1 /*
2  * ==========================================================
3  *
4  *    Copyright (C) 2020 QuickLogic Corporation
5  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  * 		http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  *    limitations under the License.
14  *
15  *    File      : eoss3_hal_i2s.h
16  *    Purpose 	: This file contains API declaration for I2S Rx/Tx
17  *
18  * ===========================================================
19  *
20  */
21 #ifndef __EOSS3_HAL_I2S_H_
22 #define __EOSS3_HAL_I2S_H_
23 #include <stdint.h>
25 /**
26  * @brief return value definitions
27  */
28 #define HAL_I2S_RET_VAL          (0x0)
29 #define HAL_I2S_RET_VAL_ERROR    (0x20)
31 #define HAL_I2S_SUCCESS          (HAL_I2S_RET_VAL + 0x0)
33 #define HAL_I2S_ERROR            (HAL_I2S_RET_VAL_ERROR + 0x1)
34 #define HAL_I2S_TX_ERROR         (HAL_I2S_RET_VAL_ERROR + 0x2)
35 #define HAL_I2S_RX_ERROR         (HAL_I2S_RET_VAL_ERROR + 0x3)
41 /**
42  * @brief I2S Stereo/Mono selection.
43  */
44 #define I2S_CHANNELS_STEREO     0x0     /* Stereo channel */
45 #define I2S_CHANNELS_MONO       0x1     /* Mono channel */
47 /**
48  * @brief I2S Mono Left/ Mono Right selection.
49  */
50 #define I2S_CHANNEL_MONO_LEFT   0x0     /* Mono Left channel */
51 #define I2S_CHANNEL_MONO_RIGHT  0x1     /* Mono Right channel */
53 /**
54  * @brief I2S Master/Slave in use details
55  */
56 #define I2S_MASTER_ASSP_RX      0x0     /* I2S master in use with Rx */
57 #define I2S_SLAVE_ASSP_TX       0x1     /* I2S slave in use with Tx */
58 #define I2S_SLAVE_FABRIC_RX     0x2     /* I2S Slave with Rx on Fabric */
59 #define I2S_MASTER_SLAVE_MAX    0x3     /* Max number of i2s instances */
62 /**
63  * @brief I2S driver structure
64  */
65 typedef struct
66 {
67     uint8_t sdma_used; 		/* SDMA used, if not will use normal mode of Tx/Rx */
68     uint8_t i2s_wd_clk;     /* I2S left /right sync clock */
71     uint8_t ch_sel;    /* Channel select (Stereo/Mono) */
72     uint8_t mono_sel;     /* Mono Left/Right Selection */
73 } I2S_Config_t;
75 /**
76  * @brief HAL_I2S_Cb_Handler_t I2S driver call back. Callback gets called after completion of Tx/Rx.
77  *
78  * @param[in] i2s_id_sel I2S ID which is a identifier for the I2S.
79  *
80  * @param[in]  p_data_received Pointer to the buffer with received data,
81  *                             or NULL if the handler is for Tx only.
82  * @param[out] p_data_to_send  Pointer to the buffer with data sent
83  *                             ,or NULL if the handler is for Rx only.
84  * @param[in]  buffer_size  Buffer size in bytes, Length of data received and/or sent.
85  *                              This value is always equal to half the size of
86  *                        the buffers set by the call ql_i2s_data_tx_rx_start function.
87  *                             Since it uses ping pong buffer mechanism.
88  *
89  */
90 typedef void (* HAL_I2S_Cb_Handler_t)(uint8_t i2s_id_sel, uint32_t const * p_data_received,
91                                   uint32_t * p_data_to_send,
92                                   uint16_t   buffer_size);
94 /**
95  * @brief HAL_I2S_Init Function for initializing the I2S driver.
96  *
97  * @param[in] i2s_id_sel I2S ID which is a identifier for the I2S.
98  *
99  * @param[in] p_i2s_cfg Pointer to the structure with initial configuration.
100  *
101  * @param[in] handler  callback for getting a callback once done with Rx/Tx.
102  *
103  * @retval HAL_I2S_SUCCESS in case of success, HAL_I2S_ERROR in case of
104  *         failure.
105  */
106 uint32_t HAL_I2S_Init (uint8_t i2s_id_sel, I2S_Config_t *p_i2s_cfg, HAL_I2S_Cb_Handler_t handler);
108 /**
109  * @brief HAL_I2S_TX_RX_Buffer Function for starting the Tx/Rx over I2S
110  *
111  * @param[in] i2s_id_sel I2S ID which is a identifier for the I2S.
112  *
113  * @param[in] p_rx_buffer  receive buffer in case of RX otherwise NULL
114  *
115  * @param[in] p_tx_buffer  transmit buffer in case of RX otherwise NULL
116  *
117  * @param[in] buffer_size  Tx/Rx buffer size in Bytes (ping pong buffer mechanism)
118  *
119  * @retval  HAL_I2S_SUCCESS in case of success, else other error value defined
120  *          above.
121  */
122 uint32_t HAL_I2S_TX_RX_Buffer (uint8_t i2s_id_sel, uint32_t * p_rx_buffer,
123                                uint32_t * p_tx_buffer,
124                                uint16_t   buffer_size);
125 /**
126  * @brief HAL_I2S_Stop Function for stopping the ongoing Rx/Tx
127  *
128  * @param[in] i2s_id_sel I2S ID which is a identifier for the I2S
129  *
130  * @retval  HAL_I2S_SUCCESS on success else HAL_I2S_ERROR.
131  */
132 uint32_t HAL_I2S_Stop (uint8_t i2s_id_sel);
134 /**
135  * @brief HAL_I2S_Uninit Function to undo the init
136  *
137  * @param[in] i2s_id_sel I2S ID which is a identifier for the I2S
138  *
139  * @retval  HAL_I2S_SUCCESS on success else HAL_I2S_ERROR.
140  */
141 uint32_t HAL_I2S_Uninit(uint8_t i2s_id_sel);
143 /**
144  * @brief function pointers declaration to register for each i2s driver
145  */
146 typedef uint32_t (* i2s_init)(I2S_Config_t *p_i2s_cfg,
147                        HAL_I2S_Cb_Handler_t handler);
149 typedef uint32_t (* i2s_buffer)(uint32_t * p_rx_buffer,
150                             uint32_t * p_tx_buffer,
151                             uint16_t   buffer_size);
153 typedef void (* i2s_stop)(void);
154 typedef void (* i2s_uninit)(void);
156 /**
157  * @brief function pointers for each i2s driver
158  */
159 typedef struct
160 {
161     uint8_t i2s_state; /* to maintain state of each i2s */
163     i2s_init initfn;
164     i2s_buffer bufferfn;
165     i2s_stop stopfn;
166     i2s_uninit un_initfn;
167 } I2S_Drv_t;
169 /**
170  * @brief HAL_I2S_register_driver i2s slave/master drivers should register
171  * their function using this function
172  * @param[in] i2s_id_sel I2S ID which is a identifier for the I2S
173  *
174  * @param[in] i2s_drv_fn function pointers to be passed here from i2s drivers
175  *
176  * @retval  HAL_I2S_SUCCESS on success else HAL_I2S_ERROR.
177  */
179 uint32_t HAL_I2S_Register_Driver(uint8_t i2s_id_sel, I2S_Drv_t i2s_drv_fn);
180 #endif /* !__EOSS3_HAL_I2S_H_ */