262` - dt-binding for timers
3811* :github:`19713` - usb: investigate if Network Buffer can be used in USB device stack and USB drivers
3812* :github:`19496` - insufficient test case coverage for log subsystem
3813* :github:`19356` - LwM2M sample reorganization: split out LwM2M source into object-based .c files
3814* :github:`19259` - doc: two-column tricks for HTML breaks PDF
3815* :github:`19243` - Support SDHC & samples/subsys/fs on FRDM-K64F
3816* :github:`19152` - MK22F51212 MPU defines missing
3817* :github:`18892` - POSIX subsys: transition to #include_next for header consistency
3818* :github:`17171` - Insufficient code coverage for lib/os/fdtable.c
3819* :github:`16961` - Modules: add a SHA1 check to avoid updating module in the past
3820* :github:`16942` - Missing test case coverage for include/misc/byteorder.h functions
3821* :github:`16851` - west flash error on zephyr v1.14.99
3822* :github:`16444` - drivers/flash/flash_simulator: Support for required read alignment
3823* :github:`16088` - Verify POSIX PSE51 API requirements
3824* :github:`15453` - Kconfig should enforce that at most one Console driver is enabled at a time
3825* :github:`15181` - ztest issues
3826* :github:`14753` - nrf52840_pca10056: Leading spurious 0x00 byte in UART output
3827* :github:`14577` - Address latency/performance in nRF51 timer ISR
3828* :github:`13170` - Porting guide for advanced board (multi CPU SoC)
3829* :github:`12504` - STM32: add USB_OTG_HS example
3830* :github:`12401` - Target Capabilities / Board Directory Layout Capabilities
3831* :github:`12367` - Power management strategy of Zephyr can't work well on nRF52 boards.
3832* :github:`11594` - Cleanup GNUisms to make the code standards compliant
3833* :github:`9045` - A resource-saving programming model
3834* :github:`6198` - unit test: Add unit test example which appends source files to SOURCES list
3835* :github:`5697` - Driver API review/cleanup/rework
3836* :github:`3849` - Reduce the overall memory usage of the LwM2M library
3837* :github:`2837` - Ability to use hardware-based block ciphers
3838* :github:`2647` - Better cache APIs needed.