1 /*
2  * Copyright  2019 NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
11 #ifdef __KERNEL__
12 #include <linux/types.h>
13 #else
14 #include <stdint.h>
15 #endif
17 typedef struct tfa_msg
18 {
19     uint8_t msg_size;
20     unsigned char cmdId[3];
21     int data[9];
22 } tfa_msg_t;
24 //#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_X64))
25 ///* These warnings are disabled because it is only given by Windows and there is no easy fix */
26 //#pragma warning(disable:4200)
27 //#pragma warning(disable:4214)
28 //#endif
30 /*
31  * profiles & volumesteps
32  *
33  */
34 #define TFA_MAX_PROFILES (64)
35 #define TFA_MAX_MSGS     (10)
37 // the pack pragma is required to make that the size in memory
38 // matches the actual variable lenghts
39 // This is to assure that the binary files can be transported between
40 // different platforms.
41 #pragma pack(push, 1)
43 /*
44  * typedef for 24 bit value using 3 bytes
45  */
46 typedef struct uint24
47 {
48     uint8_t b[3];
49 } uint24_t;
50 /*
51  * the generic header
52  *   all char types are in ASCII
53  */
54 typedef struct nxpTfaHeader
55 {
56     uint16_t id;
57     char version[2];     // "V_" : V=version, vv=subversion
58     char subversion[2];  // "vv" : vv=subversion
59     uint16_t size;       // data size in bytes following CRC
60     uint32_t CRC;        // 32-bits CRC for following data
61     char customer[8];    // “name of customer”
62     char application[8]; // “application name”
63     char type[8];        // “application type name”
64 } nxpTfaHeader_t;
66 typedef enum nxpTfaSamplerate
67 {
68     fs_8k,     // 8kHz
69     fs_11k025, // 11.025kHz
70     fs_12k,    // 12kHz
71     fs_16k,    // 16kHz
72     fs_22k05,  // 22.05kHz
73     fs_24k,    // 24kHz
74     fs_32k,    // 32kHz
75     fs_44k1,   // 44.1kHz
76     fs_48k,    // 48kHz
77     fs_96k,    // 96kHz
78     fs_192k,   // 192kHz
79     fs_count   // Should always be last item.
80 } nxpTfaSamplerate_t;
82 // Keep in sync with nxpTfaSamplerate_t !
83 static const int nxpTfaSamplerateHz[fs_count] = {8000,  11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000,
84                                                  32000, 44100, 48000, 96000, 192000};
86 /*
87  * coolflux direct memory access
88  */
89 typedef struct nxpTfaDspMem
90 {
91     uint8_t type;     /* 0--3: p, x, y, iomem */
92     uint16_t address; /* target address */
93     uint8_t size;     /* data size in words */
94     int words[];      /* payload  in signed 32bit integer (two's complement) */
95 } nxpTfaDspMem_t;
97 /*
98  * the biquad coefficients for the API together with index in filter
99  *  the biquad_index is the actual index in the equalizer +1
100  */
101 #define BIQUAD_COEFF_SIZE 6
103 /*
104  * Output fixed point coeffs structure
105  */
106 typedef struct
107 {
108     int a2;
109     int a1;
110     int b2;
111     int b1;
112     int b0;
113 } nxpTfaBiquad_t;
115 typedef struct nxpTfaBiquadOld
116 {
117     uint8_t bytes[BIQUAD_COEFF_SIZE * sizeof(uint24_t)];
118 } nxpTfaBiquadOld_t;
120 typedef struct nxpTfaBiquadFloat
121 {
122     float headroom;
123     float b0;
124     float b1;
125     float b2;
126     float a1;
127     float a2;
128 } nxpTfaBiquadFloat_t;
130 /*
131  * EQ filter definitions
132  * Note: This is not in line with smartstudio (JV: 12/12/2016)
133  */
134 typedef enum nxpTfaFilterType
135 {
136     fCustom,   // User defined biquad coefficients
137     fFlat,     // Vary only gain
138     fLowpass,  // 2nd order Butterworth low pass
139     fHighpass, // 2nd order Butterworth high pass
140     fLowshelf,
141     fHighshelf,
142     fNotch,
143     fPeak,
144     fBandpass,
145     f1stLP,
146     f1stHP,
147     fElliptic
148 } nxpTfaFilterType_t;
150 /*
151  * filter parameters for biquad (re-)calculation
152  */
153 typedef struct nxpTfaFilter
154 {
155     nxpTfaBiquadOld_t biquad;
156     uint8_t enabled;
157     uint8_t type; // (== enum FilterTypes, assure 8bits length)
158     float frequency;
159     float Q;
160     float gain;
161 } nxpTfaFilter_t; // 8 * float + int32 + byte == 37
163 /*
164  * biquad params for calculation
165  */
167 #define TFA_BQ_EQ_INDEX         0
168 #define TFA_BQ_ANTI_ALIAS_INDEX 10
171 /*
172  * Loudspeaker Compensation filter definitions
173  */
174 typedef struct nxpTfaLsCompensationFilter
175 {
176     nxpTfaBiquad_t biquad;
177     uint8_t lsCompOn;   // Loudspeaker compensation on/off; when 'off', the DSP code doesn't apply the bwExt => bwExtOn
178                         // GUI flag should be gray to avoid confusion
179     uint8_t bwExtOn;    // Bandwidth extension on/off
180     float fRes;         // [Hz] speaker resonance frequency
181     float Qt;           // Speaker resonance Q-factor
182     float fBwExt;       // [Hz] Band width extension frequency
183     float samplingFreq; // [Hz] Sampling frequency
184 } nxpTfaLsCompensationFilter_t;
186 /*
187  * Anti Aliasing Elliptic filter definitions
188  */
189 typedef struct nxpTfaAntiAliasFilter
190 {
191     nxpTfaBiquad_t biquad; /**< Output results fixed point coeffs */
192     uint8_t enabled;
193     float cutOffFreq;   // cut off frequency
194     float samplingFreq; // sampling frequency
195     float rippleDb;     // range: [0.1 3.0]
196     float rolloff;      // range: [-1.0 1.0]
197 } nxpTfaAntiAliasFilter_t;
199 /**
200  * Integrator filter input definitions
201  */
202 typedef struct nxpTfaIntegratorFilter
203 {
204     nxpTfaBiquad_t biquad; /**< Output results fixed point coeffs */
205     uint8_t type;          /**< Butterworth filter type: high or low pass */
206     float cutOffFreq;      /**< cut off frequency in Hertz; range: [100.0 4000.0] */
207     float samplingFreq;    /**< sampling frequency in Hertz */
208     float leakage;         /**< leakage factor; range [0.0 1.0] */
209 } nxpTfaIntegratorFilter_t;
211 typedef struct nxpTfaEqFilter
212 {
213     nxpTfaBiquad_t biquad;
214     uint8_t enabled;
215     uint8_t type;       // (== enum FilterTypes, assure 8bits length)
216     float cutOffFreq;   // cut off frequency, // range: [100.0 4000.0]
217     float samplingFreq; // sampling frequency
218     float Q;            // range: [0.5 5.0]
219     float gainDb;       // range: [-10.0 10.0]
220 } nxpTfaEqFilter_t;     // 8 * float + int32 + byte == 37
222 typedef struct nxpTfaContAntiAlias
223 {
224     int8_t index; /**< index determines destination type; anti-alias, integrator,eq */
225     uint8_t type;
226     float cutOffFreq; // cut off frequency
227     float samplingFreq;
228     float rippleDb; // integrator leakage
229     float rolloff;
230     uint8_t bytes[5 * 3]; // payload 5*24buts coeffs
231 } nxpTfaContAntiAlias_t;
233 typedef struct nxpTfaContIntegrator
234 {
235     int8_t index; /**< index determines destination type; anti-alias, integrator,eq */
236     uint8_t type;
237     float cutOffFreq; // cut off frequency
238     float samplingFreq;
239     float leakage; // integrator leakage
240     float reserved;
241     uint8_t bytes[5 * 3]; // payload 5*24buts coeffs
242 } nxpTfaContIntegrator_t;
244 typedef struct nxpTfaContEq
245 {
246     int8_t index;
247     uint8_t type;         // (== enum FilterTypes, assure 8bits length)
248     float cutOffFreq;     // cut off frequency, // range: [100.0 4000.0]
249     float samplingFreq;   // sampling frequency
250     float Q;              // range: [0.5 5.0]
251     float gainDb;         // range: [-10.0 10.0]
252     uint8_t bytes[5 * 3]; // payload 5*24buts coeffs
253 } nxpTfaContEq_t;         // 8 * float + int32 + byte == 37
255 typedef union nxpTfaContBiquad
256 {
257     nxpTfaContEq_t eq;
258     nxpTfaContAntiAlias_t aa;
259     nxpTfaContIntegrator_t in;
260 } nxpTfaContBiquad_t;
262 #define TFA_BQ_EQ_INDEX         0
263 #define TFA_BQ_ANTI_ALIAS_INDEX 10
265 #define TFA98XX_MAX_EQ          10
267 typedef struct nxpTfaEqualizer
268 {
269     nxpTfaFilter_t filter[TFA98XX_MAX_EQ];
270 } nxpTfaEqualizer_t;
272 /*
273  * files
274  */
275 #define HDR(c1, c2) (c2 << 8 | c1) // little endian
276 typedef enum nxpTfaHeaderType
277 {
278     paramsHdr    = HDR('P', 'M'), /* container file */
279     volstepHdr   = HDR('V', 'P'),
280     patchHdr     = HDR('P', 'A'),
281     speakerHdr   = HDR('S', 'P'),
282     presetHdr    = HDR('P', 'R'),
283     configHdr    = HDR('C', 'O'),
284     equalizerHdr = HDR('E', 'Q'),
285     drcHdr       = HDR('D', 'R'),
286     msgHdr       = HDR('M', 'G'), /* generic message */
287     infoHdr      = HDR('I', 'N')
288 } nxpTfaHeaderType_t;
290 /*
291  * equalizer file
292  */
293 #define NXPTFA_EQ_VERSION    '1'
294 #define NXPTFA_EQ_SUBVERSION "00"
295 typedef struct nxpTfaEqualizerFile
296 {
297     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
298     uint8_t samplerate;                    // ==enum samplerates, assure 8 bits
299     nxpTfaFilter_t filter[TFA98XX_MAX_EQ]; // note: API index counts from 1..10
300 } nxpTfaEqualizerFile_t;
302 /*
303  * patch file
304  */
305 #define NXPTFA_PA_VERSION    '1'
306 #define NXPTFA_PA_SUBVERSION "00"
307 typedef struct nxpTfaPatchFile
308 {
309     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
310     uint8_t data[];
311 } nxpTfaPatch_t;
313 /*
314  * generic message file
315  *   -  the payload of this file includes the opcode and is send straight to the DSP
316  */
317 #define NXPTFA_MG_VERSION    '3'
318 #define NXPTFA_MG_SUBVERSION "00"
319 typedef struct tfa_msg_file
320 {
321     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
322     uint8_t data[];
323 } tfa_msg_file_t;
325 /*
326  * NOTE the tfa98xx API defines the enum tfa9xxx_config_type that defines
327  *          the subtypes as decribes below.
328  *          tfa98xx_dsp_config_parameter_type() can be used to get the
329  *           supported type for the active device..
330  */
331 /*
332  * config file V1 sub 1
333  */
334 #define NXPTFA_CO_VERSION     '1'
335 #define NXPTFA_CO3_VERSION    '3'
336 #define NXPTFA_CO_SUBVERSION1 "01"
337 typedef struct nxpTfaConfigS1File
338 {
339     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
340     uint8_t data[55 * 3];
341 } nxpTfaConfigS1_t;
343 /*
344  * config file V1 sub 2
345  */
346 #define NXPTFA_CO_SUBVERSION2 "02"
347 typedef struct nxpTfaConfigS2File
348 {
349     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
350     uint8_t data[67 * 3];
351 } nxpTfaConfigS2_t;
353 /*
354  * config file V1 sub 3
355  */
356 #define NXPTFA_CO_SUBVERSION3 "03"
357 typedef struct nxpTfaConfigS3File
358 {
359     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
360     uint8_t data[67 * 3];
361 } nxpTfaConfigS3_t;
363 /*
364  * config file V1.0
365  */
366 #define NXPTFA_CO_SUBVERSION "00"
367 typedef struct nxpTfaConfigFile
368 {
369     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
370     uint8_t data[];
371 } nxpTfaConfig_t;
373 /*
374  * preset file
375  */
376 #define NXPTFA_PR_VERSION    '1'
377 #define NXPTFA_PR_SUBVERSION "00"
378 typedef struct nxpTfaPresetFile
379 {
380     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
381     uint8_t data[];
382 } nxpTfaPreset_t;
384 /*
385  * drc file
386  */
387 #define NXPTFA_DR_VERSION    '1'
388 #define NXPTFA_DR_SUBVERSION "00"
389 typedef struct nxpTfaDrcFile
390 {
391     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
392     uint8_t data[];
393 } nxpTfaDrc_t;
395 /*
396  * drc file
397  * for tfa 2 there is also a xml-version
398  */
399 #define NXPTFA_DR3_VERSION    '3'
400 #define NXPTFA_DR3_SUBVERSION "00"
401 typedef struct nxpTfaDrcFile2
402 {
403     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
404     uint8_t version[3];
405     uint8_t data[];
406 } nxpTfaDrc2_t;
408 /*
409  * speaker file header
410  */
411 struct nxpTfaSpkHeader
412 {
413     struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
414     char name[8]; // speaker nick name (e.g. “dumbo”)
415     char vendor[16];
416     char type[8];
417     //	dimensions (mm)
418     uint8_t height;
419     uint8_t width;
420     uint8_t depth;
421     uint16_t ohm;
422 };
424 /*
425  * speaker file
426  */
427 #define NXPTFA_SP_VERSION    '1'
428 #define NXPTFA_SP_SUBVERSION "00"
429 typedef struct nxpTfaSpeakerFile
430 {
431     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
432     char name[8]; // speaker nick name (e.g. “dumbo”)
433     char vendor[16];
434     char type[8];
435     //	dimensions (mm)
436     uint8_t height;
437     uint8_t width;
438     uint8_t depth;
439     uint8_t ohm_primary;
440     uint8_t ohm_secondary;
441     uint8_t data[]; // payload TFA98XX_SPEAKERPARAMETER_LENGTH
442 } nxpTfaSpeakerFile_t;
444 struct nxpTfaFWVer
445 {
446     uint8_t Major;
447     uint8_t minor;
448     uint8_t minor_update : 6;
449     uint8_t Update : 2;
450 };
452 struct nxpTfaFWMsg
453 {
454     struct nxpTfaFWVer fwVersion;
455     struct tfa_msg payload;
456 };
458 typedef struct nxpTfaLiveData
459 {
460     char name[25];
461     char addrs[25];
462     int tracker;
463     int scalefactor;
464 } nxpTfaLiveData_t;
466 #define NXPTFA_SP3_VERSION    '3'
467 #define NXPTFA_SP3_SUBVERSION "00"
468 struct nxpTfaSpeakerFileMax2
469 {
470     nxpTfaHeader_t hdr;
471     char name[8]; // speaker nick name (e.g. “dumbo”)
472     char vendor[16];
473     char type[8];
474     //	dimensions (mm)
475     uint8_t height;
476     uint8_t width;
477     uint8_t depth;
478     uint8_t ohm_primary;
479     uint8_t ohm_secondary;
480     struct nxpTfaFWMsg FWmsg; // payload including FW ver and Cmd ID
481 };
483 /*
484  * parameter container file
485  */
486 /*
487  * descriptors
488  * Note 1: append new DescriptorType at the end
489  * Note 2: add new descriptors to dsc_name[] in tfaContUtil.c
490  */
491 typedef enum nxpTfaDescriptorType
492 {
493     dscDevice,   // device list
494     dscProfile,  // profile list
495     dscRegister, // register patch
496     dscString,   // ascii, zero terminated string
497     dscFile,     // filename + file contents
498     dscPatch,    // patch file
499     dscMarker,   // marker to indicate end of a list
500     dscMode,
501     dscSetInputSelect,
502     dscSetOutputSelect,
503     dscSetProgramConfig,
504     dscSetLagW,
505     dscSetGains,
506     dscSetvBatFactors,
507     dscSetSensesCal,
508     dscSetSensesDelay,
509     dscBitfield,
510     dscDefault, // used to reset bitfields to there default values
511     dscLiveData,
512     dscLiveDataString,
513     dscGroup,
514     dscCmd,
515     dscSetMBDrc,
516     dscFilter,
517     dscNoInit,
518     dscFeatures,
519     dscCfMem, // coolflux memory x,y,io
520     dscSetFwkUseCase,
521     dscSetVddpConfig,
522     dscTfaHal,
523     dscInfoText, // info keyword for storing text into container
524     dscInfoFile, // info keyword for storing a file into container
525     dsc_last,    // trailer
526     dsc_listend = -1
527 } nxpTfaDescriptorType_t;
529 #define TFA_BITFIELDDSCMSK 0x7fffffff
530 typedef struct nxpTfaDescPtr
531 {
532     uint32_t offset : 24;
533     uint32_t type : 8; // (== enum nxpTfaDescriptorType, assure 8bits length)
534 } nxpTfaDescPtr_t;
536 /*
537  * generic file descriptor
538  */
539 typedef struct nxpTfaFileDsc
540 {
541     nxpTfaDescPtr_t name;
542     uint32_t size;  // file data length in bytes
543     uint8_t data[]; // payload
544 } nxpTfaFileDsc_t;
546 /*
547  * device descriptor list
548  */
549 typedef struct nxpTfaDeviceList
550 {
551     uint8_t length;         // nr of items in the list
552     uint8_t bus;            // bus
553     uint8_t dev;            // device
554     uint8_t func;           // subfunction or subdevice
555     uint32_t devid;         // device  hw fw id
556     nxpTfaDescPtr_t name;   // device name
557     nxpTfaDescPtr_t list[]; // items list
558 } nxpTfaDeviceList_t;
560 /*
561  * profile descriptor list
562  */
563 typedef struct nxpTfaProfileList
564 {
565     uint32_t length : 8;    // nr of items in the list + name
566     uint32_t group : 8;     // profile group number
567     uint32_t ID : 16;       // profile ID
568     nxpTfaDescPtr_t name;   // profile name
569     nxpTfaDescPtr_t list[]; // items list (lenght-1 items)
570 } nxpTfaProfileList_t;
571 #define TFA_PROFID 0x1234
573 /*
574  * livedata descriptor list
575  */
576 typedef struct nxpTfaLiveDataList
577 {
578     uint32_t length : 8;    // nr of items in the list
579     uint32_t ID : 24;       // profile ID
580     nxpTfaDescPtr_t name;   // livedata name
581     nxpTfaDescPtr_t list[]; // items list
582 } nxpTfaLiveDataList_t;
583 #define TFA_LIVEDATAID 0x5678
585 /*
586  * Bitfield descriptor
587  */
588 typedef struct nxpTfaBitfield
589 {
590     uint16_t value;
591     uint16_t field; // ==datasheet defined, 16 bits
592 } nxpTfaBitfield_t;
594 /*
595  * Bitfield enumuration bits descriptor
596  */
597 typedef struct nxpTfaBfEnum
598 {
599     unsigned int len : 4; // this is the actual length-1
600     unsigned int pos : 4;
601     unsigned int address : 8;
602 } nxpTfaBfEnum_t;
604 /*
605  * Register patch descriptor
606  */
607 typedef struct nxpTfaRegpatch
608 {
609     uint8_t address; // register address
610     uint16_t value;  // value to write
611     uint16_t mask;   // mask of bits to write
612 } nxpTfaRegpatch_t;
614 /*
615  * Mode descriptor
616  */
617 typedef struct nxpTfaUseCase
618 {
619     int value; // mode value, maps to enum tfa9xxx_Mode
620 } nxpTfaMode_t;
622 /*
623  * NoInit descriptor
624  */
625 typedef struct nxpTfaNoInit
626 {
627     uint8_t value; // noInit value
628 } nxpTfaNoInit_t;
630 /*
631  * Features descriptor
632  */
633 typedef struct nxpTfaFeatures
634 {
635     uint16_t value[3]; // features value
636 } nxpTfaFeatures_t;
638 /*
639  * the container file
640  *   - the size field is 32bits long (generic=16)
641  *   - all char types are in ASCII
642  */
643 #define NXPTFA_PM_VERSION    '1'
644 #define NXPTFA_PM3_VERSION   '3'
645 #define NXPTFA_PM_SUBVERSION '1'
646 typedef struct nxpTfaContainer
647 {
648     char id[2];              // "XX" : XX=type
649     char version[2];         // "V_" : V=version, vv=subversion
650     char subversion[2];      // "vv" : vv=subversion
651     uint32_t size;           // data size in bytes following CRC
652     uint32_t CRC;            // 32-bits CRC for following data
653     uint16_t rev;            // "extra chars for rev nr"
654     char customer[8];        // “name of customer”
655     char application[8];     // “application name”
656     char type[8];            // “application type name”
657     uint16_t ndev;           // "nr of device lists"
658     uint16_t nprof;          // "nr of profile lists"
659     uint16_t nliveData;      // "nr of livedata lists"
660     nxpTfaDescPtr_t index[]; // start of item index table
661 } nxpTfaContainer_t;
663 #pragma pack(pop)
665 #endif /* TFA98XXPARAMETERS_H_ */