1 /*
2  * ==========================================================
3  *
4  *    Copyright (C) 2020 QuickLogic Corporation
5  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  * 		http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  *    limitations under the License.
14  *
15  *    File      : eoss3_dev.h
16  *    Purpose   : This file contains device mapping for
17  *             interrupt vector, peripherals register mapping
18  *
19  *
20  * ===========================================================
21  *
22  */
24 #ifndef __EOSS3_DEV_H
25 #define __EOSS3_DEV_H
27 #ifdef __cplusplus
28  extern "C" {
29 #endif /* __cplusplus */
31 #include <stdint.h>
33 /// @cond EOSS3_DEV_MACROS
34 /**
35   * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M4 Processor and Core Peripherals
36   */
37 #define __CM4_REV                 0x0001  /*!< Core revision r0p1                            */
38 #define __MPU_PRESENT             1       /*!< Tamar provides an MPU                     */
39 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          3       /*!< Tamar uses 3 Bits for the Priority Levels */
40 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    1       /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used  */
41 #define __FPU_PRESENT             1       /*!< FPU present                                   */
43 /*
44  * Interrupt Number Definition
45  */
47 typedef enum
48 {
49 /******  Cortex-M4 Processor Exceptions Numbers ****************************************************************/
50   NonMaskableInt_IRQn         = -14,    /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                                          */
51   MemoryManagement_IRQn       = -12,    /*!< 4 Cortex-M4 Memory Management Interrupt                           */
52   BusFault_IRQn               = -11,    /*!< 5 Cortex-M4 Bus Fault Interrupt                                   */
53   UsageFault_IRQn             = -10,    /*!< 6 Cortex-M4 Usage Fault Interrupt                                 */
54   SVCall_IRQn                 = -5,     /*!< 11 Cortex-M4 SV Call Interrupt                                    */
55   DebugMonitor_IRQn           = -4,     /*!< 12 Cortex-M4 Debug Monitor Interrupt                              */
56   PendSV_IRQn                 = -2,     /*!< 14 Cortex-M4 Pend SV Interrupt                                    */
57   SysTick_IRQn                = -1,     /*!< 15 Cortex-M4 System Tick Interrupt                                */
58 /******  Specific Interrupt Numbers **********************************************************************/
59   SwInt2_IRQn           	  = 0,
60   SwInt1_IRQn  		          = 1,
61   Reserved1_IRQn	          = 2,
62   Ffe0Msg_IRQn                = 3,
63   FbMsg_IRQn          	      = 4,
64   Gpio_IRQn                   = 5,
65   SramSleep_IRQn              = 6,
66   Uart_IRQn                   = 7,
67   Timer_IRQn                  = 8,
68   CpuWdtInt_IRQn              = 9,
69   CpuWdtRst_IRQn              = 10,
70   BusTimeout_IRQn             = 11,
71   Fpu_IRQn                    = 12,
72   Pkfb_IRQn                   = 13,
73   Reserved_I2s_IRQn           = 14,
74   Reserved_Audio_IRQn         = 15,
75   SpiMs_IRQn                  = 16,
76   CfgDma_IRQn                 = 17,
77   PmuTimer_IRQn               = 18,
78   AdcDone_IRQn                = 19,
79   RtcAlarm_IRQn               = 20,
80   ResetInt_IRQn               = 21,
81   Ffe0_IRQn                   = 22,
82   FfeWdt_IRQn                 = 23,
83   ApBoot_IRQn                 = 24,
84   Ldo30_pg_IRQn               = 25,
85   Ldo50_pg_IRQn               = 26,
86   Sram_to_IRQn                = 27,
87   Lpsd_IRQn					  = 28,
88   Dmic_IRQn					  = 29,
89   Reserved2_IRQn  			  = 30,
90   Sdma_Done1_IRQn  			  = 31,
91   Sdma_Done2_IRQn  			  = 32,
92   Sdma_Done3_IRQn  			  = 33,
93   Sdma_Done4_IRQn  			  = 34,
94   Sdma_Done5_IRQn  			  = 35,
95   Sdma_Done6_IRQn  			  = 36,
96   Sdma_Done7_IRQn  			  = 37,
97   Sdma_Done8_IRQn  			  = 38,
98   Sdma_Done9_IRQn  			  = 39,
99   Sdma_Done10_IRQn  		  = 40,
100   Sdma_Done11_IRQn  		  = 41,
101   Ap_Pdm_Clock_On_IRQn 		  = 42,
102   Ap_Pdm_Clock_Off_IRQn       = 43,
103   Dmac0_Block_Done_IRQn 	  = 44,
104   Dmac0_Buffer_Done_IRQn      = 45,
105   Dmac1_Block_Done_IRQn       = 46,
106   Dmac1_Buffer_Done_IRQn      = 47,
107   Sdma_Done0_IRQn  		  	  = 48,
108   Sdma_Err_IRQn  		      = 49,
109   I2SSlv_M4_IRQn  		      = 50,
110   Lpsd_Voice_Off_IRQn		  = 51,
111   Dmic_Voice_Off_IRQn		  = 52
113 } IRQn_Type;
114 #include <core_cm4.h>             /* Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals */
116 /*
117  * Peripheral_registers_structures
118  */
120 /*
121  * Uart
122  */
123 typedef struct
124 {
125 	__IO uint32_t UART_DR;		/* Data Address: 0x00 */
126 	__IO uint32_t UART_RSR;         /* Receive Status Register: 0x04 */
127 	__IO uint32_t reserved1[4];		/* Reserved: 0x08 - 0x14 */
128 	__IO uint32_t UART_TFR;		/* Flag Register 0x18 */
129 	__IO uint32_t reserved2[1];         /* Reserved 0x1C */
130 	__IO uint32_t UART_ILPR;        /* IrDA Low Power Counter Register 0x20 */
131 	__IO uint32_t UART_IBRD;        /* Integer Baud Rate Register 0x24 */
132 	__IO uint32_t UART_FBRD;        /* Fractional Baud Rate Register 0x28 */
133 	__IO uint32_t UART_LCR_H;       /* Line Control Register 0x2C */
134 	__IO uint32_t UART_CR;          /* Control Register 0x30 */
135 	__IO uint32_t UART_IFLS;        /* Interrupt FIFO Level Select Register 0x34 */
136 	__IO uint32_t UART_IMSC;        /* Interrupt Mask Set/Clear Register 0x38 */
137 	__IO uint32_t UART_RIS;         /* Raw Interrupt Status Register 0x3C */
138 	__IO uint32_t UART_MIS;         /* Masked Interrupt Status Register 0x40 */
139 	__IO uint32_t UART_ICR;         /* Interrupt Clear Register 0x44 */
140 	__IO uint32_t reserved4[14];
141 	__IO uint32_t UART_TCR;       /* Test Control Register 0x48 */
142 	__IO uint32_t UART_ITIP;
143 	__IO uint32_t UART_ITOP;
144 	__IO uint32_t UART_TDR;
145 	__IO uint32_t reserved3[980];       /* Reserved 0x4c - 0cFDC */
146 	__IO uint32_t UART_PeriphID0;   /* Peri. ID0 Register (0x11)                  Address offset: 0xFE0 */
147 	__IO uint32_t UART_PeriphID1;   /* Peri. ID1 Register (0x10)                  Address offset: 0xFE4 */
148 	__IO uint32_t UART_PeriphID2;   /* Peri. ID2 Register                         Address offset: 0xFE8 */
149 	__IO uint32_t UART_PeriphID3;   /* Peri. ID3 Register (0x00)                  Address offset: 0xFEC */
150 	__IO uint32_t UART_CellID0;     /* Cell ID0 Register  (0x0D)                  Address offset: 0xFF0 */
151 	__IO uint32_t UART_CellID1;     /* Cell ID1 Register  (0xF0)                  Address offset: 0xFF4 */
152 	__IO uint32_t UART_CellID2;     /* Cell ID2 Register  (0x05)                  Address offset: 0xFF8 */
153 	__IO uint32_t UART_CellID3;     /* Cell ID3 Register  (0xB1)                  Address offset: 0xFFC */
154 } UART_TypeDef;
156 /*
157  * Pkfb
158  */
159 typedef struct
160 {
161   __IO uint32_t PKFB_FIFOCTRL;              /* PktFIFO Control Register 0x00 */
162   __IO uint32_t PKFB_FIFOSRAMCTRL0;         /* SRAM Test Control Register 0x04 */
163   __IO uint32_t PKFB_FIFOSRAMCTRL1;         /* SRAM Test Control Register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
164   __IO uint32_t PKFB_FIFOSTATUS;            /* FIFO Status Register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
165   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF0PUSHCTRL;           /* FIFO 0 Push Control,                     Address offset: 0x10 */
166   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF0POPCTRL;            /* FIFO 0 Pop Control,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
167   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF0CNT;                /* FIFO 0 Count,                            Address offset: 0x18 */
168   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF0DATA;               /* FIFO 0 Push/Pop Data Register,           Address offset: 0x1C */
169   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF1PUSHCTRL;           /* FIFO 1 Push Control,                     Address offset: 0x20 */
170   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF1POPCTRL;            /* FIFO 1 Pop Control,                      Address offset: 0x24 */
171   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF1CNT;                /* FIFO 1 Count,                            Address offset: 0x28 */
172   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF1DATA;               /* FIFO 1 Push/Pop Data Register,           Address offset: 0x2C */
173   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF2PUSHCTRL;           /* FIFO 2 Push Control,                     Address offset: 0x30 */
174   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF2POPCTRL;            /* FIFO 2 Pop Control,                      Address offset: 0x34 */
175   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF2CNT;                /* FIFO 2 Count,                            Address offset: 0x38 */
176   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF2DATA;               /* FIFO 2 Push/Pop Data Register,           Address offset: 0x3C */
177   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF8KPUSHCTRL;          /* FIFO 8K Push Control,                    Address offset: 0x40 */
178   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF8KPOPCTRL;           /* FIFO 8K Pop Control,                     Address offset: 0x44 */
179   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF8KCNT;               /* FIFO 8K Count,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
180   __IO uint32_t PKFB_PF8KDATA;              /* FIFO 8K Push/Pop Data Register,          Address offset: 0x4C */
181   __IO uint32_t PKFB_FIFO_COLL_INTR;        /* FIFO Collision Interrupt Register,       Address offset: 0x50 */
182   __IO uint32_t PKFB_FIFO_COLL_INTR_EN;     /* FIFO Collision Interrupt Enable Register Address offset: 0x54 */
183 } PKFB_TypeDef;
185 typedef struct
186 {
187 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_A_0;			/* For Clock 1 & 10 0x00 */
188 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_A_1;			/* 0x04 */
189 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_B_0;			/* For Clock 2 0x08 */
190 	__IO uint32_t reserved;				/* 0x0C */
191 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_C_0;			/* For Clock 8 0x10 */
192 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_D_0;			/* For Clock 11  0x14 */
193 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_E_0;			/* For Clock 12  0x18 */
194 	__IO uint32_t reserved1;
195 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_F_0;			/* For Clock 16	0x20 */
196 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_F_1;			/* 0x24 */
197 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_G_0;			/* For Clock 18 0x28 */
198 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_H_0;			/* For Clock 19 0x2C */
199 	__IO uint32_t reserved2;
200 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_I_0;			/* 0x34 */
201 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_I_1;			/* 0x38 */
202 	__IO uint32_t reverved3;			/* 0x3C */
203 	__IO uint32_t C01_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x40 */
204 	__IO uint32_t C02_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x44 */
205 	__IO uint32_t C08_X4_CLK_GATE;		/* 0x48 */
206 	__IO uint32_t C08_X1_CLK_GATE;		/* 0x4C */
207 	__IO uint32_t C10_FCLK_GATE;			/* 0x50 */
208 	__IO uint32_t C11_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x54 */
209 	__IO uint32_t C12_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x58 */
210 	__IO uint32_t CS_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x5C */
211 	__IO uint32_t CU_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x60 */
212 	__IO uint32_t C16_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x64 */
213 	__IO uint32_t reversed4;			/* 0x68 */
214 	__IO uint32_t C19_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x6C */
215 	__IO uint32_t C21_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x70 */
216 	__IO uint32_t reversed5[3];
217 	__IO uint32_t PF_SW_RESET;			/* 0x80 */
218 	__IO uint32_t FFE_SW_RESET;			/* 0x84 */
219 	__IO uint32_t FB_SW_RESET;			/* 0x88 */
220 	__IO uint32_t A1_SW_RESET;			/* 0x8C */
221 	__IO uint32_t AUDIO_MISC_SW_RST;	/* 0x90 */
222 	__IO uint32_t FB_MISC_SW_RST_CTL;	/* 0x94 */
223 	__IO uint32_t reversed6[26];
224 	__IO uint32_t CLK_CTRL_PMU;			/* 0x100 */
225 	__IO uint32_t CRU_GENERAL;		    /* 0x104 */
226 	__IO uint32_t CRU_DEBUG;			/* 0x108 */
227 	__IO uint32_t reversed7[1];
228 	__IO uint32_t C01_CLK_DIV;			/* 0x110 */
229 	__IO uint32_t C09_CLK_DIV;			/* 0x114 */
230 	__IO uint32_t C31_CLK_DIV;			/* 0x118 */
231 	__IO uint32_t C09_CLK_GATE;			/* 0x11C */
232 	__IO uint32_t C30_31_CLK_GATE;		/* 0x120 */
233 	__IO uint32_t CLK_DIVIDER_CLK_GATING;	/* 0x124 */
234 	__IO uint32_t reserved8[2];
235 	__IO uint32_t CLK_SWITCH_FOR_B;
236 	__IO uint32_t CLK_SWITCH_FOR_C;
237 	__IO uint32_t CLK_SWITCH_FOR_D;
238 	__IO uint32_t CLK_SWITCH_FOR_H;
239 	__IO uint32_t CLK_SWITCH_FOR_J;
240 	__IO uint32_t CLK_SWITCH_FOR_G;
241 } CRU_TypeDef;
243 typedef struct
244 {
245 	__IO uint32_t MISC_POR_0;               /* 0x000 */
246 	__IO uint32_t MISC_POR_1;               /* 0x004 */
247 	__IO uint32_t MISC_POR_2;               /* 0x008 */
248 	__IO uint32_t MISC_POR_3;               /* 0x00C */
249 	__IO uint32_t RST_CTRL_0;               /* 0x010 */
250 	__IO uint32_t RST_CTRL_1;               /* 0x014 */
251 	__IO uint32_t CHIP_STA_0;               /* 0x018 */
252 	__IO uint32_t CHIP_STA_1;               /* 0x01C */
253 	__IO uint32_t WIC_CTRL;                 /* 0x020 */
254 	__IO uint32_t WIC_STATUS;               /* 0x024 */
255 	__IO uint32_t reserved[2];
256 	__IO uint32_t PWR_DWN_SCH;              /* 0x030 */
257 	__IO uint32_t reserved1[3];
258 	__IO uint32_t PWR_OFF_OSC;              /* 0x040 */
259 	__IO uint32_t EXT_WAKING_UP_SRC;        /* 0x044 */
260 	__IO uint32_t reserved2[10];
261 	__IO uint32_t SDMA_STATUS;              /* 0x070 */
262 	__IO uint32_t SDMA_POWER_MODE_CFG;      /* 0x074 */
263 	__IO uint32_t SDMA_PD_SRC_MASK_N;       /* 0x078 */
264 	__IO uint32_t SDMA_WU_SRC_MASK_N;       /* 0x07C */
265 	__IO uint32_t M4_STATUS;                /* 0x080 */
266 	__IO uint32_t M4_PWR_MODE_CFG;          /* 0x084 */
267 	__IO uint32_t M4_PD_SRC_MASK_N;         /* 0x088 */
268 	__IO uint32_t M4_WU_SRC_MASK_N;         /* 0x08C */
269 	__IO uint32_t FFE_STATUS;               /* 0x090 */
270 	__IO uint32_t FFE_PWR_MODE_CFG;         /* 0x094 */
271 	__IO uint32_t FFE_PD_SRC_MASK_N;        /* 0x098 */
272 	__IO uint32_t FFE_WU_SRC_MASK_N;        /* 0x09C */
273 	__IO uint32_t FB_STATUS;                /* 0x0A0 */
274 	__IO uint32_t FB_PWR_MODE_CFG;          /* 0x0A4 */
275 	__IO uint32_t FB_PD_SRC_MASK_N;         /* 0x0A8 */
276 	__IO uint32_t FB_WU_SRC_MASK_N;         /* 0x0AC */
277 	__IO uint32_t PF_STATUS;                /* 0x0B0 */
278 	__IO uint32_t PF_PWR_MODE_CFG;          /* 0x0B4 */
279 	__IO uint32_t PF_PD_SRC_MASK_N;         /* 0x0B8 */
280 	__IO uint32_t PF_WU_SRC_MASK_N;         /* 0x0BC */
281 	__IO uint32_t M4S0_SRAM_STATUS;         /* 0x0C0 */
282 	__IO uint32_t M4S0_PWR_MODE_CFG;        /* 0x0C4 */
283 	__IO uint32_t M4S0_PD_SRC_MASK_N;       /* 0x0C8 */
284 	__IO uint32_t M4S0_WU_SRC_MASK_N;       /* 0x0CC */
285 	__IO uint32_t A1_STATUS; 		        /* 0x0D0 */
286 	__IO uint32_t A1_PWR_MODE_CFG;          /* 0x0D4 */
287 	__IO uint32_t A1_PD_SRC_MASK_N;         /* 0x0D8 */
288 	__IO uint32_t A1_WU_SRC_MASK_N;         /* 0x0DC */
289 	__IO uint32_t MISC_STATUS;              /* 0x0E0 */
290 	__IO uint32_t AUDIO_STATUS;             /* 0x0E4 */
291 	__IO uint32_t M4_SRAM_STATUS;            /* 0x0E8 */
292 	__IO uint32_t AUDIO_WU_SRC_MASK_N;      /* 0x0EC */
293 	__IO uint32_t reserved3[4];
294 	__IO uint32_t M4_MEM_CTRL_0;            /* 0x100 */
295 	__IO uint32_t M4_MEM_CTRL_1;            /* 0x104 */
296 	__IO uint32_t PF_MEM_CTRL_0;            /* 0x108 */
297 	__IO uint32_t PF_MEM_CTRL_1;            /* 0x10C */
298 	__IO uint32_t FFE_MEM_CTRL_0;           /* 0x110 */
299 	__IO uint32_t FFE_MEM_CTRL_1;           /* 0x114 */
300 	__IO uint32_t AUDIO_MEM_CTRL_0;         /* 0x118 */
301 	__IO uint32_t AUDIO_MEM_CTRL_1;			/* 0x11C */
302 	__IO uint32_t M4_MEM_CFG;				/* 0x120 */
303 	__IO uint32_t PF_MEM_CFG;				/* 0x124 */
304 	__IO uint32_t FFE_MEM_CFG;				/* 0x128 */
305 	__IO uint32_t AUDIO_MEM_CFG;			/* 0x12C */
306 	__IO uint32_t M4_MEM_CTRL_PWR_0;	/* 0x130 */
307 	__IO uint32_t M4_MEM_CTRL_PWR_1;	/* 0x134 */
308 	__IO uint32_t M4_MEM_CTRL_PWR_2;	/* 0x138 */
309 	__IO uint32_t reserved4[1];
310 	__IO uint32_t SDMA_MEM_CTRL_0;		/* 0x140 */
311 	__IO uint32_t SDMA_MEM_CTRL_1;		/* 0x144 */
312 	__IO uint32_t reserved5[14];
313 	__IO uint32_t MEM_PWR_DOWN_CTRL;	/* 0x180 */
314 	__IO uint32_t PMU_TIMER_CFG_0;		/* 0x184 */
315 	__IO uint32_t PMU_TIMER_CFG_1;		/* 0x188 */
316 	__IO uint32_t PDWU_TIMER_CFG;		/* 0x18C */
317 	__IO uint32_t reserved6[28];
318 	__IO uint32_t FFE_FB_PF_SW_PD;		/* 0x200 */
319 	__IO uint32_t M4_SRAM_SW_PD;		/* 0x204 */
320 	__IO uint32_t MISC_SW_PD;               /* 0x208 */
321 	__IO uint32_t AUDIO_SW_PD;              /* 0x20C */
322 	__IO uint32_t FFE_FB_PF_SW_WU;          /* 0x210 */
323 	__IO uint32_t M4_SRAM_SW_WU;             /* 0x214 */
324 	__IO uint32_t MISC_SW_WU;               /* 0x218 */
325 	__IO uint32_t AUD_SRAM_SW_WU;		/* 0x21C */
326 	__IO uint32_t PMU_STM_PRIORITY;         /* 0x220 */
327 	__IO uint32_t reserved7[3];
328 	__IO uint32_t M4SRAM_SSW_LPMF;			/* 0x230 */
329 	__IO uint32_t M4SRAM_SSW_LPMH_MASK_N;	/* 0x234 */
330 	__IO uint32_t reserved8[106];
331 	__IO uint32_t EFUSE_BITS;    	      /* 0x3E0 */
332 	__IO uint32_t reserved9[1];
333 	__IO uint32_t FBVLPMinWidth;          /* 0x3E8 */
334 	__IO uint32_t APRebootStatus;          /* 0x3EC */
335 	__IO uint32_t GEN_PURPOSE_0;            /* 0x3F0 */
336 	__IO uint32_t FB_ISOLATION;            /* 0x3F4 */
337 	__IO uint32_t GEN_PURPOSE_1;			/* 0x3F8 */
339 } PMU_TypeDef;
341 typedef struct
342 {
343 	__IO uint32_t ADDR;			/* 0x000 */
344 	__IO uint32_t WDATA;			/* 0x004 */
345 	__IO uint32_t CSR;				/* 0x008 */
346 	__IO uint32_t RDATA;			/* 0x00C */
347 	__IO uint32_t reserved0[1];		/* 0x010 */
348 	__IO uint32_t SRAM_TEST_REG1;		/* 0x014 */
349 	__IO uint32_t SRAM_TEST_REG2;		/* 0x018 */
350 	__IO uint32_t reserved1[1];		/* 0x01C */
351 	__IO uint32_t FFE_CSR;			/* 0x020 */
352 	__IO uint32_t reserved2[5];		/* 0x024 */
353 	__IO uint32_t FFE_DBG_COMBINED;		/* 0x038 */
354 	__IO uint32_t reserved3[49];		/* 0x03C */
355 	__IO uint32_t CMD;			/* 0x100 */
356 	__IO uint32_t reserved4[1];		/* 0x104 */
357 	__IO uint32_t INTERRUPT;		/* 0x108 */
358 	__IO uint32_t INTERRUPT_EN;		/* 0x10C */
359 	__IO uint32_t STATUS;			/* 0x110 */
360 	__IO uint32_t MAILBOX_TO_FFE0;		/* 0x114 */
361 	__IO uint32_t reserved5[2];		/* 0x118 */
362 	__IO uint32_t SM_RUNTIME_ADDR;		/* 0x120 */
363 	__IO uint32_t SM0_RUNTIME_ADDR_CTRL;	/* 0x124 */
364 	__IO uint32_t SM1_RUNTIME_ADDR_CTRL;	/* 0x128 */
365 	__IO uint32_t SM0_RUNTIME_ADDR_CUR;	/* 0x12C */
366 	__IO uint32_t SM1_RUNTIME_ADDR_CUR;	/* 0x130 */
367 	__IO uint32_t reserved6[3];		/* 0x134 */
368 	__IO uint32_t SM0_DEBUG_SEL;		/* 0x140 */
369 	__IO uint32_t SM1_DEBUG_SEL;		/* 0x144 */
370 	__IO uint32_t FFE_DEBUG_SEL;		/* 0x148 */
371 	__IO uint32_t reserved7[1];		/* 0x14C */
372 	__IO uint32_t FFE0_BREAK_POINT_CFG;	/* 0x150 */
373 	__IO uint32_t FFE0_BREAK_POINT_CONT;	/* 0x154 */
374 	__IO uint32_t FFE0_BREAK_POINT_STAT;	/* 0x158 */
375 	__IO uint32_t reserved8[1];		/* 0x15C */
376 	__IO uint32_t FFE0_BP_XPC_0;		/* 0x160 */
377 	__IO uint32_t FFE0_BP_XPC_1;		/* 0x164 */
378 	__IO uint32_t FFE0_BP_XPC_2;		/* 0x168 */
379 	__IO uint32_t FFE0_BP_XPC_3;		/* 0x16C */
380 } EXT_REGS_FFE_TypeDef;
382 typedef struct
383 {
384 	__IO uint32_t DBG_MON;			/* 0x000 */
385 	__IO uint32_t SUBSYS_DBG_MON_SEL;	/* 0x004 */
386 	__IO uint32_t A0_DBG_MON_SEL;		/* 0x008 */
387 	__IO uint32_t A0_PMU_DBG_MON_SEL;	/* 0x00C */
388 	__IO uint32_t reserved1[60];		/* 0x010 */
389 	__IO uint32_t IO_INPUT;			/* 0x100 */
390 	__IO uint32_t IO_OUTPUT;		/* 0x104 */
391 	__IO uint32_t reserved2[2];		/* 0x108 */
392 	__IO uint32_t SW_MB_1;			/* 0x110 */
393 	__IO uint32_t SW_MB_2;			/* 0x114 */
394 	__IO uint32_t reserved3[58];		/* 0x118 */
395 	__IO uint32_t PAD_SEL18;		/* 0x200 */
396 	__IO uint32_t reserved4[3];		/* 0x204 */
397 	__IO uint32_t CONFIG_MEM128_AON;	/* 0x210 */
398 	__IO uint32_t reserved5[63];		/* 0x214 */
399 	__IO uint32_t LOCK_KEY_CTRL;		/* 0x310 */
400 	__IO uint32_t reserved6[58];		/* 0x314 */
401 	__IO uint32_t FB_DEVICE_ID;		/* 0x3FC */
402 } MISC_CTRL_BASE_TypeDef;
404 /*
405  * IO MUX
406  */
407 typedef struct
408 {
409     __IO uint32_t PAD_0_CTRL;               /* PAD 0 Control 0x000 */
410     __IO uint32_t PAD_1_CTRL;               /* PAD 1 Control 0x004 */
411     __IO uint32_t PAD_2_CTRL;               /* PAD 2 Control 0x008 */
412     __IO uint32_t PAD_3_CTRL;               /* PAD 3 Control 0x00C */
413     __IO uint32_t PAD_4_CTRL;               /* PAD 4 Control 0x010 */
414     __IO uint32_t PAD_5_CTRL;               /* PAD 5 Control 0x014 */
415     __IO uint32_t PAD_6_CTRL;               /* PAD 6 Control 0x018 */
416     __IO uint32_t PAD_7_CTRL;               /* PAD 7 Control 0x01C */
417     __IO uint32_t PAD_8_CTRL;               /* PAD 8 Control 0x020 */
418     __IO uint32_t PAD_9_CTRL;               /* PAD 9 Control 0x024 */
419     __IO uint32_t PAD_10_CTRL;              /* PAD 10 Control 0x028 */
420     __IO uint32_t PAD_11_CTRL;              /* PAD 11 Control 0x02C */
421     __IO uint32_t PAD_12_CTRL;              /* PAD 12 Control 0x030 */
422     __IO uint32_t PAD_13_CTRL;              /* PAD 13 Control 0x034 */
423     __IO uint32_t PAD_14_CTRL;              /* PAD 14 Control 0x038 */
424     __IO uint32_t PAD_15_CTRL;              /* PAD 15 Control 0x03C */
425     __IO uint32_t PAD_16_CTRL;              /* PAD 16 Control 0x040 */
426     __IO uint32_t PAD_17_CTRL;              /* PAD 17 Control 0x044 */
427     __IO uint32_t PAD_18_CTRL;              /* PAD 18 Control 0x048 */
428     __IO uint32_t PAD_19_CTRL;              /* PAD 19 Control 0x04C */
429     __IO uint32_t PAD_20_CTRL;              /* PAD 20 Control 0x050 */
430     __IO uint32_t PAD_21_CTRL;              /* PAD 21 Control 0x054 */
431     __IO uint32_t PAD_22_CTRL;              /* PAD 22 Control 0x058 */
432     __IO uint32_t PAD_23_CTRL;              /* PAD 23 Control 0x05C */
433     __IO uint32_t PAD_24_CTRL;              /* PAD 24 Control 0x060 */
434     __IO uint32_t PAD_25_CTRL;              /* PAD 25 Control 0x064 */
435     __IO uint32_t PAD_26_CTRL;              /* PAD 26 Control 0x068 */
436     __IO uint32_t PAD_27_CTRL;              /* PAD 27 Control 0x06C */
437     __IO uint32_t PAD_28_CTRL;              /* PAD 28 Control 0x070 */
438     __IO uint32_t PAD_29_CTRL;              /* PAD 29 Control 0x074 */
439     __IO uint32_t PAD_30_CTRL;              /* PAD 30 Control 0x078 */
440     __IO uint32_t PAD_31_CTRL;              /* PAD 31 Control 0x07C */
441     __IO uint32_t PAD_32_CTRL;              /* PAD 32 Control 0x080 */
442     __IO uint32_t PAD_33_CTRL;              /* PAD 33 Control 0x084 */
443     __IO uint32_t PAD_34_CTRL;              /* PAD 34 Control 0x088 */
444     __IO uint32_t PAD_35_CTRL;              /* PAD 35 Control 0x08C */
445     __IO uint32_t PAD_36_CTRL;              /* PAD 36 Control 0x090 */
446     __IO uint32_t PAD_37_CTRL;              /* PAD 37 Control 0x094 */
447     __IO uint32_t PAD_38_CTRL;              /* PAD 38 Control 0x098 */
448     __IO uint32_t PAD_39_CTRL;              /* PAD 39 Control 0x09C */
449     __IO uint32_t PAD_40_CTRL;              /* PAD 40 Control 0x0A0 */
450     __IO uint32_t PAD_41_CTRL;              /* PAD 41 Control 0x0A4 */
451     __IO uint32_t PAD_42_CTRL;              /* PAD 42 Control 0x0A8 */
452     __IO uint32_t PAD_43_CTRL;              /* PAD 43 Control 0x0AC */
453     __IO uint32_t PAD_44_CTRL;              /* PAD 44 Control 0x0B0 */
454     __IO uint32_t PAD_45_CTRL;              /* PAD 45 Control 0x0B4 */
455     __IO uint32_t reserved1[18];
456     __IO uint32_t SDA0_SEL_REG;                 /* Address offset: 0x100 */
457     __IO uint32_t SDA1_SEL_REG;                 /* Address offset: 0x104 */
458     __IO uint32_t SDA2_SEL_REG;                 /* Address offset: 0x108 */
459     __IO uint32_t SCL0_SEL_REG;                 /* Address offset: 0x10C */
460     __IO uint32_t SCL1_SEL_REG;                 /* Address offset: 0x110 */
461     __IO uint32_t SCL2_SEL_REG;                 /* Address offset: 0x114 */
462     __IO uint32_t SPIs_CLK_SEL;             /* Address offset: 0x118 */
463     __IO uint32_t SPIs_SSn_SEL;             /* Address offset: 0x11C */
464     __IO uint32_t SPIs_MOSI_SEL;            /* Address offset: 0x120 */
465     __IO uint32_t SPIm_MISO_SEL;            /* Address offset: 0x124 */
466     __IO uint32_t PDM_DATA_SELE;             /* Address offset: 0x128 */
467     __IO uint32_t I2S_DATA_SELECT;             /* Address offset: 0x12C */
468     __IO uint32_t reserved2[1];
469     __IO uint32_t UART_rxd_SEL;             /* Address offset: 0x134 */
470     __IO uint32_t IrDA_Sirin_SEL;           /* Address offset: 0x138 */
471     __IO uint32_t S_INTR_0_SEL_REG;             /* Address offset: 0x13C */
472     __IO uint32_t S_INTR_1_SEL_REG;             /* Address offset: 0x140 */
473     __IO uint32_t S_INTR_2_SEL_REG;             /* Address offset: 0x144 */
474     __IO uint32_t S_INTR_3_SEL_REG;             /* Address offset: 0x148 */
475     __IO uint32_t S_INTR_4_SEL_REG;             /* Address offset: 0x14C */
476     __IO uint32_t S_INTR_5_SEL_REG;             /* Address offset: 0x150 */
477     __IO uint32_t S_INTR_6_SEL_REG;             /* Address offset: 0x154 */
478     __IO uint32_t S_INTR_7_SEL_REG;             /* Address offset: 0x158 */
479     __IO uint32_t NUARTCTS_SEL;             /* Address offset: 0x15C */
480     __IO uint32_t IO_REG_SEL_REG;               /* Address offset: 0x160 */
481     __IO uint32_t reserved3[3];
482     __IO uint32_t SW_CLK_SEL;               /* Address offset: 0x170 */
483     __IO uint32_t SW_IO_SEL;                /* Address offset: 0x174 */
484     __IO uint32_t reserved4[2];
485     __IO uint32_t FBIO_SEL_1_REG;                 /* Address offset: 0x180 */
486     __IO uint32_t FBIO_SEL_2_REG;                 /* Address offset: 0x184 */
487     __IO uint32_t reserved5[2];
488     __IO uint32_t SPI_SENSOR_MISO_SEL;	/* Address offset: 0x190 */
489     __IO uint32_t SPI_SENSOR_MOSI_SEL;	/* Address offset: 0x194 */
490     __IO uint32_t reserved6[2];
491     __IO uint32_t I2S_WD_CLKIN_SEL;	/* Address offset: 0x1A0 */
492     __IO uint32_t I2S_CLKIN_SEL;	/* Address offset: 0x1A4 */
493     __IO uint32_t PDM_STAT_IN_SEL;	/* Address offset: 0x1A8 */
494     __IO uint32_t PDM_CLKIN_SEL;	/* Address offset: 0x1AC */
495 } IO_MUX_TypeDef;
497 typedef struct
498 {
499 	__IO uint32_t SPT_CFG;
500 	__IO uint32_t SLEEP_MODE;
501 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_40M;
502 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_1S_0;
503 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_1S_1;
504 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_1S_2;
505 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_1S_3;
506 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_RTC_0;
507 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_RTC_1;
508 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_RTC_2;
509 	__IO uint32_t ERR_CMP_RTC_3;
510 	__IO uint32_t UPDATE_TMR_VAL;
511 	__IO uint32_t SPARE_BITS;
512 	__IO uint32_t TIMER_VAL;
513 	__IO uint32_t EVENT_CNT_VAL;
514 	__IO uint32_t MS_CNT_VAL;
516 }SPT_REGS_TypeDef;
518 typedef struct
519 {
520     __IO uint32_t GPIO_INTR;                /* Address offset: 0x00 */
521     __IO uint32_t GPIO_INTR_RAW;            /* Address offset: 0x04 */
522     __IO uint32_t GPIO_INTR_TYPE;           /* Address offset: 0x08 */
523     __IO uint32_t GPIO_INTR_POL;            /* Address offset: 0x0C */
524     __IO uint32_t GPIO_INTR_EN_AP;          /* Address offset: 0x10 */
525     __IO uint32_t GPIO_INTR_EN_M4;          /* Address offset: 0x14 */
526     __IO uint32_t GPIO_INTR_EN_FFE0;        /* Address offset: 0x18 */
527     __IO uint32_t GPIO_INTR_EN_FFE1;        /* Address offset: 0x1C */
528     __IO uint32_t reserved1[4];
529     __IO uint32_t OTHER_INTR;               /* Address offset: 0x30 */
530     __IO uint32_t OTHER_INTR_EN_AP;         /* Address offset: 0x34 */
531     __IO uint32_t OTHER_INTR_EN_M4;         /* Address offset: 0x38 */
532     __IO uint32_t reserved2[1];
533     __IO uint32_t SOFTWARE_INTR_1;          /* Address offset: 0x40 */
534     __IO uint32_t SOFTWARE_INTR_1_EN_AP;    /* Address offset: 0x44 */
535     __IO uint32_t SOFTWARE_INTR_1_EN_M4;    /* Address offset: 0x48 */
536     __IO uint32_t reserved3[1];
537     __IO uint32_t SOFTWARE_INTR_2;          /* Address offset: 0x50 */
538     __IO uint32_t SOFTWARE_INTR_2_EN_AP;    /* Address offset: 0x54 */
539     __IO uint32_t SOFTWARE_INTR_2_EN_M4;    /* Address offset: 0x58 */
540     __IO uint32_t reserved4[1];
541     __IO uint32_t FFE_INTR;                 /* Address offset: 0x60 */
542     __IO uint32_t FFE_INTR_EN_AP;           /* Address offset: 0x64 */
543     __IO uint32_t FFE_INTR_EN_M4;           /* Address offset: 0x68 */
544     __IO uint32_t reserved5[1];
545     __IO uint32_t FFE1_FB_INTR;             /* Address offset: 0x70 */
546     __IO uint32_t FFE1_FB_INTR_EN_AP;       /* Address offset: 0x74 */
547     __IO uint32_t FFE1_FB_INTR_EN_M4;       /* Address offset: 0x78 */
548     __IO uint32_t reserved6[1];
549     __IO uint32_t FB_INTR;                  /* Address offset: 0x80 */
550     __IO uint32_t FB_INTR_RAW;              /* Address offset: 0x84 */
551     __IO uint32_t FB_INTR_TYPE;             /* Address offset: 0x88 */
552     __IO uint32_t FB_INTR_POL;              /* Address offset: 0x8C */
553     __IO uint32_t FB_INTR_EN_AP;            /* Address offset: 0x90 */
554     __IO uint32_t FB_INTR_EN_M4;            /* Address offset: 0x94 */
555     __IO uint32_t reserved7[2];
556     __IO uint32_t M4_MEM_AON_INTR;	/* Address offset: 0xA0 */
557     __IO uint32_t M4_MEM_AON_INTR_EN;	/* Address offset: 0xA4 */
558 } INTR_CTRL_TypeDef;
560 typedef struct
561 {
562     __IO uint32_t CTRLR0;                   /* Control Register #0,                               Address offset: 0x00 */
563     __IO uint32_t CTRLR1;                   /* Control Register #1,                               Address offset: 0x04 */
564     __IO uint32_t SSIENR;                   /* SSI Enable Register,                               Address offset: 0x08 */
565     __IO uint32_t reserved1;
566     __IO uint32_t SER;                      /* Slave Enable Register,                             Address offset: 0x10 */
567     __IO uint32_t BAUDR;                    /* Baud Rate Register,                                Address offset: 0x14 */
568     __IO uint32_t TXFTLR;                   /* Tx FIFO Threshold Register,                        Address offset: 0x18 */
569     __IO uint32_t RXFTLR;                   /* Rx FIFO Threshold Register,                        Address offset: 0x1C */
570     __IO uint32_t TXFLR;                    /* Tx FIFO Level Register,                            Address offset: 0x20 */
571     __IO uint32_t RXFLR;                    /* Rx FIFO Level Register,                            Address offset: 0x24 */
572     __IO uint32_t SR;                       /* Status Register,                                   Address offset: 0x28 */
573     __IO uint32_t IMR;                      /* Interrupt Mask Register,                           Address offset: 0x2C */
574     __IO uint32_t ISR;                      /* Interrupt Status Register,                         Address offset: 0x30 */
575     __IO uint32_t RISR;                     /* Interrupt Raw Status Register,                     Address offset: 0x34 */
576     __IO uint32_t TXOICR;                   /* Tx FIFO Overflow Interrupt Clear Register,         Address offset: 0x38 */
577     __IO uint32_t RXOICR;                   /* Rx FIFO Overflow Interrupt Clear Register,         Address offset: 0x3C */
578     __IO uint32_t RXUICR;                   /* Rx FIFO Underflow Interrupt Clear Register,        Address offset: 0x40 */
579     __IO uint32_t MSTICR;                   /* Multi-Master Contention Interrupt Clear Register,  Address offset: 0x44 */
580     __IO uint32_t ICR;                      /* Interrupt Clear Register,                          Address offset: 0x48 */
581     __IO uint32_t reserved2[3];
582     __IO uint32_t IDR;
583     __IO uint32_t SSI_COMP_VERSION;
584     __IO uint32_t DR0;                      /* Data Register,                                     Address offset: 0x60 */
585 } SPI_TypeDef;
588 typedef struct
589 {
590     __IO uint32_t IER;			/* I2S Enable Register 0x00 */
591     __IO uint32_t reserved1[1];
592     __IO uint32_t ITER;			/* Tx block enable 0x008 */
593     __IO uint32_t reserved2[3];
594     __IO uint32_t TXFFR;		/* Tx block fifo reset reg 0x018 */
595     __IO uint32_t reserved3[1];
596     __IO uint32_t LTHR0;		/* Left tx holding reg 0x020 */
597     __IO uint32_t RTHR0;		/* Right tx holding reg 0x020 */
598     __IO uint32_t reserved4[1];
599     __IO uint32_t TER0;			/* Tx enable reg 0x02C */
600     __IO uint32_t reserved5[1];
601     __IO uint32_t TCR0;			/* Tx config reg 0x034 */
602     __IO uint32_t ISR0;			/* Intr status reg 0x038 */
603     __IO uint32_t IMR0;			/* Intr mask reg 0x03C */
604     __IO uint32_t reserved6[1];
605     __IO uint32_t TOR0;			/* Tx overrun reg 0x044 */
606     __IO uint32_t reserved7[1];
607     __IO uint32_t TFCR0;		/* Tx fifo config reg 0x04C */
608     __IO uint32_t reserved8[1];
609     __IO uint32_t TFF0;			/* Tx fifo flush reg 0x054 */
610     __IO uint32_t reserved9[92];
611     __IO uint32_t TXDMA;		/* Tx block dma reg 0x1C8 */
612     __IO uint32_t RTXDMA;		/* Reset Tx block dma reg 0x1CC */
613     __IO uint32_t reserved10[9];
614     __IO uint32_t I2S_COMP_PARAM_1;	/* Component parm reg 0x1F4 */
615     __IO uint32_t I2S_COMP_VERSION;	/* Component version reg 0x1F8 */
616     __IO uint32_t I2S_COMP_TYPE;	/* Component type reg 0x1FC */
617     __IO uint32_t resereved11[126];
618     __IO uint32_t I2S_STEREO_EN;	/* Stereo enable reg 0x3F8 */
619 } I2S_TypeDef;
621 // Naveen - Aud Block definition according to tamar2 register spec available @ ${SVN_URL}/svn/Platform/Tamar2/Design/ASSP/doc/tamar2_regs.xlsx
622 typedef struct {
623 	__IO uint32_t VOICE_CONFIG;				// 0x000
624 	__IO uint32_t LPSD_CONFIG;					// 0x004
625 	__IO uint32_t VOICE_DMAC_CONFIG;			// 0x008
626 	__IO uint32_t VOICE_DMAC_LEN;				// 0x00C
627 	__IO uint32_t VOICE_DMAC_FIFO;				// 0x010
628 	__IO uint32_t VOICE_DMAC_DST_ADDR0;		// 0x014
629 	__IO uint32_t VOICE_DMAC_DST_ADDR1;		// 0x018
630 	__IO uint32_t PDM_CORE_CONFIG;				// 0x01C
631 	__IO uint32_t VOICE_STATUS;				// 0x020
632 	__IO uint32_t I2S_CONFIG;					// 0x024
634 } AUD_TypeDef;
637 typedef struct
638 {
639 	__IO uint32_t DMA_CTRL;		/* DMA Control Register 0x00 */
640 	__IO uint32_t DMA_DEST_ADDR;	/* DMA Destination Address 0x04 */
641 	__IO uint32_t DMA_XFER_CNT;	/* DMA Transfer Count 0x08 */
642 	__IO uint32_t CFG_FLASH_HEADER;	/* CFG FLASH Header 0x0C */
643 	__IO uint32_t DMA_INTR;		/* DMA Interrupt Register 0x10 */
644 	__IO uint32_t DMA_INTR_MASK;	/* DMA Interrupt Mask Register 0x14 */
645 } DMA_SPI_MS_TypeDef;
648 /*
649  * System DMA
650  */
651 typedef struct
652 {
653     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH0;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch0    Address offset: 0x00 */
654     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH0;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch0      Address offset: 0x04 */
655     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH0;                /* Configuration of Ch0                           Address offset: 0x08 */
656     __IO uint32_t reserved0[1];
657     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH1;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch1    Address offset: 0x10 */
658     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH1;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch1      Address offset: 0x14 */
659     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH1;                /* Configuration of Ch1                           Address offset: 0x18 */
660     __IO uint32_t reserved1[1];
661     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH2;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch2    Address offset: 0x20 */
662     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH2;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch2      Address offset: 0x24 */
663     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH2;                /* Configuration of Ch2                           Address offset: 0x28 */
664     __IO uint32_t reserved2[1];
665     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH3;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch3    Address offset: 0x30 */
666     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH3;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch3      Address offset: 0x34 */
667     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH3;                /* Configuration of Ch3                           Address offset: 0x38 */
668     __IO uint32_t reserved3[1];
669     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH4;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch4    Address offset: 0x40 */
670     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH4;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch4      Address offset: 0x44 */
671     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH4;                /* Configuration of Ch4                           Address offset: 0x48 */
672     __IO uint32_t reserved4[1];
673     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH5;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch5    Address offset: 0x50 */
674     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH5;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch5      Address offset: 0x54 */
675     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH5;                /* Configuration of Ch5                           Address offset: 0x58 */
676     __IO uint32_t reserved5[1];
677     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH6;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch6    Address offset: 0x60 */
678     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH6;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch6      Address offset: 0x64 */
679     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH6;                /* Configuration of Ch6                           Address offset: 0x68 */
680     __IO uint32_t reserved6[1];
681     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH7;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch7    Address offset: 0x70 */
682     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH7;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch7      Address offset: 0x74 */
683     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH7;                /* Configuration of Ch7                           Address offset: 0x78 */
684     __IO uint32_t reserved7[1];
685     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH8;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch8    Address offset: 0x80 */
686     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH8;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch8      Address offset: 0x84 */
687     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH8;                /* Configuration of Ch8                           Address offset: 0x88 */
688     __IO uint32_t reserved8[1];
689     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH9;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch9    Address offset: 0x90 */
690     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH9;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch9      Address offset: 0x94 */
691     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH9;                /* Configuration of Ch9                           Address offset: 0x98 */
692     __IO uint32_t reserved9[1];
693     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH10;     /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch10   Address offset: 0xA0 */
694     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH10;     /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch10     Address offset: 0xA4 */
695     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH10;               /* Configuration of Ch10                          Address offset: 0xA8 */
696     __IO uint32_t reserved10[1];
697     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH11;     /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch11   Address offset: 0xB0 */
698     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH11;     /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch11     Address offset: 0xB4 */
699     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH11;               /* Configuration of Ch11                          Address offset: 0xB8 */
700     __IO uint32_t reserved11[1];
701     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH12;     /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch12   Address offset: 0xC0 */
702     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH12;     /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch12     Address offset: 0xC4 */
703     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH12;               /* Configuration of Ch12                          Address offset: 0xC8 */
704     __IO uint32_t reserved12[1];
705     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH13;     /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch13   Address offset: 0xD0 */
706     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH13;     /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch13     Address offset: 0xD4 */
707     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH13;               /* Configuration of Ch13                          Address offset: 0xD8 */
708     __IO uint32_t reserved13[1];
709     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH14;     /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch14   Address offset: 0xE0 */
710     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH14;     /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch14     Address offset: 0xE4 */
711     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH14;               /* Configuration of Ch14                          Address offset: 0xE8 */
712     __IO uint32_t reserved14[1];
713     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH15;     /* Ptr to the end address of the source of Ch15   Address offset: 0xF0 */
714     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH15;     /* Ptr to the end address of the dest of Ch15     Address offset: 0xF4 */
715     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG_CH15;               /* Configuration of Ch15                          Address offset: 0xF8 */
716     __IO uint32_t reserved15[1];
717     __IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH0;
718     __IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH0;
719     __IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH0;
720     __IO uint32_t resereved16[1];
721     __IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH1;
722     __IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH1;
723     __IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH1;
724     __IO uint32_t resereved17[1];
725     __IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH2;
726     __IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH2;
727     __IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH2;
728     __IO uint32_t resereved18[1];
729     __IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH3;
730 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH3;
731 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH3;
732 	__IO uint32_t resereved19[1];
733 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH4;
734 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH4;
735 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH4;
736 	__IO uint32_t resereved20[1];
737 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH5;
738 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH5;
739 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH5;
740 	__IO uint32_t resereved21[1];
741 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH6;
742 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH6;
743 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH6;
744 	__IO uint32_t resereved22[1];
745 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH7;
746 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH7;
747 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH7;
748 	__IO uint32_t resereved23[1];
749 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH8;
750 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH8;
751 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH8;
752 	__IO uint32_t resereved24[1];
753 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH9;
754 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH9;
755 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH9;
756 	__IO uint32_t resereved25[1];
757 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH10;
758 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH10;
759 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH10;
760 	__IO uint32_t resereved26[1];
761 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH11;
762 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH11;
763 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH11;
764 	__IO uint32_t resereved27[1];
765 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH12;
766 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH12;
767 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH12;
768 	__IO uint32_t resereved28[1];
769 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH13;
770 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH13;
771 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH13;
772 	__IO uint32_t resereved29[1];
773 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH14;
774 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH14;
775 	__IO uint32_t ALT_CHN_CFG_CH14;
776 	__IO uint32_t resereved30[1];
777 	__IO uint32_t ALT_SRC_DATA_END_PTR_CH15;
778 	__IO uint32_t ALT_DST_DATA_END_PTR_CH15;
780 }SDMA_SRAM_TypeDef;
782 typedef struct
783 {
784     __IO uint32_t SRC_DATA_END_PTR;      /* Ptr to the end address of the source */
785     __IO uint32_t DST_DATA_END_PTR;      /* Ptr to the end address of the dest   */
786     __IO uint32_t CH_CFG;                /* Configuration of Ch0                 */
787     uint32_t reserved0;
790 typedef struct
791 {
792     __IO uint32_t DMA_REQ;                   /* Dma Request                                    Address offset: 0x00 */
793     __IO uint32_t DMA_WAITONREQ_REG;
794     __IO uint32_t DMA_ACTIVE_REG;
795     __IO uint32_t SDMA_PWRDN_CNT;
796     __IO uint32_t SDMA_SRAM_CTRL;
797 }SDMA_BRIDGE_TypeDef;
799 typedef struct
800 {
801     __IO uint32_t DMA_STATUS;                /* Dma status                                     Address offset: 0x00 */
802     __IO uint32_t DMA_CFG;                   /* Dma configuration                              Address offset: 0x04 */
803     __IO uint32_t CTRL_BASE_PTR;             /* Control base pointer                           Address offset: 0x08 */
804     __IO uint32_t ALT_CTRL_BASE_PTR;         /* Alt. Control base pointer                      Address offset: 0x0C */
805     __IO uint32_t DMA_WAITONREQ_STATUS;      /* Channel wait on req status                     Address offset: 0x10 */
806     __IO uint32_t CHNL_SW_REQ;               /* Channel switch req                             Address offset: 0x14 */
807     __IO uint32_t CHNL_USEBURST_SET;         /* Channel burst set                              Address offset: 0x18 */
808     __IO uint32_t CHNL_USEBURST_CLR;         /* Channel burst clear                            Address offset: 0x1C */
809     __IO uint32_t CHNL_REQ_MASK_SET;         /* Channel req mask set                           Address offset: 0x20 */
810     __IO uint32_t CHNL_REQ_MASK_CLR;         /* Channel req mask clear                         Address offset: 0x24 */
811     __IO uint32_t CHNL_ENABLE_SET;           /* Channel enable set                             Address offset: 0x28 */
812     __IO uint32_t CHNL_ENABLE_CLR;           /* Channel enable clear                           Address offset: 0x2C */
813     __IO uint32_t CHNL_PRI_ALT_SET;          /* Channel primary alt set                        Address offset: 0x30 */
814     __IO uint32_t CHNL_PRI_ALT_CLR;          /* Channel primary alt clear                      Address offset: 0x34 */
815     __IO uint32_t CHNL_PRIORITY_SET;         /* Channel priority set                           Address offset: 0x38 */
816     __IO uint32_t CHNL_PRIORITY_CLR;         /* Channel priority clear                         Address offset: 0x3C */
817     __IO uint32_t reserved0[3];
818     __IO uint32_t ERR_CLR;                   /* Clear error                                    Address offset: 0x4C */
819     __IO uint32_t reserved1[995];
820     __IO uint32_t PERIPH_ID_4;               /* Peripheral identification 4                    Address offset: 0xFD0 */
821     __IO uint32_t reserved2[3];
822     __IO uint32_t PERIPH_ID_0;               /* Peripheral identification 0                    Address offset: 0xFE0 */
823     __IO uint32_t PERIPH_ID_1;               /* Peripheral identification 1                    Address offset: 0xFE4 */
824     __IO uint32_t PERIPH_ID_2;               /* Peripheral identification 2                    Address offset: 0xFE8 */
825     __IO uint32_t PERIPH_ID_3;               /* Peripheral identification 3                    Address offset: 0xFEC */
826     __IO uint32_t PCELL_ID_0;                /* PrimeCell  identification 0                    Address offset: 0xFF0 */
827     __IO uint32_t PCELL_ID_1;                /* PrimeCell  identification 1                    Address offset: 0xFF4 */
828     __IO uint32_t PCELL_ID_2;                /* PrimeCell  identification 2                    Address offset: 0xFF8 */
829     __IO uint32_t PCELL_ID_3;                /* PrimeCell  identification 3                    Address offset: 0xFFC */
831 } SDMA_TypeDef;
833 // i2s slave typedef
834 typedef struct
835 {
836     __IO uint32_t IER;		                // i2s enable register - offset 0x0
837     __IO uint32_t reserved0;					// hole - offset: 0x04
838     __IO uint32_t ITER;						// i2s transmitter block enable register - offset:0x8
839     __IO uint32_t reserved1[3];					// holes - offset: 0x0C
840     __IO uint32_t TXFFR;					// transmitter block fifo reset register - offset: 0x18
841     __IO uint32_t reserved2;				// offset: 0x1c
842     __IO uint32_t LTHR0;					// left transmit holding register - offset: 0x20
843     __IO uint32_t RTHR0;					// right transmit holding register - offset: 0x24
844     __IO uint32_t reserved3;					// hole - offset: 0x28
845     __IO uint32_t TER0;						// transmit enable register - offset: 0x2C
846     __IO uint32_t reserved4;					// hole - offset: 0x30
847     __IO uint32_t TCR0;						// transmit configuration register - offset: 0x34
848     __IO uint32_t ISR0;						// interrupt status register - offset: 0x38
849     __IO uint32_t IMR0;						// interrupt mask register - offset: 0x3C
850     __IO uint32_t reserved5;					// hole - offset: 0x40
851     __IO uint32_t TOR0;						// transmit overrun register - offset: 0x44
852     __IO uint32_t reserved6;					// hole - offset: 0x48
853     __IO uint32_t TFCR0;					// transmit fifo configuration register - offset: 0x4C
854     __IO uint32_t reserved7;					// hole - offset 0x50
855     __IO uint32_t TFFO;						// transmit fifo flush - offset: 0x54
856     __IO uint32_t reserved8[92];				// holes - offset: 0x58
857     __IO uint32_t TXDMA;					// transmit block dma register - offset: 0x1C8
858     __IO uint32_t RTXDMA;					// reset transmit block dma register - offset: 0x1CC
859     __IO uint32_t reserved9[9];					// holes - offset: 0x1D0
860     __IO uint32_t I2S_COMP_PARAM_1;			// component parameter register 1 - offset: 0x1F4
861     __IO uint32_t I2S_COMP_VERSION;			// offset: 0x1F8
862 	__IO uint32_t I2S_COMP_TYPE;			// offset: 0x1FC
863 	__IO uint32_t hole9[126];				// holes - offset 0x200
864 	__IO uint32_t I2S_STEREO_EN;			// i2s stereo enable register - offset: 0x3F8
865 } I2S_SLAVE_TypeDef;
867 /*
868  * External Interrupt/Event Controller
869  */
871 typedef struct
872 {
873   __IO uint32_t IMR;    /*!< EXTI Interrupt mask register,            Address offset: 0x00 */
874   __IO uint32_t EMR;    /*!< EXTI Event mask register,                Address offset: 0x04 */
875   __IO uint32_t RTSR;   /*!< EXTI Rising trigger selection register,  Address offset: 0x08 */
876   __IO uint32_t FTSR;   /*!< EXTI Falling trigger selection register, Address offset: 0x0C */
877   __IO uint32_t SWIER;  /*!< EXTI Software interrupt event register,  Address offset: 0x10 */
878   __IO uint32_t PR;     /*!< EXTI Pending register,                   Address offset: 0x14 */
879 } EXTI_TypeDef;
881 typedef struct
882 {
883 	__IO uint32_t reserved;			/* Address offset: 0x00 */
884 	__IO uint32_t RTC_CTRL_1;		/* Address offset: 0x04 */
885 	__IO uint32_t RTC_CTRL_2;		/* Address offset: 0x08 */
886 	__IO uint32_t RTC_CTRL_3;		/* Address offset: 0x0C */
887 	__IO uint32_t RTC_CTRL_4;		/* Address offset: 0x10 */
888 	__IO uint32_t RTC_CTRL_5;		/* Address offset: 0x14 */
889 	__IO uint32_t RTC_CTRL_6;		/* Address offset: 0x18 */
890 	__IO uint32_t RTC_CTRL_7;		/* Address offset: 0x1C */
891 	__IO uint32_t RTC_STA_0;		/* Address offset: 0x20 */
892 	__IO uint32_t RTC_STA_1;		/* Address offset: 0x24 */
893 	__IO uint32_t reserved1[22];
894 	__IO uint32_t OSC_CTRL_0;		/* Address offset: 0x80 */
895 	__IO uint32_t OSC_CTRL_1;		/* Address offset: 0x84 */
896 	__IO uint32_t OSC_CTRL_2;		/* Address offset: 0x88 */
897 	__IO uint32_t OSC_CTRL_3;		/* Address offset: 0x8C */
898 	__IO uint32_t OSC_CTRL_4;		/* Address offset: 0x90 */
899 	__IO uint32_t OSC_CTRL_5;		/* Address offset: 0x94 */
900 	__IO uint32_t OSC_CTRL_6;		/* Address offset: 0x98 */
901 	__IO uint32_t OSC_CTRL_7;		/* Address offset: 0x9C */
902 	__IO uint32_t OSC_STA_0;		/* Address offset: 0xA0 */
903 	__IO uint32_t OSC_STA_1;		/* Address offset: 0xA4 */
904 	__IO uint32_t reserved2[22];
905 	__IO uint32_t APC_CTRL_0;		/* Address offset: 0x100 */
906 	__IO uint32_t APC_CTRL_1;		/* Address offset: 0x104 */
907 	__IO uint32_t APC_CTRL_2;		/* Address offset: 0x108 */
908 	__IO uint32_t APC_CTRL_3;		/* Address offset: 0x10C */
909 	__IO uint32_t APC_CTRL_4;		/* Address offset: 0x110 */
910 	__IO uint32_t APC_CTRL_5;		/* Address offset: 0x114 */
911 	__IO uint32_t APC_CTRL_6;		/* Address offset: 0x118 */
912 	__IO uint32_t APC_CTRL_7;		/* Address offset: 0x11C */
913 	__IO uint32_t APC_STA_0;		/* Address offset: 0x120 */
914 	__IO uint32_t APC_STA_1;		/* Address offset: 0x124 */
915 	__IO uint32_t reserved3[22];
916 	__IO uint32_t RING_OSC;			/* Address offset: 0x180 */
917 	__IO uint32_t reserved4[31];
918 	__IO uint32_t LD0_30_CTRL_0;
919 	__IO uint32_t LD0_30_CTRL_1;
920 	__IO uint32_t reserved5[2];
921 	__IO uint32_t LD0_50_CTRL_0;
922 	__IO uint32_t LD0_50_CTRL_1;
923 }AIP_Typedef;
925 /*
926  * Watchdog timer
927  */
928 typedef struct
929 {
930   __IO uint32_t WDOGLOAD;                    /* WDOG Load Register                                     Address offset: 0x00 */
931   __IO uint32_t WDOGVALUE;                   /* WDOG Current Value Register                            Address offset: 0x04 */
932   __IO uint32_t WDOGCONTROL;                 /* WDOG Control Register                                  Address offset: 0x08 */
933   __IO uint32_t WDOGINTCLR;                  /* WDOG Clear Int Register                                Address offset: 0x0C */
934   __IO uint32_t WDOGRIS;                     /* WDOG Raw Int Status Register                           Address offset: 0x10 */
935   __IO uint32_t WDOGMIS;                     /* WDOG Masked Int Status Register                        Address offset: 0x14 */
936   __IO uint32_t reserved1[762];
937   __IO uint32_t WDOGLOCK;                    /* WDOG Disable Write Register                            Address offset: 0xC00 */
938   __IO uint32_t reserved2[191];
939   __IO uint32_t WDOGITCR;                    /* WDOG Enable Integration Test Register                  Address offset: 0xF00 */
940   __IO uint32_t WDOGITOP;                    /* WDOG Integration Test Output Register                  Address offset: 0xF00 */
941   uint32_t reserved3[50];
942   __IO uint32_t WDOGPERIPHID4;               /* WDOG Peripheral ID Register 4                          Address offset: 0xFD0 */
943   __IO uint32_t WDOGPERIPHID5;               /* WDOG Peripheral ID Register 5                          Address offset: 0xFD4 */
944   __IO uint32_t WDOGPERIPHID6;               /* WDOG Peripheral ID Register 6                          Address offset: 0xFD8 */
945   __IO uint32_t WDOGPERIPHID7;               /* WDOG Peripheral ID Register 7                          Address offset: 0xFDC */
946   __IO uint32_t WDOGPERIPHID0;               /* WDOG Peripheral ID Register 0                          Address offset: 0xFE0 */
947   __IO uint32_t WDOGPERIPHID1;               /* WDOG Peripheral ID Register 1                          Address offset: 0xFE4 */
948   __IO uint32_t WDOGPERIPHID2;               /* WDOG Peripheral ID Register 2                          Address offset: 0xFE8 */
949   __IO uint32_t WDOGPERIPHID3;               /* WDOG Peripheral ID Register 3                          Address offset: 0xFEC */
950   __IO uint32_t WDOGPCELLID0;                /* WDOG Component ID Register 0                           Address offset: 0xFF0 */
951   __IO uint32_t WDOGPCELLID1;                /* WDOG Component ID Register 1                           Address offset: 0xFF4 */
952   __IO uint32_t WDOGPCELLID2;                /* WDOG Component ID Register 2                           Address offset: 0xFF8 */
953   __IO uint32_t WDOGPCELLID3;                /* WDOG Component ID Register 3                           Address offset: 0xFFC */
954 } WDT_TypeDef;
956 /*
957  * CWM Batching Type Define
958  */
960  typedef struct
961 {
962     __IO uint8_t TAG; /* Data Address: 0x00 */
963     __IO uint8_t WRITE_POS;
964     __IO uint8_t HDR_RESERVED0[2];
965     __IO uint8_t READ_POS;
966     __IO uint8_t HDR_RESERVED1[3];
967     __IO uint8_t HDR_RESERVED2[120];
968     __IO uint8_t DATA0[128];		/* Data Address: 0x80 */
969     __IO uint8_t DATA1[128];		/* Data Address: 0x100 */
970     __IO uint8_t DATA2[128];		/* Data Address: 0x180 */
971     __IO uint8_t DATA3[128];		/* Data Address: 0x200 */
972     __IO uint8_t DATA4[128];		/* Data Address: 0x280 */
973     __IO uint8_t DATA5[128];		/* Data Address: 0x300 */
974     __IO uint8_t DATA6[128];		/* Data Address: 0x380 */
975 } BATCHING_TypeDef;
977 typedef struct
978 {
979     __IO uint8_t DATA[16]; /* Data Address: 0x00 */
980 } RECV_DATA_TypeDef;
983 typedef struct
984 {
985 	__IO uint32_t CTRL;
986 	__IO uint32_t VALUE;
987 	__IO uint32_t RELOAD;
988 	__IO uint32_t INTSTATUS_INTCLEAR;
989 	__IO uint32_t reserved[1008];
990 	__IO uint32_t PID4;
991 	__IO uint32_t PID5;
992 	__IO uint32_t PID6;
993 	__IO uint32_t PID7;
994 	__IO uint32_t PID0;
995 	__IO uint32_t PID1;
996 	__IO uint32_t PID2;
997 	__IO uint32_t PID3;
998 	__IO uint32_t CID0;
999 	__IO uint32_t CID1;
1000 	__IO uint32_t CID2;
1001 	__IO uint32_t CID3;
1002 }TIMER_TypeDef;
1004 /**
1005   * @brief Peripheral_memory_map
1006   */
1007 #define SRAM1_BASE            ((uint32_t)0x20000000) /*!< SRAM1(128 KB) base address */
1008 #define SRAM2_BASE            ((uint32_t)0x20020000) /*!< SRAM2(128 KB) base address */
1009 #define SRAM3_BASE            ((uint32_t)0x20040000) /*!< SRAM3(128 KB) base address */
1011 /* Legacy defines */
1012 #define SRAM_BASE             SRAM1_BASE
1014 /*!< Peripheral memory map */
1015 #define PERIPH_BASE           (0x40000000)
1016 #define AON_PERIPH_BASE       (PERIPH_BASE)
1017 #define APB0_PERIPH_BASE      (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000)
1018 #define FPGA_PERIPH_BASE      (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000)
1019 #define FFE_PERIPH_BASE       (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00040000)
1021 /* Bit bang memory map */
1022 #define BB_BASE		      (0x42000000)
1023 #define AON_BB_BASE	      (BB_BASE)
1024 #define APB0_BB_BASE          (BB_BASE + 0x00200000)
1025 #define FPGA_BB_BASE          (BB_BASE + 0x00400000)
1026 #define FFE_BB_BASE           (BB_BASE + 0x00800000)
1028 /* AON peripherals */
1029 #define PKFB_BASE             (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x2000)
1030 #define CRU_BASE              (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x4000)
1031 #define PMU_BASE              (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x4400)
1032 #define INTR_CTRL_BASE        (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x4800)
1033 #define IO_MUX_BASE           (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x4C00)
1034 #define MISC_CTRL_BASE        (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x5000)
1035 #define AIP_BASE              (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x5400)
1036 #define JTM_BASE              (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x5A00)
1037 #define SPT_BASE	      (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x5C00)
1038 #define A1_REG_BASE           (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x6000)
1039 #define SPI_MS_BASE           (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x7000)
1040 #define DMA_SPI_MS_BASE       (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x7400)
1041 #define I2S_BASE              (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0x8000)
1042 #define I2S_SLAVE_BASE        (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0xB000)
1043 #define SDMA_BASE             (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0xC000)
1044 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_BASE      (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0xD000)
1045 #define SDMA_SRAM_BASE        (AON_PERIPH_BASE+0xF000)
1047 /* APB0 peripherals */
1048 #define UART_BASE	      (APB0_PERIPH_BASE)
1049 #define WDT1_BASE             (APB0_PERIPH_BASE+0x2000)
1050 #define TIMER1_BASE           (APB0_PERIPH_BASE+0x3000)
1051 #define PIF_CTRL_BASE         (APB0_PERIPH_BASE+0x4000)
1052 #define AUD_BASE              (APB0_PERIPH_BASE+0x5000)
1053 #define RAM_FIFO0_BASE        (APB0_PERIPH_BASE+0x8000)
1054 #define RAM_FIFO1_BASE        (APB0_PERIPH_BASE+0x9000)
1055 #define RAM_FIFO2_BASE        (APB0_PERIPH_BASE+0xA000)
1056 #define RAM_FIFO3_BASE        (APB0_PERIPH_BASE+0xB000)
1058 /* FFE peripherals */
1059 #define DM0_BASE	      (FFE_PERIPH_BASE)
1060 #define SM0_BASE	      (FFE_PERIPH_BASE+0x04000)
1061 #define SM1_BASE	      (FFE_PERIPH_BASE+0x08000)
1062 #define EXT_REGS_FFE_BASE     (FFE_PERIPH_BASE+0x0A000)
1063 #define DM_FFE1_BASE	      (FFE_PERIPH_BASE+0x0C000)
1064 #define CM_BASE	              (FFE_PERIPH_BASE+0x10000)
1066 /* M4 Internal Registers */
1068 /* Debug MCU registers base address */
1069 #define DBGMCU_BASE           ((uint32_t )0xE0042000)
1071 /*
1072  * Peripheral_declaration
1073  */
1075 #define UART			((UART_TypeDef *)UART_BASE)
1076 #define PKFB			((PKFB_TypeDef *)PKFB_BASE)
1077 #define IO_MUX			((IO_MUX_TypeDef *)IO_MUX_BASE)
1078 #define INTR_CTRL		((INTR_CTRL_TypeDef *)INTR_CTRL_BASE)
1079 #define SPI_MS			((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI_MS_BASE)
1080 #define I2S				((I2S_TypeDef *) I2S_BASE)
1081 #define AUD				((AUD_TypeDef *) AUD_BASE)
1082 #define CRU				((CRU_TypeDef *) CRU_BASE)
1083 #define PMU				((PMU_TypeDef *) PMU_BASE)
1085 #define WDT				((WDT_TypeDef *) WDT1_BASE)
1086 #define DMA_SPI_MS		((DMA_SPI_MS_TypeDef *) DMA_SPI_MS_BASE)
1087 #define I2S_SLAVE		((I2S_SLAVE_TypeDef *)I2S_SLAVE_BASE)
1088 #define SDMA			((SDMA_TypeDef *) SDMA_BASE)
1092 #define AIP				((AIP_Typedef*)AIP_BASE)
1093 #define SPT				((SPT_REGS_TypeDef *)SPT_BASE)
1094 #define TIMER		((TIMER_TypeDef *)TIMER1_BASE)
1095 #define SHM_QL_BASE                   (0x2007C000)
1097 /******************************************************************************
1098  * 				FFE                                           *
1099  ******************************************************************************/
1100 #define FFE_CMD_RUN_FFE0_ONCE		((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1101 #define FFE_CMD_RUN_FFE1		((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1102 #define FFE_CMD_RUN_SM0_ONCE		((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1103 #define FFE_CMD_RUN_SM1_ONCE		((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1105 #define FFE_INTR_SM_MULT_WR_INTR	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1106 #define FFE_INTR_FFE0_OVERRUN		((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1107 #define FFE_INTR_FFE1_SM1_OVERRUN	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1108 #define FFE_INTR_FFE1_SM0_OVERRUN	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1109 #define FFE_INTR_FFE0_SM1_OVERRUN	((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1110 #define FFE_INTR_FFE0_SM0_OVERRUN	((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1111 #define FFE_INTR_I2C_MS_1_ERROR		((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1112 #define FFE_INTR_I2C_MS_0_ERROR		((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1113 #define FFE_INTR_CM0_LP_INTR		((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
1114 #define FFE_INTR_DM0_LP_INTR		((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
1115 #define FFE_INTR_DM1_LP_INTR		((uint32_t) (0x00000400))
1116 #define FFE_INTR_SM0_LP_INTR		((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
1117 #define FFE_INTR_SM1_LP_INTR		((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
1118 #define FFE_INTR_FFE0_BP_MATCH_INTR	((uint32_t) (0x00002000))
1119 #define FFE_INTR_FFE1_OVERRUN		((uint32_t) (0x00004000))
1120 #define FFE_INTR_PKFB_OVF_INTR		((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
1122 #define FFE_SMO_BUSY			((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1123 #define FFE_SM1_BUSY			((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1124 #define FFE_FFEO_BUSY			((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1125 #define FFE_FFE1_BUSY			((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1126 #define FFE_FFEO_BG_FLAG		((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1127 #define FFE_FFE0_FG_FLAG		((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1128 /******************************************************************************
1129  * 				MISC                                          *
1130  ******************************************************************************/
1131 #define MISC_RUN_FFE_CNT		((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1132 #define MISC_FFE_START_PERIOD_LATCH_EN	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1133 #define MISC_PMU_START_PERIOD_LATCH_EN	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1134 #define MISC_FFE_KICKOFF_MODE		((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1135 #define MISC_FFE_SPT_EN 		((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1136 #define MISC_FFE_SLEEP_MODE		((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1137 #define MISC_RUN_FFE_CONT_ASYNC		((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
1138 #define MISC_FFE_KICKOFF_MODE_ASYNC	((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
1139 #define MISC_FFE_SPT_EN_ASYNC		((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
1140 #define MISC_FFE_SLEEP_MODE_ASYNC	((uint32_t) (0x00002000))
1142 /******************************************************************************
1143  *                                   UART                                     *
1144  ******************************************************************************/
1146 /* Bit definition for data register */
1147 #define UART_DR_OVERRUN_ERR				  	  ((uint32_t) (1 << 11))
1148 #define UART_DR_BREAK_ERR                     ((uint32_t) (1 << 10))
1149 #define UART_DR_PARITY_ERR                    ((uint32_t) (1 << 9))
1150 #define UART_DR_FRAMING_ERR                   ((uint32_t) (1 << 8))
1151 #define UART_DR_DATA                          ((uint32_t) (0xFF))
1153 /* Bit definition for rx status register */
1154 #define UART_RSR_OVERRUN_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (1 << 3))
1155 #define UART_RSR_BREAK_ERR                    ((uint32_t) (1 << 2))
1156 #define UART_RSR_PARITY_ERR                   ((uint32_t) (1 << 1))
1157 #define UART_RSR_FRAMING_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (1 << 0))
1159 /* Bit definition for flag register */
1160 #define UART_TFR_RING_INDICATOR               ((uint32_t) (1 << 8))
1161 #define UART_TFR_TX_FIFO_EMPTY                ((uint32_t) (1 << 7))
1162 #define UART_TFR_RX_FIFO_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (1 << 6))
1163 #define UART_TFR_TX_FIFO_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (1 << 5))
1164 #define UART_TFR_RX_FIFO_EMPTY                ((uint32_t) (1 << 4))
1165 #define UART_TFR_BUSY                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 3))
1166 #define UART_TFR_DATA_CARRY_DETECT            ((uint32_t) (1 << 2))
1167 #define UART_TFR_DATA_SET_RDY                 ((uint32_t) (1 << 1))
1168 #define UART_TFR_CLEAR_TO_SEND                ((uint32_t) (1 << 0))
1170 /* Bit definition for IrDA low power counter register */
1171 #define UART_ILPR_LOW_POWER_DIVISOR           ((uint32_t) (0xFF))
1173 /* Bit definition for integer baud rate register */
1174 #define UART_IBRD_BAUD_INT_DIVISOR            ((uint32_t) (0xFFFF))
1177 /* Bit definition for fractional baud rate register */
1178 #define UART_IBRD_BAUD_FRACT_DIVISOR          ((uint32_t) (0x1F))
1180 /* Bit definition for line control register */
1181 #define UART_LCR_STICK_PARITY_SELECT          ((uint32_t) (0x80))
1182 #define UART_LCR_WLEN_8_BITS                  ((uint32_t) (0x60))
1183 #define UART_LCR_WLEN_7_BITS                  ((uint32_t) (0x40))
1184 #define UART_LCR_WLEN_6_BITS                  ((uint32_t) (0x20))
1185 #define UART_LCR_WLEN_5_BITS                  ((uint32_t) (0x00))
1186 #define UART_LCR_ENABLE_FIFO                  ((uint32_t) (0x10))
1187 #define UART_LCR_TWO_STOP_BITS                ((uint32_t) (0x08))
1188 #define UART_LCR_EVEN_PARITY                  ((uint32_t) (0x04))
1189 #define UART_LCR_ODD_PARITY                   ((uint32_t) (0x00))
1190 #define UART_LCR_PARITY_ENABLE                ((uint32_t) (0x02))
1191 #define UART_LCR_SEND_BREAK                   ((uint32_t) (0x01))
1193 /* Bit definition for control register */
1194 #define UART_CR_CTS_ENABLE	                  ((uint32_t) (0x8000))
1195 #define UART_CR_RTS_ENABLE	                  ((uint32_t) (0x4000))
1196 #define UART_CR_OUT2	                      ((uint32_t) (0x2000))
1197 #define UART_CR_OUT1	                      ((uint32_t) (0x1000))
1198 #define UART_CR_RTS	                          ((uint32_t) (0x0800))
1199 #define UART_CR_DTR  	                      ((uint32_t) (0x0400))
1200 #define UART_CR_RX_ENABLE                     ((uint32_t) (0x0200))
1201 #define UART_CR_TX_ENABLE                     ((uint32_t) (0x0100))
1202 #define UART_CR_LOOPBACK_ENABLE               ((uint32_t) (0x0080))
1203 #define UART_CR_SIR_LOWPOWER                  ((uint32_t) (0x0004))
1204 #define UART_CR_SIR_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x0002))
1205 #define UART_CR_UART_ENABLE                   ((uint32_t) (0x0001))
1207 /* Bit definition for interrupt FIFO level select register */
1208 #define UART_IFLS_RX_1_8_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0000))
1209 #define UART_IFLS_RX_1_4_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0008))
1210 #define UART_IFLS_RX_1_2_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0010))
1211 #define UART_IFLS_RX_3_4_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0018))
1212 #define UART_IFLS_RX_7_8_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0020))
1213 #define UART_IFLS_TX_1_8_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0000))
1214 #define UART_IFLS_TX_1_4_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0001))
1215 #define UART_IFLS_TX_1_2_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0002))
1216 #define UART_IFLS_TX_3_4_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0003))
1217 #define UART_IFLS_TX_7_8_FULL                 ((uint32_t) (0x0004))
1219 /* Bit definition for interrupt mask set/clear register */
1220 #define UART_IMSC_OVERRUN_ERR                 ((uint32_t) (0x0400))
1221 #define UART_IMSC_BREAK_ERR                   ((uint32_t) (0x0200))
1222 #define UART_IMSC_PARITY_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (0x0100))
1223 #define UART_IMSC_FRAMING_ERR                 ((uint32_t) (0x0080))
1224 #define UART_IMSC_RX_TIMEOUT                  ((uint32_t) (0x0040))
1225 #define UART_IMSC_TX                          ((uint32_t) (0x0020))
1226 #define UART_IMSC_RX                          ((uint32_t) (0x0010))
1227 #define UART_IMSC_DSR                         ((uint32_t) (0x0008))
1228 #define UART_IMSC_DCD                         ((uint32_t) (0x0004))
1229 #define UART_IMSC_CTS                         ((uint32_t) (0x0002))
1230 #define UART_IMSC_RI                          ((uint32_t) (0x0001))
1232 /* Bit definition for raw interrupt status register */
1233 #define UART_RIS_OVERRUN_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (0x0400))
1234 #define UART_RIS_BREAK_ERR                    ((uint32_t) (0x0200))
1235 #define UART_RIS_PARITY_ERR                   ((uint32_t) (0x0100))
1236 #define UART_RIS_FRAMING_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (0x0080))
1237 #define UART_RIS_RX_TIMEOUT                   ((uint32_t) (0x0040))
1238 #define UART_RIS_TX                           ((uint32_t) (0x0020))
1239 #define UART_RIS_RX                           ((uint32_t) (0x0010))
1240 #define UART_RIS_DSR                          ((uint32_t) (0x0008))
1241 #define UART_RIS_DCD                          ((uint32_t) (0x0004))
1242 #define UART_RIS_CTS                          ((uint32_t) (0x0002))
1243 #define UART_RIS_RI                           ((uint32_t) (0x0001))
1245 /* Bit definition for masked interrupt status register */
1246 #define UART_MIS_OVERRUN_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (0x0400))
1247 #define UART_MIS_BREAK_ERR                    ((uint32_t) (0x0200))
1248 #define UART_MIS_PARITY_ERR                   ((uint32_t) (0x0100))
1249 #define UART_MIS_FRAMING_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (0x0080))
1250 #define UART_MIS_RX_TIMEOUT                   ((uint32_t) (0x0040))
1251 #define UART_MIS_TX                           ((uint32_t) (0x0020))
1252 #define UART_MIS_RX                           ((uint32_t) (0x0010))
1253 #define UART_MIS_DSR                          ((uint32_t) (0x0008))
1254 #define UART_MIS_DCD                          ((uint32_t) (0x0004))
1255 #define UART_MIS_CTS                          ((uint32_t) (0x0002))
1256 #define UART_MIS_RI                           ((uint32_t) (0x0001))
1258 /* Bit definition for interrupt clear register */
1259 #define UART_IC_OVERRUN_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (0x0400))
1260 #define UART_IC_BREAK_ERR                    ((uint32_t) (0x0200))
1261 #define UART_IC_PARITY_ERR                   ((uint32_t) (0x0100))
1262 #define UART_IC_FRAMING_ERR                  ((uint32_t) (0x0080))
1263 #define UART_IC_RX_TIMEOUT                   ((uint32_t) (0x0040))
1264 #define UART_IC_TX                           ((uint32_t) (0x0020))
1265 #define UART_IC_RX                           ((uint32_t) (0x0010))
1266 #define UART_IC_DSR                          ((uint32_t) (0x0008))
1267 #define UART_IC_DCD                          ((uint32_t) (0x0004))
1268 #define UART_IC_CTS                          ((uint32_t) (0x0002))
1269 #define UART_IC_RI                           ((uint32_t) (0x0001))
1271 /* Bit definition for dma control register */
1272 #define UART_DMACR_ON_ERR                    ((uint32_t) (0x0004))
1273 #define UART_DMACR_TX_DMA_ENABLE             ((uint32_t) (0x0002))
1274 #define UART_DMACR_RX_DMA_ENABLE             ((uint32_t) (0x0001))
1276 /******************************************************************************
1277  *                                   WDT                                      *
1278  ******************************************************************************/
1279 #define WDOG_CTRL_RESEN                  ((uint32_t) (0x0002))
1280 #define WDOG_CTRL_INTEN                  ((uint32_t) (0x0001))
1282 /******************************************************************************
1283  *                                   DMA                                      *
1284  ******************************************************************************/
1285 #define	DMA_CTRL_START_BIT		 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1286 #define DMA_CTRL_STOP_BIT		 ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1287 #define DMA_CTRL_AHB_SEL_BIT		 ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1289 #define DMA_INTR_HERROR			 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1290 #define DMA_INTR_RX_DATA_AVAIL		 ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1291 #define DMA_INTR_AHB_BRIDGE_FIFO_OFL	 ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1293 #define DMA_HERROR_INTR_MSK		 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1294 #define DMA_RX_DATA_AVAIL_INTR_MSK	 ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1295 #define DMA_AHB_FIFO_OFL_INTR_MSK	 ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1297 /******************************************************************************
1298  *                                   PKFB                                     *
1299  ******************************************************************************/
1301 /* Bit definition for FIFO control register */
1302 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_ENABLE                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1303 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_PUSH_MUX_FFE           ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1304 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_PUSH_MUX_M4            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1305 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_POP_MUX_AP             ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1306 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_POP_MUX_M4             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1307 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_PUSH_INT_MUX_AP        ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1308 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_PUSH_INT_MUX_M4        ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1309 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_POP_INT_MUX_AP         ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1310 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_POP_INT_MUX_M4         ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1311 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_FFE_SEL_FFE1           ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1312 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF_FFE_SEL_FFE0           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1314 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF0_SHIFT                  (0)
1315 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF1_SHIFT					 (8)
1316 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF2_SHIFT                  (16)
1317 #define FIFO_CTRL_PF8K_SHIFT                 (24)
1319 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_TEST1A_ENABLE           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1320 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_TEST1A_DISABLE          ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1321 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_RMEA_ENABLE             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1322 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_RMEA_DISABLE            ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1323 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_RMA_MASK                ((uint32_t) (0x0000003C))
1324 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_TEST1B_ENABLE           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1325 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_TEST1B_DISABLE          ((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
1326 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_RMEB_ENABLE             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1327 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_RMEB_DISABLE            ((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
1328 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL_PF_RMB_MASK                ((uint32_t) (0x00003C00))
1330 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL0_PF0_SHIFT 			(0)
1331 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL0_PF1_SHIFT           (16)
1332 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL1_PF2_SHIFT           (0)
1333 #define FIFO_SRAM_CTRL1_PF8K_SHIFT          (16)
1335 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_SRAM_SLEEP_ACTIVE            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1336 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_SRAM_SLEEP_LIGHT             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1337 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_SRAM_SLEEP_DEEP              ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1338 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_SRAM_SLEEP_SHUTDOWN          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1339 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_PUSH_INT_OVER                ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1340 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_PUSH_INT_THRESH              ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1341 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_PUSH_INT_SLEEP               ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1342 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_POP_INT_UNDER                ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1343 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_POP_INT_THRESH               ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1344 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF_POP_INT_SLEEP                ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1346 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF0_SHIFT				(0)
1347 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF1_SHIFT				(8)
1348 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF2_SHIFT				(16)
1349 #define FIFO_STATUS_PF8K_SHIFT				(24)
1351 #define PF_PUSH_CTRL_SLEEP_EN_ACTIVE                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1352 #define PF_PUSH_CTRL_SLEEP_TYPE_SD                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1353 #define PF_PUSH_CTRL_SLEEP_TYPE_DS                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1354 #define PF_PUSH_CTRL_INT_EN_MASK                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1355 #define PF_PUSH_CTRL_INT_EN_OVER                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1356 #define PF_PUSH_CTRL_INT_EN_THRES                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1357 #define PF_PUSH_CTRL_INT_EN_PUSH_ON_SLEEP            ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1358 #define PF_PUSH_CTRL_PUSH_THRESH_MASK                ((uint32_t) (0x01FF0000))
1360 #define PF_POP_CTRL_SLEEP_EN_ACTIVE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1361 #define PF_POP_CTRL_SLEEP_TYPE_SD                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1362 #define PF_POP_CTRL_SLEEP_TYPE_DS                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1363 #define PF_POP_CTRL_INT_EN_MASK                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1364 #define PF_POP_CTRL_INT_EN_UNDER                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1365 #define PF_POP_CTRL_INT_EN_THRES                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1366 #define PF_POP_CTRL_INT_EN_POP_ON_SLEEP              ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1367 #define PF_POP_CTRL_PUSH_THRESH_MASK                 ((uint32_t) (0x01FF0000))
1369 #define PF_CNT_POP_CNT_MASK                          ((uint32_t) (0x000001FF))
1370 #define PF_CNT_POP_EMPTY_MASK                        ((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
1371 #define PF_CNT_PUSH_CNT_MASK                         ((uint32_t) (0x01FF0000))
1372 #define PF_CNT_PUSH_EMPTY_MASK                       ((uint32_t) (0x80000000))
1374 #define PF8K_DATA_REG_PUSH_EOP                         ((uint32_t) (0x00020000))
1376 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_PF_COLL_INTR                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1378 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_PF0_SHIFT		(0)
1379 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_PF1_SHIFT		(1)
1380 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_PF2_SHIFT		(2)
1381 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_PF8K_SHIFT		(3)
1383 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_EN_PF_COLL_INTR                ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1385 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_EN_PF0_SHIFT		(0)
1386 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_EN_PF1_SHIFT		(1)
1387 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_EN_PF2_SHIFT		(2)
1388 #define FIFO_COLL_INTR_EN_PF8K_SHIFT	(3)
1390 /******************************************************************************
1391  *                                   IO_MUX                                   *
1392  ******************************************************************************/
1394 /* Common bit definition for all PAD control registers */
1396 #define PAD_CTRL_SEL_AO_REG			((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1397 #define PAD_CTRL_SEL_OTHER			((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1398 #define PAD_CTRL_SEL_FPGA			((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1399 #define PAD_OEN_DISABLE                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1400 #define PAD_OEN_NORMAL                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1401 #define PAD_P_Z                                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1402 #define PAD_P_PULLUP                                ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1403 #define PAD_P_PULLDOWN                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1404 #define PAD_P_KEEPER                                ((uint32_t) (0x000000C0))
1405 #define PAD_E_2MA                                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1406 #define PAD_E_4MA                                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
1407 #define PAD_E_8MA                                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
1408 #define PAD_E_12MA                                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000300))
1409 #define PAD_SR_FAST                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000400))
1410 #define PAD_SR_SLOW                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1411 #define PAD_REN_ENABLE                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
1412 #define PAD_REN_DISABLE                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1413 #define PAD_SMT_ENABLE                              ((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
1414 #define PAD_SMT_DISABLE                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1417 #define PAD_E_12MA                                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000300))
1418 #define PAD_OEN_NORMAL                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1420 #define SDA0_SEL_PAD1                               ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1421 #define SDA1_SEL_PAD10                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1422 #define SDA1_SEL_PAD32                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1423 #define SCL1_SEL_PAD33                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1424 #define SDA2_SEL_PAD34                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1425 #define SCL0_SEL_PAD0                               ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1426 #define SCL0_SEL_0                                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1427 #define SCL1_SEL_0                                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1428 #define SCL1_SEL_PAD9                               ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1429 #define SCL2_SEL_0                                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1430 #define SCL2_SEL_PAD33                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1432 #define SPIS_CLK_SEL_PAD17                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1433 #define SPIS_CLK_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1435 #define SPIS_SSN_SEL_PAD20                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1436 #define SPIS_SSN_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1438 #define SPIS_MOSI_SEL_PAD19                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1439 #define SPIS_MOSI_SEL_0                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1441 #define SPIS_MISO_SEL_PAD23                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1442 #define SPIS_MISO_SEL_0                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1444 #define PDM_DATA_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1445 #define PDM_DATA_SEL_PAD7                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1447 #define I2S_DATA_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1448 #define I2S_DATA_SEL_PAD7                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1450 #define UART_RXD_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1451 #define UART_RXD_SEL_PAD16                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1452 #define UART_RXD_SEL_PAD45                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1454 #define UART_TXD_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1455 #define UART_TXD_SEL_PAD44                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1457 #define IRDA_SIRIN_SEL_0                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1458 #define IRDA_SIRIN_SEL_PAD6                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1459 #define IRDA_SIRIN_SEL_PAD11                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1460 #define IRDA_SIRIN_SEL_PAD13                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1461 #define IRDA_SIRIN_SEL_PAD26                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1462 #define IRDA_SIRIN_SEL_PAD28                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000005))
1463 #define IRDA_SIRIN_SEL_PAD31                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000006))
1464 #define IRDA_SIRIN_SEL_PAD33                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000007))
1466 #define S_INTR_0_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1467 #define S_INTR_0_SEL_PAD2                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1469 #define S_INTR_1_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1470 #define S_INTR_1_SEL_PAD4                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1471 #define S_INTR_1_SEL_PAD11                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1472 #define S_INTR_1_SEL_PAD15                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1473 #define S_INTR_1_SEL_PAD26                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1474 #define S_INTR_1_SEL_PAD32                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000005))
1476 #define S_INTR_2_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1477 #define S_INTR_2_SEL_PAD5                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1478 #define S_INTR_2_SEL_PAD12                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1479 #define S_INTR_2_SEL_PAD16                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1480 #define S_INTR_2_SEL_PAD27                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1481 #define S_INTR_2_SEL_PAD33                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000005))
1483 #define S_INTR_3_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1484 #define S_INTR_3_SEL_PAD6                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1485 #define S_INTR_3_SEL_PAD13                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1486 #define S_INTR_3_SEL_PAD21                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1487 #define S_INTR_3_SEL_PAD28                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1488 #define S_INTR_3_SEL_PAD34                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000005))
1490 #define S_INTR_4_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1491 #define S_INTR_4_SEL_PAD7                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1492 #define S_INTR_4_SEL_PAD14                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1493 #define S_INTR_4_SEL_PAD22                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1494 #define S_INTR_4_SEL_PAD35                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1496 #define S_INTR_5_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1497 #define S_INTR_5_SEL_PAD8                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1498 #define S_INTR_5_SEL_PAD23                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1499 #define S_INTR_5_SEL_PAD29                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1501 #define S_INTR_6_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1502 #define S_INTR_6_SEL_PAD9                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1503 #define S_INTR_6_SEL_PAD24                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1504 #define S_INTR_6_SEL_PAD30                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1506 #define S_INTR_7_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1507 #define S_INTR_7_SEL_PAD10                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1508 #define S_INTR_7_SEL_PAD25                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1509 #define S_INTR_7_SEL_PAD31                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1511 #define NUARTCTS_SEL_0                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1512 #define NUARTCTS_SEL_PAD21                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1514 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD7                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1515 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD11                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1516 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD10                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1517 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD12                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1518 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD15                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1519 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD13                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1520 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD16                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1521 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD14                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1522 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD22                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1523 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD29                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1524 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD23                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1525 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD30                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1526 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD25                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1527 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD31                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1528 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD26                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1529 #define IO_REG_SEL_PAD32                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1531 #define SW_CLK_SEL_PAD8                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1532 #define SW_CLK_SEL_0                                ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1534 #define SW_IO_SEL_PAD8                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1535 #define SW_IO_SEL_0                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1537 #define FBIO_SEL_0                                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1538 #define FBIO_SEL_PAD                                ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1540 #define FBIO_SEL_25_PAD17                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1541 #define FBIO_SEL_25_PAD34                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1542 #define FBIO_SEL_27_PAD18                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1543 #define FBIO_SEL_27_PAD26                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1544 #define FBIO_SEL_29_PAD19                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1545 #define FBIO_SEL_29_PAD27                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1546 #define FBIO_SEL_31_PAD20                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1547 #define FBIO_SEL_31_PAD35                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1549 /******************************************************************************
1550  *                               INTR_CTRL                                    *
1551  ******************************************************************************/
1552 #define GPIO_7_INTR                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1553 #define GPIO_6_INTR                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1554 #define GPIO_5_INTR                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1555 #define GPIO_4_INTR                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1556 #define GPIO_3_INTR                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1557 #define GPIO_2_INTR                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1558 #define GPIO_1_INTR                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1559 #define GPIO_0_INTR                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1561 #define GPIO_7_INTR_RAW                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1562 #define GPIO_6_INTR_RAW                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1563 #define GPIO_5_INTR_RAW                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1564 #define GPIO_4_INTR_RAW                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1565 #define GPIO_3_INTR_RAW                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1566 #define GPIO_2_INTR_RAW                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1567 #define GPIO_1_INTR_RAW                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1568 #define GPIO_0_INTR_RAW                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1570 #define GPIO_7_INTR_TYPE_EDGE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1571 #define GPIO_7_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1572 #define GPIO_6_INTR_TYPE_EDGE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1573 #define GPIO_6_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1574 #define GPIO_5_INTR_TYPE_EDGE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1575 #define GPIO_5_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1576 #define GPIO_4_INTR_TYPE_EDGE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1577 #define GPIO_4_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1578 #define GPIO_3_INTR_TYPE_EDGE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1579 #define GPIO_3_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1580 #define GPIO_2_INTR_TYPE_EDGE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1581 #define GPIO_2_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1582 #define GPIO_1_INTR_TYPE_EDGE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1583 #define GPIO_1_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1584 #define GPIO_0_INTR_TYPE_EDGE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1585 #define GPIO_0_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1587 #define GPIO_7_INTR_POL_HI_RISE                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1588 #define GPIO_7_INTR_POL_LO_FALL                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1589 #define GPIO_6_INTR_POL_HI_RISE                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1590 #define GPIO_6_INTR_POL_LO_FALL                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1591 #define GPIO_5_INTR_POL_HI_RISE                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1592 #define GPIO_5_INTR_POL_LO_FALL                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1593 #define GPIO_4_INTR_POL_HI_RISE                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1594 #define GPIO_4_INTR_POL_LO_FALL                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1595 #define GPIO_3_INTR_POL_HI_RISE                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1596 #define GPIO_3_INTR_POL_LO_FALL                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1597 #define GPIO_2_INTR_POL_HI_RISE                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1598 #define GPIO_2_INTR_POL_LO_FALL                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1599 #define GPIO_1_INTR_POL_HI_RISE                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1600 #define GPIO_1_INTR_POL_LO_FALL                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1601 #define GPIO_0_INTR_POL_HI_RISE                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1602 #define GPIO_0_INTR_POL_LO_FALL                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1604 #define GPIO_7_INTR_EN_AP_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1605 #define GPIO_6_INTR_EN_AP_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1606 #define GPIO_5_INTR_EN_AP_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1607 #define GPIO_4_INTR_EN_AP_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1608 #define GPIO_3_INTR_EN_AP_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1609 #define GPIO_2_INTR_EN_AP_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1610 #define GPIO_1_INTR_EN_AP_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1611 #define GPIO_0_INTR_EN_AP_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1613 #define GPIO_7_INTR_EN_M4_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1614 #define GPIO_6_INTR_EN_M4_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1615 #define GPIO_5_INTR_EN_M4_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1616 #define GPIO_4_INTR_EN_M4_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1617 #define GPIO_3_INTR_EN_M4_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1618 #define GPIO_2_INTR_EN_M4_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1619 #define GPIO_1_INTR_EN_M4_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1620 #define GPIO_0_INTR_EN_M4_ENABLE                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1622 #define GPIO_7_INTR_EN_FFE0_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1623 #define GPIO_6_INTR_EN_FFE0_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1624 #define GPIO_5_INTR_EN_FFE0_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1625 #define GPIO_4_INTR_EN_FFE0_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1626 #define GPIO_3_INTR_EN_FFE0_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1627 #define GPIO_2_INTR_EN_FFE0_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1628 #define GPIO_1_INTR_EN_FFE0_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1629 #define GPIO_0_INTR_EN_FFE0_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1631 #define GPIO_7_INTR_EN_FFE1_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1632 #define GPIO_6_INTR_EN_FFE1_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1633 #define GPIO_5_INTR_EN_FFE1_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1634 #define GPIO_4_INTR_EN_FFE1_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1635 #define GPIO_3_INTR_EN_FFE1_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1636 #define GPIO_2_INTR_EN_FFE1_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1637 #define GPIO_1_INTR_EN_FFE1_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1638 #define GPIO_0_INTR_EN_FFE1_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1640 // naveen - s3b
1641 #define DMIC_VOICE_DET								((uint32_t)1<<23)
1642 #define LPSD_VOICE_DET								((uint32_t)1<<22)
1643 #define APBOOT_EN_DETECT							((uint32_t) (0x00040000))
1644 #define WDT_FFE_DETECT			   				    ((uint32_t) (0x00020000))
1645 #define FFE0_INTR_OTHERS_DETECT			   		    ((uint32_t) (0x00010000))
1646 #define RST_INTR_DETECT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
1647 #define RTC_INTR_DETECT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00004000))
1648 #define ADC_INTR_DETECT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00002000))
1649 #define PMU_TMR_INTR_DETECT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
1650 #define CFG_DMA_DONE_DETECT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
1651 #define SPI_MS_INTR_DETECT                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000400))
1652 #define AUD_INTR_DETECT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
1653 #define I2S_INTR_DETECT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
1655 #define PKFB_INTR_DETECT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1656 #define FPU_INTR_DETECT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1657 #define TIMEOUT_INTR_DETECT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1658 #define WDOG_RST_DETECT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1659 #define WDOG_INTR_DETECT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1660 #define TIMER_INTR_DETECT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1661 #define UART_INTR_DETECT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1662 #define M4_SRAM_INTR_DETECT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1664 #define DMIC_VOICE_INTR                             ((uint32_t) (0x00800000))
1665 #define LPSD_VOICE_INTR                             ((uint32_t) (0x00400000))
1666 #define SRAM_128KB_INTR                             ((uint32_t) (0x00200000))
1667 #define LDO50_PG_INTR                               ((uint32_t) (0x00100000))
1668 #define LDO30_PG_INTR                               ((uint32_t) (0x00080000))
1670 #define APBOOT_EN_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00040000))
1671 #define WDT_FFE_DETECT		((uint32_t) (0x00020000))
1672 #define FFE0_INTR_OTHERS_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00010000))
1674 #define DMIC_VOICE_EN_AP        ((uint32_t) (0x00800000))
1675 #define LPSD_VOICE_EN_AP        ((uint32_t) (0x00400000))
1676 #define SRAM_128KB_EN_AP        ((uint32_t) (0x00200000))
1677 #define LDO50_PG_EN_AP          ((uint32_t) (0x00100000))
1678 #define LDO30_PG_EN_AP          ((uint32_t) (0x00080000))
1679 #define APBOOT_EN_AP   		((uint32_t) (0x00040000))
1680 #define WDT_FFE_EN_AP 		((uint32_t) (0x00020000))
1681 #define FFE0_INTR_OTHERS_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00010000))
1682 #define RST_INTR_EN_AP          ((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
1683 #define RTC_INTR_EN_AP          ((uint32_t) (0x00004000))
1684 #define ADC_INTR_EN_AP          ((uint32_t) (0x00002000))
1685 #define PMU_TMR_INTR_EN_AP      ((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
1686 #define CFG_DMA_DONE_EN_AP      ((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
1687 #define SPI_MS_INTR_EN_AP       ((uint32_t) (0x00000400))
1688 #define PKFB_INTR_EN_AP         ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1689 #define FPU_INTR_EN_AP          ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1690 #define TIMEOUT_INTR_EN_AP      ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1691 #define WDOG_RST_EN_AP          ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1692 #define WDOG_INTR_EN_AP         ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1693 #define TIMER_INTR_EN_AP        ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1694 #define UART_INTR_EN_AP         ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1695 #define M4_SRAM_INTR_EN_AP      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1697 #define DMIC_VOICE_EN_M4        ((uint32_t) (0x00800000))
1698 #define LPSD_VOICE_EN_M4        ((uint32_t) (0x00400000))
1699 #define SRAM_128KB_EN_M4        ((uint32_t) (0x00200000))
1700 #define LDO50_PG_EN_M4          ((uint32_t) (0x00100000))
1701 #define LDO30_PG_EN_M4          ((uint32_t) (0x00080000))
1702 #define APBOOT_EN_M4   		((uint32_t) (0x00040000))
1703 #define WDT_FFE_EN_M4 		((uint32_t) (0x00020000))
1704 #define FFE0_INTR_OTHERS_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00010000))
1705 #define RST_INTR_EN_M4          ((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
1706 #define RTC_INTR_EN_M4          ((uint32_t) (0x00004000))
1707 #define ADC_INTR_EN_M4          ((uint32_t) (0x00002000))
1708 #define PMU_TMR_INTR_EN_M4      ((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
1709 #define CFG_DMA_DONE_EN_M4      ((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
1710 #define SPI_MS_INTR_EN_M4       ((uint32_t) (0x00000400))
1711 #define PKFB_INTR_EN_M4         ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1712 #define FPU_INTR_EN_M4          ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1713 #define TIMEOUT_INTR_EN_M4      ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1714 #define WDOG_RST_EN_M4          ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1715 #define WDOG_INTR_EN_M4         ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1716 #define TIMER_INTR_EN_M4        ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1717 #define UART_INTR_EN_M4         ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1718 #define M4_SRAM_INTR_EN_M4      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1720 #define SW_INTR_1               ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1721 #define SW_INTR_1_EN_AP         ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1722 #define SW_INTR_1_EN_M4         ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1723 #define SW_INTR_2               ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1724 #define SW_INTR_2_EN_AP         ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1725 #define SW_INTR_2_EN_M4         ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1727 #define FFE0_7_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t)0x00000080)
1728 #define FFE0_6_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1729 #define FFE0_5_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1730 #define FFE0_4_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1731 #define FFE0_3_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1732 #define FFE0_2_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1733 #define FFE0_1_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1734 #define FFE0_0_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1736 #define FFE0_7_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1737 #define FFE0_6_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1738 #define FFE0_5_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1739 #define FFE0_4_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1740 #define FFE0_3_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1741 #define FFE0_2_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1742 #define FFE0_1_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1743 #define FFE0_0_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1745 #define FFE0_7_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1746 #define FFE0_6_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1747 #define FFE0_5_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1748 #define FFE0_4_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1749 #define FFE0_3_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1750 #define FFE0_2_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1751 #define FFE0_1_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1752 #define FFE0_0_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1754 #define FFE1_7_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1755 #define FFE1_6_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1756 #define FFE1_5_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1757 #define FFE1_4_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1758 #define FFE1_3_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1759 #define FFE1_2_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1760 #define FFE1_1_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1761 #define FFE1_0_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1763 #define FFE1_7_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1764 #define FFE1_6_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1765 #define FFE1_5_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1766 #define FFE1_4_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1767 #define FFE1_3_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1768 #define FFE1_2_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1769 #define FFE1_1_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1770 #define FFE1_0_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1772 #define FFE1_7_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1773 #define FFE1_6_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1774 #define FFE1_5_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1775 #define FFE1_4_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1776 #define FFE1_3_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1777 #define FFE1_2_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1778 #define FFE1_1_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1779 #define FFE1_0_INTR_EN_M4  	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1781 #define FB_3_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1782 #define FB_2_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1783 #define FB_1_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1784 #define FB_0_INTR_DETECT	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1786 #define FB_3_INTR_RAW   	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1787 #define FB_2_INTR_RAW   	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1788 #define FB_1_INTR_RAW   	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1789 #define FB_0_INTR_RAW   	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1791 #define FB_3_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL 	((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1792 #define FB_3_INTR_TYPE_EDGE 	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1793 #define FB_2_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1794 #define FB_2_INTR_TYPE_EDGE     ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1795 #define FB_1_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL	((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1796 #define FB_1_INTR_TYPE_EDGE	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1797 #define FB_0_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL	((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1798 #define FB_0_INTR_TYPE_EDGE	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1800 #define FB_3_INTR_POL_LO_FALL 	((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1801 #define FB_3_INTR_POL_HI_RISE 	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1802 #define FB_2_INTR_POL_LO_FALL 	((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1803 #define FB_2_INTR_POL_HI_RISE 	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1804 #define FB_1_INTR_POL_LO_FALL 	((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1805 #define FB_1_INTR_POL_HI_RISE 	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1806 #define FB_0_INTR_POL_LO_FALL 	((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1807 #define FB_0_INTR_POL_HI_RISE 	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1809 #define FB_3_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1810 #define FB_2_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1811 #define FB_1_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1812 #define FB_0_INTR_EN_AP 	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1814 #define FB_3_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1815 #define FB_2_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1816 #define FB_1_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1817 #define FB_0_INTR_EN_M4 	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1819 /******************************************************************************
1820  *                                 SPI_MS                                     *
1821  ******************************************************************************/
1823 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_4_BIT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00030000))
1824 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_5_BIT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00040000))
1825 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_6_BIT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00050000))
1826 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_7_BIT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00060000))
1827 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_8_BIT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00070000))
1828 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_9_BIT                         ((uint32_t) (0x00080000))
1829 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_10_BIT                        ((uint32_t) (0x00090000))
1830 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_11_BIT                        ((uint32_t) (0x000A0000))
1831 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_12_BIT                        ((uint32_t) (0x000B0000))
1832 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_13_BIT                        ((uint32_t) (0x000C0000))
1833 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_14_BIT                        ((uint32_t) (0x000D0000))
1834 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_15_BIT                        ((uint32_t) (0x000E0000))
1835 #define CTRLR0_DFS_32_16_BIT                        ((uint32_t) (0x000F0000))
1836 #define CTRLR0_CFS_1_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1837 #define CTRLR0_CFS_2_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
1838 #define CTRLR0_CFS_3_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00002000))
1839 #define CTRLR0_CFS_4_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00003000))
1840 #define CTRLR0_CFS_5_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00004000))
1841 #define CTRLR0_CFS_6_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00005000))
1842 #define CTRLR0_CFS_7_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00006000))
1843 #define CTRLR0_CFS_8_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00007000))
1844 #define CTRLR0_CFS_9_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
1845 #define CTRLR0_CFS_10_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00009000))
1846 #define CTRLR0_CFS_11_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000A000))
1847 #define CTRLR0_CFS_12_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000B000))
1848 #define CTRLR0_CFS_13_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000C000))
1849 #define CTRLR0_CFS_14_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000D000))
1850 #define CTRLR0_CFS_15_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000E000))
1851 #define CTRLR0_CFS_16_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000F000))
1852 #define CTRLR0_SRL_TEST_MODE                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
1853 #define CTRLR0_SRL_NORMAL_MODE                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1854 #define CTRLR0_SLV_OE                               ((uint32_t) (0x00000400))
1855 #define CTRLR0_TMOD_TX_RX                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1856 #define CTRLR0_TMOD_TX                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
1857 #define CTRLR0_TMOD_RX                              ((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
1858 #define CTRLR0_TMOD_EEPROM                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000300))
1859 #define CTRLR0_SCPOL_LO                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1860 #define CTRLR0_SCPOL_HI                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1861 #define CTRLR0_SCPH_MID                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1862 #define CTRLR0_SCPH_START                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1863 #define CTRLR0_DFS_4_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1864 #define CTRLR0_DFS_5_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1865 #define CTRLR0_DFS_6_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000005))
1866 #define CTRLR0_DFS_7_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000006))
1867 #define CTRLR0_DFS_8_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000007))
1868 #define CTRLR0_DFS_9_BIT                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1869 #define CTRLR0_DFS_10_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000009))
1870 #define CTRLR0_DFS_11_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000000A))
1871 #define CTRLR0_DFS_12_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000000B))
1872 #define CTRLR0_DFS_13_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000000C))
1873 #define CTRLR0_DFS_14_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000000D))
1874 #define CTRLR0_DFS_15_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000000E))
1875 #define CTRLR0_DFS_16_BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x0000000F))
1877 #define SSIENR_SSI_DISABLE                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1878 #define SSIENR_SSI_EN                               ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1880 #define SER_SS_0_N_SELECTED                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1881 #define SER_SS_1_N_SELECTED                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1882 #define SER_SS_2_N_SELECTED                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1884 #define SR_DCOL_TX_DATA_ERR                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1885 #define SR_RFF                                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1886 #define SR_RFNE                                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1887 #define SR_TFE                                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1888 #define SR_TFNF                                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1889 #define SR_BUSY                                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1891 #define IMR_MSTIM_UNMASK                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1892 #define IMR_RXFIM_UNMASK                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1893 #define IMR_RXFOIM_UNMASK                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1894 #define IMR_RXUIM_UNMASK                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1895 #define IMR_TXOIM_UNMASK                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1896 #define IMR_TXEIM_UNMASK                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1898 #define ISR_MSTIM_ACTIVE                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1899 #define ISR_RXFIM_ACTIVE                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1900 #define ISR_RXFOIM_ACTIVE                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1901 #define ISR_RXUIM_ACTIVE                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1902 #define ISR_TXOIM_ACTIVE                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1903 #define ISR_TXEIM_ACTIVE                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1905 #define RISR_MSTIM_ACTIVE                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1906 #define RISR_RXFIM_ACTIVE                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1907 #define RISR_RXFOIM_ACTIVE                          ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1908 #define RISR_RXUIM_ACTIVE                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1909 #define RISR_TXOIM_ACTIVE                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1910 #define RISR_TXEIM_ACTIVE                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1912 /******************************************************************************
1913  *                                   I2S                                      *
1914  ******************************************************************************/
1915 #define IER_IEN                                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1917 #define IRER_RXEN                                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1919 #define CER_CLKEN                                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1921 #define CCR_WSS_16_CYCLES                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1922 #define CCR_WSS_24_CYCLES                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1923 #define CCR_WSS_32_CYCLES                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1924 #define CCR_SCLKG_NO_GATING                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1925 #define CCR_SCLKG_12_GATING                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1926 #define CCR_SCLKG_16_GATING                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1927 #define CCR_SCLKG_20_GATING                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1928 #define CCR_SCLKG_24_GATING                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1930 #define RXFFR_RESET                                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1932 #define RER0_RX_CHEN0_ENABLE                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1933 #define RER0_RX_CHEN0_DISABLE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1935 #define RCR0_WLEN_IGNORE                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1936 #define RCR0_WLEN_12BIT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1937 #define RCR0_WLEN_16BIT                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1939 #define ISR0_RXFO_VALID                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1940 #define ISR0_RXDA_VALID                             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1942 #define IMR0_RXFOM                                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1943 #define IMR0_RXDAM                                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1945 #define RFCR0_RXCHDT_1BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1946 #define RFCR0_RXCHDT_2BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1947 #define RFCR0_RXCHDT_3BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1948 #define RFCR0_RXCHDT_4BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1949 #define RFCR0_RXCHDT_5BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1950 #define RFCR0_RXCHDT_6BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000005))
1951 #define RFCR0_RXCHDT_7BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000006))
1952 #define RFCR0_RXCHDT_8BIT                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000007))
1954 #define RFF0_RXCHFR_RESET                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1956 #define AUD_P_CTRL_DMA_MUX_SEL                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1957 #define AUD_P_CTRL_MONO_SEL_MONO                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1958 #define AUD_P_CTRL_MONO_SEL_STEREO                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1959 #define AUD_P_CTRL_RIGHT_SEL_RIGHT                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1960 #define AUD_P_CTRL_RIGHT_SEL_LEFT                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1961 #define AUD_P_CTRL_I2S_SEL_I2S                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1962 #define AUD_P_CTRL_I2S_SEL_PDM                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
1964 #define AUD_P_INTR_FIFO_OVERFLOW                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1965 #define AUD_P_INTR_RX_OVERRUN                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1966 #define AUD_P_INTR_RX_DATA_AVALIABLE                ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1968 #define AUD_P_INTR_MASK_FIFO_OVERFLOW_MASK          ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1969 #define AUD_P_INTR_MASK_RX_OVERRUN_MASK             ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1970 #define AUD_P_INTR_MASK_RX_DATA_AVALIABLE_MASK      ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1972 /******************************************************************************
1973  *                                   AUD                                      *
1974  ******************************************************************************/
1975 #define AUD_H_CTRL_DMA_START                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1976 #define AUD_H_CTRL_DMA_STOP                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
1977 #define AUD_H_CTRL_LS_ENABLE                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
1978 #define AUD_H_CTRL_POWER_REQ_DISABLE                ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
1979 #define AUD_H_CTRL_AHB_ADDR_CYC                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1980 #define AUD_H_CTRL_AHB_ADDR_XFR                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1981 #define AUD_H_CTRL_AHB_DATA_CYC                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
1982 #define AUD_H_CTRL_AHB_DATA_XFR                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
1984 #define IDLE_CYC_PERIOD_MASK                        ((uint32_t) (0x0000001F))
1985 #define AHB_IDLE_PERIOD_MASK                        ((uint32_t) (0x0000001F))
1986 #define DMA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK                         ((uint32_t) (0x0003FFFC))
1987 #define DMA_WRAP_SIZE_MASK                          ((uint32_t) (0x0003FFFC))
1988 #define DMA_XFER_CNT_MASK                           ((uint32_t) (0x0003FFFC))
1989 #define DMA_START_ADDR_MASK                         ((uint32_t) (0xFFFFFFFC))
1990 #define DMA_DEST_ADDR_MASK                          ((uint32_t) (0xFFFFFFFC))
1991 #define FIFO_SYNC_THRESHOLD_LVL_MASK                ((uint32_t) (0x00003FFC))
1993 #define AHB_FIFO_SYNC_TEST_RM_MASK                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
1994 #define AHB_FIFO_SYNC_TEST_RM_RSV_MASK              ((uint32_t) (0x0000000C))
1995 #define AHB_FIFO_SYNC_TEST_RME_MASK                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
1996 #define AHB_FIFO_SYNC_TEST_1_MASK                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
1998 #define AHB_H_INTR_AUD_POWER_ON_REQ                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
1999 #define AHB_H_INTR_AUD_POWER_OFF_REQ                ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2000 #define AHB_H_INTR_AUD_BLOCK                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2001 #define AHB_H_INTR_AUD_WRAP                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2002 #define AHB_H_INTR_FIFO_SYNC_UNDERFLOW              ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2003 #define AHB_H_INTR_FIFO_SYNC_OVERFLOW               ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2004 #define AHB_H_INTR_FIFO_ASYNC_UNDERFLOW             ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2005 #define AHB_H_INTR_DEEP_SLEEP_ERROR                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
2006 #define AHB_H_INTR_HERROR                           ((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
2008 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_AUD_POWER_ON_REQ            ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2009 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_AUD_POWER_OFF_REQ           ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2010 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_AUD_BLOCK                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2011 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_AUD_WRAP                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2012 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_FIFO_SYNC_UNDERFLOW         ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2013 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_FIFO_SYNC_OVERFLOW          ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2014 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_FIFO_ASYNC_UNDERFLOW        ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2015 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_DEEP_SLEEP_ERROR            ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
2016 #define AHB_H_INTR_MASK_HERROR                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
2018 #define DMA_WRAP_SIZE_MASK_MASK                     ((uint32_t) (0x0003FFFC))
2019 #define DS_WAKEUP_DLY_MASK                          ((uint32_t) (0x0000000F))
2022 /******************************************************************************
2023  *                                   PMU                                      *
2024  ******************************************************************************/
2025 #define PMU_WIC_CONTROL_ENABLE                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2027 #define PMU_MISC_SW_WU_A1_WU                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2028 #define PMU_MISC_SW_WU_I2S_WU                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2029 #define PMU_MISC_SW_WU_RES_WU                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2030 #define PMU_MISC_SW_WU_DBG_WU                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2031 #define PMU_MISC_SW_WU_EFUSE_WU                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2032 #define PMU_MISC_SW_WU_TM_WU                        ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2033 #define PMU_MISC_SW_WU_SDMA_WU                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2035 #define PMU_FFE_PD_SRC_MASK_N						((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2036 #define PMU_FFE_WU_SRC_MASK_N						((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2038 #define PMU_FB_PD_SRC_MASK_N						((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2039 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_SEN_GPIO0_INT					((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2040 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_SEN_GPIO1_INT					((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2041 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_SEN_GPIO2_INT					((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2042 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_SEN_GPIO3_INT					((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2043 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_SEN_GPIO4_INT					((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2044 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_SEN_GPIO5_INT					((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2045 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_SEN_GPIO6_INT					((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2046 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_SEN_GPIO7_INT					((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
2047 #define PMU_FB_WU_SRC_FFE_TIMER						((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
2049 #define PMU_FFE_FB_PF_SW_WU_PF_WU                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2050 #define PMU_FFE_FB_PF_SW_WU_FB_WU                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2051 #define PMU_FFE_FB_PF_SW_WU_FFE_WU                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2053 #define PMU_M4S0_EVENT_PD                  	    	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2054 #define PMU_M4S0_EVENT_WU                  	    	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2056 #define PMU_M4S0_SW_PD                  			((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2057 #define PMU_M4S1_SW_PD                  			((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2058 #define PMU_M4S2_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2059 #define PMU_M4S3_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2060 #define PMU_M4S4_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2061 #define PMU_M4S5_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2062 #define PMU_M4S6_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2063 #define PMU_M4S7_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
2064 #define PMU_M4S8_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
2065 #define PMU_M4S9_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
2066 #define PMU_M4S10_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000400))
2067 #define PMU_M4S11_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
2068 #define PMU_M4S12_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
2069 #define PMU_M4S13_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00002000))
2070 #define PMU_M4S14_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00004000))
2071 #define PMU_M4S15_SW_PD                  		((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
2073 #define PMU_M4S0_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2074 #define PMU_M4S1_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2075 #define PMU_M4S2_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2076 #define PMU_M4S3_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2077 #define PMU_M4S4_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2078 #define PMU_M4S5_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2079 #define PMU_M4S6_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2080 #define PMU_M4S7_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
2081 #define PMU_M4S8_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
2082 #define PMU_M4S9_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
2083 #define PMU_M4S10_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000400))
2084 #define PMU_M4S11_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00000800))
2085 #define PMU_M4S12_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00001000))
2086 #define PMU_M4S13_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00002000))
2087 #define PMU_M4S14_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00004000))
2088 #define PMU_M4S15_SW_WU                  		((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
2090 #define PMU_AUDIO0_EVENT_WU                 		((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2091 #define PMU_AUDIO1_EVENT_WU                 		((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2092 #define PMU_AUDIO2_EVENT_WU                 		((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2093 #define PMU_AUDIO3_EVENT_WU                 		((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2094 #define PMU_AUDIO4_EVENT_WU                 		((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2095 #define PMU_AUDIO5_EVENT_WU                 		((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2098 #define PMU_M4_STATUS_WU                			((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2099 #define PMU_M4_STATUS_PD               				((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2101 #define PMU_M4_SHUTDOWN_MODE           				((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2102 #define PMU_M4S0_POWER_MODE            				((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2104 #define PMU_M4SRAM_LPMF								((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2105 #define PMU_M4SRAM_LPMH             				((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2107 #define PWR_DWN_SCH_M4S0_PD              			((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
2108 #define PWR_DWN_SCH_AUDIO_PD              			((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2109 #define PWR_DWN_SCH_SRAM_PD              			((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2110 #define PWR_DWN_SCH_FFEFB_PD              			((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2111 #define PWR_DWN_SCH_M4M4S0_WU              			((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2112 #define PWR_DWN_SCH_AUDIO_WU              			((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2113 #define PWR_DWN_SCH_SRAM_WU              			((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2114 #define PWR_DWN_SCH_FFEFB_WU              			((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2116 #define PWR_SDMA_SRAM_PD_CFG              			((uint32_t) (0x00040000))
2118 #define PWR_AUDIO_SRAM_CFG              			((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
2120 #define PWR_AUDIO_SRAM_LC_DS_R2              		((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2121 #define PWR_AUDIO_SRAM_LC_DS_R1              		((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2122 #define PWR_AUDIO_SRAM_LC_DS_R0              		((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2124 #define M4_SRAM0_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x1)
2125 #define M4_SRAM1_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x2)
2126 #define M4_SRAM2_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x4)
2127 #define M4_SRAM3_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x8)
2128 #define M4_SRAM4_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x10)
2129 #define M4_SRAM5_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x20)
2130 #define M4_SRAM6_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x40)
2131 #define M4_SRAM7_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x80)
2132 #define M4_SRAM8_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x100)
2133 #define M4_SRAM9_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x200)
2134 #define M4_SRAM10_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x400)
2135 #define M4_SRAM11_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x800)
2136 #define M4_SRAM12_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x1000)
2137 #define M4_SRAM13_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x2000)
2138 #define M4_SRAM14_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x4000)
2139 #define M4_SRAM15_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x8000)
2142 #define SDMA_SW_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x1)
2143 #define EFUSE_SW_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x2)
2144 #define I2S_SW_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x20)
2145 #define A1_SW_PD_WU					(uint32_t)(0x40)
2147 #define AUDIO_AD0_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x1)
2148 #define AUDIO_AD1_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x2)
2149 #define AUDIO_AD2_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x4)
2150 #define AUDIO_AD3_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x8)
2151 #define AUDIO_AD4_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x10)
2152 #define AUDIO_AD5_PD_WU				(uint32_t)(0x20)
2155 /******************************************************************************
2156  *                                  MISC                                      *
2157  ******************************************************************************/
2158 #define MISC_LOCK_KEY                               ((uint32_t)(0x1ACCE551))
2160 /******************************************************************************
2161  *                                SDMA_SRAM                                   *
2162  ******************************************************************************/
2163 #define SDMA_SRAM_DST_INC_BYTE                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2164 #define SDMA_SRAM_DST_INC_HWORD                     ((uint32_t) (0x40000000))
2165 #define SDMA_SRAM_DST_INC_WORD                      ((uint32_t) (0x80000000))
2166 #define SDMA_SRAM_DST_SZ_BYTE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2167 #define SDMA_SRAM_DST_SZ_HWORD                      ((uint32_t) (0x10000000))
2168 #define SDMA_SRAM_DST_SZ_WORD                       ((uint32_t) (0x20000000))
2170 #define SDMA_SRAM_SRC_INC_BYTE                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2171 #define SDMA_SRAM_SRC_INC_HWORD                     ((uint32_t) (0x04000000))
2172 #define SDMA_SRAM_SRC_INC_WORD                      ((uint32_t) (0x08000000))
2173 #define SDMA_SRAM_SRC_SZ_BYTE                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2174 #define SDMA_SRAM_SRC_SZ_HWORD                      ((uint32_t) (0x01000000))
2175 #define SDMA_SRAM_SRC_SZ_WORD                       ((uint32_t) (0x02000000))
2177 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH_CFG_DST_CACHABLE               ((uint32_t) (0x00800000))
2178 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH_CFG_DST_BUFFABLE               ((uint32_t) (0x00400000))
2179 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH_CFG_DST_PRIVILEGED             ((uint32_t) (0x00200000))
2181 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH_CFG_SRC_CACHABLE               ((uint32_t) (0x00100000))
2182 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH_CFG_SRC_BUFFABLE               ((uint32_t) (0x00080000))
2183 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH_CFG_SRC_PRIVILEGED             ((uint32_t) (0x00040000))
2185 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_0                         ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2186 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_2                         ((uint32_t) (0x00004000))
2187 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_4                         ((uint32_t) (0x00008000))
2188 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_8                         ((uint32_t) (0x0000C000))
2189 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_16                        ((uint32_t) (0x00010000))
2190 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_32                        ((uint32_t) (0x00014000))
2191 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_64                        ((uint32_t) (0x00018000))
2192 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_128                       ((uint32_t) (0x0001C000))
2193 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_256                       ((uint32_t) (0x00020000))
2194 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_512                       ((uint32_t) (0x00024000))
2195 #define SDMA_SRAM_R_POWER_NO                        ((uint32_t) (0x0003C000))
2197 #define SDMA_SRAM_N_MINUS_1_SHIFT                   ((uint32_t) 4)
2198 #define SDMA_SRAM_NEXT_USEBURST                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2200 #define SDMA_SRAM_CYCLE_CTRL_STOP                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2201 #define SDMA_SRAM_CYCLE_CTRL_BASIC                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2202 #define SDMA_SRAM_CYCLE_CTRL_AUTO_REQUEST           ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2203 #define SDMA_SRAM_CYCLE_CTRL_PING_PONG              ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
2204 #define SDMA_SRAM_CYCLE_CTRL_PRI_SCATTER            ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2205 #define SDMA_SRAM_CYCLE_CTRL_ALT_SCATTER            ((uint32_t) (0x00000005))
2206 #define SDMA_SRAM_CYCLE_CTRL_PERI_SCATTER           ((uint32_t) (0x00000006))
2207 #define SDMA_SRAM_CYCLE_CTRL_ALT_PERI_SCATTER       ((uint32_t) (0x00000007))
2209 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH0                        (0)
2210 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH1                        (1)
2211 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH2                        (2)
2212 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH3                        (3)
2213 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH4                        (4)
2214 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH5                        (5)
2215 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH6                        (6)
2216 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH7                        (7)
2217 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH8                        (8)
2218 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH9                        (9)
2219 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH10                       (10)
2220 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH11                       (11)
2221 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH12                       (12)
2222 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH13                       (13)
2223 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH14                       (14)
2224 #define SDMA_SRAM_CH15                       (15)
2226 /******************************************************************************
2227  *                              SDMA_BRIDGE                                   *
2228  ******************************************************************************/
2229 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_SINGLE_REQ_SHIFT                ((uint32_t) 27)
2230 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_BURST_REQ_SHIFT                 ((uint32_t) 0)
2231 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH1_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 0))
2232 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH2_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 1))
2233 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH3_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 2))
2234 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH4_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 3))
2235 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH5_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 4))
2236 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH6_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 5))
2237 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH7_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 6))
2238 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH8_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 7))
2239 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH9_SELECT                      ((uint32_t) (1 << 8))
2240 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH10_SELECT                     ((uint32_t) (1 << 9))
2241 #define SDMA_BRIDGE_CH11_SELECT                     ((uint32_t) (1 << 10))
2243 /******************************************************************************
2244  *                                  SDMA                                      *
2245  ******************************************************************************/
2246 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_TEST_STATUS_SHIFT           ((uint32_t) 28)
2247 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_CHNLS_MINUS_1_SHIFT         ((uint32_t) 16)
2248 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_STATE_MASK                  ((uint32_t) 0x000000F0)
2249 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_IDLE_STATE                  ((uint32_t) 0x00000000)
2250 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_RD_CH_CTRL_DATA_STATE       ((uint32_t) 0x00000010)
2251 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_RD_SRC_DATA_PTR_STATE       ((uint32_t) 0x00000020)
2252 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_RD_DEST_DATA_PTR_STATE      ((uint32_t) 0x00000030)
2253 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_RD_SRC_DATA_STATE           ((uint32_t) 0x00000040)
2254 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_WR_DEST_DATA_STATE          ((uint32_t) 0x00000050)
2255 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_WAIT_DMA_STATE              ((uint32_t) 0x00000060)
2256 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_WR_CH_CTRL_DATA_STATE       ((uint32_t) 0x00000070)
2257 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_STALLED_STATE               ((uint32_t) 0x00000080)
2258 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_DONE_STATE                  ((uint32_t) 0x00000090)
2259 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_SCATTER_GATHER_STATE        ((uint32_t) 0x000000A0)
2260 #define SDMA_DMA_STATUS_MASTER_ENABLE               ((uint32_t) 0x00000001)
2262 #define SDMA_DMA_CFG_HPROT3_SET                     ((uint32_t) 0x00000080)
2263 #define SDMA_DMA_CFG_HPROT2_SET                     ((uint32_t) 0x00000040)
2264 #define SDMA_DMA_CFG_HPROT1_SET                     ((uint32_t) 0x00000020)
2265 #define SDMA_DMA_CFG_MASTER_ENABLE                  ((uint32_t) 0x00000001)
2267 #define SDMA_DMA_CH0_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 0))
2268 #define SDMA_DMA_CH1_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 1))
2269 #define SDMA_DMA_CH2_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 2))
2270 #define SDMA_DMA_CH3_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 3))
2271 #define SDMA_DMA_CH4_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 4))
2272 #define SDMA_DMA_CH5_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 5))
2273 #define SDMA_DMA_CH6_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 6))
2274 #define SDMA_DMA_CH7_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 7))
2275 #define SDMA_DMA_CH8_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 8))
2276 #define SDMA_DMA_CH9_SELECT                         ((uint32_t) (1 << 9))
2277 #define SDMA_DMA_CH10_SELECT                        ((uint32_t) (1 << 10))
2278 #define SDMA_DMA_CH11_SELECT                        ((uint32_t) (1 << 11))
2279 #define SDMA_DMA_CH12_SELECT                        ((uint32_t) (1 << 12))
2280 #define SDMA_DMA_CH13_SELECT                        ((uint32_t) (1 << 13))
2281 #define SDMA_DMA_CH14_SELECT                        ((uint32_t) (1 << 14))
2282 #define SDMA_DMA_CH15_SELECT                        ((uint32_t) (1 << 15))
2284 /******************************************************************************
2285  *                                  AIP                                       *
2286  ******************************************************************************/
2287 #define AIP_OSC_CTRL_EN                 	((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2288 #define AIP_OSC_CTRL_FRE_SEL              	((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2290 /******************************************************************************
2291  * 				    CRU                                       *
2292  ******************************************************************************/
2293 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_ENABLE                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
2294 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_2                ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2295 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_3                ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2296 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_4                ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2297 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_5                ((uint32_t) (0x00000003))
2298 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_6                ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2299 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_7                ((uint32_t) (0x00000005))
2300 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_8                ((uint32_t) (0x00000006))
2301 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_9                ((uint32_t) (0x00000007))
2302 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_10               ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2303 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_11               ((uint32_t) (0x00000009))
2304 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_12               ((uint32_t) (0x0000000A))
2305 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_13               ((uint32_t) (0x0000000B))
2306 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_14               ((uint32_t) (0x0000000C))
2307 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_15               ((uint32_t) (0x0000000D))
2308 #define CLK_CTRL_CLK_DIVIDER_RATIO_16               ((uint32_t) (0x0000000E))
2310 #define CLK_CTRL_A_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_HSPEED         ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2311 #define CLK_CTRL_A_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_32KHZ             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2312 #define CLK_CTRL_B_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_HSPEED            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2313 #define CLK_CTRL_B_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_32KHZ             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2314 #define CLK_CTRL_E_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_HSPEED            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2315 #define CLK_CTRL_E_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_32KHZ             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2316 #define CLK_CTRL_F_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_HSPEED            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2317 #define CLK_CTRL_F_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_32KHZ             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2318 #define CLK_CTRL_H_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_HSPEED            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2319 #define CLK_CTRL_H_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_32KHZ             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2320 #define CLK_CTRL_I_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_HSPEED            ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2321 #define CLK_CTRL_I_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_32KHZ             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2323 #define HSPEED_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_FROM_OSC              ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2324 #define HSPEED_CLK_SOURCE_SEL_FROM_PAD              ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2326 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2327 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2328 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2329 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2330 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2331 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2332 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_3_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2333 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_3_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2334 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_4_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2335 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_4_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2336 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_5_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2337 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_5_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2338 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_6_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2339 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_6_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2340 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_7_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2341 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_7_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
2342 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_8_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2343 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_8_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
2344 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_9_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2345 #define C01_CLK_GATE_PATH_9_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
2347 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2348 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2349 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2350 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2351 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2352 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2353 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_3_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2354 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_3_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2355 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_4_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2356 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_4_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2357 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_5_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2358 #define C02_CLK_GATE_PATH_5_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2360 #define C08_X4_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2361 #define C08_X4_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2363 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2364 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2365 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2366 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2367 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2368 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2369 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_3_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2370 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_3_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2371 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_4_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2372 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_4_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2373 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_5_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2374 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_5_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2375 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_6_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2376 #define C08_X1_CLK_GATE_PATH_6_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2378 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2379 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2380 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_1_OFF                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2381 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_1_ON                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2382 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_2_OFF                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2383 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_2_ON                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2384 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_3_OFF                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2385 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_3_ON                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2386 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_4_OFF                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2387 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_4_ON                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2388 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_5_OFF                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2389 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_5_ON                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2390 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_6_OFF                    ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2391 #define C10_FCLK_GATE_PATH_6_ON                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2393 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2394 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2395 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2396 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2397 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2398 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2399 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_3_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2400 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_3_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2401 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_4_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2402 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_4_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2403 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_5_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2404 #define C11_CLK_GATE_PATH_5_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2406 #define C12_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2407 #define C12_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2408 #define C12_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2409 #define C12_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2411 #define CS_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2412 #define CS_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2414 #define CU_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2415 #define CU_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2416 #define CU_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_OFF                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2417 #define CU_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_ON                       ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2419 #define C16_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2420 #define C16_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2421 #define C18_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2422 #define C18_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2423 #define C19_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2424 #define C19_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2425 #define C21_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2426 #define C21_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2428 #define C22_CLK_CTRL_GATE_CTRL_OFF                  ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2429 #define C22_CLK_CTRL_GATE_CTRL_ON                   ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2430 #define C22_CLK_CTRL_SOURCE_SEL_I2S                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2431 #define C22_CLK_CTRL_SOURCE_SEL_PDM                 ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2433 #define FB_C21_DOMAIN_SW_RESET                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2434 #define FB_C16_DOMAIN_SW_RESET                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000010))
2435 #define FB_C09_DOMAIN_SW_RESET                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2436 #define FB_C02_DOMAIN_SW_RESET                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2438 #define C09_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2439 #define C09_CLK_GATE_PATH_0_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2440 #define C09_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2441 #define C09_CLK_GATE_PATH_1_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2442 #define C09_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_OFF                     ((uint32_t) (0x00000000))
2443 #define C09_CLK_GATE_PATH_2_ON                      ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2445 #define C30C31_CLK_CTRL_SOURCE_PDM_LEFT             ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2446 #define C30C31_CLK_CTRL_SOURCE_PDM_RIGHT            ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2448 #define CLK_DIVIDER_A_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000001))
2449 #define CLK_DIVIDER_B_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000002))
2450 #define CLK_DIVIDER_C_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000004))
2451 #define CLK_DIVIDER_D_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000008))
2452 #define CLK_DIVIDER_F_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000020))
2453 #define CLK_DIVIDER_G_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000040))
2454 #define CLK_DIVIDER_H_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000080))
2455 #define CLK_DIVIDER_I_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000100))
2456 #define CLK_DIVIDER_J_CG                            ((uint32_t) (0x00000200))
2458 /// @endcond EOSS3_DEV_MACROS
2460 #define REBOOT_CAUSE_HARDFAULT	(0x1)
2461 #define REBOOT_CAUSE_FLASHING	(0x2)
2462 #define REBOOT_CAUSE_SOFTFAULT	(0x3)
2463 #define REBOOT_CAUSE		(0xF)
2466 #ifdef __cplusplus
2467 }
2468 #endif /* __cplusplus */
2470 #endif /* __EOSS3_DEV_H */