3.. _zephyr_1.14:
4.. _zephyr_1.14.1:
6Zephyr 1.14.3
9This is an LTS maintenance release with fixes.
11Security Vulnerability Related
14The following security vulnerabilities (CVEs) were addressed in this
17* CVE-2020-10066
18* CVE-2020-10069
19* CVE-2020-13601
20* CVE-2020-13602
22More detailed information can be found in:
25Issues Fixed
28These GitHub issues were addressed since the previous 1.14.0 tagged
31.. comment  List derived from GitHub Issue query: ...
32   * :github:`issuenumber` - issue title
34* :github:`18334` - DNS resolution is broken for some addresses in master/2.0-pre
35* :github:`19917` - Bluetooth: Controller: Missing LL_ENC_RSP after HCI LTK Negative Reply
36* :github:`21107` - LL_ASSERT and 'Imprecise data bus error' in LL Controller
37* :github:`21257` - tests/net/net_pkt failed on mimxrt1050_evk board.
38* :github:`21299` - bluetooth: Controller does not release buffer on central side after peripheral reset
39* :github:`21601` - '!radio_is_ready()' failed
40* :github:`21756` - tests/kernel/obj_tracing failed on mec15xxevb_assy6853 board.
41* :github:`22968` - Bluetooth: controller: LEGACY: ASSERTION failure on invalid packet sequence
42* :github:`23069` - Bluetooth: controller: Assert in data length update procedure
43* :github:`23109` - LL.TS Test LL/CON/SLA/BV-129-C fails (split)
44* :github:`23805` - Bluetooth: controller: Switching to non conn adv fails for Mesh LPN
45* :github:`24601` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Config Client's net_key_status pulls two key indexes, should pull one.
46* :github:`25518` - settings_fcb: Fix storing the data
47* :github:`25519` - wrong debug function cause kinds of building error
48* :github:`26080` - gPTP time sync fails if having more than one port
49* :github:`28151` - gPTP should allow user setting of priority1 and priority2 fields used in BMCA
50* :github:`28177` - gPTP gptp_priority_vector struct field ordering is wrong
51* :github:`29386` - unexpected behavior when doing syscall with 7 or more arguments
52* :github:`29858` - Bluetooth: Mesh: RPL cleared on LPN disconnect
53* :github:`32430` - Bluetooth: thread crashes when configuring a non 0 Slave Latency
54* :github:`32898` - Bluetooth: controller: Control PDU buffer leak into Data PDU buffer pool
56Zephyr 1.14.2
59This is an LTS maintenance release with fixes.
61Security Vulnerability Related
64The following security vulnerabilities (CVEs) were addressed in this
67* CVE-2020-10019
68* CVE-2020-10021
69* CVE-2020-10022
70* CVE-2020-10023
71* CVE-2020-10024
72* CVE-2020-10027
73* CVE-2020-10028
75More detailed information can be found in:
78Issues Fixed
81These GitHub issues were addressed since the previous 1.14.0 tagged
84.. comment  List derived from GitHub Issue query: ...
85   * :github:`issuenumber` - issue title
87* :github:`11617` - net: ipv4: udp: broadcast delivery not supported
88* :github:`11743` - logging: add user mode access
89* :github:`14459` - usb: samples: mass: doesn't build with FLASH overlay
90* :github:`15119` - GPIO callback not disabled from an interrupt
91* :github:`15339` - RISC-V: RV32M1: Load access fault when accessing GPIO port E
92* :github:`15354` - counter: stm32: Issue with LSE clock source selection
93* :github:`15373` - IPv4 link local packets are not sent with ARP ethernet type
94* :github:`15443` - usb_dc_stm32: Missing semaphore initialization and missing pin remapping configuration
95* :github:`15444` - Error initiating sdhc disk
96* :github:`15497` - USB DFU: STM32: usb dfu mode doesn't work
97* :github:`15507` - NRF52840: usb composite MSC + HID (with CONFIG_ENABLE_HID_INT_OUT_EP)
98* :github:`15526` - Unhandled identity in bt_conn_create_slave_le
99* :github:`15558` - support for power-of-two MPUs on non-XIP systems
100* :github:`15601` - pwm: nRF default prescalar value is wrong
101* :github:`15603` - Unable to use C++ Standard Library
102* :github:`15605` - Unaligned memory access by ldrd
103* :github:`15678` - Watchdog peripheral api docs aren't generated correctly.
104* :github:`15698` - bluetooth: bt_conn: No proper ID handling
105* :github:`15733` - Bluetooth: controller: Central Encryption setup overlaps Length Request procedure
106* :github:`15794` - mps2_an385 crashes if CONFIG_INIT_STACKS=y and CONFIG_COVERAGE=y
107* :github:`15817` - nrf52: HFXO is not turned off as expected
108* :github:`15904` - concerns with use of CONFIG_BT_MESH_RPL_STORE_TIMEOUT in examples
109* :github:`15911` - Stack size is smaller than it should be
110* :github:`15975` - Openthread - fault with dual network interfaces
111* :github:`16001` - ARC iotdk supports MPU and fpu in hardware but not enabled in kconfig
112* :github:`16002` - the spi base reg address in arc_iot.dtsi has an error
113* :github:`16010` - Coverage reporting fails on many tests
114* :github:`16012` - Source IP address for DHCP renewal messages is unset
115* :github:`16046` - modules are being processed too late.
116* :github:`16080` - Zephyr UART shell crashes on start if main() is blocked
117* :github:`16089` - Mcux Ethernet driver does not detect carrier anymore (it's alway on)
118* :github:`16090` - mpu align support for code relocation on non-XIP system
119* :github:`16143` - posix: clock_settime calculates the base time incorrectly
120* :github:`16155` - drivers: can: wrong value used for filter mode set
121* :github:`16257` - net: icmpv4: Zephyr sends echo reply with multicast source address
122* :github:`16307` - cannot move location counter backwards error happen
123* :github:`16323` - net: ipv6: tcp: unexpected reply to malformed HBH in TCP/IPv6 SYN
124* :github:`16339` - openthread: off-by-one error when calculating ot_flash_offset for settings
125* :github:`16354` - net: ipv6: Zephyr does not reply to fragmented packet
126* :github:`16375` - net: ipv4: udp: Zephyr does not reply to a valid datagram with checksum zero
127* :github:`16379` - net: ipv6: udp: Zephyr replies with illegal UDP checksum zero
128* :github:`16411` - bad regex for west version check in host-tools.cmake
129* :github:`16412` - on reel_board the consumption increases because TX pin is floating
130* :github:`16413` - Missing dependency in cmake
131* :github:`16414` - Backport west build --pristine
132* :github:`16415` - Build errors with C++
133* :github:`16416` - sram size for RT1015 and RT1020 needs to be update.
134* :github:`16417` - issues with can filter mode set
135* :github:`16418` - drivers: watchdog: sam0: check if timeout is valid
136* :github:`16419` - Bluetooth: XTAL feature regression
137* :github:`16478` - Bluetooth: Improper bonded peers handling
138* :github:`16570` - [Coverity CID :198877]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/net_if.c
139* :github:`16577` - [Coverity CID :198870]Error handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_obj_firmware_pull.c
140* :github:`16581` - [Coverity CID :198866]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/lib/dns/llmnr_responder.c
141* :github:`16584` - [Coverity CID :198863]Error handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/sntp/sntp.c
142* :github:`16600` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Proxy SAR timeout is not implemented
143* :github:`16602` - Bluetooth: GATT Discovery: Descriptor Discovery by range Seg Fault
144* :github:`16639` - eth: pinging frdm k64f eventually leads to unresponsive ethernet device
145* :github:`16678` - LPN establishment of Friendship never completes if there is no response to the initial Friend Poll
146* :github:`16711` - Settings reworked to const char processing
147* :github:`16734` - Bluetooth: GATT: Writing 1 byte to a CCC access invalid memory
148* :github:`16745` - PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFINE(): don't store into the _k_mutex section
149* :github:`16746` - boards: nrf52840_pca10059: Configure NFC pins as GPIOs by default
150* :github:`16749` - IRQ_CONNECT and irq_enable calls in the SiFive UART driver is misconfigured
151* :github:`16750` - counter:  lack of interrupt when CC=0
152* :github:`16760` - K_THREAD_STACK_EXTERN() confuses gen_kobject_list.py
153* :github:`16779` - [Zephyr v1.14] ARM: fix the start address of MPU guard in stack-fail checking (when building with no user mode)
154* :github:`16799` - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Interpretation of SCID and DCID in Disconnect is wrong
155* :github:`16861` - nRF52: UARTE: Data corruption right after resuming device
156* :github:`16864` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Rx buffer exhaustion causes deadlock
157* :github:`16893` - Bluetooth: Multiple local IDs, privacy problem
158* :github:`16943` - Missing test coverage for lib/os/crc*.c
159* :github:`16944` - Insufficient test coverage for lib/os/json.c
160* :github:`17031` - Compiler warnings in settings module in Zephyr 1.14
161* :github:`17038` - code relocation generating different memory layout cause user mode not working
162* :github:`17041` - [1.14] Bluetooth: Mesh: RPL handling is not in line with the spec
163* :github:`17055` - net: Incorrect data length after the connection is established
164* :github:`17057` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Implementation doesn't conform to latest errata and 1.0.1 version
165* :github:`17092` - Bluetooth: GAP/IDLE/NAMP/BV-01-C requires Read by UUID
166* :github:`17170` - x86_64 crash with spinning child thread
167* :github:`17171` - Insufficient code coverage for lib/os/fdtable.c
168* :github:`17177` - ARM: userspace/test_bad_syscall fails on ARMv8-M
169* :github:`17190` - net-mgmt should pass info element size to callback
170* :github:`17250` - After first GC operation the 1st sector had become scratch and the 2nd sector had became write sector.
171* :github:`17251` - w25q: erase operations must be erase-size aligned
172* :github:`17262` - insufficient code coverage for lib/os/base64.c
173* :github:`17288` - Bluetooth: controller: Fix handling of L2CAP start frame with zero PDU length
174* :github:`17294` - DB corruption when adding/removing service
175* :github:`17337` - ArmV7-M mpu sub region alignment
176* :github:`17338` - kernel objects address check in elf_helper.py
177* :github:`17368` - Time Slicing cause system sleep short time
178* :github:`17399` - LwM2M: Can't use an alternate mbedtls implementation
179* :github:`17401` - LwM2M: requires that CONFIG_NET_IPV* be enabled (can't use 100% offloaded IP stack)
180* :github:`17415` - Settings Module - settings_line_val_read() returning -EINVAL instead of 0 for deleted setting entries
181* :github:`17427` - net: IPv4/UDP datagram with zero src addr and TTL causes Zephyr to segfault
182* :github:`17450` - net: IPv6/UDP datagram with unspecified addr and zero hop limit causes Zephyr to quit
183* :github:`17463` - Bluetooth: API limits usage of MITM flags in Pairing Request
184* :github:`17534` - Race condition in GATT API.
185* :github:`17595` - two userspace tests fail if stack canaries are enabled in board configuration
186* :github:`17600` - Enable Mesh Friend support in Bluetooth tester application
187* :github:`17613` - POSIX arch: occasional failures of tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api on CI
188* :github:`17630` - efr32mg_sltb004a tick clock error
189* :github:`17723` - Advertiser never clears state flags
190* :github:`17732` - cannot use bt_conn_security in connected callback
191* :github:`17764` - Broken link to latest development version of docs
192* :github:`17802` - [zephyr 1.14] Address type 0x02 is used by LE Create Connection in device privacy mode
193* :github:`17820` - Mesh  bug report In access.c
194* :github:`17838` - state DEVICE_PM_LOW_POWER_STATE of Device Power Management
195* :github:`17843` - Bluetooth: controller: v1.14.x release conformance test failures
196* :github:`17857` - GATT: Incorrect byte order for GATT database hash
197* :github:`17861` - Tester application lacks BTP Discover All Primary Services handler
198* :github:`17880` - Unable to re-connect to privacy enabled peer when using stack generated Identity
199* :github:`17944` - [zephyr 1.14]  LE Enhanced Connection Complete indicates Resolved Public once connected to Public peer address
200* :github:`17948` - Bluetooth: privacy: Reconnection issue
201* :github:`17967` - drivers/pwm/pwm_api test failed on frdm_k64f board.
202* :github:`17971` - [zephyr 1.14] Unable to register GATT service that was unregistered before
203* :github:`17979` - Security level cannot be elevated after re-connection with privacy
204* :github:`18021` - Socket vtable can access null pointer callback function
205* :github:`18090` - [zephyr 1.14][MESH/NODE/FRND/FN/BV-08-C] Mesh Friend queues more messages than indicates it's Friend Cache
206* :github:`18178` - BLE Mesh When Provisioning Use Input OOB Method
207* :github:`18183` - [zephyr 1.14][GATT/SR/GAS/BV-07-C] GATT Server does not inform change-unaware client about DB changes
208* :github:`18297` - Bluetooth: SMP: Pairing issues
209* :github:`18306` - Unable to reconnect paired devices with controller privacy disabled (host privacy enabled)
210* :github:`18308` - net: TCP/IPv6 set of fragmented packets causes Zephyr to quit
211* :github:`18394` - [Coverity CID :203464]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/net/l2/ethernet/gptp/gptp_mi.c
212* :github:`18462` - potential buffer overrun in logging infrastructure
213* :github:`18580` - Bluetooth: Security fail on initial pairing
214* :github:`18658` - Bluetooth BR/EDR encryption key negotiation vulnerability
215* :github:`18739` - k_uptime_get_32() does not behave as documented
216* :github:`18935` - [Zephyr 1.14] drivers: flash: spi_nor: Problematic write with page boundaries
217* :github:`18961` - [Coverity CID :203912]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/coap_client/src/coap-client.c
218* :github:`19015` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Node doesn't respond to "All Proxies" address
219* :github:`19038` - [zephyr branch 1.14 and master -stm32-netusb]:errors when i view RNDIS Device‘s properties on Windows 10
220* :github:`19059` - i2c_ll_stm32_v2: nack on write is not handled correctly
221* :github:`19103` - zsock_accept_ctx blocks even when O_NONBLOCK is specified
222* :github:`19165` - zephyr_file generates bad links on branches
223* :github:`19263` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Friend Clear Procedure Timeout
224* :github:`19515` - Bluetooth: Controller: assertion failed
225* :github:`19612` - ICMPv6 packet is routed to wrong interface when peer is not found in neighbor cache
226* :github:`19678` - Noticeable delay between processing multiple client connection requests (200ms+)
227* :github:`19889` - Buffer leak in GATT for Write Without Response and Notifications
228* :github:`19982` - Periodically wake up log process thread consume more power
229* :github:`20042` - Telnet can connect only once
230* :github:`20100` - Slave PTP clock time is updated with large value when Master PTP Clock time has changed
231* :github:`20229` - cmake: add --divide to GNU assembler options for x86
232* :github:`20299` - bluetooth: host: Connection not being unreferenced when using CCC match callback
233* :github:`20313` - Zperf documentation points to wrong iPerf varsion
234* :github:`20811` - spi driver
235* :github:`20970` - Bluetooth: Mesh: seg_tx_reset in the transport layer
236* :github:`21131` - Bluetooth: host: Subscriptions not removed upon unpair
237* :github:`21306` - ARC: syscall register save/restore needs backport to 1.14
238* :github:`21431` - missing async uart.h system calls
239* :github:`21432` - watchdog subsystem has no system calls
240* :github:`22275` - arm: cortex-R & M: CONFIG_USERSPACE: intermittent Memory region write access failures
241* :github:`22280` - incorrect linker routing
242* :github:`23153` - Binding AF_PACKET socket second time will fail with multiple network interfaces
243* :github:`23339` - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api failed on mps2_an385 with v1.14 branch.
244* :github:`23346` - bl65x_dvk boards do not reset after flashing
246Zephyr 1.14.1
249This is an LTS maintenance release with fixes, as well as Bluetooth
250qualification listings for the Bluetooth protocol stack included in Zephyr.
252See :ref:`zephyr_1.14.0` for the previous version release notes.
254Security Vulnerability Related
257The following security vulnerability (CVE) was addressed in this
260* Fixes CVE-2019-9506: The Bluetooth BR/EDR specification up to and
261  including version 5.1 permits sufficiently low encryption key length
262  and does not prevent an attacker from influencing the key length
263  negotiation. This allows practical brute-force attacks (aka "KNOB")
264  that can decrypt traffic and inject arbitrary ciphertext without the
265  victim noticing.
270* Qualification:
272  * 1.14.x Host subsystem qualified with QDID 139258
273  * 1.14.x Mesh subsystem qualified with QDID 139259
274  * 1.14.x Controller component qualified on Nordic nRF52 with QDID 135679
276Issues Fixed
279These GitHub issues were addressed since the previous 1.14.0 tagged
282.. comment  List derived from GitHub Issue query: ...
283   * :github:`issuenumber` - issue title
285* :github:`11617` - net: ipv4: udp: broadcast delivery not supported
286* :github:`11743` - logging: add user mode access
287* :github:`14459` - usb: samples: mass: doesn't build with FLASH overlay
288* :github:`15279` - mempool alignment might cause a memory block allocated twice
289* :github:`15339` - RISC-V: RV32M1: Load access fault when accessing GPIO port E
290* :github:`15354` - counter: stm32: Issue with LSE clock source selection
291* :github:`15373` - IPv4 link local packets are not sent with ARP ethernet type
292* :github:`15443` - usb_dc_stm32: Missing semaphore initialization and missing pin remapping configuration
293* :github:`15444` - Error initiating sdhc disk
294* :github:`15497` - USB DFU: STM32: usb dfu mode doesn't work
295* :github:`15507` - NRF52840: usb composite MSC + HID (with CONFIG_ENABLE_HID_INT_OUT_EP)
296* :github:`15526` - Unhandled identity in bt_conn_create_slave_le
297* :github:`15558` - support for power-of-two MPUs on non-XIP systems
298* :github:`15601` - pwm: nRF default prescalar value is wrong
299* :github:`15603` - Unable to use C++ Standard Library
300* :github:`15605` - Unaligned memory access by ldrd
301* :github:`15606` - trickle.c can't work for multiple triggerings
302* :github:`15678` - Watchdog peripheral api docs aren't generated correctly.
303* :github:`15698` - bluetooth: bt_conn: No proper ID handling
304* :github:`15733` - Bluetooth: controller: Central Encryption setup overlaps Length Request procedure
305* :github:`15794` - mps2_an385 crashes if CONFIG_INIT_STACKS=y and CONFIG_COVERAGE=y
306* :github:`15817` - nrf52: HFXO is not turned off as expected
307* :github:`15904` - concerns with use of CONFIG_BT_MESH_RPL_STORE_TIMEOUT in examples
308* :github:`15911` - Stack size is smaller than it should be
309* :github:`15975` - Openthread - fault with dual network interfaces
310* :github:`16001` - ARC iotdk supports MPU and fpu in hardware but not enabled in kconfig
311* :github:`16002` - the spi base reg address in arc_iot.dtsi has an error
312* :github:`16010` - Coverage reporting fails on many tests
313* :github:`16012` - Source IP address for DHCP renewal messages is unset
314* :github:`16027` - support for no-flash systems
315* :github:`16046` - modules are being processed too late.
316* :github:`16090` - mpu align support for code relocation on non-XIP system
317* :github:`16107` - Using bt_gatt_read() with 'by_uuid' method returns 3 extra bytes
318* :github:`16143` - posix: clock_settime calculates the base time incorrectly
319* :github:`16155` - drivers: can: wrong value used for filter mode set
320* :github:`16257` - net: icmpv4: Zephyr sends echo reply with multicast source address
321* :github:`16307` - cannot move location counter backwards error happen
322* :github:`16323` - net: ipv6: tcp: unexpected reply to malformed HBH in TCP/IPv6 SYN
323* :github:`16339` - openthread: off-by-one error when calculating ot_flash_offset for settings
324* :github:`16354` - net: ipv6: Zephyr does not reply to fragmented packet
325* :github:`16375` - net: ipv4: udp: Zephyr does not reply to a valid datagram with checksum zero
326* :github:`16379` - net: ipv6: udp: Zephyr replies with illegal UDP checksum zero
327* :github:`16411` - bad regex for west version check in host-tools.cmake
328* :github:`16412` - on reel_board the consumption increases because TX pin is floating
329* :github:`16413` - Missing dependency in cmake
330* :github:`16414` - Backport west build --pristine
331* :github:`16415` - Build errors with C++
332* :github:`16416` - sram size for RT1015 and RT1020 needs to be update.
333* :github:`16417` - issues with can filter mode set
334* :github:`16418` - drivers: watchdog: sam0: check if timeout is valid
335* :github:`16419` - Bluetooth: XTAL feature regression
336* :github:`16478` - Bluetooth: Improper bonded peers handling
337* :github:`16570` - [Coverity CID :198877]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/net_if.c
338* :github:`16577` - [Coverity CID :198870]Error handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_obj_firmware_pull.c
339* :github:`16581` - [Coverity CID :198866]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/lib/dns/llmnr_responder.c
340* :github:`16584` - [Coverity CID :198863]Error handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/sntp/sntp.c
341* :github:`16594` - net: dns: Zephyr is unable to unpack mDNS answers produced by another Zephyr node
342* :github:`16600` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Proxy SAR timeout is not implemented
343* :github:`16602` - Bluetooth: GATT Discovery: Descriptor Discovery by range Seg Fault
344* :github:`16639` - eth: pinging frdm k64f eventually leads to unresponsive ethernet device
345* :github:`16678` - LPN establishment of Friendship never completes if there is no response to the initial Friend Poll
346* :github:`16711` - Settings reworked to const char processing
347* :github:`16734` - Bluetooth: GATT: Writing 1 byte to a CCC access invalid memory
348* :github:`16745` - PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFINE(): don't store into the _k_mutex section
349* :github:`16746` - boards: nrf52840_pca10059: Configure NFC pins as GPIOs by default
350* :github:`16749` - IRQ_CONNECT and irq_enable calls in the SiFive UART driver is misconfigured
351* :github:`16750` - counter:  lack of interrupt when CC=0
352* :github:`16760` - K_THREAD_STACK_EXTERN() confuses gen_kobject_list.py
353* :github:`16779` - [Zephyr v1.14] ARM: fix the start address of MPU guard in stack-fail checking (when building with no user mode)
354* :github:`16799` - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Interpretation of SCID and DCID in Disconnect is wrong
355* :github:`16864` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Rx buffer exhaustion causes deadlock
356* :github:`16893` - Bluetooth: Multiple local IDs, privacy problem
357* :github:`16943` - Missing test coverage for lib/os/crc\*.c
358* :github:`16944` - Insufficient test coverage for lib/os/json.c
359* :github:`17031` - Compiler warnings in settings module in Zephyr 1.14
360* :github:`17038` - code relocation generating different memory layout cause user mode not working
361* :github:`17041` - [1.14] Bluetooth: Mesh: RPL handling is not in line with the spec
362* :github:`17055` - net: Incorrect data length after the connection is established
363* :github:`17057` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Implementation doesn't conform to latest errata and 1.0.1 version
364* :github:`17092` - Bluetooth: GAP/IDLE/NAMP/BV-01-C requires Read by UUID
365* :github:`17170` - x86_64 crash with spinning child thread
366* :github:`17177` - ARM: userspace/test_bad_syscall fails on ARMv8-M
367* :github:`17190` - net-mgmt should pass info element size to callback
368* :github:`17250` - After first GC operation the 1st sector had become scratch and the 2nd sector had became write sector.
369* :github:`17251` - w25q: erase operations must be erase-size aligned
370* :github:`17262` - insufficient code coverage for lib/os/base64.c
371* :github:`17288` - Bluetooth: controller: Fix handling of L2CAP start frame with zero PDU length
372* :github:`17294` - DB corruption when adding/removing service
373* :github:`17337` - ArmV7-M mpu sub region alignment
374* :github:`17338` - kernel objects address check in elf_helper.py
375* :github:`17368` - Time Slicing cause system sleep short time
376* :github:`17399` - LwM2M: Can't use an alternate mbedtls implementation
377* :github:`17401` - LwM2M: requires that CONFIG_NET_IPV\* be enabled (can't use 100% offloaded IP stack)
378* :github:`17415` - Settings Module - settings_line_val_read() returning -EINVAL instead of 0 for deleted setting entries
379* :github:`17427` - net: IPv4/UDP datagram with zero src addr and TTL causes Zephyr to segfault
380* :github:`17450` - net: IPv6/UDP datagram with unspecified addr and zero hop limit causes Zephyr to quit
381* :github:`17463` - Bluetooth: API limits usage of MITM flags in Pairing Request
382* :github:`17534` - Race condition in GATT API.
383* :github:`17564` - Missing stdlib.h include when C++ standard library is used.
384* :github:`17595` - two userspace tests fail if stack canaries are enabled in board configuration
385* :github:`17600` - Enable Mesh Friend support in Bluetooth tester application
386* :github:`17613` - POSIX arch: occasional failures of tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api on CI
387* :github:`17723` - Advertiser never clears state flags
388* :github:`17732` - cannot use bt_conn_security in connected callback
389* :github:`17764` - Broken link to latest development version of docs
390* :github:`17789` - Bluetooth: host: conn.c missing parameter copy
391* :github:`17802` - [zephyr 1.14] Address type 0x02 is used by LE Create Connection in device privacy mode
392* :github:`17809` - Bluetooth Mesh message cached too early when LPN
393* :github:`17820` - Mesh  bug report In access.c
394* :github:`17821` - Mesh Bug on access.c
395* :github:`17843` - Bluetooth: controller: v1.14.x release conformance test failures
396* :github:`17857` - GATT: Incorrect byte order for GATT database hash
397* :github:`17861` - Tester application lacks BTP Discover All Primary Services handler
398* :github:`17880` - Unable to re-connect to privacy enabled peer when using stack generated Identity
399* :github:`17882` - [zephyr 1.14]  Database Out of Sync error is not returned as expected
400* :github:`17907` - BLE Mesh when resend use GATT bearer
401* :github:`17932` - BLE Mesh When Friend Send Seg Message To LPN
402* :github:`17936` - Bluetooth: Mesh: The canceled buffer is not free, causing a memory leak
403* :github:`17944` - [zephyr 1.14]  LE Enhanced Connection Complete indicates Resolved Public once connected to Public peer address
404* :github:`17948` - Bluetooth: privacy: Reconnection issue
405* :github:`17971` - [zephyr 1.14] Unable to register GATT service that was unregistered before
406* :github:`17977` - BLE Mesh When IV Update Procedure
407* :github:`17979` - Security level cannot be elevated after re-connection with privacy
408* :github:`18013` - BLE Mesh On Net Buffer free issue
409* :github:`18021` - Socket vtable can access null pointer callback function
410* :github:`18090` - [zephyr 1.14][MESH/NODE/FRND/FN/BV-08-C] Mesh Friend queues more messages than indicates it's Friend Cache
411* :github:`18150` - [zephyr 1.14] Host does not change the RPA
412* :github:`18178` - BLE Mesh When Provisioning Use Input OOB Method
413* :github:`18183` - [zephyr 1.14][GATT/SR/GAS/BV-07-C] GATT Server does not inform change-unaware client about DB changes
414* :github:`18194` - [zephyr 1.14][MESH/NODE/CFG/HBP/BV-05-C] Zephyr does not send Heartbeat message on friendship termination
415* :github:`18297` - Bluetooth: SMP: Pairing issues
416* :github:`18306` - Unable to reconnect paired devices with controller privacy disabled (host privacy enabled)
417* :github:`18308` - net: TCP/IPv6 set of fragmented packets causes Zephyr to quit
418* :github:`18394` - [Coverity CID :203464]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/net/l2/ethernet/gptp/gptp_mi.c
419* :github:`18462` - potential buffer overrun in logging infrastructure
420* :github:`18522` - BLE: Mesh: When transport send seg_msg to LPN
421* :github:`18580` - Bluetooth: Security fail on initial pairing
422* :github:`18658` - Bluetooth BR/EDR encryption key negotiation vulnerability
423* :github:`18739` - k_uptime_get_32() does not behave as documented
424* :github:`18813` - fs: nvs: Cannot delete entries
425* :github:`18873` - zsock_socket() should support proto==0
426* :github:`18935` - [Zephyr 1.14] drivers: flash: spi_nor: Problematic write with page boundaries
427* :github:`18961` - [Coverity CID :203912]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/coap_client/src/coap-client.c
428* :github:`19015` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Node doesn't respond to "All Proxies" address
429* :github:`19165` - zephyr_file generates bad links on branches
430* :github:`19181` - sock_set_flag implementation in sock_internal.h does not work for 64 bit pointers
431* :github:`19191` - problem with implementation of sock_set_flag
433.. _zephyr_1.14.0:
435Zephyr Kernel 1.14.0
438We are pleased to announce the release of Zephyr kernel version 1.14.0.
440Major enhancements with this release include:
442* The Zephyr project now supports over 160 different board configurations
443  spanning 8 architectures. All architectures are rigorously tested and
444  validated using one of the many simulation platforms supported by the
445  project: QEMU, Renode, ARC Simulator, and the native POSIX configuration.
447* The timing subsystem has been reworked and reimplemented, greatly
448  simplifying the resulting drivers, removing thousands of lines
449  of code, and reducing a typical kernel build size by hundreds of bytes.
450  TICKLESS_KERNEL mode is now the default on all architectures.
452* The Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) subsystem continues to evolve
453  with the addition of a new CPU affinity API that can "pin" threads to
454  specific cores or sets of cores. The core kernel no longer uses the
455  global irq_lock on SMP systems, and exclusively uses the spinlock API
456  (which on uniprocessor systems reduces to the same code).
458* Zephyr now has support for the x86_64 architecture. It is currently
459  implemented only for QEMU targets, supports arbitrary numbers of CPUs,
460  and runs in SMP mode by default, our first platform to do so.
462* We've overhauled the Network packet (:ref:`net-pkt <net_pkt_interface>`)
463  API and moved the majority of components and protocols to use the
464  :ref:`BSD socket API <bsd_sockets_interface>`, including MQTT, CoAP,
465  LWM2M, and SNTP.
467* We enhanced the native POSIX port by adding UART, USB, and display
468  drivers. Based on this port, we added a simulated NRF52832 SoC which enables
469  running full system, multi-node simulations, without the need of real
470  hardware.
472* We added an experimental BLE split software Controller with Upper Link Layer
473  and Lower Link Layer for supporting multiple BLE radio hardware
474  architectures.
476* The power management subsystem has been overhauled to support device idle
477  power management and move most of the power management logic from the
478  application back to the BSP.
480* We introduced major updates and an overhaul to both the logging and
481  shell subsystems, supporting multiple back-ends, integration
482  of logging into the shell, and delayed log processing.
484* Introduced the ``west`` tool for management of multiple repositories and
485  enhanced support for flashing and debugging.
487* Added support for application user mode, application memory
488  partitions, and hardware stack protection in ARMv8m
490* Applied MISRA-C code guideline on the kernel and core components of Zephyr.
491  MISRA-C is a well established code guideline focused on embedded systems and
492  aims to improve code safety, security and portability.
494The following sections provide detailed lists of changes by component.
496Security Vulnerability Related
499The following security vulnerabilities (CVEs) were addressed in this release:
501* Tinycrypt HMAC-PRNG implementation doesn't take the HMAC state
502  clearing into account as it performs the HMAC operations, thereby using a
503  incorrect HMAC key for some of the HMAC operations.
504  (CVE-2017-14200)
506* The shell DNS command can cause unpredictable results due to misuse of stack
507  variables.
508  (CVE-2017-14201)
510* The shell implementation does not protect against buffer overruns resulting
511  in unpredictable behavior.
512  (CVE-2017-14202)
514* We introduced Kernel Page Table Isolation, a technique for
515  mitigating the Meltdown security vulnerability on x86 systems. This
516  technique helps isolate user and kernel space memory by ensuring
517  non-essential kernel pages are unmapped in the page tables when the CPU
518  is running in the least privileged user mode, Ring 3. This is the
519  fix for Rogue Data Cache Load. (CVE-2017-5754)
521* We also addressed these CVEs for the x86 port:
523  - Bounds Check Bypass (CVE-2017-5753)
524  - Branch Target Injection (CVE-2017-5715)
525  - Speculative Store Bypass (CVE-2018-3639)
526  - L1 Terminal Fault (CVE-2018-3620)
527  - Lazy FP State Restore (CVE-2018-3665)
532* The timing subsystem has been reworked and mostly replaced:
534   - The timer driver API has been extensively reworked, greatly
535     simplifying the resulting drivers. By removing thousands of lines
536     of code, we reduced the size of a typical kernel build by hundreds
537     of bytes.
539   - TICKLESS_KERNEL mode is now the default on all architectures.  Many
540     bugs were fixed in this support.
542* Lots of work on the rapidly-evolving SMP subsystem:
544  - There is a new CPU affinity API available to "pin" threads to
545    specific cores or sets of cores.
547  - The core kernel is now 100% free of use of the global irq_lock on
548    SMP systems, and exclusively uses the spinlock API (which on
549    uniprocessor systems reduces to the same code).
551  - Zephyr now has a simple interprocessor interrupt framework for
552    applications, such as the scheduler, to use for synchronously
553    notifying other processors of state changes.  It's currently implemented
554    only on x86_64 and used only for thread abort.
556* Zephyr now has support for the x86_64 architecture.  It is
557  currently implemented only for QEMU targets.
559  - It supports arbitrary numbers of CPUs in SMP, and runs in SMP mode
560    by default, our first platform to do so.
562  - It currently runs code built for the "x32" ABI, which is a native
563    64-bit hardware state, where pointers are 32 bit in memory.
564    Zephyr still has some lurking word size bugs that will need to be
565    fixed to turn on native 64 bit code generation.
567* K_THREAD_STACK_BUFFER() has been demoted to a private API and will be removed
568  in a future Zephyr release.
569* A new API sys_mutex has been introduced. It has the same semantics
570  as a k_mutex, but the memory for it can reside in user memory and so
571  no explicit permission management is required.
572* sys_mem_pool() now uses a sys_mutex() for concurrency control.
573* Memory protection changes:
575  - CONFIG_APPLICATION_MEMORY option has been removed from Zephyr. All test
576    cases have been appropriately converted to use memory domains.
577  - The build time memory domain partition generation mechanism, formerly
578    an optional feature under CONFIG_APP_SHARED_MEM, has been overhauled
579    and is now a core part of memory protection.
580  - Userspace is no longer enabled by default for tests. Tests that are
581    written to execute wholly or in part in user mode will need to enable
582    CONFIG_TEST_USERSPACE in the test's project configuration. There are
583    assertions in place to enforce that this is done.
584  - The default stack size for handling system calls has been increased to
585    1024 bytes.
587* We started applying MISRA-C (https://www.misra.org.uk/) code guideline on
588  the Zephyr kernel. MISRA-C is a well established code guideline focused on
589  embedded systems and aims to improve code safety, security, and portability.
590  This initial effort was narrowed to the Zephyr kernel and architecture
591  code, and focused only on mandatory and required rules. The following rules
592  were addressed:
594  - Namespace changes
595  - Normalize switch() operators
596  - Avoid implicit conversion to boolean types
597  - Fix and normalize headers guard
598  - Make if() evaluate boolean operands
599  - Remove all VLAs (variable length array)
600  - Avoid undefined and implementation defined behavior with shift operator
601  - Remove recursions
606* Introduced X86_64 (64 bit) architecture support with SMP features
607* High-level Kconfig symbol structure for Trusted Execution
609* ARM:
611  * Re-architect Memory Protection code for ARM and NXP
612  * Fully support application user mode, memory partitions, and
613    stack protection in ARMv8m
614  * Support built-in stack overflow protection in user mode in ARMv8m
615  * Fix stack overflow error reporting
616  * Support executing from SRAM in XIP builds
617  * Support non-cacheable memory sections
618  * Remove power-of-two align and size requirement for ARMv8-m
619  * Introduce sync barriers in ARM-specific IRQ lock/unlock functions
620  * Enforce double-word stack alignment on exception entry
621  * API to allow Non-Secure FPU Access (ARMv8-M)
622  * Various enhancements in ARM system boot code
623  * Indicate Secure domain fault in Non-Secure fault exception
624  * Update ARM CMSIS headers to version 5.4.0
626* ARC:
628  * Userspace and MPU driver improvements
629  * Optimization of the thread stack definition macros
630  * Bug fixes: handling of lp_xxx registers in _rirq_return_from_coop, nested
631    interrupt handling, hardware stack bounds checking, execution benchmarking
632  * Atomic operations are now usable from user mode on all ARC CPUs
634* x86:
636  - Support for non-PAE page tables has been dropped.
637  - Fixed various security CVEs related to micro-architecture side-effects of
638    speculative execution, as detailed in the security notes.
639  - Added robustness when reporting exceptions generated due to stack
640    overflows or induced in user mode
641  - Pages containing read-only data no longer have the execute disable (XD)
642    bit un-set.
643  - Fix potential IRQ stack corruption when handling double faults
646Boards & SoC Support
649* Added the all new :ref:`NRF52 simulated board <nrf52_bsim>`:
650  This simulator models some of the hardware in an NRF52832 SOC, to enable
651  running full system, multi-node simulations, without the need of real
652  hardware.  It enables fast, reproducible testing, development, and debugging
653  of an application, BlueTooth (BT) stack, and kernel. It relies on `BabbleSim`_
654  to simulate the radio physical layer.
656* Added SoC configuration for nRF9160 and Musca ARM Cortex-M33 CPU
658* Added support for the following ARM boards:
660  * 96b_stm32_sensor_mez
661  * b_l072z_lrwan1
662  * bl652_dvk
663  * bl654_dvk
664  * cy8ckit_062_wifi_bt_m0
665  * cy8ckit_062_wifi_bt_m4
666  * efm32hg_slstk3400a
667  * efm32pg_stk3402a
668  * efr32mg_sltb004a
669  * mimxrt1020_evk
670  * mimxrt1060_evk
671  * mimxrt1064_evk
672  * nrf52832_mdk
673  * nrf52840_blip
674  * nrf52840_mdk
675  * nrf52840_papyr
676  * nrf52840_pca10090
677  * nrf9160_pca10090
678  * nucleo_f302r8
679  * nucleo_f746zg
680  * nucleo_f756zg
681  * nucleo_l496zg
682  * nucleo_l4r5zi
683  * particle_argon
684  * particle_xenon
685  * v2m_musca
687* Added support for the following RISC-V boards:
689  * rv32m1_vega
691* Added support for the following ARC boards:
692  * Synopsys ARC IoT DevKit
693  * Several ARC simulation targets (ARC nSIM EM/SEM; with and without MPU stack guards)
695* Added support for the following shield boards:
697  * frdm_kw41z
698  * x_nucleo_iks01a1
699  * x_nucleo_iks01a2
701.. _BabbleSim:
702   https://BabbleSim.github.io
704Drivers and Sensors
707* Added new drivers and backends for ``native_posix``:
709  * A UART driver that maps the Zephyr UART to a new host PTY
710  * A USB driver that can expose a host connected USB device
711  * A display driver that will render to a dedicated window using the SDL
712    library
713  * A dedicated backend for the new logger subsystem
715* Counter
717  * Refactored API
718  * Ported existing counter and RTC drivers to the new API
719  * Deprecated legacy API
721* RTC
723  - Deprecated the RTC API. The Counter API should be used instead
725* UART
727  * Added asynchronous API.
728  * Added implementation of the new asynchronous API for nRF series (UART and
729    UARTE).
731* ADC
733  * ADC driver APIs are now available to threads running in user mode.
734  * Overhauled adc_dw and renamed it to adc_intel_quark_se_c1000_ss
735  * Fixed handling of invalid sampling requests
737* Display
739  * Introduced mcux elcdif shim driver
740  * Added support for ssd16xx monochrome controllers
741  * Added support for ssd1608, gde029a1, and hink e0154a05
742  * Added SDL based display emulation driver
743  * Added SSD1673 EPD controller driver
744  * Added SSD1306 display controller driver
747* Flash:
749  * nRF5 flash driver support UICR operations
750  * Added driver for STM32F7x series
751  * Added flash driver support for Atmel SAM E70
752  * Added a generic spi nor flash driver
753  * Added flash driver for SiLabs Gecko SoCs
755* Ethernet:
757  * Extended mcux driver for i.mx rt socs
758  * Added driver for Intel PRO/1000 Ethernet controller
760* I2C
762  * Added mcux lpi2c shim driver
763  * Removed deprecated i2c_atmel_sam3 driver
764  * Introduced Silabs i2c shim driver
765  * Added support for I2S stm32
767* Pinmux
769  * Added RV32M1 driver
770  * Added pinmux driver for Intel S1000
771  * Added support for STM32F302x8
773* PWM
775  * Added SiFive PWM driver
776  * Added Atmel SAM PWM driver
777  * Converted nRF drivers to use device tree
779* Sensor
781  * Added lis2ds12, lis2dw12, lis2mdl, and lsm303dlhc drivers
782  * Added ms5837 driver
783  * Added support for Nordic QDEC
784  * Converted drivers to use device tree
786* Serial
788  * Added RV32M1 driver
789  * Added new asynchronous UART API
790  * Added support for ARM PL011 UART
791  * Introduced Silabs leuart shim serial driver
792  * Adapted gecko uart driver for Silabs EFM32HG
794* USB
796  * Added native_posix USB driver
797  * Added usb device driver for Atmel SAM E70 family
798  * Added nRF52840 USBD driver
801* Other Drivers
803  * clock_control: Added RV32M1 driver
804  * console: Removed telnet driver
805  * entropy: Added Atmel SAM entropy generator driver
806  * spi: Converted nRF drivers to use device tree
807  * watchdog: Converted drivers to new API
808  * wifi: simplelink: Implemented setsockopt() for TLS offload
809  * wifi: Added inventek es-WiFi driver
810  * timer: Refactored and accuracy improvements of the arcv2 timer driver (boot
811    time measurements)
812  * timer: Added/reworked Xtensa, RISV-V, NRF, HPET, and ARM systick drivers
813  * gpio: Added RV32M1 driver
814  * hwinfo: Added new hwinfo API and drivers
815  * ipm: Added IMX IPM driver for i.MX socs
816  * interrupt_controller: Added RV32M1 driver
817  * interrupt_controller: Added support for STM32F302x8 EXTI_LINES
818  * neural_net: Added Intel GNA driver
819  * can: Added socket CAN support
825* The :ref:`BSD socket API <bsd_sockets_interface>` should be used by
826  applications for any network connectivity needs.
827* Majority of the network sample applications were converted to use
828  the BSD socket API.
829* New BSD socket based APIs were created for these components and protocols:
831  - :ref:`MQTT <mqtt_socket_interface>`
832  - :ref:`CoAP <coap_sock_interface>`
833  - :ref:`LWM2M <lwm2m_interface>`
834  - :ref:`SNTP <sntp_interface>`
835* net-app client and server APIs were removed. This also required removal of
836  the following net-app based legacy APIs:
838  - MQTT
839  - CoAP
840  - SNTP
841  - LWM2M
842  - HTTP client and server
843  - Websocket
844* Network packet (:ref:`net-pkt <net_pkt_interface>`) API overhaul. The new
845  net-pkt API uses less memory and is more streamlined than the old one.
846* Implement following BSD socket APIs: ``freeaddrinfo()``, ``gethostname()``,
847  ``getnameinfo()``, ``getsockopt()``, ``select()``, ``setsockopt()``,
848  ``shutdown()``
849* Converted BSD socket code to use global file descriptor numbers.
850* Network subsystem converted to use new :ref:`logging system <logging_api>`.
851* Added support for disabling IPv4, IPv6, UDP, and TCP simultaneously.
852* Added support for :ref:`BSD socket offloading <net_socket_offloading>`.
853* Added support for long lifetime IPv6 prefixes.
854* Added enhancements to IPv6 multicast address checking.
855* Added support for IPv6 Destination Options Header extension.
856* Added support for packet socket (AF_PACKET).
857* Added support for socket CAN (AF_CAN).
858* Added support for SOCKS5 proxy in MQTT client.
859* Added support for IPSO Timer object in LWM2M.
860* Added support for receiving gratuitous ARP request.
861* Added sample application for Google IoT Cloud.
862* :ref:`Network interface <net_if_interface>` numbering starts now from 1 for
863  POSIX compatibility.
864* :ref:`OpenThread <thread_protocol_interface>` enhancements.
865* :zephyr:code-sample:`zperf <zperf>` sample application fixes.
866* :ref:`LLDP <lldp_interface>` (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) enhancements.
867* ARP cache update fix.
868* gPTP link delay calculation fixes.
869* Changed how network data is passed from
870  :ref:`L2 to network device driver <network_stack_architecture>`.
871* Removed RPL (Ripple) IPv6 mesh routing support.
872* MQTT is now available to threads running in user mode.
873* Network device driver additions and enhancements:
875  - Added Intel PRO/1000 Ethernet driver (e1000).
876  - Added SMSC9118/LAN9118 Ethernet driver (smsc911x).
877  - Added Inventek es-WiFi driver for disco_l475_iot1 board.
878  - Added support for automatically enabling QEMU based Ethernet drivers.
879  - SAM-E70 gmac Ethernet driver Qav fixes.
880  - enc28j60 Ethernet driver fixes and enhancements.
885* Host:
887  * GATT: Added support for Robust Caching
888  * GATT: L2CAP: User driven flow control
889  * Many fixes to Mesh
890  * Fixed and improved persistent storage handling
891  * Fixed direct advertising support
892  * Fixed security level 4 handling
893  * Add option to configure peripheral connection parameters
894  * Added support for updating advertising data without having to restart advertising
895  * Added API to iterate through existing bonds
896  * Added support for setting channel map
897  * Converted SPI HCI driver to use device tree
899* New BLE split software Controller (experimental):
901  - Split design with Upper Link Layer and Lower Link Layer
902  - Enabled with :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT` (disabled by default)
903  - Support for multiple BLE radio hardware architectures
904  - Asynchronous handling of procedures in the ULL
905  - Enhanced radio utilization (99% on continuous 100ms scan)
906  - Latency resilience: Approx 100uS vs 10uS, 10x improvement
907  - CPU and power usage: About 20% improvement
908  - Multiple advertiser and scanner instances
909  - Support for both Big and Little-Endian architectures
911* Controller:
913  * Added support for setting the public address
914  * Multiple control procedures fixes and improvements
915  * Advertising random delay fixes
916  * Fixed a serious memory corruption issue during scanning
917  * Fixes to RSSI measurement
918  * Fixes to Connection Failed to be Established sequence
919  * Transitioned to the new logging subsystem from syslog
920  * Switched from ``-Ofast`` to ``-O2`` in time-critical sections
921  * Reworked the RNG/entropy driver to make it available to apps
922  * Multiple size optimizations to make it fit in smaller devices
923  * nRF: Rework the PPI channel assignment to use pre-assigned ones
924  * Add extensive documentation to the shared primitives
926* Several fixes for big-endian architectures
928Build and Infrastructure
931* Added support for out-of-tree architectures.
932* Added support for out-of-tree implementations of in-tree drivers.
933* `BabbleSim`_ has been integrated in Zephyr's CI system.
934* Introduced ``DT_`` prefix for all labels generated for information extracted
935  from device tree (with a few exceptions, such as labels for LEDs and buttons,
936  kept for backward compatibility with existing applications).  Deprecated all
937  other defines that are generated.
938* Introduce CMake variables for DT symbols, just as we have for CONFIG symbols.
939* Move DeviceTree processing before Kconfig. Thereby allowing software
940  to be configured based on DeviceTree information.
941* Automatically change the KCONFIG_ROOT when the application directory
942  has a Kconfig file.
943* Added :ref:`west <west>` tool for multiple repository management
944* Added support for :ref:`Zephyr modules <modules>`
945* Build system ``flash`` and ``debug`` targets now require west
946* Added generation of DT_<COMPAT>_<INSTANCE>_<PROP> defines which allowed
947  sensor or other drivers on buses like I2C or SPI to not require dts fixup.
948* Added proper support for device tree boolean properties
950Libraries / Subsystems
953* Added a new display API and subsystem
954* Added support for CTF Tracing
955* Added support for JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
956* Flash Maps:
958  - API extension
959  - Automatic generation of the list of flash areas
961* Settings:
963  - Enabled logging instead of ASSERTs
964  - Always use the storage partition for FCB
965  - Fixed FCB backend and common bugs
967* Logging:
969  - Removed sys_log, which has been replaced by the new logging subsystem
970    introduced in v1.13
971  - Refactored log modules registration macros
972  - Improved synchronous operation (see ``CONFIG_LOG_IMMEDIATE``)
973  - Added commands to control the logger using shell
974  - Added :c:macro:`LOG_PANIC()` call to the fault handlers to ensure that
975    logs are output on fault
976  - Added mechanism for handling logging of transient strings. See
977    :c:func:`log_strdup`
978  - Added support for up to 15 arguments in the log message
979  - Added optional function name prefix in the log message
980  - Changed logging thread priority to the lowest application priority
981  - Added notification about dropped log messages due to insufficient logger
982    buffer size
983  - Added log backends:
985    - RTT
986    - native_posix
987    - net
988    - SWO
989    - Xtensa Sim
990  - Changed default timestamp source function to :c:func:`k_uptime_get_32`
992* Shell:
994  - Added new implementation of the shell sub-system. See :ref:`shell_api`
995  - Added shell backends:
997    - UART
998    - RTT
999    - telnet
1001* Ring buffer:
1003  - Added byte mode
1004  - Added API to work directly on ring buffer memory to reduce memory copying
1005  - Removed ``sys_`` prefix from API functions
1007* MBEDTLS APIs may now be used from user mode.
1013* Updated Nordic nrfx to version 1.6.2
1014* Updated Nordic nrf ieee802154 radio driver to version 1.2.3
1015* Updated SimpleLink to TI CC32XX SDK
1016* Added Microchip MEC1701 Support
1017* Added Cypress PDL for PSoC6 SoC Support
1018* Updates to stm32cube, Silabs Gecko SDK, Atmel.
1019* Update ARM CMSIS headers to version 5.4.0
1025* Reorganized subsystem documentation into more meaningful collections
1026  and added or improved introductory material for each subsystem.
1027* Overhauled  Bluetooth documentation to split it into
1028  manageable units and included additional information, such as
1029  architecture and tooling.
1030* Added to and improved documentation on many subsystems and APIs
1031  including socket offloading, Ethernet management, LLDP networking,
1032  network architecture and overview, net shell, CoAP, network interface,
1033  network configuration library, DNS resolver, DHCPv4, DTS, flash_area,
1034  flash_mpa, NVS, settings, and more.
1035* Introduced a new debugging guide (see :ref:`debug-probes`) that documents
1036  the supported debug probes and host tools in
1037  one place, including which combinations are valid.
1038* Clarified and improved information about the west tool and its use.
1039* Improved :ref:`development process <development_model>` documentation
1040  including how new features
1041  are proposed and tracked, and clarifying API lifecycle, issue and PR
1042  tagging requirements, contributing guidelines, doc guidelines,
1043  release process, and PR review process.
1044* Introduced a developer "fast" doc build option to eliminate
1045  the time needed to create the full kconfig option docs from a local
1046  doc build, saving potentially five minutes for a full doc build. (Doc
1047  building time depends on your development hardware performance.)
1048* Made dramatic improvements to the doc build processing, bringing
1049  iterative local doc generation down from over two minutes to only a
1050  few seconds. This makes it much faster for doc developers to iteratively
1051  edit and test doc changes locally before submitting a PR.
1052* Added a new ``zephyr-file`` directive to link directly to files in the
1053  Git tree.
1054* Introduced simplified linking to doxygen-generated API reference
1055  material.
1056* Made board documentation consistent, enabling a board-image carousel
1057  on the zephyrproject.org home page.
1058* Reduced unnecessarily large images to improve page load times.
1059* Added CSS changes to improve API docs appearance and usability
1060* Made doc version selector more obvious, making it easier to select
1061  documentation for a specific release
1062* Added a friendlier and more graphic home page.
1064Tests and Samples
1067* A new set of, multinode, full system tests of the BT stack,
1068  based on `BabbleSim`_ have been added.
1069* Added unique identifiers to all tests and samples.
1070* Removed old footprint benchmarks
1071* Added tests for CMSIS RTOS API v2, BSD Sockets, CANBus, Settings, USB,
1072  and miscellaneous drivers.
1073* Added benchmark applications for the scheduler and mbedTLS
1074* Added samples for the display subsystem, LVGL, Google IOT, Sockets, CMSIS RTOS
1075  API v2, Wifi, Shields, IPC subsystem, USB CDC ACM, and USB HID.
1076* Add support for using sanitycheck testing with Renode
1079Issue Related Items
1082These GitHub issues were addressed since the previous 1.13.0 tagged
1085.. comment  List derived from GitHub Issue query: ...
1086   * :github:`issuenumber` - issue title
1088* :github:`15407` - [Coverity CID :197597]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/static_idt/src/main.c
1089* :github:`15406` - [Coverity CID :197598]Incorrect expression in /tests/drivers/uart/uart_async_api/src/test_uart_async.c
1090* :github:`15405` - [Coverity CID :197599]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/fatal/src/main.c
1091* :github:`15404` - [Coverity CID :197600]Incorrect expression in /tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
1092* :github:`15403` - [Coverity CID :197601]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/common/src/intmath.c
1093* :github:`15402` - [Coverity CID :197602]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/common/src/intmath.c
1094* :github:`15401` - [Coverity CID :197603]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/fatal/src/main.c
1095* :github:`15400` - [Coverity CID :197604]Memory - corruptions in /tests/kernel/mem_protect/userspace/src/main.c
1096* :github:`15399` - [Coverity CID :197605]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/testsuite/ztest/src/ztest_mock.c
1097* :github:`15398` - [Coverity CID :197606]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/common/src/irq_offload.c
1098* :github:`15397` - [Coverity CID :197607]Incorrect expression in /tests/drivers/uart/uart_async_api/src/test_uart_async.c
1099* :github:`15396` - [Coverity CID :197608]Incorrect expression in /tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
1100* :github:`15395` - [Coverity CID :197609]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/interrupt/src/nested_irq.c
1101* :github:`15394` - [Coverity CID :197610]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/fatal/src/main.c
1102* :github:`15393` - [Coverity CID :197611]Integer handling issues in /lib/os/printk.c
1103* :github:`15392` - [Coverity CID :197612]Integer handling issues in /lib/os/printk.c
1104* :github:`15390` - [Coverity CID :197614]Incorrect expression in /tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
1105* :github:`15389` - [Coverity CID :197615]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/fatal/src/main.c
1106* :github:`15388` - [Coverity CID :197616]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/testsuite/ztest/src/ztest_mock.c
1107* :github:`15387` - [Coverity CID :197617]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/common/src/multilib.c
1108* :github:`15386` - [Coverity CID :197618]Error handling issues in /subsys/shell/shell_telnet.c
1109* :github:`15385` - [Coverity CID :197619]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/mem_pool/mem_pool/src/main.c
1110* :github:`15384` - [Coverity CID :197620]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/static_idt/src/main.c
1111* :github:`15383` - [Coverity CID :197621]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/static_idt/src/main.c
1112* :github:`15382` - [Coverity CID :197622]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/tickless/tickless_concept/src/main.c
1113* :github:`15381` - [Coverity CID :197623]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/interrupt/src/nested_irq.c
1114* :github:`15380` - USAGE FAULT on tests/crypto/rand32/ on sam_e70_xplained
1115* :github:`15379` - foundries.io CI: tests/kernel/mem_protect/stackprot fails on nrf52
1116* :github:`15370` - log_strdup() leaks memory if log message is filtered
1117* :github:`15365` - Bluetooth qualification test MESH/SR/HM/CFS/BV-02-C is failing
1118* :github:`15361` - nRF timer: investigate race condition when setting clock timeout in TICKLESS mode
1119* :github:`15348` - ARM Cortex-M: SysTick: unhandled race condition
1120* :github:`15346` - VLAN support is broken
1121* :github:`15336` - Unable to transmit data using interrupt driven API with nrf UARTE peripheral
1122* :github:`15333` - hci_uart controller driver loses sync after host driver is reset
1123* :github:`15329` - Bluetooth: GATT Client Configuration is not cleared when device is unpaired
1124* :github:`15325` - conn->le.keys pointer is not cleared even after the keys struct is invalidated after unpair
1125* :github:`15324` - Error undefined reference to '__aeabi_uldivmod' when build Zephyr for nrf52_pca10040 board
1126* :github:`15309` - ARM Cortex-M SysTick Load value setting off-by-one
1127* :github:`15303` - net: Stackoverflow in net mgmt thread
1128* :github:`15300` - Bluetooth: Mesh: bt_mesh_fault_update() doesn't update publication message
1129* :github:`15299` - west init fails in powershell
1130* :github:`15289` - Zephyr module uses '\' in path on windows when creating Kconfig files
1131* :github:`15285` - arc: it's not reliable to use exc_nest_count to check nest interrupt
1132* :github:`15280` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/stackprot fails on platform qemu_riscv32
1133* :github:`15266` - doc: Contribution guidelines still link to IRC
1134* :github:`15260` - Shell doesn't always process input data when it arrives
1135* :github:`15259` - CAN sample does not work
1136* :github:`15251` - nRF Watchdog not triggering on kernel panic
1137* :github:`15246` - doc: confusion about dtc version
1138* :github:`15240` - esp32 build broken
1139* :github:`15236` - add external spi-nor flash will build fail
1140* :github:`15235` - Missing license references in DTS files
1141* :github:`15234` - Missing SPDX license references in drivers source files.
1142* :github:`15228` - tests: getnameinfo runs with user mode disabled
1143* :github:`15227` - sockets: no syscall for gethostname()
1144* :github:`15221` - ARC: incorrect value checked for MPU violation
1145* :github:`15216` - k_sleep() expires sooner than expected on STM32F4 (Cortex M4)
1146* :github:`15213` - cmake infrastructure in code missing file level license identifiers
1147* :github:`15206` - sanitycheck --coverage: stack overflows on qemu_x86, mps2_an385 and qemu_x86_nommu
1148* :github:`15205` - hci_usb not working on v1.14.0rc3 with SDK 0.10.0
1149* :github:`15204` - lwm2m engine hangs on native_posix
1150* :github:`15198` - tests/booting: Considering remove it
1151* :github:`15197` - Socket-based DNS API will hang device if DNS query is not answered
1152* :github:`15184` - Fix build issue with z_sys_trace_thread_switched_in
1153* :github:`15183` - BLE HID sample often asserts on Windows 10 reconnection
1154* :github:`15178` - samples/mpu/mem_domain_apis_test:  Did not get to "destroy app0 domain", went into indefinite loop
1155* :github:`15177` - samples/drivers/crypto:  CBC and CTR mode not supported
1156* :github:`15170` - undefined symbol TINYCBOR during doc build
1157* :github:`15169` - [Coverity CID :197534]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/logging/log_backend_rtt.c
1158* :github:`15168` - [Coverity CID :197535]Incorrect expression in /tests/drivers/uart/uart_async_api/src/test_uart_async.c
1159* :github:`15167` - [Coverity CID :197536]Parse warnings in /include/mgmt/buf.h
1160* :github:`15166` - [Coverity CID :197537]Control flow issues in /subsys/power/power.c
1161* :github:`15163` - nsim_*_mpu_stack_guard fails if CONFIG_USERSPACE=n but CONFIG_HW_STACK_PROTECTION=y
1162* :github:`15161` - stack overflow in tests/posix/common on nsim_em_mpu_stack_guard
1163* :github:`15157` - mps2_an385 and GNU Arm Embedded gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update failed tests
1164* :github:`15154` - mempool can result in OOM while memory is available
1165* :github:`15153` - Some empty qemu_x86 output when running code coverage using sanity_check
1166* :github:`15152` - tests/kernel/pipe/pipe: "Kernel Oops" and "CPU Page Fault" when running coverage for qemu_x86
1167* :github:`15151` - tests/tickless/tickless_concept: Assertions when running code coverage on qemu_x86
1168* :github:`15150` - tests/kernel/threads/thread_api: "Double faults" when running code coverage in qemu_x86
1169* :github:`15149` - mps2_an385: fatal lockup when running code coverage
1170* :github:`15148` - tests/kernel/mem_pool/mem_pool_concept/: Assertion failures for mpns2_an385
1171* :github:`15146` - mps2_an385: Multiple "MPU Fault"s,  "Hardware Fault"s "Stack Check Fail!" and "Bus Fault" when running code coverage
1172* :github:`15145` - USB HF clock stop fail
1173* :github:`15131` - ARC: off-by-one in MPU V2 _is_in_region()
1174* :github:`15130` - ARC: Z_ARCH_THREAD_STACK_MEMBER defined incorrectly
1175* :github:`15129` - ARC: tests/kernel/critical times out on nsim_sem
1176* :github:`15126` - multiple intermittent test failure on ARC
1177* :github:`15124` - DNS not working with NET_OFFLOAD
1178* :github:`15109` - ATSAME70 MCU(SAM E70 Xplained) RAM random after a watchdog reset.
1179* :github:`15107` - samples/application_development/code_relocation fails to build with coverage on mps2_an385
1180* :github:`15103` - nrf52810_pca10040 SRAM space not enough
1181* :github:`15100` - Bluetooth: GATT (un)subscribe can silently fail
1182* :github:`15099` - Bluetooth: GATT Subscribe does not detect duplicate if new parameters are used.
1183* :github:`15096` - Cannot build samples/net/ipv4_autoconf
1184* :github:`15093` - zephyr_library_compile_options() lost support for duplicates
1185* :github:`15090` - FIFO: Clarify doc for k_fifo_alloc_put
1186* :github:`15085` - Sanitycheck when running on devices is not counting samples in the final report
1187* :github:`15083` - MCUBoot is linked to slot0 because overlay is dropped in boilerplate.cmake
1188* :github:`15077` - Cannot boot application flashed to nrf52840_pca10059
1189* :github:`15073` - Device crashes when starting with USB connected
1190* :github:`15070` - ieee802154: Configuration for CC2520 is not working
1191* :github:`15069` - arch: arm: thread arch.mode not always inline with thread's privilege mode (e.g. system calls)
1192* :github:`15067` - bluetooth: bt_set_name rejects names of size CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME_MAX
1193* :github:`15064` - tests/kernel/fp_sharing: undefined reference k_float_disable()
1194* :github:`15063` - tests/subsys/settings/fcb/src/settings_test_save_unaligned.c fail with assertion failure on nrf52_pca10040
1195* :github:`15061` - Builds on Windows are broken due to invalid zephyr_modules.txt parsing
1196* :github:`15059` - Fix builds w/o modules
1197* :github:`15056` - arch: arm: arch.mode variable _not_ initialized to nPRIV in user space enter
1198* :github:`15050` - Using TCP in zperf causes free memory access
1199* :github:`15044` - ARC: test failure in tests/kernel/threads/thread_apis
1200* :github:`15039` - ADC drivers adc_read_async() keep pointers to sequence
1201* :github:`15037` - xtensa: context returns to thread after kernel oops
1202* :github:`15035` - build breakage on two ARC targets: missing arc_exc_saved_sp
1203* :github:`15031` - net: 9cd547f53b "Fix ref counting for the net_pkt" allegedly broke reference counting
1204* :github:`15019` - tests/kernel/common: test_bitfield: test_bitfield: (b1 not equal to (1 << bit))
1205* :github:`15018` - tests/kernel/threads/no-multithreading: Not booting
1206* :github:`15017` - Not able to set "0xFFFF No specific value" for GAP PPCP structured data
1207* :github:`15013` - tests/kernel/fatal: check_stack_overflow: (rv equal to TC_FAIL)
1208* :github:`15012` - Unable to establish security after reconnect to dongle
1209* :github:`15009` - sanitycheck --coverage on qemu_x86:  cannot move location counter backwards
1210* :github:`15008` - SWO logger backend produces no output in 'in place' mode
1211* :github:`14992` - West documentation is largely missing
1212* :github:`14989` - Doc build does not include the zephyr modules Kconfig files
1213* :github:`14988` - USB device not recognized on PCA10056 preview-DK
1214* :github:`14985` - Clarify in release docs NOT to use github tagging.
1215* :github:`14974` - Kconfig.modules needs to be at the top level build folder
1216* :github:`14958` - [Coverity CID :197457]Control flow issues in /subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
1217* :github:`14957` - [Coverity CID :197458]Insecure data handling in /subsys/usb/usb_device.c
1218* :github:`14956` - [Coverity CID :197459]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/bluetooth/shell/gatt.c
1219* :github:`14955` - [Coverity CID :197460]Integer handling issues in /samples/bluetooth/ipsp/src/main.c
1220* :github:`14954` - [Coverity CID :197461]Insecure data handling in /subsys/usb/usb_device.c
1221* :github:`14953` - [Coverity CID :197462]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
1222* :github:`14952` - [Coverity CID :197463]Memory - corruptions in /samples/bluetooth/central_hr/src/main.c
1223* :github:`14951` - [Coverity CID :197464]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
1224* :github:`14950` - [Coverity CID :197465]Integer handling issues in /samples/bluetooth/ipsp/src/main.c
1225* :github:`14947` - no user mode access to MQTT subsystem
1226* :github:`14946` - cdc_acm example doesn't work on nrf52840_pca10059
1227* :github:`14945` - nrf52840_pca10059 executables do not work without mcuboot
1228* :github:`14943` - config BOARD_HAS_NRF5_BOOTLOADER not honored for nrf52840_pca10059
1229* :github:`14942` - tests/posix/fs don't build on em_starterkit_em11d
1230* :github:`14934` - tinycbor is failing in nightly CI
1231* :github:`14928` - Bluetooth: Mesh: Provisioning state doesn't always get properly re-initialized when doing reset
1232* :github:`14903` - tests/posix/fs test show messages dropped in the logs
1233* :github:`14902` - logger: Enabling USB CDC ACM disables logging
1234* :github:`14899` - Bluetooth controller ACL data packets stall
1235* :github:`14882` - USB DFU never enters DFU mode, when composite device is enabled and mcuboot is used
1236* :github:`14871` - tests/posix/fs : Dropped console output
1237* :github:`14870` - samples/mpu/mpu_stack_guard_test: Found "Test not passed"
1238* :github:`14869` - tests/lib/ringbuffer: Assertion failure at test_ring_buffer_main()
1239* :github:`14840` - settings: settings_save_one() doesn't always seem to store data, even if it returns success
1240* :github:`14837` - Bluetooth shell scan command parameter mandatory/optional evaluation is broken
1241* :github:`14833` - Bluetooth init procedure with BT_SETTINGS is not reliable
1242* :github:`14827` - cmake error
1243* :github:`14821` - [Coverity CID :196635]Error handling issues in /tests/net/mld/src/main.c
1244* :github:`14820` - [Coverity CID :196636]Integer handling issues in /kernel/sched.c
1245* :github:`14819` - [Coverity CID :196637]Uninitialized variables in /samples/net/sockets/can/src/main.c
1246* :github:`14818` - [Coverity CID :196638]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/bluetooth/host/hci_core.c
1247* :github:`14817` - [Coverity CID :196639]Error handling issues in /samples/bluetooth/ipsp/src/main.c
1248* :github:`14816` - [Coverity CID :196640]Integer handling issues in /arch/x86/core/thread.c
1249* :github:`14815` - [Coverity CID :196641]Null pointer dereferences in /samples/net/nats/src/nats.c
1250* :github:`14814` - [Coverity CID :196642]Error handling issues in /subsys/shell/shell_uart.c
1251* :github:`14813` - [Coverity CID :196643]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/net_context.c
1252* :github:`14807` - disable SPIN_VALIDATE when SMP enabled
1253* :github:`14789` - doc: flash_map and flash_area
1254* :github:`14786` - Information about old sdk version provides wrong download link
1255* :github:`14782` - Build process produces hex files which will not install on BBC micro:bit
1256* :github:`14780` - USB: netusb: Unable to send maximum Ethernet packet
1257* :github:`14779` - stm32: If the memory usage is high, the flash is abnormal.
1258* :github:`14770` - samples/net/promiscuous_mode the include file is not there
1259* :github:`14767` - ARC: hang in exception handling when CONFIG_LOG is enabled
1260* :github:`14766` - K_THREAD_STACK_BUFFER() is broken
1261* :github:`14763` - PCI debug logging cannot work with PCI-enabled NS16550
1262* :github:`14762` - elf_helper: Call to undefined debug_die() in AggregateTypeMember (wrong class)
1263* :github:`14753` - nrf52840_pca10056: Get rid of leading spurious 0x00 byte in UART output
1264* :github:`14743` - Directed advertising to Android does not work
1265* :github:`14741` - Bluetooth scanning frequent resetting
1266* :github:`14714` - Mesh network traffic overflow ungraceful stop. (MMFAR Address: 0x0)
1267* :github:`14698` - USB: usb/console sample does not work for most of the boards
1268* :github:`14697` - USB: cdc_acm_composite sample might lose characters
1269* :github:`14693` - ARC: need test coverage for MPU stack guards
1270* :github:`14691` - samples: telnet: net shell is not working
1271* :github:`14684` - samples/net/promiscuous _mode : Cannot set promiscuous mode for interface
1272* :github:`14665` - samples/net/zperf does not work for TCP in qemu_x86
1273* :github:`14663` - net: echo server sends unknown packets on start
1274* :github:`14661` - samples/net/syslog_net fails for native_posix
1275* :github:`14658` - Disabling CONFIG_BT_PHY_UPDATE makes connections stall with iOS
1276* :github:`14657` - Sample: echo_async: setsockopt fail
1277* :github:`14654` - Samples: echo_client: No reply packet from the server
1278* :github:`14647` - IP: Zephyr replies to broadcast ethernet packets in other subnets on the same wire
1279* :github:`14643` - ARC: tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect/kernel.memory_protection fails on nsim_sem
1280* :github:`14642` - ARC: tests/posix/common/ and tests/kernel/critical time out on nsim_sem with userspace enabled
1281* :github:`14641` - ARC: tests/kernel/critical/kernel.common times out on nsim_em and nsim_sem
1282* :github:`14640` - ARC: tests/cmsis_rtos_v2/portability.cmsis_rtos_v2 fails on nsim_em and nsim_sem
1283* :github:`14635` - bluetooth: controller: Control procedure collision with Encryption and PHY update procedure
1284* :github:`14627` - USB HID device only detected after replugging
1285* :github:`14623` - sanitycheck error when trying to run specific test
1286* :github:`14622` - net: IPv6: malformed packet in fragmented echo reply
1287* :github:`14612` - samples/net/sockets/echo_async_select doesn’t work for qemu_x86 target
1288* :github:`14609` - mimxrt1050_evk Fatal fault in thread tests/kernel/mem_protect/stackprot Fatal fault in thread
1289* :github:`14608` - Promiscuous mode net sample cannot be build
1290* :github:`14606` - mimxrt1050_evk tests/kernel/fp_sharing kernel.fp_sharing fails
1291* :github:`14605` - mimxrt1060_evk cpp_synchronization meets Hardware exception
1292* :github:`14603` - pyocd can't support more board_runner_args
1293* :github:`14586` - Sanitycheck shows "FAILED: failed" for successful test: tests/kernel/fifo/fifo_api/kernel.fifo
1294* :github:`14568` - I2C stm32 LL driver V2 will hang when trying again after an error occurs
1295* :github:`14566` - mcuboot doesn't link into code-partition
1296* :github:`14556` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info reports strange values on quark_se_c1000:x86, altera_max10:nios2
1297* :github:`14554` - UP2 console no output after commit fb4f5e727b.
1298* :github:`14546` - shell compilation error when disabling CONFIG_SHELL_ECHO_STATUS
1299* :github:`14542` - STM32F4XX dts_fixup.h error
1300* :github:`14540` - kernel: message queue MACRO not compatible with C++
1301* :github:`14536` - out of bounds access in log_backend_rtt
1302* :github:`14523` - echo-client doesn't close socket if echo-server is offline
1303* :github:`14510` - USB DFU sample doc outdated
1304* :github:`14508` - mempool allocator can return with no allocation even if memory is available
1305* :github:`14504` - mempool can return success if no memory was available
1306* :github:`14501` - crash in qemu_x86_64:tests/kernel/fifo/fifo_usage/kernel.fifo.usage
1307* :github:`14500` - sanitycheck --coverage: stack overflows on qemu_x86 and mps2_an385
1308* :github:`14499` - sanitycheck --coverage on qemu_x86: stack overflows on qemu_x86 and mps2_an385
1309* :github:`14496` - PyYAML 5.1 breaks DTS parsing
1310* :github:`14492` - doc: update robots.txt to exclude more old docs
1311* :github:`14479` - Regression for net_offload API in net_if.c?
1312* :github:`14477` - tests/crypto/tinycrypt: test_ecc_dh() 's montecarlo_ecdh() hangs when num_tests (1st parameter) is greater than 1
1313* :github:`14476` - quark_d2000_crb: samples/sensor/bmg160 runs out of ROM (CI failure)
1314* :github:`14471` - MPU fault during application startup
1315* :github:`14469` - sanitycheck failures on 96b_carbon due to commit 75164763868ebd604904af3fdbc86845da833abc
1316* :github:`14462` - tests/kernel/threads/no-multithreading/testcase.yam: Not Booting
1317* :github:`14460` - python requirements.txt: pyocd and pyyaml conflict
1318* :github:`14454` - tests/kernel/threads/no-multithreading/:  Single/Repeated delay boot banner
1319* :github:`14447` - Rename macro functions starting with two or three underscores
1320* :github:`14422` - [Coverity CID :195758]Uninitialized variables in /drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_nrfx.c
1321* :github:`14421` - [Coverity CID :195760]Error handling issues in /tests/net/tcp/src/main.c
1322* :github:`14420` - [Coverity CID :195768]API usage errors in /arch/x86_64/core/xuk-stub32.c
1323* :github:`14419` - [Coverity CID :195770]Memory - illegal accesses in /drivers/ethernet/eth_native_posix_adapt.c
1324* :github:`14418` - [Coverity CID :195774]API usage errors in /arch/x86_64/core/xuk-stub32.c
1325* :github:`14417` - [Coverity CID :195786]Error handling issues in /samples/drivers/CAN/src/main.c
1326* :github:`14416` - [Coverity CID :195789]Uninitialized variables in /subsys/usb/class/netusb/function_rndis.c
1327* :github:`14415` - [Coverity CID :195793]Insecure data handling in /drivers/counter/counter_ll_stm32_rtc.c
1328* :github:`14414` - [Coverity CID :195800]Memory - corruptions in /tests/net/traffic_class/src/main.c
1329* :github:`14413` - [Coverity CID :195816]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/dhcpv4/src/main.c
1330* :github:`14412` - [Coverity CID :195819]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/tcp/src/main.c
1331* :github:`14411` - [Coverity CID :195821]Memory - corruptions in /tests/net/traffic_class/src/main.c
1332* :github:`14410` - [Coverity CID :195828]Memory - corruptions in /boards/posix/native_posix/cmdline.c
1333* :github:`14409` - [Coverity CID :195835]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/ipv6/src/main.c
1334* :github:`14408` - [Coverity CID :195838]Memory - illegal accesses in /samples/subsys/usb/hid-cdc/src/main.c
1335* :github:`14407` - [Coverity CID :195839]Memory - corruptions in /tests/net/traffic_class/src/main.c
1336* :github:`14406` - [Coverity CID :195841]Insecure data handling in /drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_native_posix.c
1337* :github:`14405` - [Coverity CID :195844]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/mld/src/main.c
1338* :github:`14404` - [Coverity CID :195845]Memory - corruptions in /tests/net/traffic_class/src/main.c
1339* :github:`14403` - [Coverity CID :195847]Memory - corruptions in /tests/net/traffic_class/src/main.c
1340* :github:`14402` - [Coverity CID :195848]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/echo_async_select/src/socket_echo_select.c
1341* :github:`14401` - [Coverity CID :195855]Memory - corruptions in /drivers/serial/uart_native_posix.c
1342* :github:`14400` - [Coverity CID :195858]Incorrect expression in /arch/posix/core/posix_core.c
1343* :github:`14399` - [Coverity CID :195860]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/tcp/src/main.c
1344* :github:`14398` - [Coverity CID :195867]Memory - corruptions in /arch/posix/core/posix_core.c
1345* :github:`14397` - [Coverity CID :195871]Integer handling issues in /drivers/counter/counter_ll_stm32_rtc.c
1346* :github:`14396` - [Coverity CID :195872]Error handling issues in /drivers/serial/uart_native_posix.c
1347* :github:`14395` - [Coverity CID :195880]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/dhcpv4/src/main.c
1348* :github:`14394` - [Coverity CID :195884]Control flow issues in /arch/x86_64/core/xuk.c
1349* :github:`14393` - [Coverity CID :195896]Memory - corruptions in /tests/net/traffic_class/src/main.c
1350* :github:`14392` - [Coverity CID :195897]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/echo_async/src/socket_echo.c
1351* :github:`14391` - [Coverity CID :195900]Security best practices violations in /drivers/entropy/fake_entropy_native_posix.c
1352* :github:`14390` - [Coverity CID :195903]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/iface/src/main.c
1353* :github:`14389` - [Coverity CID :195905]Control flow issues in /arch/x86_64/core/x86_64.c
1354* :github:`14388` - [Coverity CID :195921]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/tcp/src/main.c
1355* :github:`14315` - iamcu has build issues due to lfence
1356* :github:`14313` - doc: API references such as :c:func:`funcname` aren't creating links
1357* :github:`14310` - 64 bit print format specifiers not defined with newlib and SDK 0.10.0
1358* :github:`14297` - mimxrt1020_evk tests/kernel/gen_isr_table test failure
1359* :github:`14293` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/benchmarks/latency_measure failed
1360* :github:`14289` - Cannot build GRUB2 boot loader image in Clear Linux
1361* :github:`14275` - [ci.foundries.io] regression 4344e27 all: Update reserved function names
1362* :github:`14265` - Bluetooth GATT descriptor discovery returns all attributes
1363* :github:`14261` - DTS file for the esp32
1364* :github:`14258` - doc: Recommended SDK version is out of date
1365* :github:`14247` - tests/net/ieee802154/crypto fails with assertion failure in subsys/net/ip/net_if.c
1366* :github:`14246` - ./sample/bluetooth/mesh/ always issue an "HARD FALUT"
1367* :github:`14244` - tests/crypto/rand32/testcase.yaml#crypto.rand32.random_hw_xoroshiro.rand32: Not Booting
1368* :github:`14235` - Bluetooth connection timeout
1369* :github:`14209` - unable to flash sam_e70_xplained due to west errors
1370* :github:`14191` - Logger corrupts itself on rescheduling
1371* :github:`14186` -  tests/cmsis_rtos_v1 fails on nrf boards
1372* :github:`14184` - tests/benchmarks: Stuck at  delaying boot banner on quark_se_c1000_ss_board
1373* :github:`14177` - Spurious Error: "zephyr-no-west/samples/hello_world" is not in a west installation
1374* :github:`14160` - Bluetooth API documentation - bt_conn_create_slave_le
1375* :github:`14156` - Mac OSX Documentation Update Needed
1376* :github:`14141` - USB suspend/resume on board startup
1377* :github:`14139` - nsim failed in tests/subsys/jwt/libraries_encoding
1378* :github:`14127` - netusb: TX path doesn't work in RNDIS driver
1379* :github:`14125` - system calls are vulnerable to Spectre V1 attacks on CPUs with speculative execution
1380* :github:`14121` - gaps between app shared memory partitions can waste a lot of space
1381* :github:`14109` - Incorrect documentation for k_work_*() API
1382* :github:`14105` - Race condition in k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue()
1383* :github:`14104` - Invalid locking in k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue()
1384* :github:`14099` - Minnowboard doesn't build tests/kernel/xip/
1385* :github:`14098` - Test Framework documentation issue
1386* :github:`14096` - Timeslicing is broken
1387* :github:`14093` - net: Description of net_pkt_skip() is not clear
1388* :github:`14087` - serial/stm32: uart_stm32_fifo_fill can't transmit data complete
1389* :github:`14084` - ADC driver subsystem has no system calls
1390* :github:`14063` - net: ipv6: Neighbor table management improvements
1391* :github:`14059` - CONFIG_XUK_64_BIT_ABI is referenced but undefined (outside of tests)
1392* :github:`14044` - BLE HID sample fails to reconnect on Windows 10 tablets - Wrong Sequence Number (follow-up)
1393* :github:`14042` - MCUboot fails to boot STM32L4 device
1394* :github:`14010` - logger: timestamp resets after 35.7 seconds on K64F
1395* :github:`14001` - drivers: modem: modem receiver is sending extra bytes around \r\n
1396* :github:`13984` - nucleo_l496zg: samples: console/echo: It doesn't echo
1397* :github:`13972` - bt_le_scan_stop()  before finding device results in Data Access Violation
1398* :github:`13964` - rv32m1_vega_ri5cy doesn't build w/o warnings
1399* :github:`13960` - tests/kernel/lifo/lifo_usage fails on m2gl025_miv
1400* :github:`13956` - CI scripting doesn't retry modifications to tests on non-default platforms
1401* :github:`13949` - tests: Ztest problem - not booting properly
1402* :github:`13943` - net: QEMU Ethernet drivers are flaky
1403* :github:`13937` - tests/net/tcp: Page fault
1404* :github:`13934` - tests/kernel/fatal: test_fatal rv equal to TC_FAIL
1405* :github:`13923` - app shared memory placeholders waste memory
1406* :github:`13919` - tests/crypto/mbedtls reports some errors without failing
1407* :github:`13918` - x86 memory domain configuration not always applied correctly on context switch when partitions are added
1408* :github:`13906` - posix: Recently enabled POSIX+newlib tests fail to build with gnuarmemb
1409* :github:`13890` - stm32: serial: Data is not read properly at a certain baud rate
1410* :github:`13889` - ARM: Userspace: should we have default system app partitions?
1411* :github:`13888` - [Coverity CID :190924]Integer handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/sntp/sntp.c
1412* :github:`13887` - [Coverity CID :190925]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/bluetooth/controller/hci/hci_driver.c
1413* :github:`13886` - [Coverity CID :190926]Error handling issues in /drivers/can/stm32_can.c
1414* :github:`13885` - [Coverity CID :190928]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/echo_async/src/socket_echo.c
1415* :github:`13884` - [Coverity CID :190929]Integer handling issues in /tests/drivers/hwinfo/api/src/main.c
1416* :github:`13883` - [Coverity CID :190930]Integer handling issues in /samples/subsys/fs/src/main.c
1417* :github:`13882` - [Coverity CID :190931]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_json.c
1418* :github:`13881` - [Coverity CID :190932]Control flow issues in /samples/subsys/ipc/openamp/src/main.c
1419* :github:`13880` - [Coverity CID :190933]Control flow issues in /drivers/gpio/gpio_intel_apl.c
1420* :github:`13879` - [Coverity CID :190934]Parse warnings in /tests/drivers/can/stm32/src/main.c
1421* :github:`13878` - [Coverity CID :190935]Parse warnings in /tests/drivers/can/stm32/src/main.c
1422* :github:`13877` - [Coverity CID :190936]Uninitialized variables in /tests/subsys/fs/nffs_fs_api/common/test_performance.c
1423* :github:`13876` - [Coverity CID :190937]Incorrect expression in /tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api/src/test_counter.c
1424* :github:`13875` - [Coverity CID :190938]Parse warnings in /tests/drivers/can/stm32/src/main.c
1425* :github:`13874` - [Coverity CID :190939]Error handling issues in /tests/subsys/fs/fat_fs_dual_drive/src/test_fat_file.c
1426* :github:`13873` - [Coverity CID :190940]Memory - corruptions in /soc/arm/microchip_mec/mec1701/soc.c
1427* :github:`13872` - [Coverity CID :190942]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/mgmt/smp_shell.c
1428* :github:`13871` - [Coverity CID :190943]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/fatal/src/main.c
1429* :github:`13870` - [Coverity CID :190944]Control flow issues in /subsys/usb/class/usb_dfu.c
1430* :github:`13869` - [Coverity CID :190945]Parse warnings in /tests/drivers/can/api/src/main.c
1431* :github:`13868` - [Coverity CID :190946]Null pointer dereferences in /tests/net/utils/src/main.c
1432* :github:`13867` - [Coverity CID :190948]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_json.c
1433* :github:`13866` - [Coverity CID :190949]Error handling issues in /tests/subsys/fs/nffs_fs_api/common/test_append.c
1434* :github:`13865` - [Coverity CID :190950]Integer handling issues in /arch/arm/core/cortex_m/mpu/nxp_mpu.c
1435* :github:`13864` - [Coverity CID :190951]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/ip/net_context.c
1436* :github:`13863` - [Coverity CID :190952]Incorrect expression in /tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api/src/test_counter.c
1437* :github:`13862` - [Coverity CID :190953]Error handling issues in /subsys/fs/shell.c
1438* :github:`13861` - [Coverity CID :190954]Error handling issues in /subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/nordic/lll/lll_test.c
1439* :github:`13860` - [Coverity CID :190955]Error handling issues in /tests/subsys/fs/nffs_fs_api/common/nffs_test_utils.c
1440* :github:`13859` - [Coverity CID :190956]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/can/src/main.c
1441* :github:`13858` - [Coverity CID :190957]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/fatal/src/main.c
1442* :github:`13857` - [Coverity CID :190958]Control flow issues in /samples/boards/96b_argonkey/microphone/src/main.c
1443* :github:`13856` - [Coverity CID :190960]Various in /tests/subsys/fs/fcb/src/fcb_test_last_of_n.c
1444* :github:`13855` - [Coverity CID :190961]Error handling issues in /subsys/bluetooth/host/mesh/prov.c
1445* :github:`13854` - [Coverity CID :190964]Integer handling issues in /arch/arm/core/cortex_m/mpu/nxp_mpu.c
1446* :github:`13853` - [Coverity CID :190965]Error handling issues in /subsys/net/ip/ipv4_autoconf.c
1447* :github:`13852` - [Coverity CID :190966]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/echo_async_select/src/socket_echo_select.c
1448* :github:`13851` - [Coverity CID :190967]Incorrect expression in /tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api/src/test_counter.c
1449* :github:`13850` - [Coverity CID :190969]Uninitialized variables in /samples/net/sockets/coap_client/src/coap-client.c
1450* :github:`13849` - [Coverity CID :190970]Uninitialized variables in /subsys/bluetooth/shell/ll.c
1451* :github:`13848` - [Coverity CID :190971]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/net_pkt.c
1452* :github:`13847` - [Coverity CID :190972]Control flow issues in /subsys/power/power.c
1453* :github:`13846` - [Coverity CID :190973]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/ip/net_context.c
1454* :github:`13845` - [Coverity CID :190974]Integer handling issues in /subsys/net/ip/trickle.c
1455* :github:`13844` - [Coverity CID :190976]Integer handling issues in /arch/arm/core/cortex_m/mpu/nxp_mpu.c
1456* :github:`13843` - [Coverity CID :190977]Integer handling issues in /lib/os/printk.c
1457* :github:`13842` - [Coverity CID :190978]Control flow issues in /drivers/spi/spi_intel.c
1458* :github:`13841` - [Coverity CID :190980]Parse warnings in /tests/drivers/can/api/src/main.c
1459* :github:`13840` - [Coverity CID :190981]Error handling issues in /subsys/fs/nffs_fs.c
1460* :github:`13839` - [Coverity CID :190983]Incorrect expression in /tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api/src/test_counter.c
1461* :github:`13838` - [Coverity CID :190985]Memory - illegal accesses in /arch/x86/core/x86_mmu.c
1462* :github:`13837` - [Coverity CID :190986]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/lib/sockets/sockets_tls.c
1463* :github:`13836` - [Coverity CID :190987]Integer handling issues in /arch/arm/core/cortex_m/mpu/nxp_mpu.c
1464* :github:`13835` - [Coverity CID :190989]Parse warnings in /tests/drivers/can/api/src/main.c
1465* :github:`13834` - [Coverity CID :190990]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/net_pkt.c
1466* :github:`13833` - [Coverity CID :190991]Error handling issues in /subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_conn.c
1467* :github:`13832` - [Coverity CID :190992]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/dhcpv4.c
1468* :github:`13831` - [Coverity CID :190993]Various in /subsys/shell/shell.c
1469* :github:`13830` - [Coverity CID :190995]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/ip/ipv6.c
1470* :github:`13829` - [Coverity CID :190996]Integer handling issues in /drivers/can/stm32_can.c
1471* :github:`13828` - [Coverity CID :190997]Integer handling issues in /lib/os/printk.c
1472* :github:`13827` - [Coverity CID :190998]Incorrect expression in /tests/drivers/uart/uart_async_api/src/test_uart_async.c
1473* :github:`13826` - [Coverity CID :191001]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_json.c
1474* :github:`13825` - [Coverity CID :191002]Error handling issues in /tests/net/lib/mqtt_pubsub/src/test_mqtt_pubsub.c
1475* :github:`13824` - [Coverity CID :191003]Resource leaks in /samples/net/sockets/can/src/main.c
1476* :github:`13823` - tests/kernel/arm_irq_vector_table: test case cannot quit displaying "isr 0 ran!"
1477* :github:`13822` - Invalid USB state: powered after cable is disconnected
1478* :github:`13821` - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api: Assertion failed for test_slice_scheduling
1479* :github:`13813` - Test suite mslab_threadsafe fails randomly
1480* :github:`13783` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/stackprot failure in frdm_k64f due to limited privilege stack size
1481* :github:`13780` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/crypto/tinycrypt_hmac_prng and test_mbedtls meet Unaligned memory access
1482* :github:`13779` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/kernel/mem_pool/mem_pool_threadsafe meets Imprecise data bus error
1483* :github:`13778` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/kernel/pending meets assert
1484* :github:`13777` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/kernel/profiling/profiling_api meets Illegal use of the EPSR
1485* :github:`13769` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/kernel/fifo/fifo_timeout and kernel/fifo/fifo_usage meet system error
1486* :github:`13768` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/kernel/device illegal use of the EPSR
1487* :github:`13767` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/kernel/context and tests/kernel/critical caught system err
1488* :github:`13766` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/kernel/fatal meet many unwanted exceptions
1489* :github:`13765` - mimxrt1060_evk tests/kernel/workq/work_queue meets Illegal use of the EPSR
1490* :github:`13764` - mimxrt1060_evk test/kernel/mem_slab/mslab_threadsafe meets Imprecise data bus error
1491* :github:`13762` - mimxrt1060_evk test/lib/c_lib and test/lib/json test/lib/ringbuffer meet  Unaligned memory access
1492* :github:`13754` - Error: "West version found in path does not support '/usr/bin/make flash', ensure west is installed and not only the bootstrapper"
1493* :github:`13753` - _UART_NS16550_PORT_{2,3}_ seems to be a (possibly broken) Kconfig/DTS mishmash
1494* :github:`13752` - The Arduino 101 docs tell people to set CONFIG_UART_QMSI_1_BAUDRATE, which was removed
1495* :github:`13750` - CONFIG_SPI_3_NRF_SPIS is undefined but referenced
1496* :github:`13748` - CONFIG_SOC_MCIMX7D_M4 is undefined but referenced
1497* :github:`13747` - CONFIG_NRFX_UARTE{2-3} are undefined but referenced
1498* :github:`13735` - mimxrt1020_evk tests/benchmarks/app_kernel meets Illegal use of the EPSR
1499* :github:`13734` - tests/subsys/settings/fcb/src/settings_test_save_unaligned.c fail with assertion failure on nrf52_pca10040
1500* :github:`13733` - mimxrt1020_evk samples/net/zperf meets Unaligned memory access
1501* :github:`13729` - sanitycheck --coverage failed
1502* :github:`13728` - mimxrt1020_evk tests/subsys/logging/log_core test_log_strdup_gc meets Unaligned memory access
1503* :github:`13727` - MIMXRT1020_EVK sample/subsys/logging/logger report unaligned memory access
1504* :github:`13716` - CAN tests don't build
1505* :github:`13710` - Build failure when using XCC toolchain
1506* :github:`13703` - Build error w/Flash driver enabled on hexiwear kw40
1507* :github:`13701` - x86 stack check fail w/posix-lib & newlib
1508* :github:`13686` - newlib, posix-lib and xtensa/riscv (with sdk-0.9.5) don't build cleanly
1509* :github:`13680` - XCC install directions need updating in boards/xtensa/intel_s1000_crb/doc/index.rst
1510* :github:`13665` - amples/subsys/usb/cdc_acm_composite: Stuck at "Wait for DTR"
1511* :github:`13664` - samples/subsys/usb/cdc_acm_composite: No output beyond "***** Booting Zephyr OS v1.14.0-rc- ....****** banner
1512* :github:`13662` - samples/subsys/usb/cdc_acm: Stuck at "Wait for DTR"
1513* :github:`13655` - mimxrt1050_evk test/crypto/rand32 meets Kernel Panic
1514* :github:`13654` - mimxrt1050_evk test/kernel/mem_protect/stack_random fails on stack fault
1515* :github:`13642` - stack canaries don't work with user mode threads
1516* :github:`13624` - ATMEL SAM family UART and USART - functions u(s)art_sam_irq_is_pending doesn't respect IRQ settings
1517* :github:`13610` - kernel: Non-deterministic and very high ISR latencies
1518* :github:`13609` - samples: cfb: text is not displayed due to display_blanking_off()
1519* :github:`13595` - tests/kernel/stack fails to build on nios2 with new SDK 0.10.0-rc3
1520* :github:`13594` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect/kernel.memory_protection build failure on minnowboard with new SDK
1521* :github:`13585` - CONFIG_BT_HCI_TX_STACK_SIZE is too small
1522* :github:`13584` - i.MX RT board flashing and debugging sections are out of date
1523* :github:`13572` - settings: Bluetooth: Failed parse/lookup
1524* :github:`13567` - tests/subsys/settings/fcb/base64 fails when write-block-size is 8
1525* :github:`13560` - STM32 USB: netusb: kernel crash when testing example echo_server with nucleo_f412zg  (ECM on Windows)
1526* :github:`13550` - stm32: i2c: SSD1306 does not work due to write size limitation
1527* :github:`13547` - tests/drivers/build_all: The Zephyr library 'drivers__adc' was created without source files
1528* :github:`13541` - sanitycheck errors when device-testing frdm_k64f
1529* :github:`13536` - test: tests/kernel/mem_slab/mslab_threadsafe fails sporadically on nrf52
1530* :github:`13522` - BT SUBSCRIBE to characteristic for Indication or WRITE to value results in kernel crash
1531* :github:`13515` - samples/net/sockets/echo doesn’t link with CONFIG_NO_OPTIMIZATIONS=y
1532* :github:`13514` - #stm32 creating #gpio #interrupts on 2+ pins with the same pin number failes
1533* :github:`13502` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info: Output only consist of Delay Boot Banner
1534* :github:`13489` - frdm_k64f test/net/tcp bus fault after test ends
1535* :github:`13484` - net: (At least) eth_smsc911x driver is broken in the master
1536* :github:`13482` - The frdm_k64f board resets itself periodically/A possible NXP MPU bug
1537* :github:`13481` - Regression in CI coverage for (at least) some Ethernet drivers after net_app code removal
1538* :github:`13470` - Lack of POSIX compliance for sched_param struct
1539* :github:`13465` - tests/lib/mem_alloc/testcase.yaml#libraries.libc.minimal: Bus fault at test_malloc
1540* :github:`13464` - rb.h: macro RB_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER bug
1541* :github:`13463` - frdm_kl25z samples/basic/threads Kernel Panic
1542* :github:`13462` - frdm_kl25z samples/basic/disco meet hard fault
1543* :github:`13458` - galileo I2C bus master names aren't getting set in the build
1544* :github:`13449` - sanitycheck failure: [nocache] build failures with sdk-ng-0.10.0
1545* :github:`13448` - OpenOCD support code version not raised on recent additions
1546* :github:`13437` - 6LoWPAN: ICMP Ping Zephyr -> Linux broken in master [regression, bisected]
1547* :github:`13434` - Aliases inside dts leads to warnings
1548* :github:`13433` - Error when rebooting the frdm_k64f board
1549* :github:`13424` - Logger got recently slower
1550* :github:`13423` - Default logger stack size insufficient for various samples
1551* :github:`13422` - Can't use GPIO 2, 3 and 4
1552* :github:`13421` - tests/drivers/watchdog/wdt_basic_api: test_wdt_no_callback() repeats indefinitely
1553* :github:`13413` - x86 reports incorrect stack pointer for user mode exceptions
1554* :github:`13411` - kernel: ASSERTION FAIL [z_spin_lock_valid(l)]
1555* :github:`13410` - qemu_x86 transient build errors for mmu_tables.o
1556* :github:`13408` - DT_FLASH_AREA generated seems to be different for Zephyr and MCUBootloader
1557* :github:`13397` - Function documentation is missing for BSD sockets
1558* :github:`13396` - Cannot connect to Galaxy S8 via BLE
1559* :github:`13394` - Missing Documentation for Bluetooth subsystem
1560* :github:`13384` - linking error of gettimeofday with zephyr-sdk-0.10.0-rc2
1561* :github:`13380` - sockets: ordering of send() vs. poll() when using socket API + DTLS causes a crash
1562* :github:`13378` - Missing Documentation for Networking subsystem
1563* :github:`13361` - nucleo_f103rb blinky example cannot run
1564* :github:`13357` - Tracing hooks problem on POSIX
1565* :github:`13353` - z_timeout_remaining should subtract z_clock_elapsed
1566* :github:`13342` - arm: user thread stack overflows do not report _NANO_ERR_STACK_CHK_FAIL
1567* :github:`13341` - arc: user thread stack overflows do not report _NANO_ERR_STACK_CHK_FAIL
1568* :github:`13340` - NRF52 pca10040 boards open the "Flash hardware support" option, the BT Mesh example does not work properly
1569* :github:`13323` - No USB instance
1570* :github:`13320` - sanitycheck miss extra_args: OVERLAY_CONFIG parameter
1571* :github:`13316` - Notification enabled before connection
1572* :github:`13306` - Checking if UARTE TX complete on nRF52
1573* :github:`13301` - frdm_k64f: samples/net/sockets/echo_server doesn't work
1574* :github:`13300` - NET: USB Ethernet tests were removed allowing to submit not compiling code
1575* :github:`13291` - samples/drivers/watchdog: Fatal fault in ISR
1576* :github:`13290` - samples/drivers/watchdog: Watchdog setup error
1577* :github:`13289` - tests/kernel/fifo/fifo_timeout fails on nrf52840_pca10056
1578* :github:`13287` - Zephyr can no longer apply DT overlays on a per-SoC basis
1579* :github:`13272` - Catch all bug for build issues with SDK 0.10.0-rc2
1580* :github:`13257` - Shell not compatible with c++
1581* :github:`13256` - UART error bitmask broken by new asynchronous UART API
1582* :github:`13255` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api: Kernel panic and an assertion error when you run  test_multiple_alarms() after test_single_shot_alarm_top() failed
1583* :github:`13254` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api: counter failed to raise alarm after ticks limit reached
1584* :github:`13253` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api: nchan  not equal to alarm_cnt
1585* :github:`13251` - frdm_k64f: samples/net/sockets/echo_server doesn't work
1586* :github:`13249` - Latest Zephyr HEAD results in a crash in mcuboot tree
1587* :github:`13247` - tests/drivers/counter/counter_basic_api:  counter_set_top_value() failed
1588* :github:`13245` - Including module(s):
1589* :github:`13243` - DT: error in generated_dts_board_fixups.h for board: frdm_k64f
1590* :github:`13237` - stm32 USB sanitycheck failures with sdk 0.10.0-beta2
1591* :github:`13236` - Failure tests/kernel/gen_isr_table on some stm32 platforms
1592* :github:`13223` - I2S transfers causes exception/crash in xtensa/Intel S1000
1593* :github:`13220` - qemu_x86_64 build failures
1594* :github:`13218` - tests: intel_s1000_crb: CONFIG_I2C_0_NAME undeclared build error
1595* :github:`13211` - net/sockets: send/sendto broken when len > MTU
1596* :github:`13209` - FATAL ERROR: unknown key "posixpath" in format string "{posixpath}"
1597* :github:`13203` - drivers: wifi: simplelink: Need to translate socket family macro values
1598* :github:`13194` - soc/arm/nordic_nrf/nrf52/soc_power.h warning spew when CONFIG_SYS_POWER_MANAGEMENT=n
1599* :github:`13192` - silabs flash_gecko driver warning (will fail in CI)
1600* :github:`13187` - qemu_x86_64 leaks system headers into the build process
1601* :github:`13166` - tests/kernel/threads/dynamic_thread test cases are failing on frdm_k64f board
1602* :github:`13161` - QMSI drivers/counter/counter_qmsi_aon.c doesn't build
1603* :github:`13147` - net: ICMPv4 echo reply packets do not use default values in the IP header
1604* :github:`13122` - build for KW40z, KW41z fails to generate isr_tables
1605* :github:`13113` - Samples fail to build for SimpleLink when CONFIG_XIP=n
1606* :github:`13110` - MPU fault on performing fifo operations
1607* :github:`13096` - Remove CONFIG_X86_PAE_MODE from scripts/gen_mmu_x86.py
1608* :github:`13084` - net: Align interface numbering with POSIX/BSD/Linux
1609* :github:`13083` - Problem pairing/bonding 2nd device, whilst the first device is still connected using sample project (bluetooth\peripheral)
1610* :github:`13082` - s1000 board: multiple registrations for irq error
1611* :github:`13073` - intermittent failure in tests/benchmarks/timing_info
1612* :github:`13066` - Bug on STM32F2 USB Low Layer HAL
1613* :github:`13065` - CONFIG_BT leads Fatal fault in ISR on esp32
1614* :github:`13051` - Two timers are expiring at one time and crashing for platform nrf52_pca10040
1615* :github:`13050` - net: Zephyr drops TCPv4 packet with extended MAC frame size
1616* :github:`13047` - Build error while executing tests/kernel/tickless/tickless on quark_se_c1000_devboard
1617* :github:`13044` - intermittent tests/kernel/workq/work_queue failure
1618* :github:`13043` - intermittent tests/posix/common/ failure
1619* :github:`13034` - samples/bluetooth/peripheral_hr: could not connect with reel board
1620* :github:`13025` - CAN not working on Nucleo L432KC with external transciever
1621* :github:`13014` - sanitycheck fails to generate coverage report if samples/application_development/external_lib is run
1622* :github:`13013` - Problem executing 'west flash' outside zephyr directory.
1623* :github:`13011` - tests/posix/fs/ segfaults randomly in POSIX arch
1624* :github:`13009` - Coverage broken for nrf52_bsim
1625* :github:`13005` - syslog_net doc error
1626* :github:`13001` - app shared memory rules in CMakeLists.txt breaks incremental builds
1627* :github:`12994` - intermittent failures in tests/net/socket/select/ on qemu_x86
1628* :github:`12982` - net: Zephyr drops IPv4 packet with extended MAC frame size
1629* :github:`12967` - settings/fcb-backend: value size might be bigger than expected
1630* :github:`12959` - Error with cmake build "string sub-command REGEX, mode MATCH needs at least 5 arguments"
1631* :github:`12958` - Missing LwM2M protocol information in the network section of docs
1632* :github:`12957` - Need documentation for MQTT
1633* :github:`12956` - CoAP missing documentation
1634* :github:`12955` - Missing Documentation for many subsystems and features
1635* :github:`12950` - tests/kernel/workq/work_queue_api/kernel.workqueue fails on nsim_em
1636* :github:`12949` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info/benchmark.timing.userspace fails on nsim_em
1637* :github:`12948` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/stack_random/kernel.memory_protection.stack_random fails on nsim_em
1638* :github:`12947` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info/benchmark.timing.default_kernel fails on nsim_em
1639* :github:`12946` - Zephyr/BLE stack: Problem pairing/bonding more than one device, whilst the first device is still connected.
1640* :github:`12945` - mqtt_socket connect is hung on sam_e70_xplained
1641* :github:`12933` - MCUboot: high current
1642* :github:`12908` - Data allocation in sections for quark_se is incorrect
1643* :github:`12905` - Build improperly does a partial discard of 'const' defined variables
1644* :github:`12900` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info doesn't print userspace stats
1645* :github:`12886` - Application development primer docs broken by west merge
1646* :github:`12873` - Early log panic does not print logs on shell
1647* :github:`12851` - Early log panic does not print logs
1648* :github:`12849` - i2c: frdm-k64f and mimxrt1050_evk I2C driver  will cause hardware exception if read/write to a not existing device
1649* :github:`12844` - ARC MPU version 3 is configured incorrectly
1650* :github:`12821` - When CPU_STATS is enable with MPU_STACK_GUARD in DEBUG_OPTIMIZATIONS mode, it cause a MPU FAULT /   Instruction Access Violation.
1651* :github:`12820` - CONFIG_NO_OPTIMIZATION triggers a usage fault
1652* :github:`12813` - DTS: CONFIG_FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS not being generated for SPI based Flash chip
1653* :github:`12812` - ninja flash when running without 'west'
1654* :github:`12810` - Up Squared serial console character output corrupted
1655* :github:`12804` - tests/drivers/watchdog/wdt_basic_api/: wdt_install_timeout() failed to call callback
1656* :github:`12803` - tests/drivers/watchdog/wdt_basic_api/: Watchdog setup error
1657* :github:`12800` - topic-counter: nrfx_*: counter_set_top_value inconsistent behavior
1658* :github:`12796` - USB Power Event Panic
1659* :github:`12766` - drivers: gpio: stm32: implementation silently ignores attempts to configure level interrupts
1660* :github:`12765` - drivers: gpio: intel_apl: implementation silently ignores double-edge interrupt config
1661* :github:`12764` - drivers: gpio: cmsdk_ahb: implementation silently ignores double-edge interrupt config
1662* :github:`12763` - drivers: gpio: sch: implementation does not configure interrupt level/edge
1663* :github:`12758` - doc: Samples and Demos documentation hierarchy looks unintentionally deep
1664* :github:`12745` - SimpleLink socket functions, on error, sometimes do not set errno and return (-1)
1665* :github:`12734` - drivers: flash: Recent change in spi_nor.c does not let have multiple flash devs on a board.
1666* :github:`12726` - Dead loop of the kernel during Bluetooth Mesh pressure communication
1667* :github:`12724` - SPI CS: in case of multiple slaves, wrong cs-gpio is chosen in DT\_ define
1668* :github:`12708` - Drivers may call net_pkt_(un)ref from ISR concurrently with other code
1669* :github:`12696` - CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS is broken
1670* :github:`12688` - arm: userspace: inconsistent configuration between ARM and NXP MPU
1671* :github:`12685` - 717aa9cea7 broke use of dtc 1.4.6
1672* :github:`12657` - subsys/settings: fcb might compress areas more than once
1673* :github:`12654` - Build error while executing tests/kernel/smp on ESP32
1674* :github:`12652` - UART console is showing garbage with driver uart_ns15560
1675* :github:`12650` - drivers: wifi: simplelink: socket() always returns fd of zero on success
1676* :github:`12640` - CONFIG_ETH_ENC28J60_0_GPIO_SPI_CS=y cause build error
1677* :github:`12632` - tests/drivers/adc/adc_api/ fails on quark platforms
1678* :github:`12621` - warning about images when building docs
1679* :github:`12615` - Network documentation might miss API documentation
1680* :github:`12611` - Shell does not support network backends
1681* :github:`12609` - ext: stm32: revert fix https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/pull/8762
1682* :github:`12594` - stm32_min_dev board no console output
1683* :github:`12589` - Several nRF based boards enable both I2C & SPI by default in dts at same MMIO address
1684* :github:`12574` - Bluetooth: Mesh: 2nd time commissioning configuration details (APP Key) not get saved on SoC flash
1685* :github:`12571` - No coverage reports are being generated
1686* :github:`12570` - Zephyr codebase incorrectly uses #ifdef for boolean config values
1687* :github:`12560` - Using TCP w/ wired NIC results in mismanagement of buffers due to ACK accounting error
1688* :github:`12559` - tests/kernel/mem_pool/mem_pool_threadsafe/kernel.memory_pool fails sporadically
1689* :github:`12553` - List of tests that keep failing sporadically
1690* :github:`12548` - ISR sometimes run with the MPU disabled: breaks __nocache
1691* :github:`12544` - commit 2fb616e broke I2C on Nucleo F401RE + IKS01A2 shield
1692* :github:`12543` - doc: Wrong file path for code relocation sample
1693* :github:`12541` - nrf timer handling exceeds bluetooth hard realtime deadline
1694* :github:`12530` - DTS: Changes done to support QSPI memory mapped flash breaks intel_s1000 build
1695* :github:`12528` - a bug in code
1696* :github:`12501` - nRF52: UARTE lacks pm interface
1697* :github:`12494` - Logging with CONFIG_LOG_IMMEDIATE=y from ISR leads to assert
1698* :github:`12488` - RedBear Nano v2 Mesh Instruction Fault
1699* :github:`12487` - Power management and RTTLogger
1700* :github:`12479` - arc: the pollution of lp_start,lpend and lp_count will  break down the system
1701* :github:`12478` - tests/drivers/ipm/peripheral.mailbox failing sporadically on qemu_x86_64 (timeout)
1702* :github:`12455` - Fatal fault when openthread commissioner starts
1703* :github:`12454` - doc: Some board images are pretty big (> 1MB)
1704* :github:`12453` - nrf52 SPIM spi_transceive function occasionally doesn't return
1705* :github:`12449` - Existing LPN lookup in Mesh Friend Request handling
1706* :github:`12441` - include: net: Link error when inet_pton() is used and wifi offloading is enabled
1707* :github:`12429` - Bluetooth samples not working on qemu_x86
1708* :github:`12419` - cannot flash with segger jlink in windows environment
1709* :github:`12410` - Assert and printk not printed on RTT
1710* :github:`12409` - non-tickless kernels incorrectly advance system clock with delayed ticks
1711* :github:`12395` - Some Bluetooth samples wont run using the latest branch on some boards
1712* :github:`12369` - WDT: wdt callbacks are not getting triggerred before CPU going for a reboot
1713* :github:`12362` - BLE HID sample fails to reconnect on Windows 10 tablets
1714* :github:`12352` - intermittent kernel.mutex sanitycheck with mps2_an385
1715* :github:`12347` - net ping shell can't show reply
1716* :github:`12339` - drivers: nordic: usb: missing fragmentation handling for IN transfers, causing buffer overflow
1717* :github:`12329` - enable CONFIG_NET_DEBUG_HTTP_CONN cause build error
1718* :github:`12326` - [Coverity CID :158187]Control flow issues in /sanitylog/nrf52840_pca10056/samples/net/echo_server/test_nrf_openthread/zephyr/ext_proj/Source/ot/third_party/mbedtls/repo/library/ecp.c
1719* :github:`12325` - [Coverity CID :190377]Control flow issues in /sanitylog/nrf52840_pca10056/samples/net/echo_server/test_nrf_openthread/zephyr/ext_proj/Source/ot/examples/platforms/utils/settings_flash.c
1720* :github:`12324` - [Coverity CID :190380]Insecure data handling in /sanitylog/nrf52840_pca10056/samples/net/echo_server/test_nrf_openthread/zephyr/ext_proj/Source/ot/third_party/mbedtls/repo/library/ssl_tls.c
1721* :github:`12323` - [Coverity CID :190383]Null pointer dereferences in /sanitylog/nrf52840_pca10056/samples/net/echo_server/test_nrf_openthread/zephyr/ext_proj/Source/ot/third_party/mbedtls/repo/library/ssl_tls.c
1722* :github:`12322` - [Coverity CID :190611]Control flow issues in /drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_nrfx.c
1723* :github:`12321` - [Coverity CID :190612]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_json.c
1724* :github:`12320` - [Coverity CID :190613]Integer handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
1725* :github:`12319` - [Coverity CID :190614]Control flow issues in /subsys/shell/shell_utils.c
1726* :github:`12318` - [Coverity CID :190615]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
1727* :github:`12317` - [Coverity CID :190616]Integer handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
1728* :github:`12316` - [Coverity CID :190617]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_json.c
1729* :github:`12315` - [Coverity CID :190618]Code maintainability issues in /drivers/modem/wncm14a2a.c
1730* :github:`12314` - [Coverity CID :190619]Memory - illegal accesses in /subsys/bluetooth/host/mesh/settings.c
1731* :github:`12313` - [Coverity CID :190620]Null pointer dereferences in /drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_core.c
1732* :github:`12312` - [Coverity CID :190621]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_oma_tlv.c
1733* :github:`12311` - [Coverity CID :190622]Memory - corruptions in /drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_offload.c
1734* :github:`12310` - [Coverity CID :190623]Error handling issues in /drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_core.c
1735* :github:`12309` - [Coverity CID :190624]Memory - corruptions in /tests/posix/fs/src/test_fs_file.c
1736* :github:`12308` - [Coverity CID :190625]Integer handling issues in /samples/bluetooth/peripheral/src/main.c
1737* :github:`12307` - [Coverity CID :190626]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/lib/coap/coap_sock.c
1738* :github:`12306` - [Coverity CID :190627]Incorrect expression in /samples/net/zperf/src/zperf_tcp_receiver.c
1739* :github:`12305` - [Coverity CID :190628]Memory - corruptions in /drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_core.c
1740* :github:`12304` - [Coverity CID :190629]Incorrect expression in /samples/net/zperf/src/zperf_udp_receiver.c
1741* :github:`12303` - [Coverity CID :190630]Null pointer dereferences in /drivers/modem/wncm14a2a.c
1742* :github:`12302` - [Coverity CID :190631]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_json.c
1743* :github:`12301` - [Coverity CID :190632]Memory - corruptions in /drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_offload.c
1744* :github:`12300` - [Coverity CID :190633]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_plain_text.c
1745* :github:`12299` - [Coverity CID :190634]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_obj_device.c
1746* :github:`12298` - [Coverity CID :190635]Integer handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/coap/coap_link_format_sock.c
1747* :github:`12297` - [Coverity CID :190636]Incorrect expression in /samples/subsys/usb/console/src/main.c
1748* :github:`12296` - [Coverity CID :190637]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_plain_text.c
1749* :github:`12295` - [Coverity CID :190638]Control flow issues in /samples/portability/cmsis_rtos_v2/timer_synchronization/src/main.c
1750* :github:`12294` - [Coverity CID :190639]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/route.c
1751* :github:`12293` - [Coverity CID :190640]Null pointer dereferences in /drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_core.c
1752* :github:`12292` - [Coverity CID :190641]Null pointer dereferences in /lib/cmsis_rtos_v2/kernel.c
1753* :github:`12291` - [Coverity CID :190642]Error handling issues in /drivers/console/telnet_console.c
1754* :github:`12290` - [Coverity CID :190644]Memory - illegal accesses in /drivers/modem/wncm14a2a.c
1755* :github:`12282` - "make htmldocs" reports a cmake warning
1756* :github:`12274` - Assert crash in logger's out_func
1757* :github:`12268` - doc: nightly published AWS docs are not as generated
1758* :github:`12265` - doc: Some API documentation is not being generated
1759* :github:`12257` - The latest GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain can't produce hex files on Windows
1760* :github:`12252` - potential non-termination of k_mem_pool_alloc
1761* :github:`12250` - DTS: Inconsistencies seen for SPI node with size-cells
1762* :github:`12249` - Can't flash CC3220 with OpenOCD
1763* :github:`12243` - Build error with I2C driver for nucleo_f103rb: DT_ST_STM32_I2C_V1_40005400_BASE_ADDRESS' undeclared here
1764* :github:`12241` - logging: log output busy loops if log output function can not process buffer
1765* :github:`12224` - POSIX api are incompatible with arm gcc 2018q2 toolchain
1766* :github:`12203` - openthread: bind IP is randomly selected causing off-mesh communication problems
1767* :github:`12201` - Enabling CONFIG_LOG is throwing exceptions on intel_s1000
1768* :github:`12192` - include: __assert: enabling assert causes build errors
1769* :github:`12190` - Mbedtls MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_STD_SNPRINTF issue
1770* :github:`12186` - net: arp: Zephyr does not use MAC address from unicast ARP reply with wrong target MAC
1771* :github:`12179` - net: arp: Zephyr does not use MAC address from unicast ARP reply
1772* :github:`12171` - ot: ping ten times will crash
1773* :github:`12170` - logging: previous changes to dropped message notification break wifi sample debug
1774* :github:`12164` - net: icmpv4: Zephyr drops ICMPv4 packet with correct checksum 0
1775* :github:`12162` - net: icmpv4: Zephyr replies to ICMPv4 echo request with broadcast destination IPv4 address
1776* :github:`12159` - bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc: no characteristic for value
1777* :github:`12154` - 802.15.4 6LowPAN stopped working with multiple samples
1778* :github:`12147` - tests/kernel/interrupt fails on quark_se_c1000_ss_devboard
1779* :github:`12146` - tests/kernel/arm_irq_vector_table fails on NRF5 boards
1780* :github:`12144` - There's lots of references to undefined Kconfig symbols
1781* :github:`12123` - samples: cmsis_rtos_v1/philosophers faults with a FATAL EXCEPTION on esp32
1782* :github:`12122` - system.settings.nffs fails on NRF5 boards
1783* :github:`12120` - Can't pair with nrf52832 running zephyr
1784* :github:`12118` - printf doesn't work on qemu_cortex_m3 with newlib and arm gcc 2018q2 toolchain
1785* :github:`12092` - Default Virtual COM port on nucleo_l4r5zi is lpuart1
1786* :github:`12091` - tests/subsys/settings/fcb/base64 fails on NRF5 boards
1787* :github:`12089` - Unexpected fault during test does not cause test failure
1788* :github:`12069` - iwdg_stm32.c: potential failure in wdt_set_config()
1789* :github:`12066` - Observing a Python path Issue with Git based Compile
1790* :github:`12065` - enormous .BSS size while building tests/subsys/fs/nffs_fs_api
1791* :github:`12059` - kernel.memory_protection.stack_random fails on quark_d2000_crb board
1792* :github:`12058` - Lots of tests don't honor CONFIG_TEST_EXTRA_STACK_SIZE
1793* :github:`12051` - LOG_PANIC never returns if RTT is disconnected
1794* :github:`12045` - frdm_k64f + shell breaks Ethernet driver
1795* :github:`12043` - logger: Invalid pointer deference in samples/subsys/logging/logger/
1796* :github:`12040` - Log messages are dropped even with huge log buffer
1797* :github:`12037` - nrf52840 ram retention example failed
1798* :github:`12033` - samples/application_development/code_relocation fails on mps2_an385
1799* :github:`12029` - CONFIG_STACK_CANARIES doesn't work on x86_64
1800* :github:`12016` - Crash while disconnecting device from USB
1801* :github:`12006` - valgrind detected issue in tests/net/ipv6/
1802* :github:`11999` - CONFIG_TEXT_SECTION_OFFSET doesn't seem to work on x86
1803* :github:`11998` - intermittent failures in tests/kernel/common: test_timeout_order: (poll_events[ii].state not equal to K_POLL_STATE_SEM_AVAILABLE)
1804* :github:`11989` - Reel Board mesh_badge sample | Light sensor bug
1805* :github:`11980` - cmake: Build fails in an environment without 'python' binary
1806* :github:`11967` - nrfx SPI driver blocks indefinitely when transferring
1807* :github:`11961` - Python warning in process_gperf.py
1808* :github:`11935` - Invalid usage of k_busy_wait()
1809* :github:`11916` - ISR table (_sw_isr_table) generation is fragile and can result in corrupted binaries
1810* :github:`11914` - NXP documentation: frdm-k64f links dead
1811* :github:`11904` - blinky example can't work on nucleo-f070rb and nucleo-f030r8 platform
1812* :github:`11894` - zephyr_env.sh failes to correctly set $ZEPHYR_BASE with zsh hooks bound to cd
1813* :github:`11889` - Race between SimpleLink WiFi driver FastConnect and networking app startup.
1814* :github:`11859` - sanitycheck failures on lpcxpresso54114_m4: Error: Aborting due to non-whitelisted Kconfig warning
1815* :github:`11857` - cmake does not detect most recent python, it is fixed somehow to 3.4.x
1816* :github:`11844` - rtc_ll_stm32.c:232: undefined reference to 'LL_RCC_LSE_SetDriveCapability'  #stm32 #rtc
1817* :github:`11841` - Assert invoked in exception in ctrl.c line 7653 (zephyr 1.13.00)
1818* :github:`11827` - gPTP Sample Application fails on frdm_k64f board ,and PDelay Response Receipt Timeout
1819* :github:`11815` - nxp_kinetis: system reset leaves interrupts enabled during startup
1820* :github:`11806` - gpio_nrf mishandles level interrupts
1821* :github:`11798` - A thread may lock a mutex before it is fully unlocked.
1822* :github:`11794` - cmake: CMake 3.13 doesn't like INTERFACE with target_link_libraries
1823* :github:`11792` - drivers: nrf: UARTE interrupt driven cannot be compiled
1824* :github:`11780` - Bluetooth: Mesh: initialisation delay after disabling CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_LOG
1825* :github:`11779` - watchdog sample application not being built on Nordic devices
1826* :github:`11767` - tests: counter api: Failed when MPU enabled
1827* :github:`11763` - logger drops log messages without any indication
1828* :github:`11754` - NRFX TWI driver does not compile with newlib
1829* :github:`11752` - tests/lib/ringbuffer: build error on Xtensa ESP32
1830* :github:`11749` - logging: default log thread priority is too high
1831* :github:`11744` - Regression: nNRF52840 HW dies at 8 minutes 20 seconds in various samples using IPSP
1832* :github:`11741` - mqtt_publisher sample not working with BLE IPSP and has outdated net setup/prj configs
1833* :github:`11723` - tests/cmsis_rtos_v1 fails on nrf52840_pca10056
1834* :github:`11722` - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api fails on nrf52_pca10040 board
1835* :github:`11721` - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api fails on nrf5* boards
1836* :github:`11719` - Legacy MQTT sample app breaking
1837* :github:`11698` - net: ipv4: Zephyr replies to ICMPv4 packets with incorrect checksums
1838* :github:`11694` - system clock problem on NRF52 boards
1839* :github:`11682` - Mesh Friend replies to initial Friend Poll with "old" security credentials
1840* :github:`11675` - Cannot set UART device name in menuconfig
1841* :github:`11674` - Wrong assert condition @@zephyr/kernel/sched.c:345
1842* :github:`11651` - Time consumption is not constant during the pend and unpend operation with 0(1) pending queue
1843* :github:`11633` - logging: CONFIG_LOG_INPLACE_PROCESS is not synchronous
1844* :github:`11626` - k_busy_wait exits early on Nordic chips
1845* :github:`11625` - Problem with printk and LOG_ERR used with shell enabled
1846* :github:`11618` - net: icmpv4: Zephyr drops valid echo request
1847* :github:`11617` - net: ipv4: udp: broadcast delivery not supported
1848* :github:`11612` - i2c_burst_write on nrf51 is not a burst write
1849* :github:`11586` - mimxrt1050_evb board: Can't get Ethernet to work
1850* :github:`11579` - net: arp: MAC address not updated if target address is not its own
1851* :github:`11565` - gpio_callback ambiguity in union pin vs pin_mask
1852* :github:`11564` - Bluetooth: settings: Invalid base64 value written to flash
1853* :github:`11562` - net: arp: Zephyr does use MAC address from broadcast ARP reply
1854* :github:`11561` - Ping through net shell seems to be broken
1855* :github:`11533` - Energy-efficient BLE controller on the nRF52
1856* :github:`11532` - drivers: serial: uart_msp432p4xx.c not compile for interrupt API
1857* :github:`11531` - Networking samples documentation updates
1858* :github:`11513` - drivers: SPI NOR: Inconsistency with flash interface docs
1859* :github:`11502` - Delayed works are not scheduled when system is busy
1860* :github:`11495` - Printk processed by logger overwrites each other
1861* :github:`11489` - net: arp: Zephyr replies to localhost address
1862* :github:`11488` - [Coverity CID :183483]Incorrect expression in /sanitylog/v2m_beetle/tests/ztest/test/base/testing.ztest.verbose_2/zephyr/priv_stacks_hash.gperf
1863* :github:`11487` - [Coverity CID :185396]Incorrect expression in /sanitylog/v2m_beetle/tests/posix/fs/portability.posix/zephyr/kobject_hash.gperf
1864* :github:`11486` - [Coverity CID :186197]Parse warnings in /sanitylog/lpcxpresso54114_m4/samples/subsys/ipc/openamp/test/openamp_remote-prefix/src/openamp_remote-build/CMakeFiles/CheckIncludeFiles/HAVE_FCNTL_H.c
1865* :github:`11485` - [Coverity CID :189738]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/lib/dns/llmnr_responder.c
1866* :github:`11484` - [Coverity CID :189739]Parse warnings in /subsys/usb/class/netusb/function_eem.c
1867* :github:`11483` - [Coverity CID :189740]Control flow issues in /samples/boards/reel_board/mesh_badge/src/reel_board.c
1868* :github:`11482` - [Coverity CID :189741]Memory - illegal accesses in /samples/boards/reel_board/mesh_badge/src/reel_board.c
1869* :github:`11481` - [Coverity CID :189742]Program hangs in /drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_sam.c
1870* :github:`11480` - [Coverity CID :189743]Incorrect expression in /drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_sam.c
1871* :github:`11465` - UART_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN broken on SOC_SERIES_IMX7_M4 and SOC_SERIES_IMX_6X_M4
1872* :github:`11464` - where is PM_CONTROL_OS defined in Kconfig?
1873* :github:`11462` - tests: intel_s1000: flash test will fail or erase code when booting from flash
1874* :github:`11461` - tests: intel_s1000: build error due to offsets lib
1875* :github:`11447` - Build error for lwm2m_client w/ modem overlay
1876* :github:`11425` - MISRA C Do not use recursions
1877* :github:`11417` - logging doesn't log, again
1878* :github:`11409` - Device crash on BLE reconnection
1879* :github:`11394` - GPIO API: Do not blindly re-install an already installed callback
1880* :github:`11393` - printk (RTT backend) from isr can deadlock the system
1881* :github:`11390` - soc: intel_s1000: Fix the tests for dma and i2s drivers
1882* :github:`11384` - CI ignores result of multiple test suites in one test application
1883* :github:`11383` - tests/drivers/i2s/i2s_api failing on sam_e70_xplained
1884* :github:`11373` - Move STM32 RTC to new counter API
1885* :github:`11339` - zephyr stm32f4 startup freezes at startup in PRINT_BOOT_BANNER() #stm32 #uart #boot
1886* :github:`11329` - net: arp: Zephyr replies to multicast address cause of malfored ARP request
1887* :github:`11310` - Wifi scan crashes on disco_l475_iot1
1888* :github:`11301` - KW41Z crash on echo apps (ieee802154)
1889* :github:`11281` - uart shell: ring buffer usage bug
1890* :github:`11276` - nrf51_pca10028:tests/kernel/interrupt/arch.interrupt registers IRQ 24 twice
1891* :github:`11275` - frdm_k64f/samples/net/gptp/test: irq line 85 registered twice
1892* :github:`11268` - soc: intel_s1000: linker section size updates
1893* :github:`11266` - intel_s1000: usb_hid: load/store alignment exception
1894* :github:`11260` - Detection of an MSYS environment sometimes fails
1895* :github:`11255` - Pinging sam_e70 leads to unresponsive ethernet device at some point
1896* :github:`11250` - 'net help' or 'kernel help' shell commands lead to a fatal fault
1897* :github:`11244` - Turning on SystemView causes error
1898* :github:`11232` - nrf52: reel_board: USB unable to send fragmented packets through Control endpoint
1899* :github:`11226` - Logging: duplicate log messages for some samples when building for qemu_x86
1900* :github:`11202` - recent "shell: shell_uart" commit breaks shell samples on cc3220sf
1901* :github:`11187` - cmake/toolchain/clang: selecting clang doesn't select the correct compiler file
1902* :github:`11182` - qemu_xtensa tests fail spuriously under sanitycheck/CI
1903* :github:`11179` - Minor Typo "dirver" in UART of Native Posix
1904* :github:`11171` - usb: nrf: usb_nrfx is in endless loop when USB cable in not connected
1905* :github:`11170` - kernel.profiling.call_stacks_analyze_idle: assertion fails on em_starterkit_em7d_v22
1906* :github:`11167` - Building failing in arm cortex-m0
1907* :github:`11166` - quark_se_c1000_devboard has no docs
1908* :github:`11147` - subsys: logging: rtt: undeclared macro
1909* :github:`11146` - ext: debug: segger: rtt: SEGGER_RTT_Init() missing return statement
1910* :github:`11136` - drivers/spi: WARNING: Unsigned expression compared with zero
1911* :github:`11135` - subsys/net/lib/: WARNING: Unsigned expression compared with zero
1912* :github:`11134` - drivers/flash/soc_flash_nios2_qspi.c: WARNING: Unsigned expression compared with zero
1913* :github:`11133` - lib/posix/mqueue.c: WARNING: Unsigned expression compared with zero
1914* :github:`11129` - CONFIG_TICKLESS_KERNEL makes z_clock_set_timeout doesn't work
1915* :github:`11103` - The wrong Python version can be detected on Windows
1916* :github:`11102` - [Coverity CID :189504]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/echo/src/socket_echo.c
1917* :github:`11101` - [Coverity CID :189505]Error handling issues in /drivers/sensor/lis2mdl/lis2mdl_trigger.c
1918* :github:`11100` - [Coverity CID :189506]Control flow issues in /subsys/net/ip/net_shell.c
1919* :github:`11099` - [Coverity CID :189507]Parse warnings in /samples/drivers/flash_shell/src/main.c
1920* :github:`11098` - [Coverity CID :189508]Control flow issues in /drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_nrfx.c
1921* :github:`11097` - [Coverity CID :189509]Integer handling issues in /drivers/sensor/ms5837/ms5837.c
1922* :github:`11096` - [Coverity CID :189510]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/bluetooth/host/monitor.c
1923* :github:`11095` - [Coverity CID :189511]Code maintainability issues in /subsys/settings/src/settings_fcb.c
1924* :github:`11094` - [Coverity CID :189512]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/logging/log_msg.c
1925* :github:`11093` - [Coverity CID :189513]Control flow issues in /subsys/bluetooth/shell/gatt.c
1926* :github:`11092` - [Coverity CID :189514]Possible Control flow issues in /drivers/display/ssd1673.c
1927* :github:`11091` - [Coverity CID :189515]Incorrect expression in /drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_stm32.c
1928* :github:`11090` - [Coverity CID :189516]Null pointer dereferences in /drivers/wifi/simplelink/simplelink_sockets.c
1929* :github:`11089` - [Coverity CID :189517]Control flow issues in /drivers/sensor/fxos8700/fxos8700.c
1930* :github:`11088` - [Coverity CID :189518]Memory - illegal accesses in /samples/boards/reel_board/mesh_badge/src/reel_board.c
1931* :github:`11087` - [Coverity CID :189519]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/echo/src/socket_echo.c
1932* :github:`11086` - [Coverity CID :189520]Error handling issues in /samples/net/sockets/echo/src/socket_echo.c
1933* :github:`11077` - Compiler warning at include/misc/util.h when building for ESP32
1934* :github:`11047` - doc: missing Doxygen generated documentation for any function which name starts with an underscore
1935* :github:`11046` - Enabling SYS_POWER_MANAGEMENT results in a linker error.
1936* :github:`11034` - Enabling config XTENSA_ASM2 is causing system crash on intel_s1000
1937* :github:`11022` - mempool allocator is broken
1938* :github:`11019` - About printk configuration
1939* :github:`11016` - nRF52840-PCA10056/59: Cannot bring up HCI0 when using HCI_USB sample
1940* :github:`11008` - net-related logging: Don't see the expected output + crash in logging
1941* :github:`11007` - logging: "log_strdup pool empty!" is confusing
1942* :github:`10994` - upsquared sample gpio_counter sample.yaml is malformatted/sanitycheck doens't build samples/boards/up_squared/gpio_counter
1943* :github:`10993` - upsquared sample gpio_counter doesnt build
1944* :github:`10990` - ext: lib: crypto: mbedTLS: warning in platform.h glue
1945* :github:`10971` - net: ipv6: Zephyr replies to ICMPv6 packets with incorrect checksums
1946* :github:`10970` - net: ipv6: Zephyr replies to malformed ICMPv6 message
1947* :github:`10967` - FRDM-K64F and MCR-20A configuration does not work
1948* :github:`10961` - net: ipv6: Zephyr replies to a packet with organization local multicast destination address
1949* :github:`10960` - net: ipv6: Zephyr replies to a packet with site-local multicast destination address
1950* :github:`10959` - net: ipv6: Zephyr replies to a packet with interface-local multicast destination
1951* :github:`10958` - net: ipv6: Zephyr replies to a packet with destination multicast with scope zero
1952* :github:`10955` - I can't see the output using the minicom when flash on STM32F429IGT6
1953* :github:`10952` - Bluetooth Mesh: Disabling "CONFIG_BT_MESH_DEBUG_ACCESS" leads to wrong OpCode attached to sent messages
1954* :github:`10917` - Convert iwdg_stm32 STM32 Watchdog driver to new API
1955* :github:`10916` - Convert CMSDK APB Watchdog driver to new API
1956* :github:`10914` - Convert Atmel SAM0 Watchdog driver to new API
1957* :github:`10913` - Convert Atmel SAM Watchdog driver to new API
1958* :github:`10909` - Missing stm32l433.dtsi file
1959* :github:`10899` - nRF52840 DevKit generates USB TX timeout when using HCI_USB
1960* :github:`10894` - Add dts support to SPI slave drivers & tests
1961* :github:`10882` - Web instructions: quotes are wrong in build chain for Windows
1962* :github:`10878` - errno for error codes for key management break on newlib
1963* :github:`10845` - ext: hal: nxp: Use ARRAY_SIZE helper macro
1964* :github:`10825` - The DesignWare SPI driver should be hidden on unsupported platforms
1965* :github:`10817` - Getting Started Guide script error
1966* :github:`10811` - crash while connecting a USB cable
1967* :github:`10803` - Compiler warning at /kernel/sched.c
1968* :github:`10801` - Compiler warning in soc/xtensa/esp32/include/_soc_inthandlers.h
1969* :github:`10788` - riscv_machine_timer driver don't follow the spec ?
1970* :github:`10775` - Build error in zephyr.git/include/toolchain/gcc.h leading to shippable failures
1971* :github:`10772` - tests/drivers/adc/adc_api results into build failure on nRF platforms
1972* :github:`10760` - Flash Shell compilation error without BT
1973* :github:`10758` - [Coverity CID :188881]Control flow issues in /samples/net/zperf/src/zperf_shell.c
1974* :github:`10757` - [Coverity CID :188882]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/interrupt/src/nested_irq.c
1975* :github:`10756` - [Coverity CID :188883]Memory - illegal accesses in /subsys/bluetooth/host/hci_core.c
1976* :github:`10755` - [Coverity CID :188885]Error handling issues in /lib/ring_buffer/ring_buffer.c
1977* :github:`10754` - [Coverity CID :188886]Error handling issues in /tests/posix/common/src/mqueue.c
1978* :github:`10753` - [Coverity CID :188887]Error handling issues in /tests/posix/common/src/pthread.c
1979* :github:`10752` - [Coverity CID :188888]Incorrect expression in /tests/kernel/interrupt/src/nested_irq.c
1980* :github:`10751` - [Coverity CID :188889]Memory - illegal accesses in /subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
1981* :github:`10750` - [Coverity CID :188890]Insecure data handling in /drivers/watchdog/wdt_qmsi.c
1982* :github:`10747` - tests/kernel/tickless/tickless_concept fails on ARC boards
1983* :github:`10733` - Logger thread should be started earlier than _init_static_threads() in init.c
1984* :github:`10720` - SSD1673 driver it setting a Kconfig symbol in dts_fixup.h
1985* :github:`10707` - tests/benchmarks/latency_measure fails on sam_e70_xplained
1986* :github:`10693` - samples/subsys/usb/console: Console routed to UART of no USB
1987* :github:`10685` - Missing # for else in segger conf
1988* :github:`10678` - nRF52840: hci_usb timeout during initialization by bluez
1989* :github:`10672` - nRF52: UARTE: uart_fifo_fill return value unreliable
1990* :github:`10671` - Callback function le_param_req() is never called.
1991* :github:`10668` - nRF52832: RTT vs. Bluetooth
1992* :github:`10662` - "Quick start - Integration testing" does not work as intended.
1993* :github:`10658` - Cannot use SPI_0 on nRF52810
1994* :github:`10649` - bug when build project which new c lib
1995* :github:`10639` - make run for native_posix has dependency issues
1996* :github:`10636` - quark_se is missing SPI_DRV_NAME symbol
1997* :github:`10635` - tests/kernel/mem_pool/mem_pool_api#test_mpool_alloc_timeout crashes on qemu_riscv32
1998* :github:`10633` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/syscall crashes on freedom_k64f, sam_e70_xplained and nrf52_pca10040
1999* :github:`10632` - tests/kernel/poll faults on freedom_k64f, sam_e70_xplained and nrf52_pca10040
2000* :github:`10623` - tests/drivers/watchdog/wdt_basic_api fails on Quark platforms
2001* :github:`10619` - [Zephyr] Firmware upgrade through UART [Nordic 52840 - pca 10056 Board]
2002* :github:`10617` - net: shell: Converting net and wifi shells to new shell breaks samples/net/wifi app for SimpleLink WiFi driver
2003* :github:`10611` - STM32L4 GPIOC Missing Interrupt support? (nucleo_l476rg)
2004* :github:`10610` - i2s driver for stm still uses old logger
2005* :github:`10609` - RISC-V timer incorrectly written
2006* :github:`10600` - [Coverity CID :174409]Memory - illegal accesses in /ext/hal/ti/simplelink/source/ti/drivers/net/wifi/source/fs.c
2007* :github:`10599` - [Coverity CID :174410]Memory - corruptions in /ext/hal/ti/simplelink/source/ti/drivers/net/wifi/source/wlan.c
2008* :github:`10598` - [Coverity CID :174412]Incorrect expression in /ext/hal/ti/simplelink/source/ti/drivers/net/wifi/source/wlan.c
2009* :github:`10597` - [Coverity CID :174414]Error handling issues in /ext/hal/ti/simplelink/source/ti/drivers/net/wifi/source/driver.c
2010* :github:`10596` - [Coverity CID :174417]Code maintainability issues in /ext/hal/ti/simplelink/source/ti/drivers/net/wifi/source/device.c
2011* :github:`10595` - [Coverity CID :174418]Error handling issues in /ext/hal/ti/simplelink/source/ti/drivers/net/wifi/source/fs.c
2012* :github:`10594` - [Coverity CID :188729]Uninitialized variables in /subsys/bluetooth/shell/bt.c
2013* :github:`10593` - [Coverity CID :188730]Memory - corruptions in /drivers/sensor/lis2dh/lis2dh_trigger.c
2014* :github:`10592` - [Coverity CID :188731]Memory - illegal accesses in /ext/hal/ti/simplelink/source/ti/drivers/net/wifi/source/driver.c
2015* :github:`10591` - [Coverity CID :188732]Integer handling issues in /subsys/net/lib/http/http_server.c
2016* :github:`10590` - [Coverity CID :188733]Error handling issues in /drivers/sensor/lis2dh/lis2dh_trigger.c
2017* :github:`10589` - [Coverity CID :188734]Control flow issues in /drivers/sensor/lis2dh/lis2dh.c
2018* :github:`10588` - [Coverity CID :188735]Uninitialized variables in /subsys/bluetooth/shell/bt.c
2019* :github:`10587` - [Coverity CID :188738]Memory - illegal accesses in /subsys/bluetooth/host/conn.c
2020* :github:`10586` - [Coverity CID :188739]Program hangs in /tests/posix/common/src/posix_rwlock.c
2021* :github:`10585` - [Coverity CID :188740]Error handling issues in /drivers/sensor/isl29035/isl29035_trigger.c
2022* :github:`10584` - [Coverity CID :188741]Control flow issues in /subsys/shell/shell_utils.c
2023* :github:`10583` - [Coverity CID :188742]Incorrect expression in /subsys/net/ip/connection.c
2024* :github:`10582` - [Coverity CID :188743]Program hangs in /tests/posix/common/src/posix_rwlock.c
2025* :github:`10581` - [Coverity CID :188744]Memory - corruptions in /drivers/sensor/lis2dh/lis2dh_trigger.c
2026* :github:`10580` - [Coverity CID :188745]Error handling issues in /drivers/wifi/winc1500/wifi_winc1500.c
2027* :github:`10579` - [Coverity CID :188747]Security best practices violations in /subsys/shell/shell.c
2028* :github:`10578` - [Coverity CID :188748]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
2029* :github:`10577` - [Coverity CID :188749]Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ctrl.c
2030* :github:`10576` - [Coverity CID :188750]Memory - illegal accesses in /subsys/bluetooth/shell/bt.c
2031* :github:`10575` - [Coverity CID :188752]Security best practices violations in /subsys/shell/shell.c
2032* :github:`10574` - [Coverity CID :188753]Incorrect expression in /subsys/net/ip/connection.c
2033* :github:`10573` - [Coverity CID :188754]Control flow issues in /samples/basic/userspace/shared_mem/src/enc.c
2034* :github:`10572` - [Coverity CID :188755]Control flow issues in /subsys/shell/shell_utils.c
2035* :github:`10571` - [Coverity CID :188756]Memory - corruptions in /drivers/sensor/lis2dh/lis2dh_trigger.c
2036* :github:`10570` - [Coverity CID :188757]Memory - illegal accesses in /subsys/bluetooth/shell/bt.c
2037* :github:`10569` - [Coverity CID :188758]Incorrect expression in /drivers/wifi/winc1500/wifi_winc1500.c
2038* :github:`10568` - [Coverity CID :188759]Integer handling issues in /subsys/net/l2/ethernet/gptp/gptp_mi.c
2039* :github:`10567` - [Coverity CID :188760]Error handling issues in /drivers/wifi/winc1500/wifi_winc1500.c
2040* :github:`10537` - nRF52 regression: random resets noted across several boards / use cases
2041* :github:`10535` - Failure on tests/posix/common/ due to uninitialized memory access
2042* :github:`10531` - Default idle thread stack sizes too small when OS controlled power management is used
2043* :github:`10524` - PM_CONTROL_OS doesn't work in combination with certain I2C drivers in a single thread context
2044* :github:`10518` - drivers/modem/modem_receiver.c needs LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(mdm_receiver)
2045* :github:`10517` - Compatibility problem with increased BLE Tx buffers
2046* :github:`10515` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info faults on ARM platforms
2047* :github:`10509` - tests/kernel/interrupt is failing on NRFx boards
2048* :github:`10508` - tests/posix/common fails randomly on all platforms
2049* :github:`10493` - native_posix: Warnings during link on orphan sections after #10368
2050* :github:`10476` - kernel/threads/thread_apis tests crashes on ARM boards
2051* :github:`10475` - tests/kernel/threads/dynamic_thread test cases are failing on ARM boards
2052* :github:`10474` - tests/kernel/pipe/pipe test cases are failing on ARM boards
2053* :github:`10473` - tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect tests are failing on ARM boards
2054* :github:`10460` - Bluetooth: settings: No space to store CCC config after successful pairing
2055* :github:`10453` - dma_stm32 driver has been broken by commit 07ff2d5
2056* :github:`10444` - tests/subsys/logging/log_core fails on few ARM platforms
2057* :github:`10439` - Logger calls will execute functions even though the LOG_LEVEL is masked
2058* :github:`10428` - logging: Weird output from log_strdup()
2059* :github:`10420` - gcc: "Exec format error" - WSL in Windows 10 1803
2060* :github:`10415` -  logging: Unaligned memory access in log_free
2061* :github:`10413` - Shell: trying to browse history freezes shell on disco_l475_iot1
2062* :github:`10402` - Crash with new logger and with new shell
2063* :github:`10389` - Conversion of net core to new logger breaks WiFi driver builds
2064* :github:`10382` - samples/sensor/apds9960/ results into build failure on multiple platforms.
2065* :github:`10369` - Logger crashes shell when boot banner is enabled
2066* :github:`10348` - valgrind detected issue in logger, during msg free
2067* :github:`10345` - The OpenAMP remote build is for wrong board
2068* :github:`10344` - SPI Chip Select usage is not unambiguous
2069* :github:`10329` - SystemView overflow event
2070* :github:`10320` - arm: mpu: mpu_config and mpu_regions to be declared/defined as const
2071* :github:`10318` - It is not documented what YAML bindings do
2072* :github:`10316` - net: sockets: Close doesn't unblock recv
2073* :github:`10313` - net: sockets: Packets are leaked on TCP abort connection
2074* :github:`10312` - Bluetooth: settings: CCC not stored on device reset
2075* :github:`10271` - Unexpected Kconfig warnings during documentation build
2076* :github:`10243` - native_posix linking issues under Ubuntu 18.04 after upgrade
2077* :github:`10241` - scripts/requirements.txt needs updating for west
2078* :github:`10234` - There is one too many "Shields" entry in the root Kconfig menu
2079* :github:`10231` - zephyr supported targets fail to flash with "ImportError: No module named 'colorama'"
2080* :github:`10207` - Shell should accept either CR or LF as line delimiter
2081* :github:`10204` - net: ipv6: corrupted UDP header after forwarding over 6lo iface
2082* :github:`10195` - Shell dereferences invalid pointer when printing demo command help
2083* :github:`10192` - SHELL asserts when pressing tab
2084* :github:`10191` - The new shell uses CONSOLE kconfig options, even though it does not use CONSOLE.
2085* :github:`10190` - The new shell can only be compiled on boards with SERIAL but it does not set the dependency in its Kconfig
2086* :github:`10186` - GPIO callback disable has no effect due to _gpio_fire_callbacks
2087* :github:`10164` - logger sample fails on qemu_xtensa due to lack of backend
2088* :github:`10152` - gitlint complains of apostrophe in user name
2089* :github:`10146` - [bluetooth][PTS] Getting Connection failed to be established occasionally
2090* :github:`10143` - Why does BT_SETTINGS require PRINTK?
2091* :github:`10137` - sample/basic/button should configure expected pin configuration
2092* :github:`10134` - sensor: vl53l0x: Warning message when building in ext/hal/st/lib/sensor/vl53l0x
2093* :github:`10130` - sanitycheck errors with "not well-formed text" warning
2094* :github:`10127` - Cannot use new shell with native_posix
2095* :github:`10102` - /tests/subsys/logging/log_core compilation fails on nios2 platform
2096* :github:`10096` - [Coverity CID :188167] Concurrent data access violations in /lib/posix/pthread.c
2097* :github:`10095` - [Coverity CID :188168] Concurrent data access violations in /lib/posix/pthread.c
2098* :github:`10094` - [Coverity CID :188169] Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/rpl.c
2099* :github:`10093` - [Coverity CID :188170] Concurrent data access violations in /lib/posix/pthread.c
2100* :github:`10092` - [Coverity CID :188171] Null pointer dereferences in /lib/cmsis_rtos_v1/cmsis_thread.c
2101* :github:`10091` - [Coverity CID :188172] Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/route.c
2102* :github:`10090` - [Coverity CID :188173] Null pointer dereferences in /subsys/net/ip/route.c
2103* :github:`10089` - [Coverity CID :188174] Control flow issues in /tests/crypto/mbedtls/src/mbedtls.c
2104* :github:`10058` - The test mem_pool_threadsafe sporadically hangs forever
2105* :github:`10055` - nRF52: MPU Fault issue
2106* :github:`10054` - Logger thread spins forever if there is no backend
2107* :github:`10043` - RISCv32 qemu configuration does not work with upstream qemu
2108* :github:`10038` - Inversed logic in fade_led sample for nRF boards
2109* :github:`10037` - fade_led sample doesn't work with pwm_nrfx driver
2110* :github:`10035` - nrfx PWM driver breaking API contract
2111* :github:`10034` - Possible regression of #8815 ("Nordic: Directly accessing GPIOTE might create unstable firmware"...)
2112* :github:`10028` - MCUBoot using W25Q SPI Flash not working (use of Zephyr semaphore)
2113* :github:`10026` - undefined reference to '__log_current_const_data_get' when using LOG_MODULE_DECLARE
2114* :github:`10013` - MISRA C - Review the use of memcpy, memcmp and memmove
2115* :github:`10012` - MISRA-C Do not use feature from stdarg.h
2116* :github:`10003` - Bluetooth: Identity creation is incomplete through vendor HCI
2117* :github:`9993` - Few error codes in POSIX API implementation is not supported
2118* :github:`9992` - cmake compiler cache failures in CI
2119* :github:`9975` - tests/lib/mem_alloc fails to build on Arduino Due after SoC move
2120* :github:`9972` - Porting to a new architecture needs to be documented
2121* :github:`9971` - doc: DT: use-prop-name is not documented
2122* :github:`9970` - Native posix port drivers need to be documented
2123* :github:`9960` - Stack check test fails - qemu_x86:tests/kernel/fatal/kernel.common.stack_protection
2124* :github:`9956` - Build failed when CONFIG_STM32_ARM_MPU_ENABLE=y
2125* :github:`9954` - samples/hello_world build failed on Windows/MSYS
2126* :github:`9953` - wrong behavior in pthread_barrier_wait()
2127* :github:`9949` - Make West launcher scripts in mainline zephyr compatible with multi- and mono-repo
2128* :github:`9936` - docs: Ring Buffers docs are hidden away under unexpected title
2129* :github:`9935` - sockets: Connect always binds the context to the default interface
2130* :github:`9932` - Invalid documentation link in README.rst
2131* :github:`9926` - samples/net/sockets/echo_client/server: No docs for testing TLS mode
2132* :github:`9924` - Segger Systemview + newlib does not compile
2133* :github:`9922` - Networking: Neighbour Discovery may be breaking an ongoing UDP Transmission
2134* :github:`9912` - Group posix tests
2135* :github:`9901` - Default nrfx PWM interrupt prio results in assert
2136* :github:`9892` - MISRA C Avoid dynamic memory allocation
2137* :github:`9879` - Portability: Arithmetic on void pointers
2138* :github:`9867` - Bluetooth LESC debug keys support (BT_USE_DEBUG_KEYS) is broken
2139* :github:`9861` - samples/subsys/usb/hid/  test hangs on quark_se_c1000_devboard
2140* :github:`9849` - samples/drivers/i2c fails with error writing to FRAM sensor
2141* :github:`9843` - tests/kernel/sched/deadline fails on NRF5x boards
2142* :github:`9830` - ASSERTION FAILURE : /tests/drivers/adc/adc_api fails on arduino_101 and quark_se_c1000 platforms
2143* :github:`9816` - DHT driver fetch fail
2144* :github:`9812` - drivers: eth: gmac: Fix incorrect cache coherency handling code
2145* :github:`9777` - tests/kernel/mem_pool/mem_pool_api:mpool_alloc_timeout crashes on qemu_riscv32 with boot delay
2146* :github:`9767` - [Coverity CID :187903] Uninitialized variables in /subsys/fs/nvs/nvs.c
2147* :github:`9765` - [Coverity CID :187905] Incorrect expression in /arch/arc/core/thread.c
2148* :github:`9763` - samples/net/http_client: Failed to send Head requrest
2149* :github:`9749` - NRF52 : NFFS file system : use of write function returns 0 but fails
2150* :github:`9743` - tests/posix/fs crashes with BUS FAULT on nRF52
2151* :github:`9741` - tests/kernel/spinlock:kernel.multiprocessing.spinlock_bounce crashing on ESP32
2152* :github:`9720` - samples\bluetooth\mesh_demo crash with real payload
2153* :github:`9708` - tests/kernel/tickless/tickless_concept fails on nRF5x with 1000msec boot delay
2154* :github:`9704` - tests/lib/mem_alloc/testcase.yaml#libraries.libc.newlib @ minnowboard:x86 results into exception
2155* :github:`9703` - tests/kernel/threads/no-multithreading: kernel.threads.no-multithreading failing on nrf52_pca10040 and qemu_x86 with boot delay
2156* :github:`9695` - Deprecated configurations around 'SPI_CS_GPIO'
2157* :github:`9689` - Multiple tests are failing on sam_e70_xplained once the cache is enabled
2158* :github:`9666` - tests/benchmarks/timing_info/testcase.yaml#benchmark.timing.default_kernel crashes on Arduino 101 / ARC
2159* :github:`9656` -  tests/kernel/fp_sharing failing on sam_e70_xplained
2160* :github:`9653` - tests/lib/mem_alloc/testcase.yaml#libraries.libc.newlib @ esp32:xtensa BUILD failed
2161* :github:`9651` - Shell_module@mimxrt1050_evk runs failure on R1.13_RC1
2162* :github:`9650` - latency_measure@mimxrt1050_evk meets hard fault for R1.13 RC1
2163* :github:`9590` - Template with C linkage in util.h:41
2164* :github:`9587` - System stack usage analysis code seems to be broken
2165* :github:`9582` - Cannot find g++ when CONFIG_CPLUSPLUS is set to y
2166* :github:`9560` - Failed test: mem_protect/usespace failed in nsim_sem and em_starterkit_em7d_v22
2167* :github:`9510` - zephyr/doc/security/security-overview.rst needs update
2168* :github:`9509` - Unable to upload firmware over serial with mcumgr
2169* :github:`9498` - Invalid argument saved on IRQ_CONNECT
2170* :github:`9463` - bt_le_scan_start Fails with Error -5 after 128 scan start/stop cycles
2171* :github:`9432` - Overriding 'LOG_LEVEL' could crash the firmware
2172* :github:`9411` - checkpatch.pl generates warning messages during execution for tests/kernel/static_idt/src/main.c
2173* :github:`9340` - Failed test: kernel.common.errno.thread_context on em_starterkit_em7d_v22 and minnowboard
2174* :github:`9290` - [Coverity CID :187325] Control flow issues in /samples/boards/nrf52/mesh/onoff_level_lighting_vnd_app/src/mesh/device_composition.c
2175* :github:`9289` - [Coverity CID :187326] Control flow issues in /samples/boards/nrf52/mesh/onoff_level_lighting_vnd_app/src/mesh/device_composition.c
2176* :github:`9174` - STM32L4 I2C read polling hang on NACK in stm32_i2c_msg_read()
2177* :github:`9076` - doc: correct SMP server sample imgtool.py sign usage
2178* :github:`9043` - New logging subsystem's timestamps wrap a little before the 3-minute mark
2179* :github:`9015` - eth_sam_gmac driver (and BOARD=sam_e70_xplained using it) sets unduly high memory requirements on the IP stack overall
2180* :github:`9003` - [Coverity CID :187062] Incorrect expression in /samples/net/sockets/echo_server/src/udp.c
2181* :github:`8999` - [Coverity CID :187067] Memory - corruptions in /subsys/logging/log_output.c
2182* :github:`8988` - [Coverity CID :187079] Integer handling issues in /subsys/net/l2/ethernet/gptp/gptp.c
2183* :github:`8979` - Failed test:  tests/subsys/dfu/mcuboot/dfu.bank_erase failing on nrf52840_pca10056
2184* :github:`8915` - STM32 I2C hang
2185* :github:`8914` - Failed test: net.app.no-ipv6 (/tests/net/app/) on sam_e70_xplained
2186* :github:`8869` - uart: Problems with interrupt-driven UART in QEMU and some hw boards
2187* :github:`8838` - hello_world not working on frdm_k64f/qemu_cortex_m3 with newlib and arm gcc embedded 2018q2
2188* :github:`8810` - Cannot flash board stm32f4_disco
2189* :github:`8804` - esp32 cannot get character from UART port
2190* :github:`8796` - Bluetooth: controller: assert on conn update in slave role under max. throughput usecases
2191* :github:`8789` - tests/ztest/test/mock fails to complete on max10/nios2
2192* :github:`8746` - net_app DTLS Client net/pkt ERR log when doing handshake
2193* :github:`8684` - driver: i2c_mcux: unable to perform more than one write transfer like i2c_burst_write
2194* :github:`8683` - issue with nrf52840_pca10040 and peripheral sample
2195* :github:`8631` - memory leak in mbedtls using net_app DTLS client
2196* :github:`8614` - cmake: Zephyr wrapped functions does not allow keywords on zephyr_link_libraries
2197* :github:`8470` - Broken Arduino 101 Bluetooth Core flashing
2198* :github:`8409` - Pin interrupt not handled when two pin ints fires in quick succession
2199* :github:`8376` - DTS: 'boolean' type value was defined as True, not 1
2200* :github:`8374` - arm: core: cortex_m: wrongly assumes double precision FPU on Cortex-M7
2201* :github:`8348` - sanitycheck: localized make error message leads to false "passed" result
2202* :github:`8339` - crypto: drivers use cipher_aead_pkt.tag differently
2203* :github:`8208` - tests/crypto/ecc_dsa hangs in montecarlo_signverify test on nrf51_pca10028:arm
2204* :github:`8197` - kernel.memory_protection.stack_random: Stack pointer randomization fails on em_starterkit_em7d_v22
2205* :github:`8190` - scheduler: thread priorities need to be cleaned up
2206* :github:`8187` - QEMU serial output is not reliable, may affect SLIP and thus network testing
2207* :github:`8160` - BUILD_ASSERT doesn't work outside gcc
2208* :github:`8159` - tests/kernel/fifo/fifo_timeout fails on nrf51_pca10028 and nrf52_pca10040
2209* :github:`8131` - net_if_tx sends a 0 Reference counter(pkt->ref == 0) packet
2210* :github:`8116` - tests/kernel/profiling/profiling_api fails to complete on minnowboard
2211* :github:`8115` - tests/kernel/xip crasshes on minnowboard
2212* :github:`8108` - make 'rom_report' misreports _sw_isr_table
2213* :github:`8104` - open-amp: enable C library cause open-amp\open-amp\lib\common\sh_mem.c compile error
2214* :github:`8097` - tests/drivers/watchdog/wdt_basic_api fails on Quark SE / x86 and esp32
2215* :github:`8057` - samples/net/: Experiencing the delayed response from zephyr networking stack
2216* :github:`7999` - HCI UART with Linux host cannot connect to nrf52 6lowpan peripheral
2217* :github:`7986` - The scripts (debug, debugserver and flash) are not working for Intel S1000 board
2218* :github:`7818` - big_http_download stuck during download on qemu_x86
2219* :github:`7817` - Confusing macros: SECONDS vs K_SECONDS, MSEC vs K_MSEC
2220* :github:`7760` - cmake failure using ExternalProject and dependencies w/ninja
2221* :github:`7706` - ARM NXP hardware stack overflows do not report _NANO_ERR_STACK_CHK_FAIL or provide MPU fault information
2222* :github:`7638` - get FAULT when fuzzing sys_ring_buf\_ put and sys_ring_bug_get APIs
2223* :github:`7510` - [Coverity CID :185395] Memory - corruptions in /samples/net/mbedtls_sslclient/src/mini_client.c
2224* :github:`7441` - newlib support in zephyr is untested and very broken
2225* :github:`7409` - Networking examples crash on optimization levels different than -Os
2226* :github:`7390` - pinmux subsystem API is undocumented and does not enforce validation
2227* :github:`7381` - gpio_mcux driver needs to validate pin parameters
2228* :github:`7291` - intermittent issue with tests/kernel/fatal
2229* :github:`7196` - kernel: CONFIG_INIT_STACKS : minor documentation & dependency update
2230* :github:`7193` - tickless and timeslicing don't play well together
2231* :github:`7179` - _vprintk incorrectly prints 64-bit values
2232* :github:`7048` - Tickless Kernel Timekeeping Problem
2233* :github:`7013` - cleanup device tree warnings on STM32
2234* :github:`6874` - Not able to join OpenThread BorderRouter or a ot-ftd-cli network
2235* :github:`6866` - build: requirements: No module named yaml and elftools
2236* :github:`6696` - [Coverity CID: 183036] Control flow issues in /drivers/gpio/gpio_sam.c
2237* :github:`6695` - [Coverity CID: 183037] Memory - corruptions in /samples/net/mbedtls_dtlsclient/src/dtls_client.c
2238* :github:`6666` - [Coverity CID: 183066] Error handling issues in /tests/kernel/mbox/mbox_api/src/test_mbox_api.c
2239* :github:`6585` - kernel: re-delete event list node [bug]
2240* :github:`6452` - Jumbled Console log over USB
2241* :github:`6365` - "dummy-flash" device tree bug
2242* :github:`6319` - Missing documentation for zephyr API to query kernel version: sys_kernel_version_get
2243* :github:`6276` - assert when running sys_kernel on disco_l475_iot1 (with asserts enabled)
2244* :github:`6226` - IRC-bot sample eventually stops responding to IRC commands
2245* :github:`6180` - CONFIG_IS_BOOTLOADER is poorly named and documented
2246* :github:`6147` - "ninja flash" cannot be used with DFU-capable applications
2247* :github:`5781` - Initial TLS connection failure causes TLS client handler to stop and fail endlessly w/ EBUSY
2248* :github:`5735` - mpu_stack_guard_test fails on many arm platforms, including qemu
2249* :github:`5734` - samples/drivers/crypto fails on qemu_nios2
2250* :github:`5702` - usb subsystem doc not pulling from header doxygen comments
2251* :github:`5678` - USB: DW driver does not work properly with mass storage class
2252* :github:`5634` - The dependency between the Kconfig source files and the Kconfig output is missing
2253* :github:`5605` - Compiler flags added late in the build are not exported to external build systems
2254* :github:`5603` - Bluetooth logging is hardcoded with level 4 (debug)
2255* :github:`5485` - tests: kernel/xip: CONFIG_BOOT_DELAY issue for qemu_riscv32
2256* :github:`5426` - [kconfig] Allow user-input when new options are detected
2257* :github:`5411` - Secondary repos are missing licenses
2258* :github:`5387` - Many of the samples using mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk() dont check for error
2259* :github:`5376` - No way to get clock control subsystem type
2260* :github:`5343` - cmake: libapp.a in unexpected location
2261* :github:`5289` - IPv6 over BLE: IPSP sample crashes and ble controller gets disconnected
2262* :github:`5244` - UART continuous interrupt
2263* :github:`5226` - Compiling with -O0 causes the kobject text area to exceed the limit (linker error)
2264* :github:`5006` - syscalls: properly fix how unit testing deals with __syscall
2265* :github:`4977` - USB: documentation needs to be updated
2266* :github:`4927` - Hard Fault when no device driver is setup for ENTROPY results
2267* :github:`4888` - LwM2M: Fix BT device pending / retry errors
2268* :github:`4836` -  connection disconnected due to Le timeout(0x22)
2269* :github:`4682` - http_server example fails for ESP32
2270* :github:`4324` - samples/net/http_client: error in detecting and processing the message received
2271* :github:`4082` - remove _current NULL check in ARM's _is_thread_user()
2272* :github:`4042` - net: NET_CONN_CACHE relevant
2273* :github:`4002` - Can not compile C++ project without setting -fpermissive
2274* :github:`3999` - qemu_xtensa crash while running sample/net/sockets/echo with ipv6 enabled
2275* :github:`3997` - *** ERROR *** pkt 0x2000c524 is freed already by prepare_segment():388 (mqtt_tx_publish():242)
2276* :github:`3906` - Static code scan (coverity CID: 151975, 173645, 173658 ) issues seen
2277* :github:`3847` - Fix LwM2M object firmware pull block transfer mode to select size via interface type (BT, ethernet, etc)
2278* :github:`3796` - Multiple issues with http_server library design and implementation
2279* :github:`3670` - ARC: timeslice not reset on interrupt-induced swap
2280* :github:`3669` - xtensa: timeslice not reset for interrupt-induced swaps
2281* :github:`3606` - _NanoFatalErrorHandler and other internal kernel APIs are inconsistently defined
2282* :github:`3524` - Bluetooth data types missing API documentation
2283* :github:`3522` - New Zephyr-defined types missing API documentation
2284* :github:`3464` - xtensa hifi_mini SOC does not build
2285* :github:`3375` - Debugging difficulties on Cortex-M with frame pointer missing
2286* :github:`3288` - Fatal fault in SPI ISR when using multiple interfaces
2287* :github:`3244` - Ataes132a fails to encrypt/decrypt with mode ECB and CCM mode
2288* :github:`3226` - ATT channel gets disconnected on ATT timeout but GATT API doesn't check for it
2289* :github:`3198` - ARC: Boot_time test not functioning
2290* :github:`3132` - frdm_k64f: Sometimes, there may be 1000+ms roundtrip for pings and other Ethernet packets (instead of sub-ms)
2291* :github:`3129` - frdm_k64f: Ethernet may become stuck in semi-persistent weird state, not transferring data, potentially affecting host Ethernet
2292* :github:`2984` - frdm_k64f bus exception bug due to peculiar RAM configuration
2293* :github:`2907` - make menuconfig .config easily overwritten
2294* :github:`2627` - LE L2CAP CoC transfers less octets that claims to be
2295* :github:`2108` - Stack alignment on ARM doesn't always follow Procedure Call Standard
2296* :github:`1677` - sys_*_bit and sys_bitfield_*_bit APIs are not implemented on ARM
2297* :github:`1550` - problem with pci_bus_scan resulting in an endless loop
2298* :github:`1533` - It is not documented how to discover, install, and use external toolchains
2299* :github:`1495` - esp32: newlibc errors
2300* :github:`1429` - LWM2M configs not defined
2301* :github:`1381` - HMC5883L driver config error
2302* :github:`729` - TCP SYN backlog change likely has concurrent global var access issues