1 /*
2  * Copyright 2017-2020 NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
7 #ifndef __FSL_CAPT_H__
8 #define __FSL_CAPT_H__
10 #include "fsl_common.h"
12 /*! @addtogroup capt */
13 /*! @{*/
15 /*! @file */
17 /*******************************************************************************
18  * Definitions
19  ******************************************************************************/
21 /*! @name Driver version */
22 /*@{*/
23 /*! @brief CAPT driver version. */
25 /*@}*/
29 /*!
30  * @brief The enumeration for X pins.
31  */
32 enum _capt_xpins
33 {
34     kCAPT_X0Pin  = 1U << 0U,  /*!< CAPT_X0 pin. */
35     kCAPT_X1Pin  = 1U << 1U,  /*!< CAPT_X1 pin. */
36     kCAPT_X2Pin  = 1U << 2U,  /*!< CAPT_X2 pin. */
37     kCAPT_X3Pin  = 1U << 3U,  /*!< CAPT_X3 pin. */
38     kCAPT_X4Pin  = 1U << 4U,  /*!< CAPT_X4 pin. */
39     kCAPT_X5Pin  = 1U << 5U,  /*!< CAPT_X5 pin. */
40     kCAPT_X6Pin  = 1U << 6U,  /*!< CAPT_X6 pin. */
41     kCAPT_X7Pin  = 1U << 7U,  /*!< CAPT_X7 pin. */
42     kCAPT_X8Pin  = 1U << 8U,  /*!< CAPT_X8 pin. */
43     kCAPT_X9Pin  = 1U << 9U,  /*!< CAPT_X9 pin. */
44     kCAPT_X10Pin = 1U << 10U, /*!< CAPT_X10 pin. */
45     kCAPT_X11Pin = 1U << 11U, /*!< CAPT_X11 pin. */
46     kCAPT_X12Pin = 1U << 12U, /*!< CAPT_X12 pin. */
47     kCAPT_X13Pin = 1U << 13U, /*!< CAPT_X13 pin. */
48     kCAPT_X14Pin = 1U << 14U, /*!< CAPT_X14 pin. */
49     kCAPT_X15Pin = 1U << 15U, /*!< CAPT_X15 pin. */
50 };
52 /*!
53  * @brief The enumeration for enabling/disabling interrupts.
54  */
55 enum _capt_interrupt_enable
56 {
57     kCAPT_InterruptOfYesTouchEnable =
58         CAPT_INTENSET_YESTOUCH_MASK, /*!< Generate interrupt when a touch has been detected. */
59     kCAPT_InterruptOfNoTouchEnable =
60         CAPT_INTENSET_NOTOUCH_MASK, /*!< Generate interrupt when a no-touch has been detected. */
61     kCAPT_InterruptOfPollDoneEnable = CAPT_INTENSET_POLLDONE_MASK, /*!< Genarate interrupt at the end of a polling
62                                                                       round, or when a POLLNOW completes. */
63     kCAPT_InterruptOfTimeOutEnable = CAPT_INTENSET_TIMEOUT_MASK,   /*!< Generate interrupt when the count reaches the
64                                                                       time-out   count value before a trigger occurs. */
65     kCAPT_InterruptOfOverRunEnable = CAPT_INTENSET_OVERUN_MASK, /*!< Generate interrupt when the Touch Data register has
66                                                                    been up-dated before software has read the previous
67                                                                    data, and the touch has been detected. */
68 };
70 /*!
71  * @brief The enumeration for interrupt status flags.
72  */
73 enum _capt_interrupt_status_flags
74 {
75     kCAPT_InterruptOfYesTouchStatusFlag = CAPT_INTSTAT_YESTOUCH_MASK, /*!< YESTOUCH interrupt status flag. */
76     kCAPT_InterruptOfNoTouchStatusFlag  = CAPT_INTSTAT_NOTOUCH_MASK,  /*!< NOTOUCH interrupt status flag. */
77     kCAPT_InterruptOfPollDoneStatusFlag = CAPT_INTSTAT_POLLDONE_MASK, /*!< POLLDONE interrupt status flag. */
78     kCAPT_InterruptOfTimeOutStatusFlag  = CAPT_INTSTAT_TIMEOUT_MASK,  /*!< TIMEOUT interrupt status flag. */
79     kCAPT_InterruptOfOverRunStatusFlag  = CAPT_INTSTAT_OVERUN_MASK,   /*!< OVERRUN interrupt status flag. */
80 };
82 /*!
83  * @brief The enumeration for CAPT status flags.
84  */
85 enum _capt_status_flags
86 {
87     kCAPT_BusyStatusFlag = CAPT_STATUS_BUSY_MASK, /*!< Set while a poll is currently in progress, otherwise cleared. */
88     kCAPT_XMAXStatusFlag = CAPT_STATUS_XMAX_MASK, /*!< The maximum number of X pins available for a given device is
89                                                        equal to XMAX+1. */
90 };
92 /*!
93  * @brief The enumeration for CAPT trigger mode.
94  */
95 typedef enum _capt_trigger_mode
96 {
97     kCAPT_YHPortTriggerMode     = 0U, /*!< YH port pin trigger mode. */
98     kCAPT_ComparatorTriggerMode = 1U, /*!< Analog comparator trigger mode. */
99 } capt_trigger_mode_t;
101 /*!
102  * @brief The enumeration for the inactive X pins mode.
103  */
104 typedef enum _capt_inactive_xpins_mode
105 {
106     kCAPT_InactiveXpinsHighZMode =
107         0U, /*!<  Xpins enabled in the XPINSEL field are controlled to HIGH-Z mode when not active. */
108     kCAPT_InactiveXpinsDrivenLowMode =
109         1U, /*!<  Xpins enabled in the XPINSEL field are controlled to be driven low mode when not active. */
110 } capt_inactive_xpins_mode_t;
112 /*!
113  * @brief The enumeration for the delay of measuring voltage state.
114  */
115 typedef enum _capt_measurement_delay
116 {
117     kCAPT_MeasureDelayNoWait     = 0U, /*!< Don’t wait. */
118     kCAPT_MeasureDelayWait3FCLKs = 1U, /*!< Wait 3 divided FCLKs. */
119     kCAPT_MeasureDelayWait5FCLKs = 2U, /*!< Wait 5 divided FCLKs. */
120     kCAPT_MeasureDelayWait9FCLKs = 3U, /*!< Wait 9 divided FCLKs. */
121 } capt_measurement_delay_t;
123 /*!
124  * @brief The enumeration for the delay of reseting or draining Cap.
125  */
126 typedef enum _capt_reset_delay
127 {
128     kCAPT_ResetDelayNoWait     = 0U, /*!< Don’t wait. */
129     kCAPT_ResetDelayWait3FCLKs = 1U, /*!< Wait 3 divided FCLKs. */
130     kCAPT_ResetDelayWait5FCLKs = 2U, /*!< Wait 5 divided FCLKs. */
131     kCAPT_ResetDelayWait9FCLKs = 3U, /*!< Wait 9 divided FCLKs. */
132 } capt_reset_delay_t;
134 /*!
135  * @brief The enumeration of CAPT polling mode.
136  */
137 typedef enum _capt_polling_mode
138 {
139     kCAPT_PollInactiveMode =
140         0U, /*!< No measurements are taken, no polls are performed. The module remains in the Reset/ Draining Cap. */
141     kCAPT_PollNowMode = 1U, /*!< Immediately launches (ignoring Poll Delay) a one-time-only, simultaneous poll of all X
142                                pins that are enabled in the XPINSEL field of the Control register, then stops, returning
143                                to Reset/Draining Cap. */
144     kCAPT_PollContinuousMode =
145         2U, /*!< Polling rounds are continuously performed, by walking through the enabled X pins. */
146 } capt_polling_mode_t;
148 /*!
149  * @brief The enumeration of CAPT DMA trigger mode.
150  */
151 typedef enum _capt_dma_mode
152 {
153     kCAPT_DMATriggerOnTouchMode = 1U, /*!< Trigger on touch. */
154     kCAPT_DMATriggerOnBothMode  = 2U, /*!< Trigger on both touch and no-touch. */
155     kCAPT_DMATriggerOnAllMode   = 3U, /*!< Trigger on all touch, no-touch and time-out.  */
156 } capt_dma_mode_t;
158 /*!
159  * @brief The structure for CAPT basic configuration.
160  */
161 typedef struct _capt_config
162 {
163     bool enableWaitMode; /*!< If enable the wait mode, when the touch event occurs, the module will wait until the TOUCH
164                             register is read
165                               before starting the next measurement. Other-wise, measurements continue. */
166     bool enableTouchLower; /*!< enableTouchLower = true: Trigger at count < TCNT is a touch. Trigger at count > TCNT is
167                               a no-touch.
168                                 enableTouchLower = false: Trigger at count > TCNT is a touch. Trigger at count < TCNT is
169                               a no-touch.
170                                 Notice: TCNT will be set by "CAPT_DoCalibration" API. */
171     uint8_t clockDivider;  /*!< Function clock divider. The function clock is divided by clockDivider+1 to produce the
172                               divided FCLK for the module.
173                                 The available range is 0-15. */
174     uint8_t timeOutCount; /*!< Sets the count value at which a time-out event occurs if a measurement has not triggered.
175                                The time-out count value is calculated as 2^timeOutCount. The available range is 0-12. */
176     uint8_t pollCount; /*!< Sets the time delay between polling rounds (successive sets of X measurements). After each
177                           polling round completes,
178                             the module will wait 4096 x PollCount divided FCLKs before starting the next polling round.
179                           The available range is 0-255. */
180     uint16_t enableXpins; /*!< Selects which of the available X pins are enabled. Please refer to '_capt_xpins'.
181                                For example, if want to enable X0, X2 and X3 pins, you can set "enableXpins = kCAPT_X0Pin
182                              | kCAPT_X2Pin
183                                | kCAPT_X3Pin". */
184     capt_trigger_mode_t
185         triggerMode; /*!< Select the menthods of measuring the voltage across the measurement capacitor. */
186     capt_inactive_xpins_mode_t
187         XpinsMode; /*!< Determines how X pins enabled in the XPINSEL field are controlled when not active. */
188     capt_measurement_delay_t mDelay; /*!< Set the time delay after entering step 3 (measure voltage state), before
189                                sampling the YH port pin or analog comarator output. */
190     capt_reset_delay_t rDelay; /*!< Set the number of divided FCLKs the module will remain in Reset or Draining Cap. */
191 } capt_config_t;
193 /*!
194  * @brief The structure for storing touch data.
195  */
196 typedef struct _capt_touch_data
197 {
198     bool yesTimeOut;    /*!< 'true': if the measurement resulted in a time-out event, 'false': otherwise. */
199     bool yesTouch;      /*!< 'true': if the trigger is due to a touch even, 'false': if the trigger is due to a no-touch
200                            event. */
201     uint8_t XpinsIndex; /*!< Contains the index of the X pin for the current measurement, or lowest X for a
202                              multiple-pin poll now measurement. */
203     uint8_t sequenceNumber; /*!< Contains the 4-bit(0-7) sequence number, which increments at the end of each polling
204                                round. */
205     uint16_t count;         /*!< Contains the count value reached at trigger or time-out. */
206 } capt_touch_data_t;
208 /*******************************************************************************
209  * API
210  ******************************************************************************/
211 #if defined(__cplusplus)
212 extern "C" {
213 #endif /* __cplusplus*/
215 /*!
216  * @name Initialization
217  * @{
218  */
220 /*!
221  * @brief Initialize the CAPT module.
222  *
223  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
224  * @param config Pointer to "capt_config_t" structure.
225  */
226 void CAPT_Init(CAPT_Type *base, const capt_config_t *config);
228 /*!
229  * @brief De-initialize the CAPT module.
230  *
231  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
232  */
233 void CAPT_Deinit(CAPT_Type *base);
235 /*!
236  * @brief Gets an available pre-defined settings for the CAPT's configuration.
237  *
238  * This function initializes the converter configuration structure with available settings. The default values are:
239  * @code
240  *   config->enableWaitMode = false;
241  *   config->enableTouchLower = true;
242  *   config->clockDivider = 15U;
243  *   config->timeOutCount = 12U;
244  *   config->pollCount = 0U;
245  *   config->enableXpins = 0U;
246  *   config->triggerMode = kCAPT_YHPortTriggerMode;
247  *   config->XpinsMode = kCAPT_InactiveXpinsDrivenLowMode;
248  *   config->mDelay = kCAPT_MeasureDelayNoWait;
249  *   config->rDelay = kCAPT_ResetDelayWait9FCLKs;
250  * @endcode
251  * @param config Pointer to the configuration structure.
252  */
253 void CAPT_GetDefaultConfig(capt_config_t *config);
255 /*!
256  * @brief Set Sets the count threshold in divided FCLKs between touch and no-touch.
257  *
258  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
259  * @param count The count threshold.
260  */
CAPT_SetThreshold(CAPT_Type * base,uint32_t count)261 static inline void CAPT_SetThreshold(CAPT_Type *base, uint32_t count)
262 {
264 }
266 /*!
267  * @brief Set the CAPT polling mode.
268  *
269  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
270  * @param mode The selection of polling mode.
271  */
272 void CAPT_SetPollMode(CAPT_Type *base, capt_polling_mode_t mode);
275 /*!
276  * @brief Enable DMA feature.
277  *
278  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
279  * @param mode Select how DMA triggers are generated.
280  */
281 void CAPT_EnableDMA(CAPT_Type *base, capt_dma_mode_t mode);
283 /*!
284  * @brief Disable DMA feature.
285  *
286  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
287  */
288 void CAPT_DisableDMA(CAPT_Type *base);
291 /*!
292  * @brief Enable interrupt features.
293  *
294  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
295  * @param mask The mask of enabling interrupt features. Please refer to "_capt_interrupt_enable".
296  */
CAPT_EnableInterrupts(CAPT_Type * base,uint32_t mask)297 static inline void CAPT_EnableInterrupts(CAPT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
298 {
299     base->INTENSET = mask;
300 }
302 /*!
303  * @brief Disable interrupt features.
304  *
305  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
306  * @param mask The mask of disabling interrupt features. Please refer to "_capt_interrupt_enable".
307  */
CAPT_DisableInterrupts(CAPT_Type * base,uint32_t mask)308 static inline void CAPT_DisableInterrupts(CAPT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
309 {
310     base->INTENCLR = mask;
311 }
313 /*!
314  * @brief Get CAPT interrupts' status flags.
315  *
316  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
317  * @return The mask of interrupts' status flags. please refer to "_capt_interrupt_status_flags".
318  */
CAPT_GetInterruptStatusFlags(CAPT_Type * base)319 static inline uint32_t CAPT_GetInterruptStatusFlags(CAPT_Type *base)
320 {
321     return base->INTSTAT;
322 }
324 /*!
325  * @brief Clear the interrupts' status flags.
326  *
327  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
328  * @param mask The mask of clearing the interrupts' status flags, please refer to "_capt_interrupt_status_flags".
329  */
CAPT_ClearInterruptStatusFlags(CAPT_Type * base,uint32_t mask)330 static inline void CAPT_ClearInterruptStatusFlags(CAPT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
331 {
332     base->STATUS = mask;
333 }
335 /*!
336  * @brief Get CAPT status flags.
337  *
338  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
339  * @return The mask of CAPT status flags. Please refer to "_capt_status_flags"
340  *         Or use CAPT_GET_XMAX_NUMBER(mask) to get XMAX number.
341  */
CAPT_GetStatusFlags(CAPT_Type * base)342 static inline uint32_t CAPT_GetStatusFlags(CAPT_Type *base)
343 {
344     return base->STATUS;
345 }
347 /*!
348  * @brief Get CAPT touch data.
349  *
350  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
351  * @param data The structure to store touch data.
352  *
353  * @return If return 'true', which means get valid data.
354  *         if return 'false', which means get invalid data.
355  */
356 bool CAPT_GetTouchData(CAPT_Type *base, capt_touch_data_t *data);
358 /*!
359  * @brief Start touch data polling using poll-now method.
360  *
361  * This function starts new data polling using polling-now method, CAPT stops when
362  * the polling is finished, application could check the status or monitor interrupt
363  * to know when the progress is finished.
364  *
365  * Note that this is simultaneous poll of all X pins, all enabled X pins are
366  * activated concurrently, rather than walked one-at-a-time
367  *
368  * @param base CAPT peripheral base address.
369  * @param enableXpins The X pins enabled in this polling.
370  */
371 void CAPT_PollNow(CAPT_Type *base, uint16_t enableXpins);
373 /*@}*/
375 #if defined(__cplusplus)
376 }
377 #endif /* __cplusplus*/
379 /*@}*/
381 #endif /* _FSL_CAPT_H_ */